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魏乐  周亮  孙东琪  唐相龙 《地理研究》2022,41(6):1610-1622
黄河流域城镇扩张对区域景观格局影响显著,城市群人口聚集与增长引发了流域“人-地”矛盾和“空间冲突”等一系列生态环境问题。基于土地利用数据和FLUS模型对2025年和2035年呼包鄂榆城市群城镇化与土地利用时空演化特征进行多情景模拟预测。结果表明:① 1990—2018年呼包鄂榆城市群整体发展水平较低,建设用地面积经历了“平稳增加-缓慢增加-急剧增加”的变化过程,区域总体以草地为主,其占土地总面积的50%以上,其次是未利用土地和耕地,林地和建设用地次之。② 城市群扩张最剧烈地区在空间上主要发生在呼和浩特市、包头市等城市主城区,且扩张模式以外延式扩张为主,扩张来源主要是耕地、草地等生态用地。③ 三种情景模拟发现,2025年和2035年区域土地利用变化的空间结构和特征差异明显。自然发展情景下,城市扩张不受约束,高速增长占据了大量生态用地;加入生态约束条件很好的控制了对草地和林地的占用;经济发展情景下,城市扩张将进一步占据更多的未利用土地和耕地。本研究通过城市群扩张时空格局演化及情景模拟分析,尝试为区域规划、城市空间规划和区域生态空间保护提供多角度、多情景和可选择的政策决策参考。  相似文献   

马雯秋  朱道林  姜广辉 《地理研究》2022,41(10):2615-2630
农村居民点作为乡村地域功能的空间反映,其内部用地功能结构随着经济社会发展发生剧烈变动,“转型”正成为当前中国农村居民点用地结构发展的主要特征。本文以乡村振兴战略需求为切入点,在阐明农村居民点用地结构转型内涵的基础上,依据“过程-类型-机制-优化”的研究思路系统剖析农村居民点用地结构转型规律,将农村居民点用地结构转型研究与乡村振兴战略需求相结合。研究认为,基于农村居民点内部典型地类间组合关系的演变过程,其转型可划分为外向非农化、内生乡村化和空心衰败化三种类型。城镇化、乡村工业化和以乡村振兴战略为主的农业农村现代化通过改变城乡间人口、土地、资本和技术等要素流动和资源配置效率进而影响着居民点转型的方向和结果;同时,合理、有序的农村居民点用地结构也可为乡村振兴的具体实施提供空间基础。未来应以乡村振兴战略需求为导向,从类型转换、效率提升和制度保障等角度优化居民点用地结构转型,以期在理论上创新和完善农村居民点用地转型与优化的研究范式,实践上为村庄规划和乡村振兴提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

Rural tourism has become an important driving force of rural urbanization in China. As the main reception base and important tourism attraction, tourism village is the core element of the tourism destination system. Integrating the method of PRA (Participatory Rural Assessment), GIS technology and high-resolution remote sensing images, this study aims to analyze the spatial morphology evolution of rural settlements induced by tourism through a comparative study of three tourism villages in Yesanpo tourism area. The results suggest the emergence of a “core-periphery” pattern of the spatial evolution of rural settlements. The closer to the core scenic spot, the higher degree of land-use intensity the village shows, as well as the more mature tourism function and greater change in landscape pattern. In particular, Gougezhuang shows an increase of the floor area ratio from 0.17 to 0.44, with the most mature tourism function and the lowest authenticity index of 0.448. Liujiahe has gone through the largest increase in construction land area from 17.3564 ha to 34.1128 ha, with moderately mature tourism function and relatively stable authenticity index of 0.566. Shangzhuang has the lowest construction land scale and intensity, with the poorest tourism function and most well-preserved landscape authenticity index of 0.942. Overall, in terms of the spatial morphology, the three villages show the characteristics of “modern town”, “semi-urbanization” and “traditional village” respectively, in corresponding to three land development types: “intensive reconstruction type”, “enclave extension type” and “in situ utilization type”. The spatial evolution patterns of these three villages imply the spatial characteristics of the touristization of traditional villages in different stages, and also have great representative value for the management of rural settlements in tourism areas in China.  相似文献   

Tourism has emerged as a major driving force in the growth and expansion of rural settlements. After several studies revealed spatial differentiation of touristization among rural settlements, studies were conducted to explain this phenomenon. However, most of these studies explained spatial differentiation of rural touristization in a qualitative way. More robust and detailed quantitative results are needed to evaluate the relative roles of different factors. In this study, which takes Yesanpo tourism as a case study, the Geo-detector method was introduced to evaluate determining factors of rural touristization. Results show that “distance to core entry”, “tourist number and sojourn time”, and “distance to the nearest scenic area” have had a strong effect on the rural touristization in Yesanpo, whereas “distance to river”, “elevation”, “distance to main road”, and “slope” have had a weak influence. The latter did, however, contribute a lot to touristization when interacting with “distance to core entry”, “tourist number and sojourn time”, and “distance to the nearest scenic”, indicating the importance of these four factors. Higher rural touristization occurred in the zone near the core entry, with many tourists, long sojourn times, and proximity to the scenic area.  相似文献   

中国农村居民点用地微观尺度研究进展及展望   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
中国快速工业化和城镇化进程助推农村发展经历了深刻转型,农村居民点用地类型及功能逐渐多样化和非农化,由此对农村居民点内部地类辨析、演变规律及驱动力探讨等提出了迫切需求。本文围绕农村居民点用地类型、结构及功能,农村居民点用地空心化以及用地景观等方面进行了较全面地总结,指出农村居民点用地演变与经济发展及农户生计变化息息相关。都市郊区及经济发达地区农户就地非农就业促使农村居民点用地类型多样化以及功能和景观的非农化,传统农区劳动力大量转移导致农村居民点用地闲置废弃和景观的空心化。当前,无论从技术手段还是研究内容看,农村居民点用地微观尺度研究仍以现象描述和解释为主,未来应逐渐向实践应用拓展和深化,并加强微观研究方法与技术手段的创新。在微观尺度的农村居民点用地转型、演变模式提炼基础上,深入剖析农村居民点用地的演变规律及驱动机理,提出面向国家战略需求的农村居民点空间重构方向,将凸显乡村聚落地理研究的政策出口与实践价值。  相似文献   

王林  曾坚 《地理研究》2021,40(8):2235-2251
村镇聚落空间格局系统认知与分类研究是乡村地域国土空间有效治理和差异化管控的基础,对乡村振兴和新型城镇化战略实施具有支撑作用,鲁西南地区相关研究时代和现实价值凸显。基于菏泽市2018年遥感影像解译数据,综合统计分析和探索性空间数据分析方法,多尺度多维度系统探测村镇聚落空间分异特征,并通过多维特征耦合划分村镇聚落类型。结论如下:① 菏泽市村镇聚落总体表现为点位密度较高、规模普遍偏小、形状普遍规整,国土空间集约整治潜力巨大。② 村镇聚落“三维”(点位、规模、形态)空间格局特征存在尺度差异性。市域尺度“三维”分布特征均存在一定空间异质性,但分异程度不明显;县域尺度“三维”特征空间分异规律多元复杂,表现出以乡镇为单元的局域多样性;乡镇尺度“三维”特征均趋向统一均衡,呈现单中心结构和“同质性”特征。③ 以乡镇为划分单元,基于“三维”特征耦合形成八种村镇聚落类型,并尝试分类提出空间优化和治理建议。  相似文献   

城市物流企业的空间分布决定物流空间格局、影响城市综合资源和生产空间的合理配置。以西北内陆中心城市——兰州市为案例区,基于微观物流企业数据并运用空间分析方法刻画了兰州市物流企业的空间分布及类型分异特征,进一步通过负二项回归模型探究了其区位选择的影响因素。结果表明:(1) 兰州市物流企业空间分布不均衡特征显著,总体呈现出“中心为主、远郊和近郊为辅,且沿城市交通主干道呈寄生状分布”的分异格局,具体可归纳为“多中心极化”、“中心极化”、“多中心外扩”、“中心外扩”、“整体极化”与“局部外扩”并存5种空间组织形态。(2) 物流企业呈现出“两心两翼四组团”的空间集聚特征,就不同类型而言,运输型和综合型物流企业呈现出“地域均衡化,类型多元化”集聚特征,货代型、快递型及仓储型物流企业则呈现出“片区集聚化,类型集群化”集聚特征。(3) 物流企业空间分异格局与类型分异特征受交通条件、集聚因素、政府政策、土地价格和城乡差异等多元因素影响,其中交通条件、集聚因素以及政府政策对行业整体在区位选择中的影响最为显著。(4) 从企业类型来看,货代型、综合型物流企业的区位选择受集聚因素影响最为显著;快递型、运输型物流企业则较为关注交通条件;仓储型物流企业对政府政策更为敏感。研究结果在丰富城市物流企业区位理论和研究案例的同时,对我国西北内陆中心城市物流企业空间布局优化具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

中国农村聚居演变的驱动机制及态势分析   总被引:41,自引:9,他引:41  
在深入分析了自然环境约束、基础设施建设、地域文化传承与融合、城镇化与产业经济转型、土地使用变革与创新、农户行为模式转化、宏观政策环境及其他因素对农村聚居演变影响的基础上,基于各影响因素对农村聚居演变作用方式与程度的不同,将这些因素划分为基础因子、新型因子与突变因子3 类。各类因子对农村聚居的作用侧重点有所不同,基础因子的驱动作用主要集中在传统农村聚居特征的延续,新型因子的驱动作用主要是促进农村聚居的转型,而突变因子的驱动作用则可能带来农村聚居的突变,三者共同构成了农村聚居演变的“三轮”驱动机制。3 种驱动因素的作用形成了3 条典型驱动路径,即基础因子作用下低速平稳的传统路径、新型因子作用下快速发展新型路径、突变因子作用下的突变性偶然路径。农村聚居演变的一般过程可以划分为初期阶段、过渡阶段、发展阶段、成熟阶段等4 个阶段,在不同的发展阶段,农村聚落体系、聚居规模、聚居形态、聚居功能、聚居文化、聚居环境等均呈现出不同的特征。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,珠三角地区的工业迅速发展,村镇土地利用快速非农化,其中以东莞、中山、佛山3市最为典型。论文以3市为案例,探讨2010年来珠三角村镇建成区空间型态。研究数据主要包括广东省2015年土地利用现状数据和2009—2015年间3市的土地利用数据。首先,通过斑块密度、空间离散度、空间均匀度、平均斑块面积、分形维数、景观破碎度、缓冲区分析、Moran's I指数这8个指标,分析建设用地的空间形态特征。其次,分析工业用地与非工业建设用地、建设用地与交通道路的空间分布关系,比较并总结3市的村镇建成区空间类型。最后,基于灰色关联分析法,探讨影响空间类型的产业发展因素。研究发现,东莞村镇建设用地呈现高度破碎均匀分布型,佛山呈现团状离散型,中山介于二者之间,为中度碎化分散型;3市的产业发展能较大程度上影响其形成不同的建成区空间型态。未来,基于产业经济作为村镇建成区空间特征变化的主因,珠三角可以结合粤港澳大湾区规划建设,通过调整产业结构、布局以及交通和土地利用,优化村镇空间布局。  相似文献   

Yang  Cunjian  Xu  Guanghong  Li  Hechao  Yang  Defei  Huang  He  Ni  Jing  Li  Xiao  Xiang  Xiao 《地理学报(英文版)》2019,29(5):846-860
Journal of Geographical Sciences - Investigating and monitoring the area of cultivated land reclaimed from rural settlements is important to optimize rural land use and understand spatial patterns....  相似文献   

乡村人口、耕地和居民点(人—耕—居)是农村社会经济发展的核心要素,其变化反映了农村特定时期的人地关系。该文综合运用热点分析和脱钩模型,探讨2009-2017年湖北省县域乡村人—耕—居动态演化特征和时空关联模式,揭示乡村人—耕—居发展的内在关系与规律。结果表明:1)湖北省乡村人—耕—居整体以“人减耕减居增”变化为主,空间上未呈现典型的高低值集聚特征,但武汉市及其周边区域是人口和居民点变化的冷热点集聚区。2)强复钩和衰退复钩分别是湖北省乡村人口与居民点变化及人口与耕地变化的最主要类型,农村居民点粗放利用趋势明显,城镇发展与耕地保护的矛盾依然突出。3)湖北省县域乡村人—耕—居变化共有7种时空关联模式,不同类型分布体现了城镇化和社会经济发展的地域分异性,人—居强复钩与人—耕衰退复钩组合是最主要类型,湖北省县域多数乡村发展尚处于快速城镇化的自然衰退期。研究成果有助于深入理解快速城镇化期乡村人地关系,能够为乡村振兴分类、分标准施策提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This paper provides a detailed analysis of the factors influencing the evolution of rural settlements, including natural environmental constraints, infrastructure, regional cultural inheritance and integration, urbanization and rural industrial transformation, land use reformation and innovation, rural household behavior conversion, macro-control policy factors, and so on. Based on differences between the ways and degree of effect on rural settlement evolution, these factors are classified into basic factors, new-type factors and mutation factors. The drive of basic factors mainly focuses on the traditional inheritance of rural settlements, the new-type factors mainly affect rural settlement transition, and the mutation factors may bring about sudden changes. All these factors constitute a “three-wheel” driving mechanism for the evolution of rural settlements, and shape three typical driver paths: slow smooth path under the basic factors, new path to rapid development under the new-type factors, and the sudden change path under the mutation factors. The paper also investigates the overall situation of rural settlement evolution in the aspects of settlement system, settlement scale, settlement morphology, settlement function, settlement culture, settlement environment, etc. The general process of rural settlement evolution is divided into four stages: initial, transitional, developmental, and mature stages.  相似文献   

Further utilization of global agricultural resources and the expansion of potential international cooperation space are necessary measures to promote a new level of China’s national food security and optimize the structure of domestic food consumption. This study measured the global potential cultivated land area and national grain self-sufficiency. Based on the two-above measures, the authors made a classification of China’s foreign agricultural cooperation countries and depicted the spatial pattern of cooperation based on the grain trades of those countries with China. The grain exporters include Australia, North America, South America, Eastern Europe and Central Asia; and the target countries for “going abroad” of Chinese grain enterprises are mainly located in Sub-Saharan Africa and northern Latin America. This study proposes that China’s policy of cooperation on grain should be shifted to non-traditional partners alongside the “Belt and Road Initiative” region. Specifically, China could expand grain imports from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and other East European and Central Asian countries, and the direction for China’s agricultural enterprises “going abroad” should shift to Sub-Sahara Africa.  相似文献   

中国城乡建设占用耕地的时空格局及形成机制   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
刘涛  史秋洁  王雨  杨宇 《地理研究》2018,37(8):1609-1623
描绘了1996-2006年间中国城乡建设用地增长及其占用耕地的时空特征,探讨了城乡建设占用耕地的驱动机制。研究发现:人口流动为主的城镇化模式导致农业转移人口在城乡“两头占地”,这是中国城乡建设用地持续扩张的主要根源;各类开发区的设立和扩张都以占用耕地为主,对城乡建设占用耕地的贡献超过一半;而城市和镇的扩张速度更慢、土地来源更为多元。实证结果表明,投资和产出增长的差异性对城乡建设及其耕地占用的时空格局起到了关键作用;中西部地区的基础设施建设占用了大量耕地,但对区域经济发展和人口集聚的带动作用有限;以开发区为载体的产业集聚发展模式有利于中西部地区的土地集约利用和耕地保护,而东部沿海地区的省级开发区则容易成为地方政府的圈地运动。土地集约利用和耕地保护政策应重点解决农业转移人口城乡同时占地的问题,发挥城镇化的节地效应,并强化政策的区域差异性和针对性。  相似文献   

Rapid urbanization leads to losses in arable land; quantitatively analyzing the impact of urbanization on arable land is significant for arable land management. However, changes in arable land due to urbanization with scale and neighborhood effects remains poorly understood at the town scale. In this study, high-resolution historical land use data, landscape metric analysis and spatial regression were integrated to quantify the impacts of urbanization on arable land use change (abandonment and conversion) at spatial scales of 300 m–3300 m using a block size increment of 200 m and at the catchment scale in the town of Jinjing in subtropical central China. Arable land abandonment was the predominant type of arable land change and presented strong spatial autocorrelations at each spatial scale. Arable land was converted to tea fields because agricultural structure transformations were occurring around the urban cores, and the amount of arable land converted to residential land accounted for only a small proportion of the total arable land loss and had no spatial autocorrelation. The significance and robustness of the arable land changes impacted by urbanization had obvious scale effects and strong neighborhood effects in nearby regions. Compared with block scales, the catchment scale is an optimal scale for assessing the influence of urbanization and applying planning policy. Our results highlight the significance of incorporating spatial interactions in urbanization research, which can generate less biased estimations and consequently lead to proper policy implication and recommendations. In addition, multi-scale comparisons are helpful for better understanding the relationships between arable land changes and urbanization and provide further insights into the harmonious development of rural settlements and urban cores to preserve arable land.  相似文献   

黄学渊  张蕾  周莲 《热带地理》2020,40(5):856-867
基于近现代地图与相关地理信息,结合历史文献与实地考察,通过GIS空间分析、核密度估算、欧氏距离、基尼系数等方法,以传统林盘聚落的核心区成都郫县为例,定量揭示了1947、1970、1985、2000与2018年郫县林盘居民点的空间分布特征与场镇分布关系的变化情况。结果表明:1)不同时期林盘居民点的分布具有明显的空间差异性,在改革开放前,林盘居民点的分布极易受到政治经济中心的影响,在改革开放后,其具有均质化快速发展的特点,但城镇化的快速推进从根本上改变了林盘居民点的散居特征,其聚集程度明显增高。林盘居民点高密度区始终具有围绕传统场镇及城镇建成区分布的特点。2)传统场镇的市场半径大致为3 km,交通条件是其选址的首要因素,民国时期场镇选址主要受水路交通影响,建国后水路交通为场镇带来的交通便利逐渐被陆路交通所取代。3)传统场镇的分布会随着林盘居民的自组织行为与相关政策的调控而不断趋于均衡状态,但在改革开放之后,场镇由乡村市场驱动的自由放任式发展转变为地方政府驱动下的固定场所。4)林盘居民点具有沿河流水系分布的特点;传统时期林盘居民点与主要道路之间的关联性较低,但当前其具有沿道路分布的特点。  相似文献   

洞庭湖地区耕地功能时空演变特征及影响因素研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安悦  谭雪兰  李印齐  周舟  余航菱  任辉 《地理科学》2022,42(7):1272-1282
耕地功能时空演变规律及影响因素研究是凸显耕地价值与作用、推动地区协调发展的重要科学依据。综合运用熵值法、地理探测器模型等方法,以湖南省洞庭湖地区24个县市区为研究区域,对该地区耕地功能的时空演变、空间分异及其影响因素进行研究。结果表明:① 1998—2018年洞庭湖地区耕地经济生产功能整体呈增强趋势,主要集中于洞庭湖地区中部、西南部等农业基础较好的区域;社会保障功能整体增强明显,仅有临澧县、津市市和鼎城区3个地区功能强度有所减弱;生态维护功能空间格局变化较小,整体呈中间高两边低的态势。② 自然地理条件是早期影响地区耕地功能的主要因素,随时间推移其影响能力逐渐弱化;社会经济发展到一定阶段,社会经济因素对耕地功能空间分异的影响能力逐渐增强,并凸显出决定性作用;耕地利用水平的不断提升,对耕地功能空间分异影响能力逐渐增强;不同因子之间的交互作用能够明显增强对洞庭湖地区耕地功能空间分异的解释力,共同推动地区耕地功能多元化发展。  相似文献   

金玉实  马波  赵玉宗 《地理研究》2022,41(8):2234-2250
把空间概念“都”与产业类别“农”融于一体的“都农关系”,是日本近70年来社会经济发展的重要议题之一。基于对中国城市化发展进入都市化高级阶段,以及乡村振兴亟需多类型化实施的认识背景,对日本都农关系的演变进行历史梳理,划分出都农分离、都农共生和都农融合3个阶段,并从社会经济宏观背景变化的视角说明阶段递进的原因。同时把都市农业视为都农关系的表征,分析其在农户结构、种植结构和功能结构上的系列响应。在此基础上,援引制度学派的基本原理,探索日本都农关系从对立走向融合的制度变迁机理。本文认为,都农融合是不可逆转的潮流,因此有必要把“都农关系”转化为中国的政策性概念,强化从都市区视角处理城乡融合创新发展问题。建设具有中国特色的都农融合和都市农业发展体系,需要一系列的制度创新,也亟需学术界主动的理论探索。  相似文献   

提出了基于土地利用转移流的溯源分析法,结合社会网络分析方法与核密度分析法,探究了2000—2018年原州区国土空间格局演变及其动力机制。结果表明:(1) 原州区的三生空间向生产空间增效、生活空间扩容、生态空间提质的方向演化,生产、生活和生态用地结构由2000年的44.76%、2.90%、52.34%调整为2018年的41.17%、6.29%、52.54%。(2) 原州区的三生空间变化与现行国土空间优化目标有较高的契合度,生态用地的转入主要发生在不宜耕作或不宜居住的区域,体现“生态空间山清水秀”导向;生产空间通过坡改梯田、提供灌溉条件以提升水土资源集约利用水平,体现“生产空间集约高效”导向;生活空间的扩张主要发生在居住条件更为适宜的河谷区,体现“生活空间宜居”导向。(3) 三生空间格局演变表现出明显的空间集聚性,呈现出六盘山阴湿区为带状高值区、黄土丘陵沟壑区为散点高值区、清水河谷为团块状高值区的特征,且不同地类变化的空间集聚性特征有所不同。(4) 基于土地利用转移流溯源法提出了原州区三生空间演变的“动力-响应-结果”传导性动力机制;生态建设是国土空间格局演变最重要的驱动力,其次是水土资源集约利用,二者为国土空间格局优化作出重要贡献;水土流失是各类用地向未利用地转化的重要动力,今后仍需加大对水土流失的治理。通过探究经济与生态双重制约区国土空间变化特征及其动力机制,为国土空间优化提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Ski resorts are one of the bases for the development of ice-snow sports and tourism, and they are also a hot topic of social concern. Taking 117 ski resorts in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei as the research object, geospatial analysis methods such as kernel density and spatial autocorrelation were used to explore the spatial and temporal distribution patterns of the ski resorts. The geographic detector was used to deeply explore the underlying factors influencing the spatial and temporal distribution of ski resorts in terms of policy factors, natural factors and economic and social factors. This study found that the spatial and temporal distribution of ski resorts in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region showed a significant Olympic event-driven characteristic. From 2009 to 2021, the spatial pattern of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ski resorts has changed from “single-core development”, to a “single-core with multi-point” layout, and then to a “multi-core” layout. The spatial pattern has changed from agglomeration to diffusion. Cold and hot spots of the spatial and temporal characteristics in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ski resort have shifted from north to south, from the initial suburbs of Beijing to the southern cities of Baoding, Shijiazhuang, Xingtai and other cities in Hebei Province. The spatial and temporal distribution of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei ski resorts has been influenced by many factors, from “GDP per capita” to “population density” to “policy quantity”, showing a shift from “Economic-driven” to “population-driven” to “policy-driven” processes.  相似文献   

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