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东北黑土地是中国粮食生产的“压舱石”。不合理开发利用导致部分地区黑土地退化严重,影响局部区域粮食生产和经济社会发展。在全球范围内粮食供需矛盾加剧的背景下,亟需着眼于区域可持续发展战略全局,寻求系统性、科学性和经济性的解决方案。黑土粮仓全域定制模式以地理学综合思想为指导,系统诊断黑土地退化的关键问题与主导因素,构建多尺度联动、多要素耦合、多技术协同的黑土地保护共性与个性相结合的解决方案。该模式依托“星—空—地—网”立体监测系统,结合大数据与人工智能驱动的全域定制平台,构建3个不同尺度策略:① 市域尺度实施“分区施策”,制定服务于黑土保护的农业资源优化配置方案和全域农业区划方案等;② 村域尺度实施“依村定策”,制定不同类型村庄的黑土地保护利用模式;③ 地块尺度实施“一地一策”,提供黑土保护与种植管理等土壤修复和产量提升精准策略。在齐齐哈尔市开展“市域—村域—地块”多尺度的方案验证与集成示范,以破解黑土地保护与利用难题,形成可复制可推广的系统解决方案,为中国和全球黑土地农业的可持续发展提供示范样板。  相似文献   

东北黑土区保护性耕作的发展现状与成效研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东北黑土区承担着国家粮食安全“稳压器”的重要责任。然而,由于长期超负荷开发利用导致黑土日益退化,黑土资源的永续利用受到严重制约。理论与实践证明,保护性耕作是保护黑土地、推动黑土耕地质量和耕作效益绿色增长的发展模式。综述了保护性耕作的基本内涵及其在东北黑土区的发展现状与技术概况,从保护性耕作在土壤保持、保墒效益、结构改善、固碳培肥和土壤生物多样性增加、节本增效等方面系统评估了东北黑土区实施保护性耕作后的生态与经济效益,提出黑土区实施保护性耕作存在的问题与未来发展方向,以促进黑土地保护与利用协调发展、推动保护性耕作高质量跨越式发展。  相似文献   

东北黑土区容许土壤流失量研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil loss tolerance(T) is the maximum rate of annual soil erosion that is tolerated and still allows a high level of crop productivity to be sustained economically and indefinitely.In the black soil region of Northeast China,an empirically determined,default T value of 200(t/km2?a) is used for designing land restoration strategies for different types of soils.The ob-jective of this study was to provide a methodology to calculate a quantitative T for different black soil species.A field investigation was conducted to determine the typical soil profiles of 21 black soil species in the study area and a quantitative methodology based on a modified soil productivity index model was established to calculate the T values.These values,which varied from 68 t/km2?a to 358 t/km2?a,yielded an average T value of 141 t/km2?a for the 21 soil species.This is 29.5% lower than the current national standard T value.Two significant factors that influenced the T value were soil thickness and vulnerability to erosion.An ac-ceptable reduction rate of soil productivity over a planned time period of 1% is recommended as necessary for maintaining long-term sustainable soil productivity.Compared with the cur-rently used of regional unified standard T value,the proposed method,which determines T using specific soil profile indices,has more practical implications for effective,sustainable management of soil and water conservation.  相似文献   

黑土侵蚀速率及其对土壤质量的影响   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:32  
阎百兴  汤洁 《地理研究》2005,24(4):499-506
利用137Cs示踪法,研究了东北黑土耕作土壤的流失厚度和速率,探讨了水土流失对土壤机械组成、有机质、土壤水分、容重及其N、P含量的影响。结果表明:研究区侵蚀坡面137Cs的分布深度在0~25cm,137Cs的活度在1246.05±85.90~1499.45±101.73Bq/m2,侵蚀厚度可达0.316~0.433mm/a,侵蚀强度3033.6~3940.3t/km2·a,已属于中度侵蚀水平。水土流失造成土壤质地粗化,从坡顶向坡底,耕层土壤有机质增加、容重变化不大,含水量增加,土壤养分的“贫化”现象明显。  相似文献   

东北黑土区土壤剖面地温和水分变化规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
东北黑土区土壤侵蚀的结果使土壤在坡面上发生再分配,土壤腐殖质层厚度的空间变异增大。腐殖质层厚度的变化又引起地温和土壤水分等土壤物理性质的变化,地温和水分是影响和反映冻融侵蚀作用的重要因子,也是影响地表和土壤剖面物质运移的重要因素。本文通过实测不同厚度腐殖质层剖面的地温和土壤水分,分析了地温和水分随时间和土壤剖面深度的变化规律。结果显示腐殖质层厚度对土壤温度和含水量有显著影响,腐殖质层较厚的剖面解冻速度比薄层黑土区要慢,不同深度土层温度到达0℃的日期也不相同,腐殖质层较厚的剖面冻结时间要滞后1周左右。同时,腐殖质层较厚的黑土区土壤含水量明显大于薄层黑土区,土壤水分运移的深度范围也大。  相似文献   

为科学地认识中国东北黑土区流域土壤侵蚀特征,探讨TETIS模型在该区的适用性,本文以乌裕尔河流域为例,利用1971-1987年日径流与泥沙实测数据对TETIS模型进行了校正与验证,进而分析了流域土壤侵蚀强度特征及其与坡度、土地利用方式的关系。研究结果表明:TETIS模型在乌裕尔河流域适用性好,日径流与日输沙量的纳什效率系数在0.52~0.70之间,决定系数在0.60~0.71之间,体积误差均不超过15%。流域平均侵蚀模数为397.2 t/(km2·a),流域以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,约90%的产沙来自于坡面。平均土壤侵蚀模数随坡度的增大而增大,流域侵蚀量主要来自于0°~5°坡面。不同土地利用方式具不同的土壤侵蚀模数,耕地土壤侵蚀模数最大,达556.3 t/(km2·a)。坡度较大的耕地和植被覆盖度较低的区域是水土流失治理的重点。研究表明,TETIS模型在黑土区模拟土壤侵蚀产沙应用前景好,可为研究区制定水土保持措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

长期施用化肥导致农田黑土酸化、盐基离子耗竭、养分失衡及作物重金属污染等诸多问题。本文依托吉林公主岭国家黑土肥效监测基地25 a的施肥试验,研究了不施肥对照(C)、N、NP、NK、PK、NPK、厩肥—化肥配施(MNPK)、玉米秸秆还田(SNPK)等8个施肥处理对土壤酸中和容量(ANC)的影响,N、P、K施用量分别为165 kg hm-2 a-1、36 kg hm-2 a-1、68.5 kg hm-2 a-1,MNPK和SNPK处理与NPK处理为等N量。结果表明,施化肥导致表土pH下降0.37~1.39,MNPK和SNPK处理分别提高土壤pH值0.21和0.53。以pH 5.0为参比,N、NP、NK、PK、NPK各处理的酸中和容量ANCpH 5.0分别为对照的42.85%、61.79%、54.05%、82.26%、63.68%;MNPK处理的ANCpH 5.0是对照的1.86倍;加酸160 mmol kg-1,SNPK处理的土壤pH值仅从7.65降至6.42,表现出极强的酸中和能力。SNPK和MNPK处理的土壤交换性盐基总量SEB分别是对照的1.37和1.14倍,土壤有机质SOM分别是对照的1.32和1.63倍,二者是提高土壤ANC主要原因。总之,有机物料添加显著提高了黑土抗酸化性能及土壤基础肥力水平,研究结果可为东北黑土区玉米秸秆还田保护性耕作及有机肥部分替代化肥实践提供长期试验的理论依据和数据支撑。  相似文献   

选取黑河绿洲区典型土壤类型为研究对象,分析耕作对土壤粒径分布及其与土壤总有机碳、活性有机碳、惰性有机碳关系的影响。结果显示:非耕地(灰钙土、灰褐土、栗钙土)转变为耕地后,改变了10~50μm粗粉粒、50~250μm细砂粒、250~1000μm粗砂粒的含量,对<5μm的粘粒含量影响小。而风沙土变为耕地土壤后,土壤颗粒出现了细化现象。土壤粒径分布的变化也波及到了土壤颗粒与有机碳的关系,耕地与非耕地中存在异同点。相同之处在于,以50μm作为分界点,土壤总有机碳、活性有机碳、惰性有机碳与<50μm的粉粒、粘粒土壤颗粒含量呈正相关,与>50μm的砂粒呈负相关。不同之处为:耕地中土壤有机碳仅与5~10μm、10~50μm、50~250μm有关;非耕地中土壤有机碳与<1μm、1~5μm、5~10μm、10~50μm、50~250μm、250~1000μm的含量有关。分析表明,耕作是引起土壤活性有机碳增加及土壤有机碳与土壤粒径之间的关系发生变化的内在原因。  相似文献   

Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm, Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation, rill cannot happen within the top 50 m, while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation, rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   

东北黑土漫岗区长坡面坡耕地侵蚀产沙沿程变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm,Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation,rill cannot happen within the top 50 m,while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation,rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   

保护性耕作是攻克黑土地保护和利用的核心技术之一。研究立足中国科学院黑土区农业生态重点试验室保护性耕作长期定位试验基地,系统梳理总结了农田黑土土壤生物多样性对保护性耕作的响应特征。与传统耕作相比,保护性耕作显著增加各生物类群(微生物、线虫、跳虫、螨类及蚯蚓)的物种丰富度(1%~8%)、数量(25%~57%)和生物量(30%~50%),提高食物网网状结构的复杂性及各营养级间的连通性(14%~32%),促进土壤生物在固土蓄水、土壤碳固存、氮素高效利用以及稳定作物产量四方面生态功能的可持续性发挥。研究结果表明,实施保护性耕作可有效利用土壤生物的功能潜力,实现东北黑土区农田生态系统的健康发展、服务国家粮食安全产业带建设和现代农业发展。  相似文献   

不同视角下InVEST模型的土壤保持功能对比   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
胡胜  曹明明  刘琪  张天琪  邱海军  刘闻  宋进喜 《地理研究》2014,33(12):2393-2406
土壤保持是生态系统的重要服务功能之一。黄土高原是世界上水土流失最严重的地区,黄河中游地区是黄河泥沙的主要来源,继续开展黄河中游地区土壤保持研究,对于当地的水土保持、土地利用结构调整、退耕还林、生态补偿以及水库管理具有重大意义。以黄河一级支流无定河的源头(营盘山库区)为研究区,采用生态系统服务和交易的综合评估模型InVEST(Integrated Valuation of Ecosystem Services and Trade-offs),从水文和土地利用两个角度出发,对研究区地块截留能力、输出能力和保持能力进行对比研究,重点探讨哪种角度的结果更科学合理,并进一步研究清淤情境下2010年营盘山库区的土壤保持能力及其空间格局特征。结果表明:① 基于子流域边界和土地利用边界的计算结果差异悬殊,水文学意义的子流域边界可以保证沉积物沿水文路径迁移过程的完整性,评价结果更科学合理;InVEST沉积物模型应该采用水文意义上的自然流域边界,而不宜将土地利用边界作为子流域单元进行评价。② 2010年营盘山库区在清淤情境下的沉积物截留总量为586482.60 t,输出总量为129868.61 t,平均输出量为12.93 t/hm2,保留总量为1559198.40 t,平均保留量为151.57 t/hm2。③ 地块的沉积物截留能力从上游至下游逐渐增强,而沉积物输出能力却刚好相反。无定河西侧支流的土壤保持能力比东侧支流偏高,两大支流平均土壤保持量低值区均出现在河流上游地区。  相似文献   

The black soil region of northeast China is a vital food base and is one of the most sensitive regions to climate change in China. However, the characteristics of the crop phenological response and the integrated impact of climate and phenological changes on agricultural productivity in the region under the background of climate change are not clear. The future agricultural risk assessment has been insufficiently quantified and the existing risk level formulation lacks a sound basis. Based on remote sensing products, climate data, and model simulations, this study integrated a logistic function fitting curvature derivation, multiple linear regression, and scenario simulation to investigate crop phenology dynamics and their climate response characteristics in the black soil region. Additionally, the compound effects of climate and phenology changes on agricultural production and possible future risks were identified. The key results were as follows: (1) From 2000 to 2017, 29.76% of the black soil region of northeast China experienced a significant delay in the start of the growing season (SOS) and 16.71% of the total area displayed a trend for the end of the growing season (EOS) to arrive earlier. The time lagged effects of the SOS in terms of the crop response to climatic factors were site and climatic parameter dependent. The influence of temperature was widespread and its effect had a longer lag time in general; (2) Both climatic and phenological changes have had a significant effect on the inter-annual variability of crop production, and the predictive ability of both increased by 70.23%, while the predictive area expanded by 85.04%, as compared to that of climate change in the same period of the growing season; (3) Under the RCP8.5 scenario, there was a risk that the future crop yield would decrease in the north and increase in the south, and the risk area was constantly expanding. With a 2.0℃ rise in global temperature, the crop yield of the southern Songnen black soil sub-region would reduce by almost 10%. This finding will improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying climate change and vegetation productivity dynamics, and is also helpful in the promotion of the risk management of agrometeorological disasters.  相似文献   

东北黑土区是中国重要的粮食生产基地,也是中国气候变化最敏感的地区之一。然而,气候变化背景下东北黑土区气候及物候变化对农业生产力的综合影响并不清晰,未来农业生产风险评估的定量化程度不够,风险等级制定缺乏依据。本文借助遥感产品、气候资料和模拟数据等资料,综合运用多元线性回归、相关分析及干旱危险性指数等方法,探究东北黑土区作物物候动态及其气候响应特征,辨识气候与物候变化对农业生产的复合效应及未来可能风险。结果表明:① 2000—2017年东北黑土区29.76%的区域作物生长季开始期呈显著延后趋势,16.71%的区域作物生长季结束期呈提前态势,生长季开始期受气温的影响范围广,且滞后时间长;生长季结束期与前期气候变化关系更加密切,且带状差异性响应格局尤其明显。② 气候变化和物候期改变对作物生产的解释能力较生长季同期气候变化的解释能力增加了70.23%,解释面积扩大了85.04%。③ RCP8.5情景下东北黑土区粮食总产量呈现上升趋势,粮食生产风险表现出“南增北减”的演变特征,风险区面积不断扩大,全球温升2.0 ℃时,松嫩黑土亚区南部粮食减产量可能达到10%。研究有助于深入认识气候—物候—作物生产的关联机理及未来粮食生产风险,对制定气候变化应对策略,保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

四川紫色土地区鹤鸣观小流域分布式侵蚀产沙模型   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从四川省南部县鹤鸣观小流域Ⅱ号支沟为研究区,构建了适合紫色土地区小流域分布式侵蚀产沙模型。该模型以20m×20m栅格为空间步长,以10min为时间步长,定量分析鹤鸣观小流域Ⅱ号支沟水土流失程度,模拟了各时段每个栅格次降雨侵蚀产沙过程,计算了每个栅格次降雨径流量、侵蚀量与沉积量,并且运用递归算法计算出整个流域次降雨侵蚀产沙量,模型能够评价流域下垫面各因子空间分布不均匀性和人类活动的影响。在鹤鸣观小流域Ⅱ号支沟进行了模型的检验,模拟过程与实测结果符合较好。  相似文献   

以位于东北典型黑土区的克东地区作为研究区,以1965年的Corona、2005年的SPOT5和2015年高分一号影像作为数据源,通过目视解译获取研究区对应年份的侵蚀沟分布状况;以1954年地形图和1975年的Landsat/MSS、2005年和2015年的Landsat/TM影像为数据源分别获取1965年、2005年和2015年土地利用数据;以侵蚀沟裂度为指标从土地利用变化角度分析研究区近50年来沟蚀变化状况。结果表明:黑土区沟壑侵蚀状况日益严重,耕地中侵蚀沟面积最大、侵蚀沟裂度增长速度最快;耕地、草地和建设用地上沟蚀状况的加剧伴随着林地和未利用地的开垦;耕地和草地相互转换裂度变化最大,退耕还林还草短期内侵蚀沟裂度仍然很高,但随着近10年来“退耕还林”的推行和用地状况的改善,沟蚀虽仍在发展但速度趋于缓慢。  相似文献   

不同于海上交通线和海上战略通道,蓝色经济通道具有安全、政治、经济、地理、文化等多层面的含义,致力于可持续利用海洋资源,实现全人类的可持续发展,重点关注小岛屿发展中国家和沿岸最不发达国家,是一条海上大通道、海上合作平台,而不是具体的交通线、咽喉要道、海峡或海上交通线附近的战略岛屿。蓝色经济通道的海上大通道、海上合作平台内涵决定了其拥有理论基底。复合相互依赖理论、全球海洋治理理论、地理环境理论是其理论基底。安全维度是蓝色经济通道的最基本内涵。维护海上安全是发展蓝色经济的重要保障。  相似文献   

This paper looks at the Green for Grain Project in northern Shaanxi Province.Based on remote sensing monitoring data,this study analyzes the locations of arable land in northern Shaanxi in the years 2000,2010 and 2013 as well as spatio-temporal changes over that period,and then incorporates data on the distribution of terraced fields to improve the input parameters of a RUSLE model and simulate and generate raster data on soil erosion for northern Shaanxi at different stages with a accuracy verification.Finally,combined with the dataset of farmland change,compared and analyzed the characteristics of soil erosion change in the converted farmland to forest(grassland)and the unconverted farmland in northern Shaanxi,so as to determine the project’s impact on soil erosion over time across the region.The results show that between 2000 and 2010,the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in northern Shaanxi decreased 22.7 t/ha,equivalent to 47.08%of the soil erosion modulus of repurposed farmland in 2000.In the same period,the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland fell 10.99 t/ha,equivalent to 28.6%of the soil erosion modulus of non-repurposed farmland in 2000.The soil erosion modulus for all types of land in northern Shaanxi decreased by an average of 14.51 t/ha between 2000 and 2010,equivalent to 41.87%of the soil erosion modulus for the entire region in 2000.This suggests that the Green for Grain Project effectively reduced the soil erosion modulus,thus helping to protect the soil.In particular,arable land that was turned into forest and grassland reduced erosion most noticeably and contributed most to soil conservation.Nevertheless,in the period 2010 to 2013,which was a period of consolidation of the Green for Grain Project,the soil erosion modulus and change in volume of soil erosion in northern Shaanxi were significantly lower than in the previous decade.  相似文献   

Gully erosion is an important environmental hazard in the black soil region of northeastern China. It is a primary sediment source in the region which needs appropriate soil conservation practices. Gully incision in rolling hills typical of this region was monitored using real-time kinematic GPS to assess the rates of gully development and the resultant sediment production. From 2002 to 2005, gully heads in the study area retreated between 15.4 and 33.5 m, giving an average retreat rate of 8.4 m yr− 1. Field measurements showed that total sediment production due to gully erosion during the three years ranged between 257 and 1854 m3 yr− 1, which is equivalent to 326 to 2355 t yr− 1, with gully-head retreat accounting for 0 to 21.7% (4.4% in average). The sediment delivery ratio was especially high during the summer rainy season (56% in average). Sediment production by ephemeral gullies and permanent gullies was 1.5 times greater than that from surface erosion. Gully heads retreated faster in the spring freeze–thaw period than in the summer. The stage of gully development could be identified based on short-term changes in the gully erosion rate.  相似文献   

The soil conservation campaigns that have been a prominent feature of Jamaican agricultural policy since the 1950s are frequently presented as having failed to ameliorate the problem of soil erosion in hillside agriculture. A case study of a small farming community in the Blue Mountains explores the development of the soil conservation practices currently employed by farmers. The use of trash barriers in carrot farming is described and the origins of this technology and its subsequent adaptation are considered. The study concludes that extension interventions and government policy have influenced the development of current soil conservation practices; practices which have their roots in indigenous techniques. Other factors such as the adaptation of trash barriers to suit local conditions and their importance in soil fertility management also play a role in their widespread use in the study area. The study demonstrates that to understand the process of technical change in farming communities, it is necessary to consider a range of factors, external and internal, technical and social, that have over time influenced farmers' decision making.  相似文献   

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