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Accurate, precise and timely forecasts of flood wave arrival time, depth and velocity at each point of the floodplain are essential to reduce damage and save lives. Current computational capabilities support hydraulic models of increasing complexity over extended catchments. Yet a number of sources of uncertainty (e.g., input and boundary conditions, implementation data) may hinder the delivery of accurate predictions. Field gauging data of water levels and discharge have traditionally been used for hydraulic model calibration, validation and real-time constraint. However, the discrete spatial distribution of field data impedes the testing of the model skill at the two-dimensional scale. The increasing availability of spatially distributed remote sensing (RS) observations of flood extent and water level offers the opportunity for a comprehensive analysis of the predictive capability of hydraulic models. The adequate use of the large amount of information offered by RS observations triggers a series of challenging questions on the resolution, accuracy and frequency of acquisition of RS observations; on RS data processing algorithms; and on calibration, validation and data assimilation protocols. This paper presents a review of the availability of RS observations of flood extent and levels, and their use for calibration, validation and real-time constraint of hydraulic flood forecasting models. A number of conclusions and recommendations for future research are drawn with the aim of harmonising the pace of technological developments and their applications.  相似文献   

强震动观测仪器面临的机遇和挑战   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了国内外强震仪、力平衡加速度计、烈度计、MEMS加速度仪等强震动观测仪器的发展历史与现状,概述了强震动记录中典型异常波形产生的原因和力平衡加速度计的仪器响应误差及校正,建议了解决强震仪器缺陷的措施,分析了强震仪在强震动观测发展中面临的机遇和挑战。研究结果如下:① 进行强震动记录异常波形的研究是有针对性改进现有强震仪存在问题的很好途径;② 早期数字强震仪(力平衡加速度计频带范围0至30Hz)获取的强震动记录应进行仪器校正;③ 应跟踪强震动观测新方法和相关领域新技术,发展MEMS加速度仪和光纤加速度仪等新型仪器。  相似文献   

Bacteriophages have been used in soil column studies for the last several decades as surrogates to study the fate and transport behavior of enteric viruses in groundwater. However, recent studies have shown that the transport behavior of bacteriophages and enteric viruses in porous media can be very different. The next generation of virus transport science must therefore provide more data on mobility of enteric viruses and the relationship between transport behaviors of enteric viruses and bacteriophages. To achieve this new paradigm, labor intensity devoted to enteric virus quantification method must be reduced. Recent studies applied quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to column filtration experiments to study the transport behavior of human adenovirus (HAdV) in porous media under a variety of conditions. A similar approach can be used to study the transport of other enteric viruses such as norovirus. Analyzing the column samples with both qPCR and culture assays and applying multiplex qPCR to study cotransport behavior of more than one virus will provide information to under‐explored areas in virus transport science. Both nucleic acid extraction kits and one‐step lysis protocols have been used in these column studies to extract viral nucleic acid for qPCR quantification. The pros and cons of both methods are compared herein and solutions for overcoming problems are suggested. As better understanding of the transport behavior of enteric viruses is clearly needed, we strongly advocate for application of rapid molecular tools in future studies as well as optimization of protocols to overcome their current limitations.  相似文献   

Recent advances in pollution control and monitoring technologies, improved analytical capability, changes in government priorities and results of scientific studies have substantially changed our views and perceptions towards marine pollution in the last two decades. Globally, the problems caused by eutrophication, water borne pathogens and xenobiotic compounds are likely to be exacerbated and pose significant ecological and/or public health risks in the coming years, especially in developing countries. The large amount of anthropogenic input of nutrients has caused major changes in the structure and function of phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic and fish communities over large areas, and such a trend is likely to continue in many coastal waters. Escalated public health risks associated with the increases in frequency and severity of toxic algal blooms are also of growing concern. Reduction of nutrient input through changes in land-use and farming practises, and the development of cost-effective methods for nutrient removal are required. Water borne pathogens affect large numbers of people through consumption of contaminated seafood and direct contact with contaminated water, and such problems are much more serious in developing countries. Current techniques in monitoring bacterial indicators in water and shellfish have clear limitations and cannot afford adequate protection to safeguard public health. Emerging molecular techniques, such as multiplex PCR and specific gene probes, are likely to provide new and cost effective tools for monitoring water borne pathogens in the coming years. Nowadays, xenobiotic compounds can be found almost everywhere in any marine ecosystems. Although these compounds normally occur at very low concentrations and their effects are not well understood, there is growing concern about the chronic exposure and bioconcentration/biomagnification of xenobiotic compounds. In particular, endocrine disrupters which may cause reproductive dysfunction and threaten species survival, are of growing concern. At present, most of our knowledge on toxic effects of xenobiotic compounds is derived from short-term exposure of a single species to high (environmentally unrealistic) and uniform concentrations under laboratory conditions. Data so derived are largely inadequate in predicting ecological effects in the field, in which multi-species are being exposed to varying, low concentrations under an interacting and complex environment. NOEC and LOEC for population/community/ecosystem, as well as the time required for population/community/ecosystems to recover after toxicant insult, are poorly known. These important topics will become the major endeavours for ecotoxicologists in the years to come.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic agricultural chemicals of concern in ground water include nitrate and pesticides. Increased legislation and regulation of contaminant levels in ground water can be expected. Ground water contamination should be prevented from getting worse, but more research is necessary so as to base regulations on sound criteria. Health effects and acceptable risks must be better formulated. More research on chemical movement in the vadose zone is necessary for accurate predictive modeling of pesticide transport to ground water. Best management practices need to be developed so that farmers will be able to farm profitably while complying with regulations for maximum contaminant levels in underlying ground water. People from all concerned disciplines, citizens'groups, and policy-makers need to work together to develop realistic regulatory policies and management practices that will effectively protect public health while ensuring a viable and sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Despite their obvious environmental, societal and economic importance, our understanding of the causes and magnitude of the variations in the global water cycle is still unsatisfactory. Uncertainties in hydrological predictions from the current generation of models pose a serious challenge to the reliability of forecasts and projections across time and space scales. This paper provides an overview of the current issues and challenges in modelling various aspects of the Earth’s hydrological cycle. These include: the global water budget and water conservation, the role of model resolution and parametrisation of precipitation-generating processes on the representation of the global and regional hydrological cycle, representation of clouds and microphysical processes, rainfall variability, the influence of land–atmosphere coupling on rainfall patterns and their variability, monsoon processes and teleconnections, and ocean and cryosphere modelling. We conclude that continued collaborative activity in the areas of model development across timescales, process studies and climate change studies will provide better understanding of how and why the hydrological cycle may change, and better estimation of uncertainty in model projections of changes in the global water cycle.  相似文献   

Paul Seward 《Ground water》2010,48(2):239-245
In 1998, South Africa promulgated a Water Act that is widely regarded as one of the most progressive and enabling pieces of environmental legislation in the world. The environmental aspects of the Water Act are commonly referred to as “resource-directed measures.” These measures attempt to find the right balance between (1) leaving water in the resource (“nonconsumptive use”) to provide ecological goods and services for society and (2) taking the water out of the system for “consumptive” human use. These measures also attempt to ensure that both nonconsumptive and consumptive use is sustainable. This article discusses some of the challenges faced in using the measures to achieve environmentally sustainable ground water use. A major challenge is that misunderstanding still abounds regarding the environmental aims of this legislation. Other major challenges identified included a severe shortage of technical capacity, an inordinately long water use license application process, incorporating adaptive management to deal with uncertainty, incorporating the public participation process, and revising policy implementation processes to accommodate highly localized aquifers. Selecting appropriate scientific methodology—neither too simplistic nor too involved—is a recurring challenge. It is suggested that an important part of addressing these and the other challenges identified is a period of reflection and dialogue between the various sectors involved.  相似文献   

Sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation is an important part of the millennium development goals (MDGs). For most African countries, an extensive effort is needed for the last three remaining years for the achievement of the MDGs, especially in Sub‐Saharan Africa. Current practices for water and wastewater treatment in Africa are insufficient to ensure safe water and basic sanitation. To address this challenge, joint efforts are needed, including transforming to green economy, innovating technologies, improving operation and maintenance, harvesting energy, improving governance and management, promoting public participation, and establishing water quality standards.  相似文献   

Our knowledge base regarding the presence and significance of chemicals foreign to the subsurface environment is large and growing — the papers in this volume serving as testament. However, complex questions with few answers surround the unknowns regarding the potential for environmental or human health effects from trace levels of xenobiotics in ground water, especially ground water augmented with treated waste water. Public acceptance for direct or indirect ground water recharge using treated municipal waste water (especially sewage) spans the spectrum from unquestioned embrace to outright rejection. In this paper, I detour around the issues most commonly discussed regarding ground water recharge and instead focus on some of the less-recognized issues—those that emanate from the mysteries created at the many literal and virtual interfaces involved with the subsurface world. My major objective is to catalyze discussion that advances our understanding of the barriers to public acceptance of waste water reuse with its ultimate culmination in direct reuse for drinking. I pose what could be a key question as to whether much of the public's frustration or ambivalence in its decision-making process for accepting, or rejecting, water reuse (for various purposes including personal use) emanates from fundamental inaccuracies, misrepresentation, or oversimplification of what water is and how it functions in the environment—just exactly what the water cycle is. These questions suggest it might behoove us to revisit some very elementary aspects of our science and how we are conveying them to the public.  相似文献   

Throughout the past decade, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) has given an unprecedented view on global variations in terrestrial water storage. While an increasing number of case studies have provided a rich overview on regional analyses, a global assessment on the dominant features of GRACE variability is still lacking. To address this, we survey key features of temporal variability in the GRACE record by decomposing gridded time series of monthly equivalent water height into linear trends, inter-annual, seasonal, and subseasonal (intra-annual) components. We provide an overview of the relative importance and spatial distribution of these components globally. A correlation analysis with precipitation and temperature reveals that both the inter-annual and subseasonal anomalies are tightly related to fluctuations in the atmospheric forcing. As a novelty, we show that for large regions of the world high-frequency anomalies in the monthly GRACE signal, which have been partly interpreted as noise, can be statistically reconstructed from daily precipitation once an adequate averaging filter is applied. This filter integrates the temporally decaying contribution of precipitation to the storage changes in any given month, including earlier precipitation. Finally, we also survey extreme dry anomalies in the GRACE record and relate them to documented drought events. This global assessment sets regional studies in a broader context and reveals phenomena that had not been documented so far.  相似文献   

Numerical Modelling in Geo-Electromagnetics: Advances and Challenges   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
During the last decade, tremendous advances have been observed in the broad field of numerical modelling for geo-electromagnetic applications. This trend received support due to increasing industrial needs, mainly caused by hydrocarbon and ore exploration industry. On the other hand, the increasing reliability and accuracy of data acquisition techniques further spurs this development. In this review, we will focus on advances and challenges in numerical modelling in geo-electromagnetics. We review recent developments in the discrete solution of the 3-D induction problem in the time and frequency domains. Particularly, advantages and disadvantages of the common numerical techniques for solving partial differential equations such as the Finite Difference and Finite Element methods will be considered.  相似文献   

李正魁  濮培民 《湖泊科学》2000,12(4):321-326
本文依据太湖秋冬季水体氮污染的特点,应用辐射增殖氮循环细胞进行了净化湖水氮污染的动态模拟实验,研究结果表明,富营养化湖水经固定化氮循环净化后,总氮下降72.4%,氨氮下降85.6%,出水水质得到明显改善,固定化氮循环细茵在冬季低温(7℃)条件下仍保持了较高的降氮能力,总氮和氨氮去除率分别为55.6%,58.9%,降氮效果与湖水滞留时间有关,探讨了固定化氮循环细茵的降氮机理。  相似文献   

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