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黑龙江省是大豆主产区,大豆的产量和品质一直处于全国领先地位。农用矿产资源的开发与利用,可以为大豆的种植增添新的肥料品种,有助于黑龙江省绿色农业的发展。实现农业矿产资源的高效利用,对黑龙江省保持在全国的农业强省地位具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

利用牡蛎壳粉制备缓释氮肥的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国化肥当季利用率中,氮约为30%~35%.磷为10%~25%,钾为35%~50%远低于世界发达国家水平,造成肥料利用率低的主要原因是淋溶损失,尤以氮肥、钾肥为最。人们正在努力寻求提高肥料利用率的方法,其中之一是对肥料本身进行改性,开发适合于作物生长需求的新型肥料。研制缓/控释肥料是世界各国普遍采用的有效措施之一。缓释肥料的优点是利用率高,养分损失少,环境友好。但是,目前所用的作为缓释材料的高分子聚合物一般是难降解或不能降解,长期施用也会引起土壤污染。牡蛎壳为一种新型的天然材料,  相似文献   

牡丹缘何独恋洛阳?——地质工作者作出科学解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洛阳牡丹甲天下。洛阳牡丹品种多、质量好.花朵硕大厚实,色泽油润鲜亮。每年四月,洛阳牡丹鲜花盛开,争奇斗艳,红、粉、青,紫、黄、白,绿,五颜六色,芳香四溢,引来数以百万计的中外宾客前来观赏。  相似文献   

农用矿产资源,依其理化性质可分为土壤改良矿物、肥料矿物、饲料矿物和农药矿物四大类。农用矿产资源对提高土壤肥力、植物的生长和动物的繁衍,具有不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

一种能够提高干旱、半干旱地区植物栽培成活率,集促进植物生根、持水保肥、营养缓释等功效于一身的抗旱保水剂日前研制成功。据专家介绍。这一抗旱保水剂是中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所与中国农业科学院土壤肥料研究所合作,利用内蒙古鄂尔多斯市杭锦旗黏土资源(杭锦2号土),经过4年多的潜心研究和反复实验开发研制而成的。以小麦为例。是对照组的1.5-1.8倍。可使玉米果穗秃顶率下降1-2.8个百分点,穗粒数增加25-60粒,且长势明显优于施用其他复合肥。  相似文献   

据湖南省林业厅透露,张家界已发现10万株古树.其中列国家古柑名录2844株,省级古树名录10万多株.古树品种、数量都居全省之首。在这些古树当中.树龄最长的达到1457年。  相似文献   

记者近日从新疆维吾尔自治区政府办公会上了解到,自1992年至今的15年间,新疆因使用新型墙体材料而节约土地4640亩。 目前,新疆新型墙体材料加工生产企业达440个,已形成年产50多亿块标准砖的设计规模,实际生产能力已达37亿块标准砖,新型墙体材料品种达28种,新型节能门窗、层面、保温材料也得到迅速发展。  相似文献   

花岗石的开发利用,应结合市场的需求、不同用途(使用习惯)和品种的基本要求。文中重点对其质量(即成材性、装饰性、加工性和使用性)、数量(储量)、开采地质条件进行论述。同时指出,评价要围绕勘查开发这个中心,以能获取可靠依据,并遵循少投入多产出节约原则,达到开发利用评价的目的。这样的成果才有实际意义。  相似文献   

绥棱县国土资源局针对本地矿产资源较为丰富的特点,可开发利用的优势矿产和急缺矿产15种,潜在经济价值近百亿元这一矿业市场,利用掌握的市场信息和技术资料,推动了绥棱县矿业开发进程,使矿业开发走过了从自然到科学、从单一小规模到多品种大规模、从无序到有序、从计划到市场的历程,形成为县域经济的支柱产业。  相似文献   

通过对湛江地区水稻品种的耐盐性,品质性状及主要农艺性状进行分析,结果表明,“咸水禾”品种具有一定的耐盐性,可用1/5海水灌溉,但其耐盐性不高;灌溉水含盐量的高低,对株高和穗粒结构影响较大;3个品种的出糙率均偏低,外观品质较差,并指出出增强抗盐性、提高品质应是目前改良耐盐水稻地方品种的主攻方向。  相似文献   

The severe farmland abandonment phenomena in China have tremendously decreased the farmland usage efficiency and caused a series of profound ecological and social outcomes. The complexity of farmland abandonment necessitates a systematic research on its patterns and impact factors to underpin the dynamics of problem as well as potential solutions. This paper took Wanzhou district in the central part of Three Gorges Reservoir Area as an example to study the spatial distribution patterns of abandoned farmland at three scales, i.e., town, village, and plot, and analyzed the influence from labor transfer and farmland circulation. We conducted a survey on the distribution patterns of abandoned farmland via questionnaires at town and village scales, together with the modeling and interpretation of high-resolution aerial images taken by unmanned aerial vehicles at plot scale. Our research discloses a strong relationship between the distribution of abandoned farmland and the distance from population center at different scales. At either town or village scale, the abandonment proportion was recognized the highest in mid-distance areas and lowest in close-distance areas, and the per capita area of abandoned farmland increased with the distance to downtown or township. At plot scale, abandonment proportion presented exponential growth with the distance to village center, whereas the abandoned farmland was mainly distributed in the areas with distance above 500 m from the village center. Moreover, we noticed that labor transfer and farmland circulation are two important factors that influence farmland abandonment. Labor's outbound transfer distance has a positive linkage with the possibility of farmland abandonment. Finally, it is recommended that development and adoption of corresponding policies on local urbanization and farmland circulation will facilitate to alleviate farmland abandonment.  相似文献   

为了解决多云雨地区遥感数据时空覆盖缺失的问题,以满足对地块尺度作物种植信息日益迫切的应用需求,本文在遥感图谱认知理论框架下发展了一种基于多星数据协同的地块尺度作物识别与面积估算方法。首先,基于米级高分辨率影像提取农田地块对象;其次,通过对多源中分辨率时序影像的有效化处理和指数计算,获取“碎片化”的高时空覆盖有效数据,并以地块对象为单元构建时间序列;然后,在时序分析基础上,建立多维特征空间,结合作物生长物候特征,构建决策树模型进行作物分类识别与面积计算;最后,以湖南省宁远县为研究区开展了水稻种植信息的提取实验。结果表明:本文方法可在农田地块尺度下实现不同水稻类型的准确识别及其种植面积的精细提取,早、中、晚稻的用户精度分别可达94.33%、90.76%和95.95%,总体分类精度为92.51%,Kappa系数为0.90;早、中、晚稻面积提取精度分别为93.37%、91.23%和95.42%。试验结果证明了本文方法的有效性,为其他作物种植信息的精细提取提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

基于GIS技术的永久基本农田划定方法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨永久基本农田划定的有效方式,该文以济南市长清区为例,综合考虑耕地划入永久基本农田的因素,选择了质量等别、连片度、耕地坡度、耕地交通便利性和耕地居民点辐射度5个评价指标因子,运用GIS技术获取评价指标因子得分,根据特尔菲法确定评价指标权重,采用多因素加权分析法对耕地划入永久基本农田进行综合评价,运用GIS空间分析功能输出永久基本农田分布图,并实现了划定永久基本农田。该文研究成果可为县(区)级永久基本农田划定提供借鉴方法和科学依据。  相似文献   

在乡村振兴战略背景下,在镇域尺度上构建适宜性评价指标体系,划定高标准农田建设分区,用以指导商店镇高标准农田项目的建设方向。以适宜性评价、障碍度模型为研究方法,研究结果显示商店镇高标准农田建设适宜性一级区主要分布在镇域的中南部地区,二级区基本环绕在一级区外侧,三级区分散于镇域各地,以镇域北部居多,有城镇发展的需求,较不适宜建设高标准农田。商店镇高标准农田建设的障碍因子主要包括耕地连片度、灌溉保证率、盐渍化、有机质含量以及乡镇建设需求。耕地连片度、盐渍化、有机质含量以及乡镇建设需求这4个建设障碍问题在镇域北部都明显存在;镇域东部主要表现为盐渍化问题与耕地连片度,在东部地区高标准农田建设时需重点解决;南部主要存在耕地连片度与灌溉保证率的问题,需加大农田基础设施建设。商店镇高标准农田建设可划分为优先建设区、重点发展区与后备保留区,基于障碍因素进一步细化为12个分区,总体来说,商店镇高标准农田建设南部以完善农田基础设施建设、改良土壤为主,北部地区整治方向为规模化整治、促进农业产业化发展。  相似文献   

历史地理数据的GIS应用处理——以清时期的陕西为例   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
基于GIS数据处理技术,对清时期陕西省内的县级政区境界做出数字化建库,并链接历史文献中的县级人口、耕地等专题数据,进行了人口分布与人口密度、耕地分布与垦殖密度等方面的数据分析和制图。  相似文献   

永久基本农田划定是实现耕地保护、土地集约利用以及保障粮食安全的有效方式。然而城市的快速扩张给永久基本农田划定带来了挑战,如何协调城市扩张与耕地保护两者的关系、科学合理地划定永久基本农田亟待解决。本文以武汉市为例,结合LESA(Land Evaluation and Site Assessment)方法及LANDSCAPE模型(LAND System Cellular Automata Model for Potential Effects)综合考虑永久基本农田划定与城市扩张的冲突,进行永久基本农田划定,试图协调耕地保护与城市扩张对土地资源需求的矛盾,为"多规合一"背景下科学划定永久基本农田提供方法借鉴,为优质耕地保护及土地利用优化布局提供决策参考。①运用LESA方法对武汉市的耕地进行综合质量评价及等级划分;②基于LESA综合评价结果,运用LANDSCAPE模型对武汉市永久基本农田划定及城镇建设用地扩张进行模拟;③将LANDSCAPE模型划定的永久基本农田结果与基于LESA方法划定的结果进行数量、质量和空间形态上的对比分析。结果表明:2种方法划定的永久基本农田面积相当,质量差异不大。但在空间形态上,基于LANDSCAPE模型的划定结果明显优于基于LESA方法:划定的永久基本农田集中连片分布,形状较为规则。值得注意的是,LESA方法划定的永久基本农田中有15.8%将被新增城镇建设用地侵占,而LANDSCAPE模型能够有效避免这部分永久基本农田被侵占。  相似文献   

The relationship between livelihood diversification of farm households and cultivated land utilization has become a core research topic related to global environmental change. Agro-pastoral ecologically-vulnerable areas face challenges such as insufficient ecosystem conservation, low agricultural production, and weak economies. In this study, 215 farm households from Zhengxiangbai Banner, Taibus Banner, and Duolun County of Inner Mongolia were surveyed. The sustainable livelihoods framework of the United Kingdom(UK) Department for International Development(DFID) was used to measure the livelihood capital of these farm households. A one-way analysis of variance(ANOVA) was applied to examine the differences in the livelihood capital of different types households, and a correlation analysis was applied to analyze its impact on cultivated land utilization. Results showed that households with non-farming activities accounted for 64.7% of the total surveyed households, and non-farming employment was becoming more prevalent. Physical and financial capital was the driving factors for livelihood diversity. Each livelihood capital had key factors that affected household farmland use behaviors, such as the age of householder, the labor ratio, proportion of income, farmland scale, number of machines, and these had a significantly positive or negative influence on farmland use. Full-time farming households were more likely to transfer the land into cultivation and invest more labor, while non-farming households with high income were likely to transfer farmland out and invest more money to develop efficient farming or improve the employment skills. The results of this study suggest that policymakers need to fully consider livelihood changes of local households. It is effective to strengthen labor training, create farmland market and improve the efficiency of farmland utilization. We hope to achieve a win-win scenario to improve local economies and ecosystem conservation.  相似文献   

On the basis of landscape ecology, combining the Spot 5 high resolution satellite imagery with GIS, a method evaluating the spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelts distribution at landscape scale is put forward in this paper. The distance coefficients of reasonable and existing landscape indexes of farmland shelterbelt networks were computed, and then through the classification of the distance coefficients, and the establishment of evaluation rules, the spatial heterogeneity of farmland shelterbelts was evaluated. The method can improve the evaluating system of previous studies on shelterbelts distribution, resolve the disadvantages of lacking spatiality of overall evaluation, and make the evaluation results have more directive significance for shelterbelt management. Based on this method, spatial heterogeneity of shelterbelt networks was evaluated in the midwest of Jilin Province, China. The results show that the regions with fewer shelterbelts and no closed network account for 34.7% of the total area, but only 4.9% of the area has relative reasonable pattern of shelterbelt networks. Many problems exist in the distribution pattern of shelterbelts, therefore, much attention should be paid to construct farmland shelterbelts in the study area.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Albic soil is one of the main soils with low yield in the Sanjiang Plain, with an area of 200×103ha, accounting for 19% of the total area, among which 88.4×103ha is farmland, being 25.4% of the total area of farmland in this region. The albic soil occupies 44% of total area of farmland in the state-owned farms of Heilongjiang Province.Therearetworeasonsforthe lowyield ofalbic soil. Firstly, the upper layer of the soil is thin, only 10- 20cm for low yield field and 20- 25c…  相似文献   

During the last 30 years,China has witnessed rapid economic growth and dramatic urbanization,with about 1.2 × 107rural people migrating annually into urban areas.Meanwhile,especially since 1995,the rural population has been declining,which is closely linked to land circulation and the increase in farm size in many villages.Increasing scale of farming operations is often regarded as a key to avoiding the abandonment of farmland and to increasing the income of rural farmers.However,until now,there has been little research on the spatial and temporal variability of farm size at the national level in China.Using data from the national agricultural census and rural household surveys,this study examines the characteristics of land use circulation and the consequent changes in the area of farmland per household.The results show that: 1) 12.2% of rural households were involved in land circulation at the national level.The highest amounts of land circulation have occurred in those provinces where the farmland per capita is more than 0.2 ha or less than 0.1 ha;2) over 80% of households operate less than 0.6 ha of farmland;3) the proportion of mid-sized farms(between 0.2 ha and 0.6 ha per household) has decreased while the smallest and the largest farms have increased.This bears some similarity with the phenomenon known as the ′disappearing middle′,referring to the changes in farm size.This study establishes a framework for interpreting the factors affecting the changes in farm size in China,which include two promoting factors(urbanization and agriculture) and four hindering factors(agricultual land system,household registration,stable clan system,and farmland loss).  相似文献   

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