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中国冰川旅游资源空间开发布局研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在回顾中国冰川旅游的发展历程,分析冰川旅游发展的优劣势条件的基础上。按照"围绕地域空间结构、立足旅游资源特色、突出中心城市、依托交通干线、形成网络市场"的"点-轴系统"规划思路,提出了中国冰川旅游"十心、三带、五区"的空间开发结构。伴随着青藏铁路复线工程、川藏与滇藏铁路的规划设计,以及在西部跨省区合作项目"丝绸之路旅游带、青藏铁路旅游带、大香格里拉生态旅游圈总体规划"逐步实施的机遇下,中国将以其丰富而独特的冰川旅游资源,强烈地吸引国内外旅游者前来观光旅游。  相似文献   

Glacier retreat is becoming more widespread and severe due to global warming, and improper exploitation of glacier resources by tourism activities accelerates the destruction of glacier landscapes. Therefore, establishing a set of quantitative assessment tools is critical for guiding the rational utilization of glacier tourism resources. This study selected regional tourism resources, the natural environment of glaciers, service support, and market demand factors to build a suitability assessment method for glacier tourism (SAMGT), and it used the Delphi and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine the index weights, and combined them with GIS analysis technology. The Tibet autonomous region was proposed in this study as a case to build the SAMGT and provide scientific support for the rational development, scientific management, and sustainable development of glacier tourism resources. With regard to influencing the suitability of glacier tourism resource development, the results indicate that the weights of glacier resource endowment, ecological vulnerability, and tourism resource combination were high whereas that of market demand-related factors was low. The glacier tourism resource development area in Tibet can be divided into suitable, relatively suitable, barely suitable, and unsuitable exploitation zones, accounting for 5.39%, 9.76%, 15.28%, and 69.57% of the total area, respectively. Five representative glaciers were selected to verify the validity or test the rationality of SAMGT and prove that the model is reasonable, innovative, and effective from the perspectives of multiple dimensions and the comprehensiveness of the selected indicators.  相似文献   

南非负责任旅游的兴起及其意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王颖 《世界地理研究》2008,17(1):132-136
南非负责任旅游对南非的社会经济发展、政治民主建设起着非常重要的作用,特别是推动了南非构建公平社会的进程。本文概括了南非负责任旅游的兴起背景,分析了南非政府实施负责任旅游后初见成效的原因,剖析南非负责任旅游在缓解种族歧视、减少贫困、公平分配利益等方面对建设公平社会的意义。  相似文献   

可持续发展定量评估研究成为一种新范式、新动向倍受国内外学者关注,相关的评估理论和方法不断呈现.费用——效益分析从整个社会角度分析评价系统对整个区域经济的净贡献,是一鉴别和度量系统经济效益和费用的方法,其目的在于实现系统资源最优化配置,以达到可持续发展的系统目标.旅游是一以人的目的性活动为主体的经济、资源环境、社会文化诸要素相互作用、互相渗透、彼此影响的耦合系统.包含着实现经济利润最大化(当代人生存和发展的满足)和满足环境成本最小化(对后代人满足其需求的保障)的可持续发展层面.表现为一旅游经济、环境、社会复合的可持续发展系统.本文基于费用——效益的系统经济性分析,构建区域旅游可持续发展系统评价指标体系,提出区域旅游系统可持续发展的费用——效益分析评价模型,以为旅游可持续发展提供一种新的思路和方法.  相似文献   

刘逸  黄凯旋  保继刚  覃杨 《地理科学》2020,40(1):128-136
以西递和宏村发展路径的演变为例,借助嵌入性概念,解释了2个古村落兴衰交替的成因和影响,揭示该类旅游目的地可持续发展的机制。结论认为,高嵌入性可以带来较稳定的社区发展模式和和谐的利益分配方式,但是对产业升级存在双重制约作用,而低嵌入性所起到的作用刚好相反,二者的权衡在于旅游漏损的多与少、学习渠道的盈与缺之间。从动态角度看,对于古村落旅游可持续发展而言,学习机制比利益分配机制更重要;当学习机制有效发挥作用,带动产业升级发展,从而带来更加丰厚的利润时,分配不均的矛盾有机会被消解。  相似文献   

Green development has become an important concept and an effective way to sustainably develop the tourism industry. Studying tourism green development promotes the construction of regional ecological civilizations and sustainable development. We systematically reviewed research on green development in the tourism industry and divided this body of work it into two stages: a germination exploration stage under the concept of sustainable development; and initial development under the green development concept. In addition, some important green development research methods, conceptualization and connotation of green development, an index system of green development evaluation to measure efficiency and influencing factors, green development models, and regulations and standards of enterprise green development countermeasures are discussed. This review affirms China’s positive exploration and reference meaning to developing countries, and finds that the majority of research is qualitative; quantitative analyses are limited and a relevant theoretical system has not yet formed. Future research should deepen the content, enrich research methods and construct a theoretical system.  相似文献   

区域旅游可持续发展初探   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章围绕区域旅游可持续发展的基本思路,深入探讨了袂施区域旅游可持续发展的紧迫性和必要性,最后提出了区域旅游可持续发展的保障措施,即加强区域旅游资源的可持续利用与管理,走生态旅游之路,利用旅游产业政策作保障,依靠科学技术及公众的积极支持,充分发挥民主、法制及计算手段的宏观调控作用。  相似文献   

我国区域旅游环境研究综述   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
该文对1980年以来我国区域旅游环境的研究进行综述。通过对文献的统计与分析发现,当前国内区域旅游环境研究主要集中在旅游地环境质量及其评价、旅游开发的环境影响与可持续发展、旅游环境容量与旅游环境承载力、旅游环境保护对策与旅游环境管理四个方面。就上述四个方面进行综述,并进一步探讨当前研究存在的一些不足,提出了区域旅游环境的研究方向。  相似文献   

魏敏  冯永军  李芬  郑玉清 《地理学报》2012,67(9):1181-1189
运用能值理论, 从区域生态经济系统的视角, 提出旅游生态能值理论, 论述旅游输入能值、旅游输出能值、旅游能值交换率、旅游可持续发展指标等概念、测算依据和计算方法, 并对2010 年泰安区域生态经济系统内旅游可持续发展水平进行旅游生态能值分析。实证研究表明:(1) 泰安区域生态经济系统可利用能值为15867.32×1019 sej, 旅游输入能值为1766.59×1019 sej, 旅游输出能值为679.40×1019 sej, 旅游能值交换率为2.60。旅游可持续发展能值指标TSEI为1.76, 处在可持续发展阶段;(2) 运用旅游生态能值的理论评价旅游可持续发展水平是可行的。  相似文献   

本文基于一个实例研究。该研究聚焦于奥地利的皮茨山谷,其从冰川保护防线之危机、冰川灾难,以及经济利益驱使下的不可避免的旅游开发三个方面阐述了冰川保护与旅游开发的相互矛盾。本文力图从法律上和民意调查的资料上为冰川保护,抑或旅游开发寻求依据。面对区域开发这个不得不面对的现实问题,本文同时考虑到了环境保护与经济发展的双重方面。本文重在介绍西方学者的研究思路,以及法律和民意在西方决策层次上的重要意义,希望能飨同行,并与之切磋。  相似文献   

基于旅游环境承载力的旅游开发规划优化设计研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
该文剖析旅游环境承载力的内涵,从指标体系的构建、权重的确定、数学模型的选取等方面讨论了旅游环境承载力的测评问题,在此基础上构建了旅游环境承载指数及其分级表。通过对旅游环境承载指数的计算,一方面可以在旅游地的开发规划中对初步的设计方案进行评价,另一方面针对开发规划方案引起的旅游环境承载情况(弱载、适载、轻度超载和强度超载)进行调整,进而达到基于旅游环境承载力对旅游地开发规划进行优化设计的目的。  相似文献   

历史文化、思维模式和研究进程的差异使国内外沙漠旅游的研究视角、研究内容、研究方法等存在显著差别.从几个方面系统梳理了国内外沙漠旅游研究成果:(1)研究视角上,国内学者主要从生态环境角度、经济学角度和社会学角度分析沙漠旅游资源开发价值研究、旅游市场需求、环境承载力等焦点问题.国外学者研究视角比较广泛,使用地貌学和考古学分...  相似文献   

塔城地区拥有丰富的自然景观资源和人文景观资源,尤其以边境购物、边境口岸、民族内情和自然风光旅游资源最为突出。文章在分析了塔城地区旅游资源的形成、分类、特点、旅游业可持续发展的内涵和要求的基础上,针对地区社会经济发展现状特征,对地区旅游业发展提出科学规划、政府主导、争取口岸进一步开放、加大宣传力度、发展生态旅游等若干建议。  相似文献   

Agricultural heritage is an important type of world heritage. The special features of this kind of heritage are that they are "living" or "real life" systems, in both the ecosystem and in the cultural sense. So, agricultural heritage needs to be conserved in a special way. In a well-reasoned approach to dynamic conservation of agricultural heritage, careful development of heritage sites can realize greater sustainability of the traditional agriculture by considering both conservation and development though tourism. This paper examines the Global Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) as designated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and listed by United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as agricultural heritages sites. Currently, the research in China focuses on tourism resources evaluation and development, production design and marketing, tourism perception and the impacts of tourism development and so forth. There is less emphasis on research about benefit sharing of heritage tourism evolution mechanisms, environmental impacts of agricultural heritage tourism and study methods which should be analyzed in-depth, so as to illuminate the theories and practices of development in a living landscape.  相似文献   

旅游产品是指旅游经营者为满足旅游者在旅游活动中的各种需求而向旅游市场提供的各种物质产品、精神产品和旅游服务的组合。旅游产品体系则是指旅游产品各种表现形式的集合,其中包括单项旅游产品,旅游线路产品和区域旅游产品。这些产品表现形式相互关联,是旅游资源开发、旅游业经营和管理的重点,是呈现给旅游者的核心价值所在。根据非洲的实际情况,针对国际旅游市场的需求特征,将非洲的旅游产品分为狂野非洲、风情非洲与和谐非洲三个层次,以明确的主题来组合产品、塑造形象、打造品牌,以嬴得客源市场,提升非洲整体的旅游竞争力。  相似文献   

Glaciers are the most important fresh-water resources in arid and semi-arid regions of western China. According to the Second Chinese Glacier Inventory (SCGI), primarily compiled from Landsat TM/ETM+ images, the Qilian Mountains had 2684 glaciers covering an area of 1597.81±70.30 km2 and an ice volume of ~84.48 km3 from 2005 to 2010. While most glaciers are small (85.66% are <1.0 km2), some larger ones (12.74% in the range 1.0–5.0 km2) cover 42.44% of the total glacier area. The Laohugou Glacier No.12 (20.42 km2) located on the north slope of the Daxue Range is the only glacier >20 km2 in the Qilian Mountains. Median glacier elevation was 4972.7 m and gradually increased from east to west. Glaciers in the Qilian Mountains are distributed in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, which have 1492 glaciers (760.96 km2) and 1192 glaciers (836.85 km2), respectively. The Shule River basin contains the most glaciers in both area and volume. However, the Heihe River, the second largest inland river in China, has the minimum average glacier area. A comparison of glaciers from the SCGI and revised glacier inventory based on topographic maps and aerial photos taken from 1956 to 1983 indicate that all glaciers have receded, which is consistent with other mountain and plateau areas in western China. In the past half-century, the area and volume of glaciers decreased by 420.81 km2 (–20.88%) and 21.63 km3 (–20.26%), respectively. Glaciers with areas <1.0 km2 decreased the most in number and area recession. Due to glacier shrinkage, glaciers below 4000 m completely disappeared. Glacier changes in the Qilian Mountains presented a clear longitudinal zonality, i.e., the glaciers rapidly shrank in the east but slowly in the central-west. The primary cause of glacier recession was warming temperatures, which was slightly mitigated with increased precipitation.  相似文献   

旅游业是一项综合性很强且很敏感的产业,极易受到外部不可预测因素的影响。因此,必需建立一个可靠、快速、实用、先进的防范与控制系统,为各旅游相关部门准确及时地提供各类旅游灾害信息,为旅游灾害的预报、预测、决策、控制、抗灾管理提供科学依据和有力手段,达到避免灾害或使旅游业损失降至最低的目的。文章提出旅游灾害的防范与控制系统由信息采集系统、指挥通信与计算机网络系统和决策支持系统构成。对每个子系统的功能进行了阐述,并对每个子系统的构建进行了初步的探讨,意在抛砖引玉,最终建成合理而具实战性的旅游防范与控制系统。  相似文献   

周雯婷  刘云刚  邓诗悦 《热带地理》2022,42(11):1943-1952
通过网络文本分析法,探讨中国大陆游客在赴日旅游前后如何重构对日本的国家旅游形象认知,并梳理其赴日旅游活动对日本社会经济的影响。研究发现:1)以赴日旅游为媒介的中日间直接接触,有助于中国大陆游客打破媒体构建的日本固有形象,形成较为积极的对日旅游形象认知,这主要得益于日本将入境游作为主动的地缘战略,推行对华“观光外交”政策;2)赴日旅游给日本带来可观经济效应的同时,其带来的社会问题也降低了日本国民的对华好感,这也意味着中国的出境游尚未成为输出中国价值观和民族文化的战略工具。随着旅游全球化的深度发展,需要重视旅游地缘政治战略,提升中国出境游在改善他国国民对华印象的作用。  相似文献   

城市旅游可持续发展初探   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
城市旅游可持续发展的思想内涵包括公平发展的思想,人类与自然界共同进化,旅游业与经济,社会,文化环境协调发展的思想,在旅游可持续发展的理论指导下,提出了城市旅游可持续发展的目标和时空体系。城市旅游可持续发展的实现需要确立正确的发展方向,制定可持续的旅游规划,需要具有强大的生命力的旅游产品设计,需要有政策法规,理论研究和宣传教育等管理保障体系。  相似文献   

在参考旅游可持续发展及其评价研究的基础上,从旅游业可持续发展的资源环境状况、社会经济支持能力、发展现状和发展潜力4个系统层出发,构建了由40个指标构成的旅游业可持续发展能力评价指标体系。基于SPSS15.0软件,运用因子分析方法计算我国31个省(市、区)的旅游业可持续发展各系统层及其总体层得分,依据得分情况划分为5个层次,分析了各系统层和总体层空间分布特征及形成空间差异的影响因素。依据相关分析,解释了各系统层对旅游业可持续发展的影响状况。  相似文献   

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