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Hospital service areas (HSAs) are increasingly adopted as a basic analysis unit for health care studies. The popular Dartmouth HSAs were produced more than two decades ago, and the process was far from automated. This research uses a Huff-based model automated in a geographic information systems (GIS) environment to delineate HSAs. Based on the Florida State Inpatient Database (SID) in 2011, a best-fitting distance decay function is derived from the actual travel patterns of hospitalization and then fed into the Huff model to strengthen the model's theoretical foundation in individual spatial behavior. The HSAs derived from the Huff-based model are then compared to the traditional flow-based HSAs defined by the Dartmouth method and assessed in terms of self-containment and heterogeneity of internal socioeconomic structure and urbanicity. The Huff-based model requires fewer data and is easy to implement as an automated toolkit and thus has great potential for replication in other regions to define large-scale and consistent HSAs.  相似文献   

Hospital service area (HSA) and hospital referral region (HRR), known as a hierarchical HSA system, have been used as analysis units in a growing body of large‐scale studies of healthcare spending, utilization, and outcome in the United States. However, the popular Dartmouth HSAs and HRRs were produced more than two decades ago and are unable to represent contemporary healthcare markets. This research uses a revised Huff Model to delineate two levels of hospital service areas in Florida, resulting in sixty‐four HSAs nested in twenty‐one HRRs. Three elements distinguish our method from existing work. First, a best‐fitting distance‐decay function derived from the actual travel pattern of hospitalization is embedded in the Huff Model to strengthen the model's theoretical foundation in individual spatial behavior. Secondly, the hierarchal central place structure is supported by the differing travel‐friction coefficients for general versus specialized patients; general patients experience a steeper gradient and thus a shorter average travel range that supports delineating more HSAs of smaller area size, and specialized patients exhibit a flatter gradient and thus a longer average travel range that leads to fewer HRRs of large‐sized areas. Finally, the delineation method automated in geographic information systems (GIS) can be easily replicated in other regions to define large‐scale and consistent hierarchical HSA systems.  相似文献   

中国地理科学学科体系浅析   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
新的国际和国内形势为地理科学带了新的发展机遇,同时也提出了更高的要求。以《中国学科及前沿领域发展战略研究(2021—2035)》地理科学的学科规划为契机,本文系统梳理了新时期地理科学的学科体系。根据地理科学现状和发展趋势,中国地理科学可划分为综合地理学、自然地理学、人文地理学和信息地理学4个二级学科,各二级学科下的三级学科也基本成熟,有些三级学科下的四级学科名称也在普遍使用。我们希望以这一新的学科体系为支点,完善地理科学的学科分支,推动地理科学框架下新兴学科的发展,更好地服务于新时期国际及国家的战略需求。  相似文献   

Hospital service areas (HSAs) capture most of local patient-to-hospital travel flows, and have been accepted as the most basic unit for analyzing local hospital utilization and hospitalization patterns. If a given HSA includes multiple hospitals providing care for its residents, it is complicated to assign responsibility for small-area variation in hospital performance or healthcare costs to specific hospitals without established HSA managers. The goal of this study is to produce HSAs with the fewest number of hospitals within an HSA unit. Only a very limited number of studies are related to the HSA delineation. This study reviews the existing approaches to delineate a broader range of service areas besides HSAs. A spatial algorithm named Travel-to-Hospital Algorithm (TTHA) was developed and implemented using the individual hospital discharge records from the Florida State Inpatient Database for 2011. The final output, named the TTHA-derived HSAs, included 14 more eligible divisions in Florida than the HSAs produced by the traditional approach (92 vs. 78), with the degree of self-containment comparable between the two sets of HSAs. The TTHA provides insight into the patterns of hospital visits and holds great value for the delineation of other types of service and catchment areas.  相似文献   

Although public health services are usually available in developing countries, the locational need for such care has received little objective assessment. Using a capacity-constrained location-allocation model, this study evaluates the locational efficiency of a set of primary health centers in Guatemala City. The distribution revealed by the model departs substantially from the existing pattern, indicating a need for greater centralization of administration and planning of health care delivery.  相似文献   

马海涛  胡夏青 《地理学报》2022,77(12):3104-3124
开展科技创新功能区划是全局把握国家科技创新总体布局并指导提升区域科技创新能力极为重要的基础性工作,然而相关研究仍较滞后。本文从城市间创新合作关系网络的角度,结合已有地理区划理论和创新地理研究,设计了一种科技创新功能区划方法,基于中国357个城市间2017—2019年的专利合作关系数据,研制了一套中国科技创新功能区划方案。研究认为,将网络空间拓扑关系与地理空间位置关系相结合,借助空间邻接约束下的层次聚类与以模块度为依据的图分割技术,可以得到内部联系紧密且占据一定连续地表的区划结果,是一种科技创新功能区划的有效方法。在城市科技创新网络拓扑结构分析和二值与加权网络分区结果对比分析的基础上,研制出一套包含4个一级区和20个二级区的中国科技创新功能区划参考方案,将中国大致划分为北方、南方、东部、西部4个科技创新功能板块,每个板块包含4~6个二级功能区。这一方案的分区边界与省级行政边界具有较高的吻合性,可为国家从宏观层面进行科技创新统筹管理提供辅助参考。建议未来依托科技创新功能区的建设与区域科技创新中心的引领,因地制宜实施区域创新发展战略,更好地为国家创新驱动发展战略实施贡献力量。  相似文献   

《Urban geography》2013,34(2):128-149
This paper examines the impact of the 1978 economic reforms on the socialist nature of the Chinese city, using Guangzhou, one of the most open cities in China, as a case study. Despite a reorientation of Guangzhou's role as a trade center and port, labor is still predominantly engaged in the secondary sector with a strong emphasis on heavy industry. Tertiary activities have only recently attained an equivalent level of importance during the early Communist period and exhibit a noticeable dearth of the more advanced forms of tertiary activities, such as finance, insurance, and real estate. The spatial structure of the city of Guangzhou has developed according to a State-approved Master Plan with socialist influences and has evolved into three interdependent linear clusters separated by agricultural land and linked by west-east-running highways and railroads. Residential differentiation is based on occupation types which are related to the land use in the city. The city planners continue to practice the socialist method of planning, including standardization, city-size control, and application of the neighborhood unit concept. The economic system of the city is still firmly based on public (state sector) production. Guangzhou exhibits the characteristics of a city in transition from a planned system to a market-oriented economy and highlights the political-ideological conflicts of urban development in post-reform China.  相似文献   

广佛产业发展比较及互补开发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
吕拉昌  李永成  王建军 《热带地理》2005,25(2):138-141,160
伴随南中国的区域合作,广佛联手构建广佛都市圈,建立强大的区域中心,具有重要的现实意义,广佛的产业合作是打造广佛都市圈的一个重要方面。文中在对广佛产业发展现状进行对比分析的基础上,提出了广佛产业互补开发的原则与对策。建议从广佛都市圈的角度,规划城市与产业;建立合理的产业分工及微观的整合机制;发展多种行业的内部协作关系,实现两地产业互补开发、互动发展。  相似文献   

厦门市产业结构特征与跨世纪发展构想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
厦门市在经历了改革开后的一段高速增长之后,产业发展环境和发展方式已经发生了很大变化,通过分析厦门市产业结构现状和产业跨世纪发展的基础优势,并在此基础上提出了厦门市新世纪主导产业发展构想。  相似文献   

中国港口时空格局演变及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
港口是水路运输的枢纽和重要节点,对区域经济的发展起着重要作用。以我国规模以上港口为研究对象,运用指数分析与齐夫定律对近年来我国港口规模的区域差异、等级规模变化进行分析,通过灰色关联度模型确定影响港口规模的主要因素,结果发现:我国港口吞吐量增长迅速,以外贸运输为主;港口规模的区域差异与规模等级差异逐步缩小,各港口吞吐量呈现位序-规模分布,分形结构由单分形转为双分形,齐夫参数呈下降趋势;不同省级行政单元经济水平对港口规模影响存在差异,分为区域拉动型、外向经济型、腹地中转型和补充导向型。  相似文献   

颜秉秋  高晓路  季珏 《地理科学进展》2015,34(12):1586-1597
养老设施规划配置的关键应着眼于老年群体对养老服务的差异化需求及其动态变化特征。本文提出了基于多主体模拟的理论框架,并通过对前期研究的梳理,归纳出养老机构配置问题中需要考虑的老年人、养老机构等主体的时间变异和空间差异特征、其行为规则以及他们与环境之间的相互作用规律。在此基础上,以北京市为例构建了多主体微观模拟模型,对2010-2030年间养老机构需求与供给态势进行了预测,并讨论了养老设施布局的评估指标,通过设施利用率、百人床位数和空间匹配度等指标,对北京市养老服务设施的规划政策进行了评估。研究表明,多智能体模拟技术对把握人口动向及养老服务需求的不确定性和动态变化特征而言是一个十分有效的研究工具,能够很好地体现各种要素的空间属性。对于北京市的“9064”养老服务规划和养老设施专项规划的分析表明,如果仅仅对养老模式的分担比例和百人床位数进行控制,而忽视对空间布局的管控,养老机构床位空置率有可能出现继续上升的趋势,为此,必须制定城市中心区养老机构的比例,同时对养老机构的定价、选址和服务质量采取必要的管控措施。  相似文献   

海峡西岸经济区城镇体系空间结构特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在经济全球化背景下,福建省正处于全面发展的工业化阶段,面对外界各种流体的汇集和离散,机遇与挑战并存。如何构建福建省区域城镇体系的等级、功能和空间结构,协调区域发展,实现海峡西岸经济区的成功崛起乃是福建省在今后区域规划中的重要任务。立足海峡西岸经济区主体福建省城镇体系空间结构现状,从节点、轴线、网络、域面四个维度分析其结构特征,得到以下结论:①福建省城镇经济发展目前已形成2个主中心(厦门市、福州市辖区)、1个次中心(泉州市辖区)、6个地方中心和一批较大生产规模城镇;②闽东南地区城镇整体水平高于闽西北地区,中部地区城镇沿线发展程度仅次于沿海地区城镇密集带;③福建省城镇体系空间分布较为适中;④福建省城镇经济发展梯度差异较大。  相似文献   

薛德升  蔡静珊  李志刚 《地理研究》2009,28(5):1341-1351
运用结构式访谈和深度访谈的调查方法,以城中村的农民工为研究对象,分析其医疗行为及空间特征,并探讨其形成原因。研究发现:城中村的农民工医疗保健水平低,医疗机构的使用率低;在医疗制度不完善的背景下,农民工能动地通过各种途径解决医疗需求,形成三种类型的医疗行为模式,即"自力更生"型、"社会资本"依赖型及"经济实力"型。结合医疗机构的空间分布,农民工医疗行为的空间特征符合距离衰减规律,同时表现出明显的波动性,表现为一个跳跃式五圈层结构。本研究试图为改善农民工的健康行为模式提供科学基础,并在一定程度上补充国内城市保健地理及行为地理的研究。  相似文献   

从山岳旅游地形成和发展、管理与制度、旅游景观、旅游影响、旅游者行为与旅游市场、旅游开发与规划、旅游环境与生态旅游7方面对山岳旅游地研究进行综述。利用定量评价法分析载文所反映的名山研究影响力,其具有层次性、区域性、不平衡性特征;分析山岳旅游地研究存在的局限性,并从研究队伍、研究理论和方法、研究数据、研究方向4方面展望未来山岳旅游地研究。  相似文献   

产业同构化是目前国内各大经济区产业升级优化和彼此合作发展的瓶颈之一。选定海峡西岸经济区,长三角和珠三角经济区为研究对象,从三次产业、工业和第三产业内部结构3个方面着手,应用相似系数这一指标,分别从静态与动态的角度着重分析海西区/珠三角区和海西区/长三角区的产业同构的现状与变化,并在此基础上,依据分形理论中的R/S分析方法,预测其产业同构化的未来发展趋势,期望能够为海西区确定未来经济发展的合理方向和产业结构调整的原则提供理论依据。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲城镇群产业结构演变的城镇空间响应强度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国经济社会发展进入重要的转型时期,产业升级和空间优化成为城镇群地区跨越发展门槛、提升城镇化质量和水平的关键因素,研究产业发展与城镇空间的相互关系成为一项全新、紧迫的科学问题。文章从空间视角切入,提出“产业结构演变的城镇空间响应系数”,定量分析了珠江三角洲不同产业的城镇空间响应强度时空特征,探讨了城镇空间响应强度与工业化发展阶段的内在关系。根据第二、第三产业的城镇空间响应强度,将珠三角各县(区)划分为一致响应型、偏R2(第二产业发展的城镇空间响应系数)响应型和偏R3(第三产业发展的城镇空间响应系数)响应型。经济发展水平、城镇人口集聚水平、区域政策和制度是影响珠三角城镇空间响应强度的主要因素,工业化进程越快,城镇空间响应强度越强。在不同工业化阶段,要采取差异化的调控措施,把产业结构演变与城镇空间优化相结合,建立土地利用与产业发展的良性互动关系,才能真正实现社会经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

基于传统偏离-份额分析法(SSM)以及动态偏离-份额分析法,首先对中国西部地区12省(直辖市、自治区)产业结构进行横向对比,再结合云南省产业结构的历年纵向分析,旨在为云南省产业结构优化升级、经济发展方式转变提供科学参考.结果表明:1)云南省第一产业在产业结构和竞争力上均处于相对落后地位;2)云南省第二产业结构优势不明显,具备一定的竞争力优势,但同西部发达地区相比仍有一定差距;3)云南省第三产业结构优势明显,但竞争力优势不明显,产业结构优势未能很好的转化为竞争力优势;4)云南省应根据自身优势及存在问题,抓住机遇、制定对策,促进产业结构优化升级.  相似文献   

The Hospital Service Areas (HSAs) better portray underlying local patterns of hospitalization than administrative units, and offer a promising analysis unit for studies of healthcare market. The widely used Dartmouth HSAs in the U.S. were solely based on Medicare inpatient records about two decades ago. Our analysis used all discharge records from Florida hospitals in the 2011 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) dataset from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). We first matched Medicare-paid hospitalization records in 2011 to the Dartmouth HSAs for demonstrating the temporal variation of the Medicare-derived HSAs. We then compared the HSA configurations based on the overall hospitalization records to Medicare-derived HSAs in the same year (2011) for assessing the representativeness of the Medicare-derived HSAs. Results indicate the boundaries of the Medicare-derived HSAs have significantly shifted over two decades and are inadequate in representing the overall population. The Huff model was used to generate more solid HSAs than traditional approaches.  相似文献   

运用相对资源承载力的研究思路和计算方法,选取传统的三次产业,分别以全国、东部和西部为参照区,计算并分析1978年以来吉林省三次产业的相对资源承载力及动态变化。结果发现,无论相对于全国、东部还是西部地区,吉林省第一产业资源承载力均处于富余状态,表明第一产业是支撑吉林省人口发展的主要产业。相对于全国,第二产业资源承载力超载但有缓和趋势,第三产业资源承载力则一直超载,说明吉林省经济实力在逐渐增强,第三产业亟待发展。相对于东部地区,第二、第三产业资源承载力均超载,表明第二、三产业发展水平与东部地区有较大差距;相对于西部地区,三次产业资源承载力和综合承载力均有较大富余,表明吉林省仍有很大发展优势。  相似文献   

中国产业空间格局演化与空间转型发展态势   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
赵璐 《地理科学》2021,41(3):387-396
基于城市层面三次产业的产值数据,应用空间统计标准差椭圆方法全面分析了 2003-2016年中国产业空间格局演化特征与转型发展态势.研究发现,2003-2016年中国三次产业空间中心均向内陆方向移动,且第二产业空间移动距离最大;第一产业空间离散化发展,空间聚集度减小;第二产业正在加快由沿海向内陆地区空间集中化聚集发展,空...  相似文献   

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