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A simplified methodology for mapping groundwater vulnerability and contamination risk is proposed, and the first application of the methodology, in a mountainous tropical karst area, is presented. The test site is the Tam Duong area, one of the poorest and remotest regions in northern Vietnam. The methodology requires a minimum of input data, which makes it particularly useful for developing countries. Vulnerability is assessed on the basis of two factors, which take into account the duality of recharge processes in karst aquifer systems: the overlying layers (O) and the concentration of flow (C). The risk map is obtained by putting together the vulnerability map and a simplified hazard assessment. The resulting maps provide a basis for groundwater protection zoning and land-use planning. Tracer tests and microbiological data confirmed the vulnerability and risk assessment in the test site.  相似文献   

The water supply in Denmark is based on high-quality groundwater, thus obviating the need for complex and expensive purification. Contamination from urban development and agricultural sources, however, increasingly threatens the groundwater resource. In 1995 the Danish Government thus launched a 10-point plan to improve groundwater protection. In 1998 this was followed by a decision to instigate spatially dense hydrogeological mapping of the groundwater resource within the 37% of Denmark designated as particularly valuable water-abstraction areas. The maps will be used to establish site-specific groundwater protection zones and associated regulation of land use to prevent groundwater contamination. Traditional mapping based solely on borehole data is too inaccurate for this purpose. The work will take 10 years and cost an estimated DKK 920 million, equivalent to 120 million euro (€). To fund this, consumers will pay a € 0.02 surcharge per m3 of drinking water during the 10-year period. This review of the Danish strategy to protect the groundwater resource demonstrates why dense mapping with newly developed geophysical measurement methods in large contiguous areas accords geophysics a highly central role in the forthcoming hydrogeological mapping. It is illustrated by examples of spatially dense, large-scale geophysical mapping carried out in the Aarhus area.
Resumen El abastecimiento de agua en Dinamarca está basado en agua subterránea de alta calidad, evitando de esta manera la necesidad de una purificación compleja y cara. Sin embargo, la contaminación a través del desarrollo urbano y de fuentes agrícolas, ha incrementado la amenaza para el recurso de agua subterránea. Entonces en 1995 el gobierno lanzó un plan de 10 puntos para mejorar la protección del agua subterránea. Este fue seguido en 1998 por la decisión para promover una cartografía hidrogeológica espacialmente detallada, para el recurso agua subterránea dentro del 37% de las áreas de extracción consideradas por Dinamarca con una importancia especial. Los mapas serán usados para establecer zonas específicas de protección para puntos de agua subterránea y una regulación asociada al uso del territorio, para prevenir la contaminación del agua subterránea. La cartografía tradicional basada exclusivamente en datos de la perforación es muy inexacta para este propósito. Este trabajo tomará 10 años y costará aproximadamente DKK 920 millones, equivalentes a 120 millones de Euros (€). Para financiar esto los consumidores pagarán un sobreprecio de € 0.02 por m3 de agua potable durante un periodo de 10 años. Este análisis de la estrategia Danesa para proteger el recurso agua subterránea, demuestra porque la cartografía detallada, hecha con nuevos avances en métodos de medición geofísica, aplicados a grandes áreas aledañas, otorgan a la geofísica un papel altamente importante en el futuro de la cartografía hidrogeológica. Esto está ilustrado con ejemplos de cartografía geofísica a gran escala y espacialmente detallada, llevados a cabo en el área de Aarhus.

Résumé Lalimentation en eau au Danemark suppose une haute qualité des eaux souterraines, en éliminant ainsi le coûteux processus dépuration. Néanmoins, la qualité des sources souterraines est menacée par la pollution provoquée par le développement urbain et agricole. En 1995 le gouvernement danois a lancé un plan en 10 points pour améliorer la protection des eaux souterraines. En 1999 ce plan a été suivi par la décision de promouvoir une cartographie hydrogéologique à grande densité sur 37% du territoire du Danemark où se trouvent des zones de captages importantes. Les cartes seront utilisées pour établir les zones de protection des eaux souterraines, en tenant compte des conditions locales du site ainsi que des règlements conjoints dutilisation des territoires, afin de prévenir la pollution des eaux souterraines. La cartographie traditionnelle, basée seulement sur les données des forages, est trop imprécise pour ce but. Les travaux vont durer 10 ans avec un coût estimé à 120 millions deuros (€). Pour ces travaux les consommateurs vont payer une surcharge de € 0.02 par m3 deau potable, ceci pendant 10 ans. Cette révision de la stratégie du Danemark concernant la protection des ressources en eaux souterraines a démontré les raisons pour lesquelles on a accordé un rôle central aux nouvelles méthodes géophysiques dans la future cartographie hydrogéologique de vaste régions. On présente un exemple de cartographie géophysique réalisée dans la région dAarhus.

以西南某典型岩溶区为例,解析示踪试验在岩溶管道连通性以及获取水文地质参数中的应用。选择落水洞为投放点,分别从落水洞西侧和东侧寻找地下水出露点作为接收点,判别落水洞地下径流的实际去向以及落水洞与接收点之间的水力联系。结合Qtracer2软件对示踪试验成果进行定量解析,确定示踪剂回收率、地下水平均流速、最快流速,估算出岩溶管道结构特征和水文地质参数。结果表明:落水洞与接收点JS01、JS03之间不存在直接水力联系;落水洞与接收点JS02存在水力联系且岩溶管道极为发育,含水介质不均匀,地下水运移路径较为通畅,为典型的紊流流态;落水洞地下径流的主要方向是由西向东,但在丰水期雨量较大期间,接收点JS04能够接收到荧光素钠,说明丰水期水位上涨后两者间会有水力联系,导致部分水量向落水洞西侧排泄。  相似文献   

The land around Conversano (Apulia, southern Italy) is part of the Murge karst, interesting limestones and dolomitic limestones of Upper Cretaceous age, in a flat environment with sub-horizontal setting. Dolines and karst depressions are the most typical landforms in the area. Filling of these landforms with eluvial deposits locally created the possibility of water stagnancy at the surface. The Conversano territory presents ten karst lakes that represented, until some decades ago, the only water resource available for the local people, who built the typical bell-shaped wells to collect water volumes satisfying local needs during the dry season. Currently, these lakes have no great importance as water supplies, but represent habitats of great naturalistic value that are still able to support the ecological functionality and the wet environments with self-vegetation. Hydrological and hydrogeological studies have been carried out with the aim to fully estimate the related environmental problems. For this purpose, the hydrogeologic data of historical time series have been collected and compared to those of the last 5 years; successively, according to the Thornthwaite method, a hydrological monthly balance has been evaluated to quantify the distribution of water volumes interacting annually between the surface water bodies and the underlying carbonate groundwater. This evaluation has highlighted the need to carefully consider all the parameters concurring to a right definition of water balance for a karst environment, where pedological features, climatic conditions and anthropogenic modifications to the environment represent the elements of a very delicate system. Particularly, on the basis of recent soil map and field surveys, a re-evaluation of the available water capacity, estimated in some 40 mm, has been carried out. The studies have highlighted the need to extend the environmental protection rules to larger areas around the lakes, e.g. at the catchment scale, with definition of buffer zones; in this manner, it will be possible to constantly monitor the protected land and the local anthropogenic activities, that represent real polluting sources for both the surface water resources and the underlying carbonate groundwaters.  相似文献   

Since 1960, South Asia has emerged as the largest user of groundwater in irrigation in the world. Yet, little is known about this burgeoning economy, now the mainstay of the region's agriculture, food security and livelihoods. Results from the first socio-economic survey of its kind, involving 2,629 well-owners from 278 villages from India, Pakistan, Nepal Terai and Bangladesh, show that groundwater is used in over 75% of the irrigated areas in the sample villages, far more than secondary estimates suggest. Thanks to the pervasive use of groundwater in irrigation, rain-fed farming regions are a rarity although rain-fed plots within villages abound. Groundwater irrigation is quintessentially supplemental and used mostly on water-economical inferior cereals and pulses, while a water-intensive wheat and rice system dominates canal areas. Subsidies on electricity and canal irrigation shape the sub-continental irrigation economy, but it is the diesel pump that drives it. Pervasive markets in tubewell irrigation services enhance irrigation access to the poor. Most farmers interviewed reported resource depletion and deterioration, but expressed more concern over the high cost and poor reliability of energy supply for groundwater irrigation, which has become the fulcrum of their survival strategy.
Tushaar ShahEmail: Phone: +91-2692-229311-13Fax: +91-2692-229310

玉符河是济南趵突泉域的重点渗漏带之一,是天然河道型渗漏带,其流域面积较大,具有较好来水条件,且卧虎山水库与锦绣城水库水系联通工程使其具备调水补源的条件,能通过增加外调补水增加重点渗漏带的补水能力。文章根据渗漏补给功能特征,采用RS、GPS、GS、物探测量、水文地质试验等技术手段,利用岩性、构造、地形、渗透性、植被覆盖度五大矢量数据的叠加分析方法,以主河道为中心划定玉符河重点渗漏带的保护范围,并利用变化参数法计算出玉符河重点渗漏带多年平均天然地下水补给量约为1 290万m3,其是岩溶地下水的重要补给来源。玉符河重点渗漏带的补水效果主要是通过提升西郊区域岩溶地下水水位,阻止趵突泉南部山区地下水向北径流过程中的向西分流,使地下水集中向泉水出露区汇聚,从而增大泉水的出流量。在保护渗漏带自然入渗功能的前提下,可充分挖掘玉符河重点渗漏带的补水功能,通过调水补源、河道生态修复、入河污染控制等措施,增大玉符河重点渗漏带的渗漏补给量。  相似文献   

The dynamics of organic carbon (OC), turbidity, faecal indicator bacteria and physicochemical parameters was studied in a karst system near Yverdon, Switzerland. Online measurements and sampling were done at a swallow hole draining an agricultural surface (the input), and two groups of springs (the outputs) that often show bacterial contamination. A fluorescent tracer that was injected into the swallow hole during low-flow conditions first arrived at the springs 10–12 days after injection; the total recovery rate was 29%. Previous tracer tests during high-flow conditions gave shorter travel times. After a major rainfall event, a primary turbidity peak was observed at the springs. It coincides with the rising limb of the hydrograph, indicating remobilisation of autochthonous particles from the aquifer. A secondary turbidity peak occurs several days later, suggesting the arrival of allochthonous particles from the swallow hole. Wider peaks of OC and bacteria were observed simultaneously. Applying methods from molecular microbiology (PCR-DGGE) allowed characterisation of the bacterial communities at the swallow hole and the springs. The results demonstrate that the swallow hole is an important source of groundwater contamination, while its contribution to aquifer recharge is insignificant. OC appears to be a better indicator for bacterial contamination than turbidity.  相似文献   

文章以北京市东南郊大兴迭隆起隐伏岩溶水子系统内的两个水源地(大兴念坛水源地与通州龙旺庄水源地)为例,研究数值模拟方法在隐伏岩溶地下水水源地保护区划分中的应用。研究基础为基于GMS建立的包括第四系与岩溶含水层在内的三维非稳定流地下水数值模拟模型,采用的主要技术手段为质点追踪技术,结合溶质质点迁移100 d与1 000 d的距离划分水源地的一级与二级保护区,并提出相应的污染防控措施。研究得出,对于隐伏岩溶水大部分来自上覆第四系松散孔隙水越流补给的情况,岩溶水源地保护区即是上覆松散含水层的保护区范围,应加强第四系孔隙含水层地下水污染的防治,以保护岩溶水不受污染。   相似文献   


Karst aquifers in subtropical regions are characterized by high variability of water availability and quality due to changes associated with rainy and dry seasons. An additional challenge for water management is the combination of surface-water and karst groundwater systems since high spatiotemporal dynamics cause high variability of water quality. In these cases, adapted protection strategies are required. In this study, a protection approach for the catchment of a river-water diversion point in a rural area in northern Vietnam is developed. The variability of water quality was evaluated by rainy and dry season synoptic surveys of suspended particles and microbial contamination at 49 sites and time series at three sets of paired sites under constant hydraulic conditions. The anthropogenic land-use activities in the catchment were mapped to identify potential contamination sources and to highlight the challenging combination of surface-water and karst groundwater management. The analyzed data indicate differences in water quality between the dry and rainy seasons and a higher influence on water quality from land use than from hydrologic conditions. Furthermore, the results suggest a high risk of contamination resulting from residential areas, agriculture, and livestock farming, and reveal the necessity of implementation of appropriate measures such as restricted farming and the hook-up of buildings to municipal sewage disposal. Finally, the data show that water quality can be improved by adjusting water withdrawals by the time of day. The applied methods can be transferred to other surface-water and karst groundwater systems in similar subtropical environments.


Pesticides are a potential threat to the quality of extracted groundwater when the water-supply area is used for agricultural activities. This problem is discussed for the water-supply area of Sint-Jansteen, The Netherlands, where measured pesticide concentrations in the extracted water regularly exceed EU limits (0.1 μg/L). Groundwater samples taken from the aquifer within the water-supply area show low contamination, but samples taken from the extracted water occasionally contain pesticides, making the water inadequate for drinking-water purposes. The more intense contamination of the extracted water is caused by the change in the natural groundwater flow pattern near the extraction wells. In this area, pesticide use cannot be avoided easily, and an approach is given to differentiate pesticide use in the area according to expected travel time toward the wells and the chemical characteristics of the pesticides. A groundwater flow model for the area is developed and the effects of groundwater extraction on the natural flow pattern are evaluated. Using particle tracking, the travel-time zones are determined. Combining these results and the degradation behavior of certain pesticides led to an optimal scheme to integrate agricultural activities and groundwater extraction in the area. This is illustrated for five different types of pesticides (atrazine, simazine, bentazone, MCPA, and mecoprop). Received, October 1998/Revised, July 1999, September 1999/Accepted, November 1999  相似文献   

In the northwestern area of Basel, Switzerland, a tunnel highway connects the French highway A35 (Mulhouse–Basel) with the Swiss A2 (Basel–Gotthard–Milano). The subsurface highway construction was associated with significant impacts on the urban groundwater system. Parts of this area were formerly contaminated by industrial wastes, and groundwater resources are extensively used by industry. During some construction phases, considerable groundwater drawdown was necessary, leading to major changes in the groundwater flow regime. Sufficient groundwater supply for industrial users and possible groundwater pollution due to interactions with contaminated areas had to be taken into account. A groundwater management system is presented, comprising extensive groundwater monitoring, high-resolution numerical groundwater modeling, and the development and evaluation of different scenarios. This integrated approach facilitated the evaluation of the sum of impacts, and their interaction in time and space with changing hydrological boundary conditions. For all project phases, changes of the groundwater system had to be evaluated in terms of the various goals and requirements. Although the results of this study are case-specific, the overall conceptual approach and methodologies applied may be directly transferred to other urban areas.  相似文献   

A numerical simulation was applied to first characterize the groundwater flow and patterns of nitrate pollution of a small-agricultural catchment in Tsukuba City, Japan, for a 10-year period. There was a good performance of the flow simulation. In contrast, although the transport model calculated the evolution of the plume, it only provided estimates of solute concentrations. Groundwater contamination increased exponentially during the first 594 days of the simulation, reaching then a near-equilibrium state. Fertilizer applications are responsible for most of the leaching of NO3 to groundwater, therefore, shifting of crops and the associated agricultural practices may translate into decreases of contamination levels. A series of hypothetical scenarios demonstrated that replacing grasslands by other crops may reduce the contamination levels up to 12%. As the chosen field is a representative of many other agricultural areas in Japan, the approach and results should also be applicable to similar cases around the country.  相似文献   

Not only the nutritional status and biological activity but also the soil ecological functioning or soil health has been impacted profoundly by land degradation in the karst area of southwest China where the karst ecosystems are generally considered as extremely vulnerable to land degradation under intensified land-use changes. The objectives of this study are to elucidate the changes in overall soil quality by a holistic approach of soil nutritional, biological activity, and soil health indicators in the karst area as impacted by intense cultivation and vegetation degradation. Topsoil samples were collected on selected eco-tesserae in a sequence of land degradation in a karst area of southwest Guizhou in 2004. The soil nutrient pools of organic carbon (Corg), extractable extracellular carbon (Cext), total soil nitrogen (Nt), alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen (Nah), total phosphorus (Pt), available phosphorus (Pa) were analyzed by wet soil chemistry. The soil biological properties were studied by means of measurements of microbial biomass carbon (both by fumigation–extraction, FE-Cmic, and by calculation from substrate-incubation respiration, SIR-Cmic) of respiration [respiration without addition of substrates, basal respiration (BR), and potential respiration (PR) with substrate-incubation] and of soil enzyme activities (invertase, urease, and alkaline phosphatase). Soil health status was assessed by simple indices of Cmic/Corg and BR/Cmic in conjunction with bacterial community structures determined by polymerase chain reaction and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. While the nutritional pool parameters, such as Corg and Cext, described basically the changes in soil life-supporting capacity with cultivation interference and vegetation declined, those parameters of biological activity such as FE-Cmic, SIR, and SIR-Cmic as well as bacterial community structures measured by molecular method evidenced well the changes in soil functioning for ecosystem health with the land degradation.  相似文献   

A multicriteria approach in studying hydrodynamics of a multilayer aquifer system has been used in the Lomellina region (Northern Italy). It involves the reconstruction of the hydrogeological framework coupled to the definition of the hydrochemical and isotopic features of the aquifers. A shallow phreatic aquifer, reaching depths of about 60–80 m from the surface, and deeper aquifers containing confined groundwater, were distinguished. Groundwater generally shows mineralisation decreasing with depth; dissolved ions depict calcium-bicarbonate hydrochemical facies and stable isotopes define the recharge mechanisms, the origin of groundwater, and the hydraulic confinement of deep aquifers. The phreatic aquifer is fed by local infiltration and by streams and irrigation channels. Tritium and Carbon-14 groundwater dating indicate long residence times (on the order of thousands of years) for confined aquifers. The confined aquifers show essentially passive hydrodynamic conditions and maintain a higher piezometric level than the phreatic aquifer. This inhibits the possibility of recent water penetrating far below the surface. The hydrogeological setting of the Lomellina region displays features which are common to other sectors of the Po plain. As a consequence, the results of this study, although conducted on a restricted area, are highly illustrative of groundwater hydrodynamics in large sedimentary aquifers.  相似文献   

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