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Daily output from the hindcasts by the NCEP Climate Forecast System version 2(CFSv2) is analyzed to understand CFSv2's skill in forecasting wintertime atmospheric blocking in the Northern Hemisphere.Prediction skills of sector blocking,sector-blocking episodes,and blocking onset/decay are assessed with a focus on the Euro-Atlantic sector(20°W-45°E) and the Pacific sector(160°E-135°W).Features of associated circulation and climate patterns are also examined.The CFSv2 well captures the observed features of longitudinal distribution of blocking activity,but underestimates blocking frequency and intensity and shows a decreasing trend in blocking frequency with increasing forecast lead time.Within 14-day lead time,the Euro-Atlantic sector blocking receives a higher skill than the Pacific sector blocking.Skillful forecast(taking the hit rate of 50%as a criterion) can be obtained up to 9 days in the Euro-Atlantic sector,which is slightly longer than that in the Pacific sector(7 days).The forecast skill of sector-blocking episodes is slightly lower than that of sector blocking in both sectors,and it is slightly higher in the Euro-Atlantic sector than in the Pacific sector.Compared to block onset,the skill for block decay is lower in the Euro-Atlantic sector,slightly higher in the Pacific sector during the early three days but lower after three days in lead time.In both the Euro-Atlantic and the Pacific sectors,a local dipole pattern in 500-hPa geopotential height associated with blocking is well presented in the CFSv2 prediction,but the wave-train like pattern that is far away from the blocking sector can only maintain in the forecast of relative short lead time.The CFSv2 well reproduces the observed characteristics of local temperature and precipitation anomalies associated with blocking.  相似文献   

An assessment of six coupled Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation Models (AOGCMs) is undertaken in order to evaluate their ability in simulating winter atmospheric blocking highs in the northern hemisphere. The poor representation of atmospheric blocking in climate models is a long-standing problem (e.g. D’Andrea et?al. in Clim Dyn 4:385–407, 1998), and despite considerable effort in model development, there is only a moderate improvement in blocking simulation. A modified version of the Tibaldi and Molteni (in Tellus A 42:343–365, 1990) blocking index is applied to daily averaged 500?hPa geopotential fields, from the ERA-40 reanalysis and as simulated by the climate models, during the winter periods from 1957 to 1999. The two preferred regions of blocking development, in the Euro-Atlantic and North Pacific, are relatively well captured by most of the models. However, the prominent error in blocking simulations consists of an underestimation of the total frequency of blocking episodes over both regions. A more detailed analysis revealed that this error was due to an insufficient number of medium spells and long-lasting episodes, and a shift in blocking lifetime distributions towards shorter blocks in the Euro-Atlantic sector. In the Pacific, results are more diverse; the models are equally likely to overestimate or underestimate the frequency at different spell lengths. Blocking spatial signatures are relatively well simulated in the Euro-Atlantic sector, while errors in the intensity and geographical location of the blocks emerge in the Pacific. The impact of models’ systematic errors on blocking simulation has also been analysed. The time-mean atmospheric circulation biases affect the frequency of blocking episodes, and the maximum event duration in the Euro-Atlantic region, while they sometimes cause geographical mislocations in the Pacific sector. The analysis of the systematic error in time-variability has revealed a negative relationship between the high-frequency variability of the transient eddies in the areas affected by blocking and blocking frequency. The blocking responses to errors in the low-frequency variability are different according to the region considered; the amplitude of the low-frequency variability is positively related to the blocking frequency and persistence in the Euro-Atlantic sector, while no such consistency is observed in the Pacific.  相似文献   

 To assess the extent to which atmospheric low-frequency variability can be ascribed to internal dynamical causes, two extended runs (1200 winter seasons) of a three level quasi-geostrophic model have been carried out. In the first experiment the model was forced by an average forcing field computed from nine winter seasons; in the second experiment we used a periodically variable forcing in order to simulate a seasonal cycle. The analysis has been focused on the leading Northern Hemisphere teleconnection patterns, namely the Pacific North American (PNA) and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) patterns, and on blocking, both in the Euro-Atlantic and Pacific sectors. The NAO and PNA patterns are realistically simulated by the model; the main difference with observations is a westward shift of the centres of action of the NAO. Related to this, the region of maximum frequency of Atlantic blocking is shifted from the eastern boundary of the North Atlantic to its central part. Apart from this shift, the statistics of blocking frequency and duration compare favourably with their observed counterparts. In particular, the model exhibits a level of interannual and interdecadal variability in blocking frequency which is (at least) as large as the observed one, despite the absence of any variability in the atmospheric energy sources and boundary conditions on such time scales. Received: 30 January 1997 / Accepted: 17 June 1997  相似文献   

The relation between sudden stratospheric warmings (SSWs) and blocking events is analyzed in a multi-centennial pre-industrial simulation of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace coupled model (IPSL-CM5A), prepared for the fifth phase of the coupled model intercomparison project. The IPSL model captures a fairly realistic distribution of both SSWs and tropospheric blocking events, albeit with a tendency to overestimate the frequency of blocking in the western Pacific and underestimate it in the Euro-Atlantic sector. The 1000-year long simulation reveals statistically significant differences in blocking frequency and duration over the 40-day periods preceding and following the onset of SSWs. More specifically, there is an enhanced blocking frequency over Eurasia before SSWs, followed by an westward displacement of blocking anomalies over the Atlantic region as SSWs evolve and then decline. The frequency of blocking is reduced over the western Pacific sector during the life-cycle of SSWs, while the model simulates no significant relationship with eastern Pacific blocks. Finally, these changes in blocking frequency tend to be associated with a shift in the distribution of blocking lifetime toward longer-lasting blocking events before the onset of SSWs and shorter-lived blocks after the warmings. This study systematically verifies that the results are consistent with the two pictures that (1) blockings produce planetary scale anomalies that can force vertically propagating Rossby waves and then SSWs when the waves break and (2) SSWs affect blockings in return, for instance via the effect they have on the North Atlantic Oscillation.  相似文献   

The future changes of atmospheric blocking over the Euro-Atlantic sector, diagnosed from an ensemble of 17 global-climate simulations obtained with the ECHAM5/MPI-OM model, are shown to be largely explainable from the change of the 500 hPa mean zonal circulation and its variance. The reduction of the blocking frequency over the Atlantic and the increased frequency of easterly upper-level flow poleward of 60°N are well explained by the changes of mean zonal circulation. In winter and autumn an additional downstream shift of the frequency maximum is simulated. This is also seen in a subset of the CMIP5 models with RCP8.5. To explain this downstream shift requires the inclusion of the changing variance. It is suggested that the increased downstream variance is caused by the stronger, more eastward extending future jet, which promotes Rossby wave breaking and blocking to occur further downstream. The same relation between jet-strength and central-blocking longitude is found in the variability of the current climate.  相似文献   

A previously defined automatic method is applied to reanalysis and present-day (1950–1989) forced simulations of the ECHO-G model in order to assess its performance in reproducing atmospheric blocking in the Northern Hemisphere. Unlike previous methodologies, critical parameters and thresholds to estimate blocking occurrence in the model are not calibrated with an observed reference, but objectively derived from the simulated climatology. The choice of model dependent parameters allows for an objective definition of blocking and corrects for some intrinsic model bias, the difference between model and observed thresholds providing a measure of systematic errors in the model. The model captures reasonably the main blocking features (location, amplitude, annual cycle and persistence) found in observations, but reveals a relative southward shift of Eurasian blocks and an overall underestimation of blocking activity, especially over the Euro-Atlantic sector. Blocking underestimation mostly arises from the model inability to generate long persistent blocks with the observed frequency. This error is mainly attributed to a bias in the basic state. The bias pattern consists of excessive zonal winds over the Euro-Atlantic sector and a southward shift at the exit zone of the jet stream extending into in the Eurasian continent, that are more prominent in cold and warm seasons and account for much of Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian blocking errors, respectively. It is shown that other widely used blocking indices or empirical observational thresholds may not give a proper account of the lack of realism in the model as compared with the proposed method. This suggests that in addition to blocking changes that could be ascribed to natural variability processes or climate change signals in the simulated climate, attention should be paid to significant departures in the diagnosis of phenomena that can also arise from an inappropriate adaptation of detection methods to the climate of the model.  相似文献   

The relationship between atmospheric blocking over Europe and the Atlantic eddy-driven jet stream is investigated in the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis and in a climate model. This is carried out using a bidimensional blocking index based on geopotential height and a diagnostic providing daily latitudinal position and strength of the jet stream. It is shown that European Blocking (EB) is not decoupled from the jet stream but it is mainly associated with its poleward displacements. Moreover, the whole blocking area placed on the equatorward side of the jet stream, broadly ranging from Azores up to Scandinavia, emerges as associated with poleward jet displacements. The diagnostics are hence applied to two different climate model simulations in order to evaluate the biases in the jet stream and in the blocking representation. This analysis highlights large underestimation of EB, typical feature of general circulation models. Interestingly, observed blocking and jet biases over the Euro-Atlantic area are consistent with the blocking-jet relationship observed in the NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis. Finally, the importance of sea surface temperatures (SSTs) is investigated showing that realistic SSTs can reduce the bias in the jet stream variability but not in the frequency of EB. We conclude highlighting that blocking-related diagnostics can provide more information about the Euro-Atlantic variability than diagnostics simply based on the Atlantic jet stream.  相似文献   

A statistical technique is used to analyze the relation between monthly mean zonal flow and storm tracks activity in the observations and numerical simulations (ECHAM4 model). The singular value decomposition technique (SVD) has been used to correlate storm tracks and monthly mean wintertime anomaly fields. The analysis has been performed on data from January 1980 to December 1989 (NMC analyses) and on an ensemble of AGCM simulations with prescribed SST for the same period, separately in the Euro-Atlantic and Pacific sectors. We found good correlation between storm tracks activity and zonal flow in both regions. In both data and simulations the dominant SVD modes show that the storm tracks spatial displacement is in conjunction with jet shifts in the same direction. Our analysis suggests that the model is highly sensitive to the equatorial ocean forcing. Although the model produces an excessive response to El Niño and La Niña phases, it shows good capability of simulating the dynamical connection between storm tracks and jet.  相似文献   

The impact of various model formulations on model climate during boreal winter is studied using ensembles of seasonal integrations for four different versions of the ECMWF NWP model. The model versions, cycles 36, 46, 48 and 12r1, differ primarily in the representation of physical parametrization. In addition, higher vertical resolution was used for the 12r1 integrations. In the more recent cycles (48 and 12r1) a strong systematic overestimation of zonal flow over the northeastern Pacific has been dramatically reduced, contributing to a more realistic representation of the Pacific block. This improved representation of blocking, particularly in cycle 12r1, is linked to a more efficient diabatic response of the model to the warm SSTs in the western tropical Pacific. In contrast, over the Atlantic/European region a slight deterioration of blocking frequency in cycle 12r1 is associated with the strengthening of the Atlantic jet. The improvement in the Southern Hemisphere circulation, already evident in cycle 46, is not seen in the Northern Hemisphere, so it is argued that the impact of radiation changes introduced between cycle 36 and cycle 46 (inclusive) is influenced by seasonal cycle. A strong cooling of the southern (summer) polar stratosphere has been steadily reduced and in cycle 12r1 is about half of that seen in cycle 36. A reduction of errors in zonally averaged zonal wind and eddy kinetic energy is also clearly seen. In the tropics, the Hadley circulation has become more intense with the later cycles. This is associated with an intensification of convective rainfall within relatively narrow tropical convergence zones. Finally, it was found that the representation of interannual variations between strong positive and negative ENSO-index winters was most successful in cycle 12r1. Received: 30 November 1995 / Accepted: 13 July 1996  相似文献   

In the Northern hemisphere, regions characterized by an enhanced frequency of atmospheric blocking overlap significantly with those associated with the major extra-tropical patterns of large-scale climate variability—namely the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern. There is likewise an overlap in the temporal band-width of blocks and these climate patterns. Here the nature of the linkage between blocks and the climate patterns is explored by using the ERA-40 re-analysis data set to examine (1) their temporal and spatial correlation and (2) the interrelationship between blocks and the NAO/PNA. It is shown that a strong anti-correlation exists between blocking occurrence and the phase of the NAO (PNA) in the North Atlantic (western North Pacific), and that there are distinctive inter-basin differences with a clear geographical (over North Atlantic) and quantitative (over North Pacific) separation of typical blocking genesis/lysis regions during the opposing phases of the climate patterns. An Empirical Orthogonal Function (EOF) analysis points to a significant influence of blocking upon the NAO pattern (identifiable as the leading EOF in the Euro-Atlantic), and a temporal analysis indicates that long-lasting blocks are associated with the development of negative NAO/PNA index values throughout their life-time. In addition an indication of a cause-and effect relationship is set-out for the North Atlantic linkage.  相似文献   

The impact on temperature and precipitation anomalies over the European continent of the different action centers of blocking events in the Euro-Atlantic sector was investigated. It was found that the position of the blocking action center in the Euro-Atlantic region seems to dominate European climates. When the center of the blocking action is in the Greenland region, there is a strong negative temperature anomaly over Central and Northern Europe, as well as a strong positive precipitation anomaly over southern Europe. However, there tends to be a strong negative temperature anomaly in the west (east) part of Europe when the center of the blocking action is shifted to the Eastern Atlantic and west Europe (east Europe). In particular, when the blocking action center is closer to the European continent, the fall in temperature becomes more evident over Central and south Europe than over other regions. Moreover, it was found that when the region where the blocking action center exists changes from the Eastern Atlantic and west Europe region to the east Europe region, the existing region of dominant positive precipitation anomalies varies from southwest Europe to southeast Europe and the Middle East.  相似文献   

 Decadal time scale climate variability in the North Pacific has implications for climate both locally and over North America. A crucial question is the degree to which this variability arises from coupled ocean/atmosphere interactions over the North Pacific that involve ocean dynamics, as opposed to either purely thermodynamic effects of the oceanic mixed layer integrating in situ the stochastic atmospheric forcing, or the teleconnected response to tropical variability. The part of the variability that is coming from local coupled ocean/atmosphere interactions involving ocean dynamics is potentially predictable by an ocean/atmosphere general circulation model (O/A GCM), and such predictions could (depending on the achievable lead time) have distinct societal benefits. This question is examined using the results of fully coupled O/A GCMs, as well as targeted numerical experiments with stand-alone ocean and atmosphere models individually. It is found that coupled ocean/atmosphere interactions that involve ocean dynamics are important to determining the strength and frequency of a decadal-time scale peak in the spectra of several oceanic variables in the Kuroshio extension region off Japan. Local stochastic atmospheric heat flux forcing, integrated by the oceanic mixed layer into a red spectrum, provides a noise background from which the signal must be extracted. Although teleconnected ENSO responses influence the North Pacific in the 2–7 years/cycle frequency band, it is shown that some decadal-time scale processes in the North Pacific proceed without ENSO. Likewise, although the effects of stochastic atmospheric forcing on ocean dynamics are discernible, a feedback path from the ocean to the atmosphere is suggested by the results. Received: 23 January 2000 / Accepted: 10 January 2001  相似文献   

长江流域夏季不同强度降水日数的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
李莹  朱益民  夏淋淋  王浩 《气象科学》2017,37(6):808-815
利用长江流域56个站点1957—2009年夏季逐日降水资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及Hadley海表温度资料,分析了长江流域夏季不同强度降水日数的时空变化及其相关的海气异常型。结果表明:(1)近53 a来,长江流域夏季大到暴雨日数占总降水日数的比率呈明显增加趋势,而中小雨日数占总降水日数的比率呈明显减少趋势。(2)长江流域夏季不同强度降水日数的变化及其相应的海气异常型表现为明显不同的特征。当前期春季海温距平场表现为典型的东部型El Nino分布形态,500 h Pa位势高度场呈现出"+-+"的经向PJ波列,西北太平洋副热带高压偏强,位置偏南偏西,中高纬地区乌拉尔山和鄂霍次克海地区出现双阻塞形势,南半球澳大利亚高压异常偏强,越赤道气流偏强,在30°N附近200 h Pa纬向西风急流异常偏强,850 h Pa风场在东亚上空经向方向上呈现出明显的反气旋—气旋—反气旋系统相间分布的特征时,有利于长江流域夏季大到暴雨降水日数偏多。  相似文献   

Dehai Luo  Yao Yao 《大气科学进展》2014,31(5):1181-1196
The flow patterns of Euro-Atlantic blocking events in winter are investigated by dividing the sector into three sub- regions: 60°-30°W (Greenland region); 20°W-30°E [eastern Atlantic-Europe (EAE) region]; and 50°-90°E (Ural region). It is shown that blocking events in winter are extremely frequent in the three sub-regions. Composite 500-mb geopotential height fields for intense and long-lived blocking events demonstrate that the blocking fields over Greenland and Ural regions exhibit southwest-northeast (SW-NE) and southeast-northwest (SE-NW) oriented dipole-type patterns, respectively, while the composite field over the EAE region exhibits an Ω-type pattern. The type of composite blocking pattern seems to be related to the position of the blocking region relative to the positive center of the climatological stationary wave (CSW) anomaly existing near 10°W.
The physical cause of why there are different composite blocking types in the three sub-regions is identified using a nonlinear multiscale interaction model. It is found that when the blocking event is in almost the same position as the positive CSW anomaly, the planetary-scale field can exhibit an Ω-type pattern due to the enhanced positive CSW anomaly. Neverthe- less, a SW-NE (SE-NW) oriented dipole-type block can occur due to the reduced positive CSW anomaly as it is farther in the west (east) of the positive CSW anomaly. The total fields of blocking in the three regions may exhibit a meandering flow comprised of several isolated anticyclonic and cyclonic vortices, which resembles the Berggren-Bolin-Rossby meandering jet type.  相似文献   

海温异常对台风形成的影响   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
吴国雄 《大气科学》1992,16(3):322-332
本文利用地球流体力学实验室(GFDL)的低分辨气候模式进行数值试验,以研究海温异常对台风形成的影响.试验采用恒定8月气候条件和海表温度(SST).海温异常(SSTA)被置于北太平洋不同区域.结果表明,台风生成频率在暖SSTA区明显增加.这是由于暖SSTA区低层辐合的增强一方面使低空气旋式环流和高空反气旋式环流加大,另一方面导致低层水汽向该区辐合,使潜热释放加强,对流加剧所致.此一机制被用于解释台风频率和ENSO事件的相关.在冷ENSO年份,西北和西南太平洋台风增多不仅是由于赤道东太平洋SST异常冷,还与西太平洋SST异常暖有关.  相似文献   

张恩才  杨修群 《气象科学》1996,16(3):206-214
本文利用1970至1989年共20年的逐月平均的太平着区的表面风应力和海表温度距平的分析资料,检验了以前设计的热带太平洋和热带大气距平模式的模拟性能,通过使用两组风应力异常场即观测场和热带大气模式对观测海温响应所得的模拟场,重点分析了热带太平洋距平模式对风应力异常的响应特征,结果表明,本文海洋距平模式完全有能力再现ENSO循环折际变化性及其水平结构,且赤道中太平洋区域的低频风应力异常对于ENSO事  相似文献   

 Understanding natural atmospheric decadal variability is an important element of climate research, and here we investigate the geographic and seasonal diversity in the balance between its competing sources. Data are provided by an ensemble of multi-decadal atmospheric general circulation model experiments, forced by observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs), and verified against observations. First, the nature of internal atmospheric variability is studied. By assessing its spectral character, we refute the idea that internal modes may persist or oscillate on multi-annual time-scales, either through mechanisms purely internal to the atmosphere, or via coupling to the land surface; instead, they behave as a white noise process. Second, and more importantly, the role of oceanic forcing, relative to internal variability, is investigated by extending the ‘analysis of variance’ technique to the frequency domain. Significance testing and confidence intervals are also discussed. In the tropics, atmospheric decadal variability is usually dominated by oceanic forcing, although for some regions less so than at interannual time-scales. A moderate oceanic impact is also found for some extratropical regions in some seasons. Verification against observed mean sea-level pressure (MSLP) data suggests that many of these influences are realistic, although some model errors are also revealed. In other mid- and high-latitude regions, local simulated decadal variability is dominated by random processes, i.e. the integrated effects of chaotic weather systems. Third, we focus on the mechanisms of decadal variability in two specific regions (where the model is well behaved). Over the tropical Pacific, the relative impact of SSTs on decadal MSLP is strongly seasonal such that it peaks in September to November (SON). This is explained by noting that the model atmosphere is responsive to SSTs a little farther west in SON than it is in other seasons, and here it picks up relatively more decadal power from the ocean (the western Pacific being less dominated by ENSO time-scales), causing atmospheric ‘signal-to-noise ratios’ to be enhanced at decadal timescales in SON. Over southern North America, a strong SST impact is found in summer and autumn, resulting in an upward trend of MSLP over recent decades. We suggest this is caused by decadal SST variability in the Caribbean (and to some extent the tropical northeast Pacific in summer), which induces anomalous convective heating over these regions and hence the wider MSLP response. Received: 30 November 1998 / Accepted: 22 April 1999  相似文献   

The impact of diurnal SST coupling and vertical oceanic resolution on the simulation of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISM) and its relationships with El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) events are studied through the analysis of four integrations of a high resolution Coupled General Circulation Model (CGCM), but with different configurations. The only differences between the four integrations are the frequency of coupling between the ocean and atmosphere for the Sea Surface Temperature (SST) parameter (2 vs. 24?h coupling) and/or the vertical oceanic resolution (31 vs. 301 levels) in the CGCM. Although the summer mean tropical climate is reasonably well captured with all the configurations of the CGCM and is not significantly modified by changing the frequency of SST coupling from once to twelve per day, the ISM–ENSO teleconnections are rather poorly simulated in the two simulations in which SST is exchanged only once per day, independently of the vertical oceanic resolution used in the CGCM. Surprisingly, when 2?h SST coupling is implemented in the CGCM, the ISM–ENSO teleconnection is better simulated, particularly, the complex lead-lag relationships between the two phenomena, in which a weak ISM occurs during the developing phase of an El Ni?o event in the Pacific, are closely resembling the observed ones. Evidence is presented to show that these improvements are related to changes in the characteristics of the model’s El Ni?o which has a more realistic evolution in its developing and decaying phases, a stronger amplitude and a shift to lower frequencies when a 2-hourly SST coupling strategy is implemented without any significant changes in the basic state of the CGCM. As a consequence of these improvements in ENSO variability, the lead relationships between Indo-Pacific SSTs and ISM rainfall resemble the observed patterns more closely, the ISM–ENSO teleconnection is strengthened during boreal summer and ISM rainfall power spectrum is in better agreement with observations. On the other hand, the ISM–IOD teleconnection is sensitive to both SST coupling frequency and the vertical oceanic resolution, but increasing the vertical oceanic resolution is degrading the ISM–IOD teleconnection in the CGCM. These results highlight the need of a proper assessment of both temporal scale interactions and coupling strategies in order to improve current CGCMs. These results, which must be confirmed with other CGCMs, have also important implications for dynamical seasonal prediction systems or climate change projections of the monsoon.  相似文献   

本文分析了中国科学院大气物理研究所年代际气候预测系统IAP DecPreS的海洋同化试验(简称EnOI-IAU试验)在西北太平洋地区的海表面温度(SST)年循环的模拟技巧,并通过对比IAP DecPreS系统自由耦合历史气候模拟试验结果,在包含海气耦合过程的框架下讨论了耦合模式中西北太平洋夏季SST模拟差异,及其对亚洲季风区夏季季风降水模拟的影响。结果表明,EnOI-IAU试验较好地模拟出了西北太平洋各个季节的SST空间分布,并显著减小了原存在于历史气候模拟试验中持续全年的SST冷偏差。混合层热收支诊断分析表明,包含同化过程在内的海洋过程的模拟差异对西北太平洋海温的模拟提升有重要贡献。夏季,EnOI-IAU试验模拟的印度季风伴随的低层西风较观测偏东、偏强,且高估了赤道西太平洋区域的降水量值、低估了印度洋区域的降水量值。水汽收支分析显示,气旋式环流异常造成的水汽辐合异常是造成亚洲季风区降水模拟差异的主要原因。研究表明,较之历史模拟试验,EnOI-IAU试验中夏季西北太平洋地区SST增暖造成局地对流增强,进而使得局地产生异常上升运动,水汽辐合增强,造成西北太平洋地区降水模拟偏多,激发出低层西风异常及赤道外气旋式环流异常。该低层西风异常导致了北印度洋地区低层辐散异常,减小了原存在于历史试验中印度洋地区的正降水偏差。西北太平洋气旋式环流异常一方面增强了印度夏季风伴随的低层西风,使得更多的水汽从阿拉伯海输送到西太平洋暖池区域,增强了该区域的降水量;另一方面,该气旋式环流异常减小了历史模拟试验中中国南部区域偏强的低层风速,进而提升了模式对东亚低层西南风的模拟能力。  相似文献   

A nonlinear projection of the tropical Pacific sea surface temperature anomalies (SSTA) onto the Northern Hemisphere winter sea level pressure (SLP) anomalies by neural networks (NN) was performed to investigate the nonlinear association between El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and the Euro-Atlantic winter climate. While the linear impact of ENSO on the Euro-Atlantic winter SLP is weak, the NN projection reveals statistically significant SLP anomalies over the Euro-Atlantic sector during both extreme cold and warm ENSO episodes, suggesting that the Euro-Atlantic climate mainly responds to ENSO nonlinearly. The nonlinear response, mainly a quadratic response to the SSTA, reveals that regardless of the sign of the SSTA, positive SLP anomalies are found over the North Atlantic, stretching from eastern Canada to Europe (with anomaly center located just northwestward of Portugal), and negative anomalies centered over Scandinavia and Norwegian Sea, consistent with the excitation of the positive North Atlantic Oscillation pattern.  相似文献   

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