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Of three main methods for studying the radiative forcing of anthropogenic sulfate and climatic response on the regional scale, the first is, with given rates for transforming SO2 to sulfate, converting actually released SO2 into sulfate and acquiring the distribution of sulfate by computing transfer equations in the climate model. 相似文献
1 INTRODUCTIONOf three main methods for studying the radiativeforcing of anthropogenic sulfate and climatic responseon the regional scale, the first is, with given rates fortransforming SO2 to sulfate, converting actuallyreleased SO2 into sulfate and acqu… 相似文献
利用线性化的两层正压原始方程模型,对有水平和垂直切变基流的圆形涡旋中螺旋波的不稳定作了研究。结果表明,当基流失稳时,涡旋中不稳定扰动的厚度场、速度场在上、下两层都具有明显的螺旋结构,下层的螺旋结构要较上层复杂。基流垂直切变越大则越易失稳。失稳时上、下层扰动的配置接近反位相,故该螺旋波结构相应于斜压模。此时螺旋波上的扰动中心在切向是逆基流传播的,在径向则基本没有传播,而螺旋臂的整体运动缓慢。失稳的螺旋波其散度场要较涡度场明显,物理量的配置也大体符合重力惯性波的情况,故可认为其是重力惯性波的不稳定所致。本模型中该螺旋波的形态与实际热带气旋中的螺旋云(雨)带很相象。 相似文献
罗德海 《Acta Meteorologica Sinica》1991,(5)
In this paper,the WKB method is used to obtain the nonlinear Schr(?)dinger equation satisfied by nonlinearRossby wave in the rotational barotropic atmosphere.It is found that the nonlinear Schr(?)dinger equation hasan envelope solitary wave solution under the condition 1≤m≤2(m the zonal wavenumber),and the phasespeed of envelope solitary Rossby wave in the atmosphere is related to the square of its amplitude linearly,thatis,the larger the amplitude of envelope solitary Rossby wave,the smaller its propagation speed.Farthermore,the blocking high and cut-off low pressures which are consistent with the observations of blocking in the atmo-sphere are obtained by calculating envelope solitary Rossby wave,and the blocking structures persist more thanfive days,the results demonstrate that the envelope solitary Rossby wave is a possible mechanism about theformation,maintenance and breakout of blocking in the atmosphere. 相似文献
The linear two-layer barotropic primitive equations in cylindrical coordinates are used to derive a gen- eralized energy equation, which is subsequently applied to explain the instability of the spiral wave in the model. In the two-layer model, there are not only the generalized barotropic instability and the super high- speed instability, but also some other new instabilities, which fall into the range of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability and the generalized baroclinic instability, when the upper and lower basic flows are different. They are perhaps the mechanisms of the generation of spiral cloud bands in tropical cyclones as well. 相似文献
一个正压和斜压不稳定的充要条件 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
陆维松 《南京气象学院学报》1994,17(2):135-140
提出一个新的李雅普诺夫函数,首次得到了正压和斜压不稳定的充要条件,大大改善了热知的Rayleigh-郭晓岚定理和Fjortoft定理,解决了Rayleigh(1880)提出的无粘切变流正压稳定性问题。 相似文献
本文利用相当正压层方法,分析了亚欧及北太平洋中纬度地区47个站点的相当正压层高度,其结果与文献[1]类似。计算表明:亚欧及北太平洋的相当正压层高度平均位于359hPa,略去高原站点后,平原地区的平均高度为374hPa。相当正压层是一个波动很大的不同气压的曲面,并随地区和季节变化较大。高原和西风急流的强弱可能都是其影响因子,尤其是高原的作用值得进一步探讨。数值模拟也证实了300hPa上Rossby波比500hPa效果好。 相似文献
In this paper,the WKB method is used to obtain the nonlinear Schrödinger equation satisfied by nonlinear Rossby wave in the rotational barotropic atmosphere.It is found that the nonlinear Schrödinger equation has an envelope solitary wave solution under the condition 1≤m≤2(m the zonal wavenumber),and the phase speed of envelope solitary Rossby wave in the atmosphere is related to the square of its amplitude linearly,that is,the larger the amplitude of envelope solitary Rossby wave,the smaller its propagation speed.Farthermore,the blocking high and cut-off low pressures which are consistent with the observations of blocking in the atmosphere are obtained by calculating envelope solitary Rossby wave,and the blocking structures persist more than five days,the results demonstrate that the envelope solitary Rossby wave is a possible mechanism about the formation,maintenance and breakout of blocking in the atmosphere. 相似文献
台风螺旋雨带——涡旋Rossby波 总被引:35,自引:6,他引:35
台风中的螺旋云雨带是由多种探测手段被观测到的现象,是为大家所共识的不争事实.但是,对它的形成、维持的理论解释,虽有多种学说,一直以来人们都倾向于重力惯性波说.而重力惯性波说有一个致命的弱点,即波的相速理论值为101m/s量级,它要比螺旋云雨带实测移速只有100m/s几乎大一个量级.于是从前几年开始,人们又回到30多年前提出的涡旋Rossby波说那里去寻找合适的解释.经典的Rossby波是β=(df/dy)作用的大尺度波动,而适用于台风中螺旋云雨带的涡旋——Rossby波乃是f平面(β=0)上的中尺度波动.那末,对这两类尺度不同和成波机理不同的波动,何以均冠予Rossby波一词?本文试图从动力学等价原理上,对此作统一联系的说明.其结果是:台风基本气流的涡度ζ随径向(r)变化的梯度dζ/dr=(1/r)(∂/∂r)(rvλ),在动力学上等价于科氏参数f随纬度变化的梯度即β=df/dy;或者说它们在绝对涡度守恒的前提下,作为波扰动的成波机理是等价的. 相似文献
两种类型中尺度涡旋Rossby波的相速度及其物理机制 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
本文使用正压浅水方程组以及纬向切变基流下二维中尺度横波型扰动的Bouss-inesq近似方程组,分析了这种沿着基本气流方向传播的中尺度扰动的波动传播物理过程。研究结果表明,中尺度涡旋Rossby波划分为两种类型。由于纬向基本气流的方向的二阶水平切变或者基本气流的垂直涡度在南北方向的变化(β*因子)所导致的涡旋Rossby波称之为第一类涡旋Rossby波(正压涡旋Rossby波),它产生的根本原因是β*因子的作用。这种第一类涡旋Rossby波相对于基本气流-U0是单向传播的,其传播方向则与β*因子的正负符号有关。基本气流在垂直方向上的风速切变对于中尺度横波型的扰动起着不稳定的作用。如果考虑基流的二次垂直切变时,可以得到第二类涡旋Rossby波(斜压涡旋Rossby波)的相速度表达式,第二类涡旋Rossby波产生的物理根源是基本流场的风速-U的二次垂直切变或者基本流场y方向的平均涡度在空间z方向上的不均匀性(亦即β**因子)。第二类涡旋Rossby波相对于基本气流-U0也是单向传播的,其相速度与纬向波数k有关,能量是频散的,在纬向x方向存在群速度。在基本流场的风速-U存在二次垂直切变时,横波型不稳定可能是混合的涡旋Rossby-重力波的不稳定;而当基本流场的风速-U仅仅存在线性切变,不存在二次垂直切变时,此时根本不存在涡旋Rossby波,横波型扰动的不稳定则仅仅是重力惯性波的不稳定。最后利用横波型扰动的总涡度守恒方程对第二类涡旋Rossby波形成的物理机制做出了解释。 相似文献
热带气旋螺旋云带动力不稳定的性质 总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3
热带气旋螺旋云带的不对称特征,在热带气旋的路径和强度变化中起着重要作用,对其动力性质的研究是整个热带气旋研究中的重要组成部分.文中分别对一个正压无辐散涡旋模型和正压原始方程涡旋模型进行线性化,采用标准模方法计算扰动的谱点和谱函数,研究扰动在基本流场中的不稳定问题,从而讨论了热带气旋中螺旋云带动力不稳定的性质.将一指定的基流廓线代入这两个模型,均会出现不稳定扰动.前者的流动为涡旋运动,仅在不稳定扰动的两个峰值之间可以看出螺旋状的结构特征,在距涡旋中心140 km的外围,不稳定扰动沿径向没有波动分布,没有螺旋云带状结构.此处相应于涡旋Rossby波的停滞半径(stagnation radius),在此半径之内出现的螺旋结构称为内螺旋云带,而在此半径之外出现的螺旋云带称为外螺旋云带.也就是说前者仅出现了眼壁(最大风速半径之内的最大扰动中心)、内螺旋云带,而后者则出现了眼壁、内螺旋云带和外螺旋云带.这说明滤去重力惯性波的正压无辐散涡旋模型(前者)只适合于解释热带气旋不稳定内螺旋云带的形成和结构,当综合考虑不稳定内、外螺旋云带的形成时,水平辐合、辐散的作用不能忽略,此时必须要用正压涡旋模型(后者).在该模型中因最不稳定扰动随涡旋半径的不同,其分别体现了涡旋Rossby波和重力惯性波的特点,故其是不稳定的涡旋Rossby-重力惯性混合波,其不稳定的性质是非平衡的.由此可知,要同时解释内、外螺旋云带的生成和结构,则非平衡的涡旋Rossby-重力惯性混合波不稳定理论应是更合适的选择. 相似文献
本文利用多年月平均资料计算了北半球中高纬月平均环流正压、斜压动能的年变化特征。结果表明无论正压、斜压动能都具有明显的年变化,而且两者的变化趋势也是一致的,但是正压动能要比斜压动能对总动能的贡献大得多。环流异常具有相当正压的垂直结构。有关结论可为长期数值预报模式的简化提供依据。 相似文献
“98.7”暴雨β中尺度低涡生成发展结构演变:双向四重嵌套网格模拟 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
用非静力中尺度模式MM5.V3全物理湿过程和双向四重嵌套网格技术及四维资料同化分析张弛方法,对1998年7月20~22日(简称"98.7")鄂东武汉沿江地区特大暴雨进行了36 h数值模拟,结果大大改进了原二重和三重嵌套网格的模拟,特别是水平分辨率为2 km的嵌套子域D04能更正确地模拟出暴雨的落区及雨强中心,进而揭示了强暴雨β中尺度系统发生和发展的结构及演变. 其主要结果包括(1)β中尺度切变线在鄂东沿江低空强烈发展及辐合中心的出现与其β中尺度低涡的形成和发展直接关联.(2)β中尺度切变线强烈发展的垂直结构强辐合层和强辐散层复式迭置并与强上升运动耦合发展;强涡度层和强位涡度层与强辐合层互伴发展;低空湿位温中心与中空饱和水汽带共存.(3)β中尺度低涡生成的垂直结构散度和上升运动均呈双支柱状发展;涡度和位涡度均呈单支柱状发展;高湿能柱呈双支耦合发展,水汽通道呈阶梯斜升状.(4)β中尺度低涡发展的垂直结构V字型散度柱和上升运动柱互耦发展;涡度和位涡度呈双支柱状;双支高湿能柱强烈发展,阶梯斜升水汽通道变宽增厚.至此低涡发展达最强,其结构具有典型性.模拟结果还指出,发展时空分辨率更高的多重嵌套网格模拟技术和应用四维资料同化方法,将有助于更细致的了解β中尺度强对流系统发生和发展的结构及其演变,并能进一步提高对暴雨落区及雨强的预报水平. 相似文献
In this paper, a sudden heavy rainfall event is analyzed, which occurred over the Yellow River midstream during 5–6 August 2014. We used observational, NCEP/NCAR reanalysis, high-resolution satellite, and numerical simulation data. The main results are as follows. Under an unfavorable environmental circulation, inadequate water vapor and unfavorable dynamic conditions but sufficient energy, a local sudden heavy rainfall was caused by the release of strong unstable energy that was triggered by cold air transport into middle and lower layers and the propagation of gravity waves. The distributions of rain area, rain clusters, and 10-minute rainfall showed typical mesoscale and microscale fluctuation characteristics. In the mesoscale rain area or upstream, there was a quasi-stationary wave of mesoscale gravity waves with their propagation downstream. In the course of propagation from southwest to northeast, the wavelength became longer and the amplitude attenuated. In the various phases of gravity wave development, there were evident differences in the direction of the wave front. Wave energy was mainly in the lower layers. Unstable vertical wind shear at heights of 1–6 km provided fluctuation energy for the gravity waves. The mechanisms of heavy rainfall formation were different at Linyou and Hancheng stations. Diabatic heating was the main source of disturbed effective potential energy at Linyou. The explosive short-period strong precipitation was caused by the release of strong effective potential energy triggered by the gravity waves, and its development and propagation after that energy maximized. In contrast, the latent heat release of upstream precipitation was the main source of disturbed effective potential energy at Hancheng. This formed a positive feedback mechanism that produced continuous precipitation. In the studied event, the development of westerly belt systems had disturbed the wind field. The contribution of kinetic energy generated by this disturbance could not be ignored. The Froude number, mountain shape parameter, and ratio between mountain height and temperature inversion layer thickness had various effects of atmosphere and terrain on mesoscale and microscale mountain waves. In upper and lower layers, there were five airflows that were strengthened by the terrain. All these had important influences on local heavy rainfall at Linyou and Hancheng stations. 相似文献