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Simultaneous photoelectric observations of sunspot penumbrae at 5790, 6690, 8760 and 16700Å are presented. No change in penumbral intensity from spot to spot is found in a sample of 11 large sunspots.  相似文献   

P. Maltby 《Solar physics》1972,26(1):76-82
Observations of the penumbral intensity of sunspots in 13 wavelength regions are presented. In 4 wavelength regions 54 sunspots are measured. In the other wavelength regions the number of sunspots considered ranges from 3–19.The penumbral intensity alters with position within the spot. This intensity variation is found to be comparable with the change in intensity from one spot to another. The penumbral intensity is found to be independent of spot size in the sample considered.The penumbra model of Kjeldseth Moe and Maltby (1969) with = 0.055 is supported by the measurements.  相似文献   

Torsional oscillations of seven single spots are studied based on the observations of the longitudinal magnetic field and the field of radial velocities in the photospheric Fe I λ 525.3 nm line. The periods of umbra and penumbra oscillations are 2.2–7.1 and 3.3–7.7 days, respectively. The spots at a greater solar latitude are characterized by a longer period of oscillations and a smaller axial strength of the magnetic field. The periods of umbra and penumbra oscillations increase with an increase in the period and amplitude of the sunspot umbra oscillations. The obtained results can point to a unitary mechanism of torsional oscillations of umbra and penumbra of single spots and a connection of these oscillations with the differential rotation of the Sun.  相似文献   

Several authors have studied solutions of Einstein's field equations for a conformally invariant scalar field with trace-free energy-momentum tensor for the Robertson-Walker models forK = 0, ± 1. The relationship of these solutions to a previously existing one by Som (1985) is discussed. TheK = 0 model derived by Innaiah and Reddy (1985) is shown to be a special case of the Bianchi type-I models due to Accioly, Vaidya and Som (1983a).  相似文献   

Golovko  A. A. 《Solar physics》1974,37(1):113-125
The peculiarities of magnetosensitive lines in the penumbral spectrum and the abnormal distribution of circular polarization in them are explained satisfactorily in terms of superposition of radiation originating in different elements of penumbral fine structure. Complicated asymmetric rv contours can be represented as a sum of two components related to bright (BR) and dark (DR) penumbral regions. Crossover effect in sunspot penumbra appears, when there is considerable relative radial mass velocity in BR and DR, having the magnetic field of different polarities in them. Such conditions are supposed to exist in the penumbra of some sunspots, situated close to the solar limb.  相似文献   

G. Ekmann 《Solar physics》1974,38(1):73-75
Based on pinhole photometer observations in 4–6 wavelength regions we have searched for a connection between the intensities of the umbra and the penumbra of sunspots. For the 1.67 μm wavelength region it is apparent that spots with dark umbrae also have dark penumbrae. In the other wavelength regions similar relations are found. The darkness of the spot is probably connected with the degree of complexity of the spot.  相似文献   

F. H. Busse 《Solar physics》1973,33(2):413-423
An analytical solution is derived for the nonlinear magnetostatic balance between the Lorentz forces on one side and the pressure and gravitational forces induced by the magnetic inhibition of granular convection in a sunspot on the other. In order to exhibit the mathematical structure of the problem it has been reduced to the simplest case which still contains the basic physical features. Although the results of a model with a two-dimensional periodic magnetic field are not quantitatively comparable with sunspot observations the conclusion can be drawn that an upper limit on the size of sunspots exists. The results suggest that this upper limit is close to the size of observed large sunspots.  相似文献   

Existing models for the evolution of sunspots and sunspot groups, describing the subsurface structure of the magnetic fields and their interactions with the convective motions, are briefly reviewed. It is shown that they are generally unable to account for the most recent data concerning the relationship between the large-scale solar magnetic field structures and the magnetic fields of active regions. In particular, it is shown that the former do not arise directly from the decay of the latter, as required by the Babcock model and all other models based on it. Other observations which are not adequately explained by current models are also cited.A new model is put forward based on the expulsion of toroidal magnetic flux by the dominant (i.e. giant) cells of the convection zone. The flux expelled above these cells forms the large-scale field and thus the configuration of this field provides a clue to the structure of the giant cell patterns. The flux expelled below the cells becomes twisted into a rope as in the Babcock model but a loop or stitch forms only in the region of upflow of the giant cells. The interaction of this loop with intermediate-sized cells as it rises to the surface determines the configuration and extent of the active region which appears at the surface. The compatibility of the model with other observations is discussed and its implications for theories of the solar cycle are noted.  相似文献   

We study the solar cycle evolution during the last 8 solar cycles using a vectorial sunspot area called the LA (longitudinal asymmetry) parameter. This is a useful measure of solar activity in which the stochastic, longitudinally evenly distributed sunspot activity is reduced and which therefore emphasizes the more systematic, longitudinally asymmetric sunspot activity. Interesting differences are found between the LA parameter and the more conventional sunspot activity indices like the (scalar) sunspot area and the sunspot number. E.g., cycle 19 is not the highest cycle according to LA. We have calculated the separate LA parameters for the northern and southern hemisphere and found a systematic dipolar-type oscillation in the dominating hemisphere during high solar activity times which is reproduced from cycle to cycle. We have analyzed this oscillation during cycles 16–22 by a superposed epoch method using the date of magnetic reversal in the southern hemisphere as the zero epoch time. According to our analysis, the oscillation starts by an excess of the northern LA value in the ascending phase of the solar cycle which lasts for about 2.3 years. Soon after the maximum northern dominance, the southern hemisphere starts dominating, reaching its minimum some 1.2–1.7 years later. The period of southern dominance lasts for about 1.6 years and ends, on an average, slightly before the end of magnetic reversal.  相似文献   

The longitudinal distribution of the sunspots has been investigated by using the observations made at the University Observatory of Istanbul in 1979. In order to take into account the activity as a whole, we obtained a new weighting system which depends on the area of spots and used it in our calculations. Differential rotation appeared to effect the considered distribution. It was determined that this longitudinal distribution of spots is not uniform but forms two maxima for two different longitudes. The obtained result verifies one of the main assumptions had been proposed in the starspot model in which accounts for the distortion wave appeared in the light curves of RS CVn-type binaries.  相似文献   

M. Vazquez 《Solar physics》1973,31(2):377-387
This study is based on photographs taken during the period March 1971 to June 1972. Various morphological features observed are described and their possible role in sunspot evolution discussed. It is pointed out that a light-bridge looks like the re-establishment of photospheric-like conditions.  相似文献   

We present a search for the acoustic oscillation deficit which may exist at the antipodes of sunspots. Dopplergrams from Big Bear Solar Observatory 1988 helioseismology data were selected for five days on which large sunspots were known to be on the unseen hemisphere of the Sun. Acoustic oscillation amplitudes in the antipodal regions of these sunspots were compared with amplitudes in surrounding quiet-Sun regions. We did not detect a statistically significant acoustic amplitude deficit in our data. Our results indicate that the amplitude deficit at the sunspot antipodal points is limited to no more than 3% of the acoustic amplitude in the region, for solar oscillation modes of spherical harmonic degree l 200. We conclude that no strong acoustic deficit exists at the antipodes of sunspots. A more sensitive search, requiring more elaborate observations than we have performed, would be desirable in order to determine if a weak acoustic amplitude deficit exists at some level at the antipodes of sunspots, perhaps at higher spatial frequencies of oscillation. The noise level in any signals detected by such observations would probably limit their usefulness as seismic probes. However, information on the lifetimes of solar oscillation modes can be deduced even if no acoustic amplitude deficit is detected.  相似文献   

The structure of a stationary sunspot of circular shape is considered. Schluter-Temesvary theory, based on the similarity assumption is criticized. It is shown that this theory does not describe the observed inclination of magnetic field lines in a sunspot. A new assumption is proposed taking into account field lines which return to the photosphere. On the basis of this assumption, the main equation of the new theory is obtained and the results compare well with observations.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

Sunspot spectra for LiI 6708Å lines and for several FeI and CaI lines were obtained. Observations were performed in January and in August, 2011 using the TST-2 telescope with a charge-coupled camera at the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. The sunspot models were calculated by using the observing profiles of FeI and CaI lines. Lithium abundance was determined by using the calculated sunspot models and LiI 6708Å observed profiles; this equals log(N Li) = 0.98 and 0.95 (in the scale logA(H) = 12.0).  相似文献   

The sunspot models published so far do not reproduce the observed run of the umbral continuum intensities over the entire spectral range 0.5 < < 4 m. Moreover, in several previous models is the temperature gradient smaller than both the adiabatic and the radiative equilibrium gradient.Agreement between intensities computed from acceptable models and measured intensities can be obtained by introducing an additional opacity for 0.8 m, which is probably caused by the crowding of atomic and molecular lines. We present a new umbral model atmosphere with a wavelength dependent opacity enhancement factor which explains the continuum intensities and also reproduces plausible center-to-limb variations and line profiles. This model is in radiative equilibrium down to 0.5 = 1.5, with an effective temperature of 4000 ± 100K. For the deeper superadiabatic layers a small but probably significant departure from radiative equilibrium is indicated by the intensities in the range 1.5 < < 2.4 m.The uncertainties in the present model and the effect of the additional opacity on line profiles are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The thermal contrast , and the umbra-penumbraA u/A p, were calculated for 63 sunspots of various sizes and morphologies. Contrary to the assumptions of the PSI model, andA u/A p were found to be quite variable. The values of ranged from 0.1807 to 0.4266;A u/A p ranged from 0.0089 to 0.4899. The values of andA u/A p correlated well (r = 0.6018;p<0.005) and the regression for andA u/A p was obtained: = (0.220 ± 0.016) + (0.340 ± O.06)A u/A p. The values of andA u/A p were then compared with complexity ratings, magnetic field strength, time, and . The quantities andA u/A p were found to be independent of the complexity, magnetic field strength, and time factors. The correlation between andA u/A p lead to the proposed division of into an umbral thermal contrast u, and a penumbral thermal contrast p. These values were calculated from the photometric data: u = 0.57 ± 0.01 and p = 0.26 ± 0.006.  相似文献   

In order to study the three-dimensional structure of sunspot magnetic fields it is necessary to determine whether the field lines are twisted, i.e., if the azimuthal angle of transverse field changes with depth. For this purpose we propose the following method. At a fixed point in a spot, and in a certain wavelength interval of a magnetic-sensitive spectral line, one may measure the two Stokes parameters Q and U and then calculate the azimuthal angle of the polarization plane. If the wavelength interval of observation is moved successively from the line center to a wing, one may draw the azimuth diagram by the method proposed by Makita (1986) and refined by us (Ye Shi-hui and Jin Jie-hai, 1987). According to our theoretical calculations, described in this paper, if sunspot field lines are sufficiently strongly twisted, the curve on this diagram contains loop structures. If the twist is rather weak, the curve is approximately semi-circular. From the direction in which the curve winds (clockwise or counterclockwise) one may infer whether the magnetic field is twisting in one direction or in the opposite. In the case of no twist at all, the curve is comparatively simple and similar to a parabola.When the sensitivity of observational data is high enough, our method can also be applied to regions of weak magnetic fields outside sunspots.This work has been supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant No. 9187006-01.  相似文献   

In the umbral atmosphere the depth dependence of the opacity due to the vibration rotation bands of various abundant molecules in the wavelength region 1 m to 10 m has been calculated. In the higher layers of the umbral atmosphere, the molecular opacity seems to dominate the opacity due to the negative hydrogen ion.  相似文献   

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