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210Pb geochronologies should be validated with independent tracers such as 137Cs. In the cases with constant 210Pb activity in the topmost sediments, the presence of a distinct 137Cs peak within the 210Pb plateau has been used as a definitive demonstration of acceleration (increase in the sedimentation rate in recent years) versus fast mixing. Nevertheless, some limitations can be identified in the use of semiquantitative arguments, and a global understanding of the whole 137Cs activity profile is then required. Particularly, the incomplete mixing within the top sediment zone (described through the Incomplete Mixing Zone model) can explain quantitatively and simultaneously the 137Cs peak and the flattening in the 210Pb activity profile. This is demonstrated using selected examples from literature data. Thus, measured constant 210Pb activities in the top 6 cm of a sediment core from Lake Zürich. Nevertheless, they found 7Be only in the uppermost layer, the distinct 137Cs maximum at 6 cm depth, and undisturbed varves. The fast mixing seemed then opposed to common sense. The constant rate of supply model shows acceleration and it adequately matches the position of the 1963 137Cs peak. Nevertheless it fails to explain the whole 137Cs profile when handling time series of 137Cs atmospheric deposition. Finally, it is shown how the incomplete mixing of the activity (through the pore water) over a certain mass depth at the top sediment, with a finite value of the mixing coefficient, can quantitatively explain the whole activity versus mass depth profiles of 137Cs and 210Pb, and the presence of 7Be only in the uppermost sediment layer. A further validation of these ideas is presented from other literature data.  相似文献   

Although lake sediment archives are widely used for reconstructing historical records of atmospherically delivered pollutants, the quantitative relationship between fallout levels and their record in the sediments is complex and not well known. The original input signal from the atmosphere can be significantly distorted by mediating transport processes in the catchment, through the water column and within the sediments themselves. Since these processes also affect the fallout radionuclide 210Pb commonly used to date sediments, a better understanding of their impact is also important to improving the accuracy and reliability of sediment dating. Blelham Tarn has been the subject of a number of palaeolimnological investigations using radiometric dating techniques since the early 1970s. More recently it was the site of a major study carried out within the EU Transuranics project concerning the long-term fate of fallout radionuclides in catchment/lake systems. This paper reviews the radiometric data from this study and uses the results to determine mass balances for fallout 210Pb, 137Cs and 239+240Pu in Blelham Tarn, and their spatial distribution over the bed of the lake. Atmospheric fluxes were determined by measuring concentrations in rainwater and cumulative inventories in soil cores from non-eroding sites. Sediment records in a grid of 16 cores were used to determine the spatial distribution over the bed of the lake, and net inputs from the catchment. Mass balance calculations indicate that c. 47% of 210Pb in the sediments derives from erosive inputs from the catchment. For 239+240Pu the figure rises to 61%. Reduced amounts of 137Cs in the sediments are attributed to greater losses of this radionuclide from the water column via the outflow due to its greater solubility. Inputs of radionuclides from the catchment are concentrated near one of the major input streams. Away from this part of the lake the sediment record is dominated by direct atmospheric fallout, though the detailed pattern is influenced by sediment focussing. A one parameter catchment/lake transport model is developed that incorporates the assumption that transport rates will decline with time as fallout on the catchment diffuses into the soil and becomes less available for removal. Values of the transport parameter were calculated for 210Pb and 239+240Pu and found to be comparable. The results suggest that it will take c. 11000 years to remove 50% of 239+240Pu from the catchment to the lake.  相似文献   

Low-background gamma counting: applications for210Pb dating of sediments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sediment cores from three lakes were dated with210Pb using a constant rate of supply (CRS) model. We used low-background gamma counting to measure naturally occurring levels of210Pb,226Ra, and137Cs in sediment samples because sample preparation is simple and non-destructive,226Ra activity provides a direct measure of supported210Pb activity for each sample analyzed, and137Cs activity may provide an independent age marker for the 1962–1963 peak in atmospheric fallout of this radionuclide. In one core supported210Pb activity was estimated equally well from226Ra activity of each sampling interval or from the mean total210Pb activity of constant activity samples at depth. Supported210Pb activity was constant with depth in this core. In a short freeze core, determining226Ra activity of every sample proved advantageous in estimating supported210Pb activity because supported210Pb activity could be estimated from210Pb measurements only at the deepest sampling interval. Supported210Pb activity estimated from226Ra activity also yielded more precise estimates of highly variable sedimentation rates. In the third core226Ra activity exceeded210Pb activity at the top of the core and varied 20 fold with depth. This high input of226Ra in disequilibrium with210Pb is attributed to recent erosion of radium-bearing materials in the drainage basin. These data invalidate the assumption that supported210Pb activity is constant in sediment cores and can be estimated from the mean total210Pb activity at depths where210Pb activity is constant. We recommend using gamma counting or another independent assay of226Ra to validate the assumption of constant supported210Pb activity in sediment cores if there is reason to expect that226Ra activity varies with depth.This is the fourth of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20 th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr. P.G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   

We used sediment chronology data from fourteen published studies of lake cores across much of North America and Scandinavia in order to make a large scale comparison of the different dating techniques. The uncertainty of210Pb derived dates was determined using common sediment event markers: the stable Pb rise, the137Cs rise, and theAmbrosia pollen rise. For all data combined, the 95% confidence intervals for the stable Pb rise and theAmbrosia rise, were approximately 30 years. These 95% confidence intervals are slightly higher than those derived by First-Order Error analysis performed by others on210Pb derived dates. When comparing the concordance of two210Pb models (CRS and CIC) against markers of known history, we found that the CRS model dates (constant rate of supply) had consistently better agreement than the CIC model dates (constant initial concentration). Major discrepancies between137Cs and210Pb were common, but were consistently more severe in sediments of soft water lakes pointing to an inability of sediments with low mineral content to immobilize Cs.This is the ninth of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20 th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments, Dr. P. G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   

This paper examines the evolution of Pagham Harbour, southern England following storm-induced breaching of a protective barrier in AD 1910. Stratigraphic studies of sediments collected from intertidal areas show the presence of a distinct stratigraphic horizon in the northeast of Pagham Harbour at ca. 0 to +1.0 m ordnance datum (OD). Radiometric data indicate that this horizon is a ‘reclamation surface’ formed after land claim in AD 1846. Following marine flooding in AD 1910, sediment has accreted relatively rapidly (at a broadly constant rate of between 4 and 8 mm a−1), wave and/or tidal energy have decreased and extensive marshes have developed. An asymptotic reduction in sediment accretion rate through time, as predicted in various theoretical models of salt marsh accretion, is not observed. Over the entire Pagham Harbour area, the period between AD 1948 and AD 1986 has seen an average marsh loss of 0.0087 km2 a−1, which is relatively small in comparison with other more exposed sites in the local area. Historically breached sites such as Pagham Harbour are common around European coasts, and these provide important natural laboratories within which the medium-term (decadal to centennial) coastal response to barrier breaching, and to managed-realignment coastal protection schemes, can be assessed.  相似文献   

Lake Chen Co, situated at 90°33–39E, 28°53–59N with a lake level of 4420 m asl, is an enclosed lake with 148 km2 of catchment area and 40 km2 of lake surface. It is mainly supplied by glacier melt water either from surface inflow or groundwater. Atmospheric precipitation is mainly concentrated in June–September. A 216-cm long lake sediment core was obtained at a site with 8 m of water depth, 800 m from the lakeshore and 1.5% of the bottom slope in this lake. The sediment core was taken by a piston sampler and was sliced with an interval of 1 cm each. 210Pb dating measurement suggested that the average sedimentary rate was 0.16 cm yr–1, which also was confirmed by 137Cs peak occurrence. Magnetic analyses included low-frequency dependent susceptibility (LF), susceptibility of anhysteretic remanent magnetism (ARM), the saturation isothermal remanent magnetism (SIRM), the isothermal remanent magnetism (IRM) reverse and Soft and Hard contents were performed for the sediment core. Results showed that LF was an index for reflecting the environmental conditions, but was not sufficient to reveal details of magnetic features. This had been proved by measurements of IRM Reverse percentage and Soft and Hard magnetic minerals values. The log(SIRM/LF) had much more information to reveal environmental changes. The ARM/LF might be more sensitive to the local environmental conditions because it was well able to indicate the grain-size variations of magnetic particles. In the past ca. 1400 years, the warm stages were ca. 620–740 AD, 1120–1370 AD and since ca. 1900 AD. After an intensively cold stage during ca. 1550–1690 AD, a cold-humid stage from ca. 1690–1900 AD and a warm-dry stage since ca. 1900 AD followed. Among these stages, the warmest one occurred in ca. 1120–1370 AD and the coldest stage was between ca. 1550 and 1690 AD. This result might be compared with many other research results from lake cores, ice cores and the Chinese historical documents.  相似文献   

A model to simulate 137Cs profiles in soils during the time in which they are being eroded is proposed. The model uses one parameter to characterize the cesium transference in the soil and another to express the erosion rate. To test the model, 137Cs profiles of stable and eroded soils were collected at sampling sites located on semi-arid and temperate slopes in the Central Ebro basin, Spain. The 137Cs profiles, corresponding to uncultivated soils with natural vegetation cover, were simulated using this model. The 137Cs inventories and profiles calculated with the model are very similar to those measured experimentally, and thus it is possible to calculate soil erosion rates in physiographically diverse Mediterranean environments.  相似文献   

We present 137Cs profiles for three low lying coastal lagoons in Southwest England that show a decline in activity with sediment depth. 137Cs inventories are lower than expected by comparison with local reference inventories despite the fact that sampling was undertaken in the deep-water zone of each lake where sediment and 137Cs focusing would be expected. At all three locations, lake sediment 7Be and unsupported 210Pb (210Pbun) inventories are not significantly lower than the local reference inventory. 137Cs inventories in the study cores range from 38 to 95% of local reference inventories. The standing water level and mud: water interface at two sites are below maximum tide level and, at all three sites, salinity increases significantly in the water columns between low and high tide and in the pore waters of the underlying sediments. We suggest that the difference in hydrostatic pressure between sea level and standing water levels in the lagoons forces salt water up through the sediment column and that monovalent cations (especially Na+ and K+) replace 137Cs on exchange sites leading to the upward migration and loss of 137Cs. Rising sea levels may therefore contribute to remobilisation and release of 137Cs to the aquatic environment from the sediments of coastal lagoons.  相似文献   

Post-depositional mobility of137Cs,239+240Pu and210Pb was assessed in six small lake basins by comparing sedimentary nuclide profiles with their known fallout history. Laminae couplets, when present, were determined to be varves because the137Cs and239+240Pu 1963 fallout peaks are present in laminae couplets corresponding to years 1962–1964. There is no evidence of mobility of210Pb, because 1) mass accumulation rates based on210Pb agree with those based on137Cs and239+240Pu peak depths and with those based on varve counts, and 2)210Pb ages agree with varve ages. Significant mobility of137Cs is evident from the penetration of137Cs to depths 15–20 cm deeper than239+240Pu. Deep penetration of137Cs in spite of a sharp gradient below the peak is interpreted by a numerical model to suggest that137Cs is present in two distinct forms in these sediments, 67–82% as an immobile form and 18–33% reversibly adsorbed with a K d of approximately 5000. The profiles can be interpreted equally well assuming a small portionof the total137Cs was present as an extremely mobile phase (K d 5000) in the months to years following peak fallout, slowly becoming more strongly adsorbed. High NH 4 + concentrations in porewaters may enhance diffusion of the mobile form of137Cs, but not of the immobile form of137Cs that defines the sharp gradient. Mobility of137Cs is likely also enhanced by the low clay content and the high porosity of these sediments. Thus the first detection of137Cs in the sediments cannot automatically be assumed to correspond to a date of 1952 (initial testing of thermonuclear weapons), although the depth of the peak can be assumed to correspond to 1963 (the year of maximum fallout from testing of thermonuclear weapons).239+240Pu is a more reliable sediment chronometer than137Cs because it is significantly less mobile.This is the sixth of a series of papers to be published by this journal following the 20 th anniversary of the first application of210Pb dating of lake sediments. Dr P.G. Appleby is guest editing this series.  相似文献   

Devils Lake is a closed, saline lake in North Dakota; it is typical of lake basins in the Great Plains Region, where windy conditions and fluctuating water-levels disturb sediment and confound chronostratigraphy. Pollen analysis and 210Pb dating of two cores collected from bathymetrically contrasting embayments demonstrate (1) how certain agriculture-related pollen types differ in their value as chronostratigraphic markers, (2) how pollen and 210Pb stratigraphies can be reconciled to determine the approximate depth of sediment mixing, and (3) the importance of coring-site selection, especially in lakes with unstable sedimentary conditions.  相似文献   

Lead-210 assay and dating are subject to several sources of error, including natural variation, the statistical nature of measuring radioactivity, and estimation of the supported fraction. These measurable errors are considered in calculating confidence intervals for 210Pb dates. Several sources of error, including the effect of blunders or misapplication of the mathematical model, are not included in the quantitative analysis. First-order error analysis and Monte Carlo simulation (of cores from Florida PIRLA lakes) are used as independent estimates of dating uncertainty. CRS-model dates average less than 1% older than Monte Carlo median dates, but the difference increases non-linearly with age to a maximum of 11% at 160 years. First-order errors increase exponentially with calculated CRS-model dates, with the largest 95% confidence interval in the bottommost datable section being 155±90 years, and the smallest being 128±8 years. Monte Carlo intervals also increase exponentially with age, but the largest 95% occurrence interval is 152±44 years. Confidence intervals calculated by first-order methods and ranges of Monte Carlo dates agree fairly well until the 210Pb date is about 130 years old. Older dates are unreliable because of this divergence. Ninety-five per cent confidence intervals range from about 1–2 years at 10 years of age, 10–20 at 100 years, and 8–90 at 150 years old.This is the third of a series of papers to be published by this journal which is a contribution of the Paleoecological Investigation of Recent Lake Acidification (PIRLA) project. Drs. D.F. Charles and D.R. Whitehead are guest editors for this series.  相似文献   

The change in dissolved inorganic δ13C in the ocean resulting from the change in δ13C in atmospheric CO2 owing to anthropogenic activities (the Suess effect) is well known. The need to correct for the Suess effect when applying δ13C in organic matter in lacustrine sediment deposited during the anthropocene as a productivity proxy, is widely although not universally acknowledged. This paper reviews conceptions about the Suess effect in lacustrine δ13Corg and methods to adjust for the Suess effect when δ13Corg is used to infer recent changes in aquatic productivity. Lake Tanganyika is used as an example to illustrate the necessity of the correction. When the Suess effect is not considered, interpretations of sediment core data can result that are opposite to those achieved with the correction applied, as is here shown in Lake Tanganyika and in other lakes. A new method to correct for the Suess effect is provided which has the advantage of being applicable to data for a larger period (1700–2000) than methods currently available. In addition, Lake Tanganyika is shown to be a net sink for CO2.  相似文献   

A large seabird colony of northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) at Cape Vera on Devon Island in the Canadian high Arctic has been shown to act as an effective biological pump, transporting large quantities of marine-derived nutrients and contaminants to the ponds beneath their nesting sites. Previous research has shown that seabirds also have the potential to elevate radionuclide concentrations in their immediate surroundings. Here, we assess the influence of the Cape Vera seabird colony on the 210Pb budgets of six affected ponds and one control site, and discuss potential implications with respect to 210Pb dating methodologies. In general, fluxes of 210Pb at Cape Vera were similar to, or less than, those measured at other Arctic locations not influenced by seabirds. Plots of unsupported 210Pb activity versus depth showed a number of non-monotonic features in all sediment cores, necessitating the use of the constant-rate-of-supply (CRS) model to derive age-depth profiles. We conclude that seabird activity has not dramatically increased the 210Pb flux to the ponds at Cape Vera. Overall, the low flux of excess 210Pb made accurate dating problematic for some of the study cores, necessitating the use of independent dating markers (e.g., 137Cs and PCB concentrations) to verify the reliability of the chronologies.  相似文献   

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