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根据不同类型地下水特征,探讨安徽省各种类型地下水水源地在建设项目论证阶段和初勘阶段的可采量估算方法.总结不同水文地质条件下各类型地下水资源模数经验值.  相似文献   

与法国达西同时期的水力学者裘布依于1857年把达西德渗透定律应用到天然含水层中。得到了著名的裘布依微分方程。然而,它只能局限于某种特定的条件下去解释地下水运动规律。这个理论方程式无法处理和解释地下水在天然水力坡度的作用下,进入抽水井降落漏斗影响范围内的天然径流量这个客观事实,其计算结果可信度低。本文提出了渗透系数一种新的计算方法。渗透系数等于井管抽水单位涌水量除以所利用含水层厚度。  相似文献   

根据福清平原地下水系统的水文地质机制,在概化该区地下水系统水文地质概念模型的基础上,首次建立福清平原地下水可采资源量评价三维数值模型.根据福清平原地下水含水层水位控制要求,预测该区地下水可采资源量,在相对富水区域圈定地下水应急水源地,并评价水源地的应急开采量.结果表明,福清平原地下水可采资源量为1189.35×104 m3/a,并圈定出洋梓村谢厝山山前水源地和龙山街道塘头村北侧水源地2处地下水应急水源地,2处应急水源地应急可开采资源量为246.375×104 m3/a,为福清平原地下水应急水源地建设提供参考.  相似文献   

2006年12月12日,中国地质调查局召开新闻发布会,国土资源部党组成员、中国地质调查局局长孟宪来到会并介绍了情况。我国科学家首次探明了鄂尔多斯盆地区域地下水补给资源总量为105亿m^3/年,可采资源量为58亿m^3/年,目前开采量为11亿m^3/年.开采潜力为47亿m^3/年,为鄂尔多斯能源基地规划与建设提供了水资源基础数据。  相似文献   

牛权森  周巍  许斌 《地下水》2012,34(6):85-87
以白城市为例,研究地下水总量分配的原则与方法,并把地下水总量分配到各季节,同时通过建立模型对分配的水量合理性进行分析,为白城市实行地下水总量控制动态管理,提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

对于中小型水源地地下水资源评价,特别是水文地质条件复杂地区,若在短期内不易查清补给条件而又急需作出评价结果时,开采性抽水试验成为水源地建立与否的验证手段.本文从理论与实践结合的角度,说明如何利用开采性抽水试验来评价水源地地下水允许开采量及保障性.  相似文献   

肖有才  张本占  杨兰和 《地下水》2007,29(6):14-16,20
自然辩证法的科学性是指导科学研究和工程实践的重要依据,绝对不能被忽略,否则,就会出现混乱.只有遵守这一准则,才能为科学试验设计出合理的检验方法和检验指标,才能检查出试验过程中所存在的问题,才能推动科学技术沿着正确的轨道顺利地向前发展.地下水运动的抽水试验绝不能例外.根据辩证法原则和工程事例,对地下水的抽水试验进行了研究,不仅找到了抽水试验中存在的问题,而且验证了裘布衣模型的真实存在,得到了基于误差分析的参数K和R的准确计算结果.  相似文献   

针对临沂市山丘区分布的实际特点和特性,采用消退流量比值法、降水综合入渗系数法、单指标评价法等方法,分类分析山丘区地下水资源总量与水资源质量特性,为合理开发、利用、配置地下水资源,以使其达到水资源可持续利用发展的目标提供坚实的科学依据,特别为推行最严格水资源管理制度打下基础.  相似文献   

宿州市地下水含铁量高浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李磊  秦福刚  陈敏虹 《地下水》2004,26(4):260-261
宿州市地下水中铁的含量在1.12~8.50 mg/l之间,超过<生活饮用水标准>(GB5749-85)(<0.3mg/L)的4~28倍,本文根据含水层的沉积特征、铁的水文地球化学特性,通过采样分析了地下水含铁量高的原因,并提出了相应的解决方法.  相似文献   

地下水不稳定混合抽水的模型及模拟方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈崇希 《地球学报》1996,17(Z1):222-228
本文指出在混合井抽水量已知的情况下,不能预先分配各层的分流量,只能从刻画混合抽水的模型运转中获取。提出“窜流”是混合井孔的最基本特征,建立了符合混合抽水机理的渗流-管流耦合模型.文中提出“折算(层流)渗透系数K1”的概念及其表达式,解决了管流与渗流耦合的困难,并提出了混合井井流的模拟方法。  相似文献   

Mechanics of land subsidence due to groundwater pumping   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents the formulation of the basic mechanics governing the changes in stress states from groundwater pumping and comparisons among predicted land subsidence from this mechanics with existing analyses and field data. Land subsidence is a growing, global problem caused by petroleum and groundwater withdrawal, mining operations, natural settlement, hydro‐compaction, settlement of collapsible soils, settlement of organic soils and sinkholes. This paper is concerned with the land subsidence due to groundwater level decline by groundwater pumping. It is shown that the stress state consists of asymmetric stresses that are best simulated by a Cosserat rather than a Cauchy continuum. Land subsidence from groundwater level decline consists of vertical compression (consolidation), shear displacement and macro‐rotation. The latter occurs when conditions are favorable (e.g. at a vertical interface) for the micro‐rotation imposed by asymmetric stresses to become macro‐rotation. When the length of the cone of depression is beyond √2 times the thickness of the aquifer, simple shear on vertical planes with rotation is the predominant deformation mode. Otherwise, simple shear on horizontal planes is present. The predicted subsidence using the mechanics developed in this paper compares well with data from satellite‐borne interferometric synthetic aperture radar. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对目前西北内陆河流域地下水总量控制指标制定方法的不足,提出了一套完整的确定区域/流域地下水总量控制指标的技术方法,主要步骤包括:以生态保护/恢复为约束条件,转换为定量化的判据;使用数值模拟方法确定地下水可开采量;进行供需平衡分析,分阶段定量确定地下水总量控制指标。应用此方法在甘肃省石羊河流域下游的红崖山灌区进行了实例研究,评价得到研究区2020年中期规划地下水总量控制指标为10 833×104 m3,2030年远期规划的指标为10 700×104 m3,与已有的控制指标相比相对宽松,在技术方法上也具有合理性。  相似文献   

Groundwater resources in semi-arid areas and especially in the Mediterranean face a growing demand for irrigated agriculture and, to a lesser extent, for domestic uses. Consequently, groundwater reserves are affected and water-table drops are widely observed. This leads to strong constraints on groundwater access for farmers, while managers worry about the future evolution of the water resources. A common problem for building proper groundwater management plans is the difficulty in assessing individual groundwater withdrawals at regional scale. Predicting future trends of these groundwater withdrawals is even more challenging. The basic question is how to assess the water budget variables and their evolution when they are deeply linked to human activities, themselves driven by countless factors (access to natural resources, public policies, market, etc.). This study provides some possible answers by focusing on the assessment of groundwater withdrawals for irrigated agriculture at three sites in North Africa (Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria). Efforts were made to understand the different features that influence irrigation practices, and an adaptive user-oriented methodology was used to monitor groundwater withdrawals. For each site, different key factors affecting the regional groundwater abstraction and its past evolution were identified by involving farmers’ knowledge. Factors such as farmer access to land and groundwater or development of public infrastructures (electrical distribution network) are crucial to decode the results of well inventories and assess the regional groundwater abstraction and its future trend. This leads one to look with caution at the number of wells cited in the literature, which could be oversimplified.  相似文献   

In coastal lowland plains, increased water demand on a limited water resource has resulted in declining groundwater levels, land subsidence and saltwater encroachment. In southwestern Kyushu, Japan, a sinking of the land surface due to over pumping of groundwater has long been recognized as a problem in the Shiroishi lowland plain. In this paper, an integrated model was established for the Shiroishi site using the modular finite difference groundwater flow model, MODFLOW, by McDonald and Harbaugh (1988) and the modular three-dimensional finite difference groundwater solute transport model, MT3D, by Zheng (1990) to simulate groundwater flow hydraulics, land subsidence, and solute transport in the alluvial lowland plain. Firstly, problems associated with these groundwater resources were discussed and then the established model was applied. The simulated results show that subsidence rapidly occurs throughout the area with the central prone in the center part of the plain. Moreover, seawater intrusion would be expected along the coast if the current rates of groundwater exploitation continue. Sensitivity analysis indicates that certain hydrogeologic parameters such as an inelastic storage coefficient of soil layers significantly contribute effects to both the rate and magnitude of consolidation. Monitoring the present salinization process is useful in determining possible threats to fresh groundwater supplies in the near future. In addition, the integrated numerical model is capable of simulating the regional trend of potentiometric levels, land subsidence and salt concentration. The study also suggests that during years of reduced surface-water availability, reduction of demand, increase in irrigation efficiency and the utilization of water exported from nearby basins are thought to be necessary for future development of the region to alleviate the effects due to pumping.  相似文献   

泰安市城区水资源供需矛盾突出,地下水资源开采引发了岩溶塌陷等地质环境问题,亟需查明岩溶塌陷生态水位约束下水源地的允许开采量,确定水源地最优取水方案。以旧县水源地1980—2021年的地下水位、年降水量、地下水开采量、岩溶塌陷等数据为基础,探讨人类活动对水源地地下水位的演变的影响因素,分析发生岩溶塌陷的地下水临界水位。基于Modflow-GWM软件构建泰安城区−旧县岩溶水系统流动与管理耦合模拟模型,探讨防止岩溶塌陷发生的地下水允许开采的资源量。结果表明:(1)孔隙水水位年内动态受降水影响明显,呈现“降水−补给”型特点;岩溶水水位变化呈“枯低丰高”的特征,水位动态变化属降水入渗−开采型;(2)旧县水源地地下水位自1980—1990年呈现大幅下降,1990—2003年岩溶地下水位基本呈现波动下降,2004年后水源地地下水位上升较为明显;(3)研究水位动态与岩溶塌陷关系得出,防止发生岩溶塌陷的水源地临界水位为108 m,处于岩溶含水层顶板以上2 m;(4)通过地下水管理模型,确定在临界水位时模拟区岩溶水可开采量为8.2~8.5 万md−1,其中旧县水源地可开采资源量为3.2~3.5万md−1。  相似文献   

By applying linear poro-elasticity theory, the body force effect on steady soil consolidation, i.e., settlement, caused by constant water table depression due to groundwater pumping was investigated. The result shows that when the soil is soft or thick, or both, neglecting the body force effect can lead to severe underestimation of soil displacement and incremental effective stress. However, the transient response of soil consolidation was not analyzed. In addition, the water table depression due to groundwater pumping in fact varies with time. In this study, the body force effect on transient consolidation of soil subjected to variable water table depression is further examined. A poroelastic consolidation numerical model is developed herein to conduct this examination.  相似文献   

基于部分耦合原理,采用TOUGH2和FLAC3D建立抽水引起的三维地面沉降弹塑性模型,模型中综合考虑土体的弹塑性变形特征、渗流-应力的双向耦合作用以及参数的非线性,探讨了持续抽水和脉冲抽水两种抽水过程中地面沉降发展演化过程。研究结果表明:(1)集中抽水停止后地面沉降会发生回弹,抽水中心沉降量不断减小。由于水平方向存在水力梯度,地下水继续向地下水位漏斗中心渗流从而导致沉降漏斗的范围仍继续扩大;(2)脉冲抽水导致土体的孔隙水压力、渗透系数以及沉降量均呈周期性波动变化,地面沉降会局部回弹,但总体仍随着抽水的持续,沉降量不断增加;(3)在抽水量相同前提下,对比持续抽水与脉冲抽水两种方式引发的塑形沉降量可知,抽水速率小、脉冲式多次开采导致的塑性沉降量较小,持续抽水的抽水速率越小、脉冲抽水间隔越短越有利于控制地面沉降。研究成果为地面沉降数值模拟提供了一种新方法,其中算例研究能为抽水条件下地面沉降的控制提供参考。  相似文献   

胡建平  隋兆显  陈杰 《江苏地质》2006,30(4):261-264
1995年以来,针对严重的区域性地面沉降和地裂缝灾害,苏锡常地区地下水资源保护和管理工作逐渐加强,特别是从2000年开始,江苏省政府分阶段实施限期禁止开采工作,首先在超采区实行地下水禁采,到2005年底,在苏锡常地区全面禁止开采地下水,全区地下水环境、地面沉降状况出现明显好转,地下水水位普遍回升,地面沉降速率逐渐减缓。根据近年来苏锡常地区地面沉降基岩标、分层标的系统监测资料,对地下水禁采后地质环境的效应特别是地面沉降的变化特征进行了初步分析、研究,并对该区今后地质环境保护工作提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses recommendations based on numerical simulation and numerical analytic solution for interpretation of pumping tests carried out near rivers. Suggestions are made on the network model size and the approach to its calibration for inverse problem solution. The possibility of interpreting pumping tests made near a river with non-stationary data is discussed. Tests were performed to verify the recommendations on the arrangement of a well cluster for pumping tests.  相似文献   

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