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基于GIS的略阳县地质环境质量评价   总被引:7,自引:4,他引:7  
基于地理信息系统(GIS)和多级模糊模式识别模型,建立了略阳县空间数据库和地质环境质量评价模型;综合考虑地形坡度、工程地质岩组、岩土体结构类型、地下水位、植被发育情况、月平均降雨量、人类工程活动强度等因素,用层次分析法确定各指标权值,应用评价模型对略阳县地质环境质量进行了综合评价,把略阳县地质环境划分为优、良、中、差4个质量级别。  相似文献   

该文在充分收集以往资料的基础上,结合潍坊城市地质调查项目获得的原始数据,进行了工程建设适宜性、区域地壳稳定性、地下水质量、地下水富水性等单地质环境要素评价,采用层次分析法和综合指数法,对潍坊市城市地质环境质量进行了综合评价研究。潍坊市城市地质环境质量分为好区、较好区、较差区和差区等4个等级,好区面积350.39km~2,主要分布于城区北部一带;较好区面积562.68km~2,主要分布于质量好区外围;较差区面积1 004.70km~2,主要分布于央子街办外围及峡山水库一带;差区面积687.23km~2,主要分布于北部沿海区域及萧家营、老坊子区一带。  相似文献   

依据环境污染与评价属于模糊概念这一客观实际,探讨了确定污染指标权重的新方法,并尝试运用模糊模式识别理论与模型对某水源地供水井群的水质动态进行综合评价,得到了比较满意的结果。  相似文献   

该文在东营市海洋地质调查获得大量数据的基础上,开展近海海域地质环境质量综合评价,反映近海海域地质环境质量现状和变化趋势,为海洋经济的可持续发展和海洋生态环境保护提供依据。选取海岸侵蚀与淤积、活动断裂与地震、灾害地貌与滑坡、浅层气、底辟、埋藏古河道(古湖泊)、表层沉积物质量、海水质量、软土、砂土液化10项指标,采用层次分析法和综合指数法,对东营市近海海域地质环境质量进行了评价。结果表明:研究区大部分区域地质环境质量为优等和良好级别,面积8875km~2,占总面积的86.58%;中等区主要分布在研究区的北部、东南部和东营港近岸区,面积1200km~2,占总面积的11.71%;较差区主要分布在研究区的北部及黄河口外围海域,面积175km~2,占总面积的1.71%。  相似文献   

本文就应用模糊评价模型对我国18个主要湖泊的富营养化进行了评价,并与其它方法评价的结果进行了对比,说明了用该模型评价的优越性。  相似文献   

模糊层次综合法在区域雷电灾害风险评估中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
针对雷电灾害事故发生的随机性、复杂性和不确定性等特点,以及在雷电风险评估过程中存在的主观性,通过层次分析法确定风险因素权重,并运用模糊综合评估法,建立一种区域雷电风险的模糊综合评估模型。以某国际会展中心为例的评估结果表明,方法在区域雷电灾害风险评估分析中具有较好的针对性、准确性和实用性。  相似文献   

本文在探讨斜坡破坏危险性分区中,试用模糊模型判识方法,依斜坡演变趋势与影响因素间的关联性,进行模糊聚类和相容度的分析,从而对斜坡破坏危险性做以分级分区研究并对斜坡的环境质量做以评价。  相似文献   

地理数据的信息共享具有重要性、基础性与公益性等特征.本文针对现有地理数据共享效应的评价研究较为薄弱的现状,提出一种面向用户的地理数据共享评价策略.该方法设计了影响共享评价的指标因子,以共享范围、共享质量、社会效益、经济效益、数据安全性,以及共享服务作为一级因子,并在一级因子下建立二级因子.鉴此,分别采用层次分析法、专家...  相似文献   

环境工程地质质量综合评价是一个复杂的系统工程。影响质量评价的因素众多而又十分复杂,且各因素的影响程度也不相同,质量优劣的分级界线亦是模糊的。本文仅就采用多级模糊综合评判的方法,考虑多个因素的综合作用,对环境工程地质质量进行评价的基本思想途径与步骤方法,作一初步论述。此方法清晰、易用,能使更多影响质量评价的因素真实参与评判。这是一条环境工程地质质量评价由定性走向定量的有效途径,值得探索。  相似文献   

采用多级模糊综合评判法对剩余油潜力定量评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在高含水期碎屑岩储层剩余油形成条件、分布规律及控制因素分析的基础上,选取剩余油饱和度、储量丰度、砂体类型、砂体位置、所处位置、连通状况、微构造形态、注水距离、射开完善程度、注采完善程度、渗透率变异系数等11项静态和生产动态指标组成剩余油潜力评价因素集,并对各因素进行层次划分及权系数统计分析,采用多级模糊综合评判方法,以M油田为例对复杂非均质油藏剩余油潜力进行定量评价,将A、B主力层各井组划分为Ⅰ~Ⅲ类潜力区,从而建立剩余油潜力分析量化模型,实现剩余油定性分析结果的定量化描述.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of the marine economy industry, human exploitation of marine resources is increasing, which is contributing to the growing trend of eutrophication and frequent occurrence of red tide. Accordingly, investigations of seawater quality have attracted a great deal of attention. This study was conducted to construct a seawater environmental quality assessment model based on the variable fuzzy recognition model. The uncertainty and ambiguity of the seawater quality assessment were then considered, combining the monitoring values of evaluation indicators with the standard values of seawater quality. Laizhou Bay was subsequently selected for a case study. In this study, the correct variable model for different parameters was obtained according to the linear and nonlinear features of evaluation objects. Application of the variable fuzzy recognition model for Laizhou Bay, water quality evaluation and comparison with performance obtained using other approaches revealed that the generated model is more reliable than traditional methods, can more reasonably determine the water quality of various samples, and is more suitable for evaluation of a multi-index, multi-level, nonlinear marine environment system; accordingly, the generated model will be an effective tool for seawater quality evaluation.  相似文献   

Water quality assessment of lakes is important to determine functional zones of water use. Considering the fuzziness during the partitioning process for lake water quality in an arid area, a multiplex model of fuzzy clustering with pattern recognition was developed by integrating transitive closure method, ISODATA algorithm in fuzzy clustering and fuzzy pattern recognition. The model was applied to partition the Ulansuhai Lake, a typical shallow lake in arid climate zone in the west part of Inner Mongolia, China and grade the condition of water quality divisions. The results showed that the partition well matched the real conditions of the lake, and the method has been proved accurate in the application.  相似文献   

飞机积冰防御系统及其模糊综合评判   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于系统安全分层次模型(Reason模型),设计出减少积冰对飞行安全影响的积冰防御分层次系统,利用层次分析法(AHP法)确定测评指标权重集,并采用模糊综合评判法建立了积冰防御系统综合评估模型,旨在避免人为因素的主观片面性.计算结果表明,系统综合评判等级为较好.  相似文献   

An indicator system closely connected with eco-environment, in which indicator involves in such fields as society, economy, resources, environment and ecology, is first proposed for eco-environmental quality assessment. Then, a hierarchical model with four levels is established by virtue of these indicators and attributes. In the model, weights of indicators and attributes are determined by combining Delphi method with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a statistic method is used to eliminate the influences arising from the differences in dimension and magnitude of indicators. On these grounds, an AHP-statistics model is provided for regional eco-environmental quality assessment. As a case, such AHP-statistics model is utilized in the dynamic analysis of regional eco-environmental assessment in Chaohu Lake basin. Study results show that natural environmental quality in the watershed was in the declining state while social environmental quality was in a markedly improved situation from 1996, and the synthetic eco-environmental quality was gradually and slowly improved under the common influences of both natural and social environmental factors. Example of application testified the capacities of above methodology to evaluate the real and dynamic state of regional eco-environmental quality.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTIONAs the basis of the human existence and sustainable de-velopment, the ecological security has become a prob-lem increasingly inviting the attention of the whole so-cietyand the government. Ecological security pre-warn-ing is a kind of early i…  相似文献   

1IntroductionOpti mal selection of schemes of water transportationprojects is a process of choosing a relatively opti malscheme froma number of schemes of water transporta-tion programming and management projects,on thebasis of the principle such that bot…  相似文献   

区域人类活动强度定量模型的建立与应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
区域人类活动是生态系统演变发展的重要驱动因子,定量评价区域人类活动强度是分析区域人类活动对生态系统影响的基础。本文提出了一套将区域人类活动强度定量化的方法:首先,通过选取人口密度、经济密度、人均国民生产总值、农业产值和普通中学在校中学生数等17个代表性指标,构建了在社会、经济和文化三方面反映区域人类活动强度的评价指标体系;然后,采用层次分析法获取各指标的权重;最后,利用加权法将各指标综合获取区域人类活动定量化指数。将本方法应用于中国武川县、蒙古达尔汗乌拉省和俄罗斯扎卡缅斯克地区,并验证了其有效性。经计算,2000年前述三地的区域人类活动指数,依次为0.78,0.54,0.16,即,自南向北区域人类活动强度逐渐降低;武川县20世纪80年代中期、1995年及2000年的区域人类活动指数,分别为0.37,0.50,0.78,即,区域人类活动强度随时间逐渐增加。通过对三个研究区的自然环境和区域人类活动的梯度分析,以及武川县区域人类活动的发展过程分析表明,该方法可有效地定量评价区域人类活动强度,为区域人类活动强度定量化相关研究提供技术支持。  相似文献   

1 Introduction Eco-environmental quality assessment is an activity that is affected by man-made factors. As other environmental systems, regional eco-environment is also a complicated and uncertain system (Wu et al., 2005). Owing to these reasons, people may produce a style of subjective un- certainty in mind in evaluating such system (Liu et al. 1999a; Wu et al., 2004). According to unascertained mathematics (Liu et al., 1997; Liu et al., 1999b), we know that this kind of subjective uncerta…  相似文献   

To the potential oil-spill risk caused by offshore pipeline more attention has been paid after the Dalian oil spill incident from oil-pipeline explosion. Since then an issue about how to prevent and control the sudden oil-spill from the offshore pipeline has been raised. In this paper, we proposed an optimized model to analyze the main causes (probability) of spill and the consequence with the fuzzy comprehensive assessment model. Considering the complicated assessment process for oil-spill, the assessment factor system involving the spill probability and consequence was established based on the operative manual and statistic leakage/damage data of offshore pipeline in order to estimate the integrated spill risk score automatically. The evaluated factors of spill probability could be grouped into five aspects:corrosion, fatigue, national damage, third party, and operational fault;the consequence evaluated factors of spill included hazard of oil and impact-controlling capability. With some modifications based on experts’ opinions, each of the evaluated factors in our work was developed with a relative weight and evaluation criterion. A test example for an offshore pipe-line in the Bohai waters was described to show how the model can be used for an actual case in more detail. By using the oil-spill risk assessment model, it is easy to determine the risk level associated with the ongoing activity and management level and hence to take the risk mitigation action immediately.  相似文献   

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