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Palaeomagnetic correlation in southern Africa predicts that the age of the Mashonaland dolerites of Rhodesia is confined within the limits of the age of the Waterberg System of South Africa, viz., between 1,950 m.y. and about 1,750 m.y. Rb-Sr data from the dolerites confirm this prediction. One sample gave a mineral isochron of 1,850 ± 20 m.y., which may be the true age of emplacement and is certainly a reliable minimum estimate for it. Total rock samples from nine dykes define an isochron of age 1,910 ± 280 m.y. and initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.705 ? 0.002. In addition to variation in initial 87Sr/86Sr between dykes, there is also variation between minerals within single dykes presumeably due to contamination during crystallization and/or deuteric alteration.  相似文献   

Two major episodes are evident in the metamorphic and igneous Precambrian basement of the Llano Uplift, central Texas. Dynamothermal metamorphism was accompanied by minor basaltic and tonalitic syntectonic plutonism. This was followed by a second period of thermal overprinting accompanying emplacement of high-K2O, high-level major granite plutons. Extensive isotopic age work by Zartman, published in the mid-1960s, suggests that development of the basement complex, spanning an interval of 150 m.y. or more, began with deposition of Valley Spring Gneiss (the lowest unit) and terminated about 1,050 m.y. ago with final postmetamorphic cooling (indicated by retention ages of Ar and Sr in biotite). We have supplemented these data with more than 50 new K-Ar and Rb-Sr analyses.Two foliated plutons in the southeast are 1,167±12m.y. (2) old, with distinctly different initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Field relationships and isotopic data indicate that these plutons are the earliest yet known in the Uplift. Metamorphosed basalt dikes and gabbro bodies were emplaced immediately preceding and following the syntectonic plutons. Eleven of these rocks had extremely uniform initial 87Sr/ 86Sr=0.7029±0.0005. A Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron of the unfoliated Enchanted Rock pluton indicates an age of 1,048±34 m.y. with initial 87Sr/86Sr= 0.7048±0.0007. One of the northern unfoliated granites, the Lone Grove pluton, gives a whole-rock isochron age of 1,056±12 m.y., with initial 87Sr/86Sr = 0.7061±0.0003. All of the intrusive rocks have initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios consistent with a source in the mantle or lower crust, but not in ancient remobilized continental crust. Six K-Ar hornblende ages from metabasalts are 1,078±19 m.y. (1), in general agreement with K-Ar and Rb-Sr mineral ages elsewhere in the eastern Llano Uplift. A metasedimentary Valley Spring Gneiss sample from the western Uplift has a whole rock-muscovite Rb-Sr age of 1,129±9 m.y. Field and isotopic data are now sufficiently numerous to permit a moderately detailed reconstruction of the Precambrian history of the area.  相似文献   

The Rb/Sr ratios of magmas increase significantly during fractionalcrystallization. Hence, the rate of change of the 87Sr/86Srratio in successive residual liquids increases as crystallizationproceeds. In slowly solidifying igneous complexes the totalchange in 87Sr/86Sr ratio exceeds analytical uncertainty andis manifested in several ways. Whole rock 87Rb/86Sr versus 87Sr/86Sr plots for an entire complexwill produce errorchrons, which may be improved by consideringsmall subsets of the complex. These subsets will show a generalincrease in initial 87Sr/86Sr with increasing average Rb/Srratio. Thus, quenched liquids, mineral ages and fractionatedcumulates from the same complex can show different ages andinitial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. The Murrumbidgee granitoid complex shows parallel isochronsfor geochemically controlled subsets which give an age co-incidentwith the metamorphic aureole while an isochron for the entirecomplex gives an unrealistically old age. Quenched liquids inthe Rosses granitic complex are apparently younger than theirassociated crystal accumulates using conventional isochron interpretations,but this can be reconciled within the magmatic ageing model.Increasing initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios with height within the BushveldComplex need not be due to several independent magmas but resultfrom slow cooling of two magmas having the same initial ratio.  相似文献   

Volcano-sedimentary series of the Upper Jurassic to the Lower Cretaceous are extensively developed in Zhejiang Province. But ages and stratigraphic correlation concerning these rocks have long been a controversial problem. Systematic sampling was made of volcanic rocks of the Laocun, Huangjian, Shouchang and Moshishan Formations in western Zhejiang considered thus far as the Late Jurassic. Isotopic age determinations show that U-Th-Pb zircon ages are approximately concordant with Rb-Sr isochron ages, whereas K-Ar biotite ages and K-Ar isochron ages are all slightly lower. It can therefore be established that the ages of volcanic rocks mentioned above range from 134±6 to 122±2 m.y., corresponding to the “transitional period” from Jurassic to Cretaceous. It can also be concluded that the rocks have not undergone apparent epigenetic metamorphism. The initial87Sr/86Sr ratio is about 0.7089–0.7121, on the basis of which it may be postulated that the volcanic magma seems to have originated from the upper mantle with contamination by sialic materials subsequent to differentiation. For age determinations of such acid volcanic rocks Rb-Sr isochron method is considered more suitable in view of its following advantages: the high reliability of results; wide applicability to different samples; smaller sample requirement and the possibility for further studies involving petrogenesis by use of initial87Sr/86Sr ratio.  相似文献   

G. Bylund  P.J. Patchett 《Lithos》1977,10(1):73-79
The stable palaeomagnetic pole of peralkaline syenites from the Särna intrusion lies close to the mean Upper Carboniferous pole for stable Europe and to other poles of similar age from the Baltic Shield. This age evidence is in agreement with an Rb-Sr 8-point mineral isochron for a single whole-rock sample of 287±14 m.y. (2σ). The isochron age and the pole position are believed to reflect the emplacement and cooling of the body and a comparison is drawn with other events of similar age in the Baltic Shield. Variation of initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of whole-rock samples from 0.7041 to 0.7070 (at 287 m.y.) is considered to be caused by contamination of an ultimately mantle-derived magma by radiogenic strontium from crustal material.  相似文献   

The Gaik Granite is a part of the Ladakh batholith outcropping between Gaik and Kiari in NW Himalaya. This is a pink porphyritic granite rich in biotite and poor in hornblende. Rb-Sr analyses have been made on six whole-rock samples of the Gaik Granite. Though the samples are poorly enriched in radiogenic Sr, they define a reliable isochron corresponding to an age of 235±13 (2σ) m.y. and initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0·7081±0·0004 (2σ). Biotite, plagioclase and potash feldspar fractions separated from two of the samples have yielded a much younger mineral isochron at 30±1·5 m.y. indicating a nearly complete redistribution of Sr isotopes between mineral phases at a time much later than the primary emplacement of the granite. The present results show that at least some components of the Ladakh batholith are of Permo-Triassic age. These rocks were isotopically re-equilibrated on a mineral scale during Upper Oligocene in response to the Himalayan orogeny.  相似文献   

Whole-rock Rb-Sr isochron dating of Sn-bearing granites and alkaline rocks from Gejiu, Yunnan Province has been conducted for their emplacement ages and initial87Sr/86Sr ratios. The Sr isotopic compositions of apatites from some basic rocks in Jiasha, and granite bodies also have been studied in detail. The genesis and evolution of Gejiu Sn-bearing granites as well as ore-search indicators are discussed on the basis of the available data in conjunction with the geochemical data on trace elements (such as Rb and Sr), Sr isotopic characteristics of the volcanic rocks, meta-diabase and host rocks and the isotopic features of ore leads.  相似文献   

《Precambrian Research》1986,32(4):279-295
Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages are reported from the Mkushi Gneiss Complex and its intrusives in central Zambia. Of the Rb-Sr whole-rock data of the Mkushi gneisses (three suites, 22 samples) only one suite (six samples) defines an isochron of 1777 ± 89 Ma with initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.713 ± 0.0006 (errors 95% confidence level; λ87Rb = 1.42·10−11 a−1). The other samples scatter below this isochron, but above a 1480 Ma line. Four hornblendes from amphibolitic dykes yield K-Ar ages between 864 and 804 Ma. Whole-rocks of the ‘red facies’ of the intrusive Mtuga Granite (nine samples) define an isochron of 607 ± 39 Ma with initial 87Sr/86Sr of 0.730 ± 0.005. The ‘white facies’ of the Mtuga Granite (four samples) and probably also the copper-bearing aplitic veins (seven samples) are of the same age, but with even higher initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios. Seven biotites from the Mkushi gneisses yield Rb-Sr and K-Ar ages between 469 Ma and 444 Ma. These data are interpreted to signal (1) about 1780 Ma ago: emplacement of the granitoid precursors of the Mkushi gneisses, derived from older continental material, (2) between about 1480 Ma and 860 Ma ago: formation of the Mkushi gneisses and the amphibolites (probably during the Irumide orogeny, about 1350 Ma ago); (3) between about 860 Ma and 800 Ma ago: closure of the hornblendes to K-Ar (490–550°C) after resetting (probably in relation to the c. 860 Ma old tectono-thermal event widespread in eastern and eastern-central Africa), (4) about 600 Ma ago: intrusion of the Mtuga Granite and the copper-bearing splites (post-tectonic Pan-African), possibly derived from the Mkushi gneisses, and (5) about 460-450 Ma ago: closure of the biotites to Rb-Sr and K-Ar (approximately 400°C), reflecting the final regional cooling (termination of the Pan-African events). Some regional implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Precambrian granitic basement rocks obtained from well BH-36 of Bombay High Field, western offshore of India has been studied both by Rb-Sr and K-Ar dating methods. Seven basement samples chosen from two cores have yielded whole rock Rb-Sr isochron age of 1446 ± 67 Ma with an initial87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7062 ± 0.0012. This age has been interpreted as the formation/emplacement time of the granite. Two biotite fractions of different grain size separated from a sample CC6B2T have yielded Rb-Sr mineral isochron age of 1385 ± 21 Ma. However, these fractions when studied by K-Ar dating method have yielded slightly higher but mutually consistent ages of 1458 ± 43 Ma and 1465 ± 43 Ma, respectively. Further, two biotites separated from additional samples CC5B9T and CC6B3B have yielded K-Ar ages of 1452 ± 42 Ma and 1425 ± 40 Ma with an overall mean age of 1438 ± 19 Ma. This mean K-Ar age is indistinguishable from whole rock Rb-Sr isochron as well as mineral isochron age within experimental error. The similarity in the whole rock and biotite ages obtained by different isotopic methods suggests that no thermal disturbance has occurred in these rocks after their emplacement/formation around 1450 Ma ago. The present study provides the evidence for the existence of an important Middle Proterozoic magmatic event around 1400-1450 Ma on the western offshore of India which, hitherto, was thought to be mainly confined to the eastern Ghats, Satpura and Delhi fold belt of India. This finding may have an important bearing on the reconstruction of Proterozoic crustal evolution of western Indian shield.  相似文献   

The volcanic rocks of Aden, Little Aden, and Ras Imran, heredesignated as belonging to the Aden Volcanic Series, were eruptedthrough central-vent, strato-volcanoes about 5 m.y. ago. Inits major element chemistry the Aden Volcanic Series is intermediatebetween the alkaline and tholeiitic associations, and this isdemonstrated by comparing it with the alkaline suite of Hawaiiand the tholeiitic series of Thingmuli, Iceland. It is proposedthat the most acceptable ‘parental’ magma is a mildlyalkaline olivine basalt which, on fractionation, produced aseries ranging from trachybasalts through trachyandesites andtrachytes to rhyolites. These rhyolites are peralkaline as themolecular proportion of alumina is less than that of the combinedalkalis, and are comenditic as the series is poor in normativefemic constituents. Trace element data suggest that the peralkalinesilicic eruptives are chemically comparable with those of MayorIsland, New Zealand, where a mildly alkaline olivine basaltparent has also been postulated. Although the age of eruption of c. 5 m.y., given by K-Ar measurements,is entirely consistent with an age deduced from geomorphologicalcriteria, an 87Sr/86Sr versus 87Rb/86Sr isochron plot suggeststhat the series is related to a thermal event some 20-30 m.y.older than the age of eruption. As this earlier age correspondsdirectly to the age of the previous magmatic episode, the eruptionof the Yemen Trap Series, the upper part of which is petrologicallysimilar to the Aden Volcanic Series, and as the initial 87Sr/86Srratios suggest that the magma originated in the mantle, it isproposed that the most acceptable petrogenetic scheme, whichwould also explain the anomalously old Rb-Sr age, is: (a) Partialfusion in the upper mantle giving rise to the alkaline YemenTrap Series, (b) After the cessation of surface activity, alarge body of magma existed in the upper mantle and this magma,on crystallizing, fractionated to produce a layered sequence,(c) About 5 m.y. ago some event, either pressure relief or furtherthermal activity, resulted in the partial remelting of thisfractionated plutonic sequence and the liquids so formed reachedthe surface without significant mixing or chemical fractionation.  相似文献   

The metamorphic sequence in the Nababeep district of Namaqualandis considered in terms of major recumbent folding accompaniedby hornblende granulite subfacies metamorphism. Rb-Sr isotopicdata are presented for thirty-one whole-rock samples of metamorphicrocks and associated intrusives, together with U-Pb isotopicdata for nineteen fractions of the constituent zircon and apatite.The metamorphic suite has yielded a Rb-Sr whole-rock isochronage of 1213?22 m.y., with an initial Sr87/Sr88 ratio (Ro) of0?7191?0?0021 suggesting reworking of pre-existing crustal rocks;data from certain distinctive rock-types indicate that Sr-isotopichomogenization was incomplete during this event. Cross-cuttinggranites and related rocks give a Rb-Sr isochron age of 1166?26m.y. (Ro, 0?708?0?001). These events were post-dated by theintrusion of largely dioritic bodies of the cupriferous NoritoidSuite; zircon recrystallization 1070 m.y. ago is interpretedas the age of emplacement of these bodies. On Sr-isotopic andchemical grounds, a source-bed model is tentatively suggestedfor the Noritoid Suite, involving derivation from gneisses andgranulites of intermediate-basic composition within the metamorphicsuccession. Isotopic events at 1000 and 900 m.y. ago, recordedby zircon and apatite, are believed to reflect the imprint ofregional pegmatite emplacement.  相似文献   

The Lepontine Gneiss Complex of southern Switzerland and northern Italy is characterized by high-grade metamorphism and intensive deformation of Alpine age with migmatites prevalent in the area with the highest metamorphic grade. Petrological and structural observations are generally inconclusive but indicate in some places an Alpine age for the migmatite formation. To determine the time of migmatite formation a geochronologic study was undertaken in one of the best exposed areas, the Valle Bodengo, Italy. Rb-Sr whole-rock errorchrons of intrusive migmatite phases and of two rather homogeneous granitoid gneiss bodies yield apparent ages between 280 and 350 m.y. They suggest a Hercynian or older igneous history for these rocks. The U-Pb ages of the euhedral zircons are highly discordant, but they do point to the presence of zircon components more than 450 m.y. old. The concordia-intercept ages are incompatible with the Rb-Sr data and the low initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios of about 0.706. These low initial ratios suggest that either the bulk of the granitoid material is not much older than Hercynian, or older crustal material was isotopically homogenized on a regional scale with rocks that had low Rb/Sr and 87Sr/86Sr ratios (e.g. the lower crust or upper mantle) during a Hercynian metamorphism. Rb-Sr small-scale whole-rock isochrons and tie lines of adjacent, lithologically different rock phases give Alpine ages, the best isochron yielding 22 m.y. This coincides with concordant U-Pb ages of monazites of 23 to 24 m.y. Rb-Sr mineral isoohrons (muscovite, biotite, feldspars, apatite) give ages of 18–21 m.y. Our interpretation is that this age pattern resulted due to rapid cooling after the climax of the last phase of the Alpine metamorphism and we conclude that high-grade metamorphic conditions existed during the upper Oligocene or early Miocene. Other investigators have suggested that the Alpine metamorphism had a climax 35–40 m.y. ago and that the younger mineral ages are a result of simple continuous cooling due to uplift. Based on this study and other recent geochronological studies in the Lepotine Gneiss Complex we suggest that there had to be a thermal maximum at about 20–25 m.y. The example of Valle Bodengo demonstrates that the areal coincidence of the zone of highest-grade metamorphism with the occurrence of migmatites does not necessarily mean that metamorphism and migmatite formation were coeval and related to each other.  相似文献   

The volcanics from Krivoklat-Rokycany complex (Barrandian synclinal of Bohemia) are investigated by the Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron method (λ 87Rb=1,47 10?11y?1). The age of 474±5 m. y. of these volcanics, stratigraphically overlain by the Tremadoc, implies that the Cambrian-Ordovician boundary, up to now estimated at 500 m. y. might be reset at about 470 m. y. The good quality of the isochron stresses the consanguinity of the different pétrographic terms of the Krivoklat-Rokycany volcanic series and the initial isotopic ratio87Sr/86Sr at 0,7041±0,0003 points out its infracrustal or mantle origin.  相似文献   

The Precambrian trondhjemitic Twilight Gneiss (Twilight Granite of Cross and Howe, 1905b) of the West Needle Mountains, southwestern Colorado, and its interlayered amphibolite and metarhyodacite yield a Rb-Sr isochron of 1,805±35 m.y. A low initial Sr87/Sr86 ratio of 0.7015 implies that metamorphism of these rocks to amphibolite facies took place soon after their emplacement. The mild metamorphism of Uncompahgran age, prior to 1,460 m.y. ago, and Laramide volcanism did not affect the Rb-Sr system in the Twilight. Rb contents of 26.5 to 108 ppm, Sr contents of 114 to 251 ppm, and K2O percentages of 1.23 to 3.64 in the Twilight Gneiss, in conjunction with high K/Rb ratios and the low initial ratio of Sr87/Sr86, lend support to geologic data that suggest the Twilight originated as volcanic or hypabyssal igneous rocks in a basaltic volcanic pile.Publication authorized by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr isochron ages have been determined for two suites of Precambrian dikes in the Bidadi-Harohalli area of southeast Mysore State. Whole-rock samples of unmetamorphosed dolerites yield an age of 2420±246 (2σ) m.y., which is a minimum value for the intruded Peninsular Gneiss and Closepet Granite. The dolerite magma originated in the mantle, as indicated by the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7012±0.0010 (2σ). A suite of alkaline dikes, also referred to as felsite and feldspar porphyry dikes, has an age of 832±40 (2σ) m.y., which correlates with the intrusion of the Chamundi Hill Granite and the feldspar porphyry dikes near Srirangapatnam. One of the alkaline dikes has a K-Ar age of 810±25 m.y., indicating an absence of subsequent thermal events in the area.  相似文献   

The Newer Volcanics Province of Victoria and South Australia consists of a major region of mainly alkaline basalts within which are two restricted areas containing strongly differentiated flow‐rocks. Typical alkalic basalts from this widespread province have K‐Ar ages from 4.5 to 0.5 m.y. and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7038 to 0.7045. Contrastingly, in the Macedon area of differentiated lavas, flow compositions range from limburgite to soda trachyte, with K‐Ar ages from 6.8 to 4.6 m.y. and initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios from 0.7052 to 0.7127. These differentiated rocks therefore are older, and some of them may have been contaminated by reaction with more radiogenic basement rocks during differentiation. Alternatively, the variation in initial Sr‐isotope composition may have resulted from varying isotopic composition of partial melts from the immediate source rocks. The most felsic of the differentiated rocks, soda trachyte, is extremely enriched with Rb relative to Sr; one of the three restricted outcrops of this rock (Camel's Hump) yields a total‐rock Rb‐Sr isochron age of 6.3 ± 0.6 m.y. with an initial 87Sr/86Sr ratio of 0.7127. K‐Ar sanidine ages reported for the three outcrops of trachyte are identical to each other and to the Rb‐Sr isochron result.  相似文献   

Field mapping and structural studies in northern Sierra Leone by an I.G.S. team have established a stratigraphic sequence in this part of the Archaean of the West African Craton. An older “Leonian” granite-greenstone terrain is identified which experienced a tectonic-metamorphic event before the formation of the granite-greenstone terrain which ended with the Liberian tectonic-metamorphic event. Granite gneisses in the Fadugu district with Leonian structures yield statistically acceptable but discordant Pb-Pb and Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron ages of 2959±50 Ma and 2753±61 Ma, respectively (2 σ errors). These ages may be correlated with radiometric ages for the Leonian and Liberian structures elsewhere in Sierra Leone, and it is concluded that the Fadugu Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron has been reset by the Liberian event. The Pb-Pb whole-rock isochron for the Fadugu gneisses and a previously determined (but recomputed and partially checked) Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 2980+80 Ma for granite gneisses from southeastern Sierra Leone provide a definitive age for the Leonian tectonic-metamorphic event at about 2970 Ma. Both the initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and present-day first-stage model 238U/204Pb value for the Leonian granitoids are indistinguishable from mantle values, but do not preclude the possibility that these granitoids were derived from parental material with a short history in the crust or lower crust. The Rb-Sr whole-rock isochron age of 2753+61 Ma for the Fadugu granite gneiss provides a definitive age for the Liberian event in northern Sierra Leone. A succession of rocks older than the Leonian (i.e., older than 2970 Ma) has been identified in the field but not yet dated.  相似文献   

Rb-Sr and U-Pb isotopic studies of the two contrasting granite types of the Daguzhai and Luobuli massifs in South China provide new constraints on the interpretation of isotopic age data for plutonic igneous rocks. A Rb-Sr internal isochron age of 146±7Ma for the Luobuli adamellite is interpreted to represent the age of magma crystallization, whereas the whole rock Rb- Sr isochron yields an older apparent age of 161±10Ma which is regarded as resulting from contamination processes affecting the petrogenesis of this adamellite. In the Daguzhai granite the marked scatter of whole- rock Rb-Sr data in isochron diagram is ascribed to the open system behavior of Rb during postmagmatic autometasomatism. Uniformity of initial87Sr /86Sr ratio in this granite is indicated in a plot of87Sr versus86Sr. The autometasomatism has also affected zircon U-Pb system, resulting in a spread of data along the concordia curve between 165 and 125Ma. This spread is regarded as indicating the duration of the autometasomatism.  相似文献   

The geochronology and genesis of the Qingyang batholith were investigated using40Ar/39Ar and Rb-Sr isotopic techniques. The Qingyang is a composite batholith consisting of two major rock types granodiorite and granite in the Yangtze fold belt.40Ar/39Ar spectra for biotite and amphibole separates are internally concordant. The concordance of the minerals and spectra indicate no thermal disturbance of the ages, and rapid cooling of the rocks. The granodiorite has an age of 137.6±1.4 m.y. and the granite 122.7±1.2 m.y. Whole-rock Rb-Sr analysis yields ages consistent with the40Ar/39Ar dates. Thus, the Qingyang batholith was formed in two major stages in the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous. The batholith is not Triassic as was previously proposed. Special40Ar/39Ar analysis of two granodiorite samples has precisely documented a 1.0 m.y. apparent age difference between these samples. Several factors could account for this difference, but different emplacement times seem most convincible. The granodiorite and granite show little variation in initial87Sr/86Sr ratio (about 0.7085). The high initial Sr ratios suggest that the magmas were formed by anatexis of older crustal materials.  相似文献   

The main rock types in the area north of the Frederikshåbs isblink are streaky gneisses, massive tonalites and ‘supracrustals’. The gneisses are thought to be the parent rocks of the tonalite and can be seen to merge into tonalite across a narrow zone of nebulite. Rb-Sr whole rock points from samples of gneiss and tonalite fall on a common isochron with an age of 2662 ± 116 m.y. (2σ) and initial ratio of 0.7032 ± 0.0008 (2σ) (half-life of 87Rb = 50 b.y.). The uncertainties in the isochron could mask small age and initial ratio differences between the gneiss and tonalite. However, our present interpretation is that the isochron reflects a homogenization of Sr isotopes within and between the two rock types. The presence of two out of four K-feldspar points on the whole rock isochron is interpreted as evidence that the K-feldspar became closed to Sr isotope migration at the same time as the whole rocks. Subsequent local isotopic disturbance has resulted in a minor loss of radiogenic strontium from two of the samples. The interpretation of the K-feldspar as a product of the epidoteamphibolite facies metamorphism allows the conclusion that the whole rock-K-feldspar isochron is recording a Sr isotopic homogenization during this event and is not related to the formation of the gneiss or the tonalite. Rb-Sr closure ages of ca. 2515 m.y. for muscovite and ca. 1950 m.y. for biotite could be recording separate isotopic disturbances or the cessation of strontium isotope migration as the minerals cooled through their characteristic blocking temperatures. Zircons from both the gneiss and the tonalite have igneous morphological features. Their U-Pb systems are complex, however, and suggest a multistage history of isotopic disturbance. Whereas the zircon U-Pb and whole rock Rb-Sr results suggest a maximum age of approximately 3000 m.y. for the parent rocks of the gneiss and tonalite they do not entirely exclude the possibility that the rocks represent older crust in which the isotopic systems have been almost completely reset ca. 2700 m.y. ago.  相似文献   

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