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The real-time computer-controlled actuators are used to connect the truncated parts of moorings and risers in the active hybrid model testing system. This must be able to work in model-scale real time, based on feedback input from the floater motions. Thus, mooring line dynamics and damping effects are artificially simulated in real time, based on a computer-based model of the problem. In consideration of the nonlinear characteristics of the sea platform catenary mooring line, the equations of the mooring line motion are formulated by using the lumped-mass method and the dynamic response of several points on the mooring line is investigated by the time and frequency domain analysis method. The dynamic response of the representative point on the mooring line is analyzed under the condition of two different corresponding upper endpoint movements namely sine wave excitation and random wave excitation. The corresponding laws of the dynamic response between the equivalent water depth truncated points at different locations and the upper endpoint are obtained, which can provide technical support for further study of the active hybrid model test.  相似文献   

通过物理模型试验,得到了3种船型在不同工况组合下的偏荡幅度、偏荡周期以及系泊力实测数据。试验得出了船舶在台风与波、浪、流共同作用下,单点系泊力的主要影响因素为风速、流速、波浪、船舶种类、水线上下侧投影面积比和系泊系统的刚性。选出了本文理论意义明确合理的适合单点系泊系统使用的防风系泊力表达形式,即奎因公式。采用系泊力试验数据在奎因公式的基础上导出的防风系泊系统系泊力计算公式,并给出了公式中的重要参数表达式。  相似文献   

在频域和时域内研究对等分布式系泊和分组式系泊2种系泊模式对Spar平台运动性能的影响,并分析单根系泊缆破断失效后平台运动性能的变化。首先建立Spar平台的三维水动力模型,通过在平台柱体导缆孔处指定预张力、倾角和刚度来模拟系泊系统的影响;然后采用三维势流理论进行浮体水动力计算,获得Spar平台运动响应的传递函数等水动力参数;最后根据实际海况资料,在平台生存工况下,进行Spar平台在完好系泊和单根系泊缆破断失效状态下运动响应的短期预报,并在时域内进行耦合分析,研究平台运动响应和系泊缆张力变化情况。研究结果对Spar平台系泊系统设计和平台设计前期运动性能研究有参考意义。  相似文献   

The study of mooring forces is an important issue in marine engineering and offshore structures. Although being widely applied in mooring system, numerical simulations suffer from difficulties in their multivariate and nonlinear modeling. Data-driven model is employed in this paper to predict the mooring forces in different lines, which is a new attempt to study the mooring forces. The height and period of regular wave, length of berth, ship load, draft and rolling period are considered as potential influencing factors. Input variables are determined using mutual information(MI) and principal component analysis(PCA), and imported to an artificial neural network(NN) model for prediction. With study case of 200 and 300 thousand tons ships experimental data obtained in Dalian University of Technology, MI is found to be more appropriate to provide effective input variables than PCA. Although the three factors regarding ship characteristics are highly correlated, it is recommended to input all of them to the NN model.The accuracy of predicting aft spring line force attains as high as 91.2%. The present paper demonstrates the feasibility of MI-NN model in mapping the mooring forces and their influencing factors.  相似文献   

Liu  Ya-qiong  Ren  Nian-xin  Ou  Jin-ping 《中国海洋工程》2022,36(6):880-893

The present work reports a Hybrid Modular Floating Structure (HMFS) system with typical malfunction conditions. The effects of both fractured mooring lines and failed connectors on main hydrodynamic responses (mooring line tensions, module motions, connector loads and wave power production) of the HMFS system under typical sea conditions are comparatively investigated. The results indicate that the mooring tension distribution, certain module motions (surge, sway and yaw) and connector loads (Mz) are significantly influenced by mooring line fractures. The adjacent mooring line of the fractured line on the upstream side suffers the largest tension among the remaining mooring lines, and the case with two fractured mooring lines in the same group on the upstream side is the most dangerous among all cases of two-line failures in view of mooring line tensions, module motions and connector loads. Therefore, one emergency strategy with appropriate relaxation of a proper mooring line has been proposed and proved effective to reduce the risk of more progressive mooring line fractures. In addition, connector failures substantially affect certain module motions (heave and pitch), certain connector loads (Fz and My) and wave power production. The present work can be helpful and instructive for studies on malfunction conditions of modular floating structure (MFS) systems.


浅海围网养殖是一种全新的海水生态养殖方式,敷设在开放性海域,承受风、浪和流的作用,产生复杂的水动力。本文根据养殖围网海上实际敷设情况和水文条件,基于松田皎模型准则设计制作了长方体、圆柱体和球体3种不同浮筒形状的浮绳式柔性框架养殖围网模型。在循环动水槽中采用预加张力的系泊方法测试了不同流速和系泊角度下围网框架纲和系泊缆绳的张力特征变化。研究结果显示:流速与张力的关联度大于系泊角度与张力的关联度;流速小于35cm/s时,系泊缆绳的张力变化较平稳;系泊角度在63°和74°之间时,系泊缆绳和框架纲张力的变化较平稳,且当系泊角度为71°时,张力相对较小;相比其他2种浮筒类型围网,长方体浮筒浮绳式框架养殖围网的系泊缆绳和框架纲张力的变化相对较平稳。  相似文献   

沿岸陆地垂向运动是沿海相对海平面变化的重要组成部分,可以通过GPS直接观测或者联合验潮站和高度计资料进行推算,前者较为精确但目前欠发达国家和地区沿岸数据缺乏,后者资料相对丰富但准确性有待验证。本研究利用全球191个验潮站数据及同步的高度计资料和GPS监测数据,对两种方法得到的陆地垂向运动速率进行了比较,发现对于陆地垂向运动明显的站位,两种方法计算的趋势相同比例为74%;陆地垂向运动速率的空间分布表现为高纬度沿岸陆地抬升和中低纬度不同程度的陆地沉降,这与冰川均衡调整(GIA)模型结果和近期GRACE重力卫星观测较为符合,说明了基于验潮站和高度计联合推算沿岸陆地垂向运动的方法具有较高可行性。将此方法应用于中国沿岸,基于29个长期验潮站数据计算了中国沿海1993—2016年陆地垂向运动速率,发现存在以长江口为分界北升南降的空间特征;南部沿岸陆地沉降会加剧沿海相对海平面上升,给区域经济发展和人民生活带来风险。  相似文献   

海底地磁日变观测站的设计与应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
徐行  廖开训  盛堰 《海洋测绘》2005,25(1):67-69
采用布设海底地磁日变观测锚系的技术方法,可解决远海区磁测日变改正观测资料问题。重点介绍设立海底地磁日变观测锚系中观测设备的技术特性、锚系设计及这一技术方法在国内的首次应用情况。  相似文献   

Mooring system is a significant part of very large offshore floating structures(VLFS). In this paper, a single module pontoon type VLFS model considering four mooring types is studied through physical model tests to determine the effects of mooring conditions on the hydroelastic response, mooring force, incident coefficient, reflection coefficient and energy dissipation coefficient. Eight mooring cables are symmetrically arranged on both sides of the model. The floating body model satisfies the ...  相似文献   

1 .IntroductionIt is always hopedthat sunken merchant vessels would resume their ship performances after sal-vage ,that ancient sunkenships of archeological value would be salvagedinits entirety withlittle harmtothe cultural relics ,andthat warships with …  相似文献   

亚像素定位的关键问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了控制点标志的选择与设计,采用了图像处理、Hough变换、角点与直线高精度定位算子等方法,实现了中南大学近景摄影测量二维控制场1 350个人工标志点的自动识别和亚像素定位,仿真图检测平均精度达到±0.05像素。  相似文献   

Temporal variability of acoustically estimated zooplankton biomass at the Bermuda Testbed Mooring (BTM) site in the Sargasso Sea (at 31°43′N, 64°10′W) is described for time scales from less than an hour to the seasonal cycle primarily using data obtained between August 1996 and November 2000, and from May 10 to November 13, 2003. Concurrent high frequency BTM observations of meteorological, physical, and bio-optical variables are used to interpret processes contributing to the zooplankton variability. Zooplankton biomass estimates are derived from regressions of backscatter intensity data measured with an upward looking 153-kHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) and zooplankton net tow data collected near the BTM site as part of the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS). Our data show clear event-scale variations. Peaks are associated with annual spring blooms involving mixed layer shoaling and in some cases passages of mesoscale eddy features. Biomass peaks are often coincident with maxima seen in BTM chlorophyll fluorescence measurements (inferred phytoplankton biomass). Some storm events do not appear to manifest in significant perturbations of zooplankton distributions; however, Hurricane Fabian (2003) greatly impacted these distributions. Estimates of zooplankton biomass and relative vertical velocity show the vertical structure of daily migration patterns. Seasonal variations in migration patterns are also evident, with diel changes in zooplankton biomass most pronounced in spring and least pronounced in winter. In summary, our high temporal resolution time series of estimated zooplankton biomass in the open ocean provide information on scales inaccessible through conventional monthly ship-based sampling. These data have implications for upper ocean ecology and the vertical transport of carbon and nitrogen through the diel migration of zooplankton.  相似文献   

为了提高海流影响下的悬浮式深弹拦雷概率,建立了海流使悬浮式深弹布放位置产生偏移的简化模型,分析了采用非标准射击条件修正方法进行海流修正的不足,进而提出了基于相对运动的海流修正方法,计算得到了考虑海流影响下的悬浮式深弹布放参数;然后通过计算机仿真理论验证了是否考虑及修正海流影响对悬浮式深弹拦雷效果的影响。 结果表明:当鱼雷报警距离为远,海流流速为 3 kn 时,修正海流影响能够使悬浮式深弹的拦雷概率提高 10% ~20%。  相似文献   

基于控制点影像库的合成孔径雷达图像几何校正   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,多谱段和高分辨率合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像技术已取得巨大进步,人们也高度重视其潜在的应用前景.但是,因为雷达斜视成像性质和地形起伏影响,SAR图像在山区的几何畸变非常复杂,采用常规方法不能达到正射校正的结果,所以目前SAR图像的应用情况并不尽人意.实际应用的雷达图像正射纠正方法,特别是密集三角形格网的数字微分纠正方法需要大量纠正控制点,但是,雷达图像噪声和目标边缘模糊使自动匹配的选点算法难以成功.提出了一种基于控制点影像库的纠正控制点选点方法,用以提高点位精度和工作效率.该方法包括纠正区域控制点影像建库、灵活交互操作机制设计和点匹配操作.对不同空间分辨率雷达图像的实验处理结果表明,该方法具有较好的应用价值.  相似文献   

针对水下无人航行器(UUV)受到海流海浪等外部扰动与内部模型不确定导致航向角控制品质下降的问题,提出一种基于自抗扰(ADRC)的双环路航向角控制方法。首先,建立了 UUV 的六自由度动力学、运动学模型与水平面动力学模型。然后,设计了一种非线性控制器,将自抗扰控制与双控制环路相结合, 针对系统航向控制所受内部与外部等非线性因素的影响,采用扩张状态观测器对“总和”扰动进行观测与补偿。 在采用自抗扰控制的航向角反馈控制回路的基础上,增加航向角速度内环,降低系统对扰动的灵敏度,改造被控对象的传递函数,为外环路提供良好的被控对象模型。最后,通过仿真实验验证了该控制方法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper is aimed at studying the source and receiver motion effects on the energy and correlation characteristics of the acoustic field in shallow water. The statistical analysis is based on the radiation transport equation for the mutual coherence function (MCF) of the multimodal Doppler-shifted field. A general computer program has been elaborated to implement this theory for rough surface scattering by fully developed wind seas. Calculations of the expected total average acoustic intensity and two-point coherence function are presented.   相似文献   

为明确高海况下海况等级对无人水下航行器横摇运动的影响,得出满足某型无人水下航行器安全回收的海况条件,对高海况下无人水下航行器的横摇运动进行分析。运用频率响应法,分别在4级、5级和6级海况下,根据海浪谱密度函数和该型航行器的横摇频率响应函数,求得其横摇运动谱密度函数。再运用公式推导,得到其横摇运动的时域函数。使用MATLAB仿真软件对该型航行器进行横摇运动仿真,得到3种海况条件下,其横摇运动的时域函数图像,并验证仿真结果的准确性。仿真结论:高海况下的海况等级对无人水下航行器的横摇幅度有较大影响,满足其安全回收的海况条件为5级海况。  相似文献   

某型电控罗经作为当前主要的一种提供真北基准的指向仪器,建立其多误差条件下的主轴运动模型及其仿真平台,对其进一步研究具有重要的实际意义。本文根据其工作原理,首先针对性分析速度误差、纬度误差和惯性误差的影响,建立了电控罗经陀螺仪主轴直航向等速运动数学模型;进而利用SIMULINK工具建立其仿真模型,并通过比较仿真数据与实装观测结果,验证了模型建立的合理性和准确性。  相似文献   

海洋环境定点平台观测技术概述及发展态势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对新时期海洋环境监测定点平台观测技术面临的新要求、新任务和新挑战,对所涉及的核心关键技术及其发展态势进行分析。详细阐述了海洋资料浮标、潜标和海床基观测技术的国内外现状,并进行了对比分析,指出了我国的优势和不足。在此基础上,综合海洋科技发展的趋势、我国的现有基础以及当前的迫切需求,探讨我国在定点平台观测技术方面的发展趋势,为我国海洋环境监测技术的发展提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

As the sustainable exploitation of marine resources develops,dual-platform joint operation has caught increasing attention.Dual-platform joint operation requires smaller relative motion between the two sub-platforms,which is normally difficult to be satisfied by the traditional mooring system.Therefore,a new hybrid mooring system is developed and studied in this article.To ensure safety during platform movements,both the number of anchor chains and the relative motion between the two sub-platfor...  相似文献   

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