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The present study examined the major features of the interdecadal variation of the summer rainfall over eastern China (IVRC) and the possible association with sea surface temperature (SST). We noted that the first leading mode of IVRC (accounting for nearly half of the total variance and with maximum loading for the summer rainfall anomalies over South China) may be not forced by SST. On the other hand, the second and third leading modes [accounting for 17.1 and 13.6 % of the total variance and mainly associated with the summer rainfall anomalies over the Yangtze River valley (YRV) and North China, respectively] in some extent are forced by SST anomalies. These observational results are confirmed by atmospheric general circulation model (AGCM) simulations forced by observed SST. By eliminating the internal dynamical process driven rainfall though ensemble mean, the simulations further suggest an overall enhancement of the intensity of IVRC in the corresponding ensemble mean, especially in the YRV and North China regions, but not in South China. That implies the different role of SST in driving IVRC over different regions.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variability in summer rainfall within eastern China is identified based on empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of daily rain-gauge precipitation data for the period 1979–2003. Spatial coherence of rainfall is found in the Yangtze Basin, and a wavelet transform is applied to the corresponding principal component to capture the intraseasonal oscillation (ISO) of Yangtze rainfall. The ensemble mean wavelet spectrum, representing statistically significant intraseasonal variability, shows a predominant oscillation in summer Yangtze rainfall with a period of 20–50 days; a 10–20-day oscillation is pronounced during June and July. This finding suggests that the 20–50-day oscillation is a major agent in regulating summer Yangtze rainfall. Composite analyses reveal that the 20–50-day oscillation of summer Yangtze rainfall arises in response to intraseasonal variations in the western North Pacific subtropical high (WNPSH), which in turn is modulated by a Rossby wave-like coupled circulation–convection system that propagates northward and northwestward from the equatorial western Pacific. When an anomalous cyclone associated with this Rossby wave-like system reaches the South China Sea (SCS) and Philippine Sea, the WNPSH retreats northeastward due to a reduction in local pressure. Under these conditions, strong monsoonal southwesterlies blow mainly toward the SCS–Philippine Sea, while dry conditions form in the Yangtze Basin, with a pronounced divergent flow pattern. In contrast, the movement of an anomalous anticyclone over the SCS–Philippine Sea results in the southwestward extension of the WNPSH; consequently, the tropical monsoonal southwesterlies veer to the northeast over the SCS and then converge toward the Yangtze Basin, producing wet conditions. Therefore, the 20–50-day oscillation of Yangtze rainfall is also manifest as a seesaw pattern in convective anomalies between the Yangtze Basin and the SCS–Philippine Sea. A considerable zonal shift in the WNPSH is associated with extreme dry (wet) episodes in the Yangtze Basin, with an abrupt eastward (westward) shift in the WNPSH generally leading the extreme negative (positive) Yangtze rainfall anomaly by a 3/8-period of the 20–50-day oscillation. This finding may have implications for improving extended-range weather forecasting in the Yangtze Basin.  相似文献   

The spatio-temporal variations of eastern China spring rainfall are identified via empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis of rain-gauge (gridded) precipitation datasets for the period 1958–2013 (1920–2013). The interannual variations of the first two leading EOF modes are linked with the El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO), with this linkage being modulated by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO). The EOF1 mode, characterized by predominant rainfall anomalies from the Yangtze River to North China (YNC), is more likely associated with out-of-phase PDO–ENSO events [i.e., El Niño during cold PDO (EN_CPDO) and La Niña during warm PDO (LN_WPDO)]. The sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) distributions of EN_CPDO (LN_WPDO) events induce a significant anomalous anticyclone (cyclone) over the western North Pacific stretching northward to the Korean Peninsula and southern Japan, resulting in anomalous southwesterlies (northeasterlies) prevailing over eastern China and above-normal (below-normal) rainfall over YNC. In contrast, EOF2 exhibits a dipole pattern with predominantly positive rainfall anomalies over southern China along with negative anomalies over YNC, which is more likely connected to in-phase PDO–ENSO events [i.e., El Niño during warm PDO (EN_WPDO) and La Niña during cold PDO (LN_CPDO)]. EN_WPDO (LN_CPDO) events force a southwest–northeast oriented dipole-like circulation pattern leading to significant anomalous southwesterlies (northeasterlies) and above-normal (below-normal) rainfall over southern China. Numerical experiments with the CAM5 model forced by the SSTA patterns of EN_WPDO and EN_CPDO events reproduce reasonably well the corresponding anomalous atmospheric circulation patterns and spring rainfall modes over eastern China, validating the related mechanisms.  相似文献   

We investigated the potential of the new generation of satellite precipitation product from the Global Precipitation Mission (GPM) to characterize the rainfall in Malaysia. Most satellite precipitation products have limited ability to precisely characterize the high dynamic rainfall variation that occurred at both time and scale in this humid tropical region due to the coarse grid size to meet the physical condition of the smaller land size, sub-continent and islands. Prior to the status quo, an improved satellite precipitation was required to accurately measure the rainfall and its distribution. Subsequently, the newly released of GPM precipitation product at half-hourly and 0.1° resolution served an opportunity to anticipate the aforementioned conflict. Nevertheless, related evidence was not found and therefore, this study made an initiative to fill the gap. A total of 843 rain gauges over east (Borneo) and west Malaysia (Peninsular) were used to evaluate the rainfall the GPM rainfall data. The assessment covered all critical rainy seasons which associated with Asian Monsoon including northeast (Nov. - Feb.), southwest (May - Aug.) and their subsequent inter-monsoon period (Mar. - Apr. & Sep. - Oct.). The ability of GPM to provide quantitative rainfall estimates and qualitative spatial rainfall patterns were analysed. Our results showed that the GPM had good capacity to depict the spatial rainfall patterns in less heterogeneous rainfall patterns (Spearman’s correlation, 0.591 to 0.891) compared to the clustered one (r = 0.368 to 0.721). Rainfall intensity and spatial heterogeneity that is largely driven by seasonal monsoon has significant influence on GPM ability to resolve local rainfall patterns. In quantitative rainfall estimation, large errors can be primarily associated with the rainfall intensity increment. 77% of the error variation can be explained through rainfall intensity particularly the high intensity (> 35 mm d-1). A strong relationship between GPM rainfall and error was found from heavy (~35 mm d-1) to violent rain (160 mm d-1). The output of this study provides reference regarding the performance of GPM data for respective hydrology studies in this region.  相似文献   

Based on the evaluation of state-of-the-art coupled ocean–atmosphere general circulation models(CGCMs)from the ENSEMBLES(Ensemble-based Predictions of Climate Changes and Their Impacts) and DEMETER(Development of a European Multimodel Ensemble System for Seasonal to Interannual Prediction)projects, it is found that the prediction of the South China Sea summer monsoon(SCSSM) has improved since the late 1970 s. These CGCMs show better skills in prediction of the atmospheric circulation and precipitation within the SCSSM domain during 1979–2005 than that during 1960–1978. Possible reasons for this improvement are investigated. First, the relationship between the SSTs over the tropical Pacific,North Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean, and SCSSM has intensified since the late 1970 s. Meanwhile, the SCSSM-related SSTs, with their larger amplitude of interannual variability, have been better predicted.Moreover, the larger amplitude of the interannual variability of the SCSSM and improved initializations for CGCMs after the late 1970 s contribute to the better prediction of the SCSSM. In addition, considering that the CGCMs have certain limitations in SCSSM rainfall prediction, we applied the year-to-year increment approach to these CGCMs from the DEMETER and ENSEMBLES projects to improve the prediction of SCSSM rainfall before and after the late 1970 s.  相似文献   

The interannual variability of the Madden– Julian Oscillation (MJO) is investigated in an ensemble of 15 experiments performed with the ECHAM4 T30 general circulation model (GCM). The model experiments have been performed with AMIP conditions from January 1979 to December 1993. The MJO signal has been identified applying a principal oscillation pattern (POP) analysis to the 200-mb tropical velocity potential. The results obtained from the model ensemble are compared with 15?y of ECMWF re-analysis and OLR observations. The results suggest that the warm and cold phases of El Niño have some influence on the spatial propagation of the oscillation. Both in the re-analysis and in the model ensemble, the results indicate that during La Niña conditions the MJO is mostly confined west of the date line, with the largest activity located over the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific. In warm El Niño conditions, the convective anomalies associated with the oscillation appear to penetrate farther into the central Pacific. These changes in the MJO convective forcing seem to affect the zonal mean of the rotational component of the flow anomaly, which tends to weaken during warm El Niño periods. Some weak reproducibility of the interannual variability of the MJO activity is found. The results obtained from four-member and eight-member subsamples of the ensemble indicate that the reproducibility of the interannual behaviour of the MJO can be detected by choosing an ensemble of a larger size. Corresponding to the emergence of reproducibility with the increasing size of the sample, the correlation between the MJO activity and the Niño-3 SST anomaly appears to in-tensify.  相似文献   

Tropical monsoon circulations exhibit substantial interannual variability. Establishing clear links between this variability and the slowly varying boundary forcing (sea surface temperatures, SSTs, and land surface conditions) has proved difficult. For example, no clear relationships have been found between SST anomalies associated with El Nino/La Nina events and monsoon rainfall. Despite much research over the past 50 years, there are still questions regarding how different components of the land-atmosphere-ocean system contribute to tropical monsoon variability. This study examines the question of land-surface-atmosphere interactions in large-scale tropical convection and their role in rainfall interannual variability. The analysis method is based on a conceptual model of convection energetics applied every day of the simulation at the grid points within the region of interest. This allows for a distinction between the frequency and the characteristic energy and water cycle of these events. With two ensembles of five and three experiments in which different land-surface schemes are used, the relation between land-surface processes and variation of the frequency of convection is studied. It has been found in this modeling study that the formulation of land surface schemes may be important for both the simulation of mean tropical precipitation and its interannual variability by way of the frequency of convective events. Linked to this is an increased response of hydrological cycle over land to SSTAs. Numerous studies have suggested that large-scale factors, such as SST, are the dominant control. However the influence of surface processes depends on the areal extent and distance that separates the region from the ocean. The fact that differences between tropical regions decreases as convection intensifies strengthens this hypothesis. The conclusion is that it is inappropriate to separate the causes of interannual variability between SSTAs and land-surface anomalies to explain precipitation variations as land surface processes play a significant mediating role in the relationship between SSTs and monsoon strength. However there remains the possibility that a substantial portion of variability is due to dynamical processes internal to the atmosphere. Determining the relative roles of internal and lower boundary forcing processes in producing interannual variations in the tropical climate is a major objective of future research.  相似文献   

The trend significance and the residual variability of integral atmospheric characteristics in the atmospheric action centers in the Asian-Pacific region in summer in 1950-1979 and 1980-2012 are computed. Basic differences are revealed between trends in circulation and residual variability in the atmo spheric action centers in the surface pressure field and in the field of geopotential H 500 for these time periods. Increase in significant trends for the whole period and decrease in residual variability were found in the area of the Asian low in 1980-2012. A significant trend was observed in June and September in the area of the Hawaiian high. The summer Far Eastern low has intensified in recent years. The Okhotsk high strengthened in May and weakened in June, August, and September in the 2000s.  相似文献   

We demonstrate that a large-scale longitudinally symmetric global phenomenon in the Southern Hemisphere sub-polar region can transmit its influence over a remote local region of the Northern Hemisphere traveling more than 100° of latitudes (from ~70°S to ~40°N). This is illustrated by examining the relationship between the Southern Annular Mode (SAM) and the Korean Monsoon Rainfall (KMR) based on the data period 1983-2013. Results reveal that the May-June SAM (MJSAM) has a significant in-phase relationship with the subsequent KMR. A positive MJSAM is favorable for the summer monsoon rainfall over the Korean peninsula. The impact is relayed through the central Pacific Ocean. When a negative phase of MJSAM occurs, it gives rise to an anomalous meridional circulation in a longitudinally locked air-sea coupled system over the central Pacific that propagates from sub-polar to equatorial latitudes and is associated with the central Pacific warming. The ascending motion over the central Pacific descends over the Korean peninsula during peak-boreal summer resulting in weakening of monsoon rainfall. The opposite features prevail during a positive phase of SAM. Thus, the extreme modes of MJSAM could possibly serve as a predictor for ensuing Korean summer monsoon rainfall.  相似文献   


To expand torrential rain, which is a meso- and microscale weather process, to a meso- and long-scale weather process, in this paper, we choose South China as a sample region and propose the conception of the “Cumulative Effect” of torrential rain (CETR) by using daily precipitation observational data from 740 stations. Through a statistical analysis of the observations, three indexes—continuous time (L d), control area (A r), and precipitation contribution rate (Q s)—are used to define the CETR and indicate the torrential rain processes. The relationships between the CETR and simultaneous total precipitation over South China are analyzed in the pre-flooding and latter flooding seasons. This analysis shows that on both interannual and interdecadal scales, the three indexes are highly correlated with simultaneous total precipitation over South China in the pre-flooding season and latter flooding season. Moreover, an empirical orthogonal function (EOF) analysis is performed to classify the spatial distribution of the CETR. In both the pre-flooding season and the latter flooding season, the four major spatial models of torrential rain are similar to those of total precipitation over South China. With regard to the amount of precipitation caused by the CETR, the latter flooding season is affected more significantly than the pre-flooding season. Regarding the geographical distribution of precipitation, the opposite result occurs. In conclusion, in both the pre-flooding season and the latter flooding season, the CETR influences and even determines the amount and distribution of precipitation over South China.


Investigations into the climatic forcings that affect the long-term variability of the Indian summer monsoon are constrained by a lack of reliable rainfall data prior to the late nineteenth century. Extensive qualitative and quantitative meteorological information for the pre-instrumental period exists within historical documents, although these materials have been largely unexplored. This paper presents the first reconstruction of monsoon variability using documentary sources, focussing on western India for the period 1781–1860. Three separate reconstructions are generated, for (1) Mumbai, (2) Pune and (3) the area of Gujarat bordering the Gulf of Khambat. A composite chronology is then produced from the three reconstructions, termed the Western India Monsoon Rainfall reconstruction (WIMR). The WIMR exhibits four periods of generally deficient monsoon rainfall (1780–1785, 1799–1806, 1830–1838 and 1845–1857) and three of above-normal rainfall (1788–1794, 1813–1828 and 1839–1844). The WIMR shows good correspondence with a dendroclimatic drought reconstruction for Kerala, although agreement with the western Indian portion of the tree-ring derived Monsoon Asia Drought Atlas is less strong. The reconstruction is used to examine the long-term relationship between the El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and monsoon rainfall over western India. This exhibits peaks and troughs in correlation over time, suggesting a regular long-term fluctuation. This may be an internal oscillation in the ENSO-monsoon system or may be related to volcanic aerosol forcings. Further reconstructions of monsoon rainfall are necessary to validate this. The study highlights uncertainties in existing published rainfall records for 1817–1846 for western India.  相似文献   

The global summer monsoon precipitation (GSMP) provides a fundamental measure for changes in the annual cycle of the climate system and hydroclimate. We investigate mechanisms governing decadal-centennial variations of the GSMP over the past millennium with a coupled climate model’s (ECHO-G) simulation forced by solar-volcanic (SV) radiative forcing and greenhouse gases (GHG) forcing. We show that the leading mode of GSMP is a forced response to external forcing on centennial time scale with a globally uniform change of precipitation across all monsoon regions, whereas the second mode represents internal variability on multi-decadal time scale with regional characteristics. The total amount of GSMP varies in phase with the global mean temperature, indicating that global warming is accompanied by amplification of the annual cycle of the climate system. The northern hemisphere summer monsoon precipitation (NHSMP) responds to GHG forcing more sensitively, while the southern hemisphere summer monsoon precipitation (SHSMP) responds to the SV radiative forcing more sensitively. The NHSMP is enhanced by increased NH land–ocean thermal contrast and NH-minus-SH thermal contrast. On the other hand, the SHSMP is strengthened by enhanced SH subtropical highs and the east–west mass contrast between Southeast Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean. The strength of the GSMP is determined by the factors controlling both the NHSMP and SHSMP. Intensification of GSMP is associated with (a) increased global land–ocean thermal contrast, (b) reinforced east–west mass contrast between Southeast Pacific and tropical Indian Ocean, and (c) enhanced circumglobal SH subtropical highs. The physical mechanisms revealed here will add understanding of future change of the global monsoon.  相似文献   

EvolutionofIntraseasonalOscilationovertheTropicalWesternPacific/SouthChinaSeaandItsEfecttotheSummerPrecipitationinSouthernChi...  相似文献   

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