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唐山地区干旱演变特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究区地处干旱和湿润气候的过渡地带,这一地区导致干旱发生的直接原因是干旱的气候和水资源的短缺,主要就是降水量的偏少.从简单实用角度考虑,本文根据唐山地区1956~2005年的水文和气象资料,采用降水距平、径流系数、她表湿润度指数等指标对唐山地区的干旱演变趋势进行分析,揭示出该地区近50年的干旱演变特征.  相似文献   

近30年雷州半岛季节性气象干旱时空特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王壬  陈建耀  江涛  黎坤  赵新锋 《水文》2017,37(3):36-41
为进一步分析日尺度有效干旱指数(Effective Drought Index,EDI)的适应性,基于雷州半岛1984~2013年逐日降水资料进行验证,对比EDI和月尺度标准化降水指数(Standardized Precipitation Index,SPI)的干旱识别效果,进而结合线性趋势、M-K趋势检验和空间插值方法 ,分析雷州半岛季节性气象干旱时空特征。结果表明:(1)日尺度EDI和6个月时间尺度SPI(SPI-6)适用于雷州半岛的干旱监测,但EDI对严重干旱和突发干旱的识别比SPI-6更准确;(2)1984~2013年,雷州半岛秋冬季干旱频率和干旱站次比均呈减少趋势,但春夏季干旱频率和干旱站次比略有增加趋势;(3)春旱频率从南向北递增,重旱高频地区位于西北部,而夏季重旱高频区位于西部沿海;秋旱南部重于北部,高频中心在雷中西部沿海和曾家周边;冬季重旱以西部沿海、雷州市和徐闻县交界处频率最高。  相似文献   

基于塔里木河流域39个气象站1961—2010年逐日观测数据和NCEP/NCAR再分析数据,采用标准化降水蒸散指数(Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index,SPEI),分析了该流域近50年来干湿时空变化特征及典型干湿月份和突变前后的大气环流特征。对SPEI序列进行的趋势检验和突变分析表明,近50年来,塔里木河流域显著变湿并在1986年发生显著突变,SPEI上升趋势显著的站点较多的月份主要集中在暖季(5~10月)。对突变前后不同等级干湿事件频率变化的统计结果表明,突变后,极端干旱事件发生频率略有增加,但轻度和中度干旱事件发生频率有所减少,而不同等级的湿事件发生频率则一致地表现为增加。对典型干湿月份和突变前后对应的北半球500hPa位势高度场和风场变化的合成分析表明,暖季典型干湿月份环流系统配置存在明显差异,增加的水汽和弱不稳定大气层结构是该区域1986年后暖季变湿的原因之一。  相似文献   

选用标准化降水指数作为气象干旱指标,通过引入多标度分形理论,运用乘法级联模型,以吉林西部6个气象站点1957年1月-2010年10月的月降水量数据为基础,对吉林西部气象干旱的多标度性质进行分析。研究结果表明,吉林西部气象干旱的发生在时间尺度上均具有多标度分形特征,但在不同站点多标度分形的强度不同,表现出一定的空间差异性。其强弱次序为:长岭<通榆<白城<前郭<扶余<乾安。  相似文献   

用定量遥感方法监测UNDP试区小流域水土流失研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
简要介绍了水土流失定量遥感方法的组成和基本原理,重点叙述了它在小流域治理试区的应用作业和应用结果,并讨论了它的适应性、准确性、实用性和应用前景等。该法的监测模型可与美国近年刊出的RUSLE相媲美,且其因子算式算法系由我国实测资料所建,故更适合我国水土流失实际的应用效果,尤其适用于遥感和GIS数据的微机处理。其应用结果,不仅有比常规调查法和定性遥感法更准确实用的流失总量、各级面积的统计数据和流失现状图,而且还有流失治理规划的防治强度预报图。在UNDP试区应用表明,该法所建立的系统,也可对小流域(大于7km2)每年实施监测,以获水土流失变化动态的准确信息。  相似文献   

为减轻季节性干旱对吉林西部农业生产造成的影响,以吉林西部6个气象站1957-2010年的月降水量资料为基础,采用标准化降水指数(SPI)作为气象干旱指标。利用Daubechies小波分析法、重标极差分析法(R/S)和干旱频率法对吉林西部SPI时空演化特征进行了研究。结果表明:研究区各站点冬旱整体上有减轻趋势,而秋旱有加重趋势;各站点气象干旱状况呈现出持续性特征,乾安(夏季和秋季)、前郭(夏季)、通榆(春季、夏季和秋季)、长岭(夏季)干旱持续性更加强烈。研究区春旱高频区为扶余,夏旱高频区为扶余和白城,秋旱高频区为白城、通榆、乾安、前郭和长岭,冬旱高频区为扶余、长岭和白城。研究结果可为吉林西部防旱减灾提供参考。  相似文献   

用归一化植被指数(NDVI)数据提取的农业绿洲NDVI累积作为人类活动因素综合,结合石羊河流域主要河流出山口水文站和下游控制站蔡旗水文站1981年10月至2003年9月平均径流资料,分析近20 a来人类活动,主要是中下游人工绿洲农业活动对石羊河流域地表径流的影响.结果表明: 近20 a来在出山口径流变化不大的情况下,下游蔡旗水文站的来水量明显减少;中游人工绿洲NDVI累积与蔡旗水文站径流量呈明显负相关,而与上下游径流差呈正相关,这表明可用NDVI累积数据代表人类活动因素分析其对径流变化影响的研究.1992年以后中游人工绿洲NDVI累积与上下游径流差相关关系明显好于1992年以前的关系,由此可见1992年以后人类活动对径流的影响要强于1992年以前.中游人工绿洲NDVI累积与上下游径流差呈正相关表明,中游人类活动直接导致下游径流量的减少,而下游绿洲NDVI累积的变化与下游河流来水量没有直接的关系,这可能与下游绿洲的发展依靠地下水的过渡开采实现,这种方式的绿洲发展可能难以长期维持.农业绿洲NDVI累积趋势分析表明,中游农业绿洲有向外扩张趋势,而下游民勤农业绿洲有东退西进之势.  相似文献   

闫颖  陈有炘  孟勇  李佐臣 《西北地质》2015,48(2):231-237
利用不同地质体在同一波段或相同地质体在不同波段具有不同色调的变化规律, 对东天山大黑山地区的ETM+图像和Spot图像进行了详细的地质解译, 建立了研究区地层、侵入体和构造的解译标志。解译结果表明, 在遥感影像图上可以准确的勾绘不同地质体的界线、确定不同构造的位置。通过野外地质调查, 划分出不同的地层单位、侵入体和构造现象。遥感地质解译和野外验证结果对比表明, 遥感技术在地质填图工作中可以发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

长江源区蒸散量变化规律及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用空间分辨率为1 100 m的NOAA遥感数据,运用表面能量平衡系统(SEBS)模型,结合当地气象站实际观测数据,计算了1991-2001年长江源区的蒸散量,运用线性回归的方法计算了源区各像素点的蒸散量变化趋势,统计分析了蒸散量的多年变化规律。运用地理信息系统技术分析了气温、地表温度、降水量和植被指数(NDVI)等主要因素对蒸散量变化的影响。研究结果表明,源区蒸散量以6.8 mm/a的速度增加。全球变暖引起的气温、地表温度的升高是蒸散量增加的主要原因;在空间分布上,河流左岸阳坡蒸散量增加,右岸阴坡蒸散量减小;降水量、植被覆盖度分别与蒸散量有很好的正相关关系,源区东南部降水量大,植被相对旺盛,蒸腾作用强烈,蒸散量大;西北部降水量小,植被生长稀疏,蒸散量较小。  相似文献   

西南三江地区是我国地质构造活动比较强烈的地区,其中又以断裂活动为主体,控制地区地质环境变化,致使生态环境或人类生存环境受到重大损失和破坏。以遥感图像提供的地质构造信息为依据,在解译区域断裂构造基础上,确立了活动断裂遥感解译标志,总结了区内活动断裂的基本特征,并结合断裂构造对该区地震、地质灾害以及第四纪地区的影响作用作出分析评述。  相似文献   

近300a来塔里木河流域旱涝灾害特征分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
干旱与洪涝是极端水文事件中最具有代表性的水文事件,在气候变化的影响下旱涝灾害事件越来越引起人们的关注. 采用传统的气象干旱指标-标准化降水指数SPI和小波分析法、反距离加权法以及线性回归分析,研究了近300 a来塔里木河流域旱涝灾害分布特征及关键影响因素. 结果表明:近300 a来塔里木河流域旱涝灾害呈增加的趋势,且洪涝事件较干旱事件明显. 其中,喀什、阿克苏等地的发生频率最高,并表现为群发性;近60 a塔里木河流域自西向东旱涝灾害事件呈交替现象. 小波分析结果表明,塔里木河流域旱涝灾害呈现15 a的周期性,由此推断未来5~10 a研究区湿润化面积仍有扩大的可能. 大气环流指数与多尺度下的SPI指相关性检验表明,PNA对秋季和冬季的SPI值的影响较为显著;旱涝灾害对农牧业的影响较为严重,其中,洪涝灾害的影响大于干旱.  相似文献   

This study is focused on the western part of the French Mediterranean area, namely the Pyrénées-Orientales and Aude administrative departments. The water resources (surface and groundwater) in the region are sensitive to climate change. The study addresses the question of whether any trend in the annual and monthly series of temperature, rainfall and potential evapotranspiration (PET) already appears at the scale of this region. Two data sources have been used: (a) direct local measurements using the meteorological network; and (b) spatially interpolated data from the French weather service model SAFRAN for the period 1970–2006. The non-parametric Mann–Kendall test was applied to identify significant trends at the local scale and, because of the natural spatial variability of the Mediterranean climate, regional interpretation was also performed. The trends observed in the 13 catchments of interest are consistent with those observed at a larger scale. An increase in annual mean temperature and annual PET was observed throughout the study area, whereas annual precipitation has not exhibited any trend. The monthly scale has revealed strong seasonal variability in trend. The trend for an increase in monthly PET has been observed mainly in the spring, and has not been seen in the coastal areas. A trend for an increase in monthly temperature has been observed in June and in the spring throughout the entire area. Monthly rainfall has been found to decrease in June and increase in November throughout the area. The significant trends observed in rainfall and temperature seem to be consistent between the different data sources.  相似文献   

以2014—2015年的GF 1为主、少量OLI影像为基础,参考第二次中国冰川目录等文献资料,修编完成青海省和西藏自治区两省区的现代冰川编目,查明青藏两省区目前共有冰川24 796条,总面积约2624×104 km2,约占青藏两省区区域面积的137%,冰川储量为2027×103~2121×103 km3。调查区冰川数量以面积<10 km2、冰川面积介于10~100 km2之间的冰川为主,其中面积<10 km2的冰川有19 983条,占总数量的8059%,面积介于10~100 km2之间的冰川面积为11 96240 km2,占总面积的4559%;面积最大的中锋冰川的面积达23737 km2。调查区内的山系(高原)均有冰川分布,念青唐古拉山冰川数量最多,其次是喜马拉雅山和冈底斯山,这3座山系冰川数量占调查区内冰川总数量的6333%;念青唐古拉山、喜马拉雅山和昆仑山的冰川面积和冰储量位列前3位,其冰川面积和冰储量分别占总数的6809%和7344%;然而昆仑山和羌塘高原的单条冰川的平均面积大于念青唐古拉山和喜马拉雅山的平均面积。从冰川海拔分布来看,海拔5 000~6 500 m之间是冰川集中发育区域,约占调查区冰川数量和冰川总面积的85%以上。调查区的冰川在各流域的分布差异显著,恒河流域是冰川分布数量最多、面积最大的一级外流区,其数量占冰川总量的47%以上,面积占总面积的52%以上;青藏高原内陆流域的冰川数量、面积次之,其冰川数量占总数量的21%,面积占总面积的24%以上,并且内流区单条冰川的平均面积略大于外流区的平均面积。总体上,西藏的冰川数量、面积和冰储量分别占西藏和青海两省区的8492%、8492%、8668%,单条冰川的平均面积两省区相近。  相似文献   

对利用ASTER、RapidEye、QuickBird及ASAR等多种类型遥感影像在伟晶岩型矿床遥感找矿中的综合应用进行了探讨。云英岩化和钠长石化是阿祖拜矿田两类主要的蚀变类型。在分析其光谱特征的基础上,确定了利用ASTER数据对这两类蚀变进行信息提取的方法。利用ASTER热红外数据进行了岩浆岩类型的划分,为不同岩性接触带的准确定位提供了依据。伟晶岩在可见光-近红外光谱段的高反射率是伟晶岩的自动识别及遥感解译重要的物理基础。以QuickBird的伟晶岩解译结果为检验标准,得到RapidEye的伟晶岩自动提取精度约86%。构造交汇部位、岩性接触带以及伟晶岩富集区与蚀变异常的叠加部分是该区成矿预测的重要依据。基于蚀变异常、伟晶岩富集区、地质构造等遥感找矿综合信息,圈定了4个远景成矿靶区,为进一步开展地质详查工作提供参考。关键词:伟晶岩;蚀变异常;遥感;信息提取;成矿预测  相似文献   

黑河中游金塔地区生态环境变化遥感监测   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
利用1990年和2000年的TM遥感资料,在经过定标、几何校正和图像增强等图像处理的基础上对土地覆盖类型进行解译,从而实现黑河中游金塔地区的生态环境遥感动态监测.从监测结果计算出黑河中游金塔地区2000年的生态环境相对于1990年的生态环境变化如下:人工用地增加34.17%,农业用地增加19.47%,水体增加8%,湿地增加6.3%,未利用土地增加了1.73%,自然/半自然植被减少42.78%.并对这些生态环境变化的原因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on revealing the status quo and variation of glaciers in the western region of Tanggula Mountains. The ratio threshold, NIR water identification and visual interpretation were used to extract the boundary of glaciers based on Landsat data (TM/ETM+/OLI) from 1990 to 2015. In particular, the NIR water identification is a new method to extract glaciers from water, which is suitable to improve the traditional method of ratio threshold. This study used spatial interpolation method to evaluate temperature and precipitation changes. The kriging interpolation method was adapted to manipulate and to extract the appropriate data based on ten weather stations. Comparing to the variations and characteristics of glaciers and climate change from 1990 to 2015, we concluded that glacial retreat in the western region of Tanggula Mountains was serious. The glacier area reduced from 1 693.65 km2 to 1 490.81 km2, respectively, in 1990 and 2015, in general, approximately 202.84 km2 (11.98%) of glacier area has been retreated in the last 25 years. Moreover, the rate of glacier decline after 2000 was much faster than the last decade of the 20th century. In addition, the decreased area of glaciers in the lower altitude basins below 5 000 meters occupied 94.84% of the total change area while the glacier above 5 000 meters almost had no change. The kriging interpolation of the meteorological data indicated that the southeast of the study area was damp and hot while the northwest was cold and dry. The characteristic of temperature distribution from the northwest to the southeast presented from low to high, and precipitation increased in the first of the study period and then decreased but both of them were not very significant. In short, the temperature of study area was increased more prominently since 2000, while the precipitation change was very weak. The mean annual temperature and precipitation of 1980-1989a, 1990-1999a, and 2000-2013a were -3.53 ℃, -3.20 ℃, -2.22 ℃, and 384.49 mm, 354.27 mm, 428.13 mm, respectively. The study found that the glacier change was consistent with temperature variation in spite of the adverse effects of increased precipitation. Therefore, the research concluded that the precipitation change was not more significant comparing to temperature change. In other words, the main reason of the rapid decrease of glaciers in study area was likely due to the rise of temperature.  相似文献   

The Iberian-Roman Humid Period (IRHP, 2600-1600 cal yr BP), is the most humid phase of the last 4000 yr in southern Spain as recorded in the sedimentary sequence of Zoñar Lake (37°29′00″N, 4°41′22″ W, 300 m a.s.l.). A varve chronology supported by several AMS 14C dates allows study of the lake evolution at annual scale in response to human impact and climate changes. There are four climate phases within this period: i) gradual transition (2600-2500 yr ago, 650-550 BC) from a previous arid period; ii) the most humid interval during the Iberian-Early Roman Epoch (2500-2140 yr ago, 550-190 BC); iii) an arid interval during the Roman Empire Epoch (2140-1800 yr ago, 190 BC AD 150); and iv) a humid period synchronous with the decline of the Roman Empire (1800-1600 yr ago, AD 150-350). Varve thickness and geochemical proxies show a multi-decadal cyclicity similar to modern North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) (60, 20 years) and solar variability cycles (11 yr). The timing and the structure of this humid period is similar to that described in Eastern Mediterranean and northern European sites and supports the same large-scale climate control for northern latitudes and the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

对藏北长江源地区河谷地貌和新构造变形调查发现,该区具有平行式水系格局,河谷地貌以形态不同的窄谷和宽谷为特点,新近纪以来该区主要经历了早期挤压和晚期伸展构造演化过程,产生了褶皱-逆冲、走滑剪切、正断层和地堑构造3种构造变形样式。长江源区河谷地貌的形成演化明显受新构造运动的影响,新构造运动不仅控制了河谷地貌形态与水系格局,而且影响了河流阶地分布以及洪(冲)积扇的形态、结构。长江源地区主要水系至少自全新世以来是沿新构造运动产生的不同性质断裂构造溯源侵蚀发育而成。  相似文献   

研究区位于伊犁盆地南缘伊什基里克山西段,已发现48处铜多金属矿产,分为浅成中低温热液型、岩浆热液型、火山热液型3种类型.矿产形成与石炭—二叠纪裂谷发展演化关系密切,主要赋存于大哈拉军山组、伊什里克组中-酸性火山碎屑岩中.近EW向、NE向的4条基底大断裂控制了绝大部分金属矿产分布,旁侧NE向、NW向、E W向3组次级断裂为区内主要容矿构造.该区具寻找较大规模多金属矿产潜力,主攻类型为浅成中低温热液型银铜、铅锌、金、多金属矿,及火山热液型铜、铁、锰、多金属矿,重点地段为优选出的3个找矿远景区.  相似文献   

《Resource Geology》2018,68(1):65-82
The B angonghu–N ujiang metallogenic belt is considered to be T ibet’s third copper belt after the Y ulong and G angdese copper belts. The D uolong gold‐rich porphyry copper deposit, located in the western part of the B angonghu–N ujiang belt was recently recognized as a superlarge prospect. The A dvanced S paceborne T hermal E mission and R eflection R adiometer (ASTER ) was used to characterize the D uolong porphyry deposit alteration area, and three methods, color enhancement, band ratio transformation, and spectral angle mapping, were utilized to extract the phyllic and argillic alteration zones, which are typically considered the most important predictors of porphyry copper. Seven prospecting areas, which match mapped alteration zones, were delineated in the D uolong deposit. In addition, an ASTER image of the eastern region of the B angonghu–N ujiang belt in the X iongmei area was used to extract alteration information, and an area with image characteristics similar to the D uobuza and B olong ore deposits was identified as a prospecting area. Numerous malachite outcrops were identified in the field, and both laboratory analysis and isotopic dating confirmed that the deposit had formed concurrently with the D uobuza deposit (119 M a). Geologic mapping at the 1:5000 scale was conducted in the area, and three types of ore‐bearing rocks were identified, indicating that this area has significant potential to host ore deposits. The discovery of the X iongmei copper mining area is significant for the B angonghu–N ujiang belt.  相似文献   

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