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云南南滚河自然保护区大中型陆生哺乳动物初步调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During surveys for wild felids in Nangunhe Nature Reserve, Yunnan province, China, we conducted a wider mammal survey of the core nature reserve area, using camera trapping techniques. Forty motion-triggered digital camera traps had been set in oldest forest tract of protected area to conduct a species inventory. The total camera trapping effort of 2460 camera trap nights yielded 232 digital photographs of mammals represented by 17 species in five orders. The species photographed include rare and elusive species and those that are of high conservation value, such as IUCN endangered species Asiatic elephant (Elephas maximus), and Phayre’s leaf monkey (Trachypit hecus phayrei). In addition, IUCN vulnerable species including Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus), sambar (Rusa unicolor), northern pig-tailed macaque (Macaca leonine), and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata), and more common species were found. All mammals were also listed as key protected wild animals by the State Forestry Administration of China. Of particular importance were the carnivores, with 7 different species recorded. Ungulates and other taxa forming a prey base for these predators,such as rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta), red muntjac (Muntiacus muntjac), sambar, wild boar (Sus scrofa), and Chinese serow (Capricornis milneedwardsii), were found to be the most frequently photographed and most widespread species. Opportunities for local people to develop standardized monitoring designs for targeted species were identified by these initial assessment results. Local nature reserve staff lacked technical ability to produce standardized survey designs, yet a by product of this type of non-standardized data collection can be very informative and produce inventory information that gives a species richness analysis, as well as initial estimates for occupancy and detection probability for abundant species to drive future standardized survey designs and efforts.  相似文献   

红外相机技术目前已成为监测陆栖哺乳动物和地栖鸟类的常用技术手段。为监测新疆天池博格达峰自然保护区内鸟类和兽类资源,于2019年7月—2020年9月,在保护区内选取30个红外相机位点共布设58台红外相机,累积工作29730个工作日,共获得99850份图像及视频数据,采集独立有效照片5744张;共观测到野生陆生脊椎动物9目19科29种,其中兽类5目10科15种,鸟类4目9科14种。观测到的动物中有国家I级重点保护野生动物雪豹(Panthera uncia),国家II级重点保护野生动物6种,分别为北山羊(Capra sibirica)、马鹿(Cervus canadensis)、猞猁(Lynx lynx)、赤狐(Vulpes vulpes)、黑鸢(Milvus migrans)以及暗腹雪鸡(Tetraogallus himalayensis)。森林生境中,兽类相对多度指数最高的是马鹿(RAI=60.569),鸟类相对多度指数最高的是山斑鸠(Streptopelia orientalis,RAI=0.854);高山草甸及裸岩生境中,兽类相对多度指数最高的是马鹿(RAI=18.693),鸟类相对多度指数最高的是暗腹雪鸡(RAI=0.316)和黄嘴山鸦(Pyrrhocorax graculus,RAI=0.854)。物种累积曲线结果显示:兽类物种数在200 d之后几乎不再增长,而鸟类物种数在100 d之后增速放缓但一直持续增长,表明时长450 d的红外相机监测力度对保护区中的兽类而言较为充分,对鸟类而言还不够充分。研究结果可为新疆天池博格达峰自然保护区野生陆生脊椎动物多样性监测与评估提供数据参考,为该保护区的保护管理工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

盐城滩涂野生动物保护与自然保护区建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
建立自然保护区足生物多样性保护最有效的措施之一。盐城滩涂动物种类繁多、遗传多样性丰富,这里建有盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区、大丰麇鹿Elaphurus davidianus国家级自然保护区和东台中华鲟Acipenser sinensis自然保护区。本文介绍了盐城滩涂野生动物、保护动物及经济动物的种类,论述了盐城滩涂白然保护区建设的基本情况、取得的成绩及存在的问题,并提出了自然保护区建设及野生动物保护的对策。  相似文献   

基于2012年7月至2013年8月调查的江西铜钹山自然保护区贝类资源,研究保护区内贝类的物种多样性,以及在不同生境类型下的分布规律和区系与动物地理组成,探索该地区内贝类物种组成和栖息环境之间的关系。通过定性与定量的方法共采得贝类42种及亚种,分别隶属于2纲4目16科28属。其中,淡水贝类15种,分别隶属于2纲3目7科10属;陆生贝类27种,分别隶属于1纲3目9科18属,其中有3种为江西的新记录:小柱倍唇螺(Diplommatina paxillus)、三重真卷螺(Euplecta trifilaris)和小石环肋螺(Plectotropis calculus)。淡水贝类优势种为放逸短沟蜷(Semisulcospira libertine)和小土蜗(Galba pervia),陆生贝类优势种为扁恰里螺(Kaliella depressa)、弗氏巴蜗牛(Bradybaena fortunei)和灰尖巴蜗牛(Bradybaena ravida ravida)。贝类动物地理区系组成以东洋界为主,共22种,占总种数的52.38%。采用Margalef丰富度指数dMA、Shannon-Wiener(1949)多样性指数H'、Pielou均匀度指数JSW对在不同生境类型下的贝类多样性进行分析,结果表明:灌丛生境陆生贝类的丰富度指数和多样性指数均最高,针阔混交林生境的均匀度指数最高。根据Jaccard公式计算并比较铜钹山与邻近自然保护区陆生贝类物种相似性系数发现:铜钹山自然保护区陆生贝类物种较丰富;与阳际峰自然保护区陆生贝类物种相似系数较高,为23.33%,与湖南莽山自然保护区物种相似性系数较低,为6.45%,并对其相似性差异进行了原因分析。  相似文献   

在确定了天津古海岸与湿地国家级自然保护区调整原则的基础上,根据综合考察和地质勘查的结果,提出了该保护区的范围调整方案:保护区核心区、缓冲区保持不变,实验区调出部分为基本不存在保护对象以及人口密集、生产活动频繁的城市建成区,调整后,保护区总面积由975.88km2变为359.13km2。通过调整使保护对象得到了更有效的保护,为保护区的有效管理奠定了基础,同时保证了国家总体发展战略的实施及天津滨海新区的快速发展。  相似文献   

作为福建省唯一的红树林国家级自然保护区,漳江口红树林国家级自然保护区一直坚持保护与发展并重,致力于人与自然和谐发展。阐述了保护区的保护与管理,分析了保护区存在的问题与矛盾,进一步探讨了保护区长远的发展规划。  相似文献   

甘肃敦煌西湖国家级自然保护区作用及现存问题的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
敦煌西湖国家级自然保护区湿地及植被是敦煌绿洲的生态屏障,通过对其作用及现存问题的分析,提出了相应的保护对策,以期为提高保护区资源的管理水平,充分发挥其生态、社会和经济效益,为我国西部生态环境建设提供支持。  相似文献   

洪河国家级自然保护区湿地功能区保育与湿地补偿研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑龙江洪河国家级自然保护区位于三江平原腹地,保护区内有众多国家重点保护的野生动植物物种。由于保护区的功能区划和周边地区农田用地的开发,保护区已经面临着水资源匮乏、湿地退化等问题。本文从保护区的湿地功能区保育现状和保护区各功能区生态补偿等方面研究了洪河自然保护区湿地生态补偿问题,确保洪河湿地生物多样性的完整性,达到湿地生物多样性保护与可持续利用的目的。  相似文献   

流域土地利用/覆被变化对洪河保护区湿地景观的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
刘红玉  李兆富 《地理学报》2007,62(11):1215-1222
从流域尺度, 应用遥感和GIS 技术对1954 年以来6 个时段土地利用/ 覆被变化进行分析, 并采用景观生态学方法对洪河保护区及其所在浓江河流域湿地景观多样性和景观连通度进行计算, 系统研究了流域土地利用变化对保护区湿地景观的影响。结果显示: ① 浓江河流域大规模土地利用发生在20 世纪80 年代之后, 年均耕地面积增长速度为101 km2/a; ② 土地利用/ 覆被变化直接导致流域湿地景观多样性降低, 同时也间接影响了洪河保护区湿地景观多样性; ③ 流域土地利用变化带来的景观连通度降低严重割断了景观之间原有的物质交换和功能维持关系, 是导致保护区湿地景观结构和功能改变的主要因素之一; ④ 恢复保护区周围一定面积的湿地, 维持良好的景观连通度是实现保护区自然保护效益的方法之一。  相似文献   

依据中国西北干旱区生态环境的特性和演化规律,从气候条件、土地资源、生境状态及人为干预4方面筛选12个指标,构建西北干旱区自然保护区生态脆弱性评价指标体系,并对各指标进行分级.采用层次分析法确定指标权重,建立生态脆弱性综合评价模型.在甘肃敦煌西湖自然保护区和苏干湖自然保护区应用表明,指标体系合理,模型适用.评价认为,西湖自然保护区目前总体状态为中,高度脆弱,苏干湖自然保护区为轻,中度脆弱.在原生脆弱性方面,两者等级相当,但西湖更脆弱;在次生脆弱性方面,西湖已受到显著影响,次生脆弱性严重.  相似文献   

Introduction of domestic ungulates may lead to interspecific competition with native herbivores, particularly if the species involved are of similar size and share similar foraging strategies due to a scarcity of trophic resources. This interaction has not been investigated in South American deserts in which guanaco (Lama guanicoe), the larger South American wild camelid and the most widely-distributed ungulate, co-occurs with several introduced ungulates (e.g. cattle, donkeys, sheep or red deer). We studied the occurrence and abundance patterns of guanacos, donkeys and cattle in desert areas of Argentina by dung sampling. Analyses of co-occurrence show no relationship in land use between guanaco and livestock when geographical effects are removed. Distribution and abundance models of the guanaco are strongly associated with sparse plant cover, rocky substrata and human-influence variables, guanacos appearing in areas furthest from villages. Nevertheless, while guanaco distribution is weakly related to feral livestock presence, their abundance is negatively associated with donkey presence. In contrast, livestock species appear closely associated with each other, being centred on areas of densest and most productive vegetation. These results are relevant for the management of extensive arid areas of South America, where guanacos co-occur with feral donkeys and frequently conflicts with humans activities.  相似文献   

泸沽湖以其独特的摩梭风情和秀丽的山水风光被列为国家级风景名胜区、省级旅游区和省级自然保护区。通过对泸沽湖自然保护区风景园林植物种类资源的调查研究。发现共有141种。分属于39科,80属,并依据风景园林植物的特性、观赏目的、生态习性、栽培方式等。将保护区的园林植物划归为林木类、花木类、果木类、观叶类、遮荫类、蔓木类六大功能类型,为当地因地制宜实施生态保护和园林景点建设提供了科学依据和参考。最后。就野生园林资源的开发、保护、引种、发展和综合利用提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

中国自然保护区生态旅游研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
截止2012年,中国自然保护区面积达国土面积14.9%,超过世界平均水平.自然保护区的自然生态资源迎合了生态旅游需求,在保护区内开展生态旅游,为保护区可持续发展提供一个新的思路.目前,国内越来越多的学术研究论文集中在这些旅游活动,通过中国知网,对2000~2012年中国自然保护区生态旅游的相关文献进行检索和分析,经整理获得相关文献1 673篇,其中核心期刊414篇.在此基础上对自然保护区生态旅游的理论、开发、管理、环境问题、社区参与及国外经验研究方面进行综述.就中国自然保护区生态旅游的研究进展,概括出4点成就并提出4点建议.  相似文献   

Human-wildlife conflict has been one of the most trouble-causing issues in many areas of Nepal including Eastern Nepal. This study assessed the human-wildlife conflict status in Paschim Kusaha Village of Koshi Tappu Wildlife Reserve (KTWR), Sunsari District, Nepal. Data were collected from 47 respondents of different households through questionnaire surveys and formal and informal interviews. Results revealed that the most destructive wild animals were wild elephants, wild boar, and wild water buffalo and the most raided crops were paddy (63.83 %), maize (19.15%), and potato (17.02%). Most of the encounters between humans and wildlife were recorded at night (after dusk and before dawn) (78.72%). Local people were suffering from damage of physical properties, human harassment or nuisance, and depredation of cropland due to wild animals. A total of 70% of respondents had a positive attitude towards conservation despite disturbing human mortality records (22 deaths in the last five years) from the reserve area and surrounding. Awareness of wildlife behavior together with conservation and easy access to compensation schemes were suggested to minimize conflicts in the area.  相似文献   

Camera traps serve as an important tool for monitoring species diversity. We used data from camera traps set for capturing snow leopards (Panthera uncia) in the Yanchiwan National Nature Reserve, Gansu Province, China, to assess species richness with respect to mammal and birds species. We also assessed survey efficiency for species detection, and conducted an initial analysis of species interactions. The survey effort of 10, 171 camera workdays yielded 2, 868 suitable animal image events involving 17 mammal and 20 bird species. Among these, the dhole (Cuon alpinus) is considered to be Endangered, the snow leopard and white-lipped deer (Cervus albirostris) Vulnerable, and the Pallas’s cat (Feli smanul), mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), Himalayan griffon (Gyps himalayensis) and cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) Near Threatened under the IUCN red list. Fourteen species were also listed as key protected wild animals according to China national standards. Both the rarefaction curves and richness estimators suggested our sampling for mammal and pheasant species is sufficient, while more survey efforts are still needed to detect other bird species. With a focus on the dominant species Eurasian lynx (Lynx lynx), occupancy models were used to estimate site use and detection probability for selected species, and to investigate predator-prey relationships between lynx on the one hand and woolly hare (Lepus oiostolus), pika (Ochotona spp.) and Tibetan partridge (Perdix hodgsoniae) on the other. We give recommendations on how to increase efficiency in camera-based species inventory and biodiversity monitoring.  相似文献   

长白山自然保护区旅游资源开发的生态环境影响及其保护   总被引:21,自引:3,他引:18  
朱颜明  王宁 《山地学报》1999,17(4):353-357
长白山自然保护区属世界自然保留地之一的国家级森林和野生动物类型自然保护区。它以其自然资源绚丽,生物种源丰富,生态系统完整享誉全世界。曾以独特的“天然”“原始”状态,成为环境背景研究监测的理想场所,旅游资源开发带来明显的经济效益,同时也造成保护区的环境污染和生态破坏,保护区内开展旅游必须遵循适度开必,合理保护的原则,强调生态旅游,妥善处理保护与开发的关系,应尽快制定自然保护区环境规划,进行有效环境综  相似文献   

上海崇明东滩互花米草生态控制与鸟类栖息地优化工程   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
崇明东滩鸟类国家级自然保护区是迁徙水鸟的重要栖息地。近10余年来,保护区面临着互花米草Spartina alterniflora的入侵、鸟类栖息地退化、土著植被萎缩等生态问题。通过实施崇明东滩互花米草控制和鸟类栖息地优化工程,新建了25 km长的围堤从空间上阻断了互花米草扩张途径,并形成了"围、割、淹、晒、种、调"的生态治理方针。工程在鸟类栖息地优化区内营造了鸻鹬类主栖息区、苇塘区、雁鸭类主栖息区、鹤类主栖息区和科研监测管理区,并总结出各生境类型的地形要素与群落要素配置特点与管理要求。工程还支持了潮间带滩涂土著植物海三棱藨草Scirpus mariqueter的种群重建与复壮任务。最后,通过规范工程的后续管理和成效监测,为保护区的后期建设规划和科学管理提供了实践经验。  相似文献   

九寨沟保护区植被景观变化与生境破碎化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据1974、1994和2002年三个时段卫星影像,将土地覆盖类型划分为针叶林、针阔叶混交林、落叶阔叶林、灌丛、草地、裸地和水体7个类型。研究发现,九寨沟森林面积、特别是针叶林面积减少,各景观类型破碎化程度也在增大。与1974~1994年间森林丧失平均速率相比,1994~2002年间森林丧失速率明显放缓。第二期灌丛面积平均增长速率是第一期的3.5倍。随着生境破碎化的加剧,许多珍稀保护生物的前景变得难以预测,应以审慎的态度来对待所谓的“生态旅游”。  相似文献   

中国荒漠类自然保护区保护成效评估指标及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
自然保护区的保护成效是近年来一个重要科学问题。中国荒漠类自然保护区面积比例较高,而针对其保护成效问题的研究较少。本文以中国荒漠类自然保护区为研究对象,结合国内外自然保护区保护成效的相关研究,构建了荒漠类自然保护区保护成效评估指标体系,包括5个因素层共计20个评估指标,并在安西极旱荒漠国家级自然保护区进行了示范应用。结果表明:本研究构建的指标体系能够反映荒漠类自然保护区主要保护对象的动态变化,从而为科学客观评估荒漠类自然保护区保护成效、提升管理水平提供重要参考依据。此外,通过示范评估可以看出,安西保护区在物种及珍稀濒危生物保护方面取得了一定成效,但在珍稀濒危及特有物种和生态系统服务功能等方面的科研监测尚有待加强。  相似文献   

Based on the NOAA AVHRR-NDVI data from 1981 to 2001, the digitalized China Vegetation Map (1:1,000,000), DEM, temperature and precipitation data, and field investiga-tion, the spatial patterns and vertical characteristics of natural vegetation changes and their influencing factors in the Mt. Qomolangma Nature Reserve have been studied. The results show that: (1) There is remarkable spatial difference of natural vegetation changes in the Mt. Qomolangma Nature Reserve and stability is the most common status. There are 5.04% of the whole area being seriously degraded, 13.19% slightly degraded, 26.39% slightly im-proved, 0.97% significantly improved and 54.41% keeping stable. The seriously and slightly degraded areas, which mostly lie in the south of the reserve, are along the national bounda-ries. The areas of improved vegetation lie in the north of the reserve and the south side of the Yarlung Zangbo River. The stable areas lie between the improved and degraded areas. Degradation decreases with elevation. (2) Degeneration in the Mt. Qomolangma Nature Re-serve mostly affects shrubs, needle-leaved forests and mixed forests. (3) The temperature change affects the natural vegetation changes spatially while the integration of temperature changes, slopes and aspects affects the natural vegetation change along the altitude gradi-ents. (4) It is the overuse of resources that leads to the vegetation degeneration in some parts of the Mt. Qomolangma Nature Reserve.  相似文献   

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