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高层建筑时程分析中地震动时程选择和修改方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
合理的地震动时程选择与修改方法对于高层结构的抗震设计具有重要意义,有着广泛的工程应用.本文回顾了建筑抗震设计规范对于输入地震动时程的规定,通过对现有的地震动时程选择与修改方法进行分类和定性分析,挑选了两种与规范要求衔接较好的方法.结合具体算例对两种方法进行了定量分析,结果表明以安评设计谱作为选择指标,利用最小二乘法对选择的地震动时程进行修改,可以得到离散较小且符合规范要求的地震动时程,该成果能够在现行规范要求下为结构的抗震设计提供合理可靠的依据.同时,本文也对未来地震动时程选择与修改方法的研究和发展方向进行了展望,指出条件均值谱和非弹性反应谱将是该领域未来主要的研究方向.  相似文献   

条件均值谱(CMS)已成为目前国内外广受关注及认可的结构抗震时程分析选波的目标谱,但其无法同时兼顾多个周期点谱加速度具有相同的地震危险水平,对于须考虑多阶振型影响的长周期结构尚存局限。Newmark-Hall三联谱是基于加速度峰值(PGA)、速度峰值(PGV)和位移峰值(PGD)并联合短、中、长周期相关放大系数建立的反应谱,与短、中、长周期结构均具有天然良好的相关性,其与概率地震危险性分析(PSHA)结合较弱及具有经验化特征。将两种反应谱的优势相结合,即将CMS的“条件分布”理念引入Newmark-Hall三联谱,建立了条件Newmark-Hall三联谱(即CN-H),并提出了以CN-H为目标谱的选波方法(即CN-H方法)。以美国SAC计划设计的3层和9层抗弯钢框架结构为例,将CN-H方法与以CMS为目标谱的选波方法所得结果进行了对比。CN-H方法对于结构反应均值的估计与CMS方法具有一致的准确性,且所得结构反应的离散性也较低,可见CN-H方法对于结构弹塑性时程分析选波具有良好的适用性。  相似文献   

中高层钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构弹塑性时程分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
用杆模型编制了钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构的弹塑性时程分析程序FEANT。采用该程序对一中高层大开间钢筋混凝土异形柱框架结构振动台试验模型进行了计算分析,计算值与试验值吻合较好,能满足工程需要。  相似文献   

目前时程分析选波常采用目标谱法,即选择反应谱与目标谱有较好匹配的地震波。目前为止,关于在谱匹配中采用不同的坐标体系会给地震波缩放以及时程分析结果造成的差异性影响,还鲜有相关研究结果。本文旨在对比分析谱匹配中反应谱与目标谱采用算术值(算术坐标下ASM方法)和对数值(对数坐标下LSM方法)所得结构非线性时程分析结果的差异。以美国SAC Steel Project提出的3层、9层和20层钢框架结构为实例,以该计划提出的代表3种超越概率(即50年超越概率50%、10%和2%)的各组地震波平均反应谱作为目标谱,以这3组地震波(每组20条波)时程分析所得最大层间位移角的算术均值和几何均值作为目标反应,以简单地震信息初选的小型地震波数据库(共40条波)作为备选波,将ASM和LSM方法优选出的7条地震波所得时程分析结果进行了差异性分析。研究表明, LSM方法所得地震波的缩放系数明显大于ASM方法,并且地震波的排序即选择结果也存在一定差异。ASM和LSM方法对结构反应均值(算术均值和对数均值)估计的准确度均控制在±20%以内,但LSM方法所得结构反应更大。LSM方法在降低结构反应离散性方面较ASM方法更有优势,且对于较长周期结构(如20层结构)及结构非线性程度较高(如50年超越概率10%、2%)时,这种优势会更为凸显。  相似文献   

将钢筋混凝土结构离散为能模拟梁、柱、墙抗震性能的单元,采用串并联刚片系振动模型,体现空间各构件的协同工作,采用改进的Wilson-θ法。对鞭梢效应在高层建筑结构抗震中的影响作详细分析,做到合理利用鞭梢效应,从而可以解决高层建筑物中层间位移起决定性作用的问题,达到合理、经济的效果。  相似文献   

耐震时程法(ETA)仅需少量的非线性时程分析,便可以掌握结构倒塌破坏的全过程。但是,此方法目前较少应用于结构倒塌失效分析。本文探讨了耐震时程曲线的特性及拟合思路,以钢筋混凝土框架为研究对象,应用ETA方法分析了钢筋混凝土框架的地震响应及损伤发展。研究结果:(1)混凝土框架结构的地震响应分析结果表明:采用ETA方法分析时结构顶点位移和层间位移角与采用IDA方法分析时接近,而最大基底剪力会略大;但是,两种方法的结果相关系数均接近于1。(2)强震下的结构倒塌分析结果表明:ETA方法能较为准确的预测结构的塑性铰分布、塑性铰出现概率及塑性铰发展顺序。当采用多条耐震时程加速度曲线作为输入时,评估结果准确性更高。由于ETA方法仅需进行少量几条耐震时程分析且计算高效,因此ETA方法可以成为预测结构失效模式的高效方法。  相似文献   

赵杰  杨杰  李晓娜 《地震工程学报》2021,43(5):1244-1250
进水塔结构作为水电站的进水建筑物,其抗震性能对水电站的安全运行有重要意义.以沙牌水电站的高耸独立进水塔结构为研究对象,应用3条耐震时程曲线对其进行抗震性能分析与评估,并将计算结果与天然地震动下的增量动力分析结果进行比较,对比分析进水塔塔顶位移、基底剪力及地震损伤历程.实例研究表明:耐震时程法可以较好地分析结构的抗震响应...  相似文献   

抗震分析反应谱法和时程分析法数值仿真比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于ANSYS有限元软件比较抗震分析反应谱法和时程分析法的地震数值仿真结果,研究二者的共同性和仿真结果的可比较性。结果表明,反应谱法和时程分析法在抗震反应计算中都体现了地震动特性和结构动态特性对结构地震响应的影响,二者在响应最值和响应频率上的仿真结果具有一致性。  相似文献   

针对结构弹性时程分析时无法考虑周期折减的问题展开研究,通过对比结构时程分析的过程中,地震波的选取是否考虑周期折减的差异,提出采用增大系数放大时程分析法输入地震波有效峰值加速度以及地震响应;考虑弹性时程分析过程中,周期折减对结构地震作用的增大效应。理论分析增大系数取值的影响因素,并基于单自由度体系对比两种调整方法的效果及差异,采用实际算例以验证所提出弹性时程分析中考虑周期折减调整方法的有效性。结果表明:增大系数的取值与周期折减系数、结构自振周期及场地特征周期等因素有关;对于单自由度体系,两种调整方法具有完全相同的调整效果;按文章提出方法考虑周期折减的算例结构,弹性时程分析所得各楼层地震剪力及层间位移角与考虑周期折减的反应谱(CQC)计算结果均较为接近。  相似文献   

石若利  李其伦 《华南地震》2021,41(2):142-148
为了研究"工字型"平面不规则钢框架体系结构,分析房屋的抗震技术性能影响以及此种不规则建筑的薄弱位置,应用Abaqus有限元软件建立一个三维杆系模型对"工字型"平面不规则钢框架进行模拟.通过对钢框架结构在3种不同地震波作用下进行动力弹塑性时程分析,对产生的结构顶层位移、最大层间位移、层间位移角和底部剪力进行对比研究,以及对钢结构的薄弱环节进行了分析.最后从计算结果得出结论,"工字型"不规则钢架结构的抗震性能良好,主要控制指标符合规范要求.  相似文献   

目前时程分析选波常采用目标谱法,即选择反应谱与目标谱有较好匹配的地震波,条件均值谱(CMS)已成为目前国内外广受关注及认可的目标谱。通常的CMS是基于5%阻尼比建立的,当结构阻尼比并非5%时,则需要对CMS进行阻尼修正。本文旨在建立1种CMS阻尼修正方法和计算公式,以便于不同阻尼比结构抗震时程分析的选波工作。以美国SAC Steel Project计划提出的针对洛杉矶地区设计的9层抗弯钢框架为场地和结构实例,建立了3种地震危险性水平(50年超越概率50%、10%和2%)下2%阻尼比的CMS目标谱,并进行了时程分析地震波选择及结构反应的计算。研究表明:提出的CMS的阻尼修正方法可不受衰减关系影响,适用的阻尼比范围(0.5%~30%)及周期范围(0.01s^10s)均较广泛,可用于各种类型的结构的抗震分析。  相似文献   

The selection of representative input ground motions (IGMs) is important for a proper nonlinear response time history analysis (NLRHA) of modern structures. The prevailing IGM selection procedure requires that the response spectra of selected ground motions are matched with the code-specified design spectra, while the effect of the frequency contents combination in the time domain on the multimode interactions is not considered. Ignoring the effect of the frequency contents combination in the time domain of IGMs may cause significant variations in the analysis results for selected IGMs, although they are matched to the same design spectrum. In this paper, a modal-based ground motion selection (MGMS) procedure is proposed as a supplement to spectrum matching-based IGM selection procedures for selecting proper IGMs that can sufficiently induce the multimode interactions. In the proposed procedure, three equivalent single-degree-of-freedom (ESDOF) systems are developed by pushover analysis. NLRHA is then conducted for these ESDOF systems with a set of 20 seed IGMs chosen by the spectrum-matching–based selection procedure. Finally, seven IGMs are selected from the seed IGMs for NLRHA in the full structural model. To verify MGMS, seismic demands of high-rise buildings were computed by NLRHA with seven MGMS-selected IGMs, seven IGMs with closest spectrum matching, and groups of seven randomly selected IGMs derived from three different sets of 20 seed IGMs. The computed seismic demands with MGMS-IGMs show very good agreement with the mean demands determined using the whole set of seed IGMs, while the deviation is much lesser compared with those groups of randomly selected IGMs.  相似文献   

分析了高层塔式建筑各抗侧结构间的相互作用,建立了静力计算模型,用高阶微分方程组描述并解偶这种相互作用,推导了结构内力、位移表达式.经比较,所得侧移、层间剪力分配结果与有限元分析结果基本一致.该模型有助于在初设阶段对抗侧结构及其连接构件的布局合理性进行判断和调整,可为改进结构抗震设计提供依据.  相似文献   

The recent concerns regarding the seismic safety of the existing building stock have highlighted the need for an improvement of current seismic assessment procedures. Alongside with the development of more advanced commercial software tools and computational capacities, nonlinear dynamic analysis is progressively becoming a common and preferable procedure in the seismic assessment of buildings. Besides the complexity associated with the formulation of the mathematical model, major issues arise related with the definition of the seismic action, which can lead to different levels of uncertainty in terms of local and global building response. Aiming to address this issue, a comparative study of different code‐based record selection methods proposed by Eurocode 8, ASCE41‐13 and NZS1170.5:2004 is presented herein. The various methods are employed in the seismic assessment of four steel buildings, designed according to different criteria, and the obtained results are compared and discussed. Special attention is devoted to the influence of the number of real ground motion records selected on the estimation of the mean seismic response and, importantly, to the efficiency that is achieved when an additional selection criteria, based on the control of the spectral mismatch of each individual record with respect to the reference response spectrum, is adopted. The sufficiency of the methods with respect to the pairs of M–R of the selected group of records and the robustness of the scaling procedure are also examined. The paper closes with a study which demonstrates the suitability of a simplified probability‐based approach recently proposed for estimating mean seismic demands. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The nonlinear response of structures is usually evaluated by considering two accelerograms acting simultaneously along the orthogonal directions. In this study, the infl uence of the earthquake direction on the seismic response of building structures is examined. Three multi-story RC buildings, representing a very common structural typology in Italy, are used as case studies for the evaluation. They are, respectively, a rectangular plan shape, an L plan shape and a rectangular plan shape with courtyard buildings. Nonlinear static and dynamic analyses are performed by considering different seismic levels, characterized by peak ground acceleration on stiff soil equal to 0.35 g, 0.25 g and 0.15 g. Nonlinear dynamic analyses are carried out by considering twelve different earthquake directions, and rotating the direction of both the orthogonal components by 30° for each analysis(from 0° to 330°). The survey is carried out on the L plan shape structure. The results show that the angle of the seismic input motion signifi cantly infl uences the response of RC structures; the critical seismic angle, i.e., the incidence angle that produces the maximum demand, provides an increase of up to 37% in terms of both roof displacements and plastic hinge rotations.  相似文献   

Variation in the seismic collapse fragility of reinforced concrete frame buildings predicted using different ground motion (GM) selection methods is investigated in this paper. To simulate the structural collapse, a fiber‐element modelling approach with path‐dependent cyclic nonlinear material models that account for concrete confinement and crushing, reinforcement buckling as well as low cycle fatigue is used. The adopted fiber analysis approach has been found to reliably predict the loss in vertical load carrying capacity of structural components in addition to the sidesway mode of collapse due to destabilizing P–Δ moments at large inelastic deflections. Multiple stripe analysis is performed by conducting response history analyses at various hazard levels to generate the collapse fragility curves. To select GMs at various hazard levels, two alternatives of uniform hazard spectrum (UHS), conditional mean spectrum (CMS) and generalized conditional intensity measure (GCIM) are used. Collapse analyses are repeated based on structural periods corresponding to initial un‐cracked stiffness and cracked stiffness of the frame members. A return period‐based intensity measure is then introduced and applied in estimating collapse fragility of frame buildings. In line with the results of previous research, it is shown that the choice of structural period significantly affects the collapse fragility predictions. Among the GM selection methods used in this study, GCIM and CMS methods predict similar collapse fragilities for the case study building investigated herein, and UHS provides the most conservative prediction of the collapse capacity, with approximately 40% smaller median collapse capacity compared to the CMS method. The results confirm that collapse probability prediction of buildings using UHS offers a higher level of conservatism in comparison to the other selection methods. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

结合某多塔高层隔震结构,采用弹性时程分析方法,分析了隔震结构在多遇地震和罕遇地震作用下的响应。主要包括自振周期、层间剪力、倾覆力矩和楼层位移等内容。结果表明,与非隔震情形相比,结构的自振周期明显增大,地震作用得到了较大的衰减。结构在地震作用下的隔震效果明显,楼层剪力及倾覆力矩均得到折减,在罕遇地震作用下隔震效果尤为显著。层间位移主要集中在隔震层,上部结构的层间位移几乎为零。  相似文献   

为研究高层RC框架结构罕遇地震下的易损性,设计了一个7度区典型11层RC框架结构。采用IDA方法进行时程分析,以地震动峰值地面加速度和结构第一自振周期对应的谱加速度为地震动强度指标,最大层间位移角为结构损伤指标,分别得到了单一地震动强度和双地震动强度参数下的IDA曲线和失效概率,绘制了双地震动强度参数下易损性曲面,并对单一地震动强度和双地震动强度参数下的易损性分析结果进行了对比。结果表明:罕遇地震下,采用双地震动强度参数结构失效概率明显低于采用单一地震动强度参数结构失效概率;对高层RC框架结构,采用双地震动强度参数进行易损性分析反映的地震动信息更全面;采用双地震动强度参数得到的结构失效概率公式更能真实量化不同强度地震作用下结构的失效概率。  相似文献   

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