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采用文献回顾法和归纳法综述了国内外有关住房保障的研究进展和趋势。从国内外相近研究比较、国内研究热点及存在问题、国内研究维度三个方面得出结论:国外学者侧重住房保障体系内部运行机制的应用研究;而基于我国住房保障建设尚处于不成熟阶段的现状,国内学者旨在探索完善住房保障制度体系,研究热点主要集中在理论研究、经验总结以及制度构想三个方面;国内研究普遍存在定量分析不足、研究维度单一等问题。研究提出,将我国住房保障制度中的两种基本形式——住房补贴和保障性住房政策同时纳入研究框架,构建多层次性与可选择性相匹配的住房保障制度,实现住房保障制度的可持续性与连续性,应成为下一步研究的重点。  相似文献   

Guy M. Robinson 《Geoforum》2006,37(5):859-873
This paper analyses the operation of the Environmental Farm Plan (EFP) scheme in Ontario, Canada, a voluntary agri-environment scheme established in 1993. Previously unpublished data and interviews with farmers, leaders of farmers’ organisations and government officials are used to detail participation rates, geographical spread and method of operation. Largely developed by farmers’ organisations, the scheme has focused on soil management, water quality and storage/disposal of agricultural wastes. The environmental actions associated with these activities are discussed, revealing both successes and limitations. Distinctions are drawn with agri-environmental schemes in the European Union, and a broader context for the EFP is provided with respect to the proposed post-productivist transition of agri-food systems and the need to examine the way these systems are regulated. A need for further systematic research is proposed, specifically with respect to barriers to participation, the voluntary nature of the scheme, financial incentives and the resultant environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Hamideh  Sara  Rongerude  Jane 《Natural Hazards》2018,93(3):1629-1648
Natural Hazards - In September 2008, Hurricane Ike caused massive damages to Galveston Island’s residential structures including four public housing developments. These developments were...  相似文献   

Social geography needs to obtain a coherent theoretical framework of a sociological nature. Using such a framework derived from historical materialism, this article defines a series of concepts and indices for the study of the regional space and the settlement network of Greece since the foundation of the modern state in 1827. The article finds that as Greek society passes from feudalism to capitalism, there is a continuous increase in the complexity and hierarchical organization of the national settlement network and a sharpening of spatial polarization, as a consequence of the economic development of the country. A similar phenomenon is repeated today in the contemporary regional structure of the country. Our study thus shows that spatial organization derives from the socio-economic structure of society.  相似文献   

GeoJournal - Two phases of study are involved in this research: first, the sales strategies for affordable houses embedded with eco-friendly and smart technology features; and second, the impact of...  相似文献   

Half a century of mercury research has provided scientists and policy makers with a detailed understanding of mercury toxicology, biogeochemical cycling and past and future impacts on human exposure. The complexity of the global biogeochemical mercury cycle has led to repeated and ongoing paradigm shifts in numerous mercury-related disciplines and outstanding questions remain. In this review, we highlight some of the paradigm shifts and questions on mercury toxicity, the risks and benefits of seafood consumption, the source of mercury in seafood, and the Arctic mercury cycle. We see a continued need for research on mercury toxicology and epidemiology, for marine mercury dynamics and ecology, and for a closer collaboration between observational mercury science and mercury modeling in general. As anthropogenic mercury emissions are closely tied to the energy cycle (in particular coal combustion), mercury exposure to humans and wildlife are likely to persist unless drastic emission reductions are put in place.  相似文献   

Mokos  Jennifer T. 《GeoJournal》2021,87(2):223-234

This paper engages with the methodological and ethical complexities of conducting research across diverse sites of power and privilege, specifically by drawing upon twelve months of ethnographic fieldwork on the ecological restoration of the Ventura River in Southern California. The design of this project incorporates people from multiple, conflicting positions, including people who are homeless and living in riverbottom encampments, people in the environmental field working to restore the riverbottom, and people in social services working to house the homeless. Throughout my fieldwork various groups attempted to assert agency over my research methods and priorities, pulling me in multiple directions. However, despite this tension, this research design also afforded me the opportunity to develop trusting relationships across difference, which facilitated the opening of a new (and potentially more just) socio-ecological imaginary for the Ventura River. This paper demonstrates how one can create change across diverse positions of power, and the role community-engaged researchers can play in this process.


土体水热力耦合问题研究意义、现状及建议   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
王铁行  李宁  谢定义 《岩土力学》2005,26(3):488-493
基于浅层土体水分场、温度场、应力场和位移场的相互影响,对水热力耦合问题在黄土、冻土、膨胀土、土壤学等领域的研究意义进行了阐述,并对水热力耦合在上述领域研究现状作了回顾和总结。进一步分析了水热力耦合作用机理性研究的不足,指出:通过水热力耦合作用机理性研究确定水热力耦合参数及变量,应是现时进行水热力耦合研究的中心问题。  相似文献   

碳循环不断受到气候变化、大气CO2浓度、人类活动和氮循环等多种因素的共同影响。然而, 未来以"碳达峰和碳中和"为目标的排放情景下, 中国陆地生态系统碳汇潜力仍然存在很大的不确定性, 影响了实现双碳目标的碳减排和碳增汇相关政策的制定和实施。厘清大气科学中关于碳氮循环演变研究有关科学认识将会为中国碳达峰和碳中和的实现提供有力地科学支撑。文章回顾了国内外大气科学中碳氮循环研究的基础和现状, 分析了当前气候变化、大气CO2升高、碳氮循环相互作用的关键过程和人类活动对地球系统碳氮循环研究的影响。其中, 氮营养元素对碳循环的影响充分表明生物固氮和大气氮沉降等过程对碳汇有重要影响, 可以减少地球系统模式中碳汇模拟的不确定性; 此外, 由于气候变化是气候系统对外强迫的快变响应和慢变响应的综合结果, 在大气科学中有必要区分快变响应和慢变响应对中国碳汇的影响, 分析人为碳排放清零后中国陆地生态系统碳汇潜力和固碳速率的变化; 最后, 在此基础上获得相应的启示并给出了未来的策略建议, 以期为国家碳中和战略顺利实施提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

The article examines some of the main trends of the modernisation of agribusiness and raises some questions about geographical transformations taking place in the centre and north of Brazil. The country represents an emblematic case of neo-liberalised agriculture in need of further investigation. It is discussed in the text how corporate, industrial-scale agribusiness practices in Brazil bring back some spectral elements of capitalism, which never disappeared and in which the invisible becomes visible again. It is a phenomenon of multiple dialectics that needs further theoretical, methodological and investigative elaboration. The most dramatic circumstances, and most interesting for academics to study, are at the frontier of the expansion of agribusiness, where spatially and temporally patterns are heterogeneous and largely unpredictable. Agribusiness is especially promoted at the agriculture frontier in Brazil because it is in itself an economic, ecological and ethical frontier. Therefore, critical research into the complexity of contemporary agribusiness should really be about the political economy of alternatives to the highly vulnerable and unsatisfactory approaches to food and agriculture that prevail today and continue to expand unabated.  相似文献   

近10年来, 碎屑岩储集层成岩作用研究发展迅速, 总结国内外成岩作用研究进展、前沿研究热点和关键问题, 具有重要的学术探索意义。在归纳前人研究成果与认识基础上, 结合国内外典型研究实例, 讨论了近年来碎屑岩储集层成岩作用研究进展以及未来研究热点或发展趋势。认为成岩作用研究在物源对砂岩类型及其成岩演化路径的制约, 流体-岩石相互作用及其产物、热动力学与超压背景对成岩作用与孔隙发育的影响, 油气充注成藏过程与储集层低渗-致密化时序等研究方面取得了长足进展, 正在向将微观尺度成岩作用研究与盆地流体、盆地动力学与热动力学过程等宏观大尺度背景相结合的由源到汇的沉积作用过程、埋藏、烃类成熟与油气充注成藏、构造演化与流体活动、流体-岩石相互作用的成岩作用系统及其时空动态及定量演变机制研究方向发展。本文旨在抛砖引玉, 与业内相关领域的专家学者和同行一起, 在成岩作用研究精细程度、研究深度与广度、最先进的分析测试技术与方法之应用、以及多学科交叉融合方面共同努力, 以期推动中国碎屑岩储集层成岩作用研究的进程。  相似文献   

The research on diagenesis of clastic-rock reservoir is developing rapidly in recent ten years. Thus, it is of great significance in academic and scientific exploration to summarize the domestic and international research progress and the key issues of frontier research on diagenesis. The research progress, main achievement and recognition in diagenesis of clastic-rock reservoirs in recent years is discussed, and the hot issues or developing trend of diagenesis in the future is probed in this paper, on the basis of summarizing the previous research results and understanding, combined with the typical research examples at home and abroad. It is believed that great progress was obtained in provenance and parent rock constraints on sandstone types and their diagenetic evolution pathways, impact of fluid-rock interaction and its product on diagenesis, influence of thermodynamics and overpressure background on diagenesis and pore development, the timing sequence between hydrocarbon accumulation and filling process and the sandstone reservoir becoming low permeability-densification. At present, diagenetic research is developing in direction of the spatial and temporal dynamics and quantitative evolution mechanistic and diagenetic system controlled by the basin fluid dynamics, thermal dynamic processes, combining the micro-scale diagenesis research with the basin macroscopic background such as sedimentation from the source to the basin, burial history, hydrocarbon maturity and charge into reservoirs, tectonic evolution and fluid activity, and fluid and rock interaction.The aim of this paper is to induce the academic peers and experts in diagenesis and the related research fields to come forward with their valuable contributions, to cooperate and work together and joint efforts on the research exquisite, profundity and breadth of diagenesis, and application of the most advanced analytical measurement techniques and methods, as well as integration and infiltration of multidisciplinary, in order to promote the course of the clastic-rock reservoir diagenetic research in China.  相似文献   

Physical models predict that multiphase rifts that experience a change in extension direction between stretching phases will typically develop non-colinear normal fault sets. Furthermore, multiphase rifts will display a greater frequency and range of styles of fault interactions than single-phase rifts. Although these physical models have yielded useful information on the evolution of fault networks in map view, the true 3D geometry of the faults and associated interactions are poorly understood. Here, we use an integrated 3D seismic reflection and borehole dataset to examine a range of fault interactions that occur in a natural multiphase fault network in the northern Horda Platform, northern North Sea. In particular we aim to: i) determine the range of styles of fault interaction that occur between non-colinear faults; ii) examine the typical geometries and throw patterns associated with each of these different styles; and iii) highlight the differences between single-phase and multiphase rift fault networks. Our study focuses on a ca. 350 km2 region around the >60 km long, N–S-striking Tusse Fault, a normal fault system that was active in the Permian–Triassic and again in the Late Jurassic-to-Early Cretaceous. The Tusse Fault is one of a series of large (>1500 m throw) N–S-striking faults forming part of the northern Horda Platform fault network, which includes numerous smaller (2–10 km long), lower throw (<100 m), predominantly NW–SE-striking faults that were only active during the Late Jurassic to Early Cretaceous. We examine how the 2nd-stage NW–SE-striking faults grew, interacted and linked with the N–S-striking Tusse Fault, documenting a range of interaction styles including mechanical and kinematic isolation, abutment, retardation and reactivated relays. Our results demonstrate that: i) isolated, and abutting interactions are the most common fault interaction styles in the northern Horda Platform; ii) pre-existing faults can act as sites of nucleation for 2nd-stage faults or may form mechanical barriers to propagation; iii) the throw distribution on reactivated 1st-stage faults will be modified in a predictable manner if they are intersected or influenced by 2nd-stage faults; iv) sites of fault linkage and relay-breaching associated with the first phase of extension can act as preferential nucleation sites for 2nd-stage faults; and v) the development of fault intersections is a dynamic process, involving the gradual transition from one style to another.  相似文献   

Matja? Miko? 《Landslides》2011,8(4):541-551
The international journal Landslides (ISSN 1612-510X), launched in 2004 and published by Springer Verlag, soon gained international recognition as the only specialized scientific journal in the world dedicated to different aspects of landslides, and as one of the leading world journals in the field of geological engineering. After 7 years, seven published volumes with 28 issues and 290 published papers on 2,794 pages, there is time to make a comparison with other related journals that also cover the field of landslide risk mitigation. The critical review of these seven publishing years was done using ISI Journal Citation Reports produced by Thomson Reuters, and available scientometric data from the ISI Web of Knowledge and SCOPUS. The data presented in this paper and the analysis shown may help the Editorial Board to further improve the journal into the direction of a high quality scientific journal with even higher impact on the international research community in the field of landslide risk mitigation.  相似文献   

F.-J. Kemper 《GeoJournal》1998,46(1):17-28
This paper examines the spatial patterns and extent of residential segregation in Berlin at the time of unification, and also considers changes since that date. Residential segregation is differentiated into three components - demographic, socio-economic and ethnic. For all these dimensions, segregation depends on housing provision and the rules of admission to various segments of the housing market. The former differences in housing regulations in East and West Berlin are therefore of importance, as well as changes since unification. The paper shows that before unification demographic segregation was more prominent in East Berlin, whilst socio-economic segregation was more pronounced in West Berlin. Ethnic minority communities in West Berlin had developed from the immigration of guestworkers and their families, with moderate levels of segregation: however in East Berlin there were very few foreign contract workers present throughout the 1980s. In spite of the short time-period since unification, there are clear signs of convergence between the segregation patterns in the two parts of the city. Nevertheless, it is argued that population movements between East and West are still remarkably low, so that differences in the population patterns will continue to exist for some time to come. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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