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广西大多数金属矿山尾矿采用地表堆存方式存放,不仅对环境存在危害,而且占用土地,尾矿库也存在安全隐患.对尾矿有价金属元素进行再回收,大宗尾矿做充填建筑材料,既能够解决矿山充填骨料的来源问题,也能实现矿山固体废弃物的资源化和减量化. 相似文献
城市垃圾填埋场甲烷资源量与利用前景 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
垃圾填埋气的主要成分为CH4、CO2等气体,可严重污染大气、地下水和生态环境,并对全球气候变暖产生一定的影响;同时填埋气也是一种清洁可再生能源和资源,回收和利用垃圾填埋气可实现环境、安全、能源、资源、经济多重效益。目前,垃圾填埋气的利用主要为甲烷利用。本文介绍了填埋气中甲烷资源量的计算方法,采用一阶动力模型对国内城市垃圾填埋气中的甲烷排放量进行了计算和预测,获得了城市生活垃圾填埋气中甲烷的资源量的范围,并分析了国内垃圾填埋气排放的特点和趋势以及国内外对填埋气利用的途径、方法及效果。结合清洁发展机制(CDM)项目和国情分析了垃圾填埋气的利用前景,并提出了填埋气回收利用的主要问题和建议,为国内城市生活垃圾填埋气的利用提供了有益参考。 相似文献
高放废物深地质处置:回顾与展望 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
文章对我国高放废物地质处置研究的历史进行了回顾,并对未来发展进行了展望。我国的高放废物深地质处置研究开发从1985年开始,迄今为止可初步分为3个阶段:①起步和跟踪研究阶段(1985~1998);②逐步发展阶段(1999~2005);③政府规划指导阶段(2006至今)。20多年来,我国在国家法律法规、战略规划、选址、工程屏障、核素迁移研究等方面取得了显著进展。我国已经提出在2020年前建成地下实验室、21世纪中叶建成高放废物处置库的目标。研究开发和处置库工程建设分成3个阶段:试验室研究开发和处置库选址阶段(2006~2020);地下现场试验阶段(2021-2040)和处置库建设阶段(2041~本世纪中叶)。经过全国筛选对比,已初步选定甘肃北山地区为重点预选区,系统的场址评价工作正在进行。已确定采用膨润土作为处置库的回填材料,并初步确定内蒙古高庙子膨润土为我国高放废物处置库的首选缓冲回填材料。工程设计、核素迁移研究和安全评价也取得了一定进展。1999年起与国际原子能机构开展了3期高放废物地质处置技术合作项目,对提高我国的技术水平起到了积极作用。20多年的研究开发工作为我国在21世纪完成高放废物地质处置任务奠定了基础。 相似文献
我国煤炭资源的长期大规模开采,产生了大量的地下空间,直接一关了之不仅造成地下空间资源浪费,还可能产生一系列安全、环境及经济问题,因此,如何科学、高效地解决煤矿地下空间的综合开发利用问题,对煤炭产业乃至国民经济的发展具有重要现实意义。笔者等以主要产煤省份为代表,结合调研收集的最新生产煤矿和关闭煤矿数据,深入分析了“十三五”期间生产煤矿地下空间和关闭煤矿地下空间总体情况,系统总结了国内外煤矿地下空间在储物、储能等方面的功能化利用现状,指出了当前我国煤矿地下空间利用存在资源数据信息匮乏、整体开发利用率低、相关技术研究工作仍相对滞后、可供推广借鉴的成熟示范工程较少等问题,提出了新时期煤矿地下空间基础数据库建设、利用体系构建、关键技术攻关、示范工程推广4个方面作为重点发展方向。 相似文献
废物处置场地地质屏障的环境安全评价 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
当前由于科技进步,经济快速发展,也需要对环境质量提出更高的要求,要求各种环境处理、处置工程能达到永久安全,一劳永逸的保护环境的效果。这种效果的实现唯一的要靠地质屏障发挥的效应,因此笔者就地质屏障的基本作用,对地质屏障的安全评价,如何利用地质屏障解决环境问题等,利用大量的实验数据和实践经验进行详细论证。提出中国具有各种各样有利的地质条件和许多可利用的优良地质屏障,依靠地质科学的基本理论来解决环境问题,促使环境状态和生态环境逐渐向良好方向发展。 相似文献
The regional inequalities in socio-economical characteristics such as income, population density, age composition, unemployment rate and the education level may bring about variation in waste generation, recycling and collection. Using environmental Kuznets curve, the factors affecting municipal solid waste disposal are examined. The results demonstrate that an inverted N-shaped curve executes on municipal solid waste disposal for all regions. As personal disposable income increases, per capita municipal solid waste disposed firstly declines, then grows at the second stage and finally decreases again. All the explanatory variables including economic factors, social characteristics and geographical barriers are found to influence municipal solid waste disposal significantly. Each person increase in population density leads to an increase in municipal solid waste disposed by approximately 1.17 ×10?4 kg/day. Each percent increase in age composition results in a decrease in municipal solid waste disposed by approximately 0.0224 kg/day; in the unemployment rate causes a decrease of 0.0901 kg/day and in the education level results in a decrease of 0.01556 kg/day. In general, municipal solid waste disposal starts to increase at the first turning point of personal disposable income NT$ 198,000 (about US$ 6,280) and to decrease at the second point of NT$ 389,000 (about US$ 12,350) for all regions (pooled data). The rural regions, however, cannot support the inverted N-shaped curve by the ‘reduced form’ while urban regions have a significant outcome. This result implies that income can only explain a portion of variation while other social and geographical factors contribute a lot to identify the variation in municipal solid waste disposal between urban and rural regions. 相似文献
A solid waste disposal site selection procedure based on groundwater vulnerability mapping 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In this study, a new, GIS-based solid waste site selection tool (DUPIT) is introduced to obtain a systematic and unbiased
methodology during the evaluation phases of alternative solid waste disposal areas with regards to vulnerability to groundwater
pollution. The proposed tool is an index technique based on the linear combination of five different hydrogeological parameters
including Depth to groundwater table, Upper layer lithology, Permeability of the unsaturated zone, Impermeable layer thickness and Topographic slope. Five different categories are developed to classify each alternative based on the suitability of the site
for a solid waste disposal area. As a result, each site is ranked according to the contamination risks for groundwater resources.
The proposed technique is applied to the District of Torbali near Izmir, Turkey to determine the most appropriate solid waste
disposal site location. The Torbali application is implemented by using a GIS database developed for the area. Based on the
results of this application, the best alternative solid waste disposal site for Torbali is selected to be located in the northern
portions of the city where the groundwater table is deep, the permeability is low and the topographic slope is mild. 相似文献
以干旱半干旱地区固体废弃物资源化利用为研究背景,利用煤系固废煤矸石(CG)、煤系偏高岭土(CMK)联合干旱区易获取的固废材料电石渣(CS)协同普通硅酸盐水泥(OPC)开发一种新型固化材料,探讨其固化干旱半干旱区盐渍土的力学性能与微观变化机理。基于室内实验,对比100%OPC固化盐渍土,研究不同矿区产出的CG以及煤矸石-煤系偏高岭土-电石渣协同固化剂(CGCMK-CS)替代52%、60%、68%、72%、84%OPC后各龄期的无侧限抗压强度(UCS)特征,并取特征组进行有害阴离子(Cl-、SO42-)浸出试验与微观测试,从微观角度对其强度变化机理进行探讨。结果表明,煤矸石–电石渣–煤系偏高岭土–普通硅酸盐水泥协同固化(CG-CMK-CS-OPC)体系具有良好的Cl-与SO42-结合能力,固化盐渍土后Cl-与SO42-浸出量是100%OPC的一半,其水化产物铝酸三钙能与盐渍土中的Cl-与SO42-生成AFm相产物,并使体系中的团粒内孔隙与团粒间孔隙向颗粒内与颗粒间孔隙转化,由此降低了盐渍土中盐分带来的危害。根据7 d UCS试验结果,使用山西运城CG固化体系的效果最佳,这与其活性钙质和铁铝... 相似文献
Engineering geological aspects of replacing a solid waste disposal site with a sanitary landfill 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Kamil Kayabali 《Engineering Geology》1996,44(1-4):203-212
The current solid waste disposal site in the Mamak district of Ankara is being engulfed by the growing city. All varieties of solid wastes, including medical wastes, are stored at the present site in an irregular manner. Topographical and geological conditions at Mamak waste site are favorable for constructing a sanitary landfill. Located at the edge of a topographical depression, the site is underlain by the natural hydraulic barriers such as clay and metagreywacke. The terrestrial clay has a permeability of 10−7 to 10−8 cm/s and low to moderate values of CEC. The proposed sanitary landfill to replace the present solid waste site has a capacity of storing solid waste over 50 years. The details of base liner, final cover, toe embankment, and drainage of leachate and gas are presented in the paper. 相似文献