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In this study, the authors use a political perspective to explore the relative global status of cities in China. Two questions are addressed. Firstly, by using international organizations as the subjects and quantitative analysis of the spatial distribution of their offices, the overall position of Chinese cities in the global distribution of international organizations is estimated. The results show that 22 Chi- nese cities are involved in international political affairs. Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou dominate these activities and have high po- litical global-city status. Secondly, through qualitative analysis of Guangzhou City, the authors explore how its status as a center for intemational organizations has been shaped in recent years. The locational decision-making process is analyzed and the factors are demonstrated at both national and city scales. The definition of international organizations as used in this study refers not only to those supranational bodies that have the ability to manage relations across states (such as the European Union), but also those in- ter-governmental organizations (IGOs), international non-governmental organizations (INGOs) and diplomatic representatives and delegations that today also manage and regulate relations between and among states.  相似文献   

A large number of studies have been conducted to find a better fit for city rank-size distributions in different countries. Many theoretical curves have been proposed, but no consensus has been reached. This study argues for the importance of examining city rank-size distribution across different city size scales. In addition to focusing on macro patterns, this study examines the micro patterns of city rank-size distributions in China. A moving window method is developed to detect rank-size distributions of cities in different sizes incrementally. The results show that micro patterns of the actual city rank-size distributions in China are much more complex than those suggested by the three theoretical distributions examined(Pareto, quadratic, and q-exponential distributions). City size distributions present persistent discontinuities. Large cities are more evenly distributed than small cities and than that predicted by Zipf′s law. In addition, the trend is becoming more pronounced over time. Medium-sized cities became evenly distributed first and then unevenly distributed thereafter. The rank-size distributions of small cities are relatively consistent. While the three theoretical distributions examined in this study all have the ability to detect the overall dynamics of city rank-size distributions, the actual macro distribution may be composed of a combination of the three theoretical distributions.  相似文献   

空间数据的关注问题:从质量到可用性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
据统计,在一个地理信息系统(GIS)项目中,空间数据的花费将占总投入的80%左右。因此,如何保证所得到的数据能够满足项目需要是研究者、生产者及用户共同关心的一个重要问题。20世纪80年代以来,空间数据质量一直是GIS学术界研究的一个热门课题,并受到地理信息业界的重视。因此,数据生产者总是尽最大努力来生产高质量的数据。而实际上,数据用户经常对得到的空间数据不尽满意,尽管数据质量完全满足规范要求。笔者认为:可用性是空间数据最应优先考虑的问题,而质量仅仅是可用性的一个指标。其他的可用性指标包括可享用性、可得性、受益情况、完整性、熟悉性、业界最佳作业方法、可靠性等50多个。  相似文献   

通过对厦门、广州等城市地矿法制工作的考察,认为福建省的"矿产品经营许可证"、"矿产品准运证"制度和广东省实施的"恢复自然生态保证金管理办法"对中心城市做好地矿行政管理工作,开发和保护矿产资源,保护生态环境和旅游资源,保证国民经济和社会协调发展,实施可持续发展战略发挥了巨大的作用,值得南京市及其他城市借鉴.  相似文献   

中国69个城市地下水挥发性卤代烃污染检测与特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了初步掌握中国主要城市地下水挥发性卤代烃污染状况和特征,在中国69个城市开展了地下水挥发性卤代烃污染检测与特征研究,采集地下水样品791组,采样井均为工农业生产和生活饮用水水井;依据US EPA 8260B检测方法,采用气相色谱/质谱联用分析仪器(P&T-GC/MS),分析和测试了氯仿、四氯化碳、1,1,1-三氯乙烷、三氯乙烯、四氯乙烯和二氯甲烷等15种挥发性卤代烃的质量浓度。结果表明:在791组地下水样品中,有406组样品至少有一种挥发性卤代烃组分被检出,检出率为51.33%;各组分中,氯仿的检出率最高,为20.35%,其他组分的检出率为0.25%~5.06%;氯乙烯在所有样品中均未检出;有13组样品的单项组分超标,超标率为1.64%;超标率由高到低分别为四氯化碳(0.76%)、氯仿(0.25%)、1,2-二氯乙烷(0.25%)、三氯乙烯(0.13%)、1,1,2-三氯乙烷(0.13%)、1,2-二氯丙烷(0.13%);超标井均为非供水水源地水井。检测与研究结果表明:中国主要城市地下水挥发性卤代烃污染物检出率较高,检测的69个城市中71%的城市至少有一种挥发性卤代烃被检出,且潜水的检出率高于承压水,但总体超标率较低。  相似文献   

The authors report zircon U-Pb geochronological,whole-rock geochemical and zircon Lu-Hf isotope data for the hornblende gabbro within the Khanka Massif,with the aim of constraining its formation time and petrogenesis. The zircon U-Pb dating shows that ~(206)Pb/~(238)Pb ages of zircons from the hornblende gabbro range from 120 to 129 Ma,yielding a weighted mean age of 123 ± 2 Ma,i. e.,the Early Cretaceous. The hornblende gabbro has SiO_2 of 44. 77%--46. 58% and belongs to the tholeiitic series on FeO~t/MgO-SiO_2 diagram. It displays a right-inclined REE pattern with( La/Yb)_N ratios of 3. 44 to 4. 42. The trace element spidergram shows that they are enriched in large ion lithophile elements( LILE) such as Rb,Th,U,K and Pb,and depleted in high field strength elements( HFSE) such as Nb,Ta,Ti and P,indicating an affinity to arc igneous rocks.The ε_(Hf)( t) values of zircons vary from -2. 6 to + 3. 9 and Hf model ages( T_(DM1)) range from 622 to 883 Ma.These geochemical characteristics indicate that primary magma of the hornblende gabbro could be derived from partial melting of young mantle material accreted during the Neoproterozoic. Combined with the Early Cretaceous igneous rock assemblages in NE Asia. It is concluded that the hornblende gabbro formed in an active continental margin related to the westward subduction of the Paleo-Pacific Plate beneath the Khanka Massif.  相似文献   

城市化进程与城市可持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球城市化在带动经济发展的同时也带来了一系列的问题,即所谓的“城市病”,实现城市可持续发展是解决这些问题的必由之路,在分析城市化现象带来的问题之后,讨论了实施城市可持续发展的可行性和必要性,并就如何实施我国城市可持续发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

工程地质界面是地层中两种或多种介质间的接触面, 以及对三相介质迁移、物态变化和岩土体稳定性起控制作用的转换面, 它们受自然营力和工程活动的共同作用, 在地质灾害的孕育、发展和发生过程中具有控制性作用。如何准确获取界面的多场演化信息, 厘清界面的灾变动力学机制和相互作用, 是工程地质防灾减灾领域的核心科学技术问题。在回顾工程地质界面研究领域发展历程的基础上, 梳理和归纳了工程地质界面的基本概念、分类体系和主要特征, 并以长江三峡库区典型滑坡为例, 结合本团队的研究工作对界面多元表征与演化机理方面的最新研究进展进行了详细的阐述, 最后对该领域未来的发展趋势进行了展望。上述综述表明, 工程地质界面是诱发地质灾害的关键带, 可分为物质界面、状态界面和运动界面3类。通过引入光纤传感等尖端感测技术, 初步实现了工程地质界面多元信息的智能表征。在对库岸滑坡长期原位监测的基础上, 系统总结了滑坡灾变的演化机理和界面控制模式。根据新时代学科发展趋势和国家重大需求, 今后应进一步关注如何结合工程地质界面的特征, 研发并构建空-天-地-内立体化监测网络, 实现关键界面热-水-力多场耦合信息的实时获取和表征, 并结合大数据及人工智能等技术研发相应的预警预报系统, 以提升对各类重大地质灾害的防范水平和应对能力。   相似文献   

及其成矿模式的总结,对于寻找与岩浆通道成矿有关的矿床具有指导意义。   相似文献   

Urban metabolism is a complex system of materials, energy, population and environment, which usually can be measured by the Emergy Synthesis(ES) and the Slacks-Based Measure(SBM) approach. In this paper, by employing the two approaches of ES and SBM, as well as metabolic evolution index, urban metabolic stocks, efficiencies and elasticity of 31 Chinese cities are evaluated in a systematic way. The results imply that over the last decade(2000–2010), most of the cities, such as Chongqing, Nanjing, Shijiazhuang, Hangzhou, were experiencing drastic urban metabolic efficiency decline accompanied with a moderate decrease of industrial outputs. By contrast, metropolises and specialized cities have improved their urban metabolic performances, with higher output-input ratio and fewer undesirable outputs. However, their exported emergy experienced a substantial increase as well. It is concluded that local urban management might develop policies to diversify urban renewable supplies and address the undesirable output problems. The urban emergy of renewable resources should be specified as a prime focus for future research. In addition, mechanisms of different urban metabolic models will also be necessary for researchers.  相似文献   

This paper develops a conceptual model and an indicator system for measuring economic resilience of resource-based cities based on the theory of evolutionary resilience and the related concepts of persistence, adaptation, and transformation. Nineteen resource- based cities in Northeast China were analyzed using the indicator system. The results showed that Liaoning and Jilin provinces had higher economic resilience than Heilongjiang Province. Panjin, Benxi, and Anshan in Liaoning Province were the top three cities, while Shuangyashan and other coal-based cities in Heilongjiang Province ranked last. Metals- and petroleum-based cities had significantly higher resilience than coal-based cities. The differences in persistence, adaptability, transformation, and resilience among resource-based cities decreased since the introduction of the Northeast Revitalization Strategy in 2003. Forestry-based cities improved the most in terms of resilience, followed by metals-based and multiple-resource cities; however, resilience dropped for coal-based cities, and petroleum-based cities falling the most. The findings illustrate the importance and the way to develop a differentiated approach to improve resilience among resource-based cities.  相似文献   

The vortex-induced vibration of two identical rigidly mounted risers in a parallel arrangement was studied using Ansys-CFX and model tests.The vortex shedding and force were recorded to determine the effect of spacing on the two-degree-of-freedom oscillation of the risers.CFX was used to study the single riser and two parallel risers in 2–8D spacing considering the coupling effect.Because of the limited width of water channel,only three different riser spacings,2D,3D,and 4D,were tested to validate the characteristics of the two parallel risers by comparing to the numerical simulation.The results indicate that the lift force changes significantly with the increase in spacing,and in the case of 3D spacing,the lift force of the two parallel risers reaches the maximum.The vortex shedding of the risers in 3D spacing shows that a variable velocity field with the same frequency as the vortex shedding is generated in the overlapped area,thus equalizing the period of drag force to that of lift force.It can be concluded that the interaction between the two parallel risers is significant when the risers are brought to a small distance between them because the trajectory of riser changes from oval to curve 8 as the spacing is increased.The phase difference of lift force between the two risers is also different as the spacing changes.  相似文献   

Clay minerals,especially authigene kaolinite,are abundant in the dawsonite-bearing sandstone from the Gudian and Qian'an regions in the southern Songliao Basin.The relationship between dawsonite and ka...  相似文献   

To explore the polysaccharides from selected seaweeds of Atlantic Canada and to evaluate their potential anti-influenza virus activities, polysaccharides were isolated from several Atlantic Canadian seaweeds, including three red algae (Polysiphonia lanosa, Furcellaria lumbricalis, and Palmaria palmata), two brown algae (Ascophyllum nodosum and Fucus vesiculosus), and one green alga (Ulva lactuca) by sequential extraction with cold water, hot water, and alkali solutions. These polysaccharides were ana-lyzed for monosaccharide composition and other general chemical properties, and they were evaluated for anti-influenza virus activities. Total sugar contents in these polysaccharides ranged from 15.4% (in U. lactuca) to 91.4% (in F. lumbricalis); sulfation level was as high as 17.6% in a polysaccharide from U. lactuca, whereas it could not be detected in an alikali-extract from P. palmaria. For polysaccharides from red seaweeds, the main sugar units were sulfated galactans (agar or carrageenan) for P. lanosa, F. lumbricalis, and xylans for P. palmata. In brown seaweeds, the polysaccharides largely contained sulfated fucans, whereas the polysaccharides in green seaweed were mainly composed of heteroglycuronans. Screening for antiviral activity against influenza A/PR/8/34 (H1N1) virus revealed that brown algal polysaccharides were particularly effective. Seaweeds from Atlantic Canada are a good source of marine polysaccharides with potential antiviral properties.  相似文献   

Activity fragmentation provides a new approach for understanding the transformation of urban space and function in the information era. Numerous theoretical and empirical studies have been conducted on activity fragmentation, but few studies have focused on the fragmentation of leisure activities. This study was intended to extend the extant literature by: 1) analysing the spatio-temporal fragmentation of physical and virtual leisure activities by using a dataset collected in Nanjing, China, and 2) evaluating the reasons of leisure activity fragmentation, as well as the potential spatial effect of activity fragmentation. The results indicated that virtual leisure activities are more fragmented than physical leisure activities, but the fragmentation of physical and virtual leisure activities varies on weekday and weekend, as well as in various locations and urban districts. In addition, the results suggested that sociodemographic factors and information and communication technology (ICT) variables distinctly affect the fragmentation of leisure activities. Meanwhile, the fragmentation of virtual leisure activities may enhance the transformation of traditional urban space by reallocating leisure activity times and locations.  相似文献   

研究了迭代算法及其并行化,将雅可比迭代和高斯.塞德尔迭代相结合,提出了一种新的并行迭代算法,经过测试数据分析,性能比雅可比迭代和高斯.塞德尔串行迭代的性能要好.这一方法可广泛应用于需要进行大量迭代计算的问题中,具有较大的应用前景.  相似文献   

Continental margins in world oceans contain large amounts of marine gas hydrates. Changes in the temperature and pressure of sediment may destabilize the methane hydrate, leading to its release and seepage into the sea. This process would increase the dissolved methane in the ambient seawater. In this study, a methane sensor was used to detect methane anomalies in the water column in southwestern Dongsha and Shenhu, northern slope of the South China Sea. Methane plumes were detected at stations SCS001 and T001 in the southwestern Dongsha area, and station SCS002 in the Shenhu area, respectively. The maximum methane concentrations were 8.8 nmol/L in southwestern Dongsha and 10.1 nmol/L in Shenhu, which are about 4–5 times higher than the background methane concentration. This indicates that there are active methane seepages present in both the southwestern Dongsha and Shenhu areas, which are likely related to a methane hydrate reservoir beneath the seafloor. A methane sensor with a low detection limit is a practical instrument with which to detect methane plumes in oceanic environments and to monitor methane leakage from the seafloor.  相似文献   


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