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震害预测中抽样方法的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
本文阐述了在震害预测中采用分块抽样方法的一般原理,对于确定抽样样本总额的方法和样本总额在分块抽样中的理想分配进行了讨论,文中以乌鲁木齐市钢筋混凝土房屋的震害预测为对象,说明了分块抽样法的实际应用及其对于随机抽样法的优越性。文中对逐栋调查和分块抽样调查所得到的震害预测结果进行了对比,论述了这一抽样方法的可行性。 相似文献
—?The potential for large excavation-induced seismic events may be recognised, even if the timing of an event may be inherently unpredictable. In this case, modelling the wave propagation from a potential event could allow the dynamic motions around an excavation to be projected, and for areas of danger to be anticipated. However, the above and other potential applications require accurate models of wave interaction with the openings, as well as with the fractured rock which surrounds such excavations. This paper considers real recorded waveforms and how well these waveforms are modelled by explicit mechanical models of the source, the medium and the excavation. Models of experiments at three different scales of the problem are presented: small and large amplitude waveforms recorded around a deep-level mining tunnel in a synthetic rockburst experiment; waveforms from laboratory experiments of waves through plates of steel representing fractures; waveforms from active pulses in an acoustic emission experiment in a small volume of fractured rock at the surface of an underground excavation. The results show that elastic wave propagation around an excavation was a first approximation for small amplitude waves, but was less successful for modelling large amplitude waves and more fractured rock. Fractures in the models were represented explicitly with displacement discontinuities. Waveforms through known fracture geometries were particularly well-reproduced, and indicate the importance of fracture stiffness, the in situ stress state, and stress-dependence of the fractures in such models. Overall, the models are sufficiently successful at representing recorded behaviour, to be encouraging for the goal of representing accurate wave motions around excavations. 相似文献
Gjøystdal Håvar Iversen Einar Laurain Renaud Lecomte Isabelle Vinje Vetle Åstebøl Ketil 《Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica》2002,46(2):113-164
Throughout the last twenty years, 3D seismic ray modelling has developed from a research tool to a more operational tool that has gained growing interest in the petroleum industry. Various areas of application have been established and new ones are under development. Many of these applications require a modelling system with flexible, robust and efficient modelling algorithms in the core. The present paper reviews the basic elements of such a system, based on the open model concept and the wavefront construction technique. In the latter, ervený's dynamic ray tracing is an intrinsic part. The modelling system can be used for generating ray attributes and synthetic seismograms for realistic 3D surveys with tens of thousands of shots and receivers. Moreover, some other types of application areas are illustrated: Production of Green's functions for prestack depth migration and hybrid modelling (combined ray and finite-difference modelling), attribute mapping and illumination analysis, both for survey planning and interpretation. Finally, the concepts of isochron rays and velocity rays related to seismic isochrons have been introduced recently, with very interesting future applications. 相似文献
2.5-D modeling and inversion techniques are much closer to reality than the simple and traditional 2-D seismic wave modeling
and inversion. The sensitivity kernels required in full waveform seismic tomographic inversion are the Fréchet derivatives
of the displacement vector with respect to the independent anisotropic model parameters of the subsurface. They give the sensitivity
of the seismograms to changes in the model parameters. This paper applies two methods, called ‘the perturbation method’ and
‘the matrix method’, to derive the sensitivity kernels for 2.5-D seismic waveform inversion. We show that the two methods
yield the same explicit expressions for the Fréchet derivatives using a constant-block model parameterization, and are available
for both the line-source (2-D) and the point-source (2.5-D) cases. The method involves two Green’s function vectors and their
gradients, as well as the derivatives of the elastic modulus tensor with respect to the independent model parameters. The
two Green’s function vectors are the responses of the displacement vector to the two directed unit vectors located at the
source and geophone positions, respectively; they can be generally obtained by numerical methods. The gradients of the Green’s
function vectors may be approximated in the same manner as the differential computations in the forward modeling. The derivatives
of the elastic modulus tensor with respect to the independent model parameters can be obtained analytically, dependent on
the class of medium anisotropy. Explicit expressions are given for two special cases—isotropic and tilted transversely isotropic
(TTI) media. Numerical examples are given for the latter case, which involves five independent elastic moduli (or Thomsen
parameters) plus one angle defining the symmetry axis. 相似文献
多分量地震观测记录到来自地下介质的全波场,利用分离的P和SV波场联合反演可以提供地下介质岩性、孔隙度、孔隙流体、裂隙和各向异性的重要信息. 相似文献
Output-only structural identification is developed by a refined Frequency Domain Decomposition(rFDD) approach, towards assessing current modal properties of heavy-damped buildings(in terms of identification challenge), under strong ground motions. Structural responses from earthquake excitations are taken as input signals for the identification algorithm. A new dedicated computational procedure, based on coupled Chebyshev Type Ⅱ bandpass filters, is outlined for the effective estimation of natural frequencies, mode shapes and modal damping ratios. The identification technique is also coupled with a Gabor Wavelet Transform, resulting in an effective and self-contained time-frequency analysis framework. Simulated response signals generated by shear-type frames(with variable structural features) are used as a necessary validation condition. In this context use is made of a complete set of seismic records taken from the FEMA P695 database, i.e. all 44 "Far-Field"(22 NS, 22 WE) earthquake signals. The modal estimates are statistically compared to their target values, proving the accuracy of the developed algorithm in providing prompt and accurate estimates of all current strong ground motion modal parameters. At this stage, such analysis tool may be employed for convenient application in the realm of Earthquake Engineering, towards potential Structural Health Monitoring and damage detection purposes. 相似文献
结合张湾井田已有地质资料,通过现场踏勘和理论分析论证,设计出适应该地区地震地质条件而又切实可行的技术方案,在张湾地区实施精度较高的三维地震勘探工作,以期进一步详查该地段的构造、煤层赋存情况,通过地震勘探方法提供的地质-地球物理成果,帮助解决该勘探区钻孔网度较大的难题,查明该地区较为复杂的地质构造,圈定煤层赋存范围,为张... 相似文献
The main progress in the 3D modelling of electromagnetic fields, achieved during the last few years, is summarized. Various 3D numerical modelling techniques are described and compared as to their possibilities and efficiency. Numerical studies are complemented by laboratory scale modelling.Conventional methods of the analysis of the magnetotelluric and magnetovariational surface characteristics are confronted with new trends in MT tensor analysis and decomposition. Various approaches to the analysis of simplified 3D structures are also presented. 相似文献
This paper presents a 2.5D scattering of incident plane SV waves by a canyon in a layered half-space by using the indirect boundary element method (IBEM). A free field response analysis is performed to provide the displacements and stresses on the boundary of the canyon where fictitious uniform moving loads are applied to calculate the Green’s functions for the displacements and stresses. The amplitudes of the loads are determined by the boundary conditions. The free field displacements are added to the fic... 相似文献
Guo Tieshuan 《中国地震研究》2007,21(1):104-109
The seismic frequency increased significantly in the Yunnan region after the Indonesia earthquake with M_S8.7 on December 26, 2004. This was estimated by analyzing the seismic frequency ratio between the influenced and normal times, the spatial distribution characteristics of the increased seismic frequency, the temporal-spatial distribution and types of seismic swarms. Seismic frequency increased at 71.3% of the statistical sites in the Yunnan area. The maximal increase ratio is 18.2. 相似文献
印尼8.7级巨震后云南地震活动的频度变化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2004年12月26日在印尼苏门答腊西北近海发生了8.7级巨震,3月29日在距8.7级地震破裂区东南160km又发生了一次8.5级地震。8.7级地震发生后,余震向震中以北扩展达千米以上。如此剧烈的能量释放,对我国的地震活动有何影响是令人关注的,但清晰解答这个问题并非易事,主要原因是,一个地区的大地震发生后如何影响另一个地区地震活动的机制目前我们并不清楚。这个机制可能很复杂,涉及到应力在地壳和地幔内的传播、积累,以及与地质构造等的关系。因此,仅从时间尺度上判定一个地区的大地震对另一个地区地震活动是否有影响在认识上就存在分歧。例如,是一个地区的大地震发生后的波动在传播到另一个地区时直接触发的地震活动才被看作是影响?还是由于一个地区的大地震发生后的应力释放和调整影响到另一个地区的地震活动才被看作是影响?显然,这两方面的影响在时间尺度上存在差异。8.7级地震发生后不到20分钟,在我国云南的宾川发生了4.6级地震,其发震时间也是8.7级地震的面波到达该地区的时间(李刚等,2005); 相似文献
天然气水合物的富集往往与断裂、底辟及泥火山等构造有关,这就要求地震成像要精确,而针对水合物的地震处理又要以保真保幅为前提,因此快速高效而又有较高成像质量的的保幅Kirchhoff弯曲射线叠前时间偏移技术被广泛应用于三维水合物资料处理中。与直射线Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移技术相比,弯曲射线Kirchhoff叠前时间偏移同样具有快速高效的特点,同时成像精度在一定程度上可媲美叠前深度偏移。在实际资料的应用中可发现,基于保幅Kirchhoff弯曲射线叠前时间偏移技术处理的地震剖面可精确地刻画气体通道,有利于天然气水合物富集区的识别。 相似文献
Beamforming with the Generalized Sidelobe Cancellerfor Coherent Noise Attenuation in 3D Seismic Data
HongFei HuTianyue 《应用地球物理》2004,1(1):14-19
This paper presents a new approach for attenuating coherent noise in 3D seismic data. An adaptive beamforming with generalized sidelobe canceller (GSC) design methodology is utilized here as a general form of linearly constrained adaptive beamforming structure. It consists of a fixed beamformer, and a signal-blocking matrix in front of an unconstrained adaptive beamformer.Considerationf of the complexity of the geometry for 3D seismic survey, the 3D beamforming with GSC technique is developed with two key points: (1) sorting along azimuth sections to simplify the relationship between traveltime and offset from 3D to 2D, and (2) dynamic binning scheme to avoid the possible poor folding in some azimuth sections. Both simulation result and real data example show that the newly developed 3D beamforming with GSC yields more credible results at a relative low cost, sufficient stability and good resolution. 相似文献
青海昆仑山口西8.1级地震前的尾波持续时间和地震频次 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
2001年11月14日青海省昆仑山口西发生了8.1级大地震,震后,分析了青海省大武地震台尾波持续时间、门源地震台记录的地震频次,发现昆仑山口西8.1级地震前大武地震台的尾波持续时间明显存在低值异常、门源地震台观测到的地震频次出现了高值异常。得出青海昆仑山口西8.1级地震前有地震月频次高值异常,地震发生在尾波低值异常期的结论。 相似文献