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虚拟格网技术对网络RTK动态定位的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出于面向大并发网络RTK用户的考虑,虚拟格网技术在北斗地基增强系统升级改造中逐步得到推广。本文首先介绍了虚拟格网技术的原理,以千寻北斗地基增强系统为例,研究了虚拟格网技术的实现流程和细节,并分析了千寻北斗地基增强系统虚拟格网在2018年4月和2019年6月的规律。然后针对动态定位应用,研究了虚拟格网点切换对动态定位的影响。结果表明,虚拟格网点切换对动态定位的影响在厘米级,对于车载动态应用,该影响可忽略。本文对于今后北斗地基增强系统的大并发、动态应用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

随着芯片技术的发展,智能手机已成为使用最普遍的一类全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)设备,其提供位置服务的能力逐步彰显.为探究将手机作为专业GNSS设备的可行性,利用谷歌开放Android智能终端GNSS原始观测数据这一契机,设计并实现一款手机实时动态(RTK)定位手机应用程序(APP),并基于该APP开展高精度定位应用试验.结果表明:在静态条件下,手机RTK定位精度约达1 dm;在行人和车载动态条件下,可达平面亚米级、高程1~2 m的精度水平,RTK定位精度远高于内置芯片解,但稳定性略差于芯片解.使用手机模拟RTK点测量,其平面精度约达1 m,基本满足地理信息采集和调查等亚米级到米级低精度专业应用的需求.  相似文献   

本文对组合GNSS系统进行静态相对定位测量与RTK测量试验,研究结果表明:在静态相对定位测量中,BDS的数据利用率、多路径效应误差优于GPS与GLONASS,BDS的定位精度优于GLONASS略低于GPS;组合系统中GPS/BDS与GPS/BDS/GLONASS的定位精度较优,引入GLONASS对定位精度改善的作用不明显。在RTK测量中,当观测条件理想时,GPS/BDS较GPS可见卫星数目多,PDOP值低,中误差小。当观测条件较差时,GPS/BDS较GPS可见卫星数目多,PDOP平均值低,中误差小,限差内固定解获得时间减少76.1%;GPS/BDS/GLONASS较GPS/BDS在中误差、水平精度和垂直精度上更优,限差内固定解获得时间更稳定可靠。  相似文献   

本文给出了载波相位时间传递数学模型,并基于多模全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)试验跟踪网MGEX (Multi-GNSS Experiment)的实测数据,对北斗二号/北斗三号卫星导航系统(BDS-2/BDS-3)融合载波相位时间传递性能进行分析. 结果表明:BDS-3的加入能够增加测站的可视卫星数量,改善卫星分布空间构型. 相比仅使用BDS-2,BDS-2/BDS-3融合解算可将MRO1-CUSV和NNOR-CUSV的时间传递精度分别从0.11 ns、0.10 ns提高到0.07 ns、0.08 ns,A类不确定度分别从0.007 ns、0.006 ns提高到0.004 ns、0.005 ns.   相似文献   

随着位置服务的发展,人们对定位精度的需求不断提升. 目前智能手机定位主要依赖于全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)芯片所提供的芯片解,其精度仅为米级. 2016年,谷歌宣布允许开发者获取手机GNSS原始观测数据,为研究手机GNSS高精度定位算法提供了支持. 为探索智能手机多频多系统实时动态(RTK)的定位精度和可靠性,文中基于华为P40智能手机开展了静态和动态环境下的多频多系统RTK的定位性能分析. 结果表明:在静态环境下,智能手机多频多系统的RTK定位精度要优于芯片解,在东(E)、北(N)、天(U)三个方向的定位误差均方根(RMS)分别为0.20 m、0.39 m和0.31 m,比芯片解提高了57%、71%和75%;在动态环境下的定位精度依然能够达到分米级,相比于芯片解在E、N、U三个方向上的定位精度提高了37.84%、47.22%、53.68%.   相似文献   

唐旭  何秀凤 《测绘文摘》2013,(3):28-30,42
通过实际采集的北斗卫星导航系统广播星历数据,计算北斗卫星导航系统卫星的位置,分析我国北斗卫星导航系统星座在不同纬度条件下的可视情况。采用两台BDS/GPS接收机同时接收北斗卫星导航系统与全球定位系统数据,单独利用北斗卫星导航系统与全球定位系统系统进行静态基线解算,结果表明,目前我国北斗卫星导航系统的定位精度和全球定位系统相当。利用单历元算法对基线进行"实时"解算,在X轴和Y轴方向北斗卫星导航系统精度稍差,在Z轴方向二者精度相当。  相似文献   

低轨星座具有卫星数目多、几何构型变化快等优势,有利于精密单点定位(PPP)中模糊度参数的快速收敛,从而提升其收敛速度与定位精度.但由于未能精确消除大气误差的影响,难以实现瞬时厘米级定位.提出一种低轨增强北斗PPP-实时动态(RTK)方法,结合高精度大气增强信息与模糊度固定方法(AR),进一步改进北斗快速精密定位性能.首先设计了包含192颗低轨卫星的极轨星座,仿真了22个地面测站的观测数据,在估计相位小数偏差与精密大气延迟改正数后,分别测试了低轨增强北斗PPP、PPP-AR与PPP-RTK的定位性能.结果表明:在低轨星座增强下,可视卫星数目增加6~8颗,22个测站北斗PPP的平均初始化时间由552.1 s缩短至102 s,提升了81.52%.模糊度固定后,初始化时间进一步缩短至1 min以内.通过180 km地面参考网增强后,低轨增强北斗PPP-RTK可以实现瞬时厘米级定位,定位精度相较于PPP提升98.5%.将地面参考网扩大至500 km后,低轨增强北斗PPP-RTK仍可以实现约10 s的快速收敛.  相似文献   

在卫星导航定位过程中,当辅助式定位算法在信号质量不佳时,利用更多的观测卫星数据进行冗余计算,能够补齐缺失的信号时间并得到定位结果. 由我国自行研制的北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)采用了混合卫星星座,有一类地球同步轨道(GEO)卫星,具有24 h可见、轨道高覆盖面大、信号功率强等优势. 论文分析了在特殊情况下,只能接收到GEO卫星时的辅助式定位算法以及算法的性能差异. 结果表明:在没有高程等先验信息辅助的情况下,直接使用5颗GEO卫星也能获得一定的定位精度保障.   相似文献   

分析了北斗卫星导航系统高轨卫星的运行特征,基于此解释了定位模型中出现病态性问题的原因。在网络实时动态基线处理中,针对这种病态性问题,通过对两个天顶对流层参数加以约束,提出了基于部分岭估计的模糊度浮点解快速解算的改进方法。该方法能够提高模糊度浮点解的精度,进而缩小浮点解的搜索空间。因此在此基础上结合最小二乘降相关分解法固定模糊度时,能够增大模糊度固定解的合格基线方差比值,从而提高模糊度固定解的准确率。实验算例的结果表明该算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

The problem of datum definition as applied to local-area geodetic networks is investigated using data collected from global navigation satellite systems (GNSS). It is shown that the process of double differencing makes the model more sensitive to computational errors that reduce the ability of the satellites alone to control the translation component of the datum definition, and as a result additional regularization is required. Traditionally, datum definition has been accomplished by constraining one station to set coordinates. Alternative regularization strategies are analysed in terms of their effects on positioning and ambiguity resolution. In doing so, processing strategies are developed which can improve the quality of global positioning system (GPS)-based position solutions in geodetic network applications of limited spatial extent, such as high-precision engineering and deformation monitoring networks.  相似文献   

Temporal correlation in network real-time kinematic (RTK) data exists due to unmodeled multipath and atmospheric errors, in combination with slowly changing satellite constellation. If this correlation is neglected, the estimated uncertainty of the coordinates might be too optimistic. In this study, we compute temporal correlation lengths for network RTK positioning, i.e., the appropriate time separation between the measurements. This leads to more realistic coordinate uncertainty estimates, and an appropriate surveying strategy to control the measurements can be designed. Two methods to estimate temporal correlation lengths are suggested. Several monitor stations that utilize correction data from two SWEPOSTM Network RTK services, a standard service and a project-adapted service with the mean distance between the reference stations of approximately 70 and 10–20 km, are evaluated. The correlation lengths for the standard service are estimated as 17 min for the horizontal component and 36–37 min for the vertical component. The corresponding estimates for the project-adapted service are 13–17 and 13–16 min, respectively. According to the F test, the proposed composite first-order Gauss–Markov autocovariance function shows a significantly better least-squared fit to data compared to the commonly used one-component first-order Gauss–Markov model. A second suggested method is proposed that has the potential of providing robust correlation lengths without the need to fit a model to the computed autocovariance function.  相似文献   

URTK: undifferenced network RTK positioning   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Standard network RTK has been widely used since it was proposed in the mid-1990s. Rovers can obtain high-precision estimates of position by resolving double-differenced (DD) ambiguities. The focus of this study is a new undifferenced network RTK method, abbreviated as URTK hereafter, based on undifferenced (UD) observation corrections whose single-differenced (SD) ambiguities between satellites can be resolved in several seconds. The tools for studying the real-time realization of the new method are our developments of logical schemes that have the capability for the real-time modeling of a reference network and the instantaneous resolution of SD ionosphere-free (IF) ambiguities at a single station. This research demonstrates the validity of modeling regional UD-unmodeled errors on the ground and examines the maximum differences when compared to modeling the errors using ionospheric pierce points (IPP). With data collected at 48 stations from a CORS network in Shanxi Province (SXCORS) in China through May 21, 2010, the efficiency of the presented real-time strategies is validated using IGS final products in a postprocessing mode. The results verify that more than 83 % of SD wide-lane (WL) ambiguity can be fixed with 5 s of observation data, and the average resolution time of all the WL tests is 4.96 s. More than 80 % of SD L1 ambiguity can be fixed within 5 s, and the average resolution time is only 6.66 s. Rovers could gain rapidly centimeter-level absolute positioning service, comparable to standard network RTK. In addition, the URTK method transforms the fixed DD-ambiguities of the reference network into UD-ambiguities, and it does not need to set the base station and base satellite. Since the UD-corrections are modeled for each common visible satellite, it breaks down the connections between stations and satellites of the DD-corrections in the current network RTK. The UD-corrections can be broadcast by the base station and automatically selected and optimized by a rover during the real-time kinematic processing, thus avoiding ambiguity in reinitialization due to the change of reference, so it should be very flexible and useful for a wide range of applications.  相似文献   

针对CORS系统建设成本高和选址困难的问题,该文提出GPS长距离网络RTK定位算法。该算法首先利用MW组合观测方程解算基准站双差宽巷整周模糊度,采用Saastamoinen模型和GMF映射函数模型相结合解算双差对流层干分量延迟残差,并将双差对流层湿分量延迟残差作为未知参数进行估计,同时结合无电离层组合观测值解算基准站双差载波整周模糊度;然后,采用综合误差内插法解算基准站和流动站的误差改正数;最后,采用最小二乘法逐历元进行法方程叠加解算流动站双差模糊度浮点解,并利用LAMBDA算法和通过TIKHONOV正则化改进的LAMBDA算法搜索固定流动站双差宽巷整周模糊度和双差载波整周模糊度。实验表明,该算法能够将基准站间距离提高到100~150km,使流动站用户可以获得厘米级定位结果。  相似文献   

卫星导航定位系统时间同步技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
卫星导航定位系统测距的基础是测时,而定轨和定位的前提是各观测量的时间同步,因此,时间同步是卫星导航定位系统建设的关键。卫星导航定位系统中时间同步技术包括卫星与地面(星-地)和地面站间(地-地)的时间同步,主要时间同步方法有用于星-地时间同步的双向时间频率传递法(TWSTFT)、倒定位法等,以及用于地-地时间同步的TWSTFT、卫星共视法、搬运钟法等。本文重点介绍TWSTFT和卫星共视法进行时间同步的基本原理、精度分析和卫星导航定位系统的钟差预报。  相似文献   

卫星定位技术在精准农业中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
卫星定位技术可以在精准农业的各个环节发挥作用,如精准播种、精准施肥、精准喷药、精准收割等等。卫星定位技术在农业机械中的应用,极大地提高了农业生产和作业效率。文章介绍了全球定位系(GPS)在精准农业作业流程中的应用,和美国Trimble公司生产的AgGPS农用卫星定位系统以及其在土壤采样中的应用实例。  相似文献   

"卫星导航定位"课程是我校测绘类专业本科生的一门具有较强理论性和实践性的专业基础课,为强化学生知识运用能力、测绘实践操作能力、程序设计能力及科技创新能力,从实践教学内容更新及实践教学方法和手段优化等方面对该课程的实践教学创新体系(课间实验和集中实习)探索性改革,经两年的教学实践与持续改进,实际效果显著。  相似文献   

Accurate geocentric three dimensional positioning is of great importance for various geodetic and oceanographic applications. While relative positioning accuracy of a few centimeters has become a reality using Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), the uncertainty in the offset of the adopted coordinate system origin from the geocenter is still believed to be of the order of one meter. Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) is capable of determining this offset to better than10 cm, though, because of the limited number of satellites, this requires a long arc of data. The Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements provide a powerful alternative for an accurate determination of this origin offset in relatively short period of time. Two strategies are discussed, the first utilizes the precise relative positions predetermined byVLBI, where as the second establishes a reference frame by holding only one of the tracking sites longitude fixed. Covariance analysis studies indicate that geocentric positioning to an accuracy of a few centimeters can be achieved with just one day of preciseGPS pseudorange and carrier phase data.  相似文献   

针对网格环境下导航地图数据的共享与管理问题,文章提出以多级分区空间索引目录结构为基础的对等导航服务网格体系结构:分析了对等导航服务网格平台实现的关键技术,并基于Globus Toolkit设计实现了对等导航应用服务网格实验平台,提供了全国范围的地图浏览、定位监控、路径分析等服务。实验结果表明该平台能为位置服务应用提供高效的服务。  相似文献   

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