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Zusammenfassung Der Vierwaldst?ttersee (Horwer Bucht), Thunersee (H?he Faulensee), Luganersee (Bucht von Lugano) und Mauensee (ein Kleingew?sser im Schweizerischen Mitelland) wurden im Zeitabschnitt 1965 bis 1967 periodisch untersucht. Durch die chemische Analyse wurden die folgenden Komponenten erfasst: Sauerstoff, Nitrat— Stickstoff, Phosphat— Phosphor (PO4−P), partikul?rer Phosphor (PP), SBV und pH-Wert. Das Phytoplankton wurde im umgekehrten Mikroskop ausgez?hlt, wobei der quantitativen Verteilung vonOscillatoria rubescens D. C. in den verschiedenen Tiefenstufen besondere Beachtung geschenkt wurde. Gleichzeitig wurden Temperatur und subaquatische Ver?nderungen des lichtes gemessen sowie mit der C14-Methode die Prim?rproduktion bestimmt. In mehr als 80% aller F?lle fielen dieOscillatoria rubescens-Maxima mit jenen Tiefenstufen zusammen, in denen weniger als 14°C gemessen wurde. In diesen Tiefenstufen wurde gleichzeitig in mehr als 65% aller F?lle weniger als 4% der Oberfl?chen-intensit?t des grünen Lichtes (VG 9) beobachtet. Der Einfluss von Licht und Temperatur auf das Wachstum vonOscillatoria rubescens wurde in einem Lichtthermostat experimentell untersucht. Bei temperaturabh?ngigenI k-Werten zeigte sich, dass sich diese Alge bei einer Lichtintensit?t von 1500 Lux erst im Bereich von 30°C optimal entwickelt. Oberhalb 29°C wirkte sich eine Steigerung über 1500 Lux hinaus wieder hemmend aus. Aus diesen Beobachtungen wurde abgeleitet, dass es sich beiOscillatoria rubescens um eine eurytherme und oligophote Form handelt, und dass das Auftreten vonOscillatoria rubescens-Maxima in der vertikalen Verteilung des Phytoplanktons in einem See durch das Zusammenspiel der beiden Faktoren Licht und Temperatur bedingt wird.
Summary The Lakes of Lucerne (Horw Bay), Thoune (Faulensee region), Lugano (Lugano Bay) and Lake Mauen, a small lake in central Switzerland, were investigated periodically from 1965 to 1967. The water was analysed in view of determining the following components: oxygen, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorus (PO4−P), phosphorus incorporated in cell mass (PP), Langlier index. Phytoplankton was counted in an inverted microscope with special consideration to quantitative distribution ofOscillatoria rubescens D. C. at various depths. Temperature and light variations in function of depth were measured simultaneously and the production rate was determined by means of the C-14 method. In over 80% of all cases, theOscillatoria rubescens-maxima coincided with depths showing temperatures under 14°C. In over 65% of all cases, the intensity of green light (VG9) in such depths was less than 4% of the surface intensity. The influence of light and temperature on the growth ofOscillatoria rubescens was tested with a light thermostat. It was shown that maximum growth occurred at temperatures around 30°C and light intensities of 1500 Lux. Increase of light intensities above 1500 Lux had a negative effect on the growth rate at temperatures higher than 29°C. Our investigations lead to the conclusion thatOscillatoria rubescens is a eurythermal, oligophotic species and that the occurrence ofOscillatoria rubescens-maxima in the vertical distribution of the phytoplankton in a lake is caused by the combined effects of light and temperature.

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das Auftreten vonOscillatoria rubescens D.C. im Lago Maggiore behandelt, welche Alge seit langem als biologischer Indikator für Trophiever?nderungen des Süsswassers gilt. Probenahmen an verschiedenen Stellen des Sees und aus bis 50 m Tiefe zeigen, dass die Art seit 10 Jahren betr?chtlich zugenommen hat, wobei im Herbst und Winter jeweils ein Maximum erreicht wird. Die Entwicklung vonOscillatoria rubescens D.C. weist auf eine Eutrophierung des Lago Maggiore durch h?usliche und industrielle Abw?sser hin.
Résumé Mise en évidence de l'envahissement du Lac Majeur (Lago Maggiore) parOscillatoria rubescens D.C., qui depuis longtemps est considérée comme un indicateur biologique du changement des conditions trophiques des eaux douces. Des collections en différents points du lac et jusqu'à une profondeur de 50 m montrent un accroissement considérable de cette espèce depuis 10 ans, avec un maximum en automne et en hiver. Le développement de cette algue prouve une eutrophisation du Lac Majeur due à des pollutions domestiques et industrielles.

This publication is contribution No. 395 of the Euratom Biology Division.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Zusammenhang mit der Verbesserung der Stickstoffmethode nach Kjeldahl durchSchmid [18] wurde die übereinstimmung des partikul?r gebundenen Stickstoffs (p.N) mit der aus Individuenzahl und Zellvolumen berechneten Biomasse (B) des Phytoplanktons überprüft. Ausser p. N undB wurde zum Teil auch die Trockensubstanz bzw. die aschenfreie Trockensubstanz gleichsam als Kontroll-und Bezugsgr?sse bestimmt. Untersucht wurde das Phytoplankton aus Netzproben und Sch?pfproben des Vierwaldst?ttersees im Ablauf eines Jahres; ferner das Kulturmaterial der PlanktonalgenOscillatoria rubescens undSynedra acus. Sowohl Netzproben als Algen aus Kulturen zeigen eine klare Beziehung 1. zwischen aschenfreier Trockensubstanz und partikul?rem Stickstoff, 2. zwischen aschenfreier Trockensubstanz und Biomasse und 3. zwischen Biomasse und partikul?rem Stickstoff. Die Verh?ltniszahlen der verglichenen Komponenten variieren je nach Algenart und Zusammensetzung des Planktons. Der prozentuale p.N-Gehalt (bezogen auf die aschenfreie Trockensubstanz) derOscillatoria rubescens betr?gt rund 10%, derjenige der Kieselalgen rund 7%. Das Verh?ltnis vonB zu p.N der Sch?pfproben hingegen variierte von Probeserie zu Probeserie. Innerhalb der einzelnen Probeserien jedoch ist das Verh?ltnis vonB zu p.N relativ konstant. Es werden Gründe diskutiert, die diese Unterschiede bedingen. Um das mühsame Ausz?hlen der Planktonorganismen und die Berechnung der Biomasse bei Seeuntersuchungen, speziell bei routinem?ssigen überwachungsprogrammen, teilweise zu umgehen, wird eine Untersuchungsweise vorgeschlagen, die es erm?glicht, die organisch geformte Substanz und zugleich die Zusammensetzung des Planktons mit verh?ltnism?ssig geringem Arbeitsaufwand zu erfassen.
Summary In connection with the improvement of the nitrogen method bySchmid (18), the agreement of particulate nitrogen with the biomass (determined by the individuals counted and the cell volume calculated) of the phytoplankton was tested. For control and reference the dry weight and the ashfree dry weight or organic dry weight respectively were determined. Three types of material were investigated: Phytoplankton from net samples and samples of unfiltered lakewater which were taken monthly during a year from the Lake of Lucerne and algal material from cultures of the two common plankton algaeOscillatoria rubescens andSynedra acus. Within the net fractions and culture samples a good agreement is observed 1) between ash-free dry weight and particulate nitrogen, 2) between ash-free dry weight and biomass, 3) between biomass and particulate nitrogen. The proportional figures of the compared components vary depending on the alga species and the composition of the plankton. The content of particulate nitrogen (per ash-free dry weight) amounted to about 10% forOscillatoria rubescens and about 7% for diatoms. The ratio of biomass to particulate nitrogen of the samples of unfiltered lakewater may alter from one sample series to another. Within the single sample series however, the relationship of the biomass to the particulate nitrogen is generally constant. Reasons for these differences are discussed. On the basis of the investigations and the results obtained therefrom, a combined method applying the determination of the particulate nitrogenand the biomass is suggested. This method allows to reduce the time consuming calculation of the biomass in lake investigations, more particularly in routine survey programs. On the other hand it enables to determineboth the organic substance formed at the momentand the composition of the plankton in relatively short time.

Sheath formation was observed in laboratory culturedO. agardhii. The sheath serves as a protective cover against bacteria. Some comments on sheath formation by this alga are given.
Zusammenfassung Scheidenbildung beiOscillatoria agardhii Gomont Im Kulturmaterial vonOscillatoria agardhii Gomont wurde die Bildung von Scheiden beobachtet. Diese dienen als Schutz gegen Bakterien. Es werden weitere überlegungen über die Scheidenbildung bei dieser Alge angestellt.

Résumé Formation de gaines chezOscillatoria agardhii Gomont La formation d’une gaine chezOscillatoria agardhii Gomont fut observée dans une culture. Ces gaines protègent les algues contre les bactéries. Des considérations ultérieures sont faites sur le phénomène des gaines chez cette algue.

Summary For the purpose of determination a redOscillatoria species was after isolation cultivated and compared withO. rubescens (clones 51,Staub). Increase of trichoms and dry matter, length and diametre of trichoms and length of cells were measured; total volume of gas vacuoles and spectral absorption of the algal suspension between 380–730 nm were determined. The algae under discussion were attached to the speciesO. rubescens. Differences and accordances between the species studied andO. rubescens andO. prolifica as well, heterogeneity ofO. rubescens and variability of the characteristics ofO. rubescens are discussed.   相似文献   

Synechococcus virga-rosea n. sp. andSynechococcus rubescens n. sp. were described in this study.   相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Versuche mitPhormidium autumnale undOscillatoria princeps f.maxima zeigen, dass diese Algen auf Agar von einem Zentrum aus bogenf?rmig auswandern. Die Bogenbildung ist artspezifisch und unabh?ngig von der Richtung des einfallenden Lichtes. Die F?den vonPhormidium autumnale drehen sich beim Wandern entgegen dem Uhrzeiger, und auch die Krümmung der auswandernden F?denbündel verl?uft entgegen dem Uhrzeiger. Umgekehrt sowohl hinsichtlich der Drehung der Einzelf?den als auch hinsichtlich der Krümmung der auswandernden F?denbündel liegen die Verh?ltnisse beiOscillatoria princeps f.maxima aus dem Zürichsee. Es scheint, dass die Krümmung der F?denbündel durch die Reibung der sich auf dem Agar drehenden F?den verursacht wird, wobei sich das freie Vorderende abdrehen kann. Niedrige Agarkonzentrationen (0,5%) erlauben den F?den das Eindringen in das Substrat; allseitig von Agar umgeben, drehen sich die F?den schraubenartig und geradlinig vorw?rts. Geringe Lichtmengen führen nicht zu einer positiven Phototaxis, und im Dunkeln stellen diese Algen ihre Wanderungen ein.
Summary Experiments withPhormidium andOscillatoria show, that the algae inoculated in the center of agar plates grow towards the periphery of the plates in the form of curves. The type of curve is specific to the species of algae. A single filament ofPhormidium autumnale rotates in the anticlockwise direction, and while moving on the agar surface it also bends in anticlockwise direction. The rotation and the movement are reversed in the case ofOscillatoria princeps f.maxima from Zürich Lake.

This study is a summary of all available information on the long-term and on the more recent development of the planktonic populations in Lago di Lugano with regard to its trophic evolution. The first effects of the lake eutrophication became manifest beginning in the 1950's and brought to important changes in the planktonic community as the appearance and the rapid increase of the filamentous algaeOscillatoria rubescens andStephanodiscus hantzschii, and the disappearance of the zooplanktonic Diaptomidae. Since 1980 the phosphorus concentration began to decrease in lake's epilimnion and the planktonic community showed a new composition, evidencing the presence of others predominant species:Oscillatoria redekei, Lyngbya limnetica, Stephanodiscus sp. (little form). Since 1989 algal standing crop reduced its value below 2 g m–2 (dry weight); furthermore a strong decrease of the Cyanophceae and the appearance of new predominant species (Tabellaria fenestrata, div. Ulotrichales) occurred. At the same time an increase of the herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia hyalina) and the come-back of the Diaptomidae was observed. Only in the northern basin a decrease tendency of the primary production was observed, changing from 480 to about 300 g C m–2 yr–1 during the last 10 years.  相似文献   

Lake Wolderwijd—area 2700 ha, mean depth 1.60 m, residence time 0.9 year—a man-made lake from 1967, was soon dominated by the blue-green algaOscillatoria agardhii, which formed a persistant bloom. Only in spring relatively small proportions of other blue-green algae species occurred. The environment in the lake is continuously controlled and governed by the alga, resulting for instance in a perfect homogeneity in the whole lake with respect to the biomass. The biomass in summer (30–40 mgl?1 dry weight) is only 30–50% greater than in winter. In winter 10 up to 30% of the time is spend by the alga below 1% subsurface light intensity and in summer 20 up to 60%. The specific oligophote capacities ofOscillatoria agardhii combined with external factors as available nutrients, depth and residence time of Lake Wolderwijd, provide in a high degree of habitat control. Cause and effect of the observed phenomena are integrated in each other. The explanation of the ecological niche of the alga is therefore difficult. Comparison of Lake Wolderwijd with other, less extreme.Oscillatoria lakes in the Netherlands and the research, done by others on continue cultures, are helpful means to approach the ecological niche of the alga. The possibility to create its own optimal light climate at each temperature and incident radiation, among others due to the nonconsumption by zooplankton, is a key factor for the persistant bloom ofOscillatoria agardhii in Lake Wolderwijd. A mean depth between 0.7 and 2.5 m is considered as a conditio sine qua non for this persistant bloom.  相似文献   

The abundance, size distribution, and bacterial colonization of Transparent Exopolymeric Particles (TEP) were examined in two consecutive years during the spring diatom development throughout the water column of the deep meromictic Lake Pavin, France. TEP concentrations ranged from 1.9 to 13.4 × 105 particles l−1 and their distribution and size spectra indicated that these particles are the main factor in governing the transport of diatoms to the deep hypolimnion of the lake. The majority of TEP was colonized by bacteria that constituted 0.4–8.9% of total DAPI-stained bacteria. The intensity of bacterial colonization was strongly related to temperature and decreased with particle size. A more important colonization of small particles in the hypolimnion during thermal stratification suggested that bacterial colonisation also increased with the age of the particle. The abundance of heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) was more significantly related to the density of particles than to the density of total bacteria and the intensity of bacterial colonization of TEP. Our results therefore suggest that TEP are a more important factor for HNF development than attached and free bacteria. We conclude that TEP are involved not only in sedimentation processes but also in the dynamics of bacteria and protozoa in freshwater pelagic environments.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Cyanophyceen aus 8 Oxydationsteichen Südschwedens wurden untersucht. Drei Arten kamen regelm?ssig vor:Phormidium autumnale, Oscillatoria chalybea undO. tenuis. Letztere war in allen Teichen vorhanden und trat oft massenhaft auf. Es wurden statistische Messungen der Trichombreite, in erster Linie beiO. tenuis, die eine erhebliche Breitenvariation in ein und derselben Probe aufwies, vorgenommen. Die gr?sste Variationsbreite betrug 3,5 bis 10 μ. Trotzdem mussO. tenuis als eine gute Art betrachtet werden. Sie ist leicht identifizierbar, und die Kleinformen (Mikrotaxa) sind statistisch nicht auseinander zu halten. Wahrscheinlich stellen auch dievar. natans undtergestina solche Kleintypen dar und sollten daher in die Hauptart eingezogen werden. Eine schmale Form aus Humleb?cken (kein Oxydationsteich) weicht ausser der Zellbreite in weiteren Merkmalen von der Hauptart ab und k?nnte deshalb als eine Variet?t betrachtet werden.
Summary The Cyanophyta found in 8 oxydation ponds in the South of Sweden were analysed. Three species appeared regularly:Phormidium autumnale, Oscillatoria chalybea andO. tenuis. The last species was present in all of the ponds and often in very large quantities. Statistical measures were made of the trichom width, especially ofO. tenuis for which considerable variations were observed in a single sample. The largest differences in width varied from 3·5 to 10 μ. Nevertheless,O. tenuis must be considered as a good species. It is easy to identify and its microtaxa cannot statistically be held apart. Thevar. natans andtergestina should probably be considered as microtaxa and included in the main species. A smaller type from Humleb?cken (not from an oxydation pond) differs from the main species not only in the width of its cells, but also in other characteristics and could therefore be considered as a variety.

During the summer, a stratified population of the red-coloured cyanobacterium Planktothrix rubescens dominates the phytoplankton of Lake Zürich. The organism hovers in the metalimnion by regulating its buoyancy, provided by gas vesicles. The daily integral of primary production by the organism has been calculated from its P/I curve and measurements of the vertical distributions of Planktothrix sp., irradiance and temperature in the lake, using numerical integration with Excel spreadsheets. The basic methods are described and the particular problems of analysing production by stratified populations are discussed. Daily integrals of primary production based on measured growth/irradiance (7/I) curves of P. rubescens produce a closer correspondence to the changes in the natural population than do integrals based on P/I curves.  相似文献   

The effect of light intensity on the release of dissolved organic carbon during photosynthesis on NaH14CO3 was investigated using the phytoplanktonic CyanobacteriumOscillatoria rubescens. The released products were fractionated by molecular size and chemical identifications attempted using combined thin-layer electrophoresis and chromatography, and high pressure liquid chromatography.Within the range of irradiances tested (from 6 to 60 µmole m–2 sec–1), though the upper one inhibited photosynthesis ofO. rubescens, light had little effect on the quantity and composition of the excreted products. The released carbon was always lower than 3% of the incorporated carbon, and mainly composed (62 to 86%) by small molecular weight compounds. The prevailing identified compounds were amino acids which represented more than 20% of the excreted carbon. Among organic acids, glycolic acid accounted for less than 2% of the recovered radioactivity. Glucose was the only identified sugar.Abbreviations EOC excreted organic carbon - DOC dissolved organic carbon - PER percent extracellular release - LMW low molecular weight - HMW high molecular weight - AA amino acids - µmoles m–2 sec–1 = µEinsteins m–2 sec–1  相似文献   

The freshwater musselDreissena polymorpha Pallas was sighted for the first time in Lake Zürich about 1969. This meant a real problem for the water treatment of lake water. By means of a pump and vertical net hauls it was tried to add more information to the scarce results on Lake Zürich. Additional dates about temperature, depth of Secchi disk visibility and beam transmittance were collected. There was a first appearance of the larvae ofD. polymorpha at the beginning of June. Following the mean temperature of the epilimnion the number of individuals/m2 reached max. 210,000. The greatest concentration measured in 1974 of larvae/m3 was 54,375 at a depth of 4 m. The last appearance ofD. polymorpha was observed at the end of October.

洪泽湖3种沉水植物附着细菌群落结构及多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马杰  范婤  王国祥  韩睿明  董彬  冀峰  彭云 《湖泊科学》2016,28(4):852-858
沉水植物茎叶表面附着的藻、菌及其他物质,不仅影响沉水植物自身生长,而且影响水体物质循环过程,附着藻类的研究已经有不少报道,但附着细菌的报道相对较少.采用末端限制性片段长度多态性(T-RFLP)技术,研究洪泽湖典型沉水植物——菹草(Potamogeton crispus)、篦齿眼子菜(Potamogeton pectinatus)、金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)在生长旺盛期叶表面附着细菌的群落结构及多样性特征,并采用冗余分析法探讨环境因子对附着细菌丰度的影响.结果表明,(1)3种沉水植物附着细菌群落结构有明显的差异性.143 bp T-RF在菹草和篦齿眼子菜中的相对丰度平均达到了20%和11%,而在金鱼藻中的相对丰度小于1%;89 bp T-RF在金鱼藻中的相对丰度平均约为13%,而在菹草和篦齿眼子菜中相对丰度小于5%.94 bp T-RF在菹草样品中相对丰度超过15%,而在其他样品中未被检测出.(2)从多样性角度分析,3种沉水植物附着细菌多样性大小依次为篦齿眼子菜菹草金鱼藻.(3)部分限制性片段的丰度受环境因子的影响较大,如89、94、143和227 bp T-RFs.而如167 bp T-RFs在3种沉水植物中的相对丰度分布较为稳定,受上述环境因子的限制较小.根据细菌比对结果,洪泽湖附着细菌的优势菌群可能属于拟杆菌门(Bacteroides)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)3个门类.  相似文献   

湖北省长湖浮游植物优势种生态位分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
于2012年4月至2013年1月对长湖浮游植物群落结构特征进行调查分析,使用Levins生态位宽度公式和Levins重叠公式测定长湖浮游植物优势种的生态位指数,分析浮游植物站点分布和环境因子的变化与生态位间的关系.结果显示:整个区域以蓝藻门和绿藻门的种类为主,优势种种类和密度随季节变化,表现出1~2个种类成为主要优势种,在丰度、优势度和生态位宽度上远大于其他优势种的特征.依据优势度指数和生态位宽度将优势种分为3类;小球藻(Chlorella vulgaris)和扭曲小环藻(Cyclotella comta)作为4个季节优势种,占据更多的资源位点,有更大的生态位宽度,在竞争中处于优势.蓝藻门的两栖颤藻(Oscillatoria amphibia)在夏季成为主要优势种,其丰度远大于其他种类,但受到种间竞争及高等水生植物的抑制,没有在竞争中取得绝对优势.其他种在不同季节此消彼长,但仅在若干季节成为优势种.海子湖区周围的进出水口及马洪台区、圆心湖区的围网养殖会直接影响水体中总氮、总磷浓度,进而改变浮游植物优势种在各区域的分布,使用t检验证实了这种差异.环境因子与优势种的相关性分析显示,水温、N/P比是影响浮游植物优势种分布的重要因素.  相似文献   

微生物参与下的氮循环是富营养化湖泊十分重要的生物地球化学循环过程.采用基于amoA功能基因和16S rRNA基因的荧光定量PCR、PCR-DGGE与高通量测序等分子生物学技术,调查秋季太湖不同水体和表层沉积物中氨氧化古菌(AOA)、氨氧化细菌(AOB)和亚硝酸盐氧化菌(NOB)群落丰度和组成,探讨影响硝化微生物分布的关键环境因子.结果表明,中度富营养化的梅梁湾湖区水体表层、中层和底层水样和表层底泥中AOA amoA基因的丰度分别低于轻度富营养化的湖心区,而不同层水样中AOB amoA基因的丰度分别高于湖心区.梅梁湾湖区和湖心区水样中AOA群落组成基本相似,2个湖区表层沉积物样品中AOA群落组成亦基本相似,水体中AOA群落组成与表层沉积物中AOA群落组成有差异,AOA群落丰度显著受硝态氮、pH和DO影响;表层沉积物中AOB群落丰度有明显差异且显著受总氮含量影响,表层沉积物中NOB群落丰度也有明显差异且显著受亚硝态氮含量影响.太湖梅梁湾湖区和湖心区水体与表层沉积物AOA群落包括Nitrosopumilium和Nitrosotalea两大属;表层沉积物AOB群落主要包括亚硝化单胞菌(Nitrosomonas)和亚硝化螺菌(Nitrosospira)两大属,NOB群落主要包括硝化刺菌(Nitrospina)和硝化螺菌(Nitrospira)两大属,其中硝化螺菌属是淡水湖泊中比较少见的亚硝酸盐氧化菌.影响太湖水体和沉积物中AOA和AOB丰度的最主要环境因子为总氮、总磷与铵态氮.研究表明典型富营养指标(总氮、总磷、铵态氮、硝态氮和硝态氮等)是影响太湖梅梁湾和湖心区水体和沉积物中AOA或AOB丰度以及硝化微生物群落丰度的重要因素.  相似文献   

Oligochaete communities (tubificid and lumbriculid worms) were studied between 1982 and 1985 in 23 areas of the mesoeutrophic Lake Geneva (Switzerland). Species numerically dominant in eutrophic lakes (mostlyPotamothrix hammoniensis), in mesotrophic lakes (mostlyP. vejdovskyi) and in oligotrophic lakes (mostlyStylodrilus heringiamus) constituted 52%, 36% et 12% of the worm communities, respectively (means across the 23 areas). The relative abundance of eutrophic species increased (15 to 94%) according to depth or to external organic inputs. In this case, the mean biomass (wet weight) of oligochaetes per area was higher than 15 g·m−2 (up to 210 g). Mesotrophic species decreased (65 to 1%) along the same gradients of depth or of sedimentation. Oligotrophic species increased (0 to 31%) only in areas where the organic sedimentation was lessened by steep bottom slope and by currents. Thus, the structure of oligochaete communities reflected the patterns of sedimentation and the trophic state of Lake Geneva.   相似文献   

The arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) which has disappeared from Lake Neuchatel near 1963, has been reintroduced into this lake since 1979. In this study, growth and reproduction of char have been analyzed 4 years after reintroduction. Age determination based on scales were more reliable then those based on otoliths. Growth rate decreased from the cohort born in 1979 to the cohort born in 1982. Nevertheless growth of char in Lake Neuchatel is fast compared to other char populations. About 33% of the males were sexually mature in the second year of life. At this age, no females, and in the third year of life, only 18% of the females were mature. Most fish of both sex were mature at an age of 4 years. A high correlation was found for data taken from other authors between fecundity and length of char. The data from Lake Neuchatel char (this study) fit very well with this general relation.   相似文献   

A total of 2588 adult migratory brown trout (Salmo trutta lacustris) have been tagged from 1964 to 1974 on their spawning sites, in tributaries of the western part of Lake Geneva (Switzerland). Most of the fish (96.2%) recaptured during spawning seasons in the following years have been found in the same river where they had previously been caught. Most tagged fish recaptured by fishermen were found in the western part of the Lake, near their home rivers. This tendency is very strong in autumn and winter. It still remains highly significant in spring and summer.

Dédié à Wolfgang Geiger  相似文献   

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