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A Quaternary volcanic field at Fort Portal, SW Uganda, contains approximately 50 vents that erupted only carbonatite. The vents are marked by monogenetic tuff cones defining two ENE-trending belts. Lava from a fissure at the west end of the northern belt formed a flow 0.3 km2 in area and 1–5 m thick. The lava is vesicular throughout with a scoriaceous top, and probably formed by agglutination of spatter from lava fountains. Phenocrysts are olivine, clinopyroxene, phlogopite, and titanomagnetite enclosing blebs of pyrrhotite. Rims of monticellite, gehlenite, and reinhardbraunsite surround olivine, clinopyroxene and phlogopite, and magnetite is rimmed by spinel. The reaction relations suggest that these phenocryst phases are actually xenocrysts, perhaps from a source similar to that which supplied phlogopite clinopyroxenite xenoliths in the Katwe-Kikorongo volcanic field 75 km SW of Fort Portal. The groundmass of fresh carbonatite lava consists of tabular calcite, spurrite, periclase, hydroxylapatite, perovskite, spinel, pyrrhotite, and barite. The lava was readily altered; where meteoric water had access, spurrite and periclase are lacking, and some calcite is recrystallized. Vesicles in lava and rare dike rocks are partly filled with calcite, followed by jennite and thaumasite. Pyroclastic deposits cover 142 km2 and are far more voluminous than lava. Carbonatite ejecta were identical to lava in primary mineralogy, but are much more contaminated by crustal rock fragments and xenocrysts. At Fort Portal, eruption of a CaO-MgO-CO2-SiO2-P2O5-SO2-H2O-F liquid was unaccompanied by that of a more silica-rich or alkali-rich liquid. Alkali-rich carbonatite lavas and pyroclastic deposits have been documented elsewhere in East Africa, and calcite-rich volcanic carbonatites have been attributed to replacement of magmatic alkali carbonates by calcite. However, the alkali-poor volcanic carbonatites at Fort Portal were not formed by leaching of alkalis in meteoric water; tabular calcite is not pseudomorphous after alkali carbonates such as nyerereite. The Fort Portal magma was low in alkalis at the time of eruption.  相似文献   

Volcanic rocks of the Afyon province (eastern part of western Anatolia) make up a multistage potassic and ultrapotassic alkaline series dated from 14 to 12 Ma. The early-stage Si-oversaturated volcanic rocks around the Afyon city and further southward are trachyandesitic volcanic activity (14.23 ± 0.09 Ma). Late-stage Si-undersaturated volcanism in the southernmost part of the Afyon volcanic province took place in three episodes inferred from their stratigraphic relationships and ages. Melilite–leucitites (11.50 ± 0.03 Ma), spotted trachyandesites, tephryphonolites and lamproites (11.91 ± 0.13 Ma) formed in the first episode; trachyandesites in the second episode and finally phonotephrites, phonolite, basaltic trachyandesites and nosean-bearing trachyandesites during the last episode. The parameter Q [normative q-(ne + lc + kls + ol)] of western Anatolia volcanism clearly decreased southward with time becoming zero in the time interval 10–15 Ma. The magmatism experienced a sudden change in the extent of Si saturation after 14 Ma, during late-stage volcanic activity of Afyon volcanic province at around 12 Ma, though there was some coexistence of Si-oversaturated and Si-undersaturated magmas during the whole life of Afyon volcanic province.  相似文献   

The Kelçyra area is emplaced in a foreland fold-and-thrust belt (FFTB), characterized by a westward thrusting with the Triassic evaporites as the major décollement level. Several secondary features related with this evolution, like backthrusting, folding, duplex structures, evaporite diapirism are present. During the FFTB evolution, the study area has been subjected to several fracturing events with associated stages of fluid migration. During the pre-deformational stage, complex textures such as crack-and-seal features most likely reflect expulsion of overpressured fluids. These fluids were dominantly host-rock buffered. Within the post-deformational stage, a meteoric fluid caused cementation and development of a karst network during a period of emergence after the thrust emplacement. Subsequently, Mg calcite reprecipitated in the more stable carbonate phase calcite and dolomite, which filled part of the karts network. The latter is finally dedolomitized and locally partially dissolved by a second meteoric fluid flow, which greatly increased the secondary porosity.  相似文献   

Dougal A. Jerram  Mike Widdowson   《Lithos》2005,79(3-4):385-405
The internal architecture of the immense volumes of eruptive products in Continental Flood Basalt Provinces (CFBPs) provides vital clues, through the constraint of a chrono-stratigraphic framework, to the origins of major intraplate melting events. This work presents close examination of the internal facies architecture and structure, duration of volcanism, epeirogenetic uplift associated with CFBPs, and the potential environmental impacts of three intensely studied CFBPs (the Parana-Etendeka, Deccan Traps and North Atlantic Igneous Province). Such a combination of key volcanological, stratigraphic and chronologic observations can reveal how a CFBP is constructed spatially and temporally to provide crucial geological constraints regarding their development.

Using this approach, a typical model can be generated, on the basis of the three selected CFBPs, that describes three main phases of flood basalt volcanism. These phases are recognized in Phanerozoic CFBPs globally. At the inception of CFBP volcanism, relatively low-volume transitional-alkaline eruptions are forcibly erupted into exposed cratonic basement lithologies, sediments, and in some cases, water. Distribution of initial volcanism is strongly controlled by the arrangement of pre-existing topography, the presence of water bodies and local sedimentary systems, but is primarily controlled by existing lithospheric and crustal weaknesses and concurrent regional stress patterns. The main phase of volcanism is typically characterised by a culmination of repeated episodes of large volume tholeiitic flows that predominantly generate large tabular flows and flow fields from a number of spatially restricted eruption sites and fissures. These tabular flows build a thick lava flow stratigraphy in a relatively short period of time (c. 1–5 Ma). With the overall duration of flood volcanism lasting 5–10 Ma (the main phase accounting for less than half the overall eruptive time in each specific case). This main phase or ‘acme’ of volcanism accounts for much of the CFBP eruptive volume, indicating that eruption rates are extremely variable over the whole duration of the CFBP. During the waning phase of flood volcanism, the volume of eruptions rapidly decrease and more widely distributed localised centres of eruption begin to develop. These late-stage eruptions are commonly associated with increasing silica content and highly explosive eruptive products. Posteruptive modification is characterised by continued episodes of regional uplift, associated erosion, and often the persistence of a lower-volume mantle melting anomaly in the offshore parts of those CFBPs at volcanic rifted margins.  相似文献   

Chemostratigraphic analyses (87Sr/86Sr, δ13Ccarb) of limestones from two Jurassic platform‐carbonate sequences in Italy (Trento and Campania–Lucania Platforms) illustrate previously established trends found in pelagic sediments and skeletal carbonates from biostratigraphically well‐calibrated sections elsewhere in Europe. Chemostratigraphic correlations between the platform‐carbonate successions and appropriate intervals from well‐dated reference sections allow the application of high‐resolution stratigraphy to these shallow‐water peritidal carbonates and, furthermore, elucidate the facies response to the Early Toarcian Oceanic Anoxic Event (OAE). Lower Jurassic (Toarcian) levels of the western Trento Platform (Southern Alps, Northern Italy) contain spiculitic cherts that appear where rising carbon‐isotope values characterize the onset of the OAE: a palaeoceanographic phenomenon interpreted as driven by increased nutrient levels in near‐surface waters. There is a facies change to more clay‐rich facies at the level of the abrupt negative carbon‐isotope excursion, also characteristic of the OAE, higher in the section. The Campania–Lucania Platform (Southern Apennines, Southern Italy) records a change to more clay‐rich facies where carbon‐isotope values begin to rise at the beginning of the OAE but the negative excursion, higher in the section, occurs within oolitic facies. Although, in both examples, the Early Toarcian OAE can be recognized by a change to more clay‐rich lithologies, this facies development is diachronous and in neither case did the platform drown. Although the Trento Platform, in the south‐west sector studied here, was adversely affected by the OAE, it did not drown definitively until Late Aalenian time; the Campania–Lucania Platform persisted throughout the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Differential subsidence rates, which can be calculated using comparative chemostratigraphy, are identified as a crucial factor in the divergent behaviour of these two carbonate platforms: relatively fast in the case of the Trento Platform; relatively slow in the case of the Campania–Lucania Platform. It is proposed that where water depths remained as shallow as a few metres during the OAE (Campania–Lucania Platform), dissolved oxygen levels remained high, nutrient levels relatively low and conditions for carbonate secretion and precipitation remained relatively favourable, whereas more poorly ventilated and/or more nutrient‐rich waters (Trento Platform) adversely influenced platform growth where depths were in the tens of metres range. The stage was thus set for drowning on the more rapidly subsiding western margin of the Trento Plateau and a pulse of oolite deposition post‐dating the OAE was insufficient to revitalize the carbonate factory.  相似文献   

Calcite/opal deposits (COD) at Yucca Mountain were studied with respect to their regional and field geology, petrology and petrography, chemistry and isotopic geochemistry, and fluid inclusions. They were also compared with true pedogenic deposits (TPD), groundwater spring deposits (GSD), and calcite vein deposits (CVD) in the subsurface. Some of the data are equivocal and can support either a hypogene or pedogenic origin for these deposits. However, Sr-, C-, and O-isotope, fluid inclusion, and other data favor a hypogene interpretation. A hypothesis that may account for all currently available data is that the COD precipitated from warm, CO2-rich water that episodically upwelled along faults during the Pleistocene, and which, upon reaching the surface, flowed downslope within existing alluvial, colluvial, eluvial, or soil deposits. Being formed near, or on, the topographic surface, the COD acquired characteristics of pedogenic deposits. This subject relates to the suitability of Yucca Mountain as a high-level nuclear waste site.  相似文献   

柴蚂金矿床位于陕西省凤太矿集区西北部,八卦庙超大型金矿床西侧约0.5km处,二者在成矿地质背景和控矿条件等方面均较为相似。该矿床共划分出5个含矿带,其产出位置受地层和构造联合控制。矿石类型有石英脉型和蚀变岩型,以石英脉型为主。成矿过程可划分为早期石英-碳酸盐阶段、主成矿期石英-碳酸盐-硫化物阶段和晚期石英阶段。本次工作对主成矿阶段的白云石、方解石等碳酸盐矿物进行了Sm-Nd同位素测年研究,获得等时线年龄为203.2±1.6Ma,表明矿床形成于晚三叠世。结合前人对区内金矿、岩浆岩和构造活动的研究认为,柴蚂金矿床是印支末期后碰撞过程中形成的造山型金矿床。  相似文献   

富乐铅锌矿床位于川滇黔铅锌矿集区东南部,该区域是我国重要的铅锌银及分散元素成矿带。该矿床的形成分为早成矿期、主成矿期和晚成矿期。应用电子探针和LA-ICPMS原位分析技术,测定了不同期次白云石和方解石的主-微量元素组成。研究表明,白云石和方解石具有不显著的Eu异常向正Eu异常和强负Ce异常向弱负Ce异常演化的趋势,表明硫化物和白云石的沉淀是由于流体氧逸度和温度降低,成矿时流体环境从碱性变为中性再到弱酸性导致的。从成矿早期到成矿晚期,Fe和Mn呈下降趋势,碱性环境下Fe和Mn进入到碳酸盐矿物中,而在酸性环境下Fe和Mn会被释放到流体中,说明由于交代作用的由强变弱,其成矿环境是从碱性为主向以酸性为主演变的;从早到晚Sr呈上升趋势,可能表示热液-围岩不断的反应使得围岩中的Sr不断的被释放到流体中。Fe-Sr图解和Mn-Sr图解表明,成矿过程存在两种流体的混合。综合以上研究,本文认为富乐铅锌矿床可能是由氧化、酸性的富含金属的流体与还原、碱性的亏损金属的流体混合导致矿质沉淀形成的。  相似文献   

Although calcite tectonites are widespread in nature their use to quantify flow vorticity is limited. We use new (micro-)structural, petrofabric and vorticity data to analyse the kinematics of flow in outcrop-scale calcite mylonite zones. These zones are genetically related to a crustal-scale NE-directed ductile thrust (Basal Thrust) that emplaced the Blueschist over the Basal unit during the exhumation of the Attico-Cycladic Massif. Calcite microstructures reveal that the last stage of deformation occurred at temperatures 200–300 °C achieved by mild heating, which is possibly related with the reburial of the Basal Thrust's footwall. Vorticity analyses were based on the degree of asymmetry of calcite c-axis fabrics as well as on the assumption that the orientation of the long axes of calcite neoblasts within an oblique foliation delineates the direction of instantaneous stretching axis. Both methodological approaches provide consistent estimates with a simple shear component between 55% and 82% (Wn = 0.76–0.96). The use of the stress axis (σ1) orientation recorded by twin-c-axis-pairs to quantify vorticity generally gives significantly lower simple shear component. Comparison of our vorticity estimates with previous estimates inferred from quartz fabrics and rigid porphyroclasts reveals that exhumation-related deformation in the nappe pile was steady state.  相似文献   

The calcite cement in the Lower Ordovician Majiagou Formation in the Ordos basin in northern China can be subdivided into three groups based on preliminary results of oxygen and carbon isotopes and fluid inclusion microthermometry. Group 1 has low oxygen isotopes (− 14‰ to − 18‰), low Th values (92–103 °C), and low salinities (1.7–4.9 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and is interpreted to have precipitated during early burial from porewater influenced by meteoric water. Group 2 has much higher oxygen isotope values (− 5‰ to − 8‰), which, coupled with the higher Th values (136–151 °C), suggest that the calcite was precipitated from fluids that were significantly enriched in 18O, possibly resulting from fluid–rock reaction during burial. Group 3 occurring along fractures is characterized by high salinities (21–28 wt.% NaCl equivalent) and is interpreted to have been precipitated from locally preserved residual evaporitic brines. The occurrence of primary hydrocarbon inclusions and its low carbon isotopes (− 11‰ to − 15‰) suggest that precipitation of group 3 calcite took place in the presence of hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

We present petrography and mineral chemistry for both phlogopite,from mantle-derived xenoliths(garnet peridotite,eclogite and clinopyroxene-phlogopite rocks)and for megacryst,macrocryst and groundmass flakes from the Grib kimberlite in the Arkhangelsk diamond province of Russia to provide new insights into multi-stage metasomatism in the subcratonic lithospheric mantle(SCLM)and the origin of phlogopite in kimberlite.Based on the analysed xenoliths,phlogopite is characterized by several generations.The first generation(Phil)occurs as coarse,discrete grains within garnet peridotite and eclogite xenoliths and as a rock-forming mineral within clinopyroxene-phlogopite xenoliths.The second phlogopite generation(Phl2)occurs as rims and outer zones that surround the Phil grains and as fine flakes within kimberlite-related veinlets filled with carbonate,serpentine,chlorite and spinel.In garnet peridotite xenoliths,phlogopite occurs as overgrowths surrounding garnet porphyroblasts,within which phlogopite is associated with Cr-spinel and minor carbonate.In eclogite xenoliths,phlogopite occasionally associates with carbonate bearing veinlet networks.Phlogopite,from the kimberlite,occurs as megacrysts,macrocrysts,microcrysts and fine flakes in the groundmass and matrix of kimberlitic pyroclasts.Most phlogopite grains within the kimberlite are characterised by signs of deformation and form partly fragmented grains,which indicates that they are the disintegrated fragments of previously larger grains.Phil,within the garnet peridotite and clinopyroxene-phlogopite xenoliths,is characterised by low Ti and Cr contents(TiO_21 wt.%,Cr_2 O_31 wt.% and Mg# = 100 × Mg/(Mg+ Fe)92)typical of primary peridotite phlogopite in mantle peridotite xenoliths from global kimberlite occurrences.They formed during SCLM metasomatism that led to a transformation from garnet peridotite to clinopyroxene-phlogopite rocks and the crystallisation of phlogopite and high-Cr clinopyroxene megacrysts before the generation of host-kimberlite magmas.One of the possible processes to generate low-Ti-Cr phlogopite is via the replacement of garnet during its interaction with a metasomatic agent enriched in K and H_2O.Rb-Sr isotopic data indicates that the metasomatic agent had a contribution of more radiogenic source than the host-kimberlite magma.Compared with peridotite xenoliths,eclogite xenoliths feature low-Ti phlogopites that are depleted in Cr_2O_3 despite a wider range of TiO_2 concentrations.The presence of phlogopite in eclogite xenoliths indicates that metasomatic processes affected peridotite as well as eclogite within the SCLM beneath the Grib kimberlite.Phl2 has high Ti and Cr concentrations(TiO_22 wt.%,Cr_2O_31 wt.% and Mg# = 100× Mg/(Mg + Fe)92)and compositionally overlaps with phlogopite from polymict brecc:ia xenoliths that occur in global kimberlite formations.These phlogopites are the product of kimberlitic magma and mantle rock interaction at mantle depths where Phl2 overgrew Phil grains or crystallized directly from stalled batches of kimberlitic magmas.Megacrysts,most macrocrysts and microcrysts are disintegrated phlogopite fragments from metasomatised peridotite and eclogite xenoliths.Fine phlogopite flakes within kimberlite groundmass represent mixing of high-Ti-Cr phlogopite antecrysts and high-Ti and low-Cr kimberlitic phlogopite with high Al and Ba contents that may have formed individual grains or overgrown antecrysts.Based on the results of this study,we propose a schematic model of SCLM metasomatism involving phlogopite crystallization,megacryst formation,and genesis of kimberlite magmas as recorded by the Grib pipe.  相似文献   

A. Audtat  T. Pettke  D. Dolej 《Lithos》2004,72(3-4):147-161
A quartz-monzodioritic dike associated with the porphyry-Cu mineralized stock at Santa Rita, NM, has been studied to constrain physico-chemical factors (P, T, fO2, and volatile content) responsible for mineralization. The dike contains a low-variance mineral assemblage of amphibole, plagioclase (An30–50), quartz, biotite, sphene, magnetite, and apatite, plus anhydrite and calcite preserved as primary inclusions within the major phenocryst phases. Petrographic relationships demonstrate that anhydrite originally was abundant in the form of phenocrysts (1–2 vol.%), but later was replaced by either quartz or calcite. Hornblende–plagioclase thermobarometry suggests that several magmas were involved in the formation of the quartz-monzodiorite, with one magma having ascended directly from ≥14 km depth. Rapid magma ascent is supported by the presence of intact calcite inclusions within quartz phenocrysts.

The assemblage quartz+sphene+magnetite+Mg-rich amphibole in the quartz-monzodiorite constrains magmatic oxygen fugacity at logfO2>NNO+1, in agreement with the presence of magmatic anhydrite and a lack of magmatic sulfides. The same reasoning generally applies for rocks hosting porphyry-Cu deposits, seemingly speaking against a major role of magmatic sulfides in the formation of such mineralizations. There is increasing evidence, however, that magmatic sulfides play an important role in earlier stages of porphyry-Cu evolution, the record of which is often obliterated by later processes.  相似文献   

S- and I-type granites from the Lachlan Fold Belt, southeastern Australia, have been investigated to assess the role of disequilibrium melting in their petrogenesis. Differences between the median initial εHf compositions of magmatic zircon populations and the host bulk-rock (ΔεHfblk-zrc) range from −0.6 to +2.5 ε units, providing evidence for intra-sample (and hence inter-phase) Hf-isotopic heterogeneity. Linear variations on Harker diagrams and O and Hf isotope compositions of magmatic zircon preserved in many I- and S-type granites are inconsistent with assimilation or simple mixing hypotheses. In contrast, isotopic disequilibrium between the melt and a restite assemblage can explain the bulk-rock versus zircon differences observed in these samples.Assuming that magmatic zircon records the melt composition, differences between the bulk-rock εHf and εHf of magmatic zircon (ΔεHfblk-zrc values) measured for I-type granites (0.4–2.5) can largely be explained by disequilibrium amphibole dehydration melting of meta-igneous protoliths that were either isotopically heterogenous at the time they were formed, or perfectly homogeneous before being aged in the crust for 0.4–1.0 billion years prior to partial melting. The Currowong Suite exhibits petrographic features and preserves geochemical and isotopic compositions that do not lend themselves to simple restite model or magma mixing explanations; however, these observations could be explained by the restite unmixing of magma batches generated from a single source rock if, as modelling has suggested, separate batches contain different melt compositions.By investigating the application of disequilibrium melting to granite genesis, this study demonstrates that isotopic heterogeneity at various sampling scales should actually be expected for the production of granites from a single source, rather than necessitating the involvement of multiple sources and mixing processes. As a result great care should be taken in the interpretation of isotope data from granitic bulk-rocks or their zircons.  相似文献   

The relationship between deformation and so-called fluid paleotransfers in minor faults has been analysed in an argillaceous formation located in the Causses Basin in France. The fluid paleotransfers are related to the fault activity to a large extent. We attempt to estimate the intensity of paleo-deviatoric stress magnitudes under which the fault activity may have occurred and consequently, the change in the structural fault permeability. The paleo-deviatoric stress magnitudes were calculated with the inverse method of Etchecopar applied to calcite twinning. The measured crystals are contained within the core zone of minor faults and this study is based on a previous complete microtectonic and microstructural analysis of the faults. In this paper, analysis of calcite twinning has been applied for the first time to vein fillings associated small faults in a context of relatively weak deformation, a condition ensured by the tectonic and structural analysis. Calculation and discussion of the paleo-deviatoric stress tensors in relation to the evolution of the structural fault permeability and to the hydraulic behaviour of the faults are the aim of this paper. The analysed faults, created and active during the same tectonic event, were permeable under a (σ1σ3) mean value of 40–50 MPa. On the other hand, the reactivation of faults during a second tectonic event implies mean (σ1σ3) value higher than 40–50 MPa, especially for the faults that are poorly oriented with respect to the principal tectonic stress directions. The core zone of these faults remained sealed and impermeable or became permeable by development of microcracks inside the pre-existing fillings.  相似文献   

Mantle xenoliths from the Olot volcanic district (NE Spain) comprise a bi-modal suite consisting of protogranular spinel lherzolites (cpx 12–14%) sometimes with pargasitic amphibole, and highly refractory spinel harzburgites (cpx ≤ 1%) with coarse-grained granular textures. The lherzolites range from slightly depleted to moderately LREE-enriched with flat HREE patterns between 1.5 and 2.7 × chondrite (Ch). In contrast, the harzburgites are extremely depleted in HREE (down to 0.2 × Ch) and strongly LREE-enriched (LaN/YbN = 12.3–17.2). LA-ICP-MS analyses of clinopyroxene and amphibole of the lherzolites highlight variable degrees of LREE depletion (HREE up to 13 × Ch, LaN/YbN down to 0.01), with the exception of a single sample in which both clinopyroxene and amphibole are LREE-enriched (LaN/YbN up to 19). In the harzburgites, clinopyroxenes display totally different REE distributions, characterized by extreme HREE depletion (down to 0.4 × Ch) and upward convex positively fractionated middle-light REE patterns (NdN/YbN up to 20.7 × Ch; LaN/YbN up to 12 × Ch). Sr–Nd–Hf isotopic data for both whole-rocks and cpx separates, coherently indicate depleted mantle (DM) compositions for the lherzolites (εSr = − 15 to − 26, εNd = + 9 to + 17, εHf = + 18 to + 68) and enriched mantle (EM) compositions for the harzburgites (εSr = − 10 to + 36, εNd = − 1 to − 6, εHf = + 3 to + 8). Modelling of the clinopyroxene REE data and isotopic systematics suggest that some lherzolites were affected by pre-Paleozoic (0.6–1 By) low-degree partial melting processes, while others probably reflect some extent of refertilization of the mantle protolith by metasomatizing melts similar to the Triassic rift-related tholeiites reported from several Pyrenean localities. The harzburgites represent extreme refractory residua, resulting from a complex depletion history due to multistage melt extraction as often observed in the cratonic mantle. The distinctive REE patterns and isotopic systematics of their clinopyroxenes suggest that the harzburgites were formed by the interaction of an ultra-depleted peridotite matrix with highly alkaline basic melts similar in composition to the Permo-Triassic alkaline lamprophyres which are widespread within the Iberian plate. Lherzolites possibly represent younger lithosphere (accreted asthenosphere?) up-lifted and juxtaposed to the older subcontinental lithospheric mantle (harzburgites) during the post-Variscan rifting of the Iberian margin. These two genetically different, but adjoining, mantle domains intimately mingled along the northern Iberian margin during the subsequent plate convergence processes, leading to the close association of harzburgites and lherzolites observed in the Olot mantle xenoliths and in some Pyrenean peridotite massifs.  相似文献   

The Albanian fold-and-thrust belt and the Peri-Adriatic Depression are well documented by means of seismic reflection profiles, GPS reference points, potential data, wells and outcrops. The continuous Oligocene to Plio-Quaternary sedimentary records help to constrain both the burial history of Mesozoic carbonate reservoirs, the timing of their deformation, and the coupled fluid flow and diagenetic scenarios.Since the mid-90s, the Albanian foothills were used as a natural laboratory to develop a new integrated methodology and work flow for the study of sub-thrust reservoir evolution, and to validate on real case studies the use of basin modelling tools as well as the application of new analytical methods for the study petroleum systems in tectonically complex areas.The integration of the interactions between petrographic and microtectonic studies, kinematic, thermal and fluid flow basin modelling, is described in detail. The fracturing of the reservoir intervals has a pre-folding origin in the Albanides and relates to the regional flexuring in the foreland. The first recorded cement has a meteoric origin, implying downward migration and the development of an earlier forebulge in the Ionian Basin. This fluid, which precipitates at a maximum depth of 1.5 km, is highly enriched in strontium, attesting for important fluid–rock interaction with the Triassic evaporites, located in diapirs. From this stage, the horizontal tectonic compression increases and the majority of the fluid migrated under high pressure, characterised by brecciated and crack-seal vein. The tectonic burial increased due to the overthrusting, that is pointed out by the increase of the precipitation temperature of the cements. Afterwards, up- or downward migration of SO42−, Ba2+ and Mg2+-rich fluids, which migrated probably along the décollement level, allows a precipitation in thermal disequilibrium. This period corresponds to the onset of the thrusting in the Ionian Zone. The last stage characterised the uplift of the Berati belt, developing a selective karstification due likely to the circulation of meteoric fluid.The main results of the fluid flow modelling show that the Upper Cretaceous–Paleocene carbonate reservoirs in the Ionian zone have been charged from the Tortonian onward, and that meteoric fluid migration should have intensely biodegraded the hydrocarbon in place. Concerning the migration paths, it has been demonstrated that the thrusts act principally as flow barriers in Albania, mainly due the occurrence of evaporites (non-permeable), except in the foreland, where they do not occur.  相似文献   

Federico Caprotti 《Geoforum》2008,39(2):942-957
This paper investigates the Italian fascist regime’s use of internal colonisation as part of a wider ruralisation policy aimed at promoting population growth, curbing rural-urban migration, staunching emigration, and halting the spread of industrial urbanisation. By focusing on the case study of the Pontine Marshes, the paper demonstrates how, through targeted selection procedures aimed at displacing defined social and political undesirables, migrants were chosen and effectively coerced into migrating to the “fascist” landscape of the marshes. The area, reclaimed and developed in the 1930s, was celebrated as a sign of the regime’s engineering and social success. The paper utilises Antonio Gramsci’s thought on hegemony, and argues that the overt use of coercion hints at the fact that fascism, although ideologically totalitarian and hegemonic, was contested. Although statisticians, demographers and state bureaucrats were organised and institutionalised in the construction of hegemony based on consent, fascism based itself more in coercion than in passive consent in the case of internal colonisation.  相似文献   

Mafic alkaline lavas from the Venetian Volcanic Province (NE Italy) contain orange–brown zircon megacrysts up to 15 mm long, subhedral to subrounded and showing equant morphology, with width-to-length ratios of 1:2–1:2.5. U–Pb ages of zircon (51.1 ± 1.5 to 30.5 ± 0.51 Ma) fit the stratigraphic age of the host lava (Middle Eocene and Oligocene) and their oxygen isotope composition (δ18O = 5.31–5.51‰) is similar to that of zircon formed in the upper mantle. Cathodoluminescence images and crystal chemical features, e.g. depletion of incompatible elements such as REE, Y, U and Th at constant Hf content, indicate that centre-to-edge zircon zoning is not consistent with evolution of the melt by fractional crystallization. All the above features, together with the fact that zircon and host basalts are coeval, indicate that the studied Zr megacrysts crystallised from a primitive alkaline mafic magma, which later evolved to the less alkaline host magma.  相似文献   

Deep-seated xenoliths entrained in the Hannuoba basalts of the northern Sino-Korean Craton include mafic and felsic granulites, mantle wall-rock from spinel– and garnet–spinel peridotite facies, and basaltic crystallisation products from the spinel-pyroxenite and garnet-pyroxenite stability fields. The mineral compositions of the xenoliths have been used to estimate temperatures and, where possible, pressures of equilibration, and to construct a geothermal framework to interpret the upper mantle and lower crustal rock-type sequences for the region. The xenolith-derived paleogeotherm is constrained in the depth interval of 45–65 km and like others from areas of young basalt magmatism, is elevated and strongly convex toward the temperature axis. Two-pyroxene granulites give the lowest temperatures and garnet pyroxenites the highest, while the spinel lherzolites fall between these two groups. The present-day Moho beneath the Hannuoba area is defined at 42 km by seismic data, and coincides with the deepest occurrence of granulite. Above this boundary, there is a lower crust–upper mantle transition zone about 10-km thick, in which spinel lherzolites and mafic granulites (with variable plagioclase contents) are intermixed. It is inferred that this underplating has resulted in a lowering of the original pre-Cenozoic Moho (then coinciding with the crust–mantle boundary, CMB) from about 30 km to its present-day position and was due to intrusions of basaltic magmas that displaced peridotite mantle wall-rock and equilibrated to mafic granulites. Trace element patterns of the diopsides (analysed by laser ablation-ICPMS) from the Cr-diopside series spinel lherzolites and associated layered xenoliths (spinel lherzolites and pyroxenites) indicate a fertile uppermost mantle with moderate depletion by low degrees of partial melting and little evidence of metasomatic activity. The similarity in major and trace element compositions of the minerals in both rock types suggests that the layered ultramafic xenoliths formed by mantle deformation processes (metamorphic segregation), rather than by melt veining or metasomatism.  相似文献   

New high‐precision Ar‐Ar dating of basalt underlying the city of Diyarbak?r, southeast Turkey, constrains the Quaternary incision history of the River Tigris, strengthening the pre‐existing chronology based on magnetostratigraphy and K‐Ar dates. The basalt, which overlies Tigris terrace gravel 70 m above the river, is part of the Karacada? shield volcano complex centred ca. 60 km to the southwest. The reverse‐magnetised Diyarbak?r basalt, one of relatively few flow units to reach the Tigris valley axis, has been dated to 1196 ± 19 ka (±2σ). Two lower terraces have been recognised in the Diyarbak?r area, 46 and 32 m above the present river, with at least one other further downstream. From this evidence the rate of Middle‐Late Pleistocene incision by the Tigris can be estimated; it probably reached ca. 0.07 mm a?1, reflecting the characteristic global increase in uplift rates observed at that time. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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