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Submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) to coastal southern Rhode Island was estimated from measurements of the naturally-occurring radioisotopes 226Ra (t1/2 = 1600 y) and 228Ra (t1/2 = 5.75 y). Surface water and porewater samples were collected quarterly in Winnapaug, Quonochontaug, Ninigret, Green Hill, and Pt. Judith–Potter Ponds, as well as nearly monthly in the surface water of Rhode Island Sound, from January 2002 to August 2003; additional porewater samples were collected in August 2005. Surface water activities ranged from 12–83 dpm 100 L− 1 (60 dpm = 1 Bq) and 21–256 dpm 100 L− 1 for 226Ra and 228Ra, respectively. Porewater 226Ra activities ranged from 16–736 dpm 100 L− 1 (2002–2003) and 95–815 dpm 100 L− 1 (2005), while porewater 228Ra activities ranged from 23–1265 dpm 100 L− 1. Combining these data with a simple box model provided average 226Ra-based submarine groundwater fluxes ranging from 11–159 L m− 2 d− 1 and average 228Ra-derived fluxes of 15–259 L m− 2 d− 1. Seasonal changes in Ra-derived SGD were apparent in all ponds as well as between ponds, with SGD values of 30–472 L m− 2 d− 1 (Winnapaug Pond), 6–20 L m− 2 d− 1 (Quonochontaug Pond), 36–273 L m− 2 d− 1 (Ninigret Pond), 29–76 L m− 2 d− 1 (Green Hill Pond), and 19–83 L m− 2 d− 1 (Pt. Judith–Potter Pond). These Ra-derived fluxes are up to two orders of magnitude higher than results predicted by a numerical model of groundwater flow, estimates of aquifer recharge for the study period, and values published in previous Ra-based SGD studies in Rhode Island. This disparity may result from differences in the type of flow (recirculated seawater versus fresh groundwater) determined using each technique, as well as variability in porewater Ra activity.  相似文献   

In the current study, low-background γ-spectrometry was employed to determine the 228Ra/226Ra activity ratio and 137Cs activity of 84 coastal water samples collected at six sites along the main island of Japan (Honshu Island) within the Sea of Japan, including the Tsushima Strait, and two other representative sites on Honshu Island (a Pacific shore and the Tsugaru Strait) at 1-month intervals in 2006.The 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal waters in the Sea of Japan exhibited similar patterns of seasonal variation, with minimum values during early summer (228Ra/226Ra = 0.6–0.8), maximum values during autumn (228Ra/226Ra = 1.5–3), and a time lag in their temporal changes ( 2.5 months and over  1300 km distance). However, the 2 other sites represented no clear periodic variation.In contrast to the positive correlation between 137Cs activity (0.6–1.7 mBq/L) and salinity (15–35), the 228Ra/226Ra ratio of coastal water samples from the Sea of Japan was not observed to correlate with salinity, and the increase in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio was not as marked (0.5–1; May–June 2004 and 2005) during the migration along Honshu Island. The input of land-derived water and/or the diffusion of radium from coastal sediments is unlikely to have affected the wide seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio observed in these water samples.The seasonal variation in the 228Ra/226Ra ratio recorded for the coastal waters of the Sea of Japan is considered to be mainly controlled by the remarkable changes in the mixing ratio of the 228Ra-poor Kuroshio and the 228Ra-rich continental shelf waters within the East China Sea (ECS). After passing through the Tsushima Strait, this water mass moves northeast along the coastline of the Sea of Japan as the Tsushima Coastal Branch Current (TCBC).  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in many areas represents a major source of dissolved chemical constituents to the coastal ocean. In Great South Bay, NY, previous studies have shown that the discharge of nutrients with SGD may cause harmful algal blooms. This study estimates SGD to Great South Bay during August 2006 by performing a mass balance for each of the dissolved Ra isotopes (224Ra, 223Ra, 228Ra, 226Ra). The budget indicates a major unknown source (between 30 and 60% of the total input) of Ra to the bay. This imbalance can be resolved by a flux of Ra-enriched groundwater on the order of 3.5–4.5 × 109 L d− 1, depending on the Ra isotope. The Ra-estimated SGD rates compare well with those previously estimated by models of flow that decreases exponentially away from shore. Compared to previous reports of fresh groundwater discharge to the bay, the Ra-estimated discharge must comprise approximately 90% recirculated seawater. The good agreement between Ra- and model-estimated flow rates indicates that the primary SGD endmember may be best sampled at shallow depths in the sediments a short distance bayward of the low tide line.  相似文献   

Radium isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra, and 228Ra) and water chemistry were used to identify two chemically distinct sources of submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in Celestún Lagoon, Yucatán, Mexico. Low salinity groundwater discharging from springs within the lagoon has previously been identified and extensively sampled for nutrient concentrations. However, a second type of groundwater discharging into the lagoon was detected during this study using radium isotope activity measurements. This second type of groundwater is characterized by moderate salinities (within the range of lagoon salinities) and very elevated radium activities in comparison to the low salinity groundwater, mixed lagoon water, and seawater. Further analysis showed that the two types of groundwater also have distinct chloride, strontium, and sulfate ratios, along with slightly different nutrient concentrations. Groundwater discharge occurs through large and small springs scattered throughout the lagoon, and both types of groundwater were detected discharging from one of the larger springs. The relative proportions of low salinity groundwater and brackish high radium groundwater varied over the tidal cycle. In order to better understand the relative contributions of each type of groundwater to the lagoon, a three end-member mixing model based on the distinct chemical and isotopic compositions of both types of groundwater and of seawater was used to estimate the distribution of each water type throughout the lagoon in different seasons. This study suggests that substantial groundwater discharge to the lagoon can occur during both dry and rainy seasons. The presence of two groundwater sources has implications for monitoring and protection of the Celestún Lagoon Biosphere Reserve, since the two sources may have different susceptibilities to anthropogenic contamination depending on their respective recharge area and recharge rates.  相似文献   

Multiple tracers of groundwater input (salinity, Si, 223Ra, 224Ra, and 226Ra) were used together to determine the magnitude, character (meteoric versus seawater), and nutrient contribution associated with submarine groundwater discharge across the leeward shores of the Hawai'ian Islands Maui, Moloka'i, and Hawai'i. Tracer abundances were elevated in the unconfined coastal aquifer and the nearshore zone, decreasing to low levels offshore, indicative of groundwater discharge (near-fresh, brackish, or saline) at all locations. At several sites, we detected evidence of fresh and saline SGD occurring simultaneously. Conservative estimates of SGD fluxes ranged widely, from 0.02–0.65 m3 m− 2 d− 1at the various sites. Groundwater nutrient fluxes of 0.04–40 mmol N m− 2 d− 1 and 0.01–1.6 mmol P m− 2 d− 1 represent a major source of new nutrients to coastal ecosystems along these coasts. Nutrient additions were typically greatest at locations with a substantial meteoric component in groundwater, but the recirculation of seawater through the aquifer may provide a means of transferring terrestrially-derived nutrients to the coastal zone at several sites.  相似文献   

浙闽沿岸水的空间结构特征及生消过程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文

Ichthyoplankton assemblages were compared between regions dominated by the oligotrophic East Australian Current (EAC) and the inner-shelf waters off southeastern Australia, to determine if the early life history of fish was related to the separation of the EAC from the coast, producing different water masses as well as characteristic taxa. Samples were collected at the surface and in sub-surface waters, at 50 and 100 m isobath stations, during two summer research voyages in November 1998 and January 1999. On both voyages the study region was characterized by coastal and EAC waters in the north (∼31°S), and in the south by topographically induced upwelling (∼31°S), associated with narrowing of the continental shelf and separation of the EAC from the coast. Among the 111 families of larval fish, we observed distinctive assemblages of ichthyoplankton associated with the two different water masses. A greater abundance of the Carangidae, Labridae, Lutjanidae, Microcanthidae, Myctophidae and Scombridae was associated with the nutrient poor EAC water mass, while the Callionymidae, Clupeidae, Platycephalidae and Sillaginidae were mostly found in the cooler and/or fresher inner-shelf water mass. We assessed these patterns with opportunistic samples from an unusual, wind-driven upwelling event in the north (∼31°S) earlier in the November voyage. The relative abundance of these 10 characteristic families distinguished this wind-driven upwelling event from the subsequent relaxation and predominance of the EAC assemblage at this location just 6 d later. Distinctive and abundant families such as larval clupeids, relative to larval carangids, could be a useful marker of inner-shelf, EAC and mixed water masses in the absence of robust hydrographic data. This and related studies indicate contrast in early life histories of Sardinops sagax and Trachurus spp., which appear to spawn respectively in the inner-shelf and outer-shelf waters. The post-flexion stages of S. sagax predominate in the outer-shelf and Tasman Front, while post-flexion Trachurus spp. predominate in inner-shelf water masses.  相似文献   

西南黄海近岸低盐水体的来源与输送机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the southwestern Yellow Sea there is a low-salinity and turbid coastal water,the Subei Coastal Water(SCW).The origins of freshwater contents and thus the dissolved terrigenous nutrients in the SCW have been debated for decades.In this study,we used a well-validated numerical model to quantify the contributions of multiple rivers,i.e.,the Changjiang River in the south and the multiple Subei local rivers(SLRs) in the north,in forming this yearround low-salinity coastal water.It is found that the freshwater contents in the SCW is dominated by the Changjiang River south of 33.5°N,by the SLRs north of 34.5°N,and by both sources in 33.5°–34.5°N.Overall,the Changjiang River contributes ~70% in the dry season and ~80% in the wet season of the total freshwater contents in the SCW,respectively.Dynamics driving the Changjiang River Plume to flow northward is the tidal residual current,which can even overwhelm the wind effects in winter seasons.The residual currents turn offshore near the Old Yellow River Delta(OYRD) by the collision of the two tidal wave systems,which transport the freshwater from both sources into the interior Yellow Sea.Water age experiments show that it takes 50–150 d for the Changjiang River Plume to reach the SCW in the spring and summer seasons,thus there is a 2-month lag between the maximum freshwater content in SCW and the peak Changjiang River discharge.In the winter and autumn seasons,the low salinity in inner SCW is the remnant Changjiang River diluted water arrived in the previous seasons.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a Regional Neural Network for Water Level (RNN_WL) predictions, with an application to the coastal inlets along the South Shore of Long Island, New York. Long-term water level data at coastal inlets are important for studying coastal hydrodynamics sediment transport. However, it is quite common that long-term water level observations may be not available, due to the high cost of field data monitoring. Fortunately, the US National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has a national network of water level monitoring stations distributed in regional scale that has been operating for several decades. Therefore, it is valuable and cost effective for a coastal engineering study to establish the relationship between water levels at a local station and a NOAA station in the region. Due to the changes of phase and amplitude of water levels over the regional coastal line, it is often difficult to obtain good linear regression relationship between water levels from two different stations. Using neural network offers an effective approach to correlate the non-linear input and output of water levels by recognizing the historic patterns between them. In this study, the RNN_WL model was developed to enable coastal engineers to predict long-term water levels in a coastal inlet, based on the input of data in a remote NOAA station in the region. The RNN_WL model was developed using a feed-forwards, back-propagation neural network structure with an optimized training algorithm. The RNN_WL model can be trained and verified using two independent data sets of hourly water levels.The RNN_WL model was tested in an application to Long Island South Shore. Located about 60–100 km away from the inlets there are two permanent long-term water level stations, which have been operated by NOAA since the1940s. The neural network model was trained using hourly data over a one-month period and validated for another one-month period. The model was then tested over year-long periods. Results indicate that, despite significant changes in the amplitudes and phases of the water levels over the regional study area, the RNN_WL model provides very good long-term predictions of both tidal and non-tidal water levels at the regional coastal inlets. In order to examine the effects of distance on the RNN_WL model performance, the model was also tested using water levels from other remote NOAA stations located at longer distances, which range from 234 km to 591 km away from the local station at the inlets. The satisfactory results indicate that the RNN_WL model is able to supplement long-term historical water level data at the coastal inlets based on the available data at remote NOAA stations in the coastal region.  相似文献   

Inspired by Rittel and Webber [Dilemmas in a general theory of planning. Policy Sciences 1973;4:155–69], it is argued that fisheries and coastal governance is confronted with problems that are inherently “wicked.” Problems are wicked (as opposed to “tame”) when they are difficult to define and delineate from other and bigger problems and when they are not solved once and for all but tend to reappear. Wicked problems have no technical solution, it is not clear when they are solved, and they have no right or wrong solution that can be determined scientifically. Instead, for wicked problems governance must rely on the collective judgment of stakeholders involved in a process that is experiential, interactive and deliberative. In this paper, the wicked problem is identified as a governability issue, recognizing that there are limitations to how rational and effective fisheries and coastal governance can possibly be. The paper offers a framework which could help us locate the wicked problems within the fisheries and coastal governance system, as well as examine their governability.  相似文献   

As catch and effort statistics including fishing time and location are essential for producing abundance indices for utilized fish stocks, fishing states are encouraged under the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries to collect and maintain such statistics. However, for coastal fisheries (including artisanal fisheries) that are mainly composed of small-sized vessels which are usually too numerous to monitor, fisheries statistics collection systems are often either lacking or of insufficient quality (e.g. incomplete or inaccurate). Vessel monitoring system (VMS) data are commonly used to construct or improve estimation of fishing effort and fishing location in large-scale fisheries. Most coastal fisheries lack VMS but their countries do have coastal surveillance radar systems (CSRS) for security and enforcement purposes. This study illustrates and recommends opportunistic use of CSRS data to provide similar scientific benefits to VMS data for coastal fisheries. CSRS in combination with market landings data can construct logbook-like catch and effort statistics. This study introduces a method and demonstrates its usefulness for scientific research and management purposes, including the potential to obtain a higher accuracy and precision, particularly for fishing location and catch amount. Limitations of the CSRS data and challenges to managers involved in its application are also discussed.  相似文献   

本文研究了 980 32 6航次厦门浔江湾海水中2 2 4Ra和2 H的含量与分布 ,揭示其水体交换特征。表层水体中2 2 4Ra的放射性比度介于 4.94~ 1 3.70Bq/m3之间 ,平均值为 7.2 6Bq/m3 ;δD测值介于 - 8.9× 1 0 -3 ~ - 5 .7× 1 0 -3 之间 ,平均值为 - 7.3× 1 0 -3 。表层水2 2 4Ra和2 H的分布表明 ,浔江湾在一定程度上受到西港水的入侵 ,湾内外水体的不完全交换造成外海水在该湾中部的滞留。  相似文献   

王雨  林茂  林更铭  项鹏 《海洋通报》2011,30(2):221-225
浙闽沿岸流对台湾海峡的水文环境意义重大.依据国家海洋局"908"补充调查专项,通过对覆盖浙闽沿岸流海洋锋面过程的海洋生物调查研究,于2008年4月实施针对浙闽沿岸流消退时期(春季)台湾海峡锋面海域的浮游植物取样分析.结果共记录3门41属86种,其中硅藻35属76种.甲藻5属9种,蓝藻1属1种.种类组成以暖水性种类和广布...  相似文献   

In this paper, first we introduce the wave run-up scale which describes the degree of wave run-up based on observed sea conditions near and on a coastal structure. Then, we introduce a simple method which can be used for daily forecast of wave run-up on a coastal structure. The method derives a multiple linear regression equation between wave run-up scale and offshore wind and wave parameters using long-term photographical observation of wave run-up and offshore wave forecasting model results. The derived regression equation then can be used for forecasting the run-up scale using the offshore wave forecasting model results. To test the implementation of the method, wave run-up scales were observed at four breakwaters in the East Coast of Korea for 9 consecutive months in 2008. The data for the first 6 months were used to derive multiple linear regression equations, which were then validated using the run-up scale data for the remaining 3 months and the corresponding offshore wave forecasting model results. A comparison with an engineering formula for wave run-up is also made. It is found that this method can be used for daily forecast and warning of wave run-up on a coastal structure with reasonable accuracy.  相似文献   

Although the (perceived) biodiversity of a natural environment can influence people's actual, or predicted, restorative experiences, little is known about the generality of these effects or the importance of other aspects such as wildlife behaviour. The current research used an experimental approach (with photographs and videos of coastal scenes) to investigate these issues among a large heterogeneous UK sample (n=1,478). On average, coastal settings with higher perceived biodiversity were rated as offering greater restorative potential and were associated with higher willingness-to-visit. Men, and people with lower overall ratings, tended to be more sensitive to biodiversity levels, and older respondents believed coastal settings in general offered more restorative potential. Locations where a species was exhibiting High vs. Low fascination behaviours (e.g. murmurating vs. sleeping) were also rated more positively, highlighting the importance of wildlife behaviour on psychological outcomes, in addition to biodiversity. Implications for conservation and communication are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to improve the ocean forecasting in the North Sea and Baltic Sea, an assimilation scheme based on a bottom-topography-dependent anisotropic recursive filter has been used in this study. This scheme can stretch or flatten the shape of a local representative contour surface of the background error covariance function into the form of an ellipse. Furthermore, the computing efficiency has been largely improved due to implicit computation of the background error covariance. A two-month experiment has been used for verifying the impact of assimilating ocean profile observations on ocean forecasting. The results indicate that the use of temperature and salinity profiles can largely improve the oceanic forecasting. The root mean square differences between the forecasts and observations for temperature and salinity have been reduced by 36% and 18% in the experiment period, respectively. Moreover, it is found that the anisotropic recursive filter approach is especially efficient in areas with complex coastlines and sharp fronts, e.g., inner Danish waters. The results also show that the propagation of observation information from an observation position to its neighboring grid points is closely related to currents.  相似文献   

文章于2018年1月(冬季)、4月(春季)、7月(夏季)、10月(秋季)对我国考洲洋海域海水中的溶解氧(DO)、化学需氧量(COD)、无机氮(DIN)、活性磷酸盐(DIP)4个主要海水水质因子进行了综合调查。结果表明,4个水质因子DIP、DIN、COD、DO的平均浓度由高到低的季节变化分别为:冬季(0.058 mg/L)、春季(0.046 mg/L)、夏季(0.009 mg/L)、秋季(0.006 mg/L);冬季(0.465 mg/L)、春季(0.171 mg/L)、夏季(0.064 mg/L)、秋季(0.040 mg/L);夏季(1.57 mg/L)、冬季(1.26 mg/L)、秋季(1.22 mg/L)、春季(0.89 mg/L);冬季(11.70 mg/L)、夏季(7.41 mg/L)、秋季(7.36 mg/L)、春季(7.18 mg/L)。评价结果显示,春季和冬季主要超标因子为DIP和DIN,夏季超标因子为DIP,秋季水质因子均满足要求。同时,本研究利用单因子标准指数法、富营养化指数法和有机污染评价指数法对考洲洋地区水质状况进行评价并对其进行初步比较和分析,结果表明,3种方法在季节性变化上的评价结果基本一致(由高到低均为:冬季、春季、夏季、秋季),然而,同一季节不同评价方法的超标站位比例不同(单因子指数法:冬季占100%,春季占80%,夏季占10%,秋季则无;富营养化指数法:冬季占90%,春季占70%,夏季和秋季均为无;有机污染指数评价法:冬季和春季均占80%,夏季和秋季均为无),比较分析表明,3种评价方法具有不同的评价作用和适用性。  相似文献   

Coastal areas of the world are under treat due to the conflicting requirements of functions such as habitation and/or recreation, which affect the strategic asset of coastal scenery itself. Coastal managers, together with planners, need coastal landscape inventories, where the quality of coastal scenery is a part of the inventory. In order to provide an evidence-based approach for sound coastal management decisions, [Ergin et al., 2004] and [Ergin et al., 2006] developed a novel technique ‘coastal scenic evaluation’ (CSE), which addresses the evaluation of coastal scenery. The CSE technique utilizes fuzzy logic to derive values obtained from a checklist of 26 physical and human parameters. The methodology enables the calculation of an evaluation index (D), which categorizes the scenic values of coastal sites into five distinct classes. Using this technique, coastal scenic evaluations were carried out at 34 selected sites on the Western Black Sea coast of Turkey. Based on the calculated D values, a five-class differentiation was obtained for the selected sites, to provide baseline information for any envisaged subsequent management plans for these areas.  相似文献   

A degradation-mixing model has been developed to aid in the interpretation of geochemical processes occurring in sewage-contaminated marine sediment near San Pedro, California. The nitrogen isotope ratio (1514N) is shown to be an effective tracer of sewage discharge-on the San Pedro Shelf. Isotopic fractionation of 15N14N during release of amino compounds or ammonia (as a consequence of bacterial degradation of organic detritus) appears to be negligible. The nitrogen isotope ratio, therefore, may be considered a conservative component for tracing the source of organic matter deposited in marine sediment.Uranium enrichment from seawater is shown not to occur in the highly reducing sewage-contaminated sediments. The content of uranium in the effluent particulates (18 ppm) is large compared with the content in the uncontaminated sediment (3 to 5 ppm). This allows the content of uranium to also be used as a tool for tracing the deposition of sewage particles in marine sediment. Uranium and nitrogen are shown to be incorporated in the organic fraction of sewage effluent and are released during bacterial degradation of the organic matter. Cadmium and sulphur are shown not to be mobilised during sewage deposition and degradation. The stable isotope ratio of sulphur (34S32S) is used to demonstrate that sulphur enrichment occurs in the sediment by in situ reduction of seawater sulphate. The data summarised by Morel et al. (1975) are presented and discussed in accordance with the above model.  相似文献   

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