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The “fluid-flow tomography”, an advanced technique for geoelectrical survey based on the conventional mise-à-la-masse measurement, has been developed by Exploration Geophysics Laboratory at the Kyushu University. This technique is proposed to monitor fluid-flow behavior during water injection and production in a geothermal field. However data processing of this technique is very costly. In this light, this paper will discuss the solution to cost reduction by applying a neural network in the data processing. A case study in the Takigami geothermal field in Japan will be used to illustrate this. The achieved neural network in this case study is three-layered and feed-forward. The most successful learning algorithm in this network is the Resilient Propagation (RPROP). Consequently, the study advances the pragmatism of the “fluid-flow tomography” technique which can be widely used for geothermal fields. Accuracy of the solution is then verified by using root mean square (RMS) misfit error as an indicator.  相似文献   

多通道瞬变电磁m序列全时正演模拟与反演   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
传统瞬变电磁方法主要用于金属矿勘查,无法满足油气资源高阻目标体的勘探需要.多通道瞬变电磁(MTEM)系统的出现解决了这一问题.该方法采用伪随机序列发射波形和拟地震观测方式,测量同线电场分量,记录全时发射电流及多道观测数据,实现对高阻薄层的高精度探测.鉴于国内对此方法的研究还处于理论探索阶段,尚未进行相应的仿真模拟和数据处理工作,本文针对m序列发射波形多通道瞬变电磁法的全时正演模拟和反演解释进行研究,为国内正在进行的MTEM仪器系统研发及数据解释提供理论指导.我们利用方波响应移位叠加和电流导数与阶跃响应褶积两种方法实现理论m序列和实际发射波形的全时正演模拟;再通过相关辨识技术,削弱噪声影响,计算脉冲响应;最后对积分得到的阶跃响应进行共中心点道集数据联合反演,获取地下电性分布信息.  相似文献   

利用NVIDIA CUDA编程平台,实现了基于GPU并行的重力、重力梯度三维快速正演计算方法.采用当前在重力数据约束反演或联合反演中流行的物性模型(密度大小不同、规则排列的长方体单元)作为地下剖分单元,对任意三维复杂模型体均可用很多物性模型进行组合近似,利用解析方法计算出所有物性模型在计算点的异常值并累加求和,得到整个模型体在某一计算点引起的重力(或重力梯度)值.针对精细的复杂模型体产生的问题,采用GPU并行计算技术,主要包括线程有效索引与优化的并行归约技术进行高效计算.在显卡型号为NVIDIA Quadro 2000相对于单线程CPU程序,重力和重力梯度Uxx、Uxy正演计算可以分别达到60与50倍的加速.本文还讨论了GPU并行计算在两种反演方法中的策略,为快速三维反演技术提供了借鉴.  相似文献   

地球物理学中的电磁场正演与反演   总被引:13,自引:18,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
本文在近年来众多的地球物理研究者的研究基础上,总结了当前地电磁模型正反演已有成果,定量分析了各种主要正反演的性能测试,指出不同正反演法的优点、缺点以及应用范围局限,提出了各种方法的发展趋势以及当前计算地球物理领域的核心内容,指出了计算地球物理领域的数值模拟发展方向.  相似文献   

瞬变电磁法正反演问题研究进展   总被引:18,自引:8,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
对瞬变电磁法的方法发展概况和仪器研制状况做出了综述性评价.对瞬变电磁法正反演问题的研究成果进行了系统总结.目前的数值模拟正演方法主要有一维滤波系数法,三维积分方程法,二维,三维有限差分法,2.5维有限元法等,主要的反演方法有:一维浮动薄板解释法,人机对话自动反演法,烟圈理论解释法,神经网络反演法,成像类反演等,论述了瞬变电磁法各种计算方法的特点.瞬变电磁法的正反演发展趋势主要是研究三维正反演的计算方法和目标体成像系统.  相似文献   

为准确刻画复杂海底地质结构中电磁场变化特征,有效处理大规模海洋可控源电磁三维正演模拟问题,本文将基于矢量有限元的 FETI-DP(Dual-Primal Finite-Element Tearing and Interconnecting)区域分解法引入到海洋电磁三维正演模拟中 该方法首先利用非结构四面体网格对海洋地电...  相似文献   

Frequency-domain airborne electromagnetics is a proven geophysical exploration method. Presently, the interpretation is mainly based on resistivity—depth imaging and one-dimensional layered inversion; nevertheless, it is difficult to obtain satisfactory results for two- or three-dimensional complex earth structures using 1D methods. 3D forward modeling and inversion can be used but are hampered by computational limitations because of the large number of data. Thus, we developed a 2.5D frequency-domain airborne electromagnetic forward modeling and inversion algorithm. To eliminate the source singularities in the numerical simulations, we split the fields into primary and secondary fields. The primary fields are calculated using homogeneous or layered models with analytical solutions, and the secondary (scattered) fields are solved by the finite-element method. The linear system of equations is solved by using the large-scale sparse matrix parallel direct solver, which greatly improves the computational efficiency. The inversion algorithm was based on damping least-squares and singular value decomposition and combined the pseudo forward modeling and reciprocity principle to compute the Jacobian matrix. Synthetic and field data were used to test the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

VSP正反演综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
垂直地震剖面法是一种发展很迅速的地球物理方法,由于垂直地震剖面法是在介质内部点上直接观测,因而能够避开或减弱剖面上部低速带的干扰及外界噪声干扰,可以更直接、更有效地研究波的运动学和动力学特征,解决其地质问题,因此在地球物理勘探领域中最为活跃.本文从垂直地震剖面正反演的角度,并结合国内外实际的例子来介绍垂直地震剖面,同时讨论了垂直地震剖面未来发展的方向.  相似文献   


地层介质的电各向异性增加了井地电阻率法响应的复杂性, 开展基于电各向异性介质模型的井地电阻率法响应规律研究对于正确解释各向异性显著地区的观测数据特征至关重要.针对垂直线源井地电阻率法的任意各向异性响应模拟问题, 本文提出了一种基于非结构网格有限元三维正演算法, 通过引入3×3的对称正定张量来表征任意各向异性的电导率, 采用非结构四面体网格有限元方法来离散电位的边值问题, 通过将垂直线源等效为一系列点源问题, 进而实现了任意各向异性介质中井地电阻率法的高效数值计算.通过与三个地电模型的解的对比, 验证了本文数值解算法的精度和有效性.针对线源远离和垂直穿过异常体的两类模型, 分别考察了当围岩或异常体为各向异性介质时的井地视电阻率响应特征.结果表明, 对于各向异性地层, 围岩和异常体的主轴电阻率值和旋转角均会对井地视电阻率的幅值及分布产生显著的影响.研究结果对于提高井地电阻率法的认识和资料解释水平具有重要的理论和实际意义.


The main problems in three-dimensional gravity inversion are the non-uniqueness of the solutions and the high computational cost of large data sets. To minimize the high computational cost, we propose a new sorting method to reduce fluctuations and the high frequency of the sensitivity matrix prior to applying the wavelet transform. Consequently, the sparsity and compression ratio of the sensitivity matrix are improved as well as the accuracy of the forward modeling. Furthermore, memory storage requirements are reduced and the forward modeling is accelerated compared with uncompressed forward modeling. The forward modeling results suggest that the compression ratio of the sensitivity matrix can be more than 300. Furthermore, multiscale inversion based on the wavelet transform is applied to gravity inversion. By decomposing the gravity inversion into subproblems of different scales, the non-uniqueness and stability of the gravity inversion are improved as multiscale data are considered. Finally, we applied conventional focusing inversion and multiscale inversion on simulated and measured data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed gravity inversion method.  相似文献   

井地电法的准解析近似三维反演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究复杂地电模型上的井地电法三维反演一直是一个具有挑战性的课题。本文在准解析近似和重加权正则化的共轭梯度法的基础上,用visualFortran6.5开发了井地电法三维准解析近似反演程序。反演过程中的正演和Frechet导数矩阵计算都应用准解析近似大大提高了计算的速度。通过理论模型的合成数据反演试算,说明基于准解析近似法和加权正则化的共轭梯度法的井地电法三维反演程序有着计算速度快,反演精度高等特点。  相似文献   

3D inversion of borehole-surface electrical data for complex geo-electrical models is still a challenging problem in geophysical exploration. We have developed a program for 3D inversion to borehole-surface electrical data based on the quasi-analytical approximation (QA) and re-weighted regularized conjugate gradient method (RRCG) algorithms using Visual Fortran 6.5. Application of the QA approximation to forward modeling and Frechet derivative computations speeds up the calculation dramatically. The trial calculation for synthetic data of theoretical model showed that the program is fast and highly precise.  相似文献   

球坐标系下三维大地电磁正演研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文



复杂场源形态的海洋可控源电磁三维正演   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
在使用电偶极发射源的可控源电磁法(CSEM)勘探中,发射源的方位、长度、形状等对观测数据有重要的影响,然而现有的大部分三维数值模拟方法没有全面地将这些因素考虑进来,很多都只能应对非常简单的场源形态,例如单一方位的点电偶极子,这有可能显著降低模拟结果的准确性.本文实现了基于交错网格有限体积(FV)离散的海洋CSEM三维正演算法,能够模拟形态相对复杂的场源,包括任意方位的有限长直导线和弯曲导线发射源.该算法使用一次场/二次场方法,只需对二次场使用FV法求解,避免了场源的奇异性问题;一次场的计算为一维正演问题,使用准解析法求解,并且只要在计算一次场时考虑复杂的场源形态便可以实现同样场源的三维正演.通过与一维理论模型的解析解对比验证了三维程序的准确性,并针对三维理论模型进行了一系列正演测试,初步考察了场源形态对三维正演结果的影响.  相似文献   

李勇  林品荣  刘祖鉴 《地球物理学报》2019,62(10):3923-3933



基于Matlab设计一款一维电测深正反演可视化软件,主要包括正演拟合、直接反演和影响系数计算等功能。该软件界面简洁友好,反演速度快,结果误差小。该软件的使用,可为科研工作提供更加可靠的电性结构模型。  相似文献   

点源场井-地电位测量三维有限元模拟   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
井地电法是深部地质矿产勘查的重要方法之一,研究高效率、高精度、适用于起伏地形等复杂条件下的正演模拟算法具有理论和实际意义.本文研究了点源场井地电位测量的三维有限元正演模拟,采用与井轴一致倾斜的计算区域,使剖分单元随地形起伏,用预处理共轭梯度法求解线性方程组,利用行压缩存储和改进的行压缩存储方式来存储刚度矩阵和预处理矩阵,实现了起伏地形和倾斜井情形下的正演计算.此外,本文利用仿射坐标变换技术,给出了平行五面体单元精确的单元积分公式,这种处理技术同样可推广应用于其他平行多面体单元的单元分析,相比于采用等参变换和高斯数值积分,能极大地提高计算效率.文中构建了一些模型算例,其计算结果验证了程序的可靠性和高效性.  相似文献   

Meshfree method offers high accuracy and computational capability and constructs the shape function without relying on predefined elements. We comparatively analyze the global weak form meshfree methods, such as element-free Galerkin method (EFGM), the point interpolation method (PIM), and the radial point interpolation method (RPIM). Taking two dimensional Poisson equation as an example, we discuss the support-domain dimensionless size, the field nodes, and background element settings with respect to their effect on calculation accuracy of the meshfree method. RPIM and EFGM are applied to controlled-source two-dimensional electromagnetic modeling with fixed shape parameters. The accuracy of boundary conditions imposed directly and by a penalty function are discussed in the case of forward modeling of two-dimensional magnetotellurics in a homogeneous medium model. The coupling algorithm of EFG–PIM and EFG–RPIM are generated by integrating the PIM or RPIM and EFGM. The results of the numerical modeling suggest the following. First, the proposed meshfree method and corresponding coupled methods are well-suited for electromagnetic numerical modeling. The accuracy of the algorithm is the highest when the support-domain dimensionless size is 1.0 and the distribution of field nodes is consistent with the nodes of background elements. Second, the accuracy of PIM and RPIM are lower than that of EFGM for the Poisson equation but higher than EFGM for the homogeneous medium MT response. Third, RPIM overcomes the matrix inversion problem of PIM and has a wider selection of support-domain dimensionless sizes as compared to RPIM.  相似文献   

秦策  王绪本  赵宁 《地球物理学报》2017,60(6):2456-2468



To speed up three-dimensional (3D) DC resistivity modeling, we present a new multigrid method, the aggregation-based algebraic multigrid method (AGMG). We first discretize the differential equation of the secondary potential field with mixed boundary conditions by using a seven-point finite-difference method to obtain a large sparse system of linear equations. Then, we introduce the theory behind the pairwise aggregation algorithms for AGMG and use the conjugate-gradient method with the V-cycle AGMG preconditioner (AGMG-CG) to solve the linear equations. We use typical geoelectrical models to test the proposed AGMG-CG method and compare the results with analytical solutions and the 3DDCXH algorithm for 3D DC modeling (3DDCXH). In addition, we apply the AGMG-CG method to different grid sizes and geoelectrical models and compare it to different iterative methods, such as ILU-BICGSTAB, ILU-GCR, and SSOR-CG. The AGMG-CG method yields nearly linearly decreasing errors, whereas the number of iterations increases slowly with increasing grid size. The AGMG-CG method is precise and converges fast, and thus can improve the computational efficiency in forward modeling of three-dimensional DC resistivity.  相似文献   

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