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A statistical study of the orbital parameters of comets, asteroids and meteor streams shows that the vectors representing their angular momenta per mass unit (or the average angular momentum for meteor streams) are not arbitrarily distributed in the space: They are clustered around determinated values of angles . This synthesizes the eccentricities and inclinations of the orbital planes in a unique parameter adequated for the statistical purposes of the present work being defined by cos = cos (arc sin e) cos i.The discreteness of the obtained distribution N() and its relation with the components of the angular momenta per mass unit is analysed having this distribution common features for objects of different nature and located in different places in the solar potential well. Some hypotheses concerning to these effects are discussed.  相似文献   

I give an interpretation of a result of Simpsonet al. (1988) on the variation with kinetic energyT i of the mean pathlengthX m (T i ) of the galactic cosmic rays (CGRs) in the range 0.1T i 10.0 GeV nucl–1. I argue that the data onX m (T i ) may be interpreted in terms of a model of GCR diffusion on the one-dimensional Alfvén-wave turbulence, having a cutoff in the spectrum at frequencies h , where h is the proton gyrofrequency. The cutoff results in changing of the character of variation of the GCR diffusion coefficientD(T i )T a in the rangeT i 1 GeV nucl–1 towards some more complicated variation at 0.1T i 1.0 GeV nucl–1 due to the peculiarities of the pitch-angle scattering at 900.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird gezeigt, daß die unter der Einwirkung einer Momentenimpulsserie entstehende Bewegung eines rotierenden Flugkörpers mit Nutationsdämpfung sich vollständig einem regelmäßigen Polygon entnehmen läßt, das durch das Trägheitsmomentenverhältnis, den Integralwert eines Einzelimpulses, den Drall und eine die Dämpfung charakterisierende KonstanteK 0 bestimmt ist.Die Bewegung setzt sich aus logarithmischen Spiralen zusammen, derenn-ten Anfangsradius man erhält, indem man den Teilungspunkt des im VerhältnisK 0:1 geteilten (n–1)-ten Radius mit der (n+1)-ten Polygonecke verbindet.Es wird bewiesen, daß das Konstruktionsnetz zu einem im äußeren Polygon liegenden ähnlichen inneren Polygon konvergiert, das gegenüber ersterem gedreht ist.Einfache Beziehungen zur Bewegungsbestimmung mit dem Polygonschema werden für Pulsfrequenzen angegeben, die ganzzahlige Vielfache oder Bruchteile der Spinfrequenz sind.
It is shown that the motion of a spinning body with nutation damping due to a series of torque pulses can be completely derived from a regular polygon determined by the ratio of inertias, the integral of one pulse, the momentum and a constantK 0 characterizing damping.The motion is composed of spirals thenth initial radius of which is obtained by connecting the dividing point of the (n–1)th radius with the (n+1)th polygon corner. Each dividing point divides the respective radius in the ratioK 0:1. The net of construction lines converges into an inner polygon turned against the outer one and having the same shape.Simple rules are shown for the application of the scheme on pulse frequencies which are multiples or fractions of spin frequency.

Symbole 1-2-3 Achsen des flugkörperfesten Koordinatensystems - a,b,c Hilfsgrößen zur Bestimmung der Iterationsgrößen - E i i-te Polygonecke - H Drall des Flugkörpers - K i Verhältnis deri-ten Drehzeigerlängen zu Beginn und am Ende eines Impulses - M Iterationsmatrix - Integralwert des Momentenimpulses - P 0 Äußeres Polygon - P 1 Spitze des Drehzeigersr 00e - P Drehpunkt des Drehzeigersr 00 - P Konvergierendes Polygon - P i Teilungspunkt des [i–1]-ten Zeigers - r 0i Drehzeiger aufgrund desi-ten Impulses allein - r 0ia Zeigerr 0i in Anfangslage - r 0ie Zeigerr 0i in Endlage - r i i-ter Summenzeiger - r ia Zeigerr i in Anfangslage - r ie Zeigerr i in Endlage - T Dauer einer Flugkörperumdrehung - t,t, Zeitargumente - x-y-z Achsen eines raumfesten Koordinatensystems - x i ,y i Iterationskoordinaten - n Phase desn-ten Radius gegenüber der anliegenden Polygonseite - Drehung des inneren Polygons gegenüber dem äußeren - Abklingkonstante - Phasenänderung des Drehzeigers innerhalb einer Flugkörperumdrehung - 0 Anteil der über 2 hinausgehenden Phasenänderung des Drehzeigers - 3 Trägheitsmoment um die Spinachse - 12 Trägheitsmoment um die Querachsen - Zahl der Ecken des Konstruktionspolygons - 1,2 Eigenwerte der Iterationsmatrix - Zahl der vollen Umläufe des Konstruktionspolygons - Fortbewegungsachse des Drallvektors - 0 Ausgangsphasenwinkel - i Phasenlage desi-ten Summenzeigers - x, y Drehwinkel nach Einzelimpuls fürt - , Funktionen der Iterationsgrößen - , Drehwinkel umx-bzw.y-Achse - Drehgeschwindigkeit der Spinachse um den Drallvektor - Fiktive Größen bei Pulsfrequenzen kleiner als Spinfrequenz - Fiktive Größen bei Pulsfrequenzen größer als Spinfrequenz  相似文献   

D. F. Smith  S. H. Brecht 《Solar physics》1994,153(1-2):337-345
A critical examination of the components of the recent impulsive loop flare model of Takakura is made. It is found that his analysis of the stability of the electron distribution resulting from anomalous heat conduction is in error and electron plasma waves would not be excited. Rather, in the regions where the electron/proton temperature ratioT e/T i 10, electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves would be excited and in the regions whereT e 10, ion-acoustic waves would be excited. Ratios ofT e/T i 10 occur only in the late time development behind the conduction fronts. Since the anomalous resistivity due to electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves is fortuitously about 70% of the one used by Takakura, the general development will follow closely the one calculated by him. Because the anomalous resistivity due to ion-acoustic waves is about 95 times the one used by Takakura, the development in the parts of the loop whereT e/T i 10 for late times would be altered considerably.Also Guest Worker at NOAA Space Environment Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Infinite series expansions are obtained for the doubly averaged effects of the Moon and Sun on a high altitude Earth satellite, and the results used to interpret numerically integrated examples. New in this paper are: (1) both sublunar and translunar satellites are considered; (2) analytic expansions include all powers in the satellite and perturbing body semi-major axes; (3) the fact that retrograde orbits have more benign eccentricity behavior than direct orbits should be exploited for high altitude satellite systems; and (4) near circular orbits can be maintained with small expenditures of fuel in the face of an exponential driving force one forI ab, whereI b=180°–I a andI a is somewhat less than 39.2° for sublunar orbits and somewhat greater than 39.2° for translunar orbits.Nomenclature a semi-major axis - A lk coefficient defined in Equation (11) - B lk coefficient defined in Equation (24) - C km coefficient defined in Equation (25) - D, E, F coefficients in Equations (38), (39) - e eccentricity - H k expression defined in Equation (34) - expression defined in Equation (35) - I inclination of satellite orbit on lunar (or solar) ring plane - J 2 coefficient of second harmonic of Earth's gravitational potential (1082.637×10–6 R E 2 ) - K k, Lk, Mk expressions in Section 4 - expressions in Section 4 - p=a(1–e 2) semi-latus rectum - P l Legendre polynomial of degreel - q argument of Legendre polynomial - radial distance of satellite - R E Earth equatorial radius (6378.16 km) - R, S, W perturbing accelerations in the radial, tangential and orbit normal directions - syn synchronous orbit radius (42 164.2 km=6.6107R E) - t time - T satellite orbital period - T orbital period of perturbing body (Moon) - T e period of long periodic oscillations ine for |I|<I a - T s synodic period - U gravitational potential of lunar (or solar) ring - x, y, z Cartesian coordinates of a satellite with (x, y) being the ring plane - coefficient defined in Equation (20) - average change in orbital element over one orbit (=a, e, I, , ) - 1,23 unit vectors in thex, y, z coordinate directions - r , s , w unit vectors in the radial, tangential and orbit normal directions - =+ angle along the orbital plane from the ascending node on the ring plane to the true position of the satellite - angle around the ring - gravitational constant times mass of Earth (3.986 013×105 km s–2) - gravitational constant times mass of Moon (or Sun) - m gravitational constant times mass of Moon (/81.301) - s gravitational constant time mass of Sun (332 946 ) - ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter - radius of lunar (or solar) ring - m radius of lunar ring (60.2665R E) - s radius of solar ring (23455R E) - true anomaly - argument of perigee - 0 initial value of - i critical value of in quadranti(i=1, 2, 3, 4) - longitude of ascending node on ring plane This work was sponsored by the Department of the Air Force.  相似文献   

When asteroids are in the secular resonance 6, the variation of the eccentricity becomes very large. In this paper, the dynamics of this secular resonance 6 is investigated by a simple analytical model, in which the third degree terms of the eccentricity and inclination are taken into account. The eccentricity variations of asteroids located near this resonance are represented clearly by the diagrams of equi-Hamiltonian curves on the plane of versuse ( the longitude of perihelion of asteroids and Saturn,e: the eccentricity of asteroids). These diagrams predict that the eccentricity of these asteroids suffers a large increase or decrease, and that the secular resonance argument librates about 0° and 180°. In order to confirm these predictions, numerical integrations are carried out over one million years. By these integrations, it is found that the eccentricity of secular resonant asteroids becomes more than 0.8, and that the libration about 0° also exists, as well as the libration about 180°. The strongly depopulated region in the asteroidal belt, which corresponds to the position of the secular resonance 6, is also explained well by this analytical model.  相似文献   

R. Grant Athay 《Solar physics》1988,116(2):223-237
An attempt is made in this paper to determine the coefficient a in a power-law relationship of the form V ~T between the r.m.s. velocity fluctuation, V for raster images with 3 resolution and the temperature, T of line formation using SMM solar data. For T between 8000 and 105 K, the data suggest a best fit with 3/4 < 1. It is argued, however, that unresolved fine structure tends to reduce the observed value of V and that higher resolution data may yield different values for . Skylab data have shown that the non-thermal line broadening velocity, , is proportional to T 1/2. Also, for all temperatures less than 105 K, V . This latter result, however, is again dependent on spatial resolution and may not be true in observations made with sufficient spatial resolution. The magnitudes of both V and indicate that bulk motions play important roles in the structure of the solar atmosphere as well as in its energy and momentum balance. It is important, therefore, to identify the true nature of such motions with better accuracy than is possible with currently available data.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Hidekazu Tanaka  Shigeru Ida 《Icarus》1996,120(2):371-386
We have developed a semi-analytic method of calculating the changes in heliocentric Keplerian orbital elements due to gravitational scattering by a protoplanet as a three-body problem. In encounters with high incident velocities, either the gravity of the protoplanet or the solar gravity can be regarded as perturbation force. In close encounters, by taking into account the solar gravity as a perturbation, we modified the two-body gravitational scattering. On the other hand, in slightly distant encounters, we apply the perturbing force of the protoplanet to the heliocentric Keplerian orbit of planetesimals. As a result, as for high-velocity encounters, the three-body problem is semi-analytically solvable. Our semi-analytic method can reproduce the numerical result of the orbital changes of individual planetesimals for the broad range of high-energy encounters with surprising high accuracy. We found that our method is valid under the conditions (i)b0? 2 and (ii) (e20+i20b20)1/2? 4, wheree0andi0are eccentricity and inclination of relative motion normalized by the reduced Hill radius andb0is the difference between semimajor axes normalized by the Hill radius. Though our method needs some numerical procedure, its cpu time is negligibly short compared with that of the direct orbital integration. In simulation of orbital evolution of planetesimals around a protoplanet in the gas, which we will perform in the subsequent paper, most encounters can be calculated by the semi-analytic method. This makes it possible to perform the long term (∼105years) orbital calculation of ∼103–4planetesimals.  相似文献   

Schubart's model of a planar, elliptic restricted three-body problem is used to study the orbital motion of the Hilda asteroids from thePalomar-Leiden Survey. The 3:2 resonant coupling to Jupiter of some of these small asteroids are found to be stable. However, some of the small asteroids with absolute magnitudeg>15 have large amplitude of variation in their orbital elements in one libration period. Since the lifetime scales against catastrophic collision of the Hilda asteroids are estimated to be several times larger than those of the main belt objects, a significant portion of these resonant asteroids could be the original members of the Hilda group. From this point of view, it is suggested that such size-dependence of resonant orbital motions might be the result of the cosmogonic effects ofjet stream accretion.  相似文献   

Absolute wavelengths for Fraunhofer lines are compared with laboratory measurements for several atomic and molecular spectra. The wavelength differences are shown to be consistent with the proposal that the deeper layers of the photosphere are in convective motion: e -3 km/sec for log 0> -1.0. Convective motions in the outer layers (log0< - 1.0) are shown to be very small. Wavelength shifts of Fraunhofer lines formed in these outer layers are in good quantitative agreement with the predictions of the General Theory of Relativity.  相似文献   

Some weak unidentified solar photospheric lines in the wavelength range: (3400–3465) Å may be due to PH lines of the (0, 0) band of the PH(A 3 i - X 3 -)system. These faint PH molecular lines have resulted an excitation temperature of the order of 4500 K. Using experimental lifetime data for PH in the A 3 i state, an absorption oscillator strength f 00 = 0.0075 is derived for the 3410 Å band of the PH (A 3 i - X 3 -)system. Accurate line positions, oscillator strength and transition probability for the 4.4 fundamental rotation-vibration band of the PH molecule are obtained. A comparison of positions of some lines of the 4.4 band with those obtained on new tracings of high resolution solar spectra shows many coincidences with weak solar lines.  相似文献   

The shifts of Fraunhofer lines of different chemical elements in a homogeneous medium with a plane monochromatic progressive adiabatic sound waves are derived. The calculations indicate that lines of neutral elements (6 0 14) with lower excitation potentials 0 i= 0–2 eV are red shifted, those with excitation potential 0 i= 4–12 eV are blue shifted, and with 0 i= 3 eV are both blue and red shifted. The lines of ions are shifted toward the blue. The shifts of Fraunhofer lines are found to decrease from the centre of the solar disk to the limb. These results agree qualitatively and quantitatively with observations.  相似文献   

Using observational data on 14 sunspots from the Sayan Observatory vector magnetograph, a study was made of the relationship between the sunspot magnetic field and the Evershed motions. It is shown that the central area of the solar disk is dominated by an anti-correlation of the longitudinal magnetic field B and the line-of-sight velocity V when a maximum of V corresponds to the neutral line of the longitudinal field. Near the limb there usually is a coincidence of the field and velocity neutral lines. There is evidence for the possible asymmetric character of the effect with respect to the central meridian.  相似文献   

The relevant data for the known 147 pulsars are presented in graphical and tabular forms. Various data correlations are discussed, and a detailed analysis of pulsar dispersion measures and distances is given. The range of the electron densities in the diffuse interstellar medium is found to be 0.01 cm–3n e0.1 cm–3, and n e0.03 cm–3. The dispersion scale height for pulsars is found to be 5.9±0.7 pc cm–3 implying a linear scale height of 200 pc, which is much smaller than the electron scale height of our Galaxy.Astrophysics and Space Science Review Paper.  相似文献   

Analytic structure of high-density steady isothermal spheres is discussed using the TOV equation of hydrostatic equilibrium which satisfies an equation of state of the kind:P = K g , = g c 2.Approximate analytical solutions to the Tolman-Oppenheimer-Volkoff (TOV) equations of hydrostatic equilibrium in (, ), (,U) and (u, v) phase planes in concise and simple form useful for short computer programmes or on small calculator, have been given. In Figures 1, 2, and 3, respectively, we display the qualitative behaviours of the ratio of gas density g to the central density gc , g / gc ; pressureP to the gc ,P/ gc ; and the metric componente , for three representative general relativistic (GR) isothermal configurations =0.1, 0.2, and 0.3. Figure 4 shows the solution curve (, ) for =0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 (=0 represents the classical (Newtonian) curve). Numerical values of physical quantitiesv (=4r 2 P *(r)), in steps ofu (=M(r)/r)=0.03, and the mass functionU, in steps of =0.2 (dimensionless radial distance), are given, respectively, in Tables I and II. Other interesting features of the configurations, such as ratio of gravitational radius 2GM/c 2 to the coordinate radiusR, mass distributionM(r)/M, pressure (or density) distributionP/P c , binding energy (B.E.), etc., have also been incorporated in the text. It has further been shown that velocity of sound inside the configurations is always less than the velocity of light.Part of the work done at Azerbaijan State University, Baku, U.S.S.R., and Mosul University, Mosul, Iraq, 1985-1986  相似文献   

Resume On étudie les solutions périodiques d'un système Hamiltonien au voisinage des résonances i/j Ni et Nj sont des nombres entiers premiers entre eux.Dans le cas ou l'hamiltonien à la forme H=H0+H1, une procédure générale est donnée pour trouver les familles de solutions périodiques. Le développement asymptotique de la solution peut être calculé explicitement. L'étude de la stabilité est traitée (Stellmacher, 1984).Une application aux problèmes de dynamique galactique pour un système à trois degrés de liberté est faite pour le voisinage de la résonance 221.
Hamiltonian systems in the neighbourhood of an equilibrium solution. I:Periodic orbits in cases of resonance
We study the periodic solutions of an Hamiltonian system with n degrees of freedom, near an equilibrium point, in the vicinity of the resonances i/jNi/Nj. Ni/Nj are fractions in their lowest terms for any pair (i, j).In this case, a general procedure to find the families of periodic solutions is given. The asymptotic solutions can explicitly be calculated including the periods. (The stability will be presented in Stellmacher (1984).) An application to a galactic dynamics problem in a system with three degrees of freedom near the resonances 221, is analytically treated in detail.

The pulsed plasma probe technique has been expanded to include simultaneous determinations of absolute electron density, density fluctuations, electron temperature, and mean-ion-mass with resolution limited only by probe geometry, sheath size, and telemetry. The technique has been designed to test for coupling of electron density variations and ion composition irregularities in multi-component plasmas by the comparison of electron density fluctuation power spectraP N(k) and a newly-developed diagnostic parameter, the mean-ion-mass fluctuation spectraM i/M iP M(k). In addition, the experiment extends satellite-borne irregularity spectral analyses down to the 5–20 m range while attempting to identify F-region plasma instability processes on the basis of characteristics inN e,T e, N e,P N,M i, andP M. Initial results demonstrate the expanded diagnostic capability for high spatial resolution measurements of mean-ion-mass and provide experimental evidence for the role of ion composition in multi-stepped plasma instability processes. Specific results include a spectral indexX n inP N=A nf–X n of 1.6–2.9 over the wavelength range from 1 km to 6 m under conditions identified with an unstable equatorial nighttime ionosphere. Simultaneous measurements ofM i/M i(P M=A M f –X m) andN e/N e(P N=A n f –X n) have shown a general behavior tending to lower power (A m<A n) and softer spectra (X m<X n) in ion mass fluctuations when compared with fluctuations in total plasma density. Limited analyses of the two power spectral elements raise hopes for the differentiation between plasma mechanisms that can lead to similar indices inP N.Paper originally submitted to the journalSpace Science Instrumentation.  相似文献   

An abundance analysis of the solar calcium spectrum is carried out using 46 lines with known f-values in the visible and near infrared spectral region. Resonance, forbidden and autoionizing lines are included. The solar abundance of calcium resulting from the 25 weaker, nearly damping-independent lines only is log Ca=6.36±0.07, on the scale log H = 12. The great variety of transitions involved in the solar calcium spectrum, ranging from 0 eV lines of CaI to 7.5 eV lines of CaII and including autoionizing lines, are in reasonable agreement (Figure 1b). Therefore notable non-LTE effects on their equivalent widths can be excluded.Together with the sodium abundance log Na = 6.30 determined earlier, the solar abundance ratio Ca/Na = 1.15 is obtained with an accuracy of 10%. Comparison with meteorites (carbonaceous chondrites I) shows that solar and meteoritic ratio agree within these limits.The line broadening by collisions with hydrogen atoms is determined empirically from a comparison of weak and strong Fraunhofer lines of CaI and CaII, thereby using the solar atmosphere as an absorption tube of comparatively well-known physical state. The damping half-widths H turn out to be larger than predicted from pure van der Waals interaction, the average enhancement factor being 3.0 for CaI and 1.7 for CaII, independent of term properties to a first approximation. Regardless of the reason for this enhancement — inaccurate van der Waals theory or predominance of repulsive interaction these results can be used in the spectroscopy of other stars.  相似文献   

We review theoretical and numerical results obtained for secular resonant motion in the asteroidal belt. William's theory (1969) yields the locations of the principal secular resonances 5, 6, and 16 in the asteroidal belt. Theories by Nakai and Kinoshita (1985) and by Yoshikawa (1987) allow us to model the basic features of orbital evolution at the secular resonances 16 and 6, respectively. No theory is available for the secular resonance v5. Numerical experiments by Froeschlé and Scholl yield quantitative and new qualitative results for orbital evolutions at the three principal secular resonances 5, 6, and 16. These experiments indicate possible chaotic motion due to overlapping resonances. A secular resonance may overlap with another secular resonance or with a mean motion resonance. The role of the secular resonances as possible sources of meteorites is discussed.  相似文献   

Two models for superluminal radio sources predict sharp lower bounds for the apparent velocities of separation. The light echo model predicts a minimum velocityv min=2c, and the dipole field model predictsv min=4.446c. Yahil (1979) has suggested that, if either of these models is correct, thenv min provides a standard velocity which can be used to determine the cosmological parametersH andq 0. This is accomplished by estimating a lower envelope for the proper motion vs redshift relation. Yahil also argued that the procedure could easily be generalized to include a nonzero cosmical constant . We derive the formulas relating the proper motion to the redshiftz in a Friedmann universe with a nonzero . We show that the determination of a lower envelope for a given sample of measured points yields an estimate of the angle of inclination i for each source in the sample. We formulate the estimation of the lower envelope as a constrained maximum likelihood problem with the constraints specified by the expected value of the largest order statistic for the estimated i . We solve this problem numerically using an off-the-shelf nonlinearly constrained nonlinear optimization program from the NAg library. Assuming =0, we apply the estimation procedure to a sample of 27 sources with measured values , using both the light echo and the dipole field models. The fits giveH=103 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=46 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=0.4, but the uncertainty in this result is too large to rule out the possibility thatq 0>0.5. When is allowed to be a free parameter, we obtainH=105 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the light echo model andH=47 km s–1 Mpc–1 for the dipole field model. In both cases the fits giveq 0=–1 and /H 0 2 =6.7, but no significance can be attached to these results because of the paucity of measured data at hight redshifts. For all of the fits, we compute the corresponding estimates of the i and compare the cumulative distribution of these values with that expected from a sample of randomly oriented sources. In all cases we find a large excess of sources at low-inclination angles (high apparent velocities). The expected selection effect would produce such an excess, but the excess is large enough to suggest a strong contamination of the sample by relativistic beam sources which would only be seen at low inclination angles.Applied Research Corporation  相似文献   

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