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The streaming potential across a porous medium is induced by a fluid flow due to an electric double layer between a solid and a fluid. When an acoustic wave propagates through a porous medium, the wave pressure generates a relative movement between the solid and the fluid. The moving charge in the fluid induces an electric field and seismoelectric conversion. In order to investigate the streaming potential and the seismoelectric conversion in the same rock sample, we conduct measurements with Berea sandstone saturated by NaCl solutions with different conductivities. We measure the electric voltage (streaming potential) across a cylindrical sample in NaCl solutions with different conductivities and under different pressures to determine the DC coupling coefficients. We also measure the seismoelectric signals induced by acoustic waves with a Berea sandstone plate at different frequencies and solution conductivities. The pressures of the acoustic waves are calibrated with a standard hydrophone (Brüel & 8103) at different frequencies (15–120 kHz). We calculate the quantitative coupling coefficients of the seismoelectric conversion at DC and at high frequencies with samples saturated by solutions with different conductivities. When the Berea sandstone sample is saturated by the NaCl solution with 0.32 mS/m in conductivity, for example, the DC and seismoelectric coupling coefficients at 15 kHz are 0.024 μV/Pa and 0.019 μV/Pa, respectively. The seismoelectric coupling coefficient is an important and helpful parameter for designing a seismoelectric tool. More experimental measurements of seismoelectric coupling coefficients in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 15 kHz are needed in the future.  相似文献   

震电效应理论及其研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
近些年来有关震电效应的研究方兴未艾,在天然地震预报、工程勘察及石油勘探领域的应用潜力是促使国内外学者投入大量精力从事该项研究的主要动力.然而,有关震电勘探方法的研究尚处于理论探索和实验模拟阶段,还未在实际生产中得到应用.文中以震电勘探方法理论作为出发点,对产生震电效应的主要机理进行了详细分析,总结了国内外在相关领域的研究进展情况,对震电勘探方法的未来发展方向作一展望.  相似文献   







Investigating seismic dispersion and attenuation characteristics of loosely compacted marine sandstone is essential in reconciling different geophysical measurements (surface seismic, well logging and ultrasonic) for better characterization of a shallow marine sandstone reservoir. We have experimented with a typical high-porosity and high-permeability sandstone sample, extracted from the Paleogene marine depositional setting in the Gulf of Mexico, at the low-frequency band (2–500 Hz) as well as ultrasonic point (106 Hz), to investigate the effects of varying saturation levels on a rock's elasticity. The results suggest that the Young's modulus of the measured sample with adsorbed moisture at laboratory conditions (room temperature, 60%–90% humidity) exhibits dispersive behaviours. The extensional attenuation can be as high as 0.038, and the peak frequency occurs around 60 Hz. The extensional attenuation due to moisture adsorption can be dramatically mitigated with the increase of confining pressure. For partial saturation status, extensional attenuation increases as increasing water saturation by 79% with respect to the measured frequencies. Additionally, the results show that extensional attenuation at the fully water-saturated situation is even smaller than that at adsorbed moisture conditions. The Gassmann–Wood model can overall capture the P-wave velocity-saturation trend of measured data at seismic frequencies, demonstrating that the partially saturated unconsolidated sandstone at the measured seismic frequency range is prone to be in the relaxed status. Nevertheless, the ultrasonic velocities are significantly higher than the Gassmann–Wood predictions, suggesting that the rocks are in the unrelaxed status at the ultrasonic frequency range. The poroelastic modelling results based on the patchy saturation model also indicate that the characteristic frequency of the partially saturated sample is likely beyond the measured seismic frequency range.  相似文献   

Under certain circumstances, seismic propagation within porous media may be associated to the conversion of mechanical energy to electromagnetic energy, which is known as a seismo‐electromagnetic phenomenon. The propagation of fast compressional P‐waves is more specifically associated to the manifestations of a seismoelectric field linked to the fluid flows within the pores. The analysis of seismoelectric phenomena, which requires the combination of the theory of electrokinetics and Biot's theory of poroelasticity, provides us with transfer function that links the coseismic seismoelectric field E to the seismic acceleration . To measure the transfer function, we have developed an experimental setup enabling seismoelectric laboratory observation in unconsolidated quartz sand within the kilohertz range. The investigation focused on the impact of fluid conductivity and water saturation over the coseismic seismoelectric field. During the experiment, special attention was given to the accuracy of electric field measurements. We concluded that, to obtain a reliable estimate of the electric field amplitude, the dipole from which the potential differences are measured should be of much smaller length than the wavelength of the propagating seismic field. Time‐lapse monitoring of the seismic velocities and seismoelectric transfer functions were performed during imbibition and drainage experiments. In all cases, the quantitative analysis of the seismoelectric transfer function was in good agreement with theoretical predictions. While investigating saturation variations from full to residual water saturation, we showed that the ratio undergoes a switch in polarity at a particular saturation , which also implies a sign change of the filtration, traducing a reversal of the relative fluid displacement with respect to the frame. This sign change at critical saturation stresses a particular behaviour of the poroelastic medium: the dropping of the coseismic electric field to zero traduces the absence of relative pore/fluid displacements representative of a Biot dynamically compatible medium. We concluded from our experimental study in loose sand that the measurements of the coseismic seismoelectric coupling may provide information on fluid distribution within the pores and that the reversal of the seismoelectric field may be used as an indicator of the dynamically compatible state of the medium.  相似文献   




利用新方法制作出含可控裂缝的双孔隙人工砂岩物理模型,具有与天然岩石更为接近的矿物成分、孔隙结构和胶结方式,其中裂缝密度、裂缝尺寸和裂缝张开度等裂缝参数可以控制以得到实验所需要的裂缝参数,岩样具有真实的孔隙和裂缝空间并可以在不同饱和流体状态下研究流体性质对于裂缝介质性质的影响.本次实验制作出一组具有不同裂缝密度的含裂缝人工岩样,对岩样利用SEM扫描电镜分析可以看到真实的孔隙结构和符合我们要求的裂缝参数,岩样被加工成八面棱柱以测量不同方向上弹性波传播的速度,用0.5 MHz的换能器使用透射法测量在饱和空气和饱和水条件下各个样品不同方向上的纵横波速度,并得出纵横波速度、横波分裂系数和纵横波各向异性强度受裂缝密度和饱和流体的影响.研究发现流体对于纵波速度和纵波各向异性强度的影响较强,而横波速度、横波分裂系数和横波各向异性强度受饱和流体的影响不大,但是对裂缝密度的变化更敏感.  相似文献   

黄艳丹  李军  金星  袁丽文  李强  邱毅 《地震学报》2018,40(4):430-439
以2014年11月福建街面水库气枪震源激发试验观测数据为研究对象,利用基于互相关的时延估计法对不同沉放深度及不同水深的气枪激发展开研究,分析沉放深度及激发环境水深对气枪震源激发信号到时的影响。结果显示:激发位置不变,气枪沉放深度在8—30 m范围内变化时,震中距为13 km的测震台站记录到的气枪信号的首脉冲到时差异很小,而气泡脉冲到时则有明显差异,且随着沉放深度的增加,气泡脉冲信号到时提前,8 m沉放深度与30 m沉放深度气泡脉冲的到时差近80 ms,这种变化与布设在库底的海底地震仪记录到的信号变化相一致,分析认为这种变化与气枪沉放深度增加引起的气枪激发信号的周期减小有关;在不同水位开展的相同沉放深度的激发信号差异不大。因此,应用气枪震源监测地壳介质变化时需注意气枪震源沉放深度变化所带来的影响。   相似文献   

Wetting and drying is an acknowledged yet still poorly understood rock weathering process. Previous experiments documented in the literature measure physical changes or mass loss in relation to moisture oscillations but only one study directly compares different moisture amplitudes by using different modes of moisture application. In this experimental study, four sets of sandstone tablets are subjected to 48 h wetting and drying cycles at set moisture content fluctuations of 29, 42, 56 and 63% respectively. A common moisture application, full immersion, is used for all four sets. Mass loss after 52 cycles averaged 0·27%, some three times more than that of the control samples. Average porosity of the samples increased, while water absorption capacities and the saturation coefficients of the samples decreased. No discernable difference in mass loss or change in physical properties was found between the different sample sets. When compared with previous studies, results suggest that the effect of moisture application type may be more of a controlling factor on the weathering effect than actual moisture content achieved. A need to move towards a more standardized approach in wetting and drying experimental studies is emphasized. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

According to the critical point hypothesis (CPH), energy release would accelerate in power law before occurrence of large earthquakes or failure of brittle materials. In the paper, CPH was studied by acoustic emission experiments of large-scale rock samples. Three kinds of rock samples were used in the experiments. The tri-axial loading condition was applied under different loading histories. The released elastic energy (Acoustic emission) was recorded with acoustic emission technique as microcracks emerged and developed inside the rock samples. The experimental results gave a further verification on the CPH. The elastic energy release of rock samples would accelerate before the failure even under different experimental conditions. Primary studies were also made on medium-term earthquake prediction by using accelerating energy release (AER) in the paper. Foundation item: Project of Natural Sciences Foundation of China (10232050), Project of State Key Basic Research (2002CB412706) and Project of Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2002CB412706).  相似文献   

Introduction Earthquake is a kind of severe natural disaster. In order to predict earthquake effectively, thegeoscientists at home and abroad have carried out a great deal of studies on seismicity. For exam-ple,Willis, (1924) and Tocher (1959) made some early investigations on seismicity before largeearthquake. Chinese geoscientists performed even more studies in this field (CHEN, et al, 1981;HUANG, FENG, 1981; LIU, 1982; LU, 1985; LU, et al, 2001; MA, et al, 1982; MEI, 1960; …  相似文献   


针对电化学作用能够显著增强煤中甲烷解吸渗流特性,但对其电极材料的选择缺乏依据的问题,采用实验的方法研究了铝、铁、铜和石墨四种电极材料对电化学改性无烟煤甲烷吸附解吸特性的影响.结果表明:(1)未改性自然煤样的甲烷饱和吸附量a为39.92 mL·g-1,由铝、铁、铜和石墨四种电极材料进行电化学改性后阳极区域煤样的甲烷饱和吸附量a分别降低了5.22%、8.48%、9.24%和11.33%,阴极区域煤样的甲烷饱和吸附量a分别降低了9.53%、4.97%、6.25%和4.97%;(2)未改性自然煤样在300 min的甲烷解吸率为83.17%,经铝、铁、铜和石墨四种电极材料改性后阳极区域煤样的甲烷解吸率分别提高了9.50%、7.10%、8.36%和15.75%,阴极区域煤样的甲烷解吸率分别提高了1.76%、1.12%、6.10%和16.23%;(3)采用石墨作为电极的电化学对无烟煤甲烷解吸的影响效果最为明显,原因在于石墨阳极处电解反应生成较多的H+离子,一方面对煤表面进行酸化,抑制了煤甲烷的吸附,另一方面更多地溶蚀煤中的碳酸盐和硫酸盐矿物,增加了煤中的孔隙,使得甲烷最终解吸率有所升高.本文的研究结果可为电化学强化煤甲烷解吸电极材料的优选提供基础依据.



各向异性等介质物性参数会对震电波场的传播产生影响.为了定量研究介质物性参数对震电波场传播的影响, 本文首先研究了三维正交各向异性介质的震电耦合方程, 然后采用时域有限差分方法模拟了爆炸源在该介质中的震电响应.在数值模拟中, 首先计算地震波场, 然后把地震波场作为输入来计算伴随电场.为了验证数值算法的精度, 我们将数值结果与从Pride方程获得的解析解进行了对比, 结果表明数值解可以很好地近似解析解.我们设计了几种各向异性模型, 分析了介质物性参数对震电波场的影响, 结果表明爆炸源在各向异性孔隙介质中会产生四种地震波, 分别是快慢纵波和两个可分离的横波.产生的地震波都会在均匀各向异性孔隙介质中产生伴随电场.弯曲度对慢纵波的传播有影响, 当弯曲度为各向异性时, 慢纵波的波场快照为椭圆形, 当弯曲度为各向同性时, 慢纵波的波场快照为圆形.


Using numerical modelling, we investigate the evolution of seismoelectric effects induced by seismic excitation in spatially confined lithological units. Typical geometries represent clay lenses embedded in an aquifer or petroleum deposits in a host rock. In fluid‐saturated rocks, seismic waves can generate electromagnetic fields due to electrokinetic coupling mechanisms associated with such processes in the vicinity of the fluid‐mineral interface. Two seismoelectric phenomena are investigated: (1) the co‐seismic field associated with the seismic displacement at each point in a subsurface and (2) the interface response generated at layer boundaries. Our modelling uses a simplified time‐domain formulation of the coupled problem and an efficient 2D finite‐element implementation. To gain insight into the morphogenetic field behaviour of the seismoelectric effects, several numerical simulations for various target geometries were treated. Accordingly, we varied both the thickness of the confined units and the value of the electrical bulk conductivity in porous media. Analysis of these effects shows differences between interface responses for electrically conductive versus resistive units. So the pertinent contrast in electrical bulk conductivity controls the shape and structure of these seismoelectric conversion patterns. Moreover, the seismoelectric interface response captures both the petrophysical and geometrical characteristics of the geological unit. These models demonstrate the value of using seismoelectric interface response for reservoir characterization in either hydrogeological or hydrocarbon exploration studies.  相似文献   

井孔声电效应转换电磁波的特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为探索声电效应在测井技术中的应用前景,利用微弱信号检测技术对岩石的声电效应进行了实验研究,在模型井孔中不同矿化度的条件下同时记录声波与电磁波信号,对比分析研究声波和电磁波的特征.结果表明所记录的电磁波信号为声波在井孔中传播时激发的转换电磁波.在频谱分析中发现,转换电磁波在频率谱上存在对称的双主频峰.声波在井孔中传播时激发的伪瑞利波产生声电转换,形成转换电磁波.  相似文献   

双肢短肢剪力墙结构抗震性能试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据六片双肢短肢剪力墙结构试件低周反复荷载试验,量测了试件在荷载作用下的变形和钢筋的应变。根据截面内钢筋应变值采用直线和曲线两种方法拟合了截面内的应变变化情况。据此计算出各试件墙肢截面内钢筋和混凝土的应力和截面内力大小,以及各试件墙肢内的局部弯矩和整体弯矩大小。分析了内力的变化规律,并对不同肢厚比大小的短肢墙结构进行了定量评价。  相似文献   

Gassmann理论认为岩石的剪切模量在饱和流体前后保持不变,这一认识被广泛应用于高孔高渗常规储层中.然而,致密砂岩等非常规储层通常具有低孔、低渗以及孔隙结构复杂等岩石物理特征,因此Gassmann流体替换理论在此类储层的适用性尚不明确.针对这一问题,本文在1~60 MPa有效压力内分别测量了干燥与饱水致密砂岩样品的超...  相似文献   

轴向压力下砂岩波速的实验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对轴向压力下的砂岩波速进行了实验研究.结果表明,波速随着压力的增加而增加,并且与加卸载循环有关.对非线性模量与应变的关系进行了拟合.用非线性模量来替代弹性模量,推导出了轴向压力下干燥砂岩样品的波速计算公式,得到了速度和应变的关系曲线.实验数据与理论曲线有较好的一致性.  相似文献   

两类铅阻尼器试验研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在研制一套具有竖向耗能能力的抗倾覆装置过程中,针对该装置对阻尼器的要求,设计了两种铅阻尼器,铅剪切阻尼器和钢铅组合耗能器。为了了解两种阻尼器的力学性能,对这两种铅阻尼器分别进行了静力加载、静力反复荷载、动力性能实验以及MTS实验。实验分析结果表明,这两类阻尼器工艺简单,滞回环较为丰满,均能达到位移小阻尼力大、耗能稳定的目的,符合装置要求,适合于在工程中广泛应用。  相似文献   

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