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The main goal of this study is to determine the oceanic regions corresponding to variability in African rainfall and seasonal differences in the atmospheric teleconnections. Canonical correlation analysis (CCA) has been applied in order to extract the dominant patterns of linear covariability. An ensemble of six simulations with the global atmospheric general circulation model ECHAM4, forced with observed sea surface temperatures (SSTs) and sea ice boundary variability, is used in order to focus on the SST-related part of African rainfall variability. Our main finding is that the boreal summer rainfall (June–September mean) over Africa is more affected by SST changes than in boreal winter (December–March mean). In winter, there is a highly significant link between tropical African rainfall and Indian Ocean and eastern tropical Pacific SST anomalies, which is closely related to El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). However, long-term changes are found to be associated with SST changes in the Indian and tropical Atlantic Oceans, thus, showing that the tropical Atlantic plays a critical role in determining the position of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). Since ENSO is less in summer, the tropical Pacific and the Indian Oceans are less important for African rainfall. The African summer monsoon is strongly influenced by SST variations in the Gulf of Guinea, with a response of opposite sign over the Sahelian zone and the Guinean coast region. SST changes in the subtropical and extratropical oceans mostly take place on decadal time scales and are responsible for low-frequency rainfall fluctuations over West Africa. The modelled teleconnections are highly consistent with the observations. The agreement for most of the teleconnection patterns is remarkable and suggests that the modelled rainfall anomalies serve as suitable predictors for the observed changes.  相似文献   

Using a high-resolution ocean general circulation model forced by NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data, the interannual variability of the Guinea Dome is studied from a new viewpoint of its possible link with the Atlantic Meridional Mode (AMM), which is related to the meridional migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The dome develops off Dakar seasonally from late spring to late fall owing to the wind-induced Ekman upwelling; its seasonal evolution is associated with the northward migration of the ITCZ. When the ITCZ is located anomalously northward (southward) from late spring to early summer, as a result of the wind-evaporation-sea surface temperature (SST) positive feedback with positive (negative) SST anomaly over the Northern Hemisphere, the dome becomes unusually strong (weak) in fall as a result of stronger (weaker) Ekman upwelling. This may contribute to the decay of the AMM. Thus, the coupled nature between the AMM and the Guinea Dome could be important in understanding, modeling, and predicting the tropical Atlantic variability.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of climate in the Amazon basin is studied using precipitation and river level anomalies observed near the March/April rainy season peak for the period 1980–86, supported by satellite imagery of tropical convection. Evaluation of this data in conjunction with the corresponding circulation and sea-surface temperature (SST) anomaly patterns indicates that abundant rainy seasons in Northern Amazonia are characterized by anomalously cold surface waters in the tropical eastern Pacific, and negative/positive SST anomalies in the tropical North/South Atlantic, accelerated Northeast trades and a southward displaced Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) over the Atlantic sector. Years with deficient rainfall show broadly opposite patterns.General circulation model (GCM) experiments using observed SST in three case studies were aimed at testing the teleconnections between SST and Amazon climate implied by the empirical analysis. The GCM-generated surface fields resemble the corresponding observers fields most closely over the tropical Pacific and, with one exception, over the tropical Atlantic as well. The modeled precipitation features, along the Northwest coast of South America, anomalies of opposite sign to the North and South of the equator, in agreement with observations and results from a different GCM. Similarities in simulations run from different initial conditions, but using the same global SST, indicate broad consistency in response to common boundary forcing.  相似文献   

The NASA/Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) climatemodel is forced with globally observed sea-surfacetemperatures (SST) in five simulations, 1969–1991,with individual runs beginning from altered initialatmospheric conditions. The interannual variability ofmodeled anomalies of the Southern Oscillation Index,mid-tropospheric temperatures, 850 mb zonal winds andOutgoing Longwave Radiation over the tropical PacificOcean, which has the largest SST anomaly forcing, arestrongly correlated with observed trends which reflectENSO cycles. The model's rainfall variability overthree agriculturally intensive regions, two tropicaland one mid-latitude, is investigated in order toevaluate the potential usefulness of GCM predictionsfor agricultural planning. The correct sign ofZimbabwe seasonal precipitation anomalies was hindcastwithin a useful range of consensus only for selectseasons corresponding to extreme ENSO events for whichanomalous circulation patterns were ratherrealistically simulated. The correlation betweenhindcasts of Nordeste monthly precipitation andobservations increases with time smoothing, reaching0.64 for 5-month running means. Consensus betweenindividual runs is directly proportional to theabsolute value of Niño3 SST so that during ElNiño and La Niña years most simulations agreeon the sign of predicted Nordeste rainfall anomalies.We show that during selected seasons the uppertropospheric divergent circulation and near surfacemeridional displacements of the ITCZ are realisticallyrepresented by the ensemble mean of the simulations.This realistic simulation of both the synopticmechanisms and the resulting precipitation changesincreases confidence in the GCM's potential forseasonal climate prediction.  相似文献   

基于1979~2013年多种再分析资料,合成分析了El Ni?o发展年和La Ni?a年东亚夏季风的季节内变化。结果表明,东亚夏季风在两种情况下呈现出不同的季节内变化特征。在El Ni?o发展年,初夏期间高纬度地区出现偏北风异常,造成东亚地区位势高度场偏低,西太平洋副热带高压偏东,但均不显著。盛夏期间,El Ni?o强迫造成中太平洋对流增强,副热带西太平洋出现气旋异常,位势高度显著降低,副热带高压明显偏东。与此不同的是,La Ni?a年春季暖池海温偏高,造成夏季对流偏强,西太平洋地区位势高度场偏低,副热带高压减弱东退。此外,La Ni?a年东亚夏季风的季节内变化较为复杂,6月异常较弱,7月达到最强,8月又开始减弱。因此,虽然El Ni?o发展年和La Ni?a年夏季平均副高异常有一定的相似性,但季节内变化则有很大差异,其成因也完全不同。  相似文献   

 This study examines time evolution and statistical relationships involving the two leading ocean-atmosphere coupled modes of variability in the tropical Atlantic and some climate anomalies over the tropical 120 °W–60 °W region using selected historical files (75-y near global SSTs and precipitation over land), more recent observed data (30-y SST and pseudo wind stress in the tropical Atlantic) and reanalyses from the US National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP/NCAR) reanalysis System on the period 1968–1997: surface air temperature, sea level pressure, moist static energy content at 850 hPa, precipitable water and precipitation. The first coupled mode detected through singular value decomposition of the SST and pseudo wind-stress data over the tropical Atlantic (30 °N–20 °S) expresses a modulation in the thermal transequatorial gradient of SST anomalies conducted by one month leading wind-stress anomalies mainly in the tropical north Atlantic during northern winter and fall. It features a slight dipole structure in the meridional plane. Its time variability is dominated by a quasi-decadal signal well observed in the last 20–30 ys and, when projected over longer-term SST data, in the 1920s and 1930s but with shorter periods. The second coupled mode is more confined to the south-equatorial tropical Atlantic in the northern summer and explains considerably less wind-stress/SST cross-covariance. Its time series features an interannual variability dominated by shorter frequencies with increased variance in the 1960s and 1970s before 1977. Correlations between these modes and the ENSO-like Nino3 index lead to decreasing amplitude of thermal anomalies in the tropical Atlantic during warm episodes in the Pacific. This could explain the nonstationarity of meridional anomaly gradients on seasonal and interannual time scales. Overall the relationships between the oceanic component of the coupled modes and the climate anomaly patterns denote thermodynamical processes at the ocean/atmosphere interface that create anomaly gradients in the meridional plane in a way which tends to alter the north–south movement of the seasonal cycle. This appears to be consistent with the intrinsic non-dipole character of the tropical Atlantic surface variability at the interannual time step and over the recent period, but produces abnormal amplitude and/or delayed excursions of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ). Connections with continental rainfall are approached through three (NCEP/NCAR and observed) rainfall indexes over the Nordeste region in Brazil, and the Guinea and Sahel zones in West Africa. These indices appear to be significantly linked to the SST component of the coupled modes only when the two Atlantic modes+the ENSO-like Nino3 index are taken into account in the regressions. This suggests that thermal forcing of continental rainfall is particularly sensitive to the linear combinations of some basic SST patterns, in particular to those that create meridional thermal gradients. The first mode in the Atlantic is associated with transequatorial pressure, moist static energy and precipitable water anomaly patterns which can explain abnormal location of the ITCZ particularly in northern winter, and hence rainfall variations in Nordeste. The second mode is more associated with in-phase variations of the same variables near the southern edge of the ITCZ, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea during the northern spring and winter. It is primarily linked to the amplitude and annual phase of the ITCZ excursions and thus to rainfall variations in Guinea. Connections with Sahel rainfall are less clear due to the difficulty for the model to correctly capture interannual variability over that region but the second Atlantic mode and the ENSO-like Pacific variability are clearly involved in the Sahel climate interannual fluctuations: anomalous dry (wet) situations tend to occur when warmer (cooler) waters are present in the eastern Pacific and the gulf of Guinea in northern summer which contribute to create a northward (southward) transequatorial anomaly gradient in sea level pressure over West Africa. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 24 December 1998  相似文献   

Remotely forced variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
An ensemble of eight hindcasts has been conducted using an ocean-atmosphere general circulation model fully coupled only within the Atlantic basin, with prescribed observational sea surface temperature (SST) for 1950–1998 in the global ocean outside the Atlantic basin. The purpose of these experiments is to understand the influence of the external SST anomalies on the interannual variability in the tropical Atlantic Ocean. Statistical methods, including empirical orthogonal function analysis with maximized signal-to-noise ratio, have been used to extract the remotely forced Atlantic signals from the ensemble of simulations. It is found that the leading external source on the interannual time scales is the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) in the Pacific Ocean. The ENSO signal in the tropical Atlantic shows a distinct progression from season to season. During the boreal winter of a maturing El Niño event, the model shows a major warm center in the southern subtropical Atlantic together with warm anomalies in the northern subtropical Atlantic. The southern subtropical SST anomalies is caused by a weakening of the southeast trade winds, which are partly associated with the influence of an atmospheric wave train generated in the western Pacific Ocean and propagating into the Atlantic basin in the Southern Hemisphere during boreal fall. In the boreal spring, the northern tropical Atlantic Ocean is warmed up by a weakening of the northeast trade winds, which is also associated with a wave train generated in the central tropical Pacific during the winter season of an El Niño event. Apart from the atmospheric planetary waves, these SST anomalies are also related to the sea level pressure (SLP) increase in the eastern tropical Atlantic due to the global adjustment to the maturing El Niño in the tropical Pacific. The tropical SLP anomalies are further enhanced in boreal spring, which induce anomalous easterlies on and to the south of the equator and lead to a dynamical oceanic response that causes cold SST anomalies in the eastern and equatorial Atlantic from boreal spring to summer. Most of these SST anomalies persist into the boreal fall season.
B. HuangEmail:

The effect of the Tibetan Plateau (TP) on the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) was investigated using a coupled Earth system model. The location of the ITCZ (in this work represented by the center of the tropical precipitation maximum) over the tropical Atlantic was found to be sensitive to the existence of the TP. Removing the TP led to a remarkable sea surface temperature (SST) cooling (warming) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere, which manifested clearly in the Atlantic rather than the Pacific. The locations of maximum precipitation and SST moved southwards clearly in the tropical Atlantic, forcing a southward shift of the atmospheric convection center, and thus the ITCZ. The shift in the ITCZ was also supported by the latitudinal change in the ascending branch of the tropical Hadley Cell, which moved southwards by about 2° in the boreal summer in response to the TP's removal. From the viewpoint of the energy balance between the two hemispheres, the cooling (warming) in the Northern (Southern) Hemisphere requires an enhanced northward atmospheric heat transport across the equator, which can be realized by the southward displacement of the ITCZ. This study suggests that the presence of the TP may have played an important role in the climatology of the ITCZ, particularly its location over the tropical Atlantic.摘要本文利用耦合地球气候系统模式研究了青藏高原对热带辐合带 (ITCZ) 的影响. 我们研究发现热带大西洋ITCZ的位置对青藏高原存在与否有明显的敏感性. 与目前真实情况相比, 移除青藏高原会导致北半球海面降温, 南半球海面升温. 这种海面温度变化在大西洋表现得尤为明显, 导致热带大西洋最大海温中心向南移动, 从而迫使大气对流中心向南移动, 即表现为ITCZ的南移. 相应地, 夏季热带大气Hadley环流的上升支也发生明显南移. 北 (南) 半球海洋变冷 (变暖) 这种态势要求增强跨赤道向北的大气经向热量输送, 从而维持各个半球的能量平衡, 而这需要ITCZ位置的南移才能实现. 本文研究表明, 青藏高原的存在在现今ITCZ气候态的形成中可能扮演了重要角色.  相似文献   

利用MPAS-A(The Model for Prediction Across Scales-Atmosphere)模式设计了中东太平洋热带辐合带CEP-ITCZ(Intertropical Convergence Zone over Central and Eastern Pacific)对两类厄尔尼诺SST(Sea Surface Temperature)异常的敏感性试验,通过试验结果与两类厄尔尼诺年实际大气异常的对比,初步解释了CEP-ITCZ在两类厄尔尼诺年产生不同异常的可能原因。通过CP-EL试验发现,热带太平洋SST异常的第一模态会使中东太平洋低层风场辐合增强,但对辐合带的位置影响不大,与中部型厄尔尼诺对CEP-ITCZ的影响基本一致。通过EP-EL试验发现,热带太平洋SST异常的第二模态会使中东太平洋低层风场产生较大异常,辐合带中心向南移动,辐合带明显减弱增宽,与东部型厄尔尼诺对CEP-ITCZ的影响基本一致。  相似文献   

Exploring the climate problems of Brazil’s Nordeste: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews the exploration of the climate dynamics of Brazil’s Nordeste in the course of a century. The drought-prone and semi-arid northern Nordeste of Brazil experiences a short rainy season around March–April, when the interhemispheric gradient of sea surface temperature (SST) in the tropical Atlantic is weakest and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) reaches its southernmost position in the course of the annual cycle. The recurrent Secas (droughts) have a severe socio-economic impact. During drought years, the interhemispheric SST gradient in the tropical Atlantic is steep and the ITCZ stays far North, while the waters of the eastern equatorial Pacific tend to be anomalously warm. Based on the extensive diagnostic exploration of the circulation mechanisms of interannual climate variability, empirical methods have been developed for the forecasting of the Nordeste rainy season. These have been applied in the real-time prediction of seasonal rainfall anomalies throughout the last decade of the 20th century.  相似文献   

Summary The impact of pronounced positive and negative sea surface temperature (STT) anomalies in the tropical Pacific associated with the El Niño/Southern Oscillation (ENSO) phenomenon on the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere extratropics during the boreal winter season is investigated. This includes both the impact on the seasonal mean flow and on the intraseasonal variability on synoptic time scales. Moreover, the interaction between the transient fluctuations on these times scales and the mean circulation is examined. Both data from an ensemble of five simulations with the ECHAM3 atmospheric general circulation model at a horizontal resolution of T42 each covering the period from 1979 through 1992 and operational analyses from ECMWF for the corresponding period are examined. In each of the simulations observed SSTs for the period of investigation are given as lower boundary forcing, but different atmospheric initial conditions are prescribed.The simulations with ECHAM3 reveal a distinct impact of the pronounced SST-anomalies in the tropical Pacific on the atmospheric circulation in the Northern Hemisphere extratropics during El Niño as well as during La Niña events. These changes in the atmospheric circulation, which are found to be highly significant in the Pacific/North American as well as in the Atlantic/European region, are consistent with the essential results obtained from the analyses. The pronounced SST-anomalies in the tropical Pacific lead to changes in the mean circulation, which are characterized by typical circulation patterns. These changes in the mean circulation are accompanied by marked variations of the activity of the transient fluctuations on synoptic time scales, that are changes in both the kinetic energy on these time scales and the atmospheric transports of momentum and heat accomplished by the short baroclinic waves. The synoptic disturbances, on the other hand, play also an important role in controlling the changes in the mean circulation associated with the ENSO phenomenon. They maintain these typical circulation patterns via barotropic, but counteract them via baroclinic processes.The hypothesis of an impact of the ENSO phenomenon in the Atlantic/European region can be supported. As the determining factor the intensification (reduction) of the Aleutian low and the simultaneous reduction (intensification) of the Icelandic low during El Niño and during La Niña events respectively, is identified. The changes in the intensity of the Aleutian low during the ENSO-events are accompanied by an alteration of the transport of momentum caused by the short baroclinic waves over the North American continent in such a way that the changes in the intensity of the Icelandic low during El Niño as well as during La Niña events are maintained.With 16 Figures  相似文献   

The intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in atmospheric general circulation models (coupled to slab ocean) shift southwards in response to northern extratropical cooling. Previous studies have demonstrated the utility of diagnosing the atmospheric energy fluxes in interpreting this teleconnection. This study investigates the nature of global energy flux changes in response to North Atlantic high latitude cooling applied to the Community Atmosphere Model version 3 coupled to a slab ocean, focusing on key local and remote feedbacks that collectively act to alter the energy budget and atmospheric energy transport. We also investigate the relative roles of tropical sea surface temperature (SST) and energy flux changes in the ITCZ response to North Atlantic cooling. Using a radiative kernel technique, we quantify the effects of key feedbacks—temperature, cloud and water vapor, to the top-of-the-atmosphere radiative flux changes. The results show only partial local energy flux compensation to the initial perturbation in the high latitudes, originating from the negative temperature feedback and opposed by positive shortwave albedo and longwave water vapor feedbacks. Thus, an increase in the atmospheric energy transport to the Northern extratropics is required to close the energy budget. The additional energy flux providing this increase comes from top-of-the-atmosphere radiative flux increase over the southern tropics, primarily from cloud, temperature and longwave water vapor feedbacks, and largely as a consequence of increased deep convection. It has been previously argued that the role of tropical SST changes was secondary to the role played by the atmospheric energy flux requirements in controlling the ITCZ shifts, proposing that the SST response is a result of the surface energy budget and not a driver of the precipitation response. Using a set of idealized simulations with the fixed tropical SSTs, we demonstrate that the ITCZ shifts are not possible without the tropical SST changes and suggest that the tropical SSTs are a more suitable driver of tropical precipitation shifts compared to the atmospheric energy fluxes. In our simulations, the ITCZ shifts are influenced mainly by the local (tropical) SST forcing, apparently independent of the actual high latitude energy demand.  相似文献   

Many coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models (GCMs) suffer serious biases in the tropical Atlantic including a southward shift of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in the annual mean, a westerly bias in equatorial surface winds, and a failure to reproduce the eastern equatorial cold tongue in boreal summer. The present study examines an ensemble of coupled GCMs and their uncoupled atmospheric component to identify common sources of error. It is found that the westerly wind bias also exists in the atmospheric GCMs forced with observed sea surface temperature, but only in boreal spring. During this time sea-level pressure is anomalously high (low) in the western (eastern) equatorial Atlantic, which appears to be related to deficient (excessive) precipitation over tropical South America (Africa). In coupled simulations, this westerly bias leads to a deepening of the thermocline in the east, which prevents the equatorial cold tongue from developing in boreal summer. Thus reducing atmospheric model errors during boreal spring may lead to improved coupled simulations of tropical Atlantic climate.  相似文献   

Summary An important pattern of interannual variability in the southern African region is one where sea surface temperature (SST) in neighbouring waters, particularly in the Agulhas Current, its retroflection region and outflow across the southern midlatitudes of the Indian Ocean, is anomalously warm or cool. Evidence exists of significant rainfall anomalies over large parts of southern Africa during these warm or cool SST events. Here, a general circulation model is used to study the response of the atmosphere in the region to an idealised representation of these SST anomalies. The induced atmospheric circulation and precipitation anomalies over the adjacent southern African landmass on intraseasonal through to interannual time scales are investigated.A nonlinear response to the SST anomalies is found in that the changes to the model atmosphere when warm SST forcing is used are not the reverse (in either pattern or magnitude) to that when cold SST forcing is imposed. For the warm SST anomaly, it is found that the atmospheric response is favourable for enhancement of the original SST anomaly on scales up to, and including, annual. However, as the scale becomes interannual (i.e., 15–21 months after imposition of the anomaly), the model response suggests that damping of the original SST anomaly becomes likely. However, no such coherent timescale dependent response is found when the cold SST anomaly is impose. It is suggested that the relationship of the SST anomaly to the background seasonal climatology may help explain this fundamental difference in the response.Examination of the circulation and rainfall patterns under warm SST forcing indicates that there are significant anomalies over large parts of southern Africa on all scales from intraseasonal through to interannual. On the south coast, rainfall anomalies result from enhanced evaporation of moisture off the SST anomaly. Over the interior, changer in the convergence of moist air streams together with suggestions of a shift in the Walker circulations between southern Africa and the bordering tropical South Atlantic and Indian Oceans appear to be associated with the rainfall anomalies. Similar mechanisms of rainfall perturbation are found when the cold SST anomaly is imposed; however, there is a significant response only on intra-annual to interannual scales. In all cases, the magnitude of the rainfall anomalies accumulated over a 90 day season were of the order of 90–180 mm, and therefore represent a significant fraction of the annual total of many areas. These model results re-inforce previous observational work suggesting that SST anomalies south of Africa, particularly in the retroflection region of the Agulhas Current, are linked with significant rainfall anomalies over the adjacent subcontinent.With 12 Figures  相似文献   

The dominant mode of coupled variability over the South Atlantic Ocean is known as “South Atlantic Dipole” (SAD) and is characterized by a dipole in sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies with centers over the tropical and the extratropical South Atlantic. Previous studies have shown that variations in SST related to SAD modulate large-scale patterns of precipitation over the Atlantic Ocean. Here we show that variations in the South Atlantic SST are associated with changes in daily precipitation over eastern South America. Rain gauge precipitation, satellite derived sea surface temperature and reanalysis data are used to investigate the variability of the subtropical and tropical South Atlantic and impacts on precipitation. SAD phases are assessed by performing Singular value decomposition analysis of sea level pressure and SST anomalies. We show that during neutral El Niño Southern Oscillation events, SAD plays an important role in modulating cyclogenesis and the characteristics of the South Atlantic Convergence Zone. Positive SST anomalies over the extratropical South Atlantic (SAD negative phase) are related to increased cyclogenesis near southeast Brazil as well as the migration of extratropical cyclones further north. As a consequence, these systems organize convection and increase precipitation over eastern South America.  相似文献   

Precipitation changes over the Indo-Pacific during El Niño events are studied using an Atmospheric General Circulation Model forced with sea-surface temperature (SST) anomalies and changes in atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Linear increases in the amplitude of the El Niño SST anomaly pattern trigger nonlinear changes in precipitation amounts, resulting in shifts in the location and orientation of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and the South Pacific Convergence Zone (SPCZ). In particular, the maximum precipitation anomaly along the ITCZ and SPCZ shifts eastwards, the ITCZ shifts south towards the equator, and the SPCZ becomes more zonal. Precipitation in the equatorial Pacific also increases nonlinearly. The effect of increasing CO2 levels and warming SSTs is also investigated. Global warming generally enhances the tropical Pacific precipitation response to El Niño. The precipitation response to El Niño is found to be dominated by changes in the atmospheric mean circulation dynamics, whereas the response to global warming is a balance between dynamic and thermodynamic changes. While the dependence of projected climate change impacts on seasonal variability is well-established, this study reveals that the impact of global warming on Pacific precipitation also depends strongly on the magnitude of the El Niño event. The magnitude and structure of the precipitation changes are also sensitive to the spatial structure of the global warming SST pattern.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of ENSO on intraseasonal variability over the Tanzanian coast during the short (OND) and long (MAM) rainy seasons is examined. In particular, variability in the rainfall onset, peak and end dates as well as dry spells are considered. In general, El Niño appears to be associated with above average rainfall while La Niña is associated with below average rainfall over the northern Tanzanian coast during OND, and to lesser extent MAM. Over the southern coast, the ENSO impacts are less coherent and this region appears to be a transition zone between the opposite signed impacts over equatorial East and southern Africa. The increased north coast rainfall during El Niño years is generally due to a longer than normal rainfall season associated with early onset while reduced rainfall during La Niña years tends to be associated with a late onset, and thus a shorter than average rainfall season. Wet conditions during El Niño years were associated with enhanced convection and low-level easterly anomalies over the equatorial western Indian Ocean implying enhanced advection of moisture from the Indian Ocean while the reverse is true for La Niña years. Hovmöller plots for OLR and zonal wind at 850 hPa and 200 hPa show eastward, westward propagating and stationary features over the Indian Ocean. It was observed that the propagating features were absent during strong El Niño years. Based on the Hovmöller results, it is observed that the convective oscillations over the Tanzanian coast have some of the characteristic features of intraseasonal oscillations occurring elsewhere in the tropics.  相似文献   

利用美国NOAA提供的向外长波辐射(OLR)资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析资料以及上海台风所提供的热带气旋(TC)资料等,通过定义一个描写南海范围内(5°N~20°N,105°E~120°E)的热带辐合带(Intertropical Convergence Zone,简称ITCZ)强度指数,研究了南海ITCZ年际和年代际异常变化特征及其对非移入性南海TC[South China Sea-generated tropical cyclone(SCS-G TC)]活动的可能影响,并从异常强、弱南海ITCZ年份的大气环流背景和海表温度等变化特征来尝试揭示南海TC的活动规律。结果表明:在年际和年代际时间尺度上,南海ITCZ强度指数与南海TC的生成频数存在显著的负相关关系,长期趋势变化间的关系存在不同。南海ITCZ的强、弱显著地影响到南海TC的生成频数。强南海ITCZ年,南海TC频数偏多;弱南海ITCZ年,南海ITCZ频数偏少。强、弱南海ITCZ年对于南海TC的生成源地、TC的维持时间以及路径和强度的影响不显著。进一步分析表明,动力和环境条件方面,强、弱南海ITCZ年可能差异较大。异常偏强年,对流层低层出现气旋性环流,上层出现反气旋性环流;季风槽在南海区域偏强、位置偏南。与OLR表示的深对流区相配合,存在暖的海表温度和低层强烈的正涡度和强辐合,在高层存在相应的强的气流辐散,形成了极有利于南海TC发生发展的条件。弱南海ITCZ年则相反。另外,ITCZ强年,太平洋异常SST(Sea Surface Temperature)出现为La Ni?a特征,南海ITCZ区对流活跃,强度偏强。反之,ITCZ弱年则表现为El Ni?o特征,南海ITCZ关键区的对流强度偏弱。这些结果可为深刻认识南海TC的生成规律以及对南海TC的预报提供线索。  相似文献   

The present paper selects the northern winter of December 1995–February 1996 for a case study on the impact of sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies on the atmospheric circulation over the North Atlantic and Western Europe. In the Atlantic, the selected winter was characterized by positive SST anomalies over the northern subtropics and east of Newfoundland, and negative anomalies along the US coast. A weak La Niña event developed in the Pacific. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index was low, precipitation over the Iberian Peninsula and northern Africa was anomalously high, and precipitation over northern Europe was anomalously low. The method of study consists of assessing the sensitivity of ensemble simulations by the UCLA atmospheric general circulation model (UCLA AGCM) to SST anomalies from the observation, which are prescribed either in the World Oceans, the Atlantic Ocean only, or the subtropical North Atlantic only. The results obtained are compared with a control run that uses global, time-varying climatological SST. The ensemble simulations with global and Atlantic-only SST anomalies both produce results that resemble the observations over the North Atlantic and Western Europe. It is suggested that the anomalous behavior of the atmosphere in the selected winter over those regions, therefore, was primarily determined by conditions within the Atlantic basin. The simulated fields in the tropical North Atlantic show anomalous upward motion and lower (upper) level convergence (divergence) in the atmosphere overlying the positive SST anomalies. Consistently, the subtropical jet intensifies and its core moves equatorward, and precipitation increases over northern Africa and southern Europe. The results also suggest that the SST anomalies in the tropical North Atlantic only do not suffice to produce the atmospheric anomalies observed in the basin during the selected winter. The extratropical SST anomalies would provide a key contribution through increased transient eddy activity, which causes an extension of the subtropical jet eastward from the coast of North America.  相似文献   

薛峰  段欣妤  苏同华 《大气科学》2018,42(6):1407-1420
本文对比分析了1998年和2016年这两个强El Ni?o衰减年东亚夏季风的季节内变化。结果表明,在6~7月期间,由于热带印度洋海温偏高、对流偏强,造成西太平洋暖池对流偏弱,西太平洋副热带高压(副高)偏西偏强,长江流域降水偏多,华南偏少,东亚夏季风异常具有典型的El Ni?o衰减年特征。但两年的8月份有很大差异,虽然1998年8月与6~7月相似,但2016年8月份则完全不同。受乌拉尔地区异常反气旋的影响,源自西伯利亚东部的北风异常穿越东亚并直抵暖池地区,造成副高分裂并减弱东退,同时激发暖池对流发展,而对流的发展则进一步促使副高减弱。因此,2016年8月东亚夏季风异常与1998年8月相反,中国北方夏季降水异常也呈现很大差异。另外,1998年热带大西洋偏暖,并通过热带环流变化影响到东亚夏季风异常,其强迫作用与热带印度洋类似。而2016年大西洋海温异常较弱,对东亚夏季风影响也较弱。因此,El Ni?o对东亚夏季风的影响不仅与其强度有关,还与El Ni?o衰减之后造成的印度洋和大西洋海温异常有关。本文的分析结果表明,即使在强El Ni?o衰减年夏季,由于El Ni?o之间的个性差异以及其他因子的影响,东亚夏季风季节内变化仍然能呈现出显著差异,特别是在8月份。因此,在预测东亚夏季风异常时,宜将6~7月和8月分别考虑。此外,为进一步提高东亚夏季风预测水平,除传统的季度预测外,还需要进一步加强季节内尺度的预测。  相似文献   

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