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A new numerical method is proposed for solving the problems connected with the evolution of spherical clusters. The method is based upon the solution of the algebraic equations describing the motions of spherical shells.The stage of the collapse of a typical cluster is considered. The initial configuration is taken as a system with a uniform density distribution and with velocities much less than the virial ones. The model close to a stationary one has been obtained. The mass of the stationary cluster comprises about 60% of the initial one. The density distribution of the outer part of the cluster approximately corresponds to a profile of R –3.3.  相似文献   

In a stellar system in nonsteady states and according to Chandrasekhar's axially-symmetric model, the general trajectory of a local centroid is determined. In the neighbourhood of the Sun, a two-component stellar system is adopted to explain the kinematic behaviour of the stellar samples. Depending on the kinematic parameters of each subsystem, the trajectories of every local subcentroid are shown.Life is long for the wise stars but short for the giddy ones Some Seneca-like words about De breviate vitaePaper presented at the 11th European Regional Astronomical Meetings of the IAU on New Windows to the Universe, held 3–8 July, 1989, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.  相似文献   

A model is presented consisting of two different axially deformed polytropic spheroids, homocentric and coaxial — with arbitrary values for the two masses, the two equatorial radii and the two polytropic indices — interacting with each other only gravitationally. The model represents the two main components, halo and bulge plus disk, of a galaxy. The flattening of the two spheroids is assumed to be due to rigid-body rotation and tidal interaction, and the treatment follows closely the method of Chandrasekhar and Lebovitz for single polytropic structures. All useful quantities are evaluated up to first order in the two rotation frequencies. The main properties of sequences of models intended to mimic evolution at constant masses and constant angular momenta are presented.  相似文献   

To explain the variety of observed optical emission stratification in the shells around Wolf-Rayet stars, we have calculated the nonstationary cooling of a homogeneous gas layer heated to a temperature (0.4–2) × 105 K. We have assumed that the nebula is ionized by its central star and consists of a rarefied gas and a set of clouds with different densities through which adiabatic shock waves produced by the stellar wind propagate. Based on this model, we have determined the sequence in which the emission in Hα and in nebular oxygen lines appears. The Hα emission attributable to the electron-collision excitation of hydrogen atoms is produced earliest on the periphery of nebulae, the [O III] line emission follows next, and, finally, the Hα recombination emission is produced. The results obtained are in good agreement with the observational data.  相似文献   

We have studied a set of equations with nonlinear and nonadiabatic terms which describes a simple oscillator. The equations have only one fixed point located at the origin. It is found that the oscillator shows the sequence of the period-doubling for the change of a parameter and results in chaotic oscillation. We illustrated the behaviour of the oscillator for several set of parameters and showed that the equations of the oscillator can be reduced to the one-zone model of stellar pulsation with simple nonlinear terms. It is suggested that the stellar irregular variability is resulted from the chaotic motion due to the nonlinear effect.  相似文献   

Energy changes in a head-on collision between two unequal Plummer model stellar systems (galaxies) are studied analytically under the impulsive approximation. The variation of the disruptive effects within and the mass escape from systems widely differing in mass and scalelength ratios are determined and some physical implications regarding the dynamical stability of the systems undergoing head-on collisions are indicated. It is found that if two systems differ considerably in size, both systems generally survive the collision if (i) the mass of the bigger is greater than about six times the mass of the smaller and (ii) the density of the smaller is more than about twenty-five times the entity of the bigger system, when the velocity at minimum separation is equal to the parabolic velocity of escape.  相似文献   

In a two-component cycle, the generation of the dipole field by a separate mechanism as well as the strong link occurring, with a 5–6-yr delay, between the sunspot cycle and the preceding dipole cycle, sets in new terms the problem of the mechanisms at the origin of the solar cycle. In this paper, from various series of synoptic solar data, we identify some of the mechanisms to incorporate in a model of a two-component solar cycle. The first one concerns the dipole field which is not a surface phenomenon. We establish the cyclic behaviour and the various properties of the dipole-field sources which are deep-seated in the solar interior and have a rigid rotation of about 27 days. We identify two cyclic phenomena which, in each hemisphere, link with a 5–6-yr delay, the dipole field generation which occurs at high latitudes, to the bipolar field emergence occurring at sunspot latitudes. They are the signatures of a coupling mechanism taking place deep in the solar interior. Then we study the constraints imposed on the mechanisms of the sunspot field generation both by a two-component cycle and by new observational results. These last ones concern the links occurring between the birth of new sunspot groups and the occurrence of pre-existing features of the photospheric field and of pivot-points in rigid rotation at 27.3 days.Our final discussion is devoted to a first sketch of the distribution of the relevant mechanisms among separate regions of the convective zone. Unfortunately neither the helioseismology, nor our data analysis has yet supplied us with appropriate pieces of information for building a physical model of this two-component cycle.  相似文献   

Recently, an analytical stellar model was presented. We show that the results are incorrect as they stand.  相似文献   

For a purely gaseous self-gravitating stellar configuration with linear matter density distribution the total power generated by nuclear reactions is considered. The analytic connection between physical parameters of the macroscopic and microscopic levels of the stellar equilibrium configuration is revealed.  相似文献   

This paper has been presented the geometric study and solutions of the electromagnetogeostrophic flows, and spatially the geometry of magnetic and current lines are discussed.  相似文献   

Herring  J. R. H. 《Solar physics》1974,39(1):175-192
Solar Physics - A semi-empirical model of the soft X-ray source associated with solar flares is presented, based on the results of the two temperature analysis of OSO-5 data obtained by Herring and...  相似文献   

Small adiabatic radial oscillations of composite models have been investigated. The effect of central condensation ρc√ρ on the period of pulsation have also been examined. In has been shown that the second moment of mass concentration characterize the periods of pulsation more effectively than central condensation.  相似文献   

An analytic expression for the velocity of magnetogasdynamic shock wave, propagating in rotating inter stellar atmosphere has been obtained by using the method of characteristics and considering the effect of coriolis force. It has been shown that in the outer convective layer of the star Coriolis force and magnetic field both have significant effect on the shock velocity.  相似文献   

A method for a kinematic analysis of stellar radial velocities using spherical harmonics is proposed. This approach does not depend on the specific kinematic model and allows both low-frequency and high-frequency kinematic radial velocity components to be analyzed. The possible systematic variations of distances with coordinates on the celestial sphere that, in turn, are modeled by a linear combination of spherical harmonics are taken into account. Theoretical relations showing how the coefficients of the decomposition of distances affect the coefficients of the decomposition of the radial velocities themselves have been derived. It is shown that the larger the mean distance to the sample of stars being analyzed, the greater the shift in the solar apex coordinates, while the shifts in the Oort parameter A are determined mainly by the ratio of the second zonal harmonic coefficient to the mean distance to the stars, i.e., by the degree of flattening of the spatial distribution of stars toward the Galactic plane. The distances to the stars for which radial velocity estimates are available in the CRVAD-2 catalog have been decomposed into spherical harmonics, and the existing variations of distances with coordinates are shown to exert no noticeable influence on both the solar motion components and the estimates of the Oort parameter A, because the stars from this catalog are comparatively close to the Sun (no farther than 500 pc). In addition, a kinematic component that has no explanation in terms of the three-dimensional Ogorodnikov-Milne model is shown to be detected in the stellar radial velocities, as in the case of stellar proper motions.  相似文献   

In this work, we present a cogent and physically well-behaved solution for neutron stars envisaged with a core layer having quark matter satisfying the MIT-bag equation of state(Eo S), meso layer with Bose-Einstein condensate(BEC) matter satisfying modified BEC Eo S and an envelope having neutron fluid and Coulomb liquids satisfying quadratic Eo S. All the required physical and geometrical parameters like gravitational potentials, pressures, radial velocity, anisotropy, adiabatic index, mass function, compactification factor, and gravitational and surface redshift functions show a feasible trend and are continuous with smooth variation throughout the interior and across the regions of the star.Further, causality condition, energy conditions, static stability criterion(using Tolman-OppenheimerVolkoff equation) and Herrera cracking stability criterion are met throughout the star. The approach seems to be resulting in more realistic and accurate modeling of stellar objects, particularly realized by us for X-ray binary stars 4 U 1608–52(M = 1.7 M_⊙, R = 9.5 km) and SAX J1808.4–3658(M = 1.2 M_⊙,R = 7.2 km). Furthermore, we have ascertained that the continuity of the stability factor in all three regions of the stars demand a smaller core. As the core region of the star increases, the stability factor becomes discontinuous at all the interfaces inside the star.  相似文献   

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