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Nador lagoon sediments (East Morocco) are contaminated by industrial iron mine tailings, urban dumps and untreated wastewaters from surrounding cities. The lagoon is an ecosystem of biological, scientific and socio-economic interests but its balance is threatened by pollution already marked by biodiversity changes and a modification of foraminifera and ostracods shell structures. The aim of the study is to assess the heavy metal contamination level and mobility by identifying the trapping phases. The study includes analyses by ICP-AES and ICP-MS, of, respectively, major (Si, Al, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Ti, Na, K, P) and trace elements (Sr, Ba, V, Ni, Co, Cr, Zn, Cu, As, Pb, Cd) in sediments and suspended matter, heavy metals enrichment factors calculations and sequential extractions. Results show that sediments contain Zn, Cu, Pb, V, Cr, Co, As, Ni with minimum and maximum concentrations, respectively, of 4–1190 μg/g, 4–466 μg/g, 11–297 μg/g, 11–194 μg/g, 9–139 μg/g, 1–120 μg/g, 4–76 μg/g, 2–62 μg/g. High concentrations in Zn are also present in suspended matter. The enrichment factors show contamination in Zn, Pb and As firstly induced by the mining industry and secondly by unauthorized dumps and untreated wastewaters. Cr and Ni are bound to clays, whereas V, Co, Cu and Zn are related to oxides. Thus, the risk in metal mobility is for the latter elements and lies in the oxidation–reduction-changing conditions of sediments.  相似文献   

Mafic rocks from the Bamenda volcanic province along the Cameroon Volcanic Line have been dated from 17 to 0 Ma. Associated with some trachytes and rhyolites, this volcanism covers a period of more than 25 Ma. The studied rocks are basalts to mugearites. Most of them have been contaminated by continental crust during their transit to the surface. The oldest rocks are the most contaminated. One group of samples shows high Eu, Sr and Ba contents. This characteristic is not due to crustal contamination process, but has a mantle source origin. We argue that these characteristics have been acquired by mixing of melts formed by partial melting of mantle pyroxenites with melts formed in mantle peridotites. Such pyroxenites have been observed as mantle xenoliths in the Adamaoua province, and their chemical and isotopic compositions are consistent with such a model.  相似文献   

The Selli Level is a marker-bed in the Umbria-Marche Apennines that represents the regional sedimentary expression of the Lower Aptain Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a. This one to three-metre-thick interval shows a remarkable uniformity on a regional scale, with a green to grey marly lower part overlain by black shales. Bulk geochemical studies and an examination of palynofacies were carried out on three sections in order to characterise the distribution and nature of the organic matter in the Selli Level which has been poorly known hitherto. The organic content is medium (0.5 to 2.9% TOC) in the basal part and higher (4.5% on average, and up to 18% TOC) in the black shales. Pyrolysis and palynological data indicate that the organic matter is mainly of marine origin. The geochemical characteristics of the Selli Level are compared to other, more or less organic-rich marker-beds in the Cretaceous succession of the Umbria-Marche Apennines.


Le Niveau Selli est un niveau-repère des Apennins d'Ombrie-Marches qui correspond à l'enregistrement régional de l'événement anoxique océanique 1a. Ce niveau, épais de un à trois mètres, présente une remarquable uniformité à l'échelle régionale avec une partie inférieure argileuse, verdâtre à grise, surmontée par des black shales. Des analyses géochimiques et l'examen des palynofacies ont été entreprises sur trois coupes afin de caractériser le contenu en matière organique du niveau Selli, jusqu'à présent mal connu. Les teneurs en carbone organique sont moyennes (0,5 à 2,9% COT) dans la partie basale et élevées (4,5% en moyenne et jusque 18% COT) dans les black shales. Les résultats de pyrolyse et des observations palynologiques indiquent que la matière organique est essentiellement d'origine marine. Les caractéristiques géochimiques du niveau Selli sont comparées aux autres niveaux repères, plus ou moins riches en carbone organique, qui émaillent la série du Crétacé du basin d'Ombrie-Marches.  相似文献   

The historical stratotypes of the Aquitanian and Burdigalian in the Aquitaine Basin are studied here by using the tools of facies sedimentology and the concept of sequence stratigraphy. This analytical method combines recognition and sequential organization of facies, and several types of stratigraphic markers. This method allows identification of at least six depositional sequences within the Miocene of the Saucats area: the four lower ones belong to the Aquitanian, the fifth one to the whole Burdigalian, while the sixth sequence corresponds to the Serravallian. In addition, this method provides evidence of a period of emersion before each transgression, suggesting potential fluvial erosion. Nevertheless, these phases are of lower amplitude than those observed in the Rhodano-Provençal Basin.


Les stratotypes historiques de l’Aquitanien et du Burdigalien, en Aquitaine, sont étudiés ici en termes de sédimentologie de faciès et de stratigraphie séquentielle. Cette méthode d’analyse combine la reconnaissance et l’organisation séquentielle des faciès à plusieurs types de repères stratigraphiques. Elle permet d’identifier au moins six séquences de dépôt dans le Miocène de la région de Saucats : les quatre premières dans l’Aquitanien, la cinquième pour le Burdigalien et la dernière pour le Serravallien. Elle a également permis de mettre en évidence des phases d’émersion anté-transgression, suggérant de possibles érosions fluviatiles, mais d’ampleurs inférieures à celles reconnues dans le Bassin miocène rhodano-provençal.  相似文献   

The Alleret maar (Massif Central, France) provides a long lacustrine sequence (40.6 m) attributed to the early Middle Pleistocene. Sediment, pollen and diatoms analysis of its upper part (AL2 core, 14.6 m) indicates two temperate phases marked by high lake levels, forest development and vegetation expansion. They are separated by a cold period during which lake level drops, coarse sediment input increases and steppic and xerophilous plants develop. Pollen data suggests that this sequence belongs to the upper part of the Cromerian complex. These results are in agreement with the 557 ± 3 ka (±12 ka, including all errors) 40Ar/39Ar age obtained from an interbedded tephra layer emitted by the Mont-Dore/Sancy strato-volcano and establish that this sequence probably covers the MIS 15 substages.  相似文献   

Stone substitution is a conventional operation during heritage buildings’ restoration, but becomes problematic for architects and restorers when the quarry is mined out. The compatibility of the substitution stones with the original ones has been for long mainly based on the aesthetical aspect, this resulting too often in a patchwork of original and substitution stones with different patina after several years because of differences of properties. In this study, the objective is to show how substitution stones can be selected by combining aesthetic criteria and stones properties that are relevant for analyzing their compatibility. A couple of French limestones with their potential substitution stones were selected for the study. Our results showed that potential substitution stones selected on their aesthetic criteria require to be rejected because of their differences of physical properties. On the other hand, our results showed also the possibility to select substitution stones with satisfactory aesthetic aspect and properties that enable to expect a satisfactory compatibility with the original stone.  相似文献   

Late-Hercynian, high temperature (HT) shear deformation affected the zone straddling the contact between the Sila Massif batholith (above) and the host migmatitic paragneisses (below). A segment of the regional HT shear zone was investigated close to the town of Mesoraca, where a natural section allows one to analyse the solidus deformation of syn-tectonic granitoids. Shearing favoured the formation of polycrystalline quartz ribbons in deformed granodiorite and tonalite. Two main c-axis fabrics were found in the quartz-ribbons, different from each other by opening angles around Z between strong point maxima, in accordance with deformation under granulite to amphibolite facies conditions. These fabrics, along with microstructural observations, suggest that temperature of deformation played a key role and that ribboning was accompanied by the activation of (i) prism [c] slip and prism [c] + prism <a> slips, under granulite facies conditions, followed by (ii) basal <a> and prism <a> slips under amphibolite facies conditions.  相似文献   

Scattered ignimbritic mesas crop out in the Hermosillo region (Sonora, Mexico). These rocks that have been dated at 12.5 Ma (Middle Miocene) have the petrography and chemical characteristics of comendites. Such a flare-up of peralkaline acidic volcanism, after a long period of subduction-related arc volcanism, emphasises an important change in the source of volcanism. It corresponds to the latest stage of continental extension prior to the marine invasion and the development of spreading centres in the Gulf of California. To cite this article: J. Vidal Solano et al., C. R. Geoscience 337 (2005).  相似文献   

We present new U–Pb SHRIMP zircon geochronological data for basement rocks in Bangladesh, and discuss the relationship with the formation of the Columbia supercontinent. Euhedral zircons from a diorite sample yield a concordia age of 1730 ± 11 Ma, which is interpreted as the crystallization age. The Palaeoproterozoic age of the examined basement rock and the common occurrences of similar 1.7-Ga geologic units in the Central Indian Tectonic Zone and Meghalaya-Shillong Plateau in Indian Shield suggest their apparent continuation. This, together with the occurrence of similar 1.7-Ga geologic units in the Albany-Fraser belt in Australia and East Antarctica, are used to suggest that the basement rocks in Bangladesh formed towards the final stages of the assembly of the Columbia supercontinent.  相似文献   

The Sarliève marsh sediments (Massif Central, France) contain two tephras. The first tephra [, ca. 12 000 BP], regionally well known, enables to date the beginning of lacustrine infill to the Lateglacial. The second tephra, the ‘tephra de Sarliève’, the emitting volcano of which is unknown, would be dated to around the Early Subboreal from pollen data. This occurrence, after the discovery of the ‘tephra de Beaunit’, emphasizes that volcanic eruption(s) occurred in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ or in the volcanic Cézallier more than 1000 years after the last known eruption (Pavin) in the ‘Chaîne des Puys’ at around 6.6/6.7 ka (5800/5900 BP). In the Sarliève piles, these tephras, well preserved in thick and more silicated deposits of deltas, were not observed in carbonated basin sediments where they were altered. The abundance of authigenic zeolites formed during the Lateglacial in restricted depocentre lacustrine waters allows us to detect initial CF1 tephra occurrence. To cite this article: A. Fourmont et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

This study concerns post-cultural dynamics in the semi-arid South-West of Madagascar (Analabo area, near the Mikea Forest). A synchronic comparison was performed on a set of abandoned fields plots aged from 2 to 30 years and on forest and savanna reference ecosystems, located on cambic arenosols developed from same Quaternary dune sands. The studied parameters concerned mainly a few physical and chemical soil properties (density, permeability, compaction, texture, C, N, K, P content). Important changes occur in the post-cultural succession: an increase of the soil density and compaction, and decrease of the soil upper layer permeability. Consequently, slash and burn cultivation leads to a packing and an induration of the soil surface. Results about edaphic indicators have shown that the physical parameters used better discriminate various stages of evolution than the chemical parameters do. The multivariate analysis of soil indicators shows that vegetative succession over 30 years in a forest ecosystem cleared, burnt, cultivated and left, does not lead to features corresponding to a closed-canopy forest but rather to those of a tree savanna with open, mixed woody-herbaceous vegetation. The primary dense dry deciduous regeneration of the primary forest is very low or nil. In the semi-arid SW Madagascar (Analabo region), post-cultural dynamics conditions consists in a savanna-formation process, controlled by: (1) the intensity and duration of the disturbance (during the cultivation phase); and (2) the more drastic environmental conditions (including both climate and soil).  相似文献   

The current structure of the central Tunisian Atlas fossilizes the different tectonic events that have succeeded and that have structured this region. The Lower Cretaceous of this sector reflects, through variations of thickness and facies, the importance of the tectonic activity during this period. The tectonic study detailed in this sector has revealed the existence of structures from the kilometric scale down to the metric one related to a compressive regime that has dominated the studied zone at least from the Upper Hauterivian until the Lower Aptian.  相似文献   

A geobotanical study of the travertine system of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert (southern France) was carried out in order to reconstruct the local Holocene environment in a region where the postglacial vegetation history is poorly documented. The travertinisation process has started at ca. 8500 cal. BP, in a landscape dominated by Pinus sylvestris type (probably Pinus nigra sub sp. salzmannii). Around 7000 cal. BP, the travertine system recorded torrential events not evidenced at the regional scale, showing the particularity of the Verdus hydrological regime. More recently, ca. 5100 cal. BP, a lake or a marsh was filled within the Verdus plain, as attested to by sand and silt particles accumulated in the sequence. The present-day vegetation dominated by Quercus ilex, on south facing slopes, was most likely established between the Bronze Age and the Gallo-Roman period correlatively to the decline of Pinus nigra and deciduous Quercus, most probably under human influence.  相似文献   

In the northern part of Tunisia, close to Testour/Slouguia, new observations and updated biostratigraphy make it possible to highlight the relation between the Triassic saliferous mass and the surrounding Mesozoic beds (T. M.). Near the (T. M.) boundary, the formations observed consist dominantly of Triassic evaporites reworked in the Early and Late Albian deep-water sedimentary deposits. Throughout the studied area, Jurassic rocks are absent. We propose to interpret the Chitana-Ed Djebs structure originally emplaced as gravitational stretch masses in a passive margin in the same way as the salt bodies of widespread salt province in the Gulf of Mexico. A reconstructed schematic position of the Chitana-Ed Djebs salt body displays a scenario of setting of the salt mass on a submarine palaeo-slope. Moreover, the starting clues of the paroxysmal event of the Late Mesozoic tectonic inversion clearly fossilized through the discordance of the Middle Eocene–Early Lutetian limestone on the Albian series.  相似文献   

Two small to medium sized massive sulphide deposits, Las Herrerías and La Torerera, located in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (IPB) are examined from a geological and palynostratigraphic perspective. The palynological assemblages are assignable to the Retispora lepidophyta–Verrucosisporites nitidus (LN) miospore Biozone (Latest Devonian: Latest Famennian/Strunian) of Western Europe. This age permits correlation with some of the main massive sulphide deposits dated so far in the region (viz., Tharsis, Aznalcóllar, Sotiel-Coronada or Neves-Corvo), and validates once again the hypothesis that a single mineralizing event was responsible for the genesis of most of the IPB’s massive sulphide deposits. The present study confirms that palynostratigraphy is an invaluable high-resolution biostratigraphic tool in the IPB, applicable to dating, correlation and ore-exploration.  相似文献   

We analysed the stable isotopes (18O and 2H) of rainwater and drip water within a cave (Nerja Cave) located in the unsaturated zone of a carbonate aquifer. Rainfall is more abundant and presents lower isotopic content in winter, while the volume of drip water is greater and its isotopic content is lower in summer. The flow analysis of 18O through the unsaturated zone confirms the seasonal lag between rainfall and the appearance of drip water in the cave and reveals that the unsaturated zone of the aquifer, in the sector of the cave, behaves like an inertial system with a strong capability to modulate the input signal. To cite this article: F. Carrasco et al., C. R. Geoscience 338 (2006).  相似文献   

The Hamadan area is characterised by various metamorphic rocks where the slates yielded Jurassic fossils. The entire column, representing the Mesozoic from at least the Jurassic to the Mid-Cretaceous, has been affected by tectono-metamorphic events and the emplacement of Late Cretaceous granitic rocks. A timing of these events is based on the 40K–40Ar ages carried mainly on separated amphiboles, biotites and muscovites, and interpreted as the ages of their isotopic closure. Results are ranging between 91 and 70 Ma. To cite this article: A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).


La région de Hamadan expose des roches métamorphiques dont les termes les moins transformés contiennent des fossiles jurassiques. Au cours du Crétacé supérieur, elle a été affectée par un événement tectono-métamorphique régional et elle a été le siège d'une activité plutonique. Les résultats des datations 40K–40Ar des amphiboles et des micas séparés des roches métamorphiques et plutoniques qui s'étagent entre 91 et 70 Ma montrent l'importance de ces événements et leur étalement au cours du Crétacé supérieur. Pour citer cet article : A. Baharifar et al., C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004).  相似文献   

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