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Based on field work, prospection and petrographic studies ultramafic complexes and their mineral deposits from eastern Minas Gerais in southeastern Brazil are generally outlined to form a basis for future investigations in this region. The bodies dealt with occur at Ipanema, Córrego Novo, Bela Vista de Minas, Rio Pomba and Liberdade. These ultramafic bodies are generally enclosed in high-grade gneisses and consist of serpentinized peridotites and harzburgites which were metamorphosed together with their country rocks in upper amphibolite to granulite facies. Weathering of these rocks gives rise to nickeliferous laterite, while metamorphism has resulted in anthophyllite asbestos and talc deposits.  相似文献   

Mercury contents in Precambrian banded iron formation-hosted hematite ores are virtually unknown. In an attempt to provide information on the abundance and distribution of Hg in Fe ore, we present analyses for Hg in samples of high-grade soft hematite ore from Gongo Soco, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Bulk samples contain from <  5 to 25  ppb Hg without obvious correlation with major elements. Granulometric fractions of follow-up samples have amounts of Hg from 6 to 48  ppb and display positive linear correlations with total Mn as MnO (r = 0.87), LOI (r = 0.87) and SiO2 (r = 0.76), as well as a negative linear correlation with total Fe as Fe2O3 (r = −  0.87). The correlations suggest that Hg is associated with a hydrated ferruginous groundmass bearing residual Mn, Al and Si, which replaced gangue minerals in itabirite in the process of formation of the Gongo Soco soft hematite ore.  相似文献   

Summary ?The Yunlong tin deposit is located in the northern part of the Lancangjiang metamorphic zone of the Sanjiang Tethys orogen series in western Yunan province of China. It consists of vein-type cassiterite ores, which are mainly hosted in migmatites of Caledonian age. Abundant tourmaline is associated with the ores, quartz–tourmaline veins and barren migmatized gneiss and migmatites. A detailed electron microprobe study has been carried out to document the chemical compositions of tourmaline from this deposit. The results exhibit a systematic compositional change that might be used as tracer for ore genesis and in prospecting for tin mineralization. Tourmalines from the ore bodies are dravite with Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios of 0.09 ∼ 0.31 and Ca/(Ca + Na) ratios of 0.03 ∼ 0.40. These tourmalines are also rich in chromium (up to 0.74 wt% Cr2O3) and tin (up to 0.42 wt% Sn). In contrast, tourmalines from the barren migmatites are mostly schorl with Fe/(Fe + Mg) ratios of 0.38 ∼ 0.94 and Ca/(Ca + Na) ratios of 0.00 ∼ 0.14. Tourmalines from quartz–tourmaline veins that occur between ore bodies and the migmatites show intermediate compositions, i.e., Fe/(Fe + Mg) = 0.09 ∼ 0.59, Ca/(Ca + Na) = 0.01 ∼ 0.22. It is suggested that the Mg-rich nature of the tourmaline can be used as an exploration tool in this region to target tin mineralization, because the tourmalines show increasing Mg contents and are more dravitic when approaching the ore bodies. It is likely that the formation of the Yunlong tin deposit was related to migmatitic-hydrothermal processes. The high Mg and Cr contents in tourmalines from the ore bodies were probably derived from the local meta-sedimentary and meta-volcanic rocks of the Precambian Chongshan Group rather than from the granites in the region. Received December 28, 2000; revised version accepted January 25, 2002  相似文献   

We show that naturally-deformed hematite from the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Province, Minas Gerais, Brazil, develops CPOs by dislocation creep, strongly influenced by basal plane parallel glide, even when this is not the favored slip system. Characterization of microstructure and texture, particularly intragranular misorientations, of naturally deformed hematite aggregates by EBSD allowed us to determine the importance of different slip systems, and confirm dislocation creep as the dominant deformation mechanism. Viscoplastic self-consistent (VPSC) models were constructed to constrain the slip systems required to operate for the observed CPO to develop, and its rheological implications. Changes in the CRSS ratio of hematite prism and basal slip systems and deformation regime lead to the development of distinct patterns of hematite crystallographic orientations. The basal slip-dominated simple shear model is the only one that can develop quasi-single-crystal CPO of the kind observed in highly deformed rocks from Quadrilátero Ferrífero. Comparison between naturally deformed hematite aggregates and VPSC models shows that CPO development of hematite is strongly influenced by a highly viscoplastic anisotropy through dislocation creep on hematite basal plane. Nonetheless, our results demonstrate that even the unfavorable slip systems should be regarded when the bulk rheology of mineral aggregates is evaluated.  相似文献   

Orogenic, lode gold mineralisation in the South Eastern Desert of Egypt is related to quartz veins spatially and temporally associated with conjugate NW- and NE-trending brittle–ductile shear zones. These structures are assumed to be linked to a regional transpression deformation which occurred late in the tectonic evolution of the area. In the Betam deposit, gold is confined to quartz(±carbonate) veins cutting through tectonised metagabbro and metasedimentary rocks in the vicinity of small granite intrusions. The ore bodies contain ubiquitous pyrite and arsenopyrite, in addition to minor disseminated chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite, galena, tetrahedrite and rare gold/electrum. New ore microscopy and electron microprobe studies indicate that most free-milling Au is intimately associated with the late-paragenetic galena–tetrahedrite–chalcopyrite assemblage. An early Fe–As sulphide assemblage, however, shows minor traces of refractory gold. New mineralogical and geochemical data are used to better constrain on possible element dispersions for exploration uses. This study indicates that parameters that most consistently define primary dispersion of gold in the mine area include pervasive silicification, sericite and carbonate alteration. The trace element data of gold lodes reflect a systematic dispersion of gold and certain base metals. Low-cost, extensive exploration programs may use elevated concentrations of Ag, Sb, Cu and Pb as tracers for Au ore zones in the Betam mine area and surroundings.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to assess the influence of iron ore mining on Fe concentrations in fluvial sediments of the Gualaxo do Norte River basin (Minas Gerais State, Brazil). Initially background values were determined for Fe by means of the boxplot representation, the iterative 2σ technique and the calculated distribution function, using geochemical data obtained for alluvial terraces. Geochronologic analyses in carbonaceous materials attested for the proposed background values. After that, chemical analyses of active drainage sediments collected along the entire basin were carried out and a geochemical map of the study area was prepared. The mean background value for Fe is relatively high (8.2 wt %), when compared to the Fe concentration in the Earth’s crust (5.6 wt %). Such background value is strongly associated with the geological characteristics of the region. It was observed that most of the high Fe concentrations were detected in active sediments collected in the main river of the basin and not in its tributaries. This suggests that Fe enrichment is not only linked to the local geology but also to possible increase resulting from accidental leakage of iron ore mining tailings from containment dams and lakes upstream. It is suggested that measures that help stop or minimize such impact be adopted. The large capacity of Fe to adsorb and form complexes with toxic metals implicates in environmental hazards that may not be restricted only to the Gualaxo do Norte river basin, but may affect the other basins downstream.  相似文献   

南秧田矿床是滇东南地区最大的以钨为主的金属矿床。文章以含电气石花岗片麻岩、无矿电气石石英脉和白钨矿矿化电气石石英脉样品为研究对象,结合地质特征、电气石元素地球化学及B同位素,对电气石成因开展研究。研究显示三类电气石均属于碱性电气石中的镁电气石,以富Mg及Y位中无Al或低Al为特征,具有相对高的FeO/(FeO+MgO)比值(平均0.53);其稀土元素(REE)配分曲线与晚白垩世花岗岩稀土元素配分曲线相似;δ~(11)B值集中在-14‰,与地壳平均值非常接近,这些特征表明其与岩浆期后热液成因的电气石特征一致。电气石石英脉中广泛的钨矿化表明晚白垩世岩浆期后热液对矿区主矿体的叠加富集作用明显,据此提出距晚白垩世花岗岩体数百米至一千米的中源距离为有利矿化区,为矿区外围及深部勘查评价指明了找矿方向。  相似文献   

A practical application of lithogeochemistry to the classification of weathered serpentinites as to whether or not serpentinites are host rocks to Ni-sulphide ore is presented. An effort is made to apply existing concepts used to distinguish between fertile and sterile unweathered ultramafics to explain the observed chemical differences between fertile and sterile weathered serpentinites in southwestern Minas Gerais, Brazil.The data comprise total-attack chemical analyses for Al, Ca, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Si, Ti, V, and partial-attack determinations of Cu and Ni as ascorbic acid, hydrogen peroxide-soluble metal. Student's t-tests are used to identify element concentration differences between the two serpentinite groups. Discriminant analysis is used to classify the weathered fertile and sterile serpentinites. Non-linear mapping and fuzzy c-means clustering help to assess the validity of the discriminant analysis. Finally, chemical element associations provide extra information on geological and mineralogical causes that can be responsible for the identified differences.It is found that a clear separation and classification of weathered serpentinites is possible using the procedures presented. The observed chemical differences between fertile and sterile serpentinites are interpreted in terms of original magmatic differentiation, the degree of sulphur saturation of the original magma and the behavior of the derived ultramafic rocks in a tropical weathering environment.  相似文献   

Summary The Córrego Bom Sucesso alluvial deposit near Serro, Minas Gerais, probably provided the specimens from which the element palladium was first discovered. Its Pt–Pd nuggets are characteristically botryoidal, arborescent and coralloidal, and exhibit an external halo with the composition of palladiferous platinum to virtually pure platinum. X-ray mapping of an arborescent Pt–Pd nugget from the historical occurrence documents selective palladium depletion, similar to the high-fineness gold haloes developed on detrital Au–Ag grains under supergene conditions. The Pd-depleted alteration zone truncates inclusions of crystals stoichiometrically close to PdPt within the Pt–Pd aggregate. Selective metal leaching in the weathering environment can account for the frequently observed Pt-enriched rims on alluvial platiniferous alloys which may lead to the formation of platinum nuggets at an advanced degree of weathering. Present address: Department of Geology: Exploration Geology Rhodes University PO Box 94, Grahamstown, 6140 South Africa  相似文献   

The thorium and rare-earth element (Th-REE) deposit at Morro do Ferro formed under supergene lateritic weathering conditions. The ore body consists of shallow NW-SE elongated argillaceous lenses that extend from the top of the hill downwards along its south-eastern slope. The deposit is capped by a network of magnetite layers which protected the underlying highly weathered, argillaceous host rock from excessive erosion. The surrounding country rocks comprise a sequence of subvolcanic phonolite intrusions that have been strongly altered by hydrothermal and supergene processes.From petrological, mineralogical and geochemical studies, and mass balance calculations, it is inferred that the highly weathered host rock was originally carbonatitic in composition, initially enriched in Th and REEs compared to the surrounding silicate rocks. The intrusion of the carbonatite caused fenitic alteration in the surrounding phonolites, consisting of early potassic alteration followed by a vein-type Th-REE mineralization with associated fluorite, carbonate, pyrite and zircon. Subsequent weathering has completely decomposed the carbonatite forming a residual supergene enrichment of Th and REEs.Initial weathering of the carbonatite has created a chemical environment that might have been conductive to carbonate and phosphate complexing of the REEs in groundwaters. This may have appreciably restricted the dissolution of primary REE phases. Strongly oxidic weathering has resulted in a fractionation between Ce and the other light rare earth elements (LREEs). Ce3+ is oxidized to Ce4+ and retained together with Th by secondary mineral formation (cerianite, thorianite), and by adsorption on poorly crystalline iron- and aluminium-hydroxides. In contrast, the trivalent LREEs are retained to a lesser degree and are thus more available for secondary mineral formation (Nd-lanthanite) and adsorption at greater depths down the weathering column. Seasonally controlled fluctuations of recharge waters into the weathering column may help to explain the observed repetition of Th-Ce enriched zones underlain by trivalent LREE enriched zones.  相似文献   

Spongillite from João Pinheiro, Minas Gerais, Brazil is mainly known for its use in brick production and in the refractory industry. Very few studies have focused on its geological context. Spongillite-rich deposits occur in shallow ponds on a karstic planation surface developed on rocks of the Neoproterozoic São Francisco Supergroup. Cenozoic siliciclastic sediments are related to this surface. A field study of these deposits and analysis of multispectral images showed a SE–NW preferential drainage system at SE, suggesting that Mesozoic Areado Group sandstones were the source area of the spongillite-hosting sediments. Mineralogical and textural characterization by optical microscopic analysis, X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential and gravimetric thermal analysis (DTA-GTA), infrared spectroscopy (IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of seven open-pit spongillite-rich deposits (Avião, Carvoeiro, Vânio, Preguiça, Divisa, Severino, Feijão) showed a sedimentological similarity between the deposits. They are lens-shaped and are characterized at the bottom by sand facies, in the middle by spicules-rich muddy-sand facies and at the top by organic matter-rich muddy-sand facies.Petrographically, the spongillite-hosting sediments and the siliclastic sediments of the Areado Group show detrital phases with similar mineralogical and textural features, such as the presence of well-sorted quartz grains and surface features of abrasion typical of aeolian reworking that occurred in the depositional environment in which the sandstones of the Areado Group were formed. Detrital heavy minerals, such as staurolite, zircon, tourmaline, and clay minerals, such as kaolinite, low amounts of illite, scarce chlorite and mixed-layer chlorite/smectite and illite/smectite occur in the spongillite-hosting sediments and in sandstones from the Areado Group. In both formations, staurolite has similar chemical composition. These mineralogical and textural features show that the sediments of the Areado Group constitute the main source of the pond sediments that host spongillite.  相似文献   

The O'Toole nickel sulphide deposit is located in the Southern Plateau morphological and structural province of Minas Gerais, which has a humid tropical climate characterized by a mean temperature of 19°C and rainfall of 1600 mm. The primary ore reserve is 5.44 million tonnes at 2.72% Ni, 0.45% Cu, 0.06% Co, and 1.3 ppm combined platinum-group elements. Tropical weathering of the vertically dipping orebody has created gossans at the surface, an oxidized zone to a depth of about 20 m, and a zone of transition above fresh ore to a depth of up to 70 m. The weathering profile is similar mineralogically to the profiles at the Kambalda, Mt. Windarra, and Agnew Ni sulphide deposits in Western Australia, but differs in the depth extents of its mineralogically distinctive zones. These zones exhibit geochemically distinctive enrichments and depletions of various elements in this environment based on mass balance calculations and on the relative immobility of iridium. The work presented characterizes the geochemical behavior of Ni, Cu, Co, and platinum-group elements in the weathering of the O'Toole deposit.  相似文献   

《Gondwana Research》2006,9(4):473-477
Titanosaur remains are common findings at the paleontological site of Peirópolis in Uberaba. Among those remains, two osteoderms referred to titanosaur sauropods were reported. Both dermal bones share many features, such as the coarse texture, parallel ventral grooves, lack of the cingulum and presence of a ventral ridge (crest). Armored titanosaurs had wide distribution in the Upper Cretaceous, and have been reported from Argentina, Brazil, France, Madagascar, Malawi, Romania and Spain. In the present work we describe and compare the Brazilian titanosaur osteoderms found thus far.  相似文献   

Titanosaur remains are common findings at the paleontological site of Peirópolis in Uberaba. Among those remains, two osteoderms referred to titanosaur sauropods were reported. Both dermal bones share many features, such as the coarse texture, parallel ventral grooves, lack of the cingulum and presence of a ventral ridge (crest). Armored titanosaurs had wide distribution in the Upper Cretaceous, and have been reported from Argentina, Brazil, France, Madagascar, Malawi, Romania and Spain. In the present work we describe and compare the Brazilian titanosaur osteoderms found thus far.  相似文献   

Summary Chemical investigations of 192 hand-picked iron-oxide concentrates from banded iron-formation of the Iron Quadrangle, Brazil, did not yield any significant difference in minor and trace-element contents between itabirite and iron-ore samples (Fe >63%). Mean values (171–177 samples) are: Ca 82 ± 12 ppm; Co 120 ± 8; Cr 77 ± 8; Cu 40 ± 2; Mg 40±5; Mn 170±L28; Ni 167±7; P 905±23; Ti 114±13; V 138±8; Al 1068 ± 174 ppm (52 samples) and Au 33 ± 8 ppb (50 samples). Microprobe results indicate different trends of Fe-substitution by minor elements depending on the different lattice types of magnetite and hematite. Mg and Mn are much more concentrated in magnetite than in hematite whereas hematite is distinctly enriched in titanium due to the isostructural nature of the hematite and ilmenite lattices.
Zusammenfassung Chemische Analysen von 192, unter dem Binokular ausgelesener Eisenoxidkonzentrate von Proben aus den Eisenerzlagerstätten des Eisernen Vierecks in Brasilien, ergaben keinerlei Unterschiede in den Neben- und Spurenelementgehalten zwischen den Itabiriten und den Reicherzen (Fe >63%). Die Mittelwerte von jeweils 171–177 Elementbestimmungen ind folgende: Ca 82± 12 ppm; Co 120± 8; Cr 77± 8; Cu 40± 2; g 40±5; Mn 170±28; Ni 167±7, P 905±23; Ti 114:L13; V 138±8, Al 1068 ± 174 ppm (52 Proben) und Au 33 ± 8 ppb (50 Proben).Aus Mikrosondenuntersuchungen ergeben sich in Abhängigkeit von den unterschiedlichen Kristallgittertypen des Magnetits und Hämatits verschiedene Substitutionsraten des Eisens durch Nebenelemente. So zeigen Mg und Mn in Magnetiten um eine Vielfaches höhere Werte als in Hämatiten, während Ti im Hämatit wegen der Isotypie des Hämatit-Ilmenit-Gitters deutlich angereichert ist.

With 1 Figures  相似文献   

Magnetic measurements were performed on apparently undeformed limestones and carbonate shales from 44 sites in nearly horizontal stratigraphic layers mainly from the basal units of the Neoproterozoic Bambui Group in the southern part of the São Francisco Basin. Rock magnetism, cathodoluminescence, transmitted and reflected light microscopy analyses reveal that there is a mix of ferromagnetic minerals, mainly magnetite and pyrrhotite, in most sites. In some sites, however, the ferromagnetic minerals are magnetite and hematite. Fine-grained pyrrhotite and pyrite accompany rare fine-grained graphite and probably amorphous carbon in some of stylolites, while pyrrhotite is also present as larger interstitial masses in coarse-grained domains outside, but close to the stylolites. Magnetic fabrics were determined applying both anisotropy of low-field magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and anisotropy of anhysteretic remanence magnetization (AAR). The AAR tensor was less well defined than the AMS fabric due to the low ferromagnetic mineral content. The analysis at the individual-site scale defines three AMS fabric types. The first type (two sites) shows Kmin perpendicular to the bedding plane, while Kmax and Kint are scattered within bedding plane itself. This fabric is usually interpreted as primary (sedimentary-compactional), typical of totally undeformed sediments. The second type shows the three well-clustered AMS axes with Kmin still perpendicular to the bedding plane. This fabric is the most important since it was found in the majority of the sites. The third type (two sites) is characterized by well-clustered Kmax in the bedding plane, while Kmin and Kint are distributed along a girdle. The second and third fabric types are interpreted as combinations of sedimentary-compactional and tectonic contributions at the earliest, and at a slightly later stage of deformation, respectively. AMS represents the contribution of all the rock-forming minerals, while AAR isolates the contribution of remanence-bearing minerals from the matrix minerals. However, rock magnetism shown that anhysteretic remanence only reaches grains with coercivity < 100 mT because the maximum AF in the majority of the available instruments is 100 mT. Therefore, hematite and pyrrhotite probably do not contribute to AAR, which is due to the shape-preferred orientation of magnetite grains. For some sites, the AMS and AAR fabric orientations are different, mainly with respect to the lineation orientations (Kmax and Amax, respectively). In general, Kmax is well developed and follows the trend of the main regional thrusts, fold axes and faults generated in the first deformational phase, while Amax follows both this trend and that of structural lineaments formed during the second deformational phase. These deformation phases arose from the compression, which occurred during the evolution of the Brasília fold belt during the last stages of the Brasiliano event. The magnetic fabrics of the apparently undeformed Bambui limestones are typical of very weakly deformed sediments, in which the depositional-compaction fabric has been partly overprinted by a tectonic one, with minimum susceptibility direction remaining perpendicular to bedding. This result is in agreement with the textures given by the petrographic observations.  相似文献   

Summary The Santa Cruz massif, which forms part of the Ipanema mafic/ultramafic Complex, Minas Gerais, Brazil, has an exposed upward sequence of metadunite, metaharzburgite (including three separate chromitite layers), metapyroxenite, metagabbro, and meta-anorthosite. Primary igneous chromite grains in the main chromitite layer are poikiloblastic and tectonically fragmented, and have a narrow (10–20 μm) margin of chromian spinel. Cataclased chromite fragments are extensively replaced and mantled by chromian spinel; they have a composite margin comprised of an inner zone of more aluminous spinel and an euhedral outer zone of more Cr-rich spinel, representing granulite and amphibolite facies metamorphic events, respectively. The contents of platinum-group elements (PGE) and Au in chromite separates are relatively high (Os 45, Ir 23, Ru 136, Rh 19, Pt 98, Pd 63, and Au 83 ppb), and significantly enriched (∼ 4x) over whole rock values. Platinum-group minerals are not observed and micrometre-sized inclusions of sulfide minerals (chalcopyrite and pentlandite) in relict chromite are rare. However, comparison of mineral proportions in the separated chromite and whole rock shows that the precious metals are hosted predominantly in the relict igneous chromite grains, rather than the secondary chromian spinel and primary and secondary Mg-rich silicates. The major element composition and average chondrite-normalized PGE pattern of the separated chromite correspond to S-poor stratiform chromitite. We suggest that the precious metals accumulated with chromite during crystallization of a S-poor magma, and were not remobilized in the relict chromite during the subsequent high grade metamorphism.
Zusammenfassung Metamorphose und PGE-Au-Gehalte von Chromitit aus dem mafischen/ultramafischen Ipanema Komplex, Minas Gerais, Brasilien Das Santa Cruz Massiv, das Teil des mafischen/ultramafischen Ipanema Komplexes, Minas Gerais, Brasilien, ist, beinhaltet eine (von unten nach oben) Abfolge von Metadunit, Metaharzburgit (mit drei Chromititlagen), Metapyroxenit, Metagabbro und Metaanorthosit. Prim?re magmatische Chromitk?rner in der Chromit-Hauptlage sind poikiloblastisch, tektonisch fragmentiert und werden von einem dünnen (10–20 m) Saum von Chromspinell umgeben. Kataklastische Chromitfragmente sind intensiv umgewandelt zu und werden ummantelt von Chromspinell. Dieser mehrphasige Saum beinhaltet eine innere Zone mit Al-reicherem Spinell und eine euhedrale Au?enzone mit Cr-richerem Spinell, die sich bei granulit- bzw. amphibolitfaziellen Metamorphoseereignissen gebildet haben. Die Gehalte an Platingruppen-Elementen (PGE) und Au in Chromit-Separaten sind relativ hoch (Os 45, Ir 23, Ru 136, Rh 19, Pt 98, Pd 63, Au 83 ppb) und signifikant angereichert (∼ 4-fach) im Vergleich zum Gesamtgestein. Platingruppen-Minerale sind nicht zu beobachten und Mikrometer gro?e Einschlüsse von Sulfiden (Chalcopyrit und Pentlandit) in den Chromitrelikten sind selten. Der Vergleich der Mineralverh?ltnisse in den separierten Chromiten und Gesamtgesteinen zeigt aber, dass die Edelmetalle haupts?chlich in den reliktischen Chromitk?rnern sitzen und nicht so sehr in den sekund?ren Chromspinellen und Mg-reichen Silikaten. Die Hauptelement-Zusammensetzung und die Chondrit-normierten PGE Muster der separierten Chromite stimmen mit denen S-armer stratiformer Chromite überein. Wir vermuten, dass die Edelmetalle sich mit Chromit bei der Kristallisation eines S-armen Magmas akkumulierten und w?hrend der anschlie?enden hochgradigen Metamorphose nicht remobilisiert wurden.

Received April 3, 2000; revised version accepted October 12, 2000  相似文献   

富Ca,Al包体、球粒和蠕虫状橄榄石集合体都是早期星云事件的产物。本文探讨了4个富橄榄石的富Ca,Al组分集合体的矿物岩石学特征,并对它们进行了对比。矿物岩石学特征表明含橄榄石边的富尖晶石—辉石型包体和富Ca,Al组分蠕虫状橄榄石集合体都属于星云直接凝聚的产物,而富钙长石—橄榄石型包体(POI)和富Ca,Al组分球粒经历过熔融结晶过程。矿物模式组成表明POI包体和富Ca,Al组分球粒可能是认识典型富Ca,Al包体与球粒之间相互关系的钥匙。蠕虫状橄榄石集合体GRV022459-2C1中尖晶石普遍具有高的FeO含量,表明其蚀变发生于高氧逸度的星云环境。球粒与粗粒富Ca,Al包体可能属于同一热事件的产物,粗粒富Ca,Al包体形成于富Ca,Al矿物富集的区域,Mg,Fe质硅酸盐球粒形成于富Ca,Al矿物缺失的区域,POI包体和富Ca,Al组分球粒可能形成于上述两个区域之间的过渡区域。  相似文献   

Mafic rocks representative of the alkaline magmatism of the Alto Paranaíba Province in southwestern Minas Gerais, Brazil were studied by means of petrography, mineral, whole-rock and isotope geochemistry with the objective of better understanding this Cretaceous magmatism and the characteristics of the magma sources. Because of the variety and complexity of lithotypes examined in this research and the paucity of detailed studies of these Brazilian rocks in the literature, this study also attempts to establish parameters that allow for a clear distinction between kimberlite and kamafugite. Fifty-two occurrences are described and classified as kimberlite or kamafugite. Among the kamafugites, both ugandite (characterized by the presence of leucite) and mafurite (with kalsilite) end members have been characterized. Mineral compositions were found to be efficient in distinguishing between kimberlites, mafurites and ugandites in the province, primarily on the basis of phlogopite composition. The Re-Os isotope systematics permitted a better understanding of the relation of the sublithospheric mantle source to the magmatism in the region. Kimberlites, mafurites and ugandites have different 187Os/188Os ratios (0.117 to 0.129, 0.127 to 0.145 and 0.142 to 0.147, respectively). The Rb-Sr and Sm-Nd isotope systematics failed to indicate first-order differences between kamafugites and kimberlites, whilst 206Pb/204Pb ratios for the kimberlites are higher than those for the other rock types. Kimberlite and kamafugite isotopic compositions appear to be related to the mixture of at least two dominant mantle components: one with an isotopic signature similar to that of lithospheric peridotites, i.e., with 187Os/188Os ratios of the order of 0.118, similar to those observed in mantle-derived xenoliths entrained in kimberlites intruded in the Kaapvaal, Wyoming, and Siberian cratons; another with higher 187Os/188Os ratios of the order of 0.135, within the range of ratios reported for pyroxenite veins in alpine-type peridotites and ocean island basalts. Different melting depths of heterogeneous lithospheric sources by a mantle plume are suggested to explain the isotopic characteristics of the Alto Paranaíba Alkaline Province alkaline rocks.  相似文献   

The Beiya deposit, located in the Sanjiang Tethyan tectonic domain (SW China), is the third largest Au deposit in China (323 t Au @ 2.47 g/t). As a porphyry-skarn deposit, Beiya is related to Cenozoic (Himalayan) alkaline porphyries. Abundant Bi-minerals have been recognized from both the porphyry- and skarn- ores, comprising bismuthinite, Bi–Cu sulfosalts (emplectite, wittichenite), Bi–Pb sulfosalts (galenobismutite, cosalite), Bi–Ag sulfosalt (matildite), Bi–Cu–Pb sulfosalts (bismuthinite derivatives), Bi–Pb–Ag sulfosalts (lillianite homologs, galena-matildite series), and Bi chalcogenides (tsumoite, the unnamed Bi2Te, the unnamed Ag4Bi3Te3, tetradymite, and the unnamed (Bi, Pb)3(Te, S)4). Native bismuth and maldonite are also found in the skarn ores. The arsenopyrite geothermometer reveals that the porphyry Au mineralization took place at temperatures in the range of 350–450 °C and at log fS2 in the range of − 8.0 to − 5.5, respectively. In contrast, the Beiya Bi-mineral assemblages indicate that the skarn ore-forming fluids had minimum temperatures of 230–175 °C (prevailing temperatures exceeding 271 °C) and fluctuating fS2fTe2 conditions. We also model a prolonged skarn Au mineralization history at Beiya, including at least two episodes of Bi melts scavenging Au. We thus suggest that this process was among the most effective Au-enrichment mechanisms at Beiya.  相似文献   

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