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Sediments from two small lakes distal to the Tromsø–Lyngen moraine at Tromsø, northern Norway, indicate that the area was deglaciated prior to c. 11.7 14C ka BP. The earliest vegetation was dominated by calciphilous and heliophilous pioneer plants on unstable soils; this changed to a vegetation reflecting a dry continental climate until c. 10.7 14Cka BP. A phase (10.7–10.5 14Cka BP) with snow-bed communities was followed by one with a mosaic of plant communities. This was succeeded by Empetrum heaths c. 10.3 14Cka BP, then by an open forest with Betula pubescens after 10.0 14Cka BP. Ice-front oscillations in the Tromsø area are evaluated. The main part of the Younger Dryas glacial readvance, the Tromsø–Lyngen event, probably occurred between 10.7 and 10.3 14Cka BP.  相似文献   

A well-preserved moraine on the northern coast of County Donegal, Ireland, has played a critical role in our understanding of the glacial history of this sector of the Irish Ice Sheet (IIS). Because of a lack of numerical dating of the moraine, however, previous interpretations of its age and significance to the glacial history of this region have varied widely. Here we report eight in situ cosmogenic 10Be ages on boulders sampled from the moraine. Two of these ages are outliers, with the remaining six ranging from 18.8±1.0 10Be kyr to 20.9±1.3 10Be kyr, with an uncertainty-weighted mean age of 19.4±0.3 10Be kyr (19.4±1.2 kyr accounting for production rate uncertainty). Our results confirm one previous 10Be age obtained from the moraine, with the combined data ( n =7) constraining the age of initial deglaciation of the IIS from its LGM position on the continental shelf to be 19.3±0.3 10Be kyr (19.3±1.2 kyr accounting for production rate uncertainty). These ages are in excellent agreement with calibrated 14C ages that constrain retreat of the IIS margin from the continental shelf elsewhere in northwestern and western Ireland and the Irish Sea Basin associated with the start of the Cooley Point Interstadial (≥20–≤18.2 cal. kyr BP), suggesting widespread deglaciation of the IIS ∼19.5–20 kyr ago.  相似文献   

A survey of the revised lateglacial varve chronology is given. Almost all revisions are based on new, independent measurements not yet finished. Compared with the old time scale, the preliminary datings (calendar years ± a margin of error) of the ice margin retreat are 'older', mainly due to the fact that the postglacial varve chronology has been extended by 365 years. This implies that the so-called zero year ( sensu De Geer 1940: limit of late glacial and beginning of postglacial varve sedimentation). earlier estimated at 6,923 B.C. (Nilsson 1964), is now dated 7,288 B.C. According to the new time scale, deglaciation from Stockholm to the area of zero-year formation in Indalsälven's valley lasted about 1,190 ± 40 years, compared with 1,073 years in De Geer's (1940) time scale or 1,092 in Jarnefors' (1963). Preliminary varve graph correlations, which are still very weak concerning the Fennoscandian moraine zone, indicate that the ice receded from Högsby, northwest of Kalmar at approximately 10,700+200−300 B.C. At localities just to the north of the Fennoscandian moraines, deglaciation started about 8,750+50−150 years B.C. according to the new varve measurements, and the ice front receded in southern Stockholm 8,470+40−140 B.C. Varve dating now gives older ages (calendar years) than 14C-dating; about 200–400 years older regarding some ice margin positions in south Sweden.  相似文献   

Near-shore Baltic Ice Lake deposits in Fakse Bugt, southeast Denmark   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shallow seismic, sedimentological and macrofossil data and AMS radiocarbon dates on terrestrial plant remains from submarine deposits in Fakse Bugt in the southwestern part of the Baltic Sea are presented. The sediments were deposited near the shore of the Baltic Ice Lake, mostly in barrier-lagoon environments, during two highstand episodes dated to around 12.5–12.2 14C ka BP and 10.6–10.3 ka BP. Coastal sediments from the highstands indicate maximum water levels of 13–15 m and 13 m below present sea level, respectively. During the first episode Salix polaris was widespread in the land area, and during the second episode Dryas octopetala and Betula nana were the most common woody plants. During the lowstand episode Betula pubescens woods dominated. The flora and fauna of the Baltic Ice Lake were rather diverse, reflecting the long and increasing distance to the margin of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet. Calcium-carbonate-rich, mesotrophic water characterized the Baltic Ice Lake in Fakse Bugt.  相似文献   

Rundgren, M., Ingólfsson, Ó., Björck, S., Jiang, H. & Haflioason, H. 1997 (September): Dynamic sea-level change during the last deglaciation of northern Iceland. Boreas , Vol. 26, pp. 201–215. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
A detailed reconstruction of deglacial relative sea-level changes at the northern coast of Iceland, based on the litho- and biostratigraphy of lake basins, indicates an overall fall in relative sea level of about 45 m between 11300 and 9100 BP, corresponding to an isostatic rebound of 77 m. The overall regression was interrupted by two minor transgressions during the late Younger Dryas and in early Preboreal, and these were probably caused by a combination of expansions of local ice caps and readvances of the Icelandic inland ice-sheet margin. Maximum absolute uplift rates are recorded during the regressional phase between the two transgressions (10000–9850 BP), with a mean value of c . 15 cm 14C yr-1 or 11–12 cm cal. yr-1. Mean absolute uplift during the regressional phase following the second transgression (9700–9100 BP) was around 6 cm 14C yr-1, corresponding to c . 3 cm cal. yr-1, and relative sea level dropped below present-day sea level at 9000 BP.  相似文献   

Foraminifera, sedimentology, and tephra geochemistry in core 93030-006 LCF from the southwestern Iceland shelf were used to reconstruct paleoenvironments between 12.7 and 9.4 14C ka BP. Seismic-reflection profiles place the core in glacial-marine and marine sediments within one meter of the underlying glacial till. Foraminifers in the earliest glacial-marine sediments provide a record of ice-distal conditions and immigration of slope species onto the shelf in association with warm Atlantic water. Meltwater increased during the Allerød under a weakened Atlantic water influence. Arctic conditions began by 11.14 14C ka BP with an abrupt increase in meltwater and near exclusion of boreal fauna from the shelf. Meltwater diminished in the early Younger Dryas, coinciding with sea-surface cooling between 11.14 and 10.5 14C ka BP. A slight warming recorded in the uppermost glacial-marine sediments was interrupted by an inferred jökulhlaup event emanating from glacier ice on the Western Volcanic Zone. Retreat of the ice margin from the sea sometime between c. 10.3 and 9.94 14C ka BP coincided with this event. The onset of postglacial marine sedimentation occurred along with increasing evidence of Atlantic water c. 9.94 14C ka BP and was interrupted by a short-lived Pre-boreal cooling of the Irminger Current c. 9.91 14C ka BP. Conditions similar to those today were established by 9.7 14C ka BP.  相似文献   

Analysis of 2D and 3D seismic records from the continental shelf off western Norway, in combination with chronological constraints from 14C dates, has led to a model for the glacial development in these shelf areas between c. 15 and 13 14C ka BP. On the shallow Måløy Plateau adjacent to the Norwegian Channel, iceberg scours are preserved below a prominent moraine ridge, which by correlation to the Norwegian Channel indicate ice retreat at c. 15 14C ka BP. Subsequently, the ice advanced across the scoured surface and deposited a till sheet before stabilizing to deposit a prominent moraine, termed the Bremanger Moraine. Based on location on the shelf, seismic stratigraphy, morphology and C dates the Bremanger Moraine is correlated with a significant moraine on the continental shelf off Trøndelag. We suggest that these features are products of a regional glacial event, the Bremanger Event, dated to <15–13.3 14C ka BP. The Bremanger Event is probably a result of the deteriorating climatic conditions in the NE Atlantic during Heinrich event 1.  相似文献   

The last deglaciation of the Franz Victoria Trough, northern Barents Sea   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A study of two piston cores and a 3.5 kHz seismic profile from the Franz Victoria Trough provides new stratigraphic, stable isotopic and foraminiferal AMS 14C data that help constrain the timing of ice-sheet retreat in the northern Barents Sea and the nature of the deglacial marine environment. Silty diamicton at the base of each core, interpreted as till or ice-marginal debris flow, suggests that the Barents ice sheet was grounded at the core sites (470 m water depth). Eight AMS 14C dates on sediment overlying the diamicton indicate that the ice sheet retreated from both core sites by 12.9 ka and that postglacial sedimentation began 10 ka ago. These dates, combined with a recently published 14C date from a nearby core, suggest that the Franz Victoria Trough may not have been deglaciated until c . 13 ka, 2000 years later than modeled ice-sheet reconstructions indicate. In the trough, oxygen isotopic ratios in planktonic foraminifera N. pachyderma (sinistral) were 0.5–0.750, lower during deglaciation than after, probably as a result of ice-sheet and/or iceberg melting. Foraminiferal assemblages suggest that Atlantic-derived intermediate water may have begun to penetrate the trough c . 13 ka ago.  相似文献   

Broughton Island is 50 km from the eastern margin of the 6,000 km2 Penny Ice Cap. During the early Wisconsin (> 54,000 BP) A younger glacial readvance is delimited by lateral moraines and glacio-marine deposits 14C dated at 24,100±850 BP; sea level was±18 m. During th last Wisconsin the glaciers terminated some distance inland from Broughton Island and sea alevel at 9,850±250BP was +5 m on Broughton Island. The head of Maktak Fiord, which presently contains a majour outlet glacier from the Penny Ice Cap, was deglaciated about 6,000 BP.  相似文献   

BOREAS Griffey, N. J. & Worsley, P. 1978 03 01: The pattern of Neoglacial glacier variations in the Okstindan region of northern Norway during the last three millennia (Okstindan Research Project Report 26). Boreas, Vol. 7, pp. 1–17. Oslo. ISSN 0300–9483.
Historical, lichenometrical and stratigraphical evidence is combined to establish a provisional history of Neoglacial glacier variation in a mountainous environment approx. 66oN. Attention is focussed on end moraine chronology. At five sites, derived organic materials have been located within end moraines and at two others in situ palaeosols occur buried beneath distal slopes. Organic rich samples from all the sites have been radiocarbon dated and the results permit the recognition of three major glacier expansion episodes, each of which contributes to the diachronous nature of the Okstindan outer Neoglacial limit. A widespread 'Little Ice Age' event with a maximum extent of probable eighteenth century age is confirmed. Limited areas of older moraine ridges peripheral to the 'Little Ice Age' maximal limit appear to date from about 3000-2500 14C years B.P. and a younger period tentatively dated as about 1250-1000 14C years B. P. which agrees with recent data from Engabreen in northwest Svartisen. No evidence for any extensive glacial activity after the inlandice wastage approx. 9000 14C years B. P. and prior to 3000 14C years B.P. was forthcoming.  相似文献   

The frontal positions of glaciers in fiords, sounds and larger valleys during the glaciation maximum around 10,000 B.P. and the extent of ice-free areas at that time are shown, together with an isobase map of the altitude of the contemporaneous (or younger) marine limit. A number of 14C and some Amino Acid datings related to the glacial advance, culmination and retreat are presented. Some time after a Middle Weichselian period with restricted glaciation the glaciers advanced and stood at their maximum positions at about 10,300 B.P., in some areas remaining there until about 9500 B.P., at which time sizeable lowland areas outside the ice-fronts were unglaciated and a large number of nunataks of various types occurred. The retreat of the glaciers started about 10,300 B.P. in the south, but seems to have been delayed towards the north. However, by 9000 B.P. all outer parts of the fiords were deglaciated and their central parts by 8500 B.P. The marine limit synchronous with this glaciation maximum and the deglaciation sinks from a southern maximum value of about 110 m to about 55 m in the north, reflecting a decreasing amplitude of the glacial advance.  相似文献   

Occurrences of Balanus hameri-bearing diamicts described in this paper and pertinent ( Balanus plates and pelecypods shells) 14C dates suggest that there was glacial activity in the Champlain Sea basin between 11,000 BP and 10,400 BP and that this activity can be ascribed to a climatic cooling episode correlative with the Younger Dryas of the late-glacial sequence of northeastern Europe.  相似文献   

In connection with a new deglaciation concept for Iceland, implying an extensive glaciation during the Younger Dryas and the decay of the Icelandic inland ice sheet during the Preboreal, the history of relative sea-level changes on Iceland has been re-evaluated. New field data from the Reykjavik area, in Faxaflói Bay southwestern Iceland, were obtained in order to construct the first stratigraphically controlled curve of relative sea-level displacements for Iceland. The curve is constructed on the basis of radiocarbon-dated shells in raised marine deposits and on tephrostratigraphically controlled and radiocarbon-dated, submerged peat deposits. The curve suggests that a post-glacial relative sea-level change of about 45 m, from + 43 m a.s.1. to — 2 m a.s.l, occurred over a period of 900 14C-years in the Reykjavik area between 10 300 BP and 9400 BP. The sea-level curve shows a shoreline displacement of c . 5 cm 14Cyr-1 for that period. The mean absolute uplift rate is calculated to be 6.9 cm 14C yr-1, which is about double the fastest rate reported from any other coastal North Atlantic site. Although this rapid uplift can probably be partly explained by a 14C plateau around the termination of the Pleistocene, it is more than likely controlled by rapid Preboreal deglaciation, together with low asthenosphere viscosities below Iceland and the release of hydroisostatic stresses in connection with the deglaciation.  相似文献   

Lake Boksehandsken, the largest lake on Jameson Land, central East Greenland, is situated 54 m a.s.l. and holds a long (6.3 m) and complex stratigraphy. It was analysed with respect to lithology, carbon content, 14C, micro- and macrofossils. The diamict material in the bottom is overlain by a fining-upwards sequence, possibly deposited close to a receding ice margin in a glaciomarine environment. These deposits are interpreted to have been formed at the time of the marine limit ( c . 70 m) in the area. In spite of a large series of 14C datings, very few of the obtained dates were considered reliable. This is because the sediments contain coal fragments and old redeposited plant remains. Based on a set of arguments and correlations to the surrounding glacial stratigraphy it is implied that the marine limit and deglaciation cannot be much older than 10,000 BP. The lithology of the lake sediments, in combination with occurrence of marine macrofossils. shows that deglaciation was succeeded by a (glacio)marine depositional environment. The lake was isolated from the sea at c . 9000 BP. followed by a short transgression and a final isolation at c . 8400 BP. This sequence of events is demonstrated by both litho-and biostratigraphy and possible causes are discussed. A later oscillation some time between 8000 and 7500 BP. evidenced by litho-, carbon-, pollen- and Pecliastrum stratigraphy, is interpreted as a regional climatic cooling possibly correlatable to a distinct δ18O minima in the Greenland ice cores.  相似文献   

Mineral magnetic measurements were carried out on twelve sediment cores from the northwestern part of the Baltic Proper. The purpose was to use magnetic properties to correlate sediment sequences and to investigate changes in depositional conditions (e.g. rate of sedimentation and redox conditions). A general lithostratigraphy consisting of five units was established based mainly on mineral magnetic properties. Sediment has been deposited from the time of the Baltic Ice Lake (before 10 300 14C years BP) to the present, i.e. since the Late Weichselian deglaciation. Five of the cores were also investigated by means of biostratigraphical methods and three by 14C dates. Based on the general stratigraphy and hiatuses, variations in sedimentation rate were identified. The occurrence of authigenically formed ferrimagnetic greigite (Fe3S4), mainly in sediments deposited during the brackish Yoldia Sea and Litorina Sea stages, is implied. These sequences are characterized by low S-ratios and high SIRM/z ratios. Glacial clay, deposited in freshwater during the Baltic Ice Lake stage and the early freshwater phase of the Yoldia Sea stage, seems to be unaffected by diagenetic processes. Gyttja clay, deposited in the Litorina Sea, has significantly lower susceptibility and SIRM than in the underlying clay. Dissolution of magnetic iron oxides (e.g. magnetite and hematite) in an anoxic environment was suggested as an explanation.  相似文献   

A glacial chronology for northern East Greenland   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
In East Greenland between 75 and 76N three different glacial episodes can be identified: (1) An early period with more or less total ice cover and in which the ice reached out onto the continental shelf - the Kap Mackenzie stadial; (2) a period with glaciation of intermediate extent, when nunataks and a few ice-free lowland areas existed - the Muschelbjerg stadial; and (3) a final period with glacial advance, when the glaciers were mainly restricted to fjords and larger valleys - the Nanok stadial. Each of these stadials was followed by a period with general deglaciation, from which marine shell-bearing sediments have been found; the Hochstetter Forland interstadial, the Peters Bugt interstadial and the Flandrian interglacial, respectively. The marine limit sank with each of these ice-free periods; probably an isostatic effect of the decreasing amplitude of the glacial advances. The deglaciation after the Nanok stadial began about 9500 B.P. It is not known for certain when this glacial advance started, but 13,000 B.P. or earlier is suggested. According to 14C datings the Peters Bugt interstadial dates from at least 45,000 B.P. and the Hochstetter Forland interstadial from at least 49,000 B.P. However, amino acid analyses indicate a distinct age difference between these two interstadial, and Th/U datings give age estimates of 70,000–115,000 B.P. for the Hochstetter Forland interstadial, which therefore seems to be of Early Weichselian age although a pre-Weichselian age cannot be excluded. The same applies to the preceding Kap Mackenzie stadial. The correspondence between the present glacial chronology and similar tripartite ones on Bafffin Island, Ellesmere Island and Svalbard seems reasonably good  相似文献   

Surface exposure dating, using in situ produced cosmogenic 10Be, is applied to determine the time since deglaciation of bedrock surfaces in the Grimsel Pass region. Nine 10Be dates from bedrock surfaces corrected for cover by snow are minimum ages for deglaciation of the pass. Four 10Be dates from surfaces below 2500 meters above sea level (m a.s.l.) on Nägelisgrätli, east of Grimsel Pass, yield ages that range from about 14 000 to 11 300 years. Three 10Be dates from locations above 2600 m a.s.l. on Nägelisgrätli are between about 11 700 and 10 400 years. Two 10Be dates from locations at 2560 m a.s.l. below Juchlistock are about 12 100 and 11 000 years. The geographical distribution of 10Be dates on Nägelisgrätli either may show the timing of progressive deglaciation of Grimsel Pass or may reflect differences in subglacial erosion of bedrock in the pass region. All dates are discussed in the context of deglaciation of the late Würmian Alpine ice cap and deglaciation from Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) ice extents in other regions.  相似文献   

The North Atlantic Younger Dryas climatic reversal did not cause a glacier advance on Mount Rainier. The glaciers on Mount Rainier seem to have advanced in response to regional or local shifts in climate. However, the Younger Dryas climatic reversal may have affected the Mount Rainier area, causing a cold, but dry, climate unfavorable to glacier advances. Glaciers in the vicinity of Mount Rainier advanced twice during late glacial/early Holocene time. Radiocarbon dates obtained from lake sediments adjacent to the corresponding moraines are concordant, indicating that the ages for the advances are closely limiting. The first advance occurred before 11,300 14C yr BP (13,200 cal yr BP). During the North Atlantic Younger Dryas event, between 11,000 and 10,000 14C yr BP (12,900 and 11,600 cal yr BP), glaciers retreated on Mount Rainier, probably due to a lack of available moisture, but conditions may have remained cold. The onset of warmer conditions on Mount Rainier occurred around 10,000 14C yr BP (11,600 cal yr BP). Organic sedimentation lasted for at least 700 years before glaciers readvanced between 9800 and 8950 14C yr BP (10,900 and 9950 cal yr BP).  相似文献   

The sedimentary record around outer Scorcsby Sund begins with the Scorcsby Sund glaciation (≅ isotope stage 6), but is incomplete. Both at Kap Hope, headward of the fjord mouth, and at Kikiakajik on the outer coast. there are shallow marine sediments, correlated with the Langelandselv interglaciation (≅ isotope substagc 5e) on the basis of molluse assemblages and luminescence dates. Abundant Balanus crenatus , and several bivalves. show that thc adveetion of warm Atlantic water to the East Greenland coast was higher during that interglacial than during the Holocenc. Glacial striae at Kap Brewster (facing the open ocean) and till on top of the interglacial beds at Kikiakajik show that both an outlet from the Greenland Iee Sheet, and more local glaciers reached the continental shelf during the Weichselian. This glacial event is poorly dated. but tentatively correlated with the Flakkerhuk stade (≅ 19 15 ka BP) when, from marine geological data, it is suggested that thc Scoresby Sund glacier terminated c . 30 km east of Kap Brewster. During the Milne Land stade ( c . 10 ka BP) there was a resurgence of local ice caps in the mountains both north and south of the fjord mouth, but Scoresby Sund and Hall Bredning probably remained free of glaciers. Dating of these events was achieved through Iuminescence- (TL and OSL) and the 14C-method. and biostratigraphical and amino acid correliition Interglacial shells on thc outer coast show much lower amino acid D/L ratios than shells of the same age within the Scoresby Sund area. This may indicate that the outer coast remained free of ice cover and marine inundation much longer, arid suffered colder temperatures than areas along the fjord.  相似文献   

Sediment cores from seven basins in two regions, the SÖdertÖrn peninsula and central Närke in southern central Sweden, were subject to diatom analysis and radiocarbon dating of the isolation events. In the former area, the compiled shore-displacement curve covers the time period from the deglaciation to 5700 BP. The latter area is covered from 8200 to 6500 BP. The chronology is based on combined macrofossil and bulk ages with an acknowledged correction. The most elevated sedimentary basin on the SÖdertÖrn peninsula was isolated at the end of the brackish water phase of the Yoldia Sea. During the Ancylus Lake stage of the Baltic, one minor ingression is recorded in the same area. The end of the Ancylus Lake is dated to c. 8200 BP on the SÖdertÖrn peninsula and to c. 8100 BP in central Närke. There was an interval of c. 1000 14C years when brackish water prevailed in central eastern Sweden. Mastogloia is a typical diatom genus for that period. The onset of the brackish-marine Litorina Sea is dated to c. 7000 BP in central Närke. The amplitude for the early Litorina Sea transgression (L 1) did not exceed 2 m. L 1 is recorded 2–3 m higher in central Närke compared to the SÖdertÖrn peninsula, i.e. the former area has experienced a more intense isostatic uplift since 6500 BP.  相似文献   

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