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There is a broad correlation between the εNd values for rivers (including both the water and the particulate material it carries) and the age of the source terrain. This paper presents Nd isotope distribution data for soil, soil water, groundwater, and stream water samples gathered in a small catchment in northern Sweden. The results show that the release of Nd and Sm from boreal forests into streams and, eventually, into the oceans is more complicated than previously realized. The weathering of till causes changes in both the Nd isotopic composition and Sm/Nd ratios. Both the Sm/Nd ratio and εNd were higher in strongly weathered soils horizons than in less weathered till, since minerals with high Sm/Nd ratios were, on average, more resistant to weathering than those with low Sm/Nd ratios. In contrast to the situation for the main minerals and the major elements, the weathering of rare earth elements (REE) was not restricted to the E-horizon: the measured REE concentrations continued to increase with depth in the C-horizon. In addition, REE released by weathering in the upper parts of the soil profile were partly secondarily retained at deeper levels. Therefore, the dissolved Nd released by weathering in the upper soil horizons was trapped and did not enter the groundwater directly. Rather, the Nd in the groundwater largely originated from weathering within the groundwater zone. However, this was not the only source of Nd in the stream water. The Nd isotope composition and Sm/Nd ratio were determined by the mixing between of Nd and Sm in the groundwater and REE-carrying organic material washed out of the soil profile. The groundwater close to the stream reaches the upper soil horizons during high discharge events such as snowmelts, and organic matter carrying Nd and Sm is washed out of the soils and thus released into the stream. Therefore, the Nd exported from catchment is derived from both the weathering within the groundwater zone, and the organic matter washed out from the soil. If longer timescales with more advanced weathering stages in the groundwater zone are considered, it cannot be ruled out that there will be a shift towards more radiogenic values in the exported Nd. Recorded shifts in the Nd isotopic composition in the ocean may thus not only reflect changed source regions, but also the weathering history of the same source region.  相似文献   

煤燃烧过程中微量元素的迁移和富集   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
煤中微量元素在燃烧过程中产生迁移与富集。大部分元素在煤的燃烧产物中得以富集,一些挥发性强的元素将扩散到大气中。在飞灰中,大部分环境有害元素的富集程度与其粒度成反比,即在细粒飞灰中更加富集,由此对人体健康的潜在危害也更大。在我国,大型燃煤电厂的环境问题值得重视,同时大量的民用炉灶产生的环境污染更加严重,值得进一步研究与治理。  相似文献   

The study of soil weathering processes College of Resources and Environment, rates and the associated influencing factors is crucial for understanding of the feedbacks between soil and environment, which will provide a basis for predicting soil behavior and evolution trend in the ecosystem under natural and anthropogenic forcings. This is also important for the effective management of soil resources. This article reviewed the methods for measuring soil weathering rates (including simulating leaching experiment, model calculation, isotope technique, element depletion and geochemical mass balance) and the influencing factors (including climate, organism, parent material, relief, time and human activities). In view of the serious degradation of soil resources, we proposed the challenge and opportunity of the research of soil weathering. The future study should focus on the critical processes, rates and the associated environmental thresholds of soil weathering under varying natural conditions and intensive human perturbations, including the establishment of the quantitative relationship between the weathering rates calculated by different methods, the analysis and interpretation of synergistic effects among multiple influencing factors, and the modeling and prediction of changing tendency of weathering rates under the impacts of both climatic changes and human activities, in order to guide the sustainable management of soil resource and mitigation of global change.  相似文献   

辉碲铋矿单矿物的主次痕量元素分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
夏月莲  温宏利 《岩矿测试》1995,14(4):245-249
建立了一个单矿物分析流程,制备试样溶液后,采用ICP-AES法、AAS法、分光光度法、容量法和催化极谱法,完成了辉碲铋矿单矿物主、次和痕量元素Bi和Te在测定中的相互干扰情况;对主元素的测定方法进行了精密度试验,对于含Te36.30%的试样测定6次,其RSD为0.66%,对于含Bi58.45%的试样平行测定9次,其RSD为0.072%。为碲多金属矿床辉碲铋矿研究提供了块状、稠密浸染状和浸染状矿石中  相似文献   

在吉林东部花岗岩区地下水化学成分和化学类型研究的基础上,以Na作为参比元素,确定了花岗岩风化过程中22种主量元素和微量元素的相对活动顺序。花岗岩区地下水的地球化学类型属低矿化度(变化范围为69.51×10-6~386.49×10-6,平均值为199.48×10-6)的HCO3-Ca和HCO3-Na-Ca型。花岗岩风化过程中元素的活动性顺序(RM)从大到小依次为:B、Ca、Mo、Zn、Sr、Na、Mg、Cr、Cu、Ni、K、Co、Li、V、As、Ba、Si、Y、Fe、Ti、Al、Mn。风化产物中的粘土矿物主要为高岭土、蒙脱石,反映出本区花岗岩的风化淋滤程度较弱的特点。  相似文献   

红河盆地的化学风化作用:主要和微量元素地球化学记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流沉积物的元素含量有助于反映其流域的自然风化过程。红河是世界上重要的河流之一,但其沉积物的地球化学研究却几乎没有。本文通过开展红河盆地干流和主要支流40个样品的主要和微量元素地球化学分析,发现红河流域硅酸盐岩的化学风化作用为中等强度,与长江及亚马逊河的风化强度相近,而高于黄河,低于珠江;且化学风化作用受该区域的气候和构造作用控制。  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱法测定土壤中主、次、微量元素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过实验研究和分析借鉴前人成果,制定了土壤中40个主、次、微量成分粉末压片X射线荧光光谱分析方法,方法样品制备简单、消耗成本低、快速高效,绝大多数成分的检出限、精密度、准确度可满足多目标区域地球化学调查规范分析测试质量要求。  相似文献   

The rate of sandstone weathering in the semi-arid climate of the Hunter Valley, New South Wales, Australia has been estimated from observations of gravestone weathering in the area. The gravestone data points to two distinct stages in the weathering process. The first stage covering the first century of exposure is characterised by a relatively low recession rate of 0.5 mm/100 years. This is followed by a second stage in which the rate of weathering increases sharply to ca 2.5 mm/100 years. The non-linear nature of the weathering trends over time suggests that during the first century of exposure, structural changes took place within the sandstone material, which lay the foundation for accelerated weathering after further exposure. Laboratory trials were also conducted to identify the effectiveness of different weathering processes in the decay of sandstone in this region. Of the four processes examined, only the freeze–thaw cycle produced a significant degree of mass loss and is therefore most likely a strong contributor to the weathering of sandstone in this region.  相似文献   

水化学迁移率是反映污染质在水-土孔隙介质中迁移锋面速度的参数,参数值的大小与土壤介质性质、水流状态、污染物质的物理化学性质有关。利用淋滤土柱的动态平衡试验法,模拟自然降雨入渗条件下,石油类污染物在吉林油田区包气带土层中的迁移转化过程。试验结果表明,其水化学迁移过程可分为淋溶阶段、吸附阶段和平衡阶段;微生物分解作用比较弱;不同厚度土层的淋滤液浓度衰减曲线趋势极为相似。考虑室内实验与野外自然环境之间存在的尺度效应,合理确定了阻滞因子、水化学迁移率。  相似文献   

朱金荣  宫明岗 《岩矿测试》1995,14(3):180-184
建立了采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱测定锂辉矿中的主、次、痕元素的方法。样品经酸溶和碱熔处理后,直接进行了20种元素的测定。其检出限在0.5-14.6μg/g。样品测定的RSDn=11),其主量成分<0.5%,痕量成分<10%。标准加入回收率为87.2%-114.3%。  相似文献   

Once or twice weekly, water sampling was undertaken for a two and a half year period in the Kalix River, northern Sweden. Soil water, groundwater, water in tributaries and mire water were also sampled at several occasions. Samples were filtered and analysed for major dissolved elements and TOC. Although only 5 of the bedrock in the Kalix River drainage basin is situated in the Caledonian mountains (mostly schist, with some outcrops of dolomite and limestone), the chemical composition of the river, at the river mouth, is clearly influenced by water from the mountain areas. High dissolved Ca/Mg ratios in June and July indicate a large influence of water from the mountain areas during summer. The dissolved Si/Mg ratio increases when water from the woodland (bedrock consisting of Precambrian granitoids) predominates during snowmelt in May, but the ratio is low during summer when water from the mountains is increased. However, the low Si concentrations in the mountain areas are probably not primarily the result of the different rocks but more a reflection of the less intense weathering of silicate minerals in the mountains. High Si/Mg ratios are closely related to high TOC. All the major dissolved elements, except TOC, are diluted by snowmelt in May. However, the dilution varies for different elements. Based on the interpretations of major element ratios the melt water discharge in May reflects two major compartments in the woodland; peatland areas and the upper section of the soil. During summer and autumn storm events in the woodland most of the storm water originated from peatland. High K/Mg ratios in the river in May are related to water discharge from the upper section of the till. Low S/Mg ratios in the river indicate an influence of mire water from the woodland both during melt water discharge in May and during increased water discharge in autumn. The Ca/Mg ratios in tributaries in the woodland are consistently lower during melt water discharge compared with values in August. The lower Ca/Mg ratio in May probably reflects water that has been in contact with the B-horizon in the till during spring flood. Data show that the TOC discharged during spring flood originates from two major compartments in the landscape, the upper soil profile and peatland. Storm discharge of TOC during the rest of the year originates mostly from peatland.  相似文献   

采用低压聚乙烯镶边垫底的粉末样品压片制样,用ARL ADVANT’XP+型X射线荧光光谱仪对土壤和水系沉积物样品中C、N、Na2O、MgO、Al2O3、SiO2、P、S、Cl、K2O、CaO、Sc、Ti、V、Cr、Mn、Fe、Co、Ni、Cu、Zn、Ga、Nb、Zr、Y、Sr、Rb、Pb、Th、Ba、As、Br、Hf、La、Ce和Nd等36个组分进行测定。重点研究了C、N等元素的测定务件和痕量元素的背景选择和谱线重叠校正问题。使用经验系数法和康普敦散射作内标校正基体效应。经标准物质校验,结果与标准值吻合。方法的检出限、精密度和准确度能满足多目标地球化学调查样品的分析要求。用GBW 07404土壤国家标准物质进行测试,12次重复测定的精密度(RSD),除N和Cl〈11.0%,其余各组分均〈6.0%。  相似文献   

Sources and distribution of major and trace elements were investigated in the Plitvice Lakes, a pristine cascade hydrological system of sixteen karst lakes situated in a sparsely populated area of the central Croatia. Water and surface sediment samples from 17 locations, including springs, tributaries and lakes, were analyzed for the content of 22 elements by high-resolution inductively coupled mass spectrometry. Principal component analysis of the collected data set showed that different springs and tributaries displayed distinct multielemental compositions, reflecting primarily the differences in their corresponding geological backgrounds. It was shown that the springs situated in the Upper and Middle Jurassic dolomite bedrock represented the main source of several trace elements, including some toxic metals (Cd, Zn, Ni and Tl), to the Plitvice Lakes system. The concentrations of most of the trace elements (Mn, Fe, Al, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb, Co, Cr and Tl) showed decreasing spatial trends in the downstream direction, from sources to the lakes. Such a distribution was interpreted to be a consequence of an efficient removal of the dissolved elements in the lentic parts of the system, mainly by co-precipitation with authigenic calcite and Mn oxides. Nevertheless, most of the elements in the lake sediments were highly correlated with Al, which indicated their prevalent association with terrigenic material. It was shown that the multicascade system of the Plitvice Lakes had an enhanced autopurification efficiency regarding the elimination of most of the trace metals from the aqueous phase.  相似文献   

X射线荧光光谱法测定铝矿石中主次痕量组分   总被引:11,自引:9,他引:11  
采用熔融玻璃片和粉末压片法制样,选用国家标准样品和人工合成标准样品,用经验α系数和散射线内标法校正元素间谱线重叠干扰和基体效应,使用Magix(PW 2403)X射线光谱仪对样品中的Al2O3、SiO2、Fe2O3、TiO2、K2O、Na2O、CaO、MgO、P2O5、MnO、S、Pb、Zn、Sr、Zr、V、Ga和Cr等组分进行测定,分析结果与标准值或化学法相符,12次测定的相对标准偏差小于10%.  相似文献   

The colloidal distribution and size fractionation of organic carbon and trace elements were studied in a seasonally stratified, organic-rich boreal lake, Lake Maselga, located in the European subarctic zone (NW Russia, Arkhangelsk region). This study took place over the course of 5?years in winter (glacial) and summer periods and during the spring and autumn overturn. A newly developed in situ dialysis technique (1, 10, and 50?kDa) and traditional frontal filtration and ultrafiltration (20, 10, 5, 0.22, and 0.025???m) were used to assess element concentrations at different depths. No significant changes in element concentrations occurred during filtration through sub-colloidal pore-size membranes (20?C0.22???m), suggesting a negligible amount of particulate Fe, OC, and associated trace metals. Large colloids (0.025?C0.22???m) were found to be the main carriers of poorly soluble elements (Fe, Al, Ti, Zr, REEs, Th, and U) during the summer and winter stratification. There was also a clear change in the vertical pattern of the percentage of colloidal Al, Ti, V, Cr, Fe, and Ni during different seasons, and the greatest proportion of colloidal forms was observed during the spring and autumn overturn. This pattern is most likely linked to the dominance of soil (allochthonous) organic carbon, which complexes with trace metals during these periods. During the summer seasons, autochthonous production of small exometabolites or photodegradation increases the concentration of the low-molecular weight fractions (<1?kDa) that dominate the speciation of divalent heavy metals in surface horizons. The colloidal status of As (30?C60%), which was documented in different seasons along the full depth of the water column, is most likely linked to the presence of organic complexes. The overall results of this study suggest that changes in the colloidal speciation of trace elements with depth in different seasons depend on changes in the redox conditions, the input of soil OM, the biodegradation of plankton biomass releasing dissolved organic matter in the bottom horizons, and in upward diffusion from the sediments.  相似文献   

贵州主要城市地表松散沉积物中微量元素与土壤环境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过贵阳等九个城市地表土壤和水系沉积物中的微量元素地球化学分析表明,城市环境不同程度地遭受有微量元素污染.在自然作用和人为作用过程中,微量元素造成城市的大气污染、水土污染、元素异常、环境灾变等环境问题,笔者认为,贵州城市地表土壤和沉积物中的生命有害元素污染,可能对长江和珠江流域造成不良影响,应尽快开展多目标生态环境地球化学调查,科学准确的划分地表环境的安全、隐患及污染区,并对已遭受微量元素污染的地区制定出有效的修复方案和治理措施.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Rivers provide a unique opportunity to have average information about chemical and physical erosion, about the major geochemical fractionations created by these major geological processes but also about the impact and disturbances of human activities on the Earth Engine.  相似文献   

黎介  刘宁强  龚庆杰  吴轩  严桃桃 《现代地质》2021,35(5):1459-1470
地球化学基因是近年来提出的新技术。在分析地球化学基因构建方法的基础上提出一种基于微量元素的岩性地球化学基因,并将其编号为LG03,其基因链元素序列为Nb→Ti→Zr→Cr→La→V→Pb→Co→U→Ni→Th。分别选择发育在广东连阳花岗岩与佛冈花岗岩的2个花岗岩风化剖面、海南文昌3个玄武岩风化剖面、北京房山1个花岗闪长岩风化剖面、胶东2个花岗岩风化剖面与1个玄武岩风化剖面及1个花岗闪长岩风化剖面共计10个风化剖面对新构建的LG03基因以及以前基于主量和微量元素混合构建的LG01岩性基因进行检验。采用基因相似度≥80%作为样品之间具有相似基因的判别标准来检验地球化学基因在风化过程中的稳定性时,发现基于微量元素的LG03岩性基因与基于主量和微量元素混合的LG01岩性基因在遗传性与继承性方面基本相似,但LG03基因相对于LG01基因更稳定。采用酸性相似度20%和80%作为划分类基性成分、类中性成分和类酸性成分的标准时,发现LG03和LG01岩性基因在成分分类与物源示踪等方面也基本相似。在物源示踪方面LG03基因相对于LG01基因更稳定;在成分分类方面当二者划分结果不一致时应以LG01基因的酸性相似度划分结果为准,可进一步以LG03基因的划分结果加以约束。在风化、搬运与沉积过程中,地质样品的主量成分可能会受到风成沙、生物体等介质的加入而发生明显改变,进而导致LG01基因发生改变。但这些较单一成分物质的加入并不影响相对不活动微量元素之间的相互关系,从而可使LG03基因保持较好的稳定性。因此相对于LG01基因而言,LG03基因由于消除了受风成沙、生物体等介质的影响而可能具有更广泛的应用领域。  相似文献   

为了系统地探讨洞庭湖平原土壤铅(Pb)活动性特征及其影响因素,本次研究在常德市、益阳市、株洲市共采集了110件水稻根系土样品,讨论了土壤Pb活动态含量和活动系数与有机质、pH值、阳离子交换量(CEC)等土壤理化性质的相关性,并据此建立了Pb活动态含量和活动系数的预测模型。研究结果表明:土壤Pb含量、pH值、有机质含量、CEC和风化程度都是影响Pb活动态含量及活动系数的主要因素。pH值、CEC和有机质含量都会影响土壤缓冲能力,进而影响Pb的活动性。土壤Cd含量和Zn/Pb值也与Pb活动态含量有显著相关性;在不同的浓度梯度内,Cd与Pb的交互作用不同;土壤具有较高的Zn/Pb 值时,Pb活动态含量较低。采用逐步回归法建立了土壤Pb活动态含量以及活动系数的预测模型,土壤Pb活动态含量用土壤pH、Pb含量、CEC和Na2O/K2O值进行预测,活动态系数用pH、CEC、SiO2/Al2O3值进行预测,预测效果均较好。  相似文献   




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