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The interplanetary medium is characterized by a very high Reynolds number and is pervaded by fluctuations providing information on a wide range of scales, from fractions of second up to the solar rotation period. In the past decade or so, turbulence in the solar wind has been used as a large wind tunnel to investigate scaling laws of turbulent fluctuations and multifractal models. Moreover, new interesting insights in the theory of turbulence have been derived from the point of view which considers a turbulent flow as a complex system, a sort of benchmark for the theory of dynamical systems. Important finding like the lack of a strict self-similarity of the fluctuations with the consequent nonapplicability of strict scale invariance, the strong anisotropy of velocity and magnetic field fluctuations, the clear lack of equipartition between magnetic and kinetic fluctuations all contributed to suggest the idea that interplanetary fluctuations could possibly be due to a mixture of propagating waves and static structures convected by the wind. In this paper we further discuss this point and bring new evidence about the fact that the presence of a background magnetic field introduces not only a symmetry breaking in interplanetary space but also organizes fluctuations about its large scale orientation.  相似文献   

A general expression for the tensor of the dielectrical susceptibility in an anisotropic plasma with particle drifts is derived, and the dispersion equation is found for waves propagating in arbitrary direction with respect to the mean magnetic field. The dispersion equation is solved for the case of electromagnetic ion‐cyclotron waves. It is found that in the plasma of the auroral magnetosphere strong plasma instability may occur so that the value of the growth rate of the waves is of the order of the wave frequency. Besides, the plasma instability is excited at less values of the wave number if the magnetospheric altitude becomes larger.  相似文献   

The behaviour of a multi-component anisotropic plasma in a magnetic flux tube is studied in the presence of current-driven electrostatic ion-cyclotron turbulence. The plasma transport is considered in both parallel and perpendicular directions with respect to the given tube. As one of the sources of the parallel electric field, the anomalous resistivityof the plasma caused by the turbulence is taken into account. The acceleration and heating processes of the plasma are simulated numerically. It is found that at the upper boundary of the nightside auroral ionosphere, the resonant wave-particle interactions are most effective in the case of upward field-aligned currents with densities of a few 10—6 A/m2. The occurring anomalous resistivity maycause differences of the electric potential along the magnetic field lines of some kV. Further it is shown that the thickness of the magnetic flux tube and the intensity of the convection strongly influence the turbulent plasma heating.  相似文献   

A model is presented that describes the excitation of small-scale density perturbations and electromagnetic fields by standing shear Alfvén waves in a Cartesian geometry. The model includes the effects of plasma betas and the Hall term effects. The characteristics of magnetospheric density cavities and the formation of the significant peak in density are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

A two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic model of the dynamics of tail-like current layers caused by anomalous electrical resistivity in a plasma with lower-hybrid-drift (LHD) turbulence is considered. Additionally to the LHD-resistivity, a resistivity pulse in the magnetic neutral sheet is given initiating a magnetic reconnection process. Then the temporal and spatial evolution of the magnetic and electric fields, the plasma convection and the anomalous resistivity are obtained numerically. Taking into account more exact expressions for the LHD-resistivity in the current layer as done in former works, the LHD-turbulence is found to be excited farther from the neutral sheet, and thus, with the time, secondary current sheets are obtained in the plasma-magnetic field system. It is shown that the inductive electric field moving from the magnetic neutral sheet to the current layer periphery during the reconnection process may be considered as indicator of the plasma disturbances.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the possibilities for magnetohydrodynamic processes to handle the angular momentum transport in accretion disks. Traditionally the angular momentum transport has been considered to be the result of turbulent viscosity in the disk, although the Keplerian flow in accretion disks is linearly stable towards hydrodynamic perturbations. It is on the other hand linearly unstable to some magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities. The most important instabilities are the Parker and Balbus-Hawley instabilities that are related to the magnetic buoyancy and the shear flow, respectively. We discuss these instabilities not only in the traditional MHD framework, but also in the context of slender flux tubes, that reduce the complexity of the problem while keeping most of the stability properties of the complete problem. In the non-linear regime the instabilities produce turbulence. Recent numerical simulations describe the generation of magnetic fields by a dynamo in the resulting turbulent flow. Eventually such a dynamo may generate a global magnetic field in the disk. The relation of the MHD-turbulence to observations of accretion disks is still obscure. It is commonly believed that magnetic fields can be highly efficient in transporting the angular momentum, but emission lines, short-time scale variability and non-thermal radiation, which a stellar astronomer would take as signs of magnetic variability, are more commonly observed during periods of low accretion rates. Received October 12, 1995 / Accepted November 16, 1995  相似文献   

The reduced magnetic helicity is a quantity related to the handedness of the magnetic field fluctuations. In the present paper we study the scaling law of the reduced magnetic helicity in fast streams in the solar wind by using high-resolution magnetic field data by the Ulysses spacecraft. We show that at high frequencies both the left-hand and the right-hand helicity survives, implying that there is no predominance of a single sign. In addition, the scaling law of the magnetic helicity exhibits a strong dependence on the data set analyzed and we do not observe any universal behavior.  相似文献   

The occurrence of a nonlinear turbulent energy cascade in solar wind plasma has been recently established through the observation of an exact law from spacecraft measurements. The main results obtained in the fast, polar wind measured by Ulysses spacecraft are reviewed here. In particular, the turbulent cascade is seen as the mean to provide the energy necessary for the local heating in the non-adiabatic expansion of the solar wind. The importance of the density fluctuations in enhancing the turbulent energy transport is also evidenced. The ecliptic wind data measured by Ulysses are studied here in the same framework. This has been done by separating fast and slow streams, in order to avoid mixing of different physical conditions. The results further support the need for separate analysis of the two types of wind.  相似文献   

The ACB search-coil magnetometer for Cross-Scale will measure three components of the AC magnetic field up to 4 kHz, and one component up to 100 kHz. Turbulent and coherent magnetic field fluctuations in that frequency range play an important role in the acceleration, scattering, and thermalisation of particles. ACB will, together with the other instruments of the Cross-Scale wave consortium, allow to address the key science objectives associated with plasma waves. Here, we list some of the important issues, based on the experience drawn from Cluster, and describe the instrument.  相似文献   

从理论上得到一组在考虑非静态极限下描述空间飞行器远尾区内等离子体与场之间的非稳态非线性相互作用耦合方程,并对其进行数值解,通过来用数值模拟计算方法,表明由于高频包络场的调制不稳定性,会产生密度空腔和电磁孤波,这对探测隐身飞行器有很重要的意义.  相似文献   

Effect of turbulence on interplanetary shock waves propagation is considered. It is shown that background turbulence results in the additional shock wave deceleration which may be comparable with the deceleration due to plasma sweeping. The turbulent deceleration is connected with the energy losses due to the strong turbulence amplification behind the moving shock front.  相似文献   

该文讨论了太阳大气等离子体中电流的成因和对各种爆发活动的作用和影响,对目前的研究现状和存在的问题进行了分析讨论,指出虽然磁场是太阳物理观测和研究的关键要素,但是电流也是理解能量的传输与耗散、不稳定性的驱动和激发、等离子体的加热和粒子加速等太阳物理过程的重要概念.该文还提出了一个定性的改进电路模型,认为电流主要产生于太阳内部的发电机过程,同时电路在日冕部分的环形磁场位型也将产生部分新经典电流,通过磁通量管流入太阳大气,并在日冕区域通过磁场重联等过程释放能量.对该模型尚待解决的问题也进行了简单讨论.  相似文献   

According to a widespread point of view, intensive electrostatic structures in the E‐region of the auroral ionosphere can be a consequence of the excitation of the modified two‐stream or Farley‐Buneman (FB) plasma turbulence. But in spite of the successes of the theoretical and experimental research of the auroral radar scattering, it is impossible to explain the existence of auroral echoes with large aspect angles (> 2 deg.), the wave propagation perpendicular to the electron drift velocity and wave scales less than 1 m. In this paper the coherent nonlinear interactions of three and four electrostatic FB‐waves are considered analytically and numerically. The evolution of the nonlinear waves is described by a system of magnetohydrodynamic equations. 1) It is shown that the interaction of three and four coherent waves is the main physical mechanism which leads to the saturation of the FB‐instability. 2) If no dissipative and dispersive effects occur, an explosive instability may be excited. 3) The main result of the interaction of coherent waves is the generation of nonlinear waves and nonlinear structures when the waves are damped linearly and propagate perpendicular to the electron drift velocity. This region corresponds to large aspect angles of the small‐scale waves. 4) Further, the wave interaction causes a nonlinear stabilization of the growth of the high‐frequency waves and a formation of local density structures of the charged particles. The results of the numerical models allow to analyse the possibility of scenarios of the two‐stream plasma instability in the collisional auroral E‐region.  相似文献   

Most of the visible universe is in the highly ionised plasma state, and most of that plasma is collision-free. Three physical phenomena are responsible for nearly all of the processes that accelerate particles, transport material and energy, and mediate flows in systems as diverse as radio galaxy jets and supernovae explosions through to solar flares and planetary magnetospheres. These processes in turn result from the coupling amongst phenomena at macroscopic fluid scales, smaller ion scales, and down to electron scales. Cross-Scale, in concert with its sister mission SCOPE (to be provided by the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency—JAXA), is dedicated to quantifying that nonlinear, time-varying coupling via the simultaneous in-situ observations of space plasmas performed by a fleet of 12 spacecraft in near-Earth orbit. Cross-Scale has been selected for the Assessment Phase of Cosmic Vision by the European Space Agency.   相似文献   

The evolution of Alfvén turbulence due to three-wave interactions is discussed using kinetic theory for a collisionless, thermal plasma. In particular, we consider decay of Alfvén waves through three-wave coupling with an ion sound mode in the random-phase approximation. Two decay processes are of particular interest: an Alfvén wave decays into a backward propagating Alfvén wave and a forward propagating ion sound wave, and an Alfvén wave decays into a backward propagating fast magnetoacoustic wave and a forward ion sound wave. The former was widely discussed in the literature, particularly under the coherent wave assumption. The latter was not well explored and is discussed here.  相似文献   

Axisymmetric steady-state weakly ionized Hall–magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Keplerian thin discs are investigated by using asymptotic expansions in the small disc aspect ratio ε. The model incorporates the azimuthal and poloidal components of the magnetic fields in the leading order in ε. The disc structure is described by an appropriate Grad–Shafranov equation for the poloidal flux function ψ that involves two arbitrary functions of ψ for the toroidal and poloidal currents. The flux function is symmetric about the mid-plane and satisfies certain boundary conditions at the near-horizontal disc edges. The boundary conditions model the combined effect of the primordial as well as the dipole-like magnetic fields. An analytical solution for the Hall equilibrium is achieved by further expanding the relevant equations in an additional small parameter δ that is inversely proportional to the Hall parameter. It is thus found that the Hall equilibrium discs fall into two types: Keplerian discs with (i) small  ( R d∼δ0)  and (ii) large  ( R d≳δ− k , k > 0)  radius of the disc. The numerical examples that are presented demonstrate the richness and great variety of magnetic and density configurations that may be achieved under the Hall–MHD equilibrium.  相似文献   

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