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人类活动对阿克苏河绿洲气候及水文环境的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
在人类活动的影响下,阿克苏河下游绿洲呈现出气候变化特征的差异.其中,阿克苏市夏季气温以0.20℃/10 a的速率在升高,而阿拉尔由于受绿洲效应的影响,夏季气温却以-0.27℃/10a的速率呈下降趋势.人类干预已经成为阿克苏绿洲水资源变化的主导因素.为农业开发修建的拦河闸引水、水库蓄水等已改变了河道径流的年内变化,与中游西大桥水文站相比,位于下游的阿拉尔水文站夏季径流比重上升,春季下降.尽管近50年来天然来水量在不断增加,但由于垦植面积的扩大和粗放型农业的发展,使灌溉引水和人类活动耗水不断增加,从而导致阿克苏河补给塔里木河的水量明显减少,阿拉尔水文站年径流量持续减少,径流量减少达17.64%.阿克苏河西大桥站水质在各时期均为I级清洁水质,塔里木河阿拉尔的水质在绿洲农业大规模开发之前,河水未受到人为干扰,水质良好;而经过绿洲耕地开发和垦植洗盐,河水矿化度不断增加,阿拉尔站河水枯水期矿化度由1960年的0.67g/L增加到2000年的5.27 g/L.人类活动改变了地表水的地域分配,从而影响到地下水的补给,使地下水的水位和水质发生盐化.大量引用河水漫灌,导致阿克苏河绿洲地下水位抬升,地表蒸发强烈,造成盐分积累,土壤次生盐渍化严重. 相似文献
阿克苏河径流变化与北大西洋涛动的关系 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
使用小波、交叉小波多尺度分析、相关和突变检验以及线性趋势等方法研究了阿克苏河天然径流与北大西洋涛动的关系。结论如下:(1)对NAO与阿克苏河径流的年代际变化、周期、相关等分析表明两者关系密切;(2)交叉小波谱表明:阿克苏河径流与NAO在年、冬季和夏季各周期尺度上的20世纪90年代相关性高,相关显著区多集中在90年代;(3)阿克苏河径流与NAO年代趋势强弱变化具有一致性;(4)NAO突变影响阿克苏河径流突变;(5)NAO通过大气环流变化来影响阿克苏河流域温度和降水,进而影响其径流。 相似文献
阿克苏河径流变化与北大西洋涛动的关系 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
The relationship between North Atlantic Oscillations (NAO) and Aksu River Runoff (ARR) was investigated by using the wavelet
transform (WT), cross wavelet transform (CWT), correlation and linear trend analyses, and abrupt change test. The main results
are as follows: the interannual/decadal variation and period analyses of ARR and NAO reveal that the both were close correlated
each other; the CWT indicates that the correlation was good between ARR and NAO at all periods in the 1990s, because the significant
correlation areas mainly concentrated in the 1990s; the variations in the trend strength of ARR and NAO were consistent; the
abrupt change of NAO was also temporally consistent with that of ARR, which exerted impact on the Aksu River Basin (ARB) climate
and then the ARR through atmospheric circulation variation.
Foundation: Special Fund for Social Public Good Project of the Ministry of Science and Technology, No.2004DIB3J118; No.2005DIB6J113;
GYHY (QX) 2007-6-8; Desert Meteorological Fund, No.2007011
Author: Li Hongjun (1971–), Associate Professor, Ph.D Candidate, specialized in climate change. 相似文献
阿克苏河流域的面雨量序列及其与径流关系 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
以数字高程模型 (DEM) 的1km×1km网格数据为基础,对阿克苏河流域14个气象站和水文站的1961~2000年的年降水资料进行了自然正交分解 (EOF),通过回归分析,建立主要特征向量与地理因子的插值模型,给出了一个面雨量序列的计算方法,为建立气候要素的区域平均序列提供了一个有效的解决方案,并由此推算出年阿克苏流域平均年降水量的空间分布以及面雨量序列。径流量与面雨量之比 (R/P) 平均为0.43,最高为0.69 (1997年),最低为0.30 (1963年)。计算出的阿克苏河流域面雨量序列与阿克苏河实测径流量序列的趋势变化率分别为5.79×108 m3/10a和4.29×108 m3/10a,两者均表现出增加趋势,但面雨量的增加速率要比径流量大一些,年际变化幅度也要大,面雨量和径流量的变差系数Cv值分别为0.17和0.13。阿克苏河年径流量的变化与夏季0oC层高度、年面雨量有着十分密切的关系,表明20世纪90年代以来新疆气候的变化是阿克苏河流域径流稳定增加的一个非常重要的因素。 相似文献
塔里木河流域径流与耗水变化及其综合治理对策研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
通过对塔里木河各主要源流径流与耗水变化趋势的深入研究,揭示了近年来流域主要源流天然来水量持续偏丰情况下,耗水量也大幅增加的现实状况,以及对汇入干流水量的影响.根据当前流域综合治理中无节制开荒、大量挤占生态环境用水、流域管理的职能无法到位等存在的问题,有针对性地提出了具体的对策和措施,为塔里木河流域综合治理提供技术支撑. 相似文献
利用NASA AVHRR NDVI 3g遥感资料计算得出河西内陆河流域植被归一化指数(Normalized Difference Vegetation Index,NDVI),将NDVI>0.20区域视为绿洲,通过计算绿洲区NDVI的变差系数和线性斜率分析1982-2013年绿洲面积变化,并进一步分析其对地表径流的响应... 相似文献
萨雷扎兹河发源于吉尔吉斯斯坦(以下称吉国),入境水量约占阿克苏河水量的44.3%,对确保阿克苏地区经济社会的可持续发展具有重要的现实意义。近年来,吉国计划在萨雷扎兹河(阿克苏河上游)进行水资源开发,将会影响处于下游的我国境内阿克苏河流域的水资源量。基于阿克苏河流域的径流数据,定量分析了萨雷扎兹河的径流变化特征和不同开发情景对阿克苏河下游径流的影响。结果表明:在1958—2015年,萨雷扎兹河年径流整体呈显著上升趋势;径流的年内分配差异较大,主要集中在7、8月;春、冬两季径流呈显著增长趋势,夏、秋两季呈微弱增长趋势;从年代际变化看,除1958—1959年为偏枯水时段,1990—1999年为偏丰水时段外,剩下的时间段均为平水时段。吉国跨流域调水工程建设将对阿克苏河径流产生重大影响。从季节尺度分析,跨流域调水工程建设将导致阿克苏河下游径流呈减少状态,其中夏季敏感性最高;从年尺度分析,跨流域调水工程建设将导致阿克苏河下游径流呈减少状态,而且随着调水量的增多,阿克苏河下游径流不断减少。研究结果可以为我国政府在处理吉国跨流域调水工程建设对阿克苏河径流产生影响的问题上提供一定的参考。 相似文献
额济纳绿洲地表辐射和热量特征研究 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
通过利用2003年9月5日~9月29日黑河下游额济纳地区的微气象观测资料,分析了额济纳绿洲在晴天、阴天和降水天气条件下的地表辐射、热量平衡和土壤温度等微气象特征。结果表明:在不同天气条件下近地层微气象特征变化有很大差别,晴天时地表微气象特征日变化规律明显,阴天和降水天时变化规律不明显。观测期间平均气象特征与晴天较接近,平均总辐射、净辐射和感热通量与晴天比值基本大于0.8。晴天的日变化特征基本上代表了绿洲区的气候特征,阴天和降水天时的变化表示了在晴天基础上的扰动大小。晴天时地面热量交换以感热通量为主,日间绿洲内平均Bowen比为1.5左右;阴天地面热量交换以潜热通量为主,平均Bowen比在0.5左右。 相似文献
以外流河绿洲卫宁平原为例,基于MODIS和ETM+资料研究了绿洲与其外围区域的LST差异。结果显示:1)绿洲与其外围区域的LST差异具有明显的年内变化,该差异在1月最小,在7月上旬最大;2)绿洲与外围LST差异有明显的年际变化,降水越多的年份绿洲与外围的LST差异越小;3)20世纪70年代以来研究区低温斑块的面积明显增大,将来低温斑块有再扩张的可能;4)土地开发利用或保护恢复措施会影响绿洲的大小和形状,从而影响冷岛结构,所以认为土地利用规划和管理中应考虑不同利用方式对冷岛结构的影响。 相似文献
干旱区典型绿洲地表温度与植被覆盖度相关性研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
绿洲空间热环境的研究是深入了解绿洲-沙漠间,以及绿洲内部物质能量流动机理的重要手段。利用TM/ETM+遥感影像反演了于田地区地表温度以及植被覆盖度,在统计地表温度-植被覆盖度二维散点图的基础上,研究不同结构区域下绿洲地表温度与植被覆盖度的相关关系。结果表明:①于田地区地表温度与植被覆盖度呈显著负相关关系,相关系数在-0.79158和-0.48816范围之间。②从1991年到2002年,于田绿洲内部区域地表温度与植被覆盖度散点图上各点分布由密集到分散,表明原有相对整体的植被覆盖地块被打散,成为多种土地类型交错的破碎化地块。③外部荒漠带及绿洲与荒漠交错带区域地表温度与植被覆盖度散点图上各点分布由分散到集中,表明绿洲外部荒漠化程度的逐年加剧,导致了绿洲外围植被覆盖有所降低,植被物种单一,植被多样性也呈现下降趋势。 相似文献
The relationship between North Atlantic Oscillations (NAO) and Aksu River Runoff (ARR) was investigated by using the wavelet transform (WT), cross wavelet transform (CWT), correlation and linear trend analyses, and abrupt change test. The main results are as follows: the interannual/decadal variation and period analyses of ARR and NAO reveal that the both were close correlated each other; the CWT indicates that the correlation was good between ARR and NAO at all periods in the 1990s, because the significant correlation areas mainly concentrated in the 1990s; the variations in the trend strength of ARR and NAO were consistent; the abrupt change of NAO was also temporally consistent with that of ARR, which exerted impact on the Aksu River Basin (ARB) climate and then the ARR through atmospheric circulation variation. 相似文献
塔里木河流域绿洲城镇发展与水土资源效益分析(英文) 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
This paper examines the spatial pattern of land and water resources as well as urbanization and their interactions in the Tarim River Basin, Xinjiang, China. In order to do so, we extract the data associated with efficiency of land and water resources and urbanization for the years of 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2008. Specifically the paper investigates the extent to which agglomeration of population and economic activities varies geographically and interplays with spatial pattern of resources efficiency through computation of Global Moran’s I index, Getis-Ord Gi* index and a coordinated development model. The method used provides clear evidence that urbanization, land and water resources efficiency have shown uneven spatial pattern due to oasis distribution, climate, and initial phase of urban development. Some conclusions can be drawn as follows.(1) Agglomeration and dispersion of urbanization are not consistent with those of land and water resources efficiency.(2) Evolution of the hot and cold spots of urbanization, and land and water resources efficiency, in different trajectories, indicate that there are no significant interactions between them.(3) The evidence that numbers of hot and cold spots of the three factors present varying structures reveals the dominance of unequal urban development in the study area.(4) Significant differences are also found between sub-river basins in terms of the three factors, which is a reflection of the complex physical geography of the area.(5) The degree of coordinated development of cities in the Tarim River Basin is generally low in part as a reflection of difference in spatial patterns of the three factors. It is also shown that the pattern of the degree of coordinated development is relatively stable compared with evolution of hot and cold spots of the three factors. 相似文献
Water consumption is a key role in improving the efficiency and sustainability of water management in arid environments.In this study, we explored an approach based on meta-analysis, MODIS NDVI products, land-use spatial distribution, and soil water physical parameters to gain insight into long-term and large scale distribution of land use and water consumption, maintain maximum Zhangye Oasis area according to Heihe River runoff, and suitable water resource management in Zhangye Oasis. This approach was initiated in order to improve the efficiency of irrigation and water resource management in arid regions. Results showed that Heihe River runoff can maintain a maximum Zhangye Oasis area of 22.49×10~4 hm~2.During the 2000-2016 growing seasons, actual oasis water consumption ranged from 11.35×10~8 m~3 to 13.73×10~8 m~3, with a mean of(12.89 ± 0.60)×10~8 m~3; if maintaining agricultural production and oasis stability was chosen, oasis water consumption ranged from 10.24×10~8 m~3 to 12.37×10~8 m~3, with a mean of(11.62 ± 0.53)×10~8 m~3. From the perspective of water resources management and ecosystem stability, it is necessary to reduce the area of Zhangye Oasis or choose the minimum water consumption method to manage the oasis, to ease the pressure of water shortage and maintain stable and sustainable development of the Zhangye Oasis. These results can provide future practical guidance for water resource management of coordinated development of the economy and the environment in an arid area. 相似文献
生态输水调度是生态保护和恢复最有效的措施之一,实施生态输水对恢复干旱半干旱地区天然生态系统、维护绿洲生态系统健康具有重要意义。结合阿克苏河流域生态输水现状,在识别自然植被重点区和估算生态需水的基础上,建立了基于生态恢复目标的流域生态输水调度优化框架。首先采用高分系列影像识别自然植被信息,建立阿克苏河流域2015—2020年自然植被数据集,逐像元统计自然植被出现频次确定了艾希曼湖湿地区、第一师边缘胡杨林区、五团边缘胡杨林区3个自然植被重点区,面积达1257.69 km2;借助面积定额法和水量平衡法估算3个自然植被重点区的生态输水量分别为1.53×108m3、2.73×108m3、1.14×108m3;确定了流域生态输水的最佳时间为5—9月,单次或2次进行生态输水,建议单次生态输水量大于0.2×108m3且输水天数大于10 d;渠系网络分析显示3个自然植被重点区设置的8个输水口可以作为今后生态输水路径的参考。研究结果对阿克苏河流域生态输水... 相似文献
The aim of the study is the analysis of runoff and water quality changes in the Upper Oder River Basin above the Krapkowice gauging station (catchment area A = 10 720.6 km2).The issue of water quality is of particular importance to Poland, which has comparatively poor water resources compared with many countries of the European Union (EU). What is more, large pollutant loads in the upper course of the Oder pose huge problems for water consumers and users in its middle and lower course (including Germany) and pollute the Baltic Sea.Changes in 7 indices of water pollution, including BOD5 and COD (synthetic indices), sulphates, chlorides and suspended matter (mineral substances) and nitrates and phosphates (biogenic substances), were investigated for 8 monitoring sites. The study spans the period before and after political transformation in Poland and the Czech Republic, which significantly altered the economies of these countries. In addition, the patterns of runoff changes were analysed at 3 gauging stations: Chałupki, Krzyżanowice and Miedonia, which were also water quality monitoring points. The analysis encompassed 2 periods: 1970–2000 and 1991–2000.The results demonstrated that poor water quality in the Oder improved significantly during the 1990s, as the result of closure of many industries and plants, improvement of sewage treatment and noticeable increases in runoff causing greater dilution of pollutants.As the EU Water Framework Directive is implemented, better water and sewage management can be expected that will contribute to further improvement of water quality in the Oder. However, problems that remain to be solved are the issues of saline mine waters and surface washings and the long-term accumulation of many hazardous substances in bottom sediments in rivers and reservoirs. 相似文献
跨流域引水工程对祖厉河流域径流的影响研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
祖厉河流域在黄土高原干旱半干旱区是一个十分典型的流域,河流径流量的变化主要受降水、下垫面、人类活动等因素的影响.引黄灌溉回归水的加入,增大了河流天然径流量,并且回归水对枯期径流的影响更为显著.考虑未来引洮工程的影响,对祖厉河流域的径流变化趋势进行了分析预测,表明各阶段年径流呈丰枯交替变化,在2005年以前总体上呈衰减趋势,20世纪90年代衰减趋势加剧,到2000年后,特别是2010年以后,受引洮一期工程回归水的影响,径流又呈稳定回升趋势. 相似文献
无定河流域不同地貌区水沙过程对比 总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3
为了查明人为影响程度较低时期无定河流域内不同地貌区的水沙过程及其变化规律,选取1970年以前一段时期该流域内风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的有关水文站的水文泥沙实测数据进行对比分析。结果表明,风沙区河流的流量变率较黄土丘陵沟壑区的小;风沙区河流的含沙量远小于黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的含沙量。黄土丘陵沟壑区河流具有极高的输沙率,而风沙区河流的输沙率微不足道。风沙区和黄土丘陵沟壑区河流的产流模数基本相近,但产沙模数非常悬殊,前者的产沙模数很小,为118.58~725.38t /km2 · a,而后者的达到1879.36~25112.15t /km2 · a。显然,无定河流域黄土丘陵沟壑区的河流是侵蚀产沙的主要来源区,因而是水土保持工作的重点区域。 相似文献