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In-situ migmatite and hybrid diatexite at Mt Stafford, central Australia   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Metasedimentary gneisses show a rapid change in grade within a 10-km-wide low- P /high- T  regional aureole at Mt Stafford, Arunta Block, central Australia. Migmatites occur in all but the lowermost of five metamorphic zones, which are characterized by: (1) muscovite–quartz schist; (2) andalusite–cordierite–K-feldspar granofels with small melt segregations; (3) spinel–sillimanite–cordierite–K-feldspar migmatite; (4) garnet–orthopyroxene–cordierite migmatite and minor diatexite; and (5) biotite–cordierite–plagioclase diatexite that shows a transition to granite. A subsolidus unit comprising interbedded sandstone and siltstone is equivalent to bedded migmatite , the main rock type in Zones 2–4. Mesoscopic textures and migmatite classification of this unit vary with grade. In Zone 2, metatexite is developed in siltstone layers that are separated by quartz-rich, unmelted metapsammite layers. Melt segregation was less efficient in Zones 3 and 4, where the dominant migmatite layering is a modified bedding. High proportions of melt were present in Zone 4, in which schlieren migmatite is transitional between bedded migmatite and metapelite-sourced diatexite. The preservation of sedimentary structures and coexistence of melt reactants and products in Zone 4 metapelite imply that melting proceeded in situ without substantial migration of melt. Zone 5 biotite–cordierite–plagioclase diatexite carries rafts of bedded migmatite with strongly resorbed edges, as well as large K-feldspar and quartz augen. This unit of comparatively Ca-rich migmatites is inferred to have been formed by the mixing of locally derived and injected granitic melt.  相似文献   

A sequence of psammitic and pelitic metasedimentary rocks from the Mopunga Range region of the Arunta Inlier, central Australia, preserves evidence for unusually low pressure (c. 3 kbar), regional‐scale, upper amphibolite and granulite facies metamorphism and partial melting. Upper amphibolite facies metapelites of the Cackleberry Metamorphics are characterised by cordierite‐andalusite‐K‐feldspar assemblages and cordierite‐bearing leucosomes with biotite‐andalusite selvages, reflecting P–T conditions of c. 3 kbar and c. 650–680 °C. Late development of a sillimanite fabric is interpreted to reflect either an anticlockwise P–T evolution, or a later independent higher‐P thermal event. Coexistence of andalusite with sillimanite in these rocks appears to reflect the sluggish kinematics of the Al2SiO5 polymorphic inversion. In the Deep Bore Metamorphics, 20 km to the east, dehydration melting reactions in granulite facies metapelites have produced migmatites with quartz‐absent sillimanite‐spinel‐cordierite melanosomes, whilst in semipelitic migmatites, discontinuous leucosomes enclose cordierite‐spinel intergrowths. Metapsammitic rocks are not migmatised, and contain garnet–orthopyroxene–cordierite–biotite–quartz assemblages. Reaction textures in the Deep Bore Metamorphics are consistent with a near‐isobaric heating‐cooling path, with peak metamorphism occurring at 2.6–4.0 kbar and c. 750800 °C. SHRIMP U–Pb dating of metamorphic zircon rims in a cordierite‐orthopyroxene migmatite from the Deep Bore Metamorphics yielded an age of 1730 ± 7 Ma, whilst detrital zircon cores define a homogeneous population at 1805 ± 7 Ma. The 1730 Ma age is interpreted to reflect the timing of high‐T, low‐P metamorphism, synchronous with the regional Late Strangways Event, whereas the 1805 Ma age provides a maximum age of deposition for the sedimentary precursor. The Mopunga Range region forms part of a more extensive low‐pressure metamorphic terrane in which lateral temperature gradients are likely to have been induced by localised advection of heat by granitic and mafic intrusions. The near‐isobaric Palaeoproterozoic P–T–t evolution of the Mopunga Range region is consistent with a relatively transient thermal event, due to advective processes that occurred synchronous with the regional Late Strangways tectonothermal event.  相似文献   

In the southeastern Reynolds Range, central Australia, a low- P granulite facies metamorphism affected two sedimentary sequences: the Lander Rock Beds and the Reynolds Range Group. In the context of the whole of the Reynolds Range and the adjacent Anmatjira Range, this metamorphism is M3 in a sequence M1–4 that occurred over a period of 250 Ma. In particular, M1 affected the Lander Rock Beds prior to the deposition of the Reynolds Group. M3 has an areally restricted, high-grade area in the southeastern Reynolds Range, affecting both the Reynolds Range Group and the underlying Lander Rock Beds. The effects of M3 are characterized by spinel + quartz-bearing peak metamorphic assemblages in metapelites, which imply peak conditions of ≥750°C and 4.5 ± 1 kbar, and involved isobaric cooling or compression with cooling. It is concluded that one of a series of thermal perturbations caused by thinning of mantle lithosphere contemporaneous with crustal thickening was responsible for M3. In the southeastern Reynolds Range, evidence of both the unconformity between the two rock groups and previous metamorphism/deformation has been completely erased by recrystallization during M3–D3.  相似文献   

The Anmatjira Range and adjacent Reynolds Range, central Australia, comprise early Proterozoic metasediments and othogneisses that were affected by three, and possibly four, temporally distinct metamorphic events, M1–4, and deformation events, D1–4, in the period 1820–1590 Ma. The north-western portion of the range, around Mt Stafford, preserves the effects of ±1820 Ma M1-D1, and shows a spectacular lateral transition from muscovite + quartz-bearing schists to interlayered andalusite-bearing migmatites and two-pyroxene granofelses that reflect extremely low-pressure granulite facies conditions, over a distance of less than 10 km. Orthopyroxene + cordierite + garnet + K-feldspar + quartz-bearing gneisses occur at the highest grade, implying peak conditions of ±750°C and 2.5 ± 0.6 kbar. An anticlockwise P–T path for M1 is inferred from syn- to late-D1 sillimanite overprinting andalusite, petrogenetic grid considerations and quantitative estimates of metamorphic conditions for inferred overprinting assemblages. The effects of M1 have been variably overprinted to the south-east by a c. 1760 Ma M2–D2 event. Much of the central Anmatjira Range, around Ingellina Gap, comprises orthogneiss, deformed during D2, and metapelites that have M1 andalusite and K-feldspar overprinted by M2 sillimanite and muscovite. The south-eastern portion of the range, around Mt Weldon, comprises metasediments and orthogneisses that were completely recrystallized during M2–D2, with metapelitic gneisses characterized by spinel + sillimanite + K-feldspar + quartz-bearing assemblages that suggest peak M2 conditions of >750°C and 5.5 ± 1 kbar. Overprinting parageneses in metapelitic gneisses imply that D2 occurred during essentially isobaric cooling. A third granulite facies event, M3, affected rocks in the Reynolds Range, immediately to the south of the Anmatjira Range, at c. 1730 Ma. A possible fourth event, M4, with a minimum age of c. 1590 My affected both Ranges, but resulted in only minor overprinting of M1–3 assemblages. The superimposed effects of M1–4, mapped for the entire Anmatjira–Reynolds Range area, indicate that only minor or no dislocation of the regional geology occurred during any of the metamorphic and accompanying folding, events. Although the immediate cause of each of the metamorphic events involved advection, the ultimate causes were external to the metasediments and most probably external to the crust.  相似文献   

Palaeoproterozoic metasedimentary migmatite reflects the highest temperature parts of a regional aureole at Mt Stafford, central Australia, comprising rocks that experienced 500–800 °C at ≈3 kbar. Whole‐rock major element concentrations are correlated with Zr content, psammitic compositions having nearly twice the Zr content of pelitic compositions. Zirconium is concentrated in mesosome compared with leucosome. Zircon is largely detrital, mostly lacking any overgrowth contemporary with migmatite formation. Comparatively small proportions of micro‐zircon (<10 μm) in sub‐solidus rocks are mostly hosted by quartz and plagioclase. Much higher proportions (three to five times) of micro‐zircon in migmatite are hosted by prograde K‐feldspar, cordierite and biotite. TX and PT NCKFMASHTZr pseudosections constructed using thermocalc model the distribution of Zr between solid and silicate liquid phases. Half of the detrital zircon (~100 ppm Zr) is predicted to be dissolved into silicate liquid at ≈800 °C and all dissolved by 850 °C, if all zircon is involved in the equilibration volume. Melt segregation at relatively low temperature is predicted to enrich the residuum in Zr, consistent with the observed distribution of Zr between mesosome and leucosome. The limited development of metamorphic zircon rims or overgrowths at Mt Stafford is explained by three concurrent processes: (i) Zr liberated during prograde metamorphism formed micro‐zircon, rather than following the prediction that Zr will partition into silicate liquid; (ii) some detrital zircon was probably armoured by other rock‐forming minerals, reducing Zr content in the effective bulk rock composition; and (iii) small proportions of melt loss during migmatization removed Zr that otherwise would have been available to form metamorphic rims.  相似文献   

Low‐P granulite facies metapelitic migmatites in the Wuluma Hills, Strangways Metamorphic Complex, Arunta Block, preserve evidence of polyphase deformation and migmatite formation which is of the same age of the c. 1730 Ma Wuluma granite. Mineral equilibria modelling of garnet‐orthoproxene‐cordierite‐bearing assemblages using thermocalc is consistent with peak S3 conditions of 6.0–6.5 kbar and 850–900 °C. The growth of orthopyroxene and garnet was primarily controlled by biotite breakdown during partial melting reactions. Whereas orthopyroxene in the cordierite‐biotite mesosome shows enrichment of heavy‐REE (HREE) relative to medium‐REE (MREE), orthopyroxene in adjacent garnet‐bearing leucosome shows depletion of HREE relative to MREE. There is no appreciable difference in major element contents of minerals common to both the mesosome and leucosome. The REE variations can be satisfactorily explained by decoupling of major element and REE partitioning, in the context of appropriate phase‐equilibria modelling of a prograde path at ~6 kbar. Sparse garnet nucleii formed at ~760 °C, along with concentrated leucosome development and preferentially partitioned HREE. Further heating to ~800 °C at constant or subtly increasing pressure conditions additionally stabilized orthopyroxene and decreased the garnet mode. Orthopyroxene in the leucosome inherited an REE pattern consequent to the partial consumption of garnet, it being distinct from the REE pattern in mesosome orthoproxene that was mostly controlled by biotite breakdown. Such within‐sample variability in the enrichment of heavy REE indicates that caution needs to be exercised in the application of common elemental partitioning coefficients in spatially complex metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Key insights into the timing of tectonometamorphic events in a complex high-grade metamorphic terrane can be obtained by combining results from SHRIMP II ion microprobe studies of individual monazite grains with SHRIMP II studies and scanning electron microscope (SEM)-based cathodoluminescence (CL) imaging of zircons. Results from the Reynolds Range region, Arunta Block, Northern Territory, Australia, show that the final episode of regional metamorphism to high-T and low-P granulite facies conditions is most likely to have occurred at c. 1580 Ma, not at 1785–1775 Ma, as previously accepted. The previous interpretation was based on zircon studies of structurally controlled granitoids, without SEM-based CL imaging. Monazites in a 1806± 6 Ma megacrystic granitoid preserve rare cores that are interpreted to be inherited magmatic monazite, but record no evidence of another high-T event prior to 1580 Ma. Most monazites from the region record only a single high-T metamorphic event at c. 1580 Ma. Zircon inheritance is very common. Zircons or narrow overgrowths of zircon dated at c. 1580 Ma have only been found in two types of rocks: rocks produced by metasomatic fluid flow at high temperatures (≤750°C), and rocks that have undergone local partial melting. Previous explanations that attributed these 1580 Ma zircon ages to widespread hydrothermal fluid fluxing associated with post-tectonic pegmatite emplacement at amphibolite facies conditions are not supported by the available evidence including oxygen isotope data. The observed high regional metamorphic temperatures require the involvement of advective heating. However, contrary to a previous tectonic model for the formation of this and other low-P, high-T metamorphic belts, the granites that are exposed at the present structural level do not appear to be the source of that heat, unless some of the granites were emplaced at c. 1580 Ma.  相似文献   

The Mallee Bore area in the northern Harts Range of central Australia underwent high-temperature, medium- to high-pressure granulite facies metamorphism. Individual geothermometers and geobarometers and average P–T  calculations using the program Thermocalc suggest that peak metamorphic conditions were 705–810 °C and 8–12 kbar. Partial melting of both metasedimentary and meta-igneous rocks, forming garnet-bearing restites, occurred under peak metamorphic conditions. Comparison with partial melting experiments suggests that vapour-absent melting in metabasic and metapelitic rocks with compositions close to those of rocks in the Mallee Bore area occurs at 800–875 °C and >9–10 kbar. The lower temperatures obtained from geothermometry imply that mineral compositions were reset during cooling. Following the metamorphic peak, the rocks underwent local mylonitization at 680–730 °C and 5.8–7.7 kbar. After mylonitization ceased, garnet retrogressed locally to biotite, which was probably caused by fluids exsolving from crystallizing melts. These three events are interpreted as different stages of a single, continuous, clockwise P–T  path. The metamorphism at Mallee Bore probably occurred during the 1745–1730 Ma Late Strangways Orogeny, and the area escaped significant crustal reworking during the Anmatjira and Alice Springs events that locally reached amphibolite facies conditions elsewhere in the Harts Ranges.  相似文献   

Abstract Zircons have been studied from different layers of migmatites (from Arvika, western Sweden and Nelaug, southern Norway) and from a paragneiss (from Arvika) associated with one of the migmatites. The main purpose of the investigation is to establish whether or not information about zircons can help in the elucidation of the parentage and rock-forming processes of migmatites.
The elongation ratio of zircons from all layers is small and characteristic of sedimentary zircons. Further, the absence of characteristic colours and the growth trends of the zircons (indicated by the reduced major axes) observed in the various samples both support a sedimentary parentage for these rocks. The zircons of all layers exhibit secondary growth (overgrowth, outgrowth and multiple growth) due to metamorphism. Compared with the zircons from the paragneiss, those of the migmatite layers are more clouded and less rounded, some of them becoming opaque or even skeletal; this is especially true of the zircons from the leucosomes. These observations indicate an alteration of the original sedimentary zircons in the migmatite, especially in the leucosomes, in response to the migmatization process, previously interpreted as partial melting.  相似文献   

Abstract In metapelitic schists of the north-eastern Weekeroo Inliers, Olary Block, Willyama Supergroup, South Australia, syn-S1 and syn-S2 assemblages involving staurolite, garnet, biotite and another mineral, most probably cordierite, were overgrown by large syn-S3 andalusite porphyroblasts, owing to isobaric heating from metamorphic conditions that existed during the development of S2. Conditions during the development of S3 probably just reached the andalusite—sillimanite transition. During the development of S4, at somewhat lower temperatures than those that accompanied the development of S3, the following reaction occurred:
staurolite + chlorite + muscovite ± biotite + andalusite + quartz + H2O.
The amount of retrogression is controlled primarily by the amount of H2O added by infiltration. As the syn-S3 matrix assemblage was stable during the development of S4, but the andalusite porphyroblasts were no longer stable with the matrix when H2O was added, the retrogression is focused in and around the porphyroblasts. With enough H2O available, and if quartz was consumed before biotite in a porphyroblast, then the following reaction occurred:
staurolite + chlorite + muscovite + corundum ± biotite + andalusite + H2O.
This reaction allowed corundum inclusions in the andalusite to grow, regardless of the presence of quartz in the matrix assemblage.  相似文献   

The Lander Rock Beds form the local basement of the Reynolds Range in the Arunta Inlier of central Australia. These dominantly quartzose and pelitic lithologies underwent low-grade ( c.   400  °C) regional metamorphism prior to contact metamorphism ( c.   2.5  kbar) around S-type megacrystic granitoids at 1820–1800  Ma. The Lander Rock Beds are overlain by metasediments of the Reynolds Range Group, which were subsequently intruded by granitoids at c. 1780  Ma. Regional metamorphism at 1590–1580  Ma produced grades varying from greenschist (400  °C at 4–5  kbar) to granulite (750–800  °C at 4–5  kbar) from north-west to south-east along the length of the Reynolds Range. Oxygen isotope ratios of the Lander Rock Beds were reset from 13.4±0.8 to as low as 6.7 adjacent to the contacts of the larger plutons, and to 10.3±1.1 around the smaller plutons. Biotite in all the major rock types found in the aureoles has δD values between −52 and −69, probably reflecting resetting by a cooling igneous+metamorphic fluid near the plutons. Sapphirine-bearing and other Mg- and Al-rich rock types have low δ18O values (4.0±0.7). The precursors to these rocks were probably low-temperature ( c. 200  °C) diagenetic–hydrothermal deposits of Mg-rich chlorite, analogous to those in Proterozoic stratiform precious metal and uranium deposits that form by the infiltration of basin brines or seawater. As in the overlying Reynolds Range Group, regional metamorphism involved little fluid–rock interaction and isotopic resetting.  相似文献   

Mineral assemblages in Al2O3‐rich, SiO2‐ and K2O‐poor metapelitic rocks from the western Odenwald Crystalline Complex (Variscan Mid‐German Crystalline Rise, southern Germany) include corundum, spinel, cordierite, sillimanite, garnet and staurolite. Quartz is absent from almost all samples. Therefore, the applicability of conventional geothermobarometry is very limited or even impossible. Detailed petrographic investigation on selected samples permits inference of the sequence of appearance and disappearance of several mineral assemblages. The recognition of such partial re‐equilibration stages and their associated mineral assemblages, together with mineral stabilities predicted from KFMASH pseudosections, enables the determination of the pressure‐temperature (P–T) trajectories experienced by these rocks during the Variscan metamorphism. The rocks were metamorphosed under low‐P/high‐T conditions and underwent an anti‐clockwise P–T evolution. A pressure increase from about 2 kbar to 4 ± 0.5 kbar was accompanied by heating. Peak metamorphic conditions were reached at pressures of 4 ± 0.5 kbar and temperatures of at least 640 °C, probably even higher. The retrograde evolution is characterised by near‐isobaric cooling from ≥ 640 °C to approximately 550 °C. The rocks underwent the anti‐clockwise evolution in a subduction‐related magmatic arc setting. The close spatial association of the low‐P/high‐T rocks with recently discovered metabasic eclogites in the eastern part of the Odenwald Crystalline Complex may indicate a fossil paired metamorphic belt in the Central European Variscides.  相似文献   

The migmatites of the Palmer area, in the core of the Mt Lofty Ranges metamorphic belt, are considered to have formed by partial melting of quartzo‐feldspathic schists and gneisses, rather than by metamorphic segregation as formerly suggested. Large‐ and small‐scale tectonic structures indicate that the Cambrian Kanmantoo Group rocks in the Palmer area have undergone three deformations during the Delamerian Orogeny and that these are similar to those described elsewhere in the Mt Lofty Ranges. The relationships of the migmatitic veins to these structures indicate that some partial melt was present during a large part of the structural history: some veins formed before and after the first folding event, and some formed during or after the third folding event even though the metamorphic grade appears to have been waning in areas more distant from the highest grade ore. The early onset of partial melting is consistent with previously reported evidence that thermal activity in the belt began before penetrative deformation.  相似文献   

Abstract Small unexploited copper-lead-zinc deposits, characterized by a distinctive wall-rock association of cordierite quartzite, silica-undersaturated rocks, calc-silicate rocks and impure marbles, occur in quartzofeldspathic gneisses and mafic granulites of the Strangways Metamorphic Complex, central Arunta Block, central Australia. Available data support the hypothesis that these are metamorphosed volcanogenic ore bodies. The chemical compositions of the quartzofeldspathic gneisses are comparable with those of less metamorphosed felsic igneous rocks, particularly the felsic igneous rocks emplaced in the North Australian Orogenic Province in the interval 1880–1800 Ma; and the mafic granulites are chemically similar to basalts (olivine-normative tholeiites). The wall-rock suite can be correlated from chemistry and lithological association with the suites of wall rocks found in unmetamorphosed volcanogenic ore deposits. That the protolith of the cordierite quartzites may well have been leached tuff, similar to the illite-chlorite-quartz tuff found in volcanogenic ore deposits, is also shown by retrogression of the granulitefacies assemblage: cordierite-garnet-ortho-pyroxene-biotite-quartz in the cordierite quartzites to cordierite-anthophyllite-bearing assemblages and thence to chlorite-muscovite-quartz assemblages. Lenses of silica-undersaturated rocks with spinel and, less commonly, sapphirine are interpreted as the metamorphosed equivalents of chlorite-rich pods found within leached tuffs in volcanogenic ore deposits. The wall rocks form sheet-like bodies; this suggests that they were deposited in relatively shallow water, thus precluding the formation of massive sulphides.  相似文献   

The evolution of the mineral assemblages and P–T conditions during partial melting of upper‐amphibolite facies paragneisses in the Orue Unit, Epupa Complex, NW Namibia, is modelled with calculated P–T–X phase diagrams in the Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O system. The close concordance of predictions from the phase diagrams to petrographic observations and thermobarometric results documents that quantitative phase diagrams are suitable to explain the phase relationships in migmatitic upper‐amphibolite facies low‐ and medium‐pressure metapelites, which occur in many high‐grade metamorphic terranes worldwide. Different mineral assemblages in the migmatitic metapelites of the Orue Unit reflect regional discrepancies in the metamorphic grade: in a Northern Zone, early biotite–sillimanite–quartz assemblages were replaced via melt‐producing reactions by cordierite‐bearing assemblages. In a Southern Zone, they were replaced via melt‐producing reactions by garnet‐bearing assemblages while cordierite is restricted to rare metapelitic granofelses, which preserve Grt–Sil–Crd–Bt peak assemblages. Peak‐metamorphic conditions of 700–750 °C at 5.5–6.7 kbar in the Southern Zone and of ~750 °C at 4.5 kbar in the Northern Zone are estimated by integrating thermobarometric calculations with data from calculated mineral composition isopleths. Retrograde back‐reactions between restite and crystallizing melt are recorded by the replacement of garnet by biotite–sillimanite and/or biotite–muscovite intergrowths. Upper‐amphibolite facies metamorphism and partial melting (c. 1340–1320 Ma) in the rocks of the Southern Zone of the Orue Unit, which underwent probably near‐isobaric heating–cooling paths, are attributed to contact metamorphism induced by the coeval (c. 1385–1319 Ma) emplacement of the Kunene Intrusive Complex, a huge massif‐type anorthosite body. The lower‐pressure metapelites of the Northern Zone are interpreted to record contact metamorphism at an upper crustal level.  相似文献   

The two major Early to Middle Palaeozoic tectonic/metamorphic events in the northern Appalachians were the Taconian (Middle to Late Ordovician) in central to western areas and the Acadian (Late Silurian to early Middle Devonian) in eastern to west-central areas. This paper presents a model for the Acadian orogenic event which separates the Acadian metamorphic realm into eastern and western belts based on distinctively different styles. We propose that the Acadian metamorphism in the east was the delayed consequence of Taconian back-arc lithospheric modification. East of the Taconian island arc, thick accumulations of Late Ordovician and Silurian sediments, coupled with plutons rising along a magmatic arc, produced crustal thermal conditions appropriate for anomalously high-T, low-P metamorphism accompanied by major crustal anatexis. In this zone, upward melt migration was coupled with subsequent E-W crustal shortening (possibly due to outboard collision with the Avalon terrane) to produce mechanical conditions that favoured formation of fold and thrust nappes and resultant tectonic thickening to the west (and probably to the east as well). The basis for the distinction between the Eastern and Western Acadian events lies in the contrasting styles of metamorphism accompanying each. Evidence for contrasting metamorphic styles consists of (1) estimated metamorphic field gradients (MFGs) based on thermobarometric studies, and (2) petrological evidence for contrasting P–T trajectories. West of the Acadian metamorphic front, the Taconian zone has an MFG in which peak temperatures of 400-600° C were reached at pressures of about 4–6 kbar, with both P and T increasing to the east. Near its western edge, the Western Acadian metamorphic overprint has a similar MFG to the Taconian, and is mainly discriminated by 40Ar/39Ar dating and microtextural evidence. East of this narrow zone, the Western Acadian overprint is characterized by progressively higher temperatures (600–725° C) and pressures (6.5–10 kbar, or more) to the east, yielding an overall MFG that lies along, or slightly above, the kyanite–sillimanite boundary on a P–T diagram. There is little or no plutonism accompanying Western Acadian metamorphism. In contrast, thermobarometry in the Eastern Acadian, east of the Bronson Hill Belt, yields high-T, intermediate-P conditions for the highest grade rocks known in New England: T= 650–750° C, P= 4.5–6.5 kbar for granulite facies assemblages which apparently formed along an ‘anticlockwise’P–T path. The Bronson Hill Belt lies geographically between the Eastern and Western Acadian zones and shows transitional petrological behaviour: anomalously high temperatures at intermediate pressures, but a ‘clockwise’ path with decompression cooling. Radiometric dating indicates peak Taconian conditions may have been achieved as early as 475 Ma in the Taconian hinterland and as late as 445 Ma in the Taconian foreland (including the Taconic allochthons). Eastern Acadian magmatism may have started as early as 425 Ma, and most nappe-stage deformation and metamorphism in the Eastern Acadian zone appears to have ended by about 410 Ma. Tectonic thickening in the Western Acadian (including the western counterparts of the nappe-stage deformation documented in the Eastern Acadian) must pre-date attainment of peak metamorphic conditions dated at 395–385 Ma. Dome-stage deformation clearly post-dates peak metamorphism and deforms metamorphic isograds. The end of Western Acadian deformation is well constrained by 370-375 Ma radiometric ages of late pegmatites and granitoids which cross-cut all structures.  相似文献   

《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1229-1240
Intrusion-bordering migmatites comprise a substantial, high-grade metamorphic part of the Alvand aureole near Hamadan, western Iran. Abundant Al-rich metasedimentary rocks and various granites occur in this region. Migmatites consist of Bt?+?Sill?+?Grt?+?Crd?+?Sp ± Opx melanosomes and Grt?+?Pl?+?Kfs?+?Qtz leucosomes. These assemblages reflect upper pyroxene hornfels to lower sanidinite facies physical conditions. The appearance of orthopyroxene in these rocks marks the pressure–temperature transition from the pyroxene hornfels to the sanidinite facies. Field relations, mineral parageneses, and pressure–temperature estimates suggest that intrusion of granitic magma and concomitant partial melting of metasedimentary wallrock units were the main processes involved in the migmatization. Peak metamorphism took place at 650–750°C and ~2–4 kbar; such high-temperature/low-pressure metamorphism was caused mainly by advective heat derived from the emplacement of plutons. Regional metamorphism, granitic magmatism, and contact metamorphism reflected arc construction and collision during subduction of a Neotethyan seaway and subsequent Late Cretaceous–early Tertiary oblique collision of Afro-Arabia (Gondwana) with the Iranian microcontinent.  相似文献   

Abstract The Proterozoic low-pressure, high-temperature (LPHT) terrane of the Reynolds Range occurs in a 130-km-long, NW-trending belt in the central part of the Arunta Block, central Australia. The Reynolds Range has been affected by two mid-Proterozoic tectonic cycles, DI and DII, associated with two metamorphic events, MI and MII. DI–MI effects are restricted to the older of two sedimentary successions, the Lander Rock beds, which are separated from the younger Reynolds Range Group by an angular unconformity. The dominant structural–metamorphic features formed during DII–MII affected both sedimentary successions and the various granites that intruded them, and reworked most DI–MI effects. The DII deformation history can be subdivided into one prograde, two peak, and one retrograde stage. Average P–T calculations in the southeastern half of the range indicate a peak-metamorphic pressure of 4.1 ± 0.3 kbar. Because the calculated values are derived from the same stratigraphic level corresponding to the base of the Reynolds Range Group, which is exposed throughout the area, it is likely that pressures were similar in the entire range. In fact, however, the peak-metamorphic temperature shows a dramatic increase from greenschist facies (c. 400° C) in the northwest to granulite facies (740 ± 60° C) in the southeast, indicating that MII was associated with anomalously high heat flows. The P–T path is anticlockwise, with isobaric cooling from the metamorphic peak indicated by corona textures. However, the evidence of a prograde increase in pressure is indirect and based on the compressional nature of the structures. Peak-metamorphic mineral assemblages and retrograde mineral assemblages in amphibolite facies shear zones show the same metamorphic zonation, suggesting they formed in response to the same thermal event. If this is true, the implication is that a thermal perturbation external to the crust was maintained for a considerable period of time (110 Ma, based on zircon dating). As it is not clear whether Proterozoic, asthenosphere-active, thermal perturbations operated for this long, the alternative interpretation must be considered, namely that the peak-metamorphic events are separate from the shear zone event associated with reheating of the area.  相似文献   

喜马拉雅造山带的变质作用与部分熔融   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
张泽明  董昕  丁慧霞  田作林  向华 《岩石学报》2017,33(8):2313-2341
喜马拉雅造山带的核心由高级变质岩系和淡色花岗岩构成,是研究碰撞造山作用和板块构造的天然实验室。本文评述了喜马拉雅造山带变质作用和部分熔融研究取得的新进展和存在的争议,主要内容包括:(1)造山带核部具有"三明治"结构,高级变质和部分熔融的高喜马拉雅系列(GHS)夹持在较低级变质的特提斯喜马拉雅系列(THS)和低喜马拉雅系列(LHS)之中,GHS的变质作用程度具有向上和向下部构造层位降低的特征。高喜马拉雅系列主要由高压麻粒岩相到榴辉岩相的变质岩组成,具有1.2~1.6GPa和700~800℃峰期变质条件,顺时针型变质作用P-T轨迹,其进变质以增温增压为特征,退变质早期为近等温或增温降压过程,晚期为降温降压和近等压降温过程;(2)在造山带西段,紧邻缝合带产出的超高压变质岩具有4.4~4.8GPa和560~760℃的峰期变质条件和顺时针型P-T轨迹,并在退变质中期出现加热过程;(3)尽管造山带的高压和超高压变质岩形成在中、高温条件下,但岩石中的石榴石都保存有明显的主量和微量元素生长成分环带特征;(4)造山带变质核下部发育反转的中、高压型变质序列;(5)在造山带核部,变泥质和长英质麻粒岩的强烈部分熔融主要是增压、增温进变质过程中的白云母和黑云母脱水熔融,和近等温或增温降压过程中的黑云母脱水熔融,可以形成花岗质和英云闪长质熔体。加厚下地壳的高变质温度足以使各种成分岩石(包括基性岩)发生深熔,而不需要外来热源;(6)造山带变质核经历了长期的变质演化过程,其进变质始于~47Ma,峰期变质发生在~25Ma,退变质持续到~15Ma。这些岩石也记录了持续的(超过20Myr)高温变质和部分熔融过程。在造山带西段的超高压变质岩具有~46Ma的峰期变质年龄和~40Ma的退变质年龄,所以经历了一个快速俯冲与折返过程;(7)印度大陆西缘与岛弧的碰撞(造山带西段)和印度大陆东缘与大陆弧的碰撞时间一致,为~50Ma;(8)在造山带西段,印度大陆的深和陡俯冲形成了超高压变质岩;而在造山带中段,印度大陆的平缓俯冲形成了中高压变质岩;(9)构造变质不连续在变质核中广泛存在。多重有序逆冲和无序逆冲导致的岩片叠置控制着造山带的地壳结构;(10)现有的构造模型,包括楔形挤出、隧道流、临界楔和构造楔模型,都不能全面合理地解释造山带变质核部的折返机制。  相似文献   

In situ LA–ICP–MS U–Pb monazite geochronology from the Boothby Hills in the Aileron Province, central Australia, indicates that the region records more than 80 Ma of high‐T, low‐P (HTLP) anatectic conditions during the Early Mesoproterozoic. Monazite ages from granulite facies rocks and leucosomes span the interval 1576–1542 Ma. Pegmatites that overprint the regional gneissic fabric and are interpreted to record the last vestiges of melt crystallization give ages between 1523 and 1513 Ma. Calculated P–T pseudosections suggest peak metamorphic conditions in excess of 850 °C at 0.65–0.75 GPa. The retrograde evolution was characterized by a P–T path that involved minor decompression and then cooling, culminating with the development of andalusite. Integration of the geochronological data set with the inferred P–T path trajectory suggests that suprasolidus cooling must have been slow, in the order of 2.5–4 °C Ma?1. In addition, the retrograde P–T path trajectory suggests that HTLP conditions were generated within crust of relatively normal thickness. Despite the long duration over which anatectic conditions occurred, there is no evidence for external magmatic inputs or evidence that HTLP conditions were associated with long‐lived extension. Instead, it seems probable that the long‐lived HTLP metamorphism was driven to a significant extent by long‐lived conductive heating provided by high crustal heat production in voluminous pre‐metamorphic granitic rocks.  相似文献   

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