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南海北部地球物理特征及地壳结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了研究南海地壳结构,中国和日本合作在南海北部首次进行了以炸药为震源的综合地球物理调查。经初步分析其地壳结构主要特征为:南海北部地壳分为沉积层、上地壳层、中地壳层及下地壳层。大陆架及上陆坡地壳厚度大、稳定。下陆坡地壳厚度除中地壳外,其他壳层厚度减薄且不稳定。深海盆地壳分3层,厚度虽薄但相对稳定,其底部缺失7.3km·s-1的高速层。测区内地壳总厚度:陆壳26—30km,过渡壳13—22km,洋壳为8km。  相似文献   

为了研究海洋板块内火山的深部电阻率结构及其形成过程,在西太平洋苏达海山进行了海洋大地电磁测量。采用主流数据处理方法SSMT2000进行数据处理,分别对旋转后的实测数据以及根据实测数据得到的两组旋转不变量数据进行一维结构假设下的大地电磁响应测试,对响应最好的YX方向数据进行一维反演,并结合一维正演、地质资料对反演结果进行综合解释。反演结果表明,苏达海山区域地壳厚度为21.5 km左右;较厚的火山碎屑岩层表明苏达海山的构建过程以喷发性的岩浆活动为主,其侵入性的岩浆活动较弱。  相似文献   

基于贯穿南海南、北陆缘2条长地震剖面的资料解释,分析了南海海域主要控凹断层的活动特征及其新生代地壳初始张裂特征。南海陆缘大部分断层于新生代张裂期开始发育并强烈活动,控凹断层基本上都发育在凹陷的边界,又称之为控凹边界断层。多数控凹断层早期以断块旋转滑脱、形成铲状断层为特征,北部陆缘主要控凹断层多数还具有幕式断裂的活动特点。控凹断层的初始活动时间主要集中在早始新世—晚渐新世,在南海北部陆缘东部早于西部,东部断层初始活动时间为早始新世甚至更早,西部断层初始活动时间多为晚始新世;南海南部陆缘的控凹断层初始活动时间晚于南海北部陆缘,主要集中在中始新世甚至晚始新世。南海海域地壳新生代初始张裂活动时间具有“东早西晚、北早南晚”的特点。此外,这些控凹断层部分于南海的漂移期继续活动或开始活动,少数断层于中中新世重新活动。  相似文献   

在统计资料分析的基础上,研究了连云港市近岸海域的主要海洋灾害.根据主要致灾因子,把连云港市的海洋灾害分为海洋水文气象灾害、海洋地质灾害、海洋生态灾害等,并对其成因进行了分析.  相似文献   

流体逸散管道是深部流体向上运移所形成的通道,在大陆边缘沉积盆地中广泛发育。由地震资料显示,流体逸散管道主要由根部、过路区和末端3部分组成。由于形成机制、起源和流体成分的不同,其组成三要素有不同的表现形式,因此,流体逸散管道类型多样,具有不同的地震反射特征。水力压裂是文献中最常见的一种有关流体逸散管道形成机制的解释,但是,随着地震勘探的发展和研究的不断深入发现,水力压裂不足以解释所有类型的流体逸散管道,还存在其他的成因机制,包括流化侵蚀作用、局部空洞坍塌及同沉积模式等。从流体逸散管道组成三要素的角度描述了不同类型流体逸散管道的地震反射特征,并详细论述了其4种成因机制下的形成过程。  相似文献   

孙松  孙晓霞 《海洋与湖沼》2017,48(6):1127-1131
本文重点介绍海洋专项的科学意义、聚焦的关键问题、研究区域的选择、总体研究思路、实施方案与预期成果。海洋专项面向国家重大战略需求和国际海洋科技前沿,以西太平洋及其邻近海域海洋系统为主要研究对象,从"海洋系统"的视角开展综合性协同调查与研究,在西太暖池对东亚及我国气候的影响机制、邻近大洋影响下的近海生态系统演变规律、西太平洋深海环境和资源分布特征等领域开展系统研究,同时进行我国深海研究探测装备的研发与应用,为提升我国深海大洋理论研究水平,为我国海洋环境信息保障、战略性资源开发、海洋综合管理、防灾减灾、海上丝绸之路建设提供科学依据,为建设"海洋强国"提供科技支撑。  相似文献   

东海西湖凹陷断裂系统几何学特征及其成因机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
断裂系统几何学特征研究表明,西湖凹陷断裂样式具有显著的"东西分带、南北分块"特征。西部斜坡带北部和南部为断阶式构造样式,中部的平湖斜坡带主要为单断式;中央-洼陷反转构造带自北向南构造样式呈规律性变化,反映出断裂反转强度自北向南减弱的趋势;东缘陡坡断隆带北部以西倾的同向断阶式为主,南部以东倾的反向断阶为主,中部黄岩边缘断裂带呈过渡特征。各主要构造带南北构造样式的转换部位也具有特殊的构造现象,凹陷中南部主要表现为晚期近E-W向断裂的集中发育,两侧NE、NNE向断层多尖灭或横向错移,中北部主要表现为断裂走向的变化。构造带南北构造样式的转换部多位于区域NW、NWW向基底断裂的延伸线上,这类NW、NWW向基底断裂多具有走向平移特征,据此,笔者认为这种构造特征的南北差异可能与早期NW、NWW向基底调节断裂的限制或再活动有关,在此基础上提出了西湖凹陷断裂样式南北差异的成因演化模式。  相似文献   

Compressional wave attenuations and velocities have been measured as a function of confining pressure in ophiolite samples representing a cross-section of the oceanic crust and uppermost mantle. Data are presented for basalts, diabase dikes, gabbros and a suite of serpentinites and peridotites showing a range of serpentization. An ultrasonic pulse-echo spectral ratio technique was used to determine the attenuations to confining pressures of 500 MPa. From this data a Q profile for the oceanic crust and upper mantle is presented. Q is found to moderately increase with depth through the pillow basalts of the upper oceanic crust. The sheeted dike rocks of Layer 2C show an increase in Q with depth due to progressive metamorphism (from greenschist to amphibolite facies). Q drops abruptly from Layer 2C to Layer 3, though it is not clear why the gabbros have such low Q's. The crust-mantle boundary is a Q discontinuity; however, the Q contrast between Layer 3 and the upper mantle could be altered by upper mantle serpentinization, interlayered gabbros and peridotites at the boundary, or serpentinized peridotite diapirs intruding the gabbroic section. Q varies significantly with the percentage of serpentinization in the ultramafic samples, with the largest changes in Q being at the extremes of zero and full serpentinization. Q is sensitive to the overburden pressure for all of the samples.  相似文献   

中太平洋富钴结壳Co元素地球化学特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对在中太平洋研究区5座海山调查时获取的38个富钴结壳样品中主要金属元素的含量进行了化学分析,探讨了不同海山富钴结壳中Co元素含量的变化规律及结壳中元素间的相关关系,结果表明:(1)5座海山富钴结壳中的各主要金属元素含量相近,38个富钴结壳样品中Co元素的平均含量为0.67%,具有一定的开发前景。(2)不同海山富钴结壳中Co元素含量有一定变化,其变化与富钴结壳的类型、海水水深、地形地貌以及成矿作用等有密切的关系。Co元素在板状结壳中的含量为最高,在钴结核中的含量次之,而在砾状结壳中的含量为最低;富钴结壳中Co元素含量与海水水深呈负相关,浅水区富钴结壳中Co元素的含量明显高于深水区;海山地形地貌对Co元素的含量及富钴结壳的发育有一定影响,海山的椭圆状分支、支脉及边缘部分,Co元素的含量相对较高,富钴结壳发育得较好;Co元素富集成矿作用还主要受锰、铁水成成矿作用的控制。(3)富钴结壳中金属元素之间存在不同程度的相关性。Mn元素分别与Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Mg、Na、Ba、Ti等元素呈强烈的正相关,而分别与Al、Si、Ca、P、Fe、Sr等元素呈负相关;Co元素分别与Cu、Al、P、Ca等元素呈负相关;Ca元素与P元素呈强烈正相关。  相似文献   

Downhole measurements recorded in the context of the Ocean Drilling Program in Hole 504B, the deepest hole drilled yet into the oceanic crust, are analyzed in terms of accretion processes of the upper oceanic crust at intermediate spreading-rate. The upper part of the crust is found to support the non steady-state models of crustal accretion developed from seafloor observations (Kappel and Ryan, 1986; Gente, 1987). The continuous and vertical nature of borehole measurements provides stratigraphic and structural data that cannot be obtained solely from seafloor studies and, in turn, these models define a framework to analyze the structural, hydrological, and mineralogical observations made in the hole over the past decade.Due to the observed zonation with depth of alteration processes, and its relation to lava morphologies, the 650-m-thick effusive section penetrated in Hole 504B is postulated to be emplaced as the result of two main volcanic sequences. Massive lava flows are interpreted as corresponding to the onset of these sequences emplaced on the floor of the axial graben. The underlying lava made of structures with large porosity values and numerous cm-scale fractures is thus necessarily accreted at the end of the previous volcanic episode. On top of such high heterogeneous and porous intervals, the thick lava flows constitute crustal permeability barriers, thereby constraining the circulation of hydrothermal fluids.Accreted in the near vicinity of the magma chamber, the lower section is that exposed to the most intense hydrothermal circulation (such as black smokers activity). Once capped by a massive flow at the onset of the second volcanic phase, the lower interval is hydrologically separated from ocean-waters. A reducing environment develops then below it resulting, for example, in the precipitation of sulfides. Today, whereas the interval corresponding to the first volcanic episode is sealed by alteration minerals, the second-one is still open to fluid circulation in its upper section. Thus, upper part of the volcanic edifice is potentially never exposed to fluids reaching deep into the crust, while the lower one is near the ridge axis.Considering that most of the extrusives are emplaced within a narrow volcanic zone, the first unit extruded for a given vertical cross-section is necessarily emplaced at the ridge-axis. In Hole 504B, the 250-m-thickTransition Zone from dikes to extrusives is interpreted as the relict massive unit flooding the axial graben at the onset of the first volcanic sequence, and later ruptured by numerous dikes. Further from the axis, the same massive unit constitutes a potential permeability cap for vertical crustal sections accreted earlier. Also, the upper 50 meters of the basement might be considered as the far-end expression of massive outpours extruded near the ridge-axis.  相似文献   

赵宁  韩震  刘贤博 《海洋科学》2016,40(1):123-131
海洋锋面区域对气候变化以及海气耦合作用的影响非常显著,通过分析其形成机制,可以帮助进一步了解海洋与大气的相互作用过程以及其物理过程。利用Argo数据、NCEP/NCAR再分析数据和遥感风场数据对西北太平洋的混合层温度与温度锋面的变化机制进行了研究。基于海洋混合层的热量收支模型,发现在北太平洋区域的海洋混合层温度主要受到净热通量控制,同时还存在一个季节变化明显的温度锋面。9~2月为温度锋面加强时期,3~4月温度锋面变化不明显,而5~8月温度锋面则迅速减弱。根据研究,该温度锋面的加强与减弱主要是由于净热通量的南北差异造成的,而在净热通量中则以短波辐射通量与潜热通量为主要影响因子。  相似文献   

中太平洋结壳区海山燧石岩成因研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
燧石岩成因较为复杂,一般认为它主要是在深水环境中形成的.通过对燧石的宏观和微观特征、矿物和化学成分以及硅氧同位素组成特点,并结合区内地质构造背景等方面研究,认为中太平洋海山燧石岩是SiO2交代有孔虫灰岩之产物.其主要特征和分析结果是:燧石中具有已硅化了的白色斑块,在显微镜下可见其岩石薄片上的有孔虫化石.有些燧石标本的局部处仍残留着有孔虫灰岩小块体(经鉴定有孔虫属正常海相).燧石岩的矿物成分为较纯的低温石英,SiO2含量高达96%以上.具较高的δ18O值(0.032)和较低的δ30Si值(0.0004).区内断裂构造发育,出现多期火山喷发.海山形成地质时代大致在白垩纪—早第三纪,并经历了沉降过程.燧石形成于半深海环境,火山热液作用是SiO2来源的主要渠道.  相似文献   

富钴结壳是一种富含Mn、Co、Ni和稀土元素(镧系元素加钇,简称REY)等元素的海底矿产资源。本文研究的富钴结壳样品是“科学”号在2018年HOBAB5航次于西北太平洋采薇海山的山顶边缘上通过电视抓斗获得的。利用扫描电镜、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、电感耦合等离子体发射光谱仪(ICP-OES)和电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS)分析了富钴结壳的显微构造、矿物学特征和地球化学特征,并探讨了其成因类型和形成机制。富钴结壳的结构从内到外可分为土黄色的疏松层(C8-5)、黑色铁锰致密层(C8-2、C8-3和C8-4)和发育葡萄状球体的粗糙表面(C8-1)。土黄色疏松层孔隙度较高,主要组成矿物为水羟锰矿、石英、钙长石、钠长石、钙十字沸石和钡镁锰矿,Mn的含量较低,Al的含量较高。黑色的铁锰致密层孔隙度较低,呈柱状构造,主要组成矿物为水羟锰矿、石英、钙长石和钠长石,Al含量有所下降,Mn含量升高, 说明陆源物质的供应逐渐变少。在富钴结壳的生长后期,其主要显微构造由柱状构造向斑杂构造转变,二者的过渡区域为铁锰氧化物与富Si碎屑物质组成的层状构造。富钴结壳各层位的Mn/Fe比值为1.16~1.85,且各层位Ce呈正异常,Y呈负异常,以上特征表明富钴结壳为水成成因型,其金属元素来源于氧化性海水,未受到热液活动的影响。依据富钴结壳的年代学数据,可知从渐新世末期到上新世中期,富钴结壳的生长过程一直受控于太平洋深层水。Co/(Fe+Mn)和Co/(Ni+Cu)的不断升高表明富钴结壳一直在氧化性较高的海水环境中生长。相较于其他大洋和海区,采薇海山富钴结壳具有高含量的Co、Ni和REY,具有极高的经济价值和开采价值。  相似文献   

为能科学合理、快速量化地圈定出大洋海山钴结壳优质矿区,本文基于国际海底管理局提出的矿区选取模型,利用我国西太平洋海山钴结壳资源调查的拖网采样资料,结合西太平洋海山钴结壳分布特征,提出人机交互式的矿区圈定方法,对西太平洋马尔库斯-威克海山区拉蒙特平顶海山圈定出钴结壳资源远景区和符合国际海底管理局规章要求的51个钴结壳矿块,估算出拉蒙特平顶海山和51个矿块的钴结壳资源量及金属量,同时通过对拉蒙特平顶海山日本申请矿区的结壳资源分布特征分析,表明采用人机交互式的矿区圈定方法得出的结果,不仅能快速定量地圈定出钴结壳资源前景较好的矿区,也为大洋海山钴结壳矿区圈定和资源量估算提供了新方法。  相似文献   

Multichannel seismic reflection profile data have been used to determine the internal structure of Mesozoic oceanic crust in the vicinity of the Cape Verde islands. The data show the oceanic crust to be characterized by both dipping and sub-horizontal reflectors. Several lines of evidence argue against the reflectors being scattering artifacts arising, for example, from rough basement topography. Instead, the reflectors are attributed to tectonic and magmatic processes associated with the accretion of oceanic crust at the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The upper crust shows variable reflectivity due to both dipping and sub-horizontal events. We interpret the dipping reflectors, which have been identified on both ridge-normal and ridge-parallel profiles, as sub-surface expressions of normal faults that formed at or near the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. There is no evidence that the faults are caused by loading of the oceanic crust by either the Cape Verde islands or their associated topographic swell. Some faults, however, can be traced into the overlying sediments suggesting they may have been re-activated since their formation at the ridge. The origin of the sub-horizontal reflectors is not as clear. We believe them to be boundaries of different igneous lithologies, such as that between basalts and gabbros. The lower crust is highly reflective in some areas, whereas in others only a few dipping and sub-horizontal reflectors are observed. Some of the dipping reflectors can be traced into the upper crust, suggesting they are also normal faults. Others, however, appear to be confined to the lower crust. The sub-horizontal, discontinuous, reflectors about 2.0–2.5 seconds two-way travel time below the top of oceanic basement are attributed to the Moho.  相似文献   

Organic matter in cobalt-rich crust(CRC) from the Marcus–Wake Seamounts of the western Pacific Ocean, Sample CM1D03, has been analyzed to understand the source, geochemistry and mineralization of organic matter, and the mineralization environment. Biomarkers, including n-alkanes, isoprenoids, terpanes and sterols, have been detected in various layers of the CRC sample, using gas chromatography(GC) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometry(GC–MS). The content of organic carbon(OC) and its stable isotope(δ13C), and the combined features of the biomarkers show that the mineralized organic matter in CM1D03 CRC was mainly derived from microorganisms and lower plankton(e.g., bacteria and algae, respectively) from marine surface water, with some terrestrial higher plant components. The ratio of chloroform bitumen "A": OC was high in the CRC, between 10.51 and 20.66, showing significant migration characteristics of n-alkanes. Four mineralization categories of organic matter were recognized based on GC chromatograms of n-alkane molecules:(1) primitive type(bacteria and algae), which is characterized by moderately mature of n-alkanes preserving the original characteristics of the organic matter from microorganisms and lower plankton;(2) microbial degradation type, which is characterized by low contents of n-alkanes and rising baseline in the chromatogram, with the "bulge" being the products of organic matter by biodegradation;(3) organic matter migration type, which is characterized by low carbon number of n-alkanes with n C18 as the main peak carbon, without odd even predominance, and low concentrations of isoprenoids and hydrocarbons with high carbon number; and(4) organic matter hydrothermal type, which is characterized by relatively low concentration of small molecular weight n-alkanes, pristane, and phytane, accompanied by higher concentration of n-alkanes with carbon number greater than n C18. This study shows that biomarkers can record controlling factors of mineralization and their variation.  相似文献   

1 IntroductionCobalt-richcrust, alsoknownasferrom anganesecrustormanganesecrust, isdefined astheferroman-ganesedepositiondistributingontheseamountandoc-curringinlayer,crustandgravelornoduleinpart.Itisrich inthemetalofhigh economicvalue(cobalt,nick-el,plat…  相似文献   

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