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In addition to the occurrence of atmospheric blocking,the climatology of the characteristics of blocking events,including duration,intensity,and extension,in four seasons over the Northern Hemisphere was analyzed for the period 1950-2009.The seasonality and spatial variations of these characteristics were studied according to their longitudinal distributions.In general,there were sharp discrepancies in the blocking characteristics between winter and summer,and these differences were more prominent over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.The blocking not only occurred more frequently but also underwent stronger amplification in winter;likewise,the blocking occurred less frequently and underwent weaker amplification in summer.There are very strong interrelationships among different blocking characteristics,suggesting that they are supported by similar physical factors.In addition,the relationship between blocking over different regions and East Asian circulation was examined.Ural-Siberia is a major blocking formation region in all seasons that may exert a downstream impact on East Asia.The impact is generally weak in summer,which is due to its lower intensity and smaller duration.However,the extratropical circulation over East Asia in summer can be disturbed persistently by the frequent occurrence of blocking over the Asian continent or the Western Pacific.In particular,the blocking frequency over the Western Pacific significantly increased during the study period.This climatological information provides a background for studying the impact of blocking on East Asian circulation under both present and future climate conditions.  相似文献   

Explosive cyclones(ECs) over two basins in the Northern Hemisphere(20°-90°N) from January 1979 to December2016 are investigated using ERA-Interim and Optimum Interpolation Sea Surface Temperature(OISST) data. The classical definition of an EC is modified considering not only the rapid drop of the central sea level pressure of the cyclone, but also the strong wind speed at the height of 10 m in which maximum wind speeds greater than 17.2 m s-1 are included.According to the locations of...  相似文献   

北半球阻塞高压的统计分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
赵汉光  陈雪珍 《气象》1990,16(3):3-7

北半球准定常行星波气候平均态的资料分析和数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
杨蕾  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2006,30(3):361-376
利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料和大气环流模式(CCSR/NIES AGCM Ver 5.6),对北半球准定常行星波的气候平均态分布进行分析和模拟.再分析资料分析的结果表明:北半球冬季,准定常行星波沿两支波导向上传播,其中一支在对流层上层转向中低纬度传播,另外一支折向高纬度,通过极地波导上传到平流层.其中,1波和2波可以上传到平流层,因而其振幅分布除在中低纬的对流层上层出现一个次大值外,在高纬度平流层中上层会出现一个最大值,3波则主要限制在对流层,其振幅分布除在副热带对流层上层出现一个次大值外,最大值出现在中纬度对流层上层.北半球夏季,整个平流层为东风环流,极地波导不存在,行星波不能上传到平流层,在对流层活动也较弱,1波、2波、3波的传播情况大致相似,表现为在对流层上层由中纬度向赤道地区的传播.相应的振幅分布是,对1波和2波而言,最大值出现在中低纬对流层顶附近,同时在中高纬对流层上层出现一个次大值,而3波的振幅分布正好相反,最大值出现在中高纬对流层上层,次大值则在中低纬对流层顶附近.利用大气环流模式进行的数值模拟表明,模式可以比较好地模拟冬夏季准定常行星波的传播路径,但模拟的北半球冬季沿极地波导向平流层的传播明显偏弱,其结果是对1波、2波而言,高纬度平流层中上层的振幅最大值明显小于再分析资料的数值.文中还讨论了数值模拟与资料分析中行星波的差异可能对大气环流模拟的影响.  相似文献   

王林  陈文  黄荣辉 《大气科学》2007,31(3):377-388
利用高分辨率的再分析资料ERA40,分析了纬向平均状态下北半球不同尺度的定常波对西风动量沿经向输送的气候态及其年变化。结果表明,对流层中定常波对西风动量输送最强的区域位于中纬度对流层的中上层,定常波在该区域长年向北输送纬向动量,且输送中心随季节有南北移动和强弱变化。此外,在高纬度地区的对流层中上层以及赤道对流层顶附近还有两个相对较弱的输送中心。前者对西风动量的输送长年向南,其垂直范围从对流层低层一直伸展到平流层下层,中心位置相对固定,强度有明显的季节变化。后者位置也相对固定,但输送方向随季节改变。平流层中定常波对西风动量的输送主要位于中高纬度的平流层中上层,定常波在该区域长年向北输送西风动量,中心位置非常稳定,而强度则随季节变化明显。行星尺度定常波的输送作用与总波动的输送作用非常一致,并在很大程度上决定了波动对动量输送强度的季节变化。天气尺度定常波和10波以上的短波的输送作用主要集中在中纬度对流层的中高层。前者与行星尺度定常波共同决定了该区域内的输送强度,并主导了输送中心的南北移动;后者的作用很小,除夏季外均可以忽略。作者给出的不同尺度定常波对西风动量输送的气候态分布不但可以作为日后研究其年际变化的基础,而且还可以为大气环流模式对大气环流模拟能力的评估提供重要的参考。  相似文献   

 Using output made with the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model Version 1 (CCM1), the characteristics of blocking events over the Northern Hemisphere in a ten-year present day control simulation with a CO2 concentration of 330 ppm were compared to those in a previously analyzed observational three-year climatology. The characteristics of blocking events in a double present-day CO2 concentration simulation were then compared to those in the control simulation in order to evaluate how these characteristics might change in an increased CO2 atmosphere. The results demonstrated that in the Northern Hemisphere the CCM1 correctly simulated many characteristics of blocking events such as average annual number of occurrences, annual variations is size and intensity, and preferred formation regions. A more detailed analysis (i.e., by region and season) revealed some differences between the CCM1 and observed blocking events for characteristics such as mean frequency of occurrence, intensity, size and duration. In addition, the model failed to capture adequately the occurrence of blocking events over the western Asian continent. A comparison of the double CO2 concentration run to the control showed that, in general, blocking events were more persistent and weaker, but of similar size in the increased CO2 atmosphere. Also, some statistically significant regional and seasonally dependent changes were found in the frequency of occurrence, duration, and intensity. Finally, a correlation between block size and intensity, significant at the 99% confidence level, was found in each climatology. This result is similar to a correlation found in the analysis of observations. Received: 8 May 1995 / Accepted: 20 September 1996  相似文献   

Summary Multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA) has been applied to 5-day mean grid point data of 500 hPa geopotential heights over the Northern Hemisphere, to explore low frequency oscillatory variabilities over the region. Two major low-frequency oscillations with periods of 60–70 and 30–40 days were found. These two quasi-periodicities are significantly (at the 99% confidence level) different from those found in the corresponding pure red noise process. Also, they were reproducible when using different window lengths for MSSA and when applying MSSA to two equal-length subsets of the basic data series. In addition, when one subset (first subset) is projected onto the patterns of the other subset, the resulting (projection) spatial-temporal principal components corresponding to the two oscillations are highly correlated with those ST-PCs directly derived from the first subset by MSSA, indicating that the oscillatory components obtained from one subset explain a significant amount of variance in the other subset. Some reliable information about the amplitudes of the oscillations has been also obtained by using composite analysis.With 5 Figures  相似文献   

Summary It is pointed out that there are two distinct ways of defining the frequency of the occurence of fronts. Tables and charts are presented showing frontal frequency during winter and summer for the greater part of the Northern Hemisphere, the values being based on daily synoptic charts for a period of ten years.The variation of average frequency of fronts with latitude is illustrated graphically, and it is shown to have a significant relation with the average temperature and pressure gradients.
Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, daß es zwei verschiedene Arten gibt, die Häufigkeit des Vorkommens von Fronten zu definieren. Es werden Tabellen und Karten mitgeteilt, die die Häufigkeit von Fronten während des Winters und Sommers für den größeren Teil der nördlichen Halbkugel zeigen; diese Werte gründen sich auf tägliche synoptische Karten über eine Periode von zehn Jahren. Die Änderung der mittleren Häufigkeit von Fronten mit der Breite wird graphisch dargestellt, und es wird gezeigt, daß eine eindeutige Beziehung zu dem mittleren Temperatur- und dem mittleren Druckgradienten besteht.

Résumé On montre qu'il y a deux façons de définir la fréquence d'apparition des fronts. Des tables et des cartes illustrent la fréquence des fronts pendant l'hiver et l'été pour la plus grande partie de l'hémisphère nord; ces valeurs résultent de cartes synoptiques journalières s'étendant sur une période de dix ans. La variation des fréquences moyennes des fronts en fonction de la latitude est représentée graphiquement. Il existe une relation nette avec les gradients moyens de température et de pression.

With 5 Figures.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the dependence of simulated surface air temperatures on model resolution and orography for the mid-Holocene. Sensitivity experiments with the atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM5 are performed with low (∼3.75°, 19 vertical levels) and high (∼1.1°, 31 vertical levels) resolution. Results are compared to the respective preindustrial runs. It is found that the large-scale temperature anomalies for the mid-Holocene (compared to preindustrial) are significantly different in the low- and high-resolution versions. For boreal winter, differences are mainly related to circulation changes caused by the response to thermal forcing in conjunction with orographic resolution. For summer, shortwave cloud radiative forcing emerges as an important factor. The anomaly differences (low minus high resolution version) in the Northern Hemisphere are regionally as large as the anomalous mid-Holocene temperature signals. Furthermore, they depend on the applied surface boundary conditions. We conclude that the resolution matters for the Northern Hemisphere response in mid-Holocene simulations, which should be taken into account in model-model and data-model comparisons.  相似文献   

<正>1北半球与南半球的温差早在16世纪就有人认为北半球平均温度要高于南半球,这种观点在20世纪初基本得到了证实[1]。3个现代观测序列给出来的1961—1990年北半球与南半球的平均温差分别为1.2℃(CRU[2])、1.4℃(NCEP[3])和1.5℃(ERA-40[4])。因此,北半球平均温度高于南半球已经成为一个确凿无疑的气候特征。2温差形成的原因  相似文献   

A method for discriminating among different types of precipitation is presented. The method is based on surface observations of precipitation, present and past weather, and the morphological types of clouds. The climatology of showery, nonshowery, and drizzle precipitation in Northern Eurasia is studied using the data of 529 Russian weather stations for the period of 1966–2014. Showery precipitation dominates in Northern Eurasia. In general, showery precipitation has greater temporal (monthly and diurnal) and spatial variability than nonshowery precipitation. The majority of showers are registered in summer (the maximum is in July), whereas the high est total monthly nonshowery precipitation is observed in autumn (the maximum is in October). The daily intensity values of showery and nonshowery precipitation are generally close, the maximum intensity is recorded in July–August. For three-hour in tervals, the shower in tensity is by 1.1–1.5 times higher. The drawbacks of the presented methodology are discussed.  相似文献   

刘洲洋  俞小鼎  王秀明  周小刚 《气象》2018,44(2):258-267
本文利用常规地面、高空、区域自动站观测资料、灾害性强对流天气监测记录资料以及NCEP分析数据,对2000—2015年泛华北地区(32.5°~53.5°N、105°~135°E)冷季(除6、7、8月以外)高架对流时空分布特征、锋面环境特征以及不稳定机制进行统计分析。研究发现,泛华北地区冷季高架对流多发生于河南中北部、山东西部及河北中南部。从季节分布来看,2和11月是冷季高架对流发生最多的月份,呈"双峰型"分布特征。冷锋是引发泛华北地区冷季高架对流的主要锋面系统,约占高架对流事件总数的60%。高架对流发生时常伴随有较强的冷垫及锋面逆温,有超过半数的高架对流发生在温差超过6℃的逆温层之上。逆温层顶高多位于850hPa之上甚至能达到700hPa。高架对流发生时多伴随有20~30m·s~(-1)的0~6km强垂直风切变,这一强斜压特征有利于条件对称不稳定及其导致的高架倾斜对流的发生。经过分类与统计发现,条件对称不稳定和弱条件稳定度或近湿中性大气层结下的锋生强迫引发的较强上升运动是造成华北冷季高架对流的主要不稳定机制。  相似文献   

关于阻塞形势演变过程中波数域能量的诊断分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
陆日宇  黄荣辉 《大气科学》1996,20(3):269-278
本文对北半球冬季维持时间较长的三次阻塞形势形成前的纬向平均西风变化以及阻塞过程中波数域动能及其转换进行了诊断分析。分析结果表明:在阻塞形势形成前,由于波流相互作用,使得平均流减弱,并且波流相互作用在太平洋地区和大西洋地区有不同的特点;分析结果还表明:阻塞形势维持期间,由于波波相互作用,行星波异常增幅;而在崩溃期间,也主要通过波波相互作用使得行星波动能减少。  相似文献   

Summary An earlier developed multidecadal database of Northern Hemisphere cut-off low systems (COLs), covering a 41 years period (from 1958 to 1998) is used to study COLs interannual variability in the European sector (25°–47.5° N, 50° W–40° E) and the major factors controlling it. The study focus on the influence on COLs interannual variability, of larger scale phenomena such as blocking events and other main circulation modes defined over the Euro-Atlantic region. It is shown that there is a very large interannual variability in the COLs occurrence at the annual and seasonal scales, although without significant trends. The influence of larger scale phenomena is seasonal dependent, with the positive phase of the NAO favoring autumn COL development, while winter COL occurrence is mostly related to blocking events. During summer, the season when more COLs occur, no significant influences were found.  相似文献   

Observed and simulated multidecadal variability in the Northern Hemisphere   总被引:14,自引:5,他引:14  
 Analyses of proxy based reconstructions of surface temperatures during the past 330 years show the existence of a distinct oscillatory mode of variability with an approximate time scale of 70 years. This variability is also seen in instrumental records, although the oscillatory nature of the variability is difficult to assess due to the short length of the instrumental record. The spatial pattern of this variability is hemispheric or perhaps even global in scale, but with particular emphasis on the Atlantic region. Independent analyses of multicentury integrations of two versions of the GFDL coupled atmosphere-ocean model also show the existence of distinct multidecadal variability in the North Atlantic region which resembles the observed pattern. The model variability involves fluctuations in the intensity of the thermohaline circulation in the North Atlantic. It is our intent here to provide a direct comparison of the observed variability to that simulated in a coupled ocean-atmosphere model, making use of both existing instrumental analyses and newly available proxy based multi-century surface temperature estimates. The analyses demonstrate a substantial agreement between the simulated and observed patterns of multidecadal variability in sea surface temperature (SST) over the North Atlantic. There is much less agreement between the model and observations for sea level pressure. Seasonal analyses of the variability demonstrate that for both the model and observations SST appears to be the primary carrier of the multidecadal signal. Received: 8 June 1999 / Accepted: 11 February 2000  相似文献   

北半球温带气旋的变化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
许多学者对近半个世纪以来温带气旋的频数、强度和路径的年际、年代际变化等特征进行了研究,并探讨了温带气旋变化与大气环流的关系,试图揭示气候变暖背景下温带气旋变化的可能原因。较为一致的研究结论是:在全球变暖背景下,北半球气旋活动的变化显示出在中纬度明显减少,而在高纬度增加的趋势,意味着气旋的路径已经明显地北移。研究还表明,气旋活动的变化与对流层斜压性、急流以及北大西洋涛动、海温梯度等因素有关。  相似文献   

Summary Recent secular variations in the January circumpolar vortex over the Northern Hemisphere are examined by digitizing the latitude at which the 546 dam isoheight at 50 kPa crosses every 10° meridian from 1947–90. A statistically significant expansion of the vortex is detected from 1966–90. Most of the expansion occurred over the North Pacific Ocean in the vicinity of the Aleutian Low and a less dramatic but significant expansion also occurred over eastern Canada and northern New England. The only region where the vortex contracted significantly is over the western United States. The trough in the western Pacific expanded eastward across the International Date Line in the past quarter century and, in conjunction with the observed contraction over the western United States, indicates amplification of 50 kPa standing waves in the Western Hemisphere. This change in circulation regimes could account for the increased frequency of warm air masses and the decreased occurrence of the coldest wintertime air masses in Alaska.With 6 Figures  相似文献   

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