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The central–south domain of the Tibet Plateau represents an important part of the northern segment of Gondwana during the early Paleozoic. Here we present zircon U–Pb, Lu–Hf isotope, and whole–rock geochemical data from a suite of early Paleozoic magmatic rocks from the central Tibet Plateau, with a view to gain insights into the nature and geotectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. Zircon grains in four granitic rocks yielded ages of 532−496 Ma with negative εHf(t) values (−13.7 to −0.6). Zircon grains in meta–basalt and mafic gneiss yielded ages of 512 ± 5 Ma and 496 ± 6 Ma, respectively. Geochemically, the granitic rocks belong to high–K calc–alkaline and shoshonitic S–type granite suite, with the protolith derived from the partial melting of ancient crustal components. The mafic gneiss and meta–basalt geochemically resemble OIB (Oceanic Island Basalt) and E–MORB (Enriched Mid–Ocean Ridge Basalt), respectively. They were derived from low degree (∼5–10%) partial melting of an enriched mantle (garnet and spinel lherzolite) that was contaminated by upper crustal components. The parental magmas experienced orthopyroxene–dominated fractional crystallization. Sedimentological features of the Cambrian–Ordovician formations indicate that the depositional cycle transformed from marine regression to transgression leading to the formation of parallel/angular unconformities between the Cambrian and Ordovician strata. The hiatus associated with these unconformities are coupled with the peak of the early Paleozoic magmatism in Tibet Plateau, indicating a tectonic control. We conclude that the Cambrian–Ordovician magmatic suite and sedimentary rocks formed in an extensional setting, and we correlate this with the post–peak stage of the Pan–African orogeny. The post–collision setting associated with delamination, orogenic collapse or lithospheric extension along the northern margin of Gondwana, can account for the Cambrian–Ordovician magmatism and sedimentation, rather than oceanic subduction along the external margin. We thus infer a passive margin setting for the northern Gondwana during the Early Paleozoic.  相似文献   


Exhumed Paleozoic glacial deposits and landforms of the North Gondwana are reported here for the first time from the South Eastern Desert (SED) of Egypt. Using field observations and remote sensing datasets (Advanced Land Observing Satellite [ALOS], Phased Array L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar [PALSAR] radar, multispectral Landsat TM datasets, and digital elevation models [DEMs]), we mapped the distribution of Paleozoic glacial features (i.e. deposits and landforms) in the SED. Two main glaciogenic facies were identified in three locations in the SED: (1) massive, poorly sorted, matrix supported, boulder-rich diamictites in Wadi El-Naam and Korbiai, and (2) moderately-sorted, occasionally bedded outwash deposits in Betan area. Inspection of radar, DEMs, and Landsat Operational Land Imager (OLI) images revealed previously unrecognized ENE-WSW trending glacial megalineations (MLs) over the peneplained Neoproterozoic basement rocks in the central sections of the SED, whose trends align along their projected extension with those of glacial features (tunnel valleys and striation trends) reported from Saudi Arabia. The glaciogenic features in the SED are believed to be largely eroded during the uplift associated with the Red Sea opening, except for those preserved as basal units beneath the Nubia Sandstone Formation or as remnant isolated deposits within paleo-depressions within the basement complex. The apparent spatial correlation of the SED glacial features with well-defined Late Ordovician deposits in North Africa and in Saudi Arabia, and the reported thermochronometric analyses and fossil records are consistent with a Late Ordovician age for the SED glaciogenic features and support models that call on the continuation of the Late Ordovician (Hirnantian) ice sheet from the Sahara into Arabia through the SED of Egypt.  相似文献   

The Proto-Tethys was a significant post-Rodinia breakup ocean that eventually vanished during the Paleozoic. The closure timing and amalgamation history of numerous microblocks within this ocean remain uncertain, while the Early Paleozoic strata on the northern margin of the Yangtze Block archive valuable information about the evolution of the Shangdan Ocean, the branch of the Proto-Tethys. By comparing the detrital zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopic data from Cambrian, Ordovician, and Silurian sedimentary rocks in the northern Yangtze Block with adjacent blocks, it was found that detrital zircons in Cambrian strata exhibit a prominent age peak at ∼ 900–700 Ma, which indicates that the primary source of clastic material in the basin was the uplifted inner and margin regions of the Yangtze Block. In the Silurian, abundant detrital material from the North Qinling Block was transported to the basin due to the continuous subduction and eventual closure of the Shangdan Ocean. This process led to two distinct age peaks at ∼500–400 Ma and ∼900–700 Ma, indicating a bidirectional provenance contribution from both the North Qinling Block and the Yangtze Block. This shift demonstrates that the initial collision between these two blocks occurred no later than the Silurian. The northern Yangtze Basin transitioned from a passive continental margin basin in the Cambrian to a peripheral foreland basin in the Silurian. Major blocks in East Asia, including South Tarim, North Qilian, North Qinling, and North Yangtze, underwent peripheral subduction and magmatic activity to varying degrees during the late Early Paleozoic, signifying the convergence and rapid contraction of microplates within northern Gondwana and the Proto-Tethys Ocean. These findings provide new insights on the tectonic evolution of the Proto-Tethys Ocean.  相似文献   

内蒙古北部二连-东乌旗地区出露早古生代火山岩,为兴蒙造山带北缘构造-岩浆岩带的组成部分,对研究造山带早古生代构造格局及演化具有重要作用。本文对东乌旗北部早古生代中基性及酸性火山岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学、岩石学、全岩地球化学及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素分析。定年结果显示,中基性火山岩成岩年龄为452±2Ma,酸性火山岩为430±20Ma,表明早古生代岩浆活动可延续至中志留世。地球化学组成上,中基性火山岩稀土总量中等,Eu异常不明显,富集Rb、Sr、Th、U等大离子亲石元素,亏损Nb、Ta等高场强元素,特征类似岛弧岩浆岩;酸性火山岩富集Th、U,Eu负异常显著,但Rb、Ba等大离子亲石元素富集程度不高,Nb、Ta等高场强元素亏损不明显,表现出板内岩浆特点。中基性和酸性火山岩均具有亏损的同位素组成:中基性火山岩ε_(Nd)(t)=+203~+267,ε_(Hf)(t)值介于+79~+145之间;酸性火山岩ε_(Nd)(t)=+494,ε_(Hf)(t)值为+99~+153。岩石学及地球化学分析表明,中基性火山岩为岛弧环境下遭受俯冲流体交代的地幔楔部分熔融产物,酸性火山岩则来源于新生基性下地壳熔融并具有板内岩浆特征,可能指示了俯冲的结束。结合前人资料,二连-东乌旗地区早古生代岩浆活动介于晚寒武-中志留世之间,形成时间及阶段性演化特征近似于苏尼特左旗-锡林浩特早古生代岩浆岩带,暗示两者可能具有成因联系,均为早古生代古亚洲洋向北俯冲的产物。  相似文献   

祁连山造山带新元古代—早古生代是板块构造演化与成矿的最重要时段,铁、铜多金属矿产资源丰富,成矿作用与新元古代—早古生代火山作用密切相关。根据矿床产出构造位置,将祁连山铁、铜多金属矿床分为4类:大陆裂谷型铁(铜)矿床、岛弧-岛弧裂谷型铜多金属矿床、陆缘裂谷型铜多金属矿床、扩张脊型铜矿床。镜铁山铁(铜)型矿床是新元古代大陆裂谷火山作用过程中热水沉积作用的产物;东沟铜矿为晚寒武世大洋扩张脊火山作用的产物;白银矿田铜多属矿床是奥陶纪与岛弧-岛弧裂谷火山作用的产物;石居里铜矿是晚奥陶纪弧后扩张脊有关火山作用的产物;红沟铜矿则是晚奥陶世陆缘裂谷火山作用的产物。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地北缘早古生代碰撞造山系统   总被引:18,自引:6,他引:18  
柴达木盆地北缘在早古生代形成了一条碰撞造山带,该造山带结构保存较完整,可分辨出深俯冲板片、火山岛弧带、蛇绿杂岩带、岛弧深成岩带等组成单元。其中,俯冲板块主要由中元古代鱼卡河岩群和中新元古代花岗片麻岩构成,在寒武纪末-奥陶纪可能全部或部分俯冲到岩石圈深部,发生了高压-超高压变质作用。火山岛弧主要由中基性火山岩、细碎屑岩等组成,成岩时代为晚寒武世-奥陶纪。蛇绿杂岩带由超镁铁质岩、辉长岩、玄武岩和少量硅质岩组成,形成于弧后扩张脊构造背景,成岩时代为寒武纪-奥陶纪。岛弧深成岩成分变化较大,由闪长岩变化到花岗岩,成岩时代为奥陶纪。而造山带北侧的欧龙布鲁克微陆块则具有双层结构,由德令哈杂岩和达肯大坂岩群构成基底,盖层为全吉群。  相似文献   

普遍认为冈瓦纳大陆北缘裂解发生在泥盆纪,形成了古特提斯洋并持续演化到晚三叠世.最近在羌塘中部的桃形湖一果干加年山-带发现了完整的蛇绿岩组合,蛇绿岩中的堆晶辉长岩具有洋中脊玄武岩的地球化学特征,在堆晶辉长岩中获得467-431Ma的锆石SHRIMP U-pb年龄,这是龙木错-双湖缝合带首次发现早古生代蛇绿岩,应记录了冈瓦纳北缘早期的洋壳演化信息,冈瓦纳大陆北缘的裂解可能发生于早古生代.  相似文献   

在扬子板块和华夏板块结合带(称之为钦-杭结合带)南西段,由于后期盖层覆盖和构造、岩浆侵入破坏,作为结合带标志的古洋壳残片(蛇绿岩)至今未被识别出来,从而导致了前人对该结合带的边界、大地构造性质及其时空演化等问题存在严重分歧。笔者通过系统的野外地质调查发现,在云开地块北缘的岑溪地区,沿着岑溪-梧州断裂带两侧出露有一系列呈岩片状产出的(变质)中-基性火山岩块。地球化学的研究结果表明,这些(变质)中-基性火山岩可分为性质截然不同的三大类:(1)糯垌镇油茶林场一带出露的变质中基性火山岩具有略亏损的大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,而高场强元素和重稀土元素轻微富集,且Nb、Ta、P和Ti的负异常不明显,显示出与N-MORB型火山岩相似的地球化学特征,获得其中斜长阳起石岩的锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb谐和年龄为443.7±2.2Ma;(2)归义镇洞尾一带出露的变质基性火山岩则表现出轻微富集大离子亲石元素和具有平坦或略富集的轻稀土元素,并出现Nb-Ta、P和Ti的微弱亏损现象,显示出其与E-MORB型火山岩相似的地球化学特征,获得其中斜长角闪岩的锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb谐和年龄为441.3±2.4Ma;(3)安平镇白板、大爽一带出露的中-基性火山(碎屑)岩总体上表现为明显富集大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,而高场强元素和重稀土元素相对亏损,其间还出现Nb-Ta、P和Ti等高场强元素的明显亏损,显示出与俯冲带有关的岛弧型(IAB)火山岩相似的地球化学特征,获得其中安山质晶屑凝灰岩的锆石LA-MC-ICP-MS U-Pb谐和年龄为442.2±3.7Ma。由此表明,扬子板块和华夏板块结合带(钦-杭结合带)南西段有早古生代古洋盆的存在,本区N-MORB、E-MORB和IAB型中基性火山岩可能是在加里东时期该洋盆岩石圈持续向南东俯冲消减至华夏板块(云开地块)之下的地球动力学背景下形成的产物。  相似文献   

李孟江  陈衍景  张莉 《地球化学》2012,41(3):227-239
产于华北克拉通北缘中段的晚古生代尚义钾质花岗岩体规模很小,岩性为钾长石斑晶(~40%)的黑云母钾长-二长花岗岩,矿物组合为钾长石(50%~60%)、斜长石(10%~20%)、石英(20~30%)、黑云母(~5%)及少量绿帘石、单斜辉石和磁铁矿。SiO2含量为65.69%~70.90%,K2O+Na2O为7.22%~9.14%,K2O/Na2O比值为0.85~1.75,Al2O3为13.58~15.09%,A/CNK值为0.89~0.93,Mg#为43~46,稀土含量中等,轻重稀土中等分异,轻微负Eu异常,富集LILE和地幔元素Cr,Nb、Ta、Ti负异常,表现为富钾、偏铝质、钙碱性的I型花岗岩。通过野外观察及岩石地球化学分析可以确定钾质花岗岩是幔源基性岩浆分离结晶并同化混染早期奥长花岗岩围岩形成的。钾质花岗岩位于尚义-赤城断裂带中,其发育的构造背景应为晚古生代时古亚洲洋板块向华北克拉通俯冲形成的活动大陆边缘。  相似文献   

This article reports our new interpretations of the depositional environment and provenance of the Dawashan Formation in the Longmuco–Shuanghu–Lancangjiang suture zone (LSLSZ), in the Southern Qiangtang terrane of northern Tibet, in order to gain a better understanding of the Ordovician tectonic evolution of the northern margin of Gondwana. The Dawashan Formation is dominated by greywacke and shale, with interlayered bimodal volcanic rocks that were deposited in a bathyal to abyssal marine basin. The detrital zircons in the greywacke of the Dawashan Formation have peak ages of 550, 988, 1640, and 2500 Ma, indicating a northern Gondwana margin provenance. The bimodal metavolcanic rocks from the Dawashan Formation are dominated by metarhyolite with subordinate metabasalt. The results of zircon LA-ICP-MS U–Pb dating indicate that the metarhyolite formed between 470 and 455 Ma. The metavolcanic samples are bimodal (SiO2 = 45.27–55.05 and 66.09–74.59 wt.%). In comparison, the metabasalt has a wide range of MgO concentrations and Mg# values, contains variable Cr and low Ni concentrations, is depleted in Rb, Ba, and Sr, and is enriched in TiO2, Th, U, Nb, and Ta. Geochemical diagrams show that the metabasalt erupted in an intra-plate environment. The metarhyolites have high SiO2, Th, and U concentrations, low concentrations of MgO, P2O5, Nb, Sr, and Ti, and negative Eu anomalies. The metarhyolites yield negative zircon εHf(t) values (–2.08 to – 4.50) and TCDM model ages of 1436–1567 Ma. The metarhyolites formed from magma derived from the partial melting of old continental crust. These data indicate that the Dawashan Formation records Middle–Upper Ordovician bathyal to abyssal turbidite deposition in a deep-water rift basin at the northern margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   

笔者近期在大兴安岭北端漠河地区早古生代花岗岩的研究中发现了埃达克质岩,岩石类型主要为二长花岗岩及少量花岗闪长岩,岩石富K但相对略富钠(NaO/K2O>1),富SiO2;高Sr低Y、Yb,Sr/Y>40;富集LREE,亏损重稀土元素,La/Yb>20,Eu呈弱负异常或轻微正异常(δEu=0.71~1.1).与典型的俯冲板片熔融形成的埃达克岩相比更为富硅和钾,属高钾钙碱性系列,具有低的Mg#(31.1~34.9)及不同于Ⅰ型埃达克岩的Nd、Sr同位素组成,属Ⅱ型埃达克质岩,推测形成于加厚的中基性下地壳的部分熔融.漠河早古生代埃达克岩的确认表明额尔古纳地块早古生代有过陆壳加厚过程,大陆发生过垂向的增生.同时在德尔布干成矿带中段的本区寻找与埃达克岩有关的斑岩型铜、金矿床是一个新的找矿方向.  相似文献   

利用扬子西南缘天全、汉源、甘洛、布拖、金阳、永善、绥江、大关地区五峰组—龙马溪组重点剖面露头点和钻井岩心资料,通过笔石生物地层划分,建立了五峰组—龙马溪组黑色页岩的等时地层格架。通过对比纵横向黑色页岩的TOC含量、沉积厚度、优质页岩厚度等数据变化,探讨笔石带的分布与沉积环境、优质页岩的关系。结果表明,各剖面和钻井中WF2—LM4笔石带优质页岩普遍发育。其中布拖、金阳靠近康滇古陆边缘的地区,LM5笔石带、LM6笔石带岩石地层明显增厚;永善—绥江云永地2井、新地2井、绥江B井等地区,笔石带分布和沉积环境相似,优质页岩沉积上界由LM4笔石带逐步上延至LM6笔石带。五峰组—龙马溪组优质页岩在靠近康滇古陆一侧沉积时限为WF2—LM4及以下笔石带,远离古陆一侧沉积时限呈逐渐变长的趋势。天全大井坪、汉源轿顶山一带WF2—LM5笔石带优质页岩发育,轿顶山地区岩石地层厚度明显减薄,天全大井坪地区明显增厚,受特殊环境影响可能仍具有良好的勘探潜力。研究成果对扬子西南缘页岩气沉积有利区优选提供了依据。  相似文献   

Retrograded eclogites from the central part of the northern margin of the North China Craton, Hebei Province, China occur as separate tectonic lenses or boundins within garnet–biotite–plagioclase gneisses of the Paleoproterozoic Hongqiyingzi Complex characterized by amphibolite facies paragneisses. The petrographic features and mineralogical compositions represent three main metamorphic stages: (1) the peak eclogite facies stage (P > 1.40–1.50 GPa, T = 680–730 °C), (2) the granulite facies stage and (3) the amphibolite facies stage (P = 0.67–0.81 GPa, T = 530–610 °C) formed during decompression. The major and trace element and Sm–Nd isotopic data suggest that most of the retrograded eclogite samples had protoliths of tholeiitic oceanic crust with geochemical characteristics of mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) or island arc tholeiite (IAT) environment, and were contaminated by crustal components during subsequent subduction. Zircon SHRIMP isotopic dating of two different textural varieties of retrograded eclogite defines a weighted mean age of 325 Ma, which is interpreted as the peak metamorphic age of the eclogites and reflects the occurrence of eclogite facies metamorphism related to subduction of Paleo-Asian Oceanic crust beneath the North China Craton during the Late Paleozoic. Finally, we show that the retrograded eclogite from Hebei Province is not related to the Baimashi retrograded eclogite at the northern foot of the Heng Mountains, approximately, 300 km to the southwest.  相似文献   

We compare the diagenetic evolution of deeply buried Rotliegend (Permian) red bed sandstones at the southern and northern margin of the Central European Basin (CEB) in Germany. Main target is to evaluate the influence of maturation products from hydrocarbon (HC) source rocks during red bed diagenesis. At the southern margin of the CEB, thick coal-bearing Carboniferous source rocks are omnipresent beneath the Rotliegend. They contain dominantly gas-prone terrigenous organic material and some oil source rocks. Hydrocarbons were generated from Late Carboniferous onwards throughout most of basin subsidence. At the northern margin of the CEB, source rocks are almost absent due to deep erosion of Carboniferous rocks and a low TOC of local Lower Carboniferous relics. Early diagenetic processes are comparable at both basin margins. Significant differences in burial diagenetic evolution are spatially correlated to the occurrence of hydrocarbon source rocks. Burial diagenesis at the southern margin of the CEB is characterized especially by bleaching of red beds, major dissolution events, pervasive illite formation, impregnation of pore surfaces with bitumen, and formation of late Fe-rich cements. Almost none of these features were detected at the northern basin margin. Instead, relatively early cements are preserved down to maximum burial depths. This suggests that major diagenetic mineral reactions in deeply buried red bed sandstones are controlled by the presence or absence of maturing hydrocarbon source rocks.  相似文献   

为进一步查明钦(州湾)-杭(州湾)结合带中段龙头寨群的地质时代及龙头寨群黄竹洞组与上覆南迳组的接触关系,在野外考察、代表性剖面测制的基础上,对粤北始兴司前龙头寨群黄竹洞组变质岩系顶部首次发现的火山岩夹层的2个弱变质流纹岩样品进行了SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄测定,获得~(206)Pb/~(238)U加权平均年龄分别为436.2±2.1Ma (n=15,MSWD=1.60)和438.7±2.1Ma(n=16,MSWD=1.17),指示黄竹洞组的地质时代属晚奥陶世-早志留世,为黄竹洞组的地质时代归属提供了证据。结合上覆南迳组碎斑熔岩SHRIMP锆石U-Pb年龄为443.6±5.4Ma,说明黄竹洞组火山岩夹层与南迳组火山岩的锆石U-Pb年龄在误差范围内一致,属同期火山活动的产物,为黄竹洞组与南迳组的接触关系属整合接触提供了时代约束。粤北龙头寨群黄竹洞组顶部火山岩及南迳组火山岩系的发现和地质时代的厘定,为钦-杭结合带中段晚奥陶世-早志留世龙头寨群属活动大陆边缘沉积提供了依据,暗示钦-杭结合带中段加里东造山带属俯冲-碰撞造山带。  相似文献   

The Paleozoic tectonic framework and paleo–plate configuration of the northern margin of Gondwana remain controversial. The South Qiangtang terrane is located along the northern margin of Gondwana and records key processes in the formation and evolution of this supercontinent. Here, we present new field, petrological, zircon U-Pb geochronological, and Lu-Hf isotopic data for granitic rocks of the Gemuri pluton, all of which provide new insights into the evolution of the northern margin of Gondwa...  相似文献   

分布在华北克拉通北缘中段崇礼—赤城地区的红旗营子(岩)群主要由变质表壳岩、晚古生代的闪长质—石英闪长质片麻岩和古元古代—新太古代的变质岩残片或残块组成。利用SHRIMP和LA-ICPMS法对红旗营子(岩)群变质表壳岩的锆石同位素年代学研究表明,变质表壳岩样品中除大量古元古代—新太古代的锆石年龄信息外,还有许多中元古代—晚古生代的锆石,且均有晚古生代甚至早中生代的多阶段变质作用的记录。这些证据表明红旗营子(岩)群并非早前寒武纪岩石建造,而是一套晚古生代的变质杂岩。红旗营子(岩)群周围侵入体的锆石U-Pb测年表明岩浆作用与变质作用具有较好的相关性,它们与中亚造山带多阶段的俯冲、碰撞造山和后造山伸展事件相关。由于红旗营子杂岩中含有晚古生代退变榴辉岩和变质方辉橄榄岩,这可能意味着华北克拉通北缘的冀北地块在晚古生代早期曾经从华北克拉通上裂开,在中亚造山带古亚洲洋板块俯冲作用的影响下又重新拼合,红旗营子杂岩代表华北克拉通北缘的冀北地块与华北克拉通在晚古生代重新拼合的俯冲碰撞拼贴带。  相似文献   

兴蒙造山带北缘断续分布的早古生代岩浆岩带,对古生代构造格局恢复及造山带演化研究具有重要意义。阿巴嘎旗北部吉尔嘎郎图岩体位于该岩浆岩带中段,为带内最大的早古生代复式侵入体。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年表明,吉尔嘎郎图岩体早期花岗闪长岩单元成岩年龄为455.0~495.6Ma。在主量元素组成上,岩体SiO_2含量中等(59.49%~68.22%),贫铁、镁,K_2O/Na_2O值(0.64~0.85)小于1,A/CNK=0.96~1.09,整体具有亚碱、弱过铝特征。稀土及微量元素方面,岩体富Cs、Rb、Th、U、Pb,亏损Ba、Sr、P及高场强元素Nb、Ta等,稀土元素总量中等,具有弱负Eu异常(δEu=0.52~0.82)。Sr-Nd-Hf同位素分析结果显示,岩体具有亏损的同位素组成,(~(87)Sr/~(86)Sr)i=0.7053~0.7034,ε_(Nd)(t)=0.39~4.29,2件Hf同位素样品ε_(Hf)(t)均为正值,分别为ε_(Hf)(t)=7.6~10.8和ε_(Hf)(t)=3.7~7.9。岩石地球化学、年代学及Sr-Nd-Hf同位素综合分析表明,吉尔嘎郎图岩体是早古生代古亚洲洋沿苏左旗—锡林浩特一线向北俯冲背景下,遭受了俯冲板片析出流体交代作用影响的新生下地壳部分熔融的产物,后期由于弧后拉张、贺根山洋盆打开与主体岛弧带分离,最终随着古亚洲洋的整体闭合,形成了与俯冲带彼此分隔的格局。  相似文献   

内蒙古图林凯蛇绿岩中,新发现了埃达克岩,岩性包括石英闪长岩、奥长花岗岩、斜长岩和英安岩。它们是温都尔庙—图林凯早古生代消减带的一种岩浆岩标志。精确的SHRIMP U-Pb测年表明:①石英闪长岩侵位于约467±13Ma,说明温都尔庙古洋壳的消减可能始于约467±13Ma或更早。随后不久,这一岩石经历了约451±18Ma的高级变质和部分熔融事件。②英安岩喷发于约459±8Ma,奥长花岗岩形成略晚,约451±7Ma,最后形成了斜长岩的岩墙,其时代约为429±7Ma。据此认为,温都尔庙—图林凯古洋壳在早古生代时期,经历了愈38Ma的消减事件。  相似文献   

赖绍聪  杨航  张方毅 《地质学报》2024,98(3):799-828
南秦岭地区在早古生代经历了大规模且持续性的碱性岩浆活动,其丰富的碱性岩石记录为探索深部地幔物质组成、壳内岩浆演化过程以及地球动力学演化机制提供了珍贵的地质载体。文章基于团队近期对于区域上典型碱性岩的地球化学分析结果和成因机制探讨,旨在对南秦岭早古生代碱性岩浆的源区和演化过程进行全面地约束。南秦岭早古生代碱性岩石类型主要包括一套成分从碱性玄武质向粗面质变化,呈双峰式分布的碱性火山- 侵入岩组合,以及少量与碱性硅酸岩(角闪辉石岩、正长岩)- 碳酸岩共生杂岩体。岩相学、年代学和地球化学证据显示这些碱性岩具有相同的地幔源区,其中演化程度较低的镁铁质端元记录了南秦岭早古生代交代岩石圈地幔的部分熔融事件,交代介质主要为硅酸盐熔体。演化程度较高的碱性岩端元(粗面- 正长岩、碳酸岩)来源于初始镁铁质组分的岩浆分异过程,其中粗面- 正长岩类主要受到以长石和单斜辉石为主的分离结晶作用控制。中生代热液交代过程主要记录在北大巴山东部和武当地块西南缘的早古生代碱性岩体中,热液交代作用促进了碳酸岩杂岩体中稀土元素的富集成矿。副矿物年代学和独居石Nd同位素特征反映了热液可能形成于岩体本身的再活化事件,晚三叠世秦岭地区的造山运动可能对此过程具有促进作用。  相似文献   

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