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At present, paid urban landuse system is one of the most important economic reform in China. In the other words, landuse right can be transferred and land users must pay the rent to the state according to the quality of land. It is necessary to apply the theory of rent and location to the economic approaisal of urban land. China is vast in territory. Is’s geographical condition and economic development vary from place to place, so does the urban land value. In order to reveal the difference of land value between different cities, the following method is used. (1) Analysing the factors and elements that affect the quality of urban land. Six factors including 17 elements were selected in this paper: macrolocation of a city, benefit of urban aggregation, infrastructure investment, output value of urban land, potential of urban land, and investment intensity. (2) Deciding the weight andvalue of each factor. (3) Appraising each element separately. (4) Accounting the value of all factors and getting the total appraisal score of each city. (5) Grouping the 430 Chinese cities into sevencategories according to the appraisal values. The result shows that all the cities in the category with the highest land output values are in the coast belt, whereas most cities in the inland and outlying areas are belong to the category with low rank. For example, 87% of the cities in the outlying regions are belong to the lowest rank. Although there are some relationship between the size of cities and urban land rank, generally speaking, the larger the city, the higher the urban land rank. In fact, the locational condition is the most important factor which influences the rank of urban land.  相似文献   


研究青藏高原城镇化格局的时空分异及其影响因素,有利于推动青藏高原现代人类活动时空过程的认知,对青藏高原就地就近城镇化及可持续发展具有参考意义。根据历次人口普查数据,本研究构建青藏高原县市尺度城镇化空间数据集,参考城镇化发展阶段,采用LISA空间类型划分法和空间计量回归模型,系统分析1990-2010年青藏高原内部城镇化格局的时空分异特征及影响因素。主要结论包括:① 青藏高原整体城镇化水平偏低,2017年底,青藏高原主体部分青海省和西藏自治区的常住人口城镇化水平分别为53.07%和30.8%,低于全国同期水平的58.52%,但青藏高原内不乏高水平城镇化地区,而且各地区间城镇化水平的空间差异缩小;② 青海西部柴达木盆地是高水平城镇化集聚区,羌塘地区是低水平城镇化集聚区,地级行政中心所在县市多呈现自身高、周边低的城镇化格局;③ 与内地相似,第二、三产业从业机会是推动青藏高原城镇化发展重要因素,社会公共服务资源对城镇化拉动作用开始凸显。研究结果可以为青藏高原人类活动研究和青藏高原就地就近城镇化可持续发展政策提供参考。  相似文献   

通过拟合最优幂函数模型,将NPP-VIIRS影像模拟为DMSP-OLS影像,构建了京津冀、长江三角洲(简称长三角)和珠江三角洲(简称珠三角)三大城市群1992—2017年长时间序列夜间灯光影像集。参考城市建成区统计数据确定夜间灯光最佳阈值提取城市范围,有效剥离统计数据中包含的经济活力不足的城市空间,识别出不属于统计范围的低等级、高活力城镇区,创新了数据应用视角。研究表明:① 县级城镇和市级以上城市对三大城市群城市范围的贡献度不同。京津冀腹地广阔,县级城镇是区域经济活力的重要组成部分,整体上贡献度最大;1990s初期长三角部分县级城镇经济活力较强,大量撤县设市后县级城镇数量减少,逐渐在2005年后低于京津冀;珠三角受到社会经济发展条件和行政单元划分的影响,县级城镇对城市范围的贡献在3个城市群中始终最小。② 三大城市群城市扩展非均衡性特征存在差异。京津冀城市扩展为京、津主导下的“双核”模式,非均衡性显著,尚未形成完善的城市规模体系;长三角和珠三角城市集聚特征明显,均衡性更强。重心迁移的路径、方向和距离反映各城市群不同的扩展强度和作用模式。③ 城市空间扩展格局整体均呈现热点区不断扩大、冷点区不断缩小的特征。其中京津冀热点和冷点区相对稳定,热点区向心集聚作用较强;长三角和珠三角空间格局变化较大,区域核心城市带动作用较强。  相似文献   

厦门市土地利用年际变化遥感分析   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
采用多步骤遥感图像分类以及后分类变化检测方法所得到的厦门市1989、1995和2000年的图像分类图及土地利用变化转换矩阵,查明了厦门市1989~2000年的土地利用变化:城乡建设用地、耕地以及林地/园地等主要用地类型的面积及变化;大量耕地被城市扩展侵占,数量不断减少,质量不断下降。分析认为,工业化和城市化的发展、人口的增长以及自然地理条件等因素是厦门市土地利用发生变化的主要驱动力。研究表明,利用3S技术可以快速有效地对城市土地利用年际变化进行动态监测,揭示城市土地利用动态变化的特点及其内在规律,为城市规划和政府决策部门提供参考依据。  相似文献   

在国家大力推进新型城镇化和落实城市群空间规划的背景下,评价城市群土地生态安全水平,并以此为限制条件预测城市群未来土地利用格局,对城市群可持续发展具有重要意义。本文以环鄱阳湖城市群为研究对象,对城市群土地生态安全格局和变化进行分析,根据土地生态安全评价结果设置自然发展情景和生态保护情景,结合多分类Logistic回归和多标准评价方法(MCE),构建CA-Markov模型,预测2种情景下2030年土地利用格局并进行对比分析。研究结果表明:①2005、2010和2015年,环鄱阳湖城市群网格平均生态安全值分别为0.574、0.573和0.571,空间布局上呈现"中部低、东西高"的特征;②预测2030年,自然发展情景下新增城镇用地主要位于九江市、上饶市和南昌市,生态保护情景下限制城镇用地和其他建设用地向土地生态安全高值区扩展,使得城镇用地和其他建设用地扩展更加集中;③预测生态保护情景下,高生态安全区面积比自然发展情景下多39.39%且分布更加均匀,包括鄱阳湖周边区域、九江市中部以及新余市和吉安市,城市群生态安全得到有效保护。该研究可为环鄱阳湖城市群土地利用规划及生态保护提供参考。  相似文献   

城市土地利用优化配置分析应用——以济南市为例   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
对城市土地资源进行优化配置,提高城市土地利用的集约程度,是当前城市土地利用研究领域中的热点问题。本文以济南市为研究区,通过构建系统动力学模型对济南市土地利用的数量结构进行预测,在此基础上,利用ArcGIS软件的二次开发语言编写程序,实现了济南市土地利用的空间优化配置,为济南市城市内部土地资源的合理开发与利用,提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Nowadays, urban transit system has become one of the major forces underlying urban pace transformation via changing accessibility of related land parcels, which leads to the changes of land value and land use structure. This paper studied the interaction between land use changes and related transport routes, particular about how different transport routes and road nodes influence the conversion of industrial lands to residential and commercial uses respectively. Taking Changchun, an old industrial city in the rust belt of China as a case of study, we explored and compared the influences of different transport routes and road nodes on industrial land conversion. We found that surrounding the studied transport routes, more industrial lands were replaced by residential lands than by commercial lands. Also, apparent differences exist in the corridor effects of different transport routes(i.e., light rail, expressway and trunk road) and road nodes(i.e., expressway nodes and trunk road nodes) while the industrial lands convert to residential and commercial uses. Our research findings help us to illuminate the interactive relationships between transportation and industrial land conversion in old industrial cities which are undergoing social, economic and the related urban transition in Northeast China.  相似文献   

青藏高原城乡建设用地和生态用地转移时空格局   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
青藏高原作为中国重要的生态环境保护地,城镇化和生态环境的变化受到广泛关注。本文基于1990-2015年土地利用数据,进行生态用地和城乡建设用地之间的转移分析,通过核密度以及标准差椭圆分析进行空间转移强度的定性研究。结果表明:① 1990-2015年青藏高原生态用地显著地向城乡建设用地转移,是城乡建设用地向生态用地转移量的54.6倍,其中2000-2005年和2010-2015年是用地转移的热点时期;② 城乡建设用地与生态用地之间的转换在空间上呈现逆向状态,生态用地向城乡建设用地的转移分布逐渐从青藏高原的周边区域向腹地蔓延;城乡建设用地向生态用地的转移最初出现在青藏高原的腹地,逐渐向外围扩张;③ 生态服务功能越大的生态用地,越容易被人类占用,随之发生用地类型的转移,侵占后的土地很难反向转移为具有高生态服务功能的生态用地。  相似文献   

信息化赋能已经成为新时期国土空间规划的热点,但通过大数据整合进行国土空间利用评价研究仍有待探索。本文旨在借助腾讯位置大数据开展城市居住用地效率评价实证研究,综合运用多源地理空间数据,以居民区为评价单元构建居住用地效率指标,揭示常州市新城区不同居民区用地效率差异。结果表明:(1)居民区范围内小时粒度的人口规模呈周期波动,峰值一般出现在21:00,符合城市居民昼出夜归的作息规律,且不同容积率水平的居民楼人口集聚度和规模值也存在预期性的差异;(2) 29个居民区按建成年份划分为1980s、1990s、2000s、2010—2015年、2015年以后共5组,各组效率指标平均值分别为1.74、2.45、2.31、0.95和0.91人/百m2,2010年之前建成的居民区明显高于2010年之后新建的,2010年以后建成的居民区低于全市2.06人/百m2的平均水平(2018年标准);(3)效率指标值低并非完全等同于集约用地水平低,常州市新城新区开发建设的成长周期、居民对提升人居环境品质的需求,都是导致不同居民区用地效率差异的原因。研究表明,位置大数据作为高精...  相似文献   

The urban population and urbanized land in China have both increased markedly since the 1980s. Urban and suburban developments have grown at unprecedented rates with unknown consequences for ecosystem functions. In particular, the effect of rapid urbanization on the storage of soil carbon has not been studied extensively. In this study, we compared the soil carbon stocks of different land use types in Beijing Municipality. We collected 490 top-soil samples (top 20 cm) from urban and suburban sites within the Sixth Ring Road of Beijing, which cover approximately 2400 km2, and the densities of soil organic carbon (SOC), soil inorganic carbon (SIC), and total carbon (TC) were analyzed to determine the spatial distribution of urban and suburban soil carbon characteristics across seven land use types. The results revealed significant differences in soil carbon densities among land use types. Additionally, urban soil had significantly higher SOC and SIC densities than suburban soil did, and suburban shelterbelts and productive plantations had lower SIC densities than the other land use types. The comparison of coefficients of variance (CVs) showed that carbon content of urban topsoil had a lower variability than that of suburban topsoil. Further findings revealed that soil carbon storage increased with built-up age. Ur- ban soil built up for more than 20 years had higher densities of SOC, SIC and TC than both urban soil with less than 10 years and sub- urban soil. Correlation analyses indicated the existence of a significantly negative correlation between the SOC, SIC, and TC densities of urban soil and the distance to the urban core, and the distance variable alone explained 23.3% of the variation of SIC density and 13.8% of the variation of TC density. These results indicate that SOC and SIC accumulate in the urban topsoil under green space as a result of the conversion of agricultural land to urban land due to the urbanization in Beijing.  相似文献   

广州城市暴雨内涝时空演变及建设用地扩张的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
暴雨内涝是城市常见的“城市病”。本研究通过收集20世纪80年代、90年代,以及2000年之后广州市主城区严重暴雨内涝资料,探索改革开放后广州市暴雨内涝时空演变特征,分析城市建设用地扩张对暴雨内涝的影响。结果表明,20世纪80年代至今,广州市主城区暴雨内涝点在时间和空间2个尺度上有显著的变化。早期内涝点主要集中于市中心的越秀区,随着城市化进程的推进逐渐在白云、天河等城市化较快的区域出现。从1990-2010年,广州市城乡建设用地扩张显著,城市不透水面密度与暴雨内涝点核密度呈正相关。其相关性随城市化发展逐渐增强,表明改革开放后广州市城市的快速扩张,对主城区暴雨内涝点的时空演变有较大的影响。因此,城市暴雨内涝的防治应重视城市不透水面格局的优化和调整。  相似文献   

Human activities significantly alter ecosystems and their services; however, quantifying the impact of human activities on ecosystems has been a great challenge in ecosystem management. We used the Universal Soil Loss Equation and county-level socioeconomic data to assess the changes in the ecosystem service of soil conservation between 2000 and 2010, and to analyze its spatial characteristics and driving factors in the southwestern China. The results showed that cropland in the southwestern China decreased by 3.74%, while urban land, forest, and grassland areas increased by 46.78%, 0.86%, and 1.12%, respectively. The soil conservation increased by 1.88 × 10~(11) kg, with deterioration only in some local areas. The improved and the degraded areas accounted for 6.41% and 2.44% of the total land area, respectively. Implementation of the Sloping Land Conversion Program and urbanization explained 57.80% and 23.90% of the variation in the soil conservation change, respectively, and were found to be the main factors enhancing soil conservation. The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake was one of the factors that led to the degradation of soil conservation. Furthermore, industrial adjustment, by increasing shares of Industry and Service and reducing those of Agriculture, has also promoted soil conservation. Our results quantitatively showed and emphasized the contributions to soil conservation improvement made by implementing ecological restoration programs and promoting urbanization. Consequently, these results provide basic information to improve our understanding of the effects of ecological restoration programs, and help guide future sustainable urban development and regional industrial restructuring.  相似文献   

Sri Lanka is experiencing speedy urbanization by converting the agriculture land and other natural land cover into built-up land. The urban population of Sri Lanka is expected to reach to 60% by 2030 from 14% in 2010. The rapid growth in urban population and urban areas in Sri Lanka may cause serious socioeconomic disparities, if they are not handled properly. Thus, planners in Sri Lanka are in need of information about past and future urban growth patterns to plan a better and sustainable urban future for Sri Lanka. In this paper, we analyzed the characteristics of past land use and land cover trends in Matara City of Sri Lanka from 1980 to 2010 to assess the historic urban dynamics. The land use change detection analysis based on remote sensing datasets reveal that the conversion of homestead/ garden and paddy into urban land is evident in Matara City. The historic urban trends are projected into the near future by using SLEUTH urban growth model to identify the hot spots of future urbanization and as well as the urban growth patterns in Matara City up to the basic administrative level, i.e., Grama Niladari Divisions (GND). The urban growth simulations for the year 2030 reveal that 29 GNDs out of 66 GNDs in Matara City will be totally converted into urban land. Whereas, 28 GNDs will have urban land cover from 75% to 99% by 2030. The urban growth simulations are further analyzed with respect to the proposed Matara city development plan by the Urban Development Authority (UDA) of Sri Lanka. The results show that the UDA’s city development plan of Matara will soon be outpaced by rapid urbanization. Based on the calibration and validation results, the SLEUTH model proved to be a useful planning tool to understand the near future urbanization of Sri Lankan cities.  相似文献   

This paper principally focuses on land use dynamics,urban expansion and underlying driving forces in the Natural Wetland Distribution Area(NWDA)of Fuzhou City in the southeastern China.Based on time series Landsat TM/ETM+imageries and historical data,relationships between urban land expansion and its influencing factors from 1989 to 2009 were analyzed by using an integrated approach of remote sensing(RS)and geographic information system(GIS)techniques.The results showed that built-up land increased from 151.16 km2in 1989 to 383.76 km 2in 2009. Approximately 64.25%of the newly emerging built-up land was converted from cropland(29.47%),forest and shrub (25.78%),water(3.73%),wetland(4.61%),and bare land(0.66%)during 1989 and 2009.With a remarkable decrease in cropland,the proportion of non-agricultural population increased by 23.6%.Moreover,rapid development of infrastructures,facilities,industrial parks,and urban and rural settlements along the Minjiang River resulted in the eastward and southward expansion of built-up land.Additionally,the growth pattern of built-up land in the NWDA is highly correlated with socio-economic factors,including the gross domestic product(GDP),GDP per capita,and structure of industry.As a result,the observed environmental degradation such as loss of cropland and wetland due to heavy pressure of rapid urbanization have greatly impaired the carrying capacity of city.Thus,in addition to scientific and rational policies towards minimizing the adverse effects of urbanization,coordination between the administrative agencies should be urgently strengthened to balance the conflicts between urban development and ecological conservation to make sure the sustainable land use.  相似文献   

长江三角洲城市化地区植被初级生产力的时空变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市化过程对植被初级生产具有重要影响。以往研究主要集中于城市用地扩张对植被初级生产力的直接影响分析,而较少关注其间接效果。本文以长江三角洲地区为例,分别从地区尺度和城市尺度分别分析了2000-2013年植被初级生产力的时空变化,探讨了其与气温、降水量及城市建成区绿化覆盖率的关系。研究表明:地区尺度上,2000-2013年长江三角洲植被初级生产力呈现不断增加,其中城市建成区植被初级生产力呈现显著增加的趋势(P<0.05);城市尺度上,城市建成区内植被初级生产力主要呈现增加的趋势,而其外围缓冲区内则与此相反。在当前气候变化背景下,这可能与城市建成区绿化覆盖率不断增加,及快速的城市扩张有关。  相似文献   

Globalization and informatization have accelerated city networking process over the world, which makes research on city network a hot topic in the fields of urban geography and economic geography. With Chinese economic structure adjustment and city economic growth, producer services have begun to play an increasingly important role in city-region networking. This paper employs the methodology of world city network to analyze and explain the spatial development characteristics of China’s urban network system based on the data of nationwide producer services enterprise network. The research result indicated that the distribution of producer services network has a positive effect on the development of Chinese city networks. City network connectivity is closely related to the significance of city in producer services development, and the former will gradually decline with the drop of the latter. Accordingly, the 64 cities can be divided into the national central cities, regional central cities, sub-regional central cities and local central cities in accordance with their position and role in the nationwide producer services network. It is concluded that high-grade cities with quality producer services dominate the pattern of Chinese city networks and there emerges three spatial agglomerations of producer services enterprises in Changjiang (Yangtze) River Delta, Zhujiang (Pearl) River Delta and Beijing-Tianjin-Tangshan Economical Region. Moreover, the distribution of different producer services industry varies from city to city, which also affects the characteristics of network development.  相似文献   

The relationship between China’s urbanization and economic development(RCUED) is an important concern nationwide. As important actors in regional strategy and policy, county-level regions have played an increasingly significant role in the development of China’s social economy. However, the existing research on the RCUED lacks the fine depiction of the county-level administrative units.Using 2000 and 2010 census data and the statistical analysis method, we uncovered the evolution characteristics of China’s urbanization and economic development and conducted a quantitative identification for the RCUED with improved methods using the quadrant map approach. In addition, we investigated the spatial correlation effect of the RCUED using the spatial autocorrelation analysis method. The results were as follows: 1) In general, a high degree of matching exists between China’s urbanization and economic development at the county level at the significance level of 0.01. The correlation coefficients between China’s urbanization and economic development in2000 and 2010 were 0.608 and 0.603, respectively. 2) A significant regional difference exists in the RCUED at the county level. Based on a comparative analysis of 2276 county units in China in the two years, we found that county units can be categorized as under-urbanized, basic coordination and over-urbanized in various areas. No situation was observed where urbanization seriously lagged behind the economic development level, so the levels of urbanization and economic development appear to be basically coordinated,and the coordination state may be gradually optimized over time. 3) Over time, the spatial dependency of the RCUED has weakened and the spatial heterogeneity has increased. Northeast China has always been an area characterized by over-urbanization. The number of county units classified as under-urbanized has begun to decline in eastern coastal urban agglomeration areas, while counties rich in resources have transformed from having point-shaped over-urbanization to plane-shaped under-urbanization along the northern border,and the number of over-urbanized county units has increased in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River. 4)’Lag-lag’ type and ’advance-advance’ type accounted for 68% of all counties in China, and these counties were shown to have obvious spatial differentiation characteristics.  相似文献   

The thermal-environment effect exists in the field of rapid urbanization.It has adverse effects on the urban atmosphere,regional climate,energy consumption,and public health.Shenzhen,a representative of rapidly urbanizing cities in China,was selected as a case for pattern dynamics analysis of the thermal environment.The surface temperature was acquired from the thermal infrared data of Landsat TM and ETM+ images in 1986,1995,and 2005 by Jiménez-Mu?oz and Sobrino’s generalized single-channel method,which was used in assessing the distribution and spatial patterns of the thermal environment.The relative thermal environment curve(RTC) was combined with Moran’s I analysis to assess the pattern dynamics of the thermal environment in different urbanization periods.Moran’s I index and the RTC represent a process of aggregation-fragmentation-aggregation,which shows the aggregation pattern of a decrease during the rapid urbanization period and then an increase during the steady urbanization period.High-temperature areas gradually expanded to a uniform and scattered distribution in the rapid urbanization period;while the high thermal-environment effect was gradually transformed into a steady spatial pattern in the stable urbanization period.To characterize the increasing development in this multiple-center city,we chose profiles along an urban-development axis.The results suggest that heat islands have expanded from internal urban to external urban areas.Four profiles were obtained showing differences in shape due to spatial differences in the process of development.  相似文献   

Urban internal structure is essential information for urban geography researchers and urban planners or managers. This research aims to examine the spatial structure changes of internal urban land use based on the interpreted datasets of 1984 and 2008. Spatio-temporal patterns of internal land use conversion and urban expansion are analyzed, and then dominant driving factors (e.g., social economy, population growth and urban planning) were identified. The results indicate that Beijing′s intra-urban layout has experienced tremendous adjustment from compact to disperse configure, otherwise its function objects have shifted from the major economic and industrial development before the 1990s to the combination with cultural, high-technological and inhabitable city at present. The dominant urban land use transformations include the relocation of industrial lands from core districts to suburban or other provinces, and the accelerating expansion of residential areas and green spaces for supplying the demand of housing and ecological protection. Although Beijing′s urban planning has experienced three major adjustments and improvement since the 1980s, its optimization of urban internal patterns still remains a challenge.  相似文献   

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