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The active crater of Nakadake at Aso Volcano, southwestern Japan, has been occupied by a lake during its dormant periods. Multiple ash emissions were observed from the crater lake between July 2003 and August 2005. The largest events occurred on 10 July 2003 and 14 January 2004. On 10 July 2003, ash (41 tons) was dispersed throughout an area extending 14 km east-northeast of the vent, and on 14 January 2004 ash (32 tons) extended 8 km to the east-southeast. Thereafter, small ash emissions were frequent at the crater lake, in which the water level fell considerably from April to August 2005. During this period major ash emitting events, producing mostly white aggregated ash, occurred on June 10–12, June 21 (4.2 tons) and July 25 (1.2 tons). Ash emissions at the Nakadake crater in 2003–2005 were classified into three types: gentle release of white aggregated ash from fumaroles inside the crater lake (e.g. daytime of 14 April, 10–12 June and 25 July 2005); emission of black ash from an almost dried-up vent (21 June 2005); and short-time (ca. 20 s) small-explosion-triggered gas-and-ash emission through the crater lake (10 July 2003, 14 January 2004 and 14 April 20h41m 2005). All products from these ash emissions consisted of fine-grained (< 1 mm) glass shards, crystals and lithic fragments, and contained neither lapilli nor blocks. Although the glass shards show varying degrees of crystallization and alteration, clear glass shards, which appear fresh, are probably juvenile materials. These observations suggest that the 2003–2005 ash emissions from the crater lake of Nakadake Volcano are related to newly ascending magma.  相似文献   

The present work reports the results of 15 studies of diffuse CO2 degassing performed at Teide Volcano crater (Canary Island, Spain) and the chemical and isotopic compositions of fluids discharged from a fumarolic field located at the top of the volcano as measured between 1991 and 2010. A higher contribution of magmatic gases accompanied by enhanced total diffuse CO2 emissions were observed in relation with a seismic crisis that occurred in Tenerife Island between 2001 and 2005, with the main peak of seismic activity between April and June 2004. A significant pulse in total diffuse CO2 emission was observed at the crater of Teide (up to 26.3?t day?1) in 2001. In December 2003, the chemical composition of the Teide fumarole changed significantly, including the appearance of SO2, an increase in the HCl and CO concentrations and in the C2H6/C2H4 and C3H8/C3H6 ratios, and a decrease in the H2S, CH4, and C6H6 concentrations and in the gas/steam ratio. A few months after a drastic decrease in seismic activity, the SO2, HCl, and CO concentrations and the C2H6/C2H4 and C3H8/C3H6 ratios strongly decreased, whereas the CH4 and C6H6 concentrations and the gas/steam ratios increased. According to the trends shown by both the geochemical parameters and the seismic signals late in the observation period, the risk of a rejuvenation of volcanic activity at Teide is considered to be low. The associated temporal changes in seismic activity and magmatic degassing indicate that geophysical and fluid geochemistry signals in this system are related. Future monitoring programs aimed at mitigating volcanic hazard on Tenerife Island should involve coupled geophysical and geochemical studies.  相似文献   

Observations of the summit eruption of Klyuchevskoi volcano in the period from February 15, 2007 to July 9, 2007 are considered. This typical (for this volcano) summit eruption was explosive-effusive in character. The ejectamenta volume is estimated at 0.025 km3. Calculation of active phases of the volcano was carried out in accordance with V.A. Shirokov’s technique. The identified active phases agree well with the eruptive periods. The 2007 summit eruption corresponds to an active phase (May 2006 to May 2009) favorable for the volcano’s eruption. Geodetic observations carried out since 1979 along a radial profile have revealed uplifts and subsidences of the northeastern slope of the volcano. The maximum displacement of 23 cm was recorded in 2007 on the site closest to the volcano crater at a distance of 11 km from the summit crater center. In the course of two previous summit eruptions (2003–2004 and 2005) insignificant uplifts and subsidences of the slope were also noted, although the general ascent of the slope remained. This indicated possible repeated eruptions in the nearest future. Changes in the seismicity before, during and after the eruption are also discussed.  相似文献   

After the phreatic eruption in 1982–83, volcanic activities at Kusatsu–Shirane volcano had been decreasing and reached a minimum in 1990, had turned to a temporal rise in activity up to 1994 and then decreased again at least up to 1997. During this low-activity period we observed a relatively short (≤ 1 y) cyclic variation in polythionates (PT) in the Yugama lake water. Spectral power density analysis of the PT time-series by an autoregressive (maximum entropy spectral estimation, MESE) method indicates that the major frequency in the PT variations is 1.0 y− 1 and the minor is 2–3 y− 1 (1.0 and 0.3–0.5 y in periodicity, respectively). Annual variations in the lake temperature are ruled out for explaining these periodicities. We attribute these cyclic variations to a cyclic magnification-reduction in meteoric-water injection into a hydrothermal regime where volcanic gases from cooling magma bodies at depth and cooler oxidized groundwater come into contact with each other. This interaction may result in a periodical change in the composition and flux of SO2 and H2S gases being discharged into the lake and forming PT. From a phase deviation (2–3 months) in the cycles between the annual precipitation, including snowmelt, and the PT time-series, we estimated the maximal depth of a hydrothermal reservoir beneath the lake assuming a vertical hydraulic conductivity (5 × 10− 3 cm/s) of the volcanic detritus around the summit hydrothermal system. Chloride in the lake water reached a maximum 1.5 years faster than PT. This is most likely due to a gradual elevation of the potentiometric front of a concentrated sublimnic solution in the hydrothermal reservoir. Variations of dissolved SO2 and H2S in the lake water were not consistent with those of the fumarolic gases on the north flank of the volcano. This fact together with additional observations strongly suggests that these fumaroles may have the same origin but are chemically modified by a subsurface aquifer. The PT monitoring at active crater lakes during a quiescent period can provide insight into the annual expansions and reductions of a volcano-hosted hydrothermal reservoir.  相似文献   

Small (1–3 mm), hollow spherules of hexahydrite have been collected falling out of the magmatic gas plume downwind of Kīlauea’s summit vent. The spherules were observed on eight separate occasions during 2009–2010 when a lake of actively spattering lava was present ~150–200 m below the rim of the vent. The shells of the spherules have a fine bubbly foam structure less than 0.1 mm thick, composed almost entirely of hexahydrite [MgSO4·6H2O] Small microspherules of lava (<5 μm across) along with mineral and rock fragments from the magmatic plume adhered to the outside of the hexahydrite spherules. Phase relationships and the particulate matter in the magmatic plume indicate that the spherules originated as a bubbly solution injected into and mixed with the magmatic plume. The most likely mechanism for production of hexahydrite spherules is boiling of MgSO4-saturated meteoric water in the walls of the conduit above the surface of the lava lake. Solfataric sulfates may thus be recycled and reinjected into the plume, creating particulates of sulfate minerals that can be distributed far from their original source.  相似文献   

This paper considers the geoecological impacts of eruptions on Karymskii Volcano and the Tokareva crater for the 1996–2008 period, which resulted in changes in (a) the relief around these edifices, (b) the discharge and composition of water in the Karymskii River and other streams in the area, and (c) the discharge and composition of gases in thermal springs. It was found that the concentration of CH4 previously had been abnormally high in free gases that emanate from the new Piipovskii Springs and an explanation is provided of the decrease in their concentration over time. We detected variations in the radon activity, OARn (Bq/m3), in free gases that are released in the Karymskii caldera hydrothermal occurrences; the variations are consistent with those in the eruptive activity of Karymskii Volcano in 2005–2006. We describe permafrost rocks in the Karymskii caldera that favor the generation of a cryolithic zone.  相似文献   

El Chichón volcano (Chiapas, Mexico) erupted violently in March–April 1982, breaching through the former volcano–hydrothermal system. Since then, the 1982 crater has hosted a shallow (1–3.3 m, acidic (pH ∼ 2.2) and warm (∼ 30 °C) crater lake with a strongly varying chemistry (Cl/SO4 = 0–79 molar ratio). The changes in crater lake chemistry and volume are not systematically related to the seasonal variation of rainfall, but rather to the activity of near-neutral geyser-like springs in the crater (Soap Pool). These Soap Pool springs are the only sources of Cl for the lake. Their geyser-like behaviour with a long-term (months to years) periodicity is due to a specific geometry of the shallow boiling aquifer beneath the lake, which is the remnant of the 1983 Cl-rich (24,000 mg/l) crater lake water. The Soap Pool springs decreased in Cl content over time. The zero-time extrapolation (1982, year of the eruption) approaches the Cl content in the initial crater lake, meanwhile the extrapolation towards the future indicates a zero-Cl content by 2009 ± 1. This particular situation offers the opportunity to calculate mass balance and Cl budget to quantify the lake–spring system in the El Chichón crater. These calculations show that the water balance without the input of SP springs is negative, implying that the lake should disappear during the dry season. The isotopic composition of lake waters (δD and δ18O) coincide with this crater lake-SP dynamics, reflecting evaporation processes and mixing with SP geyser and meteoric water. Future dome growth, not observed yet in the post-1982 El Chichón crater, may be anticipated by changes in lake chemistry and dynamics.  相似文献   

During long-lived basaltic eruptions, overflows from lava channels and breaching of channel levées are important processes in the development of extensive 'a'ā lava flow-fields. Short-lived breaches result in inundation of areas adjacent to the main channel. However, if a breach remains open, lava supply to the original flow front is significantly reduced, and flow-field widening is favoured over lengthening. The development of channel breaches and overflows can therefore exert strong control over the overall flow-field development, but the processes that determine their location and frequency are currently poorly understood. During the final month of the 2008–2009 eruption of Mt. Etna, Sicily, a remote time-lapse camera was deployed to monitor events in a proximal region of a small ephemeral lava flow. For over a period of ~10 h, the flow underwent changes in surface elevation and velocity, repeated overflows of varying vigour and the construction of a channel roof (a required prelude to lava tube formation). Quantitative interpretation of the image sequence was facilitated by a 3D model of the scene constructed using structure-from-motion computer vision techniques. As surface activity waned during the roofing process, overflow sites retreated up the flow towards the vent, and eventually, a new flow was initiated. Our observations and measurements indicate that flow surface stagnation and flow inflation propagated up-flow at an effective rate of ~6 m h−1, and that these processes, rather than effusion rate variations, were ultimately responsible for the most vigorous overflow events. We discuss evidence for similar controls during levée breaching and channel switching events on much larger flows on Etna, such as during the 2001 eruption.  相似文献   

Following the 2001 and 2002–2003 flank eruptions, activity resumed at Mt. Etna on 7 September 2004 and lasted for about 6 months. This paper presents new petrographic, major and trace element, and Sr–Nd isotope data from sequential samples collected during the entire 2004–2005 eruption. The progressive change of lava composition allowed defining three phases that correspond to different processes controlling magma dynamics inside the central volcano conduits. The compositional variability of products erupted up to 24 September is well reproduced by a fractional crystallization model that involves magma already stored at shallow depth since the 2002–2003 eruption. The progressive mixing of this magma with a distinct new one rising within the central conduits is clearly revealed by the composition of the products erupted from 24 September to 15 October. After 15 October, the contribution from the new magma gradually becomes predominant, and the efficiency of the mixing process ensures the emission of homogeneous products up to the end of the eruption. Our results give insights into the complex conditions of magma storage and evolution in the shallow plumbing system of Mt. Etna during a flank eruption. Furthermore, they confirm that the 2004–2005 activity at Etna was triggered by regional movements of the eastern flank of the volcano. They caused the opening of a complex fracture zone extending ESE which drained a magma stored at shallow depth since the 2002–2003 eruption. This process favored the ascent of a different magma in the central conduits, which began to be erupted on 24 September without any significant change in eruptive style, deformation, and seismicity until the end of eruption.  相似文献   

Data are presented relating to volcanic series in the Belogolovskii Massif, Sredinnyi Range, Kamchatka. We discuss new geochronologic data, the distributions of rare elements and platinum elements in the rocks, and list the isotope characteristics of volcanic series with normal and moderate alkalinities. We show that the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene rocks that belong to the moderate alkaline series of the Belogolovskii volcanic massif are different from rocks in the normally alkaline series of the Late Miocene to Middle Pliocene volcanogenic basement in having higher concentrations of the HFSE and LILE components. We propose a model for the generation of moderate alkaline magmas involving a heterogeneous depleted and a heterogeneous enriched source of material. According to the isotope data, one of these sources may be the subducted oceanic lithosphere of the Pacific and the Commander-Islands type, while the other source was recycled material of the Indian MORB type.  相似文献   

A significant number of volcano-tectonic (VT) earthquake swarms, some of which are accompanied by ground deformation and/or volcanic gas emissions, do not culminate in an eruption. These swarms are often thought to represent stalled intrusions of magma into the mid- or shallow-level crust. Real-time assessment of the likelihood that a VT swarm will culminate in an eruption is one of the key challenges of volcano monitoring, and retrospective analysis of non-eruptive swarms provides an important framework for future assessments. Here we explore models for a non-eruptive VT earthquake swarm located beneath Iliamna Volcano, Alaska, in May 1996–June 1997 through calculation and inversion of fault-plane solutions for swarm and background periods, and through Coulomb stress modeling of faulting types and hypocenter locations observed during the swarm. Through a comparison of models of deep and shallow intrusions to swarm observations, we aim to test the hypothesis that the 1996–97 swarm represented a shallow intrusion, or “failed” eruption. Observations of the 1996–97 swarm are found to be consistent with several scenarios including both shallow and deep intrusion, most likely involving a relatively small volume of intruded magma and/or a low degree of magma pressurization corresponding to a relatively low likelihood of eruption.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with eruptions, seismicity, and deformation on Klyuchevskoi Volcano during the summit eruptions of 2012–2013, with the condition of the central crater during the eruptions, and with the effect that is exerted by the height of the lava in the crater on the start of the eruptions. The recurrence of eruptions in the North Volcanic Cluster (NVC), Kamchatka showed that all the four volcanoes in the cluster (Klyuchevskoi, Tolbachik, Shiveluch, and Bezymyannyi) become active during definite phases that were identified in the 18.6-year lunar cycle. This relationship of the NVC eruptions to the active phases in the 18.6-year lunar cycle, as well as the relationship to the 11-year solar activity, showed that eruptions can be predicted, yielding long-term estimates of activity for the NVC volcanoes. The short-term prediction of volcanic eruptions requires knowledge of seismicity and deformation that occur during the precursory period and during the occurrence of eruptions. Seismic activity during the summit eruptions of 2003–2013 took place in the depth range 20–25 km during repose periods of the volcano and at depths of 0–5 km in the volcanic edifice during the eruption. One notes an almost complete absence of any earthquakes at great depths during the summit eruptions. Volcanic tremor (VT) was recorded from the time that the eruptions began and continued to occur until the end. Geodetic measurements showed that the center of the magma pressure beneath the volcano during the parasitic and summit eruptions of 1979–1989 moved in the 4–17 km depth range, while during the summit eruptions of 2003–2013 the center moved in the 15–20 km range. These changes in the depth of the center of magma pressure may have been related to evacuation from shallow magma chambers.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a resettlement program for communities impacted by volcanic hazards from Mayon volcano in the Philippines. Two resettlement sites are selected, the first FVR–FNM village (named after President Fidel V. Ramos and Mayor Florencio N. Munoz) was settled after the 1993 eruption. The second, Bungkaras Village, was settled after the 2006 eruption and associated typhoon Reming lahar event. These two sites were selected in order to explore the process of relocation over the short and longer term, although the main focus of the study is in the more recently settled Bungkaras Village. The overall aim is to determine if exposure to volcanic hazards has decreased without adding to vulnerability through loss of livelihood, community and culture, and exposure to new risks. A mixed method qualitative approach was utilized including semistructured interviews, participant observations, and a participatory workshop. This enabled an in-depth understanding of life and the challenges faced at the resettlement sites vis-à-vis the original settlements. In order to document the process of site selection, planning, and building, semistructured interviews were conducted with key government officials, emergency managers, and donors of the resettlement projects. This research demonstrates that a volcanic resettlement program must be directed by meaningful consultation with the impacted community who also share in the decision making. Successful resettlement must consider aspects of livelihood security, house design, and the availability of public and lifeline facilities.  相似文献   

The Mw 6.2 (Mj 6.8) Nagano (Japan) earthquake of 22 November 2014 produced a 9.3-km long surface rupture zone with a thrust-dominated displacement of up to 1.5 m, which duplicated the pre-existing Kamishiro Fault along the Itoigawa–Shizuoka Tectonic Line (ISTL), the plate-boundary between the Eurasian and North American plates, northern Nagano Prefecture, central Japan. To characterize the activity of the seismogenic fault zone, we conducted a paleoseismic study of the Kamishiro Fault. Field investigations and trench excavations revealed that seven morphogenic paleohistorical earthquakes (E2–E8) prior to the 2014 Mw 6.2 Nagano earthquake (E1) have occurred on the Kamishiro Fault during the last ca. 6000 years. Three of these events (E2–E4) are well constrained and correspond to historical earthquakes occurring in the last ca. 1200 years. This suggests an average recurrence interval of ca. 300–400 years on the seismogenic fault of the 2014 Kamishiro earthquake in the past 1200 years. The most recent event prior to the 2014 earthquakes (E1) is E2 and the penultimate and antepenultimate faulting events are E3 and E4, respectively. The penultimate faulting event (E3) occurred during the period of AD 1800–1400 and is associated with the 1791 Mw 6.8 earthquake. The antepenultimate faulting event (E4) is inferred to have occurred during the period of ca. AD 1000–700, likely corresponding to the AD 841 Mw 6.5 earthquake. The oldest faulting event (E8) in the study area is thought to have occurred during the period of ca. 5600–6000 years. The throw rate during the early Holocene is estimated to be 1.2–3.3 mm/a (average, 2.2 mm/a) with an average amount of characteristic offset of 0.7–1.1 m produced by individual event. When compared with active intraplate faults on Honshu Island, Japan, these slip rates and recurrence interval estimated for morphogenic earthquakes on the Kamishiro Fault along the ISTL appear high and short, respectively. This indicates that present activity on this fault is closely related to seismic faulting along the plate boundary between the Eurasian and North American plates.  相似文献   

First results are presented from a 3-D, time dependent, high resolution, nested grid model that has been developed to study mesoscale processes in the global, coupled thermosphere–ionosphere system. This new Thermosphere–Ionosphere Nested Grid (TING) model, which is an extension of the National Center for Atmospheric Researchs thermosphere–ionosphere general circulation model (NCAR–TIGCM), runs on a UNIX workstation. The TING model simultaneously calculates global (coarse resolution) and local (high resolution) distributions of neutral and plasma winds, temperature and composition. It is comprised of two coupled codes—a global TIGCM and an adjustable nested grid code which uses the same solvers as the TIGCM, but has higher spatial and temporal resolution. The size, location and level of nesting of the high resolution grid(s) are adjustable to suit the specific application. The coupling between the coarse (TIGCM) grid and the nested interior grids is via a one-way interaction scheme. In this scheme, the TIGCM output influences the nested grid model by providing initial conditions and temporally evolving boundary conditions, but the outputs from the nested grid are not permitted to influence the TIGCM. Diurnally-reproducible results of the TING model are presented for solar-maximum, winter solstice, geomagnetically-quiet conditions. The TING model successfully simulates well-known thermosphere–ionosphere features that are smeared or not modeled at the spatial resolutions used in standard TIGCMs. These include the sub-auroral electron density trough, the polar cap hole and the polar cap tongue of ionization.  相似文献   

A detailed survey of morphological and biological markers of paleo-shorelines has been carried out along the coastal sector of Mt. Etna volcano (eastern Sicily, Italy), in order to better define causes and timing of vertical deformation. We have mapped markers of raised Holocene shorelines, which are represented by beach rocks, wave-cut platforms, balanid, vermetid and algal rims. The timing of coastal uplift has been determined by radiocarbon dating of shells collected from the raised paleo-shorelines and, to correctly assess the total amount of tectonic uplift of the coast during the Late Holocene, we have compared the elevation-age data of sampled shells to the local curve of Holocene sea-level rise. Taking into account the nominal elevation of the associated paleo-shorelines, an uplift rate of 2.5–3.0 mm/year has been estimated for the last 6–7 ka. This general process of uplifting is only locally interrupted by subsidence related to flank sliding of the volcanic edifice, measured at docks and other manmade structures, and by acceleration along the hinge of an active anticline and at the footwall of an active fault. Based on this new data we suggest more precise time–space constraints for the dynamics of the lower eastern flank of Mt. Etna volcano.  相似文献   

This study presents baseline data for future geochemical monitoring of the active Tacaná volcano–hydrothermal system (Mexico–Guatemala). Seven groups of thermal springs, related to a NW/SE-oriented fault scarp cutting the summit area (4,100m a.s.l.), discharge at the northwest foot of the volcano (1,500–2,000m a.s.l.); another one on the southern ends of Tacaná (La Calera). The near-neutral (pH from 5.8 to 6.9) thermal (T from 25.7°C to 63.0°C) HCO3–SO4 waters are thought to have formed by the absorption of a H2S/SO2–CO2-enriched steam into a Cl-rich geothermal aquifer, afterwards mixed by Na/HCO3-enriched meteoric waters originating from the higher elevations of the volcano as stated by the isotopic composition (δD and δ18O) of meteoric and spring waters. Boiling temperature fumaroles (89°C at ~3,600m a.s.l. NW of the summit), formed after the May 1986 phreatic explosion, emit isotopically light vapour (δD and δ18O as low as −128 and −19.9‰, respectively) resulting from steam separation from the summit aquifer. Fumarolic as well as bubbling gases at five springs are CO2-dominated. The δ13CCO2 for all gases show typical magmatic values of −3.6 ± 1.3‰ vs V-PDB. The large range in 3He/4He ratios for bubbling, dissolved and fumarolic gases [from 1.3 to 6.9 atmospheric 3He/4He ratio (R A)] is ascribed to a different degree of near-surface boiling processes inside a heterogeneous aquifer at the contact between the volcanic edifice and the crystalline basement (4He source). Tacaná volcano offers a unique opportunity to give insight into shallow hydrothermal and deep magmatic processes affecting the CO2/3He ratio of gases: bubbling springs with lower gas/water ratios show higher 3He/4He ratios and consequently lower CO2/3He ratios (e.g. Zarco spring). Typical Central American CO2/3He and 3He/4He ratios are found for the fumarolic Agua Caliente and Zarco gases (3.1 ± 1.6 × 1010 and 6.0 ± 0.9 R A, respectively). The L/S (5.9 ± 0.5) and (L + S)/M ratios (9.2 ± 0.7) for the same gases are almost identical to the ones calculated for gases in El Salvador, suggesting an enhanced slab contribution as far as the northern extreme of the Central American Volcanic Arc, Tacaná.  相似文献   

We analysed the tephra record of Mt. Ruapehu for the period 27,097 ± 957 to ~10,000 cal. years BP to determine the largest-scale explosive eruptions expected from the most active New Zealand andesitic volcano. From the lithostratigraphic analysis, a systematic change in the explosive behaviour is identified from older deposits suggesting dry magmatic eruptions and steady eruptive columns, characterised by frothy to expanded pumice fabrics, to younger deposits that are products of unsteady conditions and collapsing columns, characterised by microvesicular, fibrous, and colour-banded pumice fabrics. The end-members were separated by eruptions with steady columns linked to water–magma interaction and highly unstable conduit walls. Dry magmatic eruptions producing steady plinian columns were most common between 27,097 ± 957 and shortly after 13,635 + 165 cal. years BP. Following this time, activity continued with eruptions that produced dominantly oscillating unsteady columns, which engendered pyroclastic density currents, until ~10 ka when there was an abrupt transition at Mt. Ruapehu since which eruptions have been an order of magnitude lower in intensity and volume. These data demonstrate long-period transitions in eruption behaviour at an andesitic stratovolcano, which is critical to understand if realistic time-variable hazard forecasts are to be developed.  相似文献   

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