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The Merensky Reef of the Bushveld Complex is one of the world'slargest resources of platinum group elements (PGE); however,mechanisms for its formation remain poorly understood, and manycontradictory theories have been proposed. We present precisecompositional data [major elements, trace elements, and platinumgroup elements (PGE)] for 370 samples from four borehole coresections of the Merensky Reef in one area of the western BushveldComplex. Trace element patterns (incompatible elements and rareearth elements) exhibit systematic variations, including small-scalecyclic changes indicative of the presence of cumulus crystalsand intercumulus liquid derived from different magmas. Ratiosof highly incompatible elements for the different sections areintermediate to those of the proposed parental magmas (CriticalZone and Main Zone types) that gave rise to the Bushveld Complex.Mingling, but not complete mixing of different magmas is suggestedto have occurred during the formation of the Merensky Reef.The trace element patterns are indicative of transient associationsbetween distinct magma layers. The porosity of the cumulatesis shown to affect significantly the distribution of sulphidesand PGE. A genetic link is made between the thickness of theMerensky pyroxenite, the total PGE and sulphide content, petrologicaland textural features, and the trace element signatures in thesections studied. The rare earth elements reveal the importantrole of plagioclase in the formation of the Merensky pyroxenite,and the distribution of sulphide. KEY WORDS: Merensky Reef; platinum group elements; trace elements  相似文献   

We report the first Nd isotopic data on the cumulate rocks of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa. We analysed 17 whole-rock samples covering 4700 m of stratigraphy through the Lower, Critical and Main Zones of the intrusion at Union Section, north-western Bushveld Complex. The basal ultramafic portions of the complex have markedly higher ɛNd(T) (−5.3 to −6.0) than the gabbronoritic Main Zone (ɛNd(T) −6.4 to −7.9). The rocks of the Upper Critical Zone have intermediate values. These results are in agreement with new Nd isotope data on marginal rocks and sills in the floor of the complex that are generally interpreted as representing chilled parental magmas, and with published Sr isotopic data, all of which show a larger crustal component in the upper part of the intrusion. In contrast, the concentrations of many highly incompatible trace elements are decoupled from the isotopic signatures. The basal portions of the complex have higher ratios of incompatible to compatible trace elements than the upper portions. The variations of isotopic and trace-element compositions are interpreted in terms of a change in the nature of the crustal material that contaminated Bushveld magmas. Those magmas that fed into the lower part of the complex had assimilated a relatively small amount of incompatible trace-element-rich partial melt of upper crust, whereas magmas parental to the upper part of the complex had assimilated a higher proportion of the incompatible trace-element-poor residue of partial melting. Received: 5 October 1999 / Accepted: 7 July 2000  相似文献   

Diamond drill core traverses across the Platreef were carried out at Tweefontein, Sandsloot, and Overysel in order to establish the relationship between crustal contamination and platinum group element (PGE) mineralization. The footwall rocks are significantly different at each of these sites and consist of banded iron formation and sulfidic shales at Tweefontein, of carbonates at Sandsloot, and of granites and granite gneisses at Overysel. As demonstrated in this study, Platreef rocks are characterized by two stages of crustal contamination. The first contamination event occurred prior to emplacement of the magma and is present in Platreef rocks at all three sites, as well as in the Merensky Reef. This event is readily identified on trace element spidergrams and trace element ratio scattergrams. The second contamination event was induced by interaction of the Platreef magma with the local footwall rocks. It is most easily identified at Tweefontein, where there is a large increase in the FeO content of the Platreef rocks, and at Sandsloot, where there is a large increase in their CaO and MgO contents, relative to Bushveld rocks that are uncontaminated by the local footwall rocks. At Overysel, the second contamination event did not result in pronounced changes in the major element composition of the Platreef rocks, but can be detected in their trace element chemistry. A strong inverse relationship between PGE tenors and S/Se ratios is interpreted to suggest that the PGE-rich sulfides were formed prior to emplacement of the Platreef magmas through assimilation of crustal S and became progressively enriched in the PGE during transport. Rather than promoting S-saturation, interaction of the Platreef magma with the footwall rocks diluted the metal tenors of the sulfides. Although both the Platreef and the Merensky Reef magmas were contaminated by the same crustal contaminant and were probably PGE-rich, they have radically different Pd/Pt ratios. Their Pd/Pt ratios suggest that whereas the Merensky Reef magma became PGE-rich due to dissolution of PGE-rich sulfides segregated from a pre-Merensky magma that had undergone relatively little fractionation prior to reaching S-saturation, the pre-Platreef magma had undergone greater fractionation prior to the sulfide saturation event, thereby increasing its Pd/Pt ratio. We suggest that the magmas that formed the Platreef and Merensky Reef may have simply been carrier magmas for sulfides that had formed elsewhere in the plumbing system of the Bushveld Complex by the interaction of earlier generations of magmas with the crustal rocks that underlie the Complex.  相似文献   

The Rietfontein platinum group element (PGE)–Cu–Ni sulfide deposit of the Eastern Limb of the Bushveld Complex hosts disseminated contact-style mineralization that is similar to other economic magmatic sulfide deposits in marginal settings within the complex. The mineralization at Rietfontein consists of disseminated PGE-bearing base metal sulfides that are preferentially located at the contact between a distinct package of marginal norites overlain by a thick heterogeneous unit dominated by gabbronorites with lesser norites and ultramafic rocks. Down-hole composite data and metal scatterplots indicate that the PGE correlate well with Ni, Cu and S and that only minor metal remobilization has taken place within the basal norite sequence. Plots of (Nb/Th)PM vs. (Th/Yb)PM indicate that the melts that formed the Rietfontein intrusive sequence were strongly crustally contaminated prior to emplacement at Rietfontein, whereas inverse relationships between PGE tenors and S/Se ratios indicate that these magmas assimilated crustal S, causing S-saturation and the formation of immiscible sulfides under high R-factor conditions that generated high PGE tenor sulfides. Reverse zoning of cumulus minerals at Rietfontein suggests that fresh primitive melts were introduced to a partially fractionated staging chamber. The introduction of new magmas into the chamber caused overpressure and the forced evacuation of the contents of the chamber, leading to the emplacement of the existing magmas within the staging chamber at Rietfontein in two separate pulses. The first pulse of magma contained late-formed cumulus phases, including low Mg# orthopyroxene and plagioclase, was emplaced between footwall unreactive and S-poor Pretoria Group quartzites and a hangingwall sequence of Rooiberg Group felsites, and was rapidly chilled to form the basal norite sequence at Rietfontein. The second pulse of magma contained early formed cumulus phases, including olivine, chromite, and high Mg# orthopyroxene, and was emplaced above the chilled norite sequence as a crystal mush to form gabbronorites and ultramafic rocks. This second pulse of magma also contained PGE-bearing base metal sulfides that accumulated at the contact between this second batch of magma and the already chilled basal norite sequence. The formation of Platreef-type mineralization outside of the Northern Limb of the Bushveld Complex confirms there are a number of areas within the Bushveld Complex that are prospective for this style of mineralization.  相似文献   

The Late Archaean-Early Proterozoic Transvaal Sequence is preserved within the Transvaal, Kanye and Griqualand West basins, with the 2050 Ma Bushveld Complex intrusive into the upper portion of the succession within the Transvaal basin. Both Transvaal and Bushveld rocks are extensively mineralized, the former containing large deposits of iron, manganese, asbestos, andalusite, gold, fluorine, lead, zinc and tin ores, and the latter some of the World's major occurrences of PGE, chromium and vanadium ores. Transvaal sedimentation began with thin, predominantly clastic sedimentary rocks (Black Reef-Vryburg Formations) which grade up into a thick package of carbonate rocks and BIF (Chuniespoort-Ghaap-Taupone Groups). These lithologies reflect a carbonate-BIF platform sequence which covered much of the Kaapvaal craton, in reaction to thermal subsidence above Ventersdorp-aged rift-related fault systems. An erosional hiatus was followed by deposition of the clastic sedimentary rocks and volcanics of the Pretoria-Postmasburg-Segwagwa Groups within the three basins, under largely closed-basin conditions. An uppermost predominantly volcanic succession (Rooiberg Group-Loskop Formation) is restricted to the Transvaal basin. A common continental rift setting is thought to have controlled Pretoria Group sedimentation, Rooiberg volcanism and the intrusion of the mafic rocks of the Rustenburg Layered Suite of the Bushveld Complex. The dipping sheets of the Rustenburg magmas cut across the upper Pretoria Group stratigraphy and lifted up the Rooiberg lithologies to form the roof to the complex. Subsequent granitic rocks of the Lebowa and Rashoop Suites of the Bushveld Complex intruded both upper Rustenburg rocks and the Rooiberg felsites.  相似文献   

The northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex is currently a highly active area for platinum-group element (PGE) exploration. This lobe hosts the Platreef, a 10–300-m thick package of PGE-rich pyroxenites and gabbros, that crops out along the base of the lobe to the north of Mokopane (formerly Potgietersrus) and is amenable to large-scale open pit mining along some portions of its strike. An early account of the geology of the deposit was produced by Percy Wagner where he suggested that the Platreef was an equivalent PGE-rich layer to the Merensky Reef that had already been traced throughout the eastern and western lobes of the Bushveld Complex. Wagner’s opinion remains widely held and is central to current orthodoxy on the stratigraphy of the northern lobe. This correlates the Platreef and an associated cumulate sequence that includes a chromitite layer—known as the Grasvally norite-pyroxenite-anorthosite (GNPA) member—directly with the sequence between the UG2 chromitite and the Merensky Reef as it is developed in the Upper Critical Zone of the eastern and western Bushveld. Implicit in this view of the magmatic stratigraphy is that similar Critical Zone magma was present in all three lobes prior to the development of the Merensky Reef and the Platreef. However, when this assumed correlation is examined in detail, it is obvious that there are significant differences in lithologies, mineral textures and chemistries (Mg# of orthopyroxene and olivine) and the geochemistry of both rare earth elements (REE) and PGE between the two sequences. This suggests that the prevailing interpretation of the stratigraphy of the northern lobe is not correct. The “Critical Zone” of the northern lobe cannot be correlated with the Critical Zone in the rest of the complex and the simplest explanation is that the GNPA-Platreef sequence formed from a separate magma, or mixture of magmas. Chilled margins of the GNPA member match the estimated initial composition of tholeiitic (Main Zone-type) magma rather than a Critical Zone magma composition. Where the GNPA member is developed over the ultramafic Lower Zone, hybrid rocks preserve evidence for mixing between new tholeiitic magma and existing ultramafic liquid. This style of interaction and the resulting rock sequences are unique to the northern lobe. The GNPA member contains at least seven sulphide-rich horizons with elevated PGE concentrations. Some of these are hosted by pyroxenites with similar mineralogy, crystallisation sequences and Pd-rich PGE signatures to the Platreef. Chill zones are preserved in the lowest Main Zone rocks above the GNPA member and the Platreef and this suggests that both units were terminated by a new influx of Main Zone magma. This opens the possibility that the Platreef and GNPA member merge laterally into one another and that both formed in a series of mixing/quenching events involving tholeiitic and ultramafic magmas, prior to the main influx of tholeiitic magma that formed the Main Zone.  相似文献   

The platinum group elements(PGE)in the mafic-ultramafic suite in the Xinjie layered intrusion and associated basalts and syenites were analyzed using neutron activation techniques after fire-assay preconcentration.On this basis,the geochemistry of the platinum group during the magmatic stage is discussed.With respect to PGE distribution,the Xijie layered intrusion is similar to the Bushveld ferruginous ultramafic series and is distinct from komatiite and Alpine-type peridotite.It is also similar to the Emeishan basalt in PGE characteristics,implying that the original magmas of them may be of the same type.  相似文献   

Magmatic PGE and Ni–Cu deposits form in contrasting geologic environments and periods. PGE deposits predominantly occur in large layered intrusions emplaced during the late Archean and early Proterozoic into stabilized, relatively S-poor cratonic lithosphere that provides enhanced preservation potential. The magmas ascend through intracratonic sutures where extension and rifting is limited. Crystallization under conditions of low regional stress, with limited magma-induced sagging due to underlying thick buoyant sub-continental mantle lithosphere, is consistent with their laterally continuous layering. Most of the global resources occur in three large intrusions: Bushveld, Great Dyke and Stillwater. Due to the large size (tens of kilometres) and limited complexity of the deposits, they are relatively easy to locate and delineate. As a result, the search space is relatively mature and few new discoveries have been made in the last few decades. The parental magmas to the intrusions are predominantly derived from the convecting mantle but, in addition, the involvement of the sub-continental lithospheric mantle is suggested by the relative Pt enrichment of most of the major deposits. In contrast to the PGE deposits, Ni–Cu deposits form throughout geologic time, but with the largest deposits being younger than ca. 2 Ga. The sulfide ores are concentrated under highly dynamic conditions within lava channels and magma conduits. The deposits are preferentially located near craton margins towards which mantle plumes have been channelled and where mantle magmas can readily ascend through abundant trans-lithospheric structures. Magma flow is focused and locally enhanced by shifting compressive–extensional tectonic regimes, and abundant S-rich crustal rocks provide an external S source that is required for the majority of deposits. The igneous bodies hosting the deposits tend to be irregular and small, tens to hundreds of metres in width and height, and are difficult to locate. As a result, the search space remains relatively immature. Understanding their tectonic setting helps reduce the prospective search space for world-class examples.  相似文献   

PGE mineralization has been identified in various rock types and at various stratigraphic levels in layered intrusions of any age, size and magmatic lineage, but the most important deposits occur as relatively narrow stratiform reefs in the lower to central ultramafic–mafic portions of large tholeiitic intrusions of late Archean to early Proterozoic age. One of the main challenges in exploration is that the reefs tend to be sulfide-poor. In many chromitites, magnetitites and silicate-hosted ores, the rocks contain no visible sulfides, possibly due to (late) magmatic sulfide resorption. As a result, some deposits may have been overlooked, particularly those in the upper portions of the intrusions that were in the past considered to be relatively unprospective. Amongst lithogeochemical tools, Cu/Pd ratios have proven to be particularly useful to evaluate the PGE potential of intrusions and to delineate the position of the reefs within the intrusions.The origin of the PGE mineralization remains controversial. A possible explanation for the low sulfide contents of many PGE-rich intrusions is that most of their parental magmas were strongly undersaturated in sulfur and at least partially derived from the S-poor and PGE-enriched sub-continental lithospheric mantle. Sulfide saturation upon emplacement in the crust may have been reached during differentiation. Empirical evidence supports theoretical considerations that chromite and magnetite precipitation may be particularly conducive to trigger sulfide melt saturation, due to a pronounced decrease in FeO content of the magma. The importance of magma mixing in triggering sulfide supersaturation remains unclear. The same applies to contamination; some intrusions show a distinct crustal component, but many others do not, and there is little if any correlation between sulfide content and crustal component. Together with the general paucity of sulfides in the intrusions this could suggest that contamination is not critical in reef formation and may indeed be a negative factor.Other processes may also be relevant to reef formation. Data from the well-studied Bushveld Complex suggest that the magmas had reached sulfide saturation prior to emplacement, and that sulfides were entrained in the magma during ascent and emplacement. Sulfide entrainment has previously been recognised as one of the key factors in the formation of massive Ni–Cu sulfide deposits, and it is suggested here that it is also relevant to the formation of PGE deposits.  相似文献   

The Merensky Reef and the underlying Upper Group 2 chromitite layer, in the Critical Zone of the Bushveld Complex, host much of the world’s platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization. The genesis is still debated. A number of features of the Merensky Reef are not consistent with the hypotheses involving mixing of magmas. Uniform mixing between two magmas over an area of 150 by 300 km and a thickness of 3–30 km seems implausible. The Merensky Reef occurs at the interval where Main Zone magma is added, but the relative proportions of the PGE in the Merensky Reef are comparable to those of the Critical Zone magma. Mineral and isotopic evidence in certain profiles through the Merensky Unit suggest either mixing of minerals, not magmas, and in one case, the lack of any chemical evidence for the presence of the second magma. The absence of cumulus sulphides immediately above the Merensky Reef is not predicted by this model. An alternative model is proposed here that depends upon pressure changes, not chemical processes, to produce the mineralization in chromite-rich and sulphide-rich reefs. Magma was added at these levels, but did not mix. This addition caused a temporary increase in the pressure in the extant Critical Zone magma. Immiscible sulphide liquid and/or chromite formed. Sinking sulphide liquid and/or chromite scavenged PGE (as clusters, nanoparticles or platinum-group minerals) from the magma and accumulated at the floor. Rupturing of the roof resulted in a pressure decrease and a return to sulphur-undersaturation of the magma.  相似文献   

In the present study, we document the nature of contact-style platinum-group element (PGE) mineralization along >100 km of strike in the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex. New data from the farm Rooipoort are compared to existing data from the farms Townlands, Drenthe, and Nonnenwerth. The data indicate that the nature of the contact-style mineralization shows considerable variation along strike. In the southernmost portion of the northern Bushveld, on Rooipoort and adjoining farms, the mineralized sequence reaches a thickness of 700 m. Varied-textured gabbronorites are the most common rock type. Anorthosites and pyroxenites are less common. Chromitite stringers and xenoliths of calcsilicate and shale are largely confined to the lower part of the sequence. Layering is locally prominent and shows considerable lateral continuity. Disseminated sulfides may reach ca. 3 modal % and tend to be concentrated in chromitites and melanorites. Geochemistry indicates that the rocks can be correlated with the Upper Critical Zone. This model is supported by the fact that, in a down-dip direction, the mineralized rocks transform into the UG2-Merensky Reef interval. Between Townlands and Drenthe, the contact-mineralized sequence is thinner (up to ca. 400 m) than in the South. Chromitite stringers occur only sporadically, but ultramafic rocks (pyroxenites, serpentinites, and peridotites) are common. Xenoliths of calcsilicate, shale, and iron formation are abundant indicating significant assimilation of the floor rocks. Sulfides may locally form decimeter- to meter-sized massive lenses. PGE grades tend to be higher than elsewhere in the northern Bushveld. The compositions of the rocks show both Upper Critical Zone and Main Zone characteristics. At Nonnenwerth, the mineralized interval is up to ca. 400 m thick. It consists largely of varied-textured gabbronorites, with minor amounts of igneous ultramafic rocks and locally abundant and large xenoliths of calcsilicate. Layering is mostly weakly defined and discontinuous. Disseminated sulfides (<ca. 3 modal %) occur throughout much of the sequence. Geochemistry indicates that the rocks crystallized mainly from tholeiitic magma and thus have a Main Zone signature. The implication of our findings is that contact-style PGE mineralization in the northern lobe of the Bushveld Complex cannot be correlated with specific stratigraphic units or magma types, but that it formed in response to several different processes. At all localities, the magmas were contaminated with the floor rocks. Contamination with shale led to the addition of external sulfur to the magma, whereas contamination with dolomite may have oxidized the magma and lowered its sulfur solubility. In addition to contamination, some of the magmas, notably those of Upper Critical Zone lineage present at the south-central localities, contained entrained sulfides, which precipitated during cooling and crystallization.  相似文献   

The PGE pattern and PGM was studied in the rocks of numerous small mafic-ultramafic intrusions of the Early Paleoproterozoic (2.46–2.35 Ga) drusite complex of the Belomorian mobile belt, eastern Baltic Shield, Russia. The chondrite-normalized PGE pattern in the studied rocks (gabbronorites, pyroxenites, and plagioclase lherzolites) is similar to that of the primitive mantle, regardless of the composition of these rocks. It was shown for the first time that different rock types of the drusite complex contain minerals of all six PGE, which makes these rocks principally different from the coeval large layered mafic-ultramafic intrusions with Pd-Pt mineralization at the adjacent Kola and Karelian cratons. This is presumably related to the generation conditions of the parental magmas of the siliceous high-magnesian series (SHMS) and to the practically complete absence of differentiation during the emplacement of the intrusions. Owing to this, the drusite intrusions retained the primary PGE distribution, which is presumably typical of the parental melts of SHMS and was only partially modified by allochemical metamorphism.  相似文献   

总结南非布什维尔德杂岩体中Merensky Reef(简称MR矿层)和Platreef(简称PR接触带)两类铂族元素矿床的矿床地质、矿化特征以及铂族元素的赋存状态。MR矿床是典型的层状铂族元素(PGE)矿床,在杂岩体东部和西部发育,PGE总含量稳定,赋存在堆晶间隙硫化物中,常以PGE硫化物的形式产出。PR接触带型矿化集中在杂岩体北段,整体上不连续,各个矿床的具体特征由于底盘岩性的多变而不同,PGE主要赋存在碲化物和砷化物等半金属化合物中,可以脱离硫化物产在硅酸盐矿物中。相关的实验研究显示,PGE在岩浆结晶过程中发生分异,Pd/Ir比值体现了硫化物的分异程度;Pd比Pt更容易被氧化以及在热液中迁移,Pt/Pd比值体现了混染和热液的作用,这些因素造成了PR接触带与MR矿层中PGE赋存状态的差异。岩浆可能在侵入之前已经达到了硫饱和,岩浆房的压力变化和岩浆通道对于PGE的富集有重要意义,热液流体可以对已经形成的PGE矿化进行改造。  相似文献   

Numerous tholeiitic mafic-ultramafic intrusions occurring in the Avalon and the Gander terranes of the Appalachian Orogen host magmatic Ni-Cu sulfide accumulations. The sulfide occurrences of the Gander terrane are depleted in the platinum-group elements (PGE). Total PGE abundances in these intrusions do not exceed several hundreds of ppb. The Mechanic intrusion occurring in the Avalon terrane, on the other hand, has PGE concentrations as high as 2400 ppb. Low PGE levels in the Gander terrane can be explained by equilibration of the immiscible sulfide melt with a low proportion of silicate magma. One possible explanation would be that the parental magmas for these intrusions were sulfur saturated before leaving their source region. An early sulfide fractionation during migration to the upper crustal levels, or immediately after entering the magma chamber is another possibility. Differences in the PGE geochemistry of the two groups can be explained by the different source region characteristics and different environments in which the magmas evolved.  相似文献   

Experimental studies, mainly under 3 kbars pressure, have been undertaken on representative samples to determine if any of these compositions could be parental magma to the Bushveld Complex. One such composition, with 12.5% MgO, Mg/(Mg + Fe) of 0.72 and quartz-normative, crystallizes olivine, Fo88, as liquidus mineral, at about 1,300° C, followed at only slightly lower temperature by orthopyroxene at 3 kbars pressure. There is a temperature drop of over 100° C before the appearance of plagioclase and finally clinopyroxene. This crystallization sequence is in excellent agreement with the observed sequence in the lower part of the Bushveld Complex.Results at higher pressures show that this composition cannot be a partial melt from mantle peridotite because olivine is replaced by orthopyroxene as the liquidus mineral at lower crustal pressures. A combination of olivine fractionation and contamination was probably involved in the early evolution of this magma.Experimental data on the other compositions show that they are not suitable as parental magma to the lowest portion of the complex. However, the data are used to construct phase diagrams within the basalt tetrahedron at 3 kbars pressure, which are of relevance to the crystallization of basic magmas in the upper crust.Research undertaken at the Grant Institute of Geology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland  相似文献   

Base-metal sulfides in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE deposits are important carriers of platinum-group elements (PGE). The distribution and concentrations of PGE in pentlandite, pyrrhotite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite were determined in samples from the mineralized portion of four Merensky Reef intersections from the eastern and western Bushveld Complex. Electron microprobe analysis was used for major elements, and in situ laser ablation inductively-coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) for trace elements (PGE, Ag, and Au). Whole rock trace element analyses were performed on representative samples to obtain mineralogical balances. In Merensky Reef samples from the western Bushveld, both Pt and Pd are mainly concentrated in the upper chromitite stringer and its immediate vicinity. Samples from the eastern Bushveld reveal more complex distribution patterns. In situ LA-ICP-MS analyses of PGE in sulfides reveal that pentlandite carries distinctly elevated PGE contents, whereas pyrrhotite and chalcopyrite only contain very low PGE concentrations. Pentlandite is the principal host of Pd and Rh in the ores. Palladium and Rh concentrations in pentlandite reach up to 700 and 130 ppm, respectively, in the samples from the eastern Bushveld, and up to 1,750 ppm Pd and up to 1,000 ppm Rh in samples from the western Bushveld. Only traces of Pt are present in the base-metal sulfides (BMS). Pyrrhotite contains significant though generally low amounts of Ru, Os, and Ir, but hardly any Pd or Rh. Chalcopyrite contains most of the Ag but carries only extremely low PGE concentrations. Mass balance calculations performed on the Merensky Reef samples reveal that in general, pentlandite in the feldspathic pyroxenite and the pegmatoidal feldspathic pyroxenite hosts up to 100 % of the Pd and Rh and smaller amounts (10–40 %) of the Os, Ir, and Ru. Chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite usually contain less than 10 % of the whole rock PGE. The remaining PGE concentrations, and especially most of the Pt (up to 100 %), are present in the form of discrete platinum-group minerals such as cooperite/braggite, sperrylite, moncheite, and isoferroplatinum. Distribution patterns of whole rock Cu, Ni, and S versus whole rock Pd and Pt show commonly distinct offsets. The general sequence of “offset patterns” of PGE and BMS maxima, in the order from bottom to top, is Pd in pentlandite?→?Pd in whole rock?→?(Cu, Ni, and S). The relationship is not that straightforward in general; some of the reef sequences studied only partially show similar trends or are more complex. In general, however, the highest Pd concentrations in pentlandite appear to be related to the earliest, volumetrically rather small sulfide liquids at the base of the Merensky Reef sequence. A possible explanation for the offset patterns may be Rayleigh fractionation.  相似文献   

The northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, South Africa contains a number of occurrences of platinum-group element (PGE) mineralisation within Main Zone rocks, whereas the rest of the complex has PGE-depleted Main Zone units. On the farm Moorddrift, Cu–Ni–PGE sulphide mineralisation is hosted within the Upper Main Zone in a layered package of gabbronorites, mottled anorthosites and thin pyroxenites. Our observations indicate that a 10-m-thick, ‘reef-style’ package of mineralisation has been extensively ‘disturbed’, forming a mega breccia which in some localities may distribute mineralised rocks over intersections of over 300 m. The sulphides are made up of pyrrhotite, pentlandite and chalcopyrite, heavily altered around their margins and overprinted by secondary pyrite. Platinum-group mineral assemblages typical of primary magmatic deposits, with Pt and Pd tellurides and sperrylite, are present in the ‘reef-style’ package, whereas there is a decrease in tellurides and an increase in antimonides in the ‘disturbed’ package, interpreted to be related to hydrothermal recrystallization during veining and brecciation. Sulphur isotopes show that all sulphides within the mineralised package on Moorddrift have a crustal signature consistent with local country rock sediments of the Transvaal Supergroup. We interpret the mineralisation at Moorddrift as a primary sulphide reef, likely produced as a result of the mixing of crustally contaminated magmas in the Upper Main Zone, which has been locally disrupted post-crystallisation. At present, there are no firm links between Moorddrift and the other known PGE occurrences in the Main Zone at the Aurora and Waterberg projects, although the stratigraphic position of all may be similar and thus intriguing. Nonetheless, they do demonstrate that the Main Zone of the northern limb of the Bushveld Complex, unlike the eastern and western limbs, can be considered a fertile unit for potential PGE mineralisation.  相似文献   

The intracratonic, 2.06 Ga volcanic rocks of the Rooiberg Group of southern Africa consist of nine magma types, varying in composition from basalt to rhyolite. Basalts and andesites, intercalated with dacites and rhyolites, are found towards the base; rhyolite is the chief magma composition in the upper succession. The absence of compositions intermediate to the magma types and variations in major and trace element concentrations suggest that fractional crystallization was not prominent in controlling magma compositions. REE patterns are comparable for all magma types and concentrations increase for successively younger magmas; LREE show enriched patterns and HREE are flat. Elevated Sri-ratios and high concentrations of elements characteristically enriched in the crust suggest that the Rooiberg magmas were crustally contaminated or derived from crustal material. Some Rooiberg features are related to the intrusive events of the Bushveld complex.Petrogenesis of both the Rooiberg Group and the mafic intrusives of the Bushveld complex is linked to a mantle plume, melting at progressively higher crustal levels. The basal Rooiberg magmas have undergone a complex history of partial melting, magma mixing and crustal contamination. Crustal melts extruded as siliceous volcanic flows to form the Upper Rooiberg Group, simultaneously intruding at shallow levels as granophyres. Crustally contaminated plume magma synchronously intruded beneath the Rooiberg Group to produce the mafic rocks of the Rustenburg Layered Suite. Granite intrusions terminated the Bushveld event. The Bushveld plume was short-lived, which conforms, together with other features, with younger, voluminous plume environments.  相似文献   

布什维尔德杂岩体中铂族元素成矿作用具有多样性的特点,既有主岩体岩浆结晶分异形成的UG2和Merensky层,有晚期小岩体结晶分异产生的块状铜镍硫化物矿石中伴生的铂族元素矿床(如Nkomati),也有岩体侵入过程中产于接触带的热液成因硫化物-铂族元素矿床(如Potgietersrust),以及岩筒型矿床(如Mooihoek和Driekop)、剪切带热液型硫化物矿床(如TweefonteinHill)和石英脉型铂族元素矿床.这些矿床虽然产出部位不同(矿体可以分布在岩体内部也可以出现在接触带甚至远离岩体),矿石类型也不同(有的是铬铁矿型,有的是硫化物型,有的是硅酸盐型,甚至还有石英脉型),但铂族元素的富集都与布什维尔德基性超基性岩杂岩体密切有关,实际上构成一个完整的由布什维尔德地幔柱形成的矿床成矿系列。类似的矿床成矿系列在深受峨眉地幔柱影响的我国西南部地区也存在,这对于在我国寻找多种类型的铂族元素矿床无疑具有重要的启示意义.除了金宝山和杨柳坪等地的岩浆型铂矿外,近年来在杨柳坪、大岩子等地也先后发现了热液型铂族元素矿床.  相似文献   

We use the Hf isotope composition of zircon from the Bushveld Complex to better understand the source of its parent magmas. The data set, which consists of 141 individual LA-ICP-MS analyses from 11 samples encompassing the entire cumulate stratigraphy, shows that the parent magmas had a Hf isotope composition unlike that of the depleted mantle at 2.06 Ga. Specifically, sample average εHf(present) values range from ?55.3 to ?52.5 (εHf(2.06 Ga) = ?9.0 to ?6.8) and are surprisingly homogeneous. This homogeneity is difficult to reconcile with direct assimilation of crustal material by Bushveld parent magmas because it would require that each batch of magma had assimilated just the right amount of material to all acquire the same Hf isotopic composition. Also, calculations suggest that simple mixing of regional crust into a primitive, mantle-derived liquid cannot account for both the presumed Hf and major elemental concentrations and the 176Hf/177Hf ratio of the Bushveld magmas. Rather, the Hf data are consistent with generation of these magmas by partial melting in a sub-continental mantle lithospheric source with an unradiogenic Hf isotopic composition equal to that of the Bushveld parent magmas. Several possibilities for the development of such a source are explored using the new Hf isotope data.  相似文献   

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