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采用透射电镜技术,研究了3种鲈形目鱼类褐菖鲉Sebastiscus marmoratus、黑鲷Sparus macrocephalus及平鲷Rhabdosargus sarba(Forskal)精子发生早期精原细胞、初级精母细胞及次级精母细胞的超显微结构变化。结果表明,3种鱼生精细胞形态结构及代谢活动变化主要体现在核的变化、线粒体数目与结构的变化及高尔基体和溶酶体的行为变化。3种鱼核的变化基本一致:细胞核由近圆形或椭圆形转变为多角形;核质逐渐浓缩;核仁从明显结构至完全消失。褐菖鲉精原细胞时期线粒体分布较多,并出现拟染色质与线粒体相粘附;而平鲷与黑鲷精原细胞时期的线粒体分布较少,无拟染色质。3种鱼高尔基体与溶酶体的变化也有相似性。黑鲷的初级精母细胞中还观察到典型的环层状的髓样小体的结构。  相似文献   

通过形态学比较研究和饲养生态学的观察,作者补充了细刺鱼牙齿结构特征和条石鲷的体色、鳍色的形态学特点,探讨了这两种鱼类的生态习性和1998 年在青岛海域出现的原因。进行2~3 个月的饲养实验后,得到细刺鱼月均增长量为10.3% ,条石鲷为14.6% 而明显高于同池饲养六线鱼的结果。鉴于两种鱼类彩色艳丽、游姿优美,具观赏价值,为此建议可将这两种鱼作为海水养殖或观赏鱼类的实验对象  相似文献   

本研究采集了分布于中国东海的前肛鳗(Dysomma anguillaris)、短尾蛇鳗(Ophichthus brevicaudatus)、艾氏蛇鳗(Ophichthus evermanni)、海鳗(Muraenesox cinereus)、黑尾吻鳗(Rhynchoconger ectenurus)、微鳍新鳗(Neenchelys parvipectoralis)、大头蚓鳗(Moringua macrocephalus)、梅氏美体鳗(Ariosoma meeki)和星康吉鳗(Conger myriaster)9种鳗鲡目(Anguilliformes)鱼类,采用PCR技术扩增了线粒体COI基因片段序列, 结合GenBank数据库中下载的5种鳗鲡目鱼类同源序列, 分析比较了序列组成和差异, 并以光海鳝(Muraena argus)和细点海鳝(Muraena augusti)为外群, 基于最大似然法构建了鳗鲡目中6科11属14种鱼类的系统发育树, 探讨了该类群鱼类的系统进化关系。结果显示:72条序列共检测到43种单倍型, 4种碱基含量分别为27.4%(T)、28.2%(C)、25.8%(A)、18.6%(G), 平均A+T含量(53.2%)高于G+C含量(46.8%), 表现出明显的碱基组成偏好性。基于K2P(Kimura 2-parameter)模型计算得出不同种间的平均遗传距离为0.218 8, 不同属间的平均遗传距离为0.225 0, 不同科间的平均遗传距离为0.232 7, 分类阶元越高, 遗传距离越大。系统进化树显示蛇鳗科物种都能够形成独立的分支, 并得到有效的区分, 而其他类群存在混杂现象。以上结果表明, 由于鳗鲡目鱼类种类多且分布广,线粒体COI基因只适用于较低分类阶元(如科内属间、属内种间)间的物种鉴定, 该类群鱼类系统发育关系还有待于结合多种DNA条形码进行深入探讨。  相似文献   

八种海产硬骨鱼类消化系统的比较解剖研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
本文对硬骨类中的5个目、8科、8属、8种鱼类的消化系统作了比较解剖研究。8种鱼类均为肉食性,但由于所摄取的动物种类不同,因此8种鱼类在消化系统各部分形态结构上各具特点。消化系统各部特点是与食性及食物种类相适的。  相似文献   

2002年4月在浙江宁波随机采集了弹涂鱼(Periophthalmus)、大弹涂鱼(Bolteophtalmus chinensis)和杂色鰕虎鱼(Gobius poecilichthys Jord and Snyd)样本。采用垂直聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳的方法,对3种鱼肌浆蛋白(Pm)从分类角度进行研究比较。结果表明:3种鱼肌浆蛋白图谱有明显的差异,大弹涂鱼与弹涂鱼间的相似系数最大(0.429),而杂色鰕虎鱼与大弹涂鱼、杂色鰕虎鱼与弹涂鱼的相似系数相对小些,分别为0.267和0.400,说明大弹涂鱼与弹涂鱼的亲缘关系更近。  相似文献   

广西两港湾红树林鱼类生态的比较研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
何斌源 《海洋通报》1999,18(1):28-35
研究了广西英罗港和珍珠港夏季红树林鱼类生态的异同,结果表明两港湾鱼类在分布、区系、适温性方面较一致,但在生态类型上差别较大,群落相似性低;渔获的个体数组成和鲜重组成的优势种亦有差异,但在相对重要值上则均以大眼青鳞鱼最大;英罗港鱼类生物多样性较珍珠港的低。  相似文献   

菱形藻是较常见的羽纹硅藻类,其中一些种类的外部形态十分相似,差异细微,很难从经典形态分类的角度准确区分,造成此类微藻在分类地位上的混乱。作者综合利用经典形态分类方法、ITS(Internal transcribed spacer sequences)序列分析方法以及基于脂肪酸甾醇的化学分类多种方法,对4株从形态观察初步...  相似文献   

几种优良养殖对虾杂合性的比较研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
黎中宝  吴仲庆 《海洋科学》2002,26(12):45-48
应用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳技术研究了南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei),日本对虾(Penaeus japonicus),斑节对虾(Penaeus monodon),新对虾(Metapenaeus ensis)养殖群体杂合体缺乏及过量。结果表明南美白对虾在Est-2(F=0.705),Aat-2(F=1.000),两个位点上存在杂合子缺乏,在Adh-3(F=-1.000),Sdh-2(F=-1.000),Mdh-4(F=-1.000)三个位点上存在杂合子过量;日本对虾在Est-1(F=0.258),Sod-1(F=0.467)两个位点上存在杂合子缺乏;斑节对虾在Est-1(F=0.254),Sdh-3(F=1.000)两个位点上存在杂合子缺乏;新对虾在Aat-1(F=1.000)位点上存在杂合子缺乏,在Est-1(F=-0.158),Sod-1(F=-1.000),Me-4(-F=1.000)三个位点上存在杂合子过量。导致杂合子缺乏的主要原因可能是自然选择,近交,Wahland效应等。杂合子缺乏会导致某些基因从基因库中消失,造成种群遗传多样性的降低,从而降低物种适应环境的能力。  相似文献   

对威海、舟山、福州、厦门、北海 5个沿海野生群体的中国花鲈的肌肉进行了营养成分的比较研究。结果表明 ,它们都富含蛋白质 ,且必需的氨基酸种类齐全 ,配比合理 ;富含不饱和脂肪酸和微量元素 ;蛋白质、氨基酸含量具有由北向南逐渐升高的趋势 ,总脂质含量反之 ;不饱和脂肪酸相对含量也由北向南逐渐升高的趋势 ,南方多不饱和脂肪酸含量高于单不饱和脂肪酸含量 ,北方则反之。  相似文献   

虾虎鱼类Gobioidei是包括弹涂鱼科Periophthalmidae、鳗虾虎鱼科Taenioididae等在内的一群小型鱼类。全世界计有约1720种左右,全国有161种海水虾虎鱼类,其中有20种分布于渤海,这次调查共采到19种,其中有2种系黄海边缘分布,为渤海首次记录。本文报告了虾虎鱼类在渤海水域的名录,分布和生态学特征,分析了它们在渤海生态系中的作用,特别是对增殖放流对虾的影响  相似文献   

黄海乳山湾的鱼类有40科69种,以暖温性底栖鱼类为主,并以底栖生物食性的鱼为最多.本文对黄海乳山湾13种主要经济鱼类的生物学特性加以说明,乳山湾5~9月为多种经济鱼类的产卵场,应严格执行有关法规,制定禁渔期和禁鱼区以保护鱼类资源.  相似文献   

Abstract. Consistent differences were found in trophic opportunism between species and between sexes by food provisioning experiments in an assemblage of 15 species of Mediterranean blennioid fishes. The degree of trophic opportunism in the different species was significantly and positively correlated with body size and two features indicative for intensity of male parental care. The degree of trophic opportunism correlated neither with trophic level, depth distribution, or relative abundance. Females of all species in which sex could be distinguished visited the feeding stations at higher frequencies than conspecific males.  相似文献   

鳚亚目鱼类是鲈形目中较大的一个亚目,现知全世界有127属,700余种(Nelson,1994)。目前还不断有新种发现,多数为海洋鱼类,世界性分布。 鳚亚目鱼类大多体型较小,对它们的研究也少。随着科学技术的发展和研究方法的不断完善,人们对这一类群的认识也愈来愈深入,其种类、区系与动物地理学等方面的特点正逐渐为研究者所揭示。其中有些种类由于在海洋生态学、环境生物学和渔业生产上具有重要意义而吸引着许多鱼类学家和生态学家的注意和对其进行研究(Kotrschal,1992;Springer,1993;Stepien,1993)。 印度-西太平洋是鳚亚目鱼类种类最多的海区之一,中国及周边国家和地区在此领域已有一定的研究基础。日本学者Masuda等(1984)总结了日本沿岸鳚亚目鱼类有86属212种,菲律宾已知有36属80余种(Herre,1953)。中国是世界上海岸线最长的国家之一,适合于鳚亚目鱼类栖息的生境相当广泛,种类也相当丰富。作者根据目前已掌握的标本和文献资料,经初步分析得出中国海区现有鳚亚目鱼类33属78种。  相似文献   

The study follows the embryogenesis of 16 species of viviparous clinid fishes (Clinidae, Teleostei), from the Cape south coast of South Africa and from Australia, with comparative remarks on the development of juveniles in oviparous species. The sperm intromitted into the female duct fertilise the eggs within the follicles. The embryos then develop in individual follicles, nourished by nutrients derived from the mother, until they are mature for release. During the reproductive season in the South African genera Clinus and Muraenoclinus, the female's ovaries harbour eggs and embryos at various stages of development, whereas in species of the Australian genera Heteroclinus and Cristiceps, most embryos in each ovary are at an approximately equal stage of development. The ovaries of the studied species fall into two groups: species of Heteroclinus and Cristiceps that produce numerous small eggs, and species of Clinus and Blennophis that produce fewer, larger eggs. As a consequence, Heteroclinus spp. and Cristiceps spp. bear and release high numbers of smaller embryos, of c. 10-13 mm long, whereas others (e.g. Clinus superciliosus, C. cottoides) bear fewer embryos, of up to 22 mm long. The organogenesis of various organs is described, with particular emphasis on chondrification and ossification. The onset of gut, sensory organ and skeletal development in Heteroclinus and related species occurs in embryos of 2.5-3.0 mm, whereas in Clinus spp. organ development starts in 5.0-6.0 mm embryos, and occurs in parallel both in the head capsule and at the caudal ends. Consequently, the pace of embryogenesis in the studied Australian small-egg species is faster in several aspects, and their embryos at the time of release are smaller than those of the large-egg species. The developmental sequences and related phenomena are discussed.  相似文献   

海洋鱼类生化组成及能量含量的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着海洋生态系统动力学研究的深入,海洋鱼类生化组成及能量含量的研究越来越显现出它的重要性和必要性。建立生化组成与能量含量与鱼体某个易于测定的指标(如水分含量、体重、体长、肥满度等)之间显著的相关关系,则可以较方便、准确地对有关指标进行间接估计。本文对国内外此领域研究现状进行分析、评述,以期进一步探讨饵料营养质量变化对食物产出的影响。  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in freshwater inflow and other environmental conditions may induce changes in density and species composition of mangrove fishes along estuarine gradients. Fishes within mangrove habitats in a subtropical estuary were sampled monthly from May 1989 to May 1990, using block nets with rotenone and visual censuses. At 18 stations, temperature ranged from 22 to 34°C, depth from 10 to 104cm and underwater visibility from 1 to 13m. Salinity ranged from 0 to 60 upstream, and 35 to 54 mid- and downstream. A total of 573191 individuals (76 species) was observed or collected, with an average density of 6·5 fish m−2. Engraulidae, Atherinidae, Poeciliidae and Cyprinodontidae numerically dominated the assemblage. Distinct assemblages occurred up-, mid- and downstream and maintained coherent groups in these gradient positions over the seasons. Residents totalled 94·5% of the individuals, estuarine transients comprised 5·1% and occasional marine visitors were less than 0·4%. Densities of resident fishes peaked in winter as temperatures and water levels fell, uncorrelated with changes in salinity. These observations suggest that mangrove habitats may sustain diverse and abundant fish communities dominated by euryhaline residents. Although estuarine transients were consistently rare in upstream sub-basins, downstream were found numerous sub-adults of species occurring as adults on nearby reefs (Lutjanidae, Haemulidae). Thus, reef-associated estuarine transients may be abundant in mangrove habitats having near-marine salinities. Contrary to expectations, mangrove habitats in northeastern Florida bay did not function as a nursery as defined under the nursery-ground paradigm: young-of-the-year juveniles of estuarine transient species did not seek low salinity sub-basins. However, northeastern Florida Bay may not be representative of most mangrove estuaries as the area: (1) is without lunar tides and related circulation; (2) has low and variable amounts of submersed vegetation; and (3) experiences severe hypersaline conditions.  相似文献   

海洋浮游植物棕囊藻Phaeocystisspp.在自然界常以游离单细胞和由粘胶质包裹的细胞集群体两种细胞形式轮换出现,它在世界各营养丰富的海域中无处不在,并可形成高细胞密度、暴发性繁殖及形成赤潮。rRNA基因研究数据说明,目前全世界海洋分布的Phaeocystisspp.有3个分开种,即Phaeocystispouchetii、Phaeocystisglobosa和Phaeocystisantarctica。棕囊藻奇特的生理学和生态学特征是独一无二的,它复杂的多形态变化生命循环导致海域植物性和海底食物网(如微量元素的生物地球化学)的结构与功能均发生了极大的变化。棕囊藻的生命循环体现了其主要的生态学特征,不同棕囊藻形态的生物化学和营养代谢与细菌,微型、中型和后生浮游动物的作用以及海洋环境中的物理结构均有关。在自然界,棕囊藻的生命循环中最常见和最重要的是它的集群体形态,集群体形态是一个具有整体生物学功能特征的生物实体。棕囊藻在生态系中起到重要作用的关键在于集群体形态在合成糖粘胶质的能力较强。  相似文献   

The evaluation and management of fisheries resources requires knowledge of spatial and temporal changes in the habitat-associations of fishes. However, most studies concerning habitat associations of small fishes in the shallow regions of estuaries have been limited to daytime sampling strategies. Diel changes were investigated in assemblages of fishes associated with shallow seagrass (Zostera capricorni) and bare sand in two estuaries in south-eastern Australia. Habitat-related differences in assemblages were strong day and night, and were greater than diel changes in assemblages. The seagrass-associated assemblages remained similar day and night and consistently differed from those associated with bare sand. In contrast, the assemblages over sand varied on a diel basis as larger individuals of several species (e.g.Gerres subfasciatus,Platycephalus fuscus) that resided over other (deeper) habitats during the day were caught over shallow sand at night. Further, some species (e.g.Ambassis jacksoniensis) that resided in seagrass during the day occurred over sand at night. Both habitats were utilized by newly recruited juveniles of economically important species and the habitat-associations of these species generally did not differ on a diel basis. Therefore, both habitats are considered important to the fisheries resources of south-eastern Australia. Inclusion of night-time sampling provided a greater understanding and appreciation of the use of the unvegetated habitat by fishes than has previously been acknowledged from studies based solely on daytime sampling. This study indicates that greater consideration of temporal changes in habitat associations of fishes is required in other geographic regions.  相似文献   

E. Spanier    M. Tom    S. Pisanty  G. Almog-Shtayer   《Marine Ecology》1990,11(1):61-75
Abstract. Fishery yields in the oligotrophic waters of the Southeastern Mediterranean arc low due to habitat and food limitations. A four year study of a complex of artificial structures established in the coastal waters of Israel points to several possible solutions to these problems. One approach is the artificial enrichment of the man-made reef with trash fish. This, together with the configuration of the reef, caused a significant increase in the abundance of fish predators such as groupers of the genus Epinephclus. Omnivores and herbivores were attracted only by the presence of artificial structures. Some species, such as the slipper lobster Scyllurides lulus, only use the man-made reef for shelter during part of the day or season; they forage over a much larger area the rest of the time and are important "importers" of food to the artificial habitat. Artificial kelp were effective in recruiting juveniles and small fishes to the site.  相似文献   

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