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F. Stoppa  C. Principe  P. Giannandrea 《Lithos》2008,103(3-4):550-556
[D'Orazio, M., Innocenti, F., Tonarini, S., Doglioni, C., 2007. Carbonatites in a subduction system: the Pleistocene alvikites from Mt. Vulture (southern Italy). Lithos 98, 313–334] describe a new finding of alvikite Ca-carbonatite at Vulture. They stress its importance as being the first carbonatite to be discovered in a subduction environment. They suggest that this rock is different from the other Italian carbonatites, considered as ‘rocks sharing a carbonatitic affinity’, which are radiogenic and chemically diluted by addition of sedimentary limestone. They note that Vulture ‘alvikite’ is not diluted and is very unradiogenic with respect to other Italian carbonatites. However, they maintain that Vulture ‘alvikite’ carbonate is derived from subducted limestones. We present an account of the field relationships relating to the above-mentioned rocks, setting the geological and petrographic records straight and describing pyroclastic rocks. We did not find that these rocks are formed from alvikite dykes or lava, but instead recognised them to be a continuous blanket of ‘flaggy’, welded tuff. We found that the rocks consist of physically separated melilitite and carbonatite juvenile lapilli settled into a carbonatite ash matrix form the rock. We disagree with the geochemical interpretation of the rock by [D'Orazio, M., Innocenti, F., Tonarini, S., Doglioni, C., 2007. Carbonatites in a subduction system: the Pleistocene alvikites from Mt. Vulture (southern Italy). Lithos 98, 313–334], and are particularly concerned by their conclusion of its carbonate origin. We remark on the rock's geodynamic assignment in the frame of an extensional tectonic setting, also referring to the other Italian carbonatite occurrences. We reject any ad hoc modified subduction as a direct source of Vulture and Italian carbonatites.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide a geochemical investigation on 34 groundwater samples in the Mt. Vulture volcanic aquifer representing one of the most important groundwater resources of the southern Italy pumped for drinking and irrigation supply. The present study includes the first data on the abundance and mobility of minor and trace elements and the thermodynamic considerations on water–rock interaction processes in order to evaluate the conditions of alkali basalt weathering by waters enriched in magma-derived CO2. The results highlight the occurrence of two hydrofacies: bicarbonate alkaline-earth and alkaline waters deriving from low-temperature leaching of volcanic rocks of Mt. Vulture, and bicarbonate-sulfate-alkaline waters (high-salinity waters) related to prolonged water circulation in alkali and feldspathoids-rich pyroclastic layers interbedded with clay deposits. The Al-normalized relative mobility (RM) of metals in Vulture's aquifer varies over a wide range (10− 1 < RM < 104), confirming that the basalt weathering is not a congruent and isochemical process. Chemical equilibrium studies show that the bicarbonate alkaline-earth and alkaline waters, having a short interaction with silicate minerals, plot very close to the kaolinite–smectite stability boundary, whereas the high-salinity waters fall in the stability field of smectite and muscovite because of prolonged interaction with alkali and feldspathoids-rich pyroclastic layers. Overall, for the bicarbonate alkaline-earth and alkaline waters, the release of toxic metals in solutions is related to the spatial variation of host-rock geochemistry, the high-salinity waters, collected near urban areas, show values higher than legal limits for Ni and As, likely as a consequence of anthropogenic contribution.  相似文献   

At Mt. Vulture volcano (Basilicata, Italy) calcite globules (5–150 μm) are hosted by silicate glass pools or veins cross-cutting amphibole-bearing, or more common spinel-bearing mantle xenoliths and xenocrysts. The carbonate globules are rounded or elongated and are composed of a mosaic of 2–20 μm crystals, with varying optical orientation. These features are consistent with formation from a quenched calciocarbonatite melt. Where in contact with carbonate amphibole has reacted to form fassaitic pyroxene. Some of these globules contain liquid/gaseous CO2 bubbles and sulphide inclusions, and are pierced by quench microphenocrysts of silicate phases. The carbonate composition varies from calcite to Mg-calcite (3.8–5.0 wt.% MgO) both within the carbonate globules and from globule to globule. Trace element contents of the carbonate, determined by LAICPMS, are similar to those of carbonatites worldwide including ΣREE up to 123 ppm. The Sr–Nd isotope ratios of the xenolith carbonate are similar to the extrusive carbonatite and silicate rocks of Mt. Vulture testifying to derivation from the same mantle source. Formation of immiscibile silicate–carbonatite liquids within mantle xenoliths occurred via disequilibrium immiscibility during their exhumation.  相似文献   

The crystal chemistry of red phlogopites from Mt. Vulture (Italy) ignimbrites has been studied by electron microprobe, secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), single crystal structural investigation and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The analysed phlogopite has Fe/(Fe + Mg) ∼ 0.35, TiO2 (wt%): 2.8–5.0 and H2O (wt%): 1.24–3.37. Infrared spectra revealed the presence of bands due to the NH4+ and H2O stretching and bending vibrations. The samples belong to the 1M polytype. The bimodal behaviour of several structural parameters allows red micas to be clustered into two distinct groups: K+ ↔ NH4+, H2O and M3+-vacancy substitutions dominate in the first group; M3+,4+-oxy, in the second group. It has to be pointed out that quantitative analysis of hydrogen (via SIMS) together with the characterization of the local environment of the anionic site (via FTIR) are fundamental in assessing the correct structural formula and the substitution mechanisms in micas. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper is to verify whether lichens have the capacity to accumulate atmospheric contaminators linked to volcanic activity. About 100 lichens were collected in 1994 and 1995 from two active volcanic areas in Italy: Mount Etna and Vulcano Island. Twenty-seven elements were analyzed for each individual lichen using Instrumental Neutronic Activation Analysis and Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometry. Lichen composition reflects the contribution of the volcanic particulate material, and the two areas investigated can be distinguished on the basis of the concentration of some lithophile elements. Moreover, the distribution in lichens of the elements (As, Sb, Br, Pb) – derived from gas emissions (plume, fumaroles) – also shows different geochemical trends on Mt. Etna and Vulcano. Received: 20 April 1998 · Accepted: 4 July 1998  相似文献   

Volcanic hazards assessments at andesite stratovolcanoes rely on the assessment of frequency and magnitude of past events. The identification and correlation of proximal and distal andesitic tephra, which record the explosive eruptive history, are integral to such assessments. These tephra are potentially valuable stratigraphic marker beds useful to the temporal correlation and age dating of Quaternary volcanic, volcaniclastic and epiclastic sedimentary deposits with which they are interbedded. At Mt Ruapehu (New Zealand) and Mt Rainier (USA), much of the detail of the recent volcanic record remains unresolved because of the difficulty in identifying proximal tephra. This study investigates the value of geochemical methods in discriminating andesitic tephra. Our dataset comprises petrological and geochemical analyses of tephra that span the late Quaternary eruptive record of each volcano. Our data illustrate that andesitic tephra are remarkably heterogeneous in composition. Tephra compositions fluctuate widely over short time intervals, and there are no simple or systematic temporal trends in geochemistry within either eruptive record. This complexity in tephra geochemistry limits the application of geochemical approaches to tephrostratigraphic studies, beyond a general characterisation useful to provenance assignation. Petrological and geochemical data suggest that the products of andesite systems are inherently variable and therefore intractable to discrimination by simple geochemical methods alone. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

New Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic ratios and trace element data for volcanic mafic rocks outcropping along a E–W transect in southern Italy, from Mt. Vulture to Neapolitan volcanoes, are reported. The variation of LILE/HFSE, HFSE/HFSE and radiogenic isotopes along this transect indicates that all of these volcanoes contain both intra-plate and subduction-related signatures, with the former decreasing from Mt. Vulture to Campanian volcanoes. New data are also reported for the Paleocene alkaline rocks from Pietre Nere (Apulia foreland), which show isotopic ratios mostly overlapping the values for Mediterranean intra-plate volcanoes as well as the Eocene–Oligocene alkaline mafic lavas from the northern Adria plate. Pietre Nere provides evidence for an OIB mantle composition of FOZO-type, free of subduction influences, that is present beneath the Adria plate (Africa) before its collision with Europe. After this collision, and formation of the southern Apennines, westward inflow of mantle from the Adria plate to the Campanian area occurred, as a consequence of slab break off. Interaction of subduction components with inflowing Adria mantle generated hybrid sources beneath the Vulture–Campania area, which can explain the compositional features of both Mt. Vulture and the Campanian mafic rocks. Therefore, mafic magmas from these volcanoes represent variable degrees of mixing between different mantle components.  相似文献   

Summary New data of mineral compositions, whole-rock major and trace element contents are presented for lava flows and dykes of Mt. Vulture volcano (southeastern Roman Magmatic Province). The dominant rock series ranges from basanite, through tephrite and foidite, to phonolite. Diopsidic to Fe-salitic (hedenbergitic) clinopyroxene is the major phenocryst phase, and shows a very strong Ti- and Al-enrichment trend (up to 5 wt% TiO2 and 12 wt% Al2O3). Phonolites have Fe-rich pyroxenes low in Ti and Al, as a consequence of fractionation of Ti-magnetite and/or melanite garnet.Feldspar ranges in composition from bytownite to Ba- and Sr-rich anorthoclase (up to 7 wt % BaO and 4 wt % SrO); the latter is present in the groundmass of mafic and intermediate rocks. Phonolites are characterized by anorthoclase and sanidine with Ba-rich cores, and with Ba-depleted rims.Subordinate melilite-bearing rocks are also present, and are characterized by melilite with a very large compositional variation, Ca-rich nepheline (up to 8 wt% CaO) and lack of feldspar and amphibole. Some of them also show calcite-rich ocellar structures, possibly due to liquid immiscibility. They have also major and trace element contents different from those of the feldspar-bearing rocks. This all indicates distinct parental magmas for feldspar-bearing and melilite-bearing rocks. These latter were likely generated by differentiation processes starting from olivine- and melilite-bearing ultramafic parental magmas.Mineral compositions and suitable phase diagrams indicate that the Melfi haüynophyre, which is the most MgO-poor melilite-bearing rock of Mt. Vulture, is close to a residual melt analogous to phonolite, but in petrogenetic systems with melilite and without feldspar.The high- to very high-titanium content of most of the ferromagnesian phases, despite a relatively low TiO2 of primitive Mt. Vulture rocks, is absent in other rocks of similar degree of evolution in the Roman Province. It resembles that found in anorogenic magmas and gives further indications for a within-plate signature in this particular volcanic complex.
Der Mt. Vulture Vulkankomplex (Italien): hinweise für unterschiedliche Ausgangsmagmen und Residualschmelzen mit Melilith
Zusammenfassung Es werden neue Daten über Mineralzusammensetzungen sowie Haupt- und Spurenelemente des Gesamtgesteins für Lavaflüsse und Gänge des Mt. Vulture Vulkans (südöstliche Römische Magmatische Provinz) vorgestellt. Die auftretenden Gesteinsabfolgen reichen von Basaniten über Tephrite und Foidite zu Phonolithen. Diopsidischer bis Fe-salitischer (hedenbergitischer) Klinopyroxen stellt die hauptsächlichen Einsprenglinge und zeigt starke Ti- und Al-Anreicherungen (bis zu 5 Gew% TiO2 und 12 Gew% Al2O3). Phonolite weisen als Konsequenz der Fraktionierung von Ti-Magnetit und/oder Melanit-Granat Fe-reiche Pyroxene mit niedrigen Ti- und Al-Gehalten auf.Der Feldspat reicht in seiner Zusammensetzung von Bytownit zu Ba- und Si-reichem Anorthoklas (bis zu 7 Gew%/o BaO und 4 Gew% SrO), der letztgenannte findet sich in der Grundmasse mafischer und intermediärer Gesteine. Phonolithe werden durch das Auftreten von Anorthoklas und Sanidin mit Ba-angereicherten Kernen und Ba-abgereicherten Rändern charakterisiert.Untergeordnet treten auch Melilith-führende Gesteine auf. Sie sind durch Melilithe mit einer großen kompositionellen Variation, durch Ca-reichen Nephelin (bis 8Gew% CaO) und durch das Fehlen von Feldspat und Amphibol gekennzeichnet. Einige dieser Melilithe zeigen auch Calcitreiche ocellare Strukturen, die möglicherweise aufgrund der Nicht-Mischbarkeit der Schmelzen entstanden sind. Sie weisen auch Gehalte an Haupt- und Spurenelementen auf, die von jenen Feldspat-führender Gesteine abweichen. All dies zeigt verschiedene Ausgangs-Magmen für Feldspat-führende und Melilith-führende vulkanische Gesteinean. Die Melilithgesteine entstanden wahrscheinlich durch Differentiationsprozesse aus Olvin- und Melilith-führenden ultramafischen Magmen.Mineralzusammensetzung und die entsprechenden Phasendiagramme zeigen, daß der Melfi Haüynophyr, welcher das MgOärmste Melilith-führende Gestein des Mt. Vulture ist, nahe an einer Ausgangschmelze analog zu einem Phonolith liegt, allerdings in einem petrogenetischen System mit Melilith und ohne Feldspat.Der hohe bis sehr hohe Titan-Gehalt der meisten ferromagnesischen Phasen fehlt, trotz des niedrigen TiO2-Gehaltes primitiver Mte. Vulture Gesteine, in anderen Gesteinen ähnlicher Entwicklung in der Römischer Magmatischen Provinz. Dies ähnelt anorogenen alkalischen Magmen und ist ein weiterer Hinweis auf eine Intra-Platten Signatur für diesen besonderen vulkanischen Komplex.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

In the Alpine-Mediterranean region, the continental redbeds and shallow-marine siliciclastics related to the early depositional phases of the Late Permian-Mesozoic continental rifting are referred to as the most common representative of the “Verrucano tectofacies”. The Verrucano-type successions exposed in southern Tuscany are diachronous, spanning from Triassic to earliest Jurassic in age, and accumulated within the Tuscan domain, a paleogeographic region of continental crust that due to the opening of the Piedmont–Ligurian ocean formed part of the Adria passive-margin. They belong to the metamorphic Verrucano Group and the non-metamorphic Pseudoverrucano fm. Viewed overall, these Verrucano-type successions appear to manifest five episodes or pulses of an ongoing continental rifting. With the exception of the first episode that developed entirely within a terrestrial setting, each one is represented by basal Verrucano-type continental siliciclastics overlain by compositionally mixed marine deposits, which resulted from four diachronous, post-Middle Triassic transgressions. This suite of tectonic pulses produced the progressive westward widening (backstepping) of the Tuscan domain in the rifting south-Tuscany area.  相似文献   

Panzera  F.  Lombardo  G.  Longo  E.  Langer  H.  Branca  S.  Azzaro  R.  Cicala  V.  Trimarchi  F. 《Natural Hazards》2016,86(2):385-399

A preliminary study targeting to evaluate the local seismic response was performed in the eastern flank of Mt. Etna (southern Italy) using ambient noise measurements. The obtained spectral ratios were subdivided through cluster analysis into different classes of fundamental frequency permitting to draw an iso-frequency contour map. The analysis set into evidence the extreme heterogeneity of lava sequences, which makes difficult to identify a single seismic bedrock formation. Another important outcome, concerning the local seismic effects in terms of frequency and azimuth, is the important role played by the fracture fields associated with the main structural systems of the area. The existence of two zones with strong directional effects striking WNW–ESE and NW–SE, nearly orthogonal to the orientation of the main fracture fields, corroborate such hypothesis.


A preliminary study targeting to evaluate the local seismic response was performed in the eastern flank of Mt. Etna (southern Italy) using ambient noise measurements. The obtained spectral ratios were subdivided through cluster analysis into different classes of fundamental frequency permitting to draw an iso-frequency contour map. The analysis set into evidence the extreme heterogeneity of lava sequences, which makes difficult to identify a single seismic bedrock formation. Another important outcome, concerning the local seismic effects in terms of frequency and azimuth, is the important role played by the fracture fields associated with the main structural systems of the area. The existence of two zones with strong directional effects striking WNW–ESE and NW–SE, nearly orthogonal to the orientation of the main fracture fields, corroborate such hypothesis.  相似文献   

《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(6):375-387
Information from surface and subsurface geology (boreholes and seismic reflection lines) are used to depict the geometry of the extensional structures (low-angle normal faults and related Tuscan Nappe megaboudins) affecting the Mt. Amiata geothermal area and developed during the early stage of the extensional tectonics which affected the inner Northern Apennines and Tyrrhenian Sea from the Early-Middle Miocene. Normal faulting involved the thickened middle-upper crust after the collisional stage and, in the Mt. Amiata region, took place over relatively short periods (5-7 Ma) characterised by rapid extensional strain rates. Normal faults showing articulated geometry (flat-ramp-flat) characterised by subhorizontal detachments (flats) and synthetic ramps, caused widespread megaboudinage mainly in the sedimentary tectonic units and particularly in the Tuscan Nappe. Evaporites occurring at the base of the Tuscan Nappe, the deepest sedimentary tectonic unit of the Northern Apennines, controlled the geometry of the faults, and rift-raft tectonics may be the style of this first extensional phase. Three Tuscan Nappe extensional horses (megaboudins) have been recognised in the subsurface of the Mt. Amiata area. They are characterised, in map view, by elliptical shapes and show a mean NNW-SSE lengthening. They are delimited at the base and at the top by east-dipping flats, while their western and eastern margins coincide with east-dipping ramps. On the whole, considering their geometrical features, these megaboudins correspond to extensional horses belonging to an asymmetrical east-dipping extensional duplex system.

Rollover anticlines deformed the western ramp of the megaboudins and rotated the uppermost flat as well as all the structures previously developed, which became steeply-dipping to the west.  相似文献   

Sandy turbidites commonly show evidence for significant dynamic coupling with their substrate. The resulting deformation can be described using structural kinematic methods, linked to palaeoflow indicators, to better understand the links between flow and entrainment processes. A field example from the syn‐orogenic Gorgoglione Flysch, a succession of upper Miocene turbidites deposited into a deforming array of thrust‐top basins in the southern Apennine thrust belt, Italy, is described. The succession contains metre‐scale packages of alternating sandy turbidites and shales but is notable for containing > 100 m thick, massive sandbodies. These are structureless apart from sporadic horizons of aligned mud clasts. Commonly, the substrate beneath the massive sandbodies is deformed, with minor folds and thrusts verging in the direction of palaeoflow determined from tool marks and flutes at the base of these sandbodies. Structural studies from the base of a selected massive sandbody have identified that the substrate mud has been injected upwards, with flames sheared over in the direction of palaeoflow. Thus the substrate has deformed and become entrained during emplacement of the massive sandy body. At some locations, the substrate can be traced into the overlying deposit, with substrate clay beds becoming boudinaged and entrained into the sandbody. Analysis of the orientation of the mud clasts indicates that this bed disruption and incorporation into the sandy massive‐bed turbidite was an organized, viscous process. These features indicate that significant shear stress was partitioned out of the flow and onto the substrate. The incorporation and disruption of substrate into the sandbody suggest that post‐disruption strains increase upwards – implying that displacement gradients increased into the flow. These behaviours, showing variations in strain partitioning between the flow and its substrate, are explored in terms of evolving flow dynamics and substrate rheology.  相似文献   

The Soritoidea (Foraminifera) represent an important component of Cenomanian microfossil assemblages of the central and southern Tethyan carbonate platforms and are widely used as biostratigraphic markers. In this paper a new taxon, Fissumella motolae n. gen. n. sp., is described from the Cretaceous carbonate platform facies of central and southern Italy. It is characterized by its small size, planispiral-involute arrangement of chambers, fissure-shaped single aperture and few and short radial septula subdividing the marginal lumen of the chambers. Fissumella motolae n. gen. n. sp. represents the first soritoidean in the fossil record showing internal subdivisions of the chamber lumen. Carbon isotope stratigraphy supports an earliest Albian age for this significant step in the evolution of the superfamily Soritoidea. The new subfamily Fissumellinae is established for soritoidean foraminifera with planispiral-involute lens-shaped shells, single aperture and chamber lumen subdivided by few and short septula.  相似文献   

This case study paper is about a large rotational rock and earth slide—earth flow located in the Secchia River Valley, in the Northern Apennines of Italy, that has displayed multiple reactivation phases between 2002 and 2004. The main geological constraints of the mass movement are related to the overlap of flysch rock masses over clayey complexes that allows rock slides to take place in the source area. The disarrangement and weathering of rock masses following slope movements causes large amount of fine-grained debris to be accumulated on the slope and mobilised by earth sliding and flowing. Analysis of rainfall data at the onset of reactivation events has proved that they occurred after periods with cumulated values higher than the averages of the last 30 years. The quantification of the morphological modifications induced by these reactivations has been made possible by comparing pre- and post-event digital elevation models. Depletion and accumulation has been in the range of 30 m in different parts of the slope. In particular, an advancement of the landslide toe of more than 400 m, which caused a 30-m thick landslide tip to deposit, has been clearly seen. Monitoring data regarding subsurface movements and surface tension crack widening (tension cracks so large as to be properly described at trenches) has shown that sliding surfaces as deep as 43 m exist in the upper part of the landslide, while the accumulation lobe has moved by sliding and flowing over surfaces as deep as some 10 m. Velocities of cm/day have been recorded in the deep surfaces and in widening trenches of the source area, while the advancement of the accumulation lobe has been estimated as having velocities of up to 10 m/day. Groundwater in the landslide body has been observed at depths of 5–15 m in the upper areas, while it is estimated as being at the ground level in the toe. On this basis, it is concluded that the landslide still has a high potential for further development, both in the upper landslide zone and in the toe area.  相似文献   

In this study 50 seismic events, preceding and accompanying the eruptions occurring in 1981 and 1983, have been considered. Seismic moments, fault radii, stress drops and seismic energies have been calculated using Brune’s model (J Geophys Res 75:4997–5009, 1970; J Geophys Res 76:5002, 1971); site, anelastic attenuation along the propagation path, geometrical spreading and interaction with the free surface effects are taken into account. For each event we have also estimated the equivalent Wood–Anderson magnitude (MWAeq) (Scherbaum and Stoll in Bull Seism Soc Am 73:1321–1343, 1983); relations among all these source parameters have been determined. Furthermore, the hypothesis of self-similarity (Aki in J Geophys Res 72:1217–1231, 1967) is not verified for events with seismic moments <1012 N-m: in fact the relationship between log-stress drop and log-moment is linear up to a moment of 1012 N-m (events of 1981 eruption), while for higher moments (events of 1983 eruption) the slope of the regression line is not significantly different from zero. We suppose that such a behaviour is related to a heterogeneous medium with barriers on the faults. Finally, the main conclusion is that eruptions of 1981 and 1983 differ from one another both in eruptive and seismic aspects; analysis of seismic energies indicates an increase in Mt. Etna’s activity, confirmed by studies performed on the following lateral eruption of 1991–1993 (Patanè et al. in Bull Volcanol 47:941–952, 1995), occurring on the same structural trend.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in the distribution of rare earth elements (REEs) within soils, primarily as these elements can be used to identify pedogenetic processes and because soils may be future sources for REE extraction, despite much attention should be paid to the protection and preservation of present soils. Here, we evaluate the processes that control the distribution of REEs in subsoil horizons developed over differing lithologies in an area of low anthropogenic contamination, allowing estimates of the importance of source rocks and weathering. Specifically, this study presents new data on the distribution of REEs and other trace elements, including transition and high-field-strength elements, in subsoils developed on both Quaternary silica-undersaturated volcanic rocks and Pliocene siliciclastic sedimentary rocks within the Mt. Vulture area of the southern Apennines in Italy. The subsoils in the Mt. Vulture area formed during moderate weathering (as classified using the chemical index of alteration) and contain an assemblage of secondary minerals that is dominated by trioctahedral illite with minor vermiculite. The REEs, high-field-strength elements, and transition metals have higher abundances in subsoils that developed from volcanic rocks, and pedogenesis caused the Mt. Vulture subsoils to have REE concentrations that are an order of magnitude higher than typical values for the upper continental crust. This result indicates that the distribution of REEs in soils is a valuable tool for mineral exploration. A statistical analysis of inter-elemental relationships indicates that REEs are concentrated in clay-rich fractions that also contain significant amounts of low-solubility elements such as Zr and Th, regardless of the parent rock. This suggests that low-solubility refractory minerals, such as zircon, play a significant role in controlling the distribution of REEs in soils. The values of (La/Yb)N and (Gd/Yb)N fractionation indices are dependent on the intensity of pedogenesis; soils in the study area have values that are higher than typical upper continental crust ratios, suggesting that soils, especially those that formed during interaction with near neutral to acidic organic-rich surface waters, may represent an important source of both light REEs and medium REEs (MREEs). In comparison, MREE/heavy REE fractionation in soils that form during moderate weathering may be affected by variations in parent rock lithologies, primarily as MREE-hosting minerals, such as pyroxenes, may control (La/Sm)N index values. Eu anomalies are thought to be the most effective provenance index for sediments, although the anomalies within the soils studied here are not related to the alteration of primary minerals, including feldspars, to clay phases. In some cases, Eu/Eu* values may have a weak correlation with elements hosted by heavy minerals, such as Zr; this indicates that the influence of mechanical sorting of clastic particles during sedimentary transport on the Eu/Eu* values of siliciclastic sediments needs to be considered carefully.  相似文献   

The Pantano di San Gregorio Magno is a 4.7 km2 large tectono‐karstic basin located in the axial belt of the Southern Apennines, an area affected by intense seismicity. The basin was formed in the Middle Pleistocene and is presently undissected. It is filled by lacustrine sediments (clays, silts and pyroclastic sands) passing laterally into alluvial fan deposits. Geomorphological investigations were integrated with tephrostratigraphical, palynological and palaeoecological analyses of a 61 m thick core (not reaching the bedrock). The multiproxy analysis of the S. Gregorio Magno record shows that, over the last 200k yr, the basin hosted a freshwater lake with an oscillating level. Age constraints provided by the tephrostratigraphic record allowed estimation of the sedimentation rate, which varied strongly through time. Evolution of the basin resulted from the complex combination of tectonic subsidence, karst processes and changing amounts of sedimentary inputs. The latter was influenced by allogenic contributions related both to primary and reworked volcanoclastic inputs and was climate‐driven. The overall evidence, which indicates that in the long‐term the accumulation rate substantially counterbalanced the accommodation space created by faulting, suggests that the basin evolution was also modulated by changing subsidence rates. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We carried out paleoseismological analyses in Norcia, one of the oldest town of central Italy. Four trenches were dug in late Pleistocene–Holocene deposits, across an unmapped, antithetic splay of the Norcia Fault System. The investigated fault runs through the recent settlement of the town, brushing against the middle-age city walls. We found evidence of repeated surface ruptures in the past 20 ky, the last one dated to a period fitting with the 1703 AD, catastrophic earthquake (M = 6.8). Our data (i) show definitively the late Pleistocene–Holocene activity of the Norcia Fault System, (ii) strengthen the historical accounts describing surface ruptures during the 1703 event in Norcia, (iii) cast light on the seismogenic behavior of the 70-km-long fault system between L'Aquila and Norcia (central Italy) and (iv) predict the occurrence of normal surface faulting inside the municipality of Norcia during future M ≥ 6 earthquakes.  相似文献   

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