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随着北斗三号卫星导航系统完成全球组网并正式开通,我国成为世界上第三个独立拥有全球卫星导航系统的国家,北斗卫星定位精度和可靠性进一步提升。目前北斗二号卫星可播发三频观测信号,北斗三号卫星可播发五频观测信号,研究多频组合定位对于实现模糊度快速固定、提高定位精度具有重要意义。文中分别给出北斗二号三频和北斗三号四频观测值的线性组合,并将其视为不同的卫星系统进行融合定位,最后分析短基线条件下的定位精度。结果表明本方法能够实现短基线模糊度单历元固定,定位精度可达cm级。  相似文献   

北斗三频宽巷组合网络RTK单历元定位方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用三频超宽巷/宽巷模糊度波长较长从而易于固定的优势,提出了一种基于北斗三频宽巷组合的网络RTK单历元定位方法。数据处理中心利用基准站实时生成并播发包含双差对流层和电离层延迟改正信息的虚拟观测值;用户站利用载波、伪距组合及分步解算的TCAR方法基于单个卫星对、单历元可靠固定两个超宽巷或宽巷模糊度。最后利用已固定模糊度且噪声最小的宽巷观测值和内插得到的大气延迟改正进行实时动态定位解算。试验结果表明,对于本文提出的网络RTK单历元定位方法,用户站宽巷模糊度单历元解算准确率高于99.9%,统计的定位中误差平面为3~4cm,高程方向约为5cm。  相似文献   

为发挥北斗三频超宽巷或宽巷模糊度易于固定的优势,提出一种利用宽巷观测值的北斗单历元定位方法。首先使用载波伪距组合求解最容易固定的(0,-1,1)组合模糊度,其次基于模糊度已固定的(0,-1,1)组合观测值通过CIR方法单历元求解第二个宽巷模糊度(1,-1,0)组合模糊度。(1,-1,0)组合观测值噪声和电离层延迟综合影响最优,因此基于(1,-1,0)组合观测值进行单历元坐标解算。实验结果表明,文中提出的单历元定位方法,能够依据单历元数据最终成功解算出地面点坐标,统计精度为平面2.2cm,高程5.4cm,在满足部分领域应用要求的情况下提高效率和抗干扰能力。  相似文献   

北斗全球卫星导航系统(简称北斗三号系统,BDS-3)的建设对拓展全球卫星导航系统(global naviga tionsatellitesystem,GNSS)的应用有重要作用,为多星座融合定位、导航和授时提供了重要支持.多系统融合定位给用户提供了更多的导航信息源,也为导航卫星系统完好性和用户自主完好性指标的实现提供了...  相似文献   

讨论了如何提高单星座增强型接收机自主完好性监测ARAIM算法的可用性问题。借助于钟差辅助模型设计了一种能够用于垂直精密进近LPV-250服务的单星座ARAIM算法。将钟差预测值作为虚拟伪距观测值纳入到当前的定位解算中,以提高单星座ARAIM算法的可用性。设计了新的完好性风险配置方案,在计算用户保护水平时,通过直接计算故障偏差对定位误差的影响大小来解决未知故障偏差的估计问题,对于系统的可用性给出了更精确的评定。试验分析结果表明,钟差辅助对于提高单星座ARAIM算法的可用性具有显著的作用。  相似文献   

给出了一种新的水平定位误差保护限值(HPL)计算方法; 通过模拟,分析了与已有方法的不同性能,得到了对应不同飞行阶段的合理的HPL计算方法.  相似文献   

GPS RAIM水平定位误差保护限值算法分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
给出了一种新的水平定位误差保护限值(HPL)计算方法;通过模拟,分析了与已有方法的不同性能,得到了对应不同飞行阶段的合理的HPL计算方法  相似文献   

接收机自主完好性监测(receiver autonomous integrity monitoring,RAIM)是终端用户高可靠导航定位的保障,低轨卫星的发展为完好性监测带来新的机遇,然而不同低轨星座增强下的终端RAIM性能可能会存在显著差异。基于高轨道倾角(80颗)、中轨道倾角(120颗)和混合轨道倾角(168颗)3种典型的低轨星座,系统评估了低轨卫星增强下的北斗卫星导航系统(BeiDou navigation satellite system,BDS)RAIM可用性及故障检测效果。仿真计算结果表明:对于高纬区域,高轨道倾角增强下的RAIM可用性效果最好,而在中、低纬区域,中轨道倾角星座增强下的RAIM可用性效果最优;在全球范围内,高轨道倾角、中轨道倾角和混合轨道倾角星座增强下非精密进近阶段的RAIM可用性较BDS分别提升30.5%、29.0%和41.0%。由此可知,由不同轨道倾角组成的混合星座可较好地弥补可视卫星在空间覆盖上的缺陷,其全球RAIM可用性增强效果最优,增强下的RAIM可检测到的最小伪距偏差较之前平均减小33.3 m。  相似文献   

针对伪距单点定位精度低,定位结果发散等问题,该文提出一种基于卫星高度角的卡尔曼滤波相位平滑伪距方法。基于该方法利用载波相位信息对C/A码伪距进行平滑,并用最小二乘法求解用户位置。通过实测的静态和动态数据验证了该方法的可行性。结果表明:和最小二乘法比,该方法定位结果更加平滑,一定程度上提高了伪距单点定位精度。其中,静态定位水平精度提升了20.7%,垂直精度提升了15.7%,三维精度提升了16.8%;动态定位水平精度提升了27.8%,垂直精度提升了20.8%,三维精度提升了21.2%。  相似文献   

Ambiguity resolved precise point positioning with GPS and BeiDou   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper focuses on the contribution of the global positioning system (GPS) and BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) observations to precise point positioning (PPP) ambiguity resolution (AR). A GPS + BDS fractional cycle bias (FCB) estimation method and a PPP AR model were developed using integrated GPS and BDS observations. For FCB estimation, the GPS + BDS combined PPP float solutions of the globally distributed IGS MGEX were first performed. When integrating GPS observations, the BDS ambiguities can be precisely estimated with less than four tracked BDS satellites. The FCBs of both GPS and BDS satellites can then be estimated from these precise ambiguities. For the GPS + BDS combined AR, one GPS and one BDS IGSO or MEO satellite were first chosen as the reference satellite for GPS and BDS, respectively, to form inner-system single-differenced ambiguities. The single-differenced GPS and BDS ambiguities were then fused by partial ambiguity resolution to increase the possibility of fixing a subset of decorrelated ambiguities with high confidence. To verify the correctness of the FCB estimation and the effectiveness of the GPS + BDS PPP AR, data recorded from about 75 IGS MGEX stations during the period of DOY 123-151 (May 3 to May 31) in 2015 were used for validation. Data were processed with three strategies: BDS-only AR, GPS-only AR and GPS + BDS AR. Numerous experimental results show that the time to first fix (TTFF) is longer than 6 h for the BDS AR in general and that the fixing rate is usually less than 35 % for both static and kinematic PPP. An average TTFF of 21.7 min and 33.6 min together with a fixing rate of 98.6 and 97.0 % in static and kinematic PPP, respectively, can be achieved for GPS-only ambiguity fixing. For the combined GPS + BDS AR, the average TTFF can be shortened to 16.9 min and 24.6 min and the fixing rate can be increased to 99.5 and 99.0 % in static and kinematic PPP, respectively. Results also show that GPS + BDS PPP AR outperforms single-system PPP AR in terms of convergence time and position accuracy.  相似文献   

Precise positioning with the current Chinese BeiDou Navigation Satellite System is proven to be of comparable accuracy to the Global Positioning System, which is at centimeter level for the horizontal components and sub-decimeter level for the vertical component. But the BeiDou precise point positioning (PPP) shows its limitation in requiring a relatively long convergence time. In this study, we develop a numerical weather model (NWM) augmented PPP processing algorithm to improve BeiDou precise positioning. Tropospheric delay parameters, i.e., zenith delays, mapping functions, and horizontal delay gradients, derived from short-range forecasts from the Global Forecast System of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) are applied into BeiDou real-time PPP. Observational data from stations that are capable of tracking the BeiDou constellation from the International GNSS Service (IGS) Multi-GNSS Experiments network are processed, with the introduced NWM-augmented PPP and the standard PPP processing. The accuracy of tropospheric delays derived from NCEP is assessed against with the IGS final tropospheric delay products. The positioning results show that an improvement in convergence time up to 60.0 and 66.7% for the east and vertical components, respectively, can be achieved with the NWM-augmented PPP solution compared to the standard PPP solutions, while only slight improvement in the solution convergence can be found for the north component. A positioning accuracy of 5.7 and 5.9 cm for the east component is achieved with the standard PPP that estimates gradients and the one that estimates no gradients, respectively, in comparison to 3.5 cm of the NWM-augmented PPP, showing an improvement of 38.6 and 40.1%. Compared to the accuracy of 3.7 and 4.1 cm for the north component derived from the two standard PPP solutions, the one of the NWM-augmented PPP solution is improved to 2.0 cm, by about 45.9 and 51.2%. The positioning accuracy for the up component improves from 11.4 and 13.2 cm with the two standard PPP solutions to 8.0 cm with the NWM-augmented PPP solution, an improvement of 29.8 and 39.4%, respectively.  相似文献   

北斗卫星导航系统包含3种不同类型的空间星座,相对应卫星的高度角存在一定的差异,对北斗卫星单点定位的影响也不同。针对这一问题,研究了等权模型、基于卫星高度角和信噪比的北斗卫星观测量随机模型确定方法。利用MGEX站提供的观测数据,通过比较不同模型的实验结果表明:相对于等权模型,基于卫星高度角和信噪比定权模型可以提高单点定位的精度,并且信噪比模型优于高度角模型;在基于信噪比确定权阵的随机模型中,选择不同的参数,对解算结果精度会产生相应的影响。  相似文献   

针对同时估计电离层延迟导致的单频精密单点定位解算秩亏问题,提出了一种附加历元间约束的多历元递推算法。该算法根据无周跳时前后历元模糊度不变的特性,在每一组多历元联合数据解算时,每颗卫星只设置一个模糊度参数,不需要外部先验信息约束即可解决秩亏问题。另外,本文算法同时考虑了参数及观测值之间的时间相关性,采用附加约束的平方根信息滤波对部分参数进行历元间约束,克服多历元算法的病态性,提高了算法的可靠性。试验采用全球分布的15个IGS跟踪站14 d的数据,静态定位精度优于3 cm,仿动态解约为1.5 dm。与同时估计电离层延迟的单频PPP方法相比,收敛速度提高了24%,与双频无电离层组合PPP的收敛速度基本一致,定位精度提高了30%,高程分量定位精度提高更为明显。  相似文献   

多系统融合单频精密单点定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对导航定位技术的不断发展及多导航系统的出现,多系统组合定位成为导航定位发展的重要方向。该文采用多模GNSS实验跟踪网多个测站的观测数据,对多系统融合单频精密单点定位的精度进行了分析。结果表明四系统融合单频精密单点定位N方向和E方向偏差的RMS值可达厘米级,均值为7~8cm,要高于单系统和双系统融合定位的精度。在高度角较大时,四系统融合定位仍然可以保持较高精度的连续定位,单GPS系统在高度截止角30°时已无法实现连续定位。另外,多系统动态单频精密单点定位精度受硬件延迟的影响更小。  相似文献   

分析多系统组合单点定位性能,针对组合定位时随机模型不够精确的问题,提出一种基于UERE的Helmert方差分量估计定权方法。结果表明:多系统组合定位时,单历元可用卫星数增大,GDOP值明显减小,精度以及稳定性等定位性能得到有效提升。基于UERE的Helmert方差分量估计定权方法相较传统的先验定权和基于验后方差估计的定权方法,可明显改善多系统组合定位的精确度,且降低迭代计算次数。  相似文献   

GPS单频精密单点定位的研究实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
涂锐  黄观文  凌晴 《测绘科学》2011,36(3):68-69,72
本文研究建立了电离层参数估计的单频精密单点定位的数学模型,并综合考虑各项误差模型改正,运用卡尔曼滤波算法,开发了单频精密单点定位程序,最后利用实测数据进行实验。实验结果表明:静态平面、高程方向精度均优于0.15m,动态精度优于0.3m。  相似文献   

针对在城市峡谷环境下观测卫星较少、观测质量差和周跳频繁,导致动对动定位过程中双差模糊度不连续的问题,提出了一种GPS/BDS组合系统的单历元模糊度解算方法。通过GPS/BDS组合定位提高了卫星的可用数量,利用单历元模糊度固定减弱了周跳频繁带来的影响。实验采用GPS/BDS组合的7组数据,分析了在不同高度角下动对动定位单历元解的模糊度固定率、解算失败率、粗差率和定位精度。结果表明,GPS/BDS组合动对动定位单历元模糊度解算方法,在高遮挡的城市峡谷环境仍然可以取得较好的定位结果。  相似文献   

During past decades, precise point positioning (PPP) has been proven to be a well-known positioning technique for centimeter or decimeter level accuracy. However, it needs long convergence time to get high-accuracy positioning, which limits the prospects of PPP, especially in real-time applications. It is expected that the PPP convergence time can be reduced by introducing high-quality external information, such as ionospheric or tropospheric corrections. In this study, several methods for tropospheric wet delays modeling over wide areas are investigated. A new, improved model is developed, applicable in real-time applications in China. Based on the GPT2w model, a modified parameter of zenith wet delay exponential decay wrt. height is introduced in the modeling of the real-time tropospheric delay. The accuracy of this tropospheric model and GPT2w model in different seasons is evaluated with cross-validation, the root mean square of the zenith troposphere delay (ZTD) is 1.2 and 3.6 cm on average, respectively. On the other hand, this new model proves to be better than the tropospheric modeling based on water-vapor scale height; it can accurately express tropospheric delays up to 10 km altitude, which potentially has benefits in many real-time applications. With the high-accuracy ZTD model, the augmented PPP convergence performance for BeiDou navigation satellite system (BDS) and GPS is evaluated. It shows that the contribution of the high-quality ZTD model on PPP convergence performance has relation with the constellation geometry. As BDS constellation geometry is poorer than GPS, the improvement for BDS PPP is more significant than that for GPS PPP. Compared with standard real-time PPP, the convergence time is reduced by 2–7 and 20–50% for the augmented BDS PPP, while GPS PPP only improves about 6 and 18% (on average), in horizontal and vertical directions, respectively. When GPS and BDS are combined, the geometry is greatly improved, which is good enough to get a reliable PPP solution, the augmentation PPP improves insignificantly comparing with standard PPP.  相似文献   

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