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Methyl esters of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids were isolated as trace components from organic material suspended in seawater. Methyl palmitate and methyl stearate were accumulated from the filtrate by adsorption onto Amberlite XAD-2 resin. Identification of most methyl esters is based on the comparison of gas chromatographic retention indices and mass spectrometric fragmentation with those of authentic standard compounds. In cases where reference substances were not available, identification is based on mass spectrometric and gas chromatographic properties of the unknown compounds.  相似文献   

Measurements of sub-surface light attenuation (Kd), Secchi depth and suspended particulate material (SPM) were made at 382 locations in transitional, coastal and offshore waters around the United Kingdom (hereafter UK) between August 2004 and December 2005. Data were analysed statistically in relation to a marine water typology characterised by differences in tidal range, mixing and salinity. There was a strong statistically significant linear relationship between SPM and Kd for the full data set. We show that slightly better results are obtained by fitting separate models to data from transitional waters and coastal and offshore waters combined. These linear models were used to predict Kd from SPM. Using a statistic (D) to quantify the error of prediction of Kd from SPM, we found an overall prediction error rate of 23.1%. Statistically significant linear relationships were also evident between the log of Secchi depth and the log of Kd in waters around the UK. Again, statistically significant improvements were obtained by fitting separate models to estuarine and combined coastal/offshore data – however, the prediction error was improved only marginally, from 31.6% to 29.7%. Prediction was poor in transitional waters (D = 39.5%) but relatively good in coastal/offshore waters (D = 26.9%).SPM data were extracted from long term monitoring data sites held by the UK Environment Agency. The appropriate linear models (estuarine or combined coastal/offshore) were applied to the SPM data to obtain representative Kd values from estuarine, coastal and offshore sites. Estuarine waters typically had higher concentrations of SPM (8.2–73.8 mg l−1) compared to coastal waters (3.0–24.1 mg l−1) and offshore waters (9.3 mg l−1). The higher SPM values in estuarine waters corresponded to higher values of Kd (0.8–5.6 m−1). Water types that were identified by large tidal ranges and exposure typically had the highest Kd ranges in both estuarine and coastal waters. In terms of susceptibility to eutrophication, large macrotidal, well mixed estuarine waters, such as the Thames embayment and the Humber estuary were identified at least risk from eutrophic conditions due to light-limiting conditions of the water type.  相似文献   

近年来, 计算机模式识别技术因其识别结果准确、快速, 而不断被用于生物判别邻域。本文利用MATLAB软件实现动量自适应BP神经网络(back propagation neural networks)对西北印度洋、中东太平洋和南海3个海区的鸢乌贼角质颚及其胴长进行模式识别。研究结果显示, 训练成型的神经网络收敛误差仅为4.416×10-2, 加入动量和自适应学习率的BP神经网络对鸢乌贼地理种群的识别率有显著提高。3个海区的正确识别率分别为100%、88.89%和94.12%, 总成功率为 93.24%, 说明角质颚外部形态和胴长可用于鸢乌贼地理种群的区分。而BP神经网络的其他学习算法, 如梯度下降法、单一动量法和单一自适应法的总识别率分为74.32%, 77.03%和87.84%。本研究的识别效果稳定, 对于大样本训练集的识别率也高达92.77%, 为头足类的种群判别提供了新的方法和思路。  相似文献   

It is known that long periods of adverse weather have a negative effect on the human cardiovascular system. A number of studies have set a lower limit of around 5 days for the duration of these periods. However, the specific features of the negative dynamics of the main weather characteristics—air temperature and atmospheric pressure—remained open. To address this problem, the present paper proposes a conjunctive method of the theory of pattern recognition. It is shown that this method approaches a globally optimal (in the sense of recognition errors) Neumann critical region and can be used to solve various problems in heliobiology. To illustrate the efficiency of this method, we show that some quickly relaxing short sequences of temperature and pressure time series (the so-called temperature waves and waves of atmospheric pressure changes) increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and can lead to serious organic lesions (particularly myocardial infarction). It is established that the temperature waves and waves of atmospheric pressure changes increase the average morbidity rate of myocardial infarction by 90% and 110%, respectively. Atmospheric pressure turned out to be a more biotropic factor than air temperature.  相似文献   

Three of the methods available for measurement of suspended sediment concentration were chosen and tested in natural conditions. The equipment included sand traps, a radioisotopic probe and a long-action sampler (bathometer).The working conditions of the equipment were studied and the reliability of data obtained was analyzed. Sources of possible errors have been defined together with requirements for the techniques, and optimum technical parameters have been found. Averaging times, necessary with regard to the reliability of data, have also been determined for the measurements. Calibration and cross-calibration of the measuring devices was carried out. Technological requirements, advantages and areas of applicability are discussed for the techniques. Although they require some modifications, the techniques can already be used in measurements of concentration profiles. The data obtained, and partly shown in this paper, shed light on complex phenomena of sediment suspension.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONA~q~tityofmudsandSandsbIDughtbyinfluentriverssUSpendin~talseawater.ThemudsandSands,affectedbythetidesandc~ts,areconstantlymoving,tranSportinganddealting,andcancauseseriousinfluencesonharhars,channelsandwaterconservancies,coaStalandOffshae...  相似文献   

Particle size of suspended matter in estuaries   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D. Eisma 《Geo-Marine Letters》1991,11(3-4):147-153
Suspended matter usually flocculates into fragile flocs that break up during sampling and analysis. Coulter counter and pipette size analysis are therefore an indication of floc strength. Grain-size distributions (after removal of organic matter) give an indication of the relative amount of grains transported as flocs (as opposed to being transported as single particles).In situ size distributions of suspended matter (flocs) in the Scheldt and Rhine estuaries and the Gironde, as well as results from the Zaire River estuary, indicated that salt flocculation does not appear to be of importance for the formation ofin situ flocs. Also there is no clear relation with particle concentration. In estuaries probably no equilibrium between floc size and concentration is reached because of the rapid variations in turbulence and bottom shear. In the Zaire estuary a decrease in turbulence in the surface water results in flocs of the same size as differential settling over a depth of more than 100 meters.  相似文献   

海岸悬沙运移数学模型   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
根据适合大范围缓变地形情况下,不恒定、非均匀流场中随机波折绕射联合数值模式及波浪作用下的二维浅水环流方程和悬沙扩散方程,建立了波浪、潮流共同作用下二维悬沙数学模型,并将该模型应用于渤海湾北部海域,进行了波、流共同作用下航道疏浚弃土的悬沙扩散、运移及海床演变的数值模拟,为工程单位决策提供科学依据  相似文献   

The present study deals with the content and composition of sterols of the marine-suspended matter in the surface sea water of Kagoshima-Bay. The suspended matters were separated into 3 fractions by filtration with the glass and millipore filters. The sterols in each fraction were analyzed by gas-liquid chromatography on 1.5 % SE-30. The results obtained are as follows: 1) The sterol contents ranged from 2.3 to 20.5g/liter of sea water. 2) Cholesterol was usually present as a predominant sterol in both suspended and dissolved matters. 3) A relatively large amount of other sterols such as 22-dehydro-cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol,-sitosterol, and fucosterol were occasionally detected.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》2002,47(1):53-75
The mechanism responsible for the ubiquitous presence of convex beach profiles and shoreward migration of linear bars is examined using numerical circulation and sediment transport models. The models are validated against laboratory measurements and observed natural beach cross-sections. While not discounting the importance of infragravity and advective horizontal circulation or bed-return flow mechanisms, a robust diffusive process explains the convex profile shape and bar formation. In the presence of concentration gradients across the surf zone, a diffusive sediment flux from high to low concentration results in the transfer of sediment outwards from the breakpoint, both onshore and offshore, and the subsequent formation of a “diffusion bar” and “diffusion profile”. The profiles are characterised by single- and double-convex dome-like shapes, developing during shoreward migration of the bars by the diffusion mechanism. The mechanism explains several phenomena observed on natural beaches, including (i) convex beach profiles; (ii) shoreward migration of the bar with concomitant beach accretion under narrow-band swell; (iii) reduced propensity for bar formation on low-gradient, fine-sand beaches or under wide-band wave spectra (even though multiple bars are common on some low-gradient beaches) and (iv) offshore migration of the bar during periods of increasing wave height. The diffusion mechanism can be dependent on orbital motion alone and, as such, requires no frequency selection or strong correlation between multiple processes for bar formation.  相似文献   

The settling velocity of large suspended particles which were formed in turbid water due to re-coagulation was measured in the laboratory, and the relation to the particle diameter which was taken as that of a sphere with the same volume, was obtained. This is, however, different from Stokes' law in regard to the relation to the particle diameter, though the Reynolds numbers are almost in the region of Stokes' law. This may be caused by the change of apparent density with the particle diameter. Stokes' law for a porous particle was applied to the settling velocity and the diameter found was compared with the real diameter to obtain an expression for the porosity. From the result, it is considered that the large suspended particles of “marine snow” have a porosity of above 90 %.  相似文献   

《Coastal Engineering》1988,12(2):157-174
Depth-averaged, one-dimensional and two-dimensional numerical models of bed and suspended particulate sediment transport provide unreliable answers for siltation and erosion quantities in situations dominated by three-dimensional flow patterns, as occur in harbour entrances due to flow separation and wind and density currents. Consequently, a numerical scheme has been developed which solves the complete three-dimensional diffusion-advection equation for suspended sediment concentration and thereby makes possible the study of siltation problems in complex, three-dimensional flows. The model analogue is based on a splitting technique and employs a mixed characteristics and finite difference approach. The accuracy and usefulness of the resulting scheme have been investigated by applying it to a number of hypothetical situations and to a laboratory situation involving the transport and dispersal of lightweight sediment. The results of the various tests show that the proposed approach works well and provides a useful basis for the study of practical problems.  相似文献   

A prototype deep pump filtration system, designed to sample suspended particulate matter in the deep sea, has been developed for use with an in-situ optical nephelometer used to locate zones of high particulate concentration. The filtration system, which has essentially an unlimited depth capability, can sample large volumes of water and is limited only by the concentration of the suspended load and the clogging characteristics of the filter, thereby being ideally suited for use in areas of extremely low particulate concentration. In its present configuration, the unit is capable of collecting as much as 200 mg of suspended sediment per lowering. The system is compact in design and may easily be integrated with any instrument platform, or used independently. In addition, the membrane filtration method utilized provides a convenient means of sample handling during analysis with a minimum of contamination.  相似文献   

Circulation and balance of suspended sediment in Changjiang estuary have been analysed. Strong interaction between different waterways and the fact that they are wide and shallow both contributed to the great spatial and temporal variability in circulation and suspended sediment transport. Using a flux decomposition formula with the relative depth as the vertical coordinate, it was shown that although tidal dispersion was the main dispersion mechanism in the turbidity maximum zone, dispersions due to circulation effects were also important.  相似文献   

海水悬浮物指海水中的悬浮颗粒物和浮游微生物等,对海水悬浮物浓度进行准确的测量具有重要的意义。海水悬浮物浓度测量技术,无论是传统方法(即现场采水),还是现代方法(即间接测量方式,包括光学法和声学法等)都有一定的不足。本文主要综述了几种海水悬浮物浓度间接测量方法、国内外有关海水原位过滤测量的技术研发进展及深海原位微孔过滤技术。最后,对海水悬浮物原位过滤技术的发展方向进行了探讨。  相似文献   

潮间带盐沼植物黏附悬浮颗粒物的差异性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李华  杨世伦 《海洋学报》2010,32(1):114-119
为了研究潮间带盐沼植物黏附悬浮颗粒物的差异性,在长江口选择了三种盐沼植物群落对它们黏附的颗粒物质量进行测定,结果表明:(1)植物群落距潮沟或光滩越近,生长位置的滩面高程越低,则黏附颗粒物越多,而在盐沼前缘单位滩地面积上植物黏附颗粒物的质量以1%~3%/m(单位水平距离)的速率从水体悬浮颗粒物含量相对较高的盐沼外缘光滩或潮沟向盐沼内部减小;(2)植物黏附的颗粒物量在垂向上从上到下急剧增大,通常在靠近滩面5~10 cm的部分植物的黏附量占植物黏附总量的三分之一以上;(3)相邻群落单位滩地面积的互花米草[(220.6±172.7)g/m2]的总黏附量明显多于芦苇[(64.9±38.1)g/m2]和海三棱藨草[(45.2±31.7)g/m2],而按单位生物量来说单位滩地面积上三种盐沼植物黏附的颗粒物以海三棱藨草最多[(150.5±134.8)g/kg],芦苇最少[(28.8±22.8)g/kg],互花米草介于两者之间[(57.5±32.9)g/kg];(4)海三棱藨草的黏附量在季节上差异性明显,秋初(9月)是春末(5月)的6倍,在冬季该植物消失,其黏附颗粒物的功能也消失。造成盐沼植物黏附悬浮颗粒物差异的根本原因是生物量、悬浮颗粒物含量和淹没条件(淹没的深度、时间、频率)的不同。  相似文献   

悬浮泥沙浓度遥感反演模型研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
张芸  张鹰  王晶晶 《海洋科学》2008,32(5):32-35
对实验室固定粒径的悬浮泥沙水体的反射率光谱特征进行了分析,选取反射率的敏感波段,建立了遥感反射率和悬浮泥沙浓度的遥感反演模型;同时,又利用野外现场实测的光谱反射率和悬浮泥沙中值粒径,建立受粒径影响的悬浮泥沙浓度反演模型。结果表明,主成分模型的反演效果最好,其次是幂指数模型,而线性模型的反演效果较差。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional finite difference numerical model, capable of predicting depth-averaged tidal flow fields in coastal and estuarine waters, has been extended to include tide-induced non-cohesive sediment transport processes. The partial differential equations governing the conservation of mass, momentum and suspended sediment in an incompressible turbulent flow are included in a depth-integrated form in the model. For the representation of the processes of erosion and deposition of sediment from the bed an empirically based source-sink term was refined, based on the results of three mobile bed flume studies. The model has been tested by simulating tidal flows and suspended sediment fluxes in two estuaries, with particular application to the Humber estuary in the U.K. The model was calibrated and found to produce an encouraging degree of agreement between the numerical predictions and corresponding field measurements for this estuary. Furthermore, the predicted gross deposition and erosion features of the estuary were found to be in close agreement with interpretations from Eulerian tidal residual predictions.  相似文献   

Quantitative application study on remote sensing of suspended sediment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Quantitative application on remote sensing of suspended sediment is an important aspect of the engineering application of remote sensing study.In this paper,the Xiamen Bay is chosen as the study area.Eleven different phases of the remote sensing data are selected to establish a quantitative remote sensing model to map suspended sediment by using remote sensing images and the quasi-synchronous measured sediment data.Based on empirical statistics developed are the conversion models between instantaneous suspended sediment concentration and tidally-averaged suspended sediment concentration as well as the conversion models between surface layer suspended sediment concentration and the depth-averaged suspended sediment concentration.On this basis,the quantitative application integrated model on remote sensing of suspended sediment is developed.By using this model as well as multi-temporal remote sensing images,multi-year averaged suspended sediment concentration of the Xiamen Bay are predicted.The comparison between model prediction and observed data shows that the multi-year averaged suspended sediment concentration of studied sites as well as the concentration difference of neighboring sites can be well predicted by the remote sensing model with an error rate of 21.61% or less,which can satisfy the engineering requirements of channel deposition calculation.  相似文献   

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