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I.INTaonUCTIOXP-NCBisatoxiccompoundwhichmaycausecarcinogenicoramutation.NowthetransPOrtandtransformationofthiskindOfsubstanceinnaturalwaterbodyisthefocusofresearchofscientistsintheworld.ThroughthestudytherelationshipbetweennonionicorganiccomPOunds,suchasP-NCB,andsuspendedsedimentisfoundtobeveryclOSe,suspendedsedimentareload-supPOrtingofmovementandmediateagentofreactionofP-NCBinwater.TheYellowRiverisheavilysediment-laidenriverintheworld.Sometimesthesuspendedsedimentcanbeupto200kgpe…  相似文献   

LINTRODUCTIONTheYellowforeriswellknownasaheavilysilt-caacingriverintheworld.Haaer-concentratedfloodsoftenoccurinitsmasterstemandaswellasthetriblltaries.ThecharacteristicsofdeformationandsedimellttranSportdifferfromreachtOreach.Duetohighsedimelltconcelltration,StrongfluvialactionandthenatUreofunSteadysedimenttranSPOrt,problemsandabnormalphenomenonareoflencreated.ThelaterbringinimpacttOnoodcontrolOfthelowerreach.Thus,itishelpfultoenhancetheunderstandingofthemotionlawsOfhaer-concentrat…  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTIONThe Yellow River is a heavily sediment--laden river. Floods at Hyperconcentrationso f sediment (hereinafter simply referred to as hyperconcentrated flood) frequently occurring in the main river and its tributaries possess different characteristics of sedimenttransport. Sometimes they cause severe deposition whereas at other times they are capable of carrying substantial amount of sediment over long distances. The study on the lawof sediment transport is of significance to …  相似文献   


1 INTRODUCTION Too much sediment and too little water are related problems in China抯 Yellow River Basin. Sediment yield in the basin averages about 2,100 t/(km2a), greatest of the world抯 large rivers although the Yellow River ranks 31st in mean streamflow. A quarter of the sediment is deposited in the 780-km lower reach, causing bed levels to rise an average of a meter per decade (Wang et al., 1997). Sediment aggradation along this reach is concentrated between dikes, resulting in a…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION The Middle Yellow River Basin of China is well-known worldwide for its severe soil erosion. The basin extends across arid and desert steppe, semi-arid steppe, and warmly temperate semi-humid forest-steppe from north to south, and morphological characteristics consist of mountains alternating with inter-mountain basins. Landforms change frequently from rocky mountains through rock-loess mixed mountains or hills to loess gullied hills and loess tableland from mountain to bas…  相似文献   

Small runoff, large sediment load, and incompatible relationship of flow and sediment load are very important characteristics of the Yellow River. They are also the crux of the most prominent problems of the Yellow River. To solve these problems, the regimes of flow and sediment load have to be improved by increasing water, reducing sediment load, and by using reservoirs to regulate flow and sediment load. The results of experiments for regulating the flow and sediment load in the last three years by the Xiaolangdi Reservoir have indicated that this measure is a realistic and effective way to mitigate the prominent problems in flood control of the Lower Yellow River at present and in the near future. However, the regulation system is still imperfect. It is advisable to speed up the pace of research and construction of the system for regulating flow and sediment load.  相似文献   

The Jialingjiang River basin is one of the main sediment contributing areas in the upper reaches of the Changjiang River. Great changes have taken place in the runoff and sediment discharge in recent years. Comparing the data of 1991-2003 with the data of 1954-1990, the annual runoff of the Jialingjiang River basin decreased by 23 %, and the suspended sediment transport decreased by 74% or 105 million tons. The main factors affecting the reduction include a decrease in rainfall, sediment detention of hydraulic structures, soil and water conservation activities, sedimentation and sand dredging in the river channel. Thorough investigation and analysis of the contribution of each factor to the sediment decrease at Beibei Station was determined for the first time. The following are the contributing percentages for each factor: a decrease in runoff accounted for 32.9%; soil and water conservation measures accounted for 16.4%; sediment detention of hydraulic structures accounted for 30.5%; sedimentation, river channel sand dredging, and other factors accounted for 20.2%. These findings are very important for forecasting the trend of inflow sediment discharge variation.  相似文献   

EFFECTOFDIVERSIONONTHELOWERYELLOWRIVER¥WangYan-guiandLiXi-xia(Engineer,SedimentDeptofInstituteofWaterConservancyandHydroelctr...  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Flood of the Yellow River occurred frequently in history. The natures of large impact and heavy losses have made the flood of the Yellow River being in the front rank among major rivers in China. Statistics shows that during the period 602 AC to 1938 BC, embankment of the Lower Yellow River had been breached 1590 times and the channel had changed its course for 26 times among which 6 times were major ones. Thus, flood of the Yellow River has endangered economic cons…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONMany mathematical models for sediment transport have been developed for solving practical Problemsin hydraulic engineering. HoweveT, most of them are not able to simulate the hyper-concentratd flows inthe Lower Yellow Xiver because of the extremely high load concentration of the flows. This paper isdevoted tO the simulation of unsteady sediment trallsport in the Lower Yellow mveLIn this paPer, the riverbed deformation equation is modified and the new expressions for sedi…  相似文献   


1 wrsoooCTIoxThe Yeuow mver crtes a huge amoun of sedimcht and the noods often cause raPid and severeerosinn and dePOsihon. The channl bed of the YelOw mver often exPeriences degIadation in the mainchannel during fioods. In some cases vigorous erosion uP to l0 meters takes place in a shOrt Period oftiIn. Such phenomenon usually occurs in the ndddie reaChs of the Yelow mver and its tributaries suchas the Wdse mVer the Beiluohe mver etc. For examPle, th6 hyPenconcentraed nood in July l…  相似文献   


l INTRODUCTlONIn this study, formation of alluvial deltas was treated as a river-dominated type of topograPhy process,caused simply by sediment deposition from a channel into a wide basin. The influences of waves, tides,and density differences related to coastal effects were excluded. There have been numerous experimentalstUdies on river delta problems. For examPle, Shieh et al. (1988, 1997) used coarse sediment asexperimental material and revealed the development and the geometric simil…  相似文献   

SEDIMENT TRANSPORT IN TIIE YANGTZE RIVER ESTUARYSHEN Zhigang'ANSTa^CTThe hy~ntalc and the sedimen tranSport Patter'nS within the estUaIy of the YangtZe mver arecomPlex because of intemehon of fluvial and the hdal forCes, depending on freshwate discharge andhdal range. Based on the data measuIed in meent years, thes papo discusses the characterishcs of flowand sNnt movemen in the tw forer EstUaIy and their iIifluences on the evolution of theestuaryKey W: YangtZe mver…  相似文献   

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