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在海冰与多桩锥体海洋平台结构的相互作用中,平台结构总冰力在海冰流向和桩腿方位的影响下呈现出显著的遮蔽效应。采用具有粘结-破碎效应的离散元方法,基于GPU并行的高性能计算,对不同冰向下锥体海洋平台结构的冰荷载进行了数值分析,确定了不同冰向下平台结构各桩腿的冰力衰减系数并分析了总冰力的遮蔽效应。最后,对自由边界影响下多桩平台结构冰荷载遮蔽效应的产生机理进行了讨论。本文工作可为多桩腿平台结构的冰荷载特性、冰激结构振动以及冰区结构设计提供参考。  相似文献   

离散元法模拟吸力锚施工中生成的土塞研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吸力锚是近年来在海洋工程中出现并得以迅速发展的一种新型基础形式。然而吸力锚施工中产生的土塞现象对顺利施工和安全使用构成了严重的威胁。文章采用了离散单元法来研究吸力锚施工中的土塞现象,并得到了一些结论。圆形刚性颗粒模型是文章中所采用的基本模型,同时动态松弛法成为基本的求解方法。  相似文献   

俯冲变形作用是板块汇聚过程中存在的构造地质现象,是当前构造地质研究的热点。目前对板块俯冲变形的研究尚不完善,俯冲角度变化对变形过程造成的影响还需进一步研究。位于欧亚板块东南部的中国东海大陆架盆地的构造演化特征及动力学机制与菲律宾板块向欧亚板块的俯冲作用有关。利用构造地质领域中新兴的离散元模拟方法,通过构建离散元模型模拟研究板块俯冲变形演化过程,并将实验结果与菲律宾板块向中国东海俯冲部位地层相比较,结果表明:(1)板块俯冲变形特征与俯冲角度有关,俯冲角度不同,其最终形成的变形样式也不同;(2)断层数目随着俯冲角度的减缓而增加,断层所扩展的水平距离随俯冲角度的减缓而增大,且不同俯冲角度下相同位置所形成的断距不同;(3)俯冲楔高度随着俯冲角度的减缓而增大,地壳变形幅度越大,且最终形成俯冲楔形态类型不同;(4)反冲断层形成时间随着俯冲角度的减缓而越来越晚;(5)实验模拟结果与实例具有相似的构造特征。研究结果解析了不同俯冲角度下板块俯冲变形的演化过程,有助于对板块汇聚过程中俯冲变形作用的进一步认识。  相似文献   

船舶在冰区航行中,冰荷载是船舶结构设计和安全航行的重要影响因素。采用具有黏结破碎特征的离散单元法对船舶在平整冰区的航行过程进行了数值分析。在船舶破冰过程的离散元模拟中,平整冰由球形颗粒黏结而成,同时考虑了海水浮力和拖曳力对海冰单元的作用,颗粒间的黏结作用可在海冰与船体的相互作用过程中发生破碎;船体由三角形单元构造,分析了在海水浮力、推进器推力及海冰共同作用下船体的六自由度运动特性。通过船体与海冰相互作用的离散元分析,确定了船舶在破冰过程中海冰作用在船体上的冰荷载,探讨了船舶推进器推力和海冰厚度对冰荷载的影响,并与Lindqvist船体冰阻力经验公式进行了对比。  相似文献   

龙雪  宋础  季顺迎  王跃方 《海洋工程》2018,36(6):92-100
在寒区海洋工程中,锥体海洋结构的尺寸参数对其破冰性能具有重要影响。采用具有黏结-破碎功能的离散元方法模拟海冰与锥体结构的相互作用过程中海冰的破坏模式及冰载荷分析。该离散元方法的计算参数通过与渤海油气平台的实测数据对比进行了可靠性验证。在此基础上,当设计海域的潮差固定时,对不同锥角下风电单桩锥体结构的冰载荷和海冰破坏模式进行了离散元分析。计算结果表明:锥体冰载荷随锥角的增大而增大,海冰的平均断裂长度则随锥角的增大而减小;当锥角小于70°时海冰的破碎模式主要为弯曲破坏,而当锥角大于70°时海冰破坏模式则主要为挤压破碎。以上研究结果可为冰区海上风电单桩结构的抗冰锥设计提供参考。  相似文献   

孔德森  张杰  巩越 《海洋通报》2020,39(5):632-640
为了对波浪荷载作用下近海风电大直径单桩基础受力变形特性的影响因素进行分析,以江苏省如东县某近海区域的水位地质条件为基础,运用有限元模拟软件 ABAQUS 进行数值模拟,对荷载大小、荷载位置、土体压缩模量、桩体自由度 影响因素展开分析。通过影响因素的不同量值,得出近海风电大直径单桩基础动载情况下受力变形特性的变化规律,从而为实际施工提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

陈雪峰  李玉成  滕斌 《海洋学报》2006,28(3):133-138
利用流体体积(VOF)方法并结合k-ε模型以及等温状态下的气体状态方程数值计算规则波对有顶板开孔沉箱的作用,将数值计算结果与物理模型试验数据分别对总水平力、前开孔板和后实体板的压力分布以及顶板总力等物理量进行对比,验证了所建立的数学模型和数值计算方法的有效性和可靠性,为分析有顶板开孔沉箱的波浪力提供了有效的计算方法.  相似文献   

该文研究子系统间具有强耦合的线性离散大系统的稳定性。提出一种适合于该类大系统稳定性分析的部分分解法。该方法可将高阶线性离散大系统化为若干个具有单向解耦的低阶子系统来研究。从而 ,利用标量李雅普诺夫函数将高阶矩阵李雅普诺夫方程化为若干个单向解耦的低阶矩阵方程。通过线性矩阵不等式得到线性离散大系统稳定性的充分条件。  相似文献   

在寒冷地区,海冰在核电站取水结构物前的堆积会对取水口造成阻塞和损坏,进而影响核电设备的正常运作。以红沿河核电站的取水设施为例,综合考虑该工程海域冰区特点及风和流的作用等因素。建立了海冰的离散元模型,用于模拟海冰在结构物前的堆积和破坏过程。该离散元模型由规则排列的球体颗粒构成,颗粒间采用平行黏结模型进行黏结。考虑了海冰的平均尺寸、密集度及流速三个因素对海冰堆积过程的影响,对海冰堆积高度进行预判。其中,堆积高度随海冰的密集度和流速的增大而增大,而海冰的平均尺寸对堆积高度没有明显影响。分析结果表明,离散元数值模拟可用于评估和预测取水工程中海冰堆积造成堵塞的风险。  相似文献   

自升式平台桩基土体变形规律与破坏机理分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究自升式平台桩基土体的变形规律与失稳机理,对合理评价平台桩基的稳定性具有十分重要的意义。本文基于Galerkin数值分析方法,采用网格重绘与插值技术,利用Abaqus/Stand的牛顿求解方法对平台插桩过程进行大变形分析,较为准确地研究了边界非线性对土体变形规律与破坏机理的影响。通过Abaqus二次开发接口,合理地模拟了桩土界面摩擦特性,以及海床土层剪切强度沿深度非均匀变化特性对海床极限承载能力和破坏机理的影响。揭示了插桩过程中桩周土体的变形规律与失稳模式,给出了插桩入泥深度与极限承载力曲线,并将计算结果同Skempton、Hansen等计算公式进行了合理对比。结果表明:本文给出的桩基土体变形规律与破坏机理,能够较为合理地揭示自升式平台插桩过程中海床土体的大变形特性,以及较为合理地评估自升式平台桩基极限承载能力。  相似文献   

The multi-spring shear mechanism plastic model in this paper is defined in strain space to simulate pore pressure generation and development in sands under cyclic loading and undrained conditions,and the rotation of principal stresses can also be simulated by the model with cyclic behavior of anisotropic consolidated sands.Seismic residual deformations of typical caisson quay walls under different engineering situations are analyzed in detail by the plastic model,and then an index of liquefaction extent is applied to describe the regularity of seismic residual deformation of caisson quay wall top under different engineering situations.Some correlated prediction formulas are derived from the results of regression analysis between seismic residual deformation of quay wall top and extent of liquefaction in the relative safety backfill sand site.Finally,the rationality and the reliability of the prediction methods are validated by test results of a 120 g-centrifuge shaking table,and the comparisons show that some reliable seismic residual deformation of caisson quay can be predicted by appropriate prediction formulas and appropriate index of liquefaction extent.  相似文献   

The suction caisson (or called suction anchor) which is considered as a relatively new type of foundation of offshore structures, has been extensively studied and applied for offshore wind turbines and oil platforms. The installation of the suction caisson is of great importance in the design and construction because it can bring about several issues and further influence the performance of holding capacity in safety service. In this paper, large deformation finite element (FE) analyses are performed to model the installation of suction caisson (SC) by suction and jacking in normally consolidated clay. The penetration of the suction caisson is modeled using an axisymmetric FE approach with the help of the Arbitrary Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) formulation which can satisfactorily solve the large deformation problem. The undrained shear strength of the clay and elastic modulus are varied with depth of soil through the subroutine VUFIELD. The numerical results allow quantification of the penetration resistance and its dependence on the installation method. The centrifuge test and theoretical solution are used for the FE model validation. After the validation, the penetration resistance, the soil plug heave, and the caisson wall friction have been examined through the FE model. Based on the numerical results, it is shown that the ALE technique can simulate the entire suction caisson penetration without mesh distortion problem. The installation method can play an important role on the penetration resistance, namely, the suction installation reduces the penetration resistance significantly compared to the purely jacked installation. With a further study on the suction case, it is found that as the final applied suction pressure increases, the soil plug heave increases, while the penetration resistance reduces with increase of the final suction pressure. The effect of the friction of internal caisson walls has been also investigated and a conclusion is drawn that internal wall friction has a significant contribution to the penetration resistance and it can be implicitly represented by varying coefficient of internal wall friction. As for the penetration resistance, both jacked and suction installation have great dependency on the internal wall friction.  相似文献   

In this study, we exploit the flexibility and advantages of polyhedral finite elements in modeling 3D hollow concrete block revetments. In the present method, a new concept is proposed, in which the polyhedral elements are subdivided into sub-tetrahedrons through virtual nodes located at the centroids of the faces and element. Piecewise linear shape functions of polyhedral elements are constructed for the sub-tetrahedrons. Then, the shape functions are used to formulate the stiffness and mass matrices. By this way, the present approach yields lower computational cost than that of the standard polyhedral finite element method based on rational basis functions. The presented method suits well general polyhedral meshes including concave elements, which are used to model 3D complicated structures in design of coastal defenses system protection such as interlocking revetments. Reliability and effectiveness of the present approach are validated by the well-known commercial ANSYS software through static and dynamic analysis.  相似文献   

Full-rangenonlinearanalysisoffatiguebehaviorsofreinforcedconcretestructuresbyfiniteelementmethod¥SongYupu;ZhaoShunbo;WangRuim...  相似文献   

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